Breaking Apostolic Part 1 - What is Apostolic Pentecostal and what do they believe and practice?

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
    I just want to clear the air as there seems to be a little misunderstanding amongst some viewers. This video is for informational purposes about what the AP church teaches. That's it. This is NOT a video about the trauma and abuse I faced. The trauma and pain I mention does not arise from not being able to do certain things. The trauma and pain arises from being systematically abused by this institution, it's members, and my parents who used this religion as a justification for the abuse they put me through.
    This is part one of my series that I'm calling "Breaking Apostolic"
    This first video is for informational purposes to lay the foundation for future videos. In this video, I cover what Apostolic Pentecostal is, what they believe, what they practice, and what standards I had to live by growing up in the AP church.
    For details regarding my personal experience growing up in the AP church, how it impacted me emotionally and mentally, the abuse I faced while inside, etc. that information can be found in my second video of the series.


  • @trevincollins6998
    @trevincollins6998 3 роки тому +40

    Legalism is not Biblical, the Bible teaches we are saved by Grace through faith alone and not of works lest any man should boast.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +6


    • @blakeappine
      @blakeappine 3 роки тому +3

      I agree, no one will be saved by works alone, but obedience is essential.
      “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22
      “Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.'” John 14:23
      “The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” 1 John 2:17
      “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Matthew 7:24
      “Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.” Proverbs 10:17

    • @sharontolbert4424
      @sharontolbert4424 3 роки тому +2

      You don’t have understanding of that scripture. Many people think doing good works will get them into heaven, not true. We do do what Jesus said. Read John 3:3, John 3:5 and obey Acts 2:38. This Gods plan of salvation.😊

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 3 роки тому

      Is repentance a "work" ? It's an act of obedience we must do in order to be saved .

    • @robertnieten7259
      @robertnieten7259 3 роки тому

      @@blakeappine Peter also said in Acts ch. 4 , " God gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey ".

  • @camrynrussell3108
    @camrynrussell3108 3 роки тому +22

    I’ve grown up around this my entire life but something about hearing it come out of someone else’s mouth is extremely eye opening.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      It's all so bizzare when you really think about it

  • @filerboy
    @filerboy 3 роки тому +10

    Yes to all u said sister its hard to find people who understand if they weren't Pentecostal they wont understand

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      Exactly! Glad you got out and hope you are doing well!

  • @lreith
    @lreith 3 роки тому +9

    I am so thankful for your series!! I just recently left the church- and the preacher actually preached about the recent backsliders - US!! I can assure you- I love God and I only changed my church address!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +2

      It's so weird whenever they preach about you. I'm glad you found a better church. There is too much legalism and man made rules and downright nastiness in these Apostolic Pentecostal churches.

    • @davidevans5949
      @davidevans5949 3 роки тому +3

      It's so traumatizing when they weaponize "backsliding"!

    • @iamwhoyousayiam6773
      @iamwhoyousayiam6773 2 роки тому

      In their defense, look at what no standards has brought us...

  • @sandyy.8244
    @sandyy.8244 2 роки тому +4

    Agree 100% with you. What's sad is all denominations like to profess righteousness and scream their lungs out in church on Sunday, but are hateful and like to condemn everyone to the "eternal fire" if they don't repent. We all have to remember the bible was written by human fingers... and can be interpreted dozens of ways. To me, being "saved" means casting aside our negative, unkind, destructive lifestyles, and trying to do good, kind, productive lives. Why on earth would I want to be part of any denomination (cult) that tells me I'm a sinner for wearing makeup & jeans? Anyway, you are an inspiration to all those who seek to escape the controlling, fear-based atmosphere of the AP church

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      Oh my gosh yes to everything you said! Absolutely! So many of the people I grew up with are very self righteous yet they are the most hateful, judgemental, uncompassionate people I've ever met.
      Right? It's so silly to think that makeup and pants are a deal breaker. When I believed in god I didn't think he was that petty lol
      Thank you so much! I appreciate it :) I hope you are well!

  • @markmingao6920
    @markmingao6920 3 роки тому +24

    I am an Apostolic Pentecostal up until today and I chose to be one. Hmm, I do apologize for what you've experienced. Anyways, it's up to us if we stay or not. You left because you felt the need to do so. Btw, if you guys are really an AP Christian, you wouldn't say such rude things to her.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +5

      I appreciate that you are showing love and peace and acceptance! We need more like you!

  • @theblendedginger
    @theblendedginger 2 місяці тому +1

    Hello! I know this is an older video and you may not see this We are a part of the UPCI apostolic movement we are trying to leave my husband and I and our 3 kids have been in this our whole lives and it's all we've known lately God has been working on me and we are seeing the truth. We told our church we would be leaving and they told us we weren't allowed to leave with out talking to our pastor first and he had to say if we could leave or not. That is very weird to be told we can't leave a church. We are going to try to go to a Christian based church next Sunday for the first time in our lives. I haven't been able to give up my skirts or cut my hair yet it's all I've ever known but I hope in time I will no longer be brainwashed. Its just been 34 years for me and its taking time to change how i see things and undo all of it. Thank you for this video❤

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 місяці тому

      @@theblendedginger you absolutely can leave without permission! You don't have to stay at any church you don't want to. Clearly it's not a church, it's a cult!!!! Don't let them manipulate you into staying. I hope you are able to get you and your family out of there. It's definitely not easy, especially if you have a family in it, but I'm so proud of you!

  • @vanessaorozco9035
    @vanessaorozco9035 3 роки тому +23

    I love being apart of the apostolic pentecostal church 😊❤🙌

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +8

      I'm glad you enjoy it! Some people do and some people don't. To each their own!

    • @brotherbread6549
      @brotherbread6549 2 роки тому +1

      I would encourage you to read the Bible with an open heart and mind like a child. Maybe start in book of John. I'm so happy to see people that are willing to have faith in Jesus Christ but in agony when it's pointed in a false or wrongly explained doctrine. God bless

    • @jewelslabella6782
      @jewelslabella6782 2 роки тому

      @@brotherbread6549 Yessss 💯 also Galatians

  • @jeremiahpowell7428
    @jeremiahpowell7428 3 роки тому +2

    I'm a 15 yr old Christian I currently attend a apostolic Pentecostal church. I'm still not sure about the whole speaking in tongues thing, but as I learn more it's starting to make more and more sense. I am a foster kid. My foster parent is a homosexual who grew up in a AP church, he experience a lot of neglect and verbal abuse from his father who was the pastor. This situation growing up caused him a sort of ptsd towards church and especially the AP congregation. When i was invited to church by a friend from school he immediately said no and held a lot of hate and resentment towards my friend, who is a girl he did not even know. For a few months I was praying that he would let me go to church. I eventually came to the conclusion that I should leave this home. My foster parent after considering the meaning and love in our relationship, allowed me to go to church. Where i am learning and experiencing it for my self.
    There are very toxic churches and parents out there among all denominations and religions. god, the bible and any sort of holiness standards should not be forced unto any person even if it is your kids. But I know that as a woman young or not grows in god they will receive conviction and really think about why she is wearing these tight and or revealing clothing.
    Advise I would give to someone in your situation: thing about and pray about wether you leaving the Aposolic church and way of thinking is coming from your emotion and bad circumstances and experiences. Or if it is truly God's Will.
    If any body is currently exploring Christianity or the Aposolic Pentecostal church in Colorado I attend Aposolic Message ministries. Look it up on Facebook or Instagram and message for details. We are all very welcoming and kind :)

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      I'm happy that you were allowed to make that choice. We all should be allowed to make those choices. I was not allowed to growing up.
      See this "god will give you conviction" narrative is really harmful to people so I personally suggest you not use that as advice. I know you're young and likely just repeating what you've heard or feel right now. But when conviction for those things doesn't happen the individual starts to feel as if there is something wrong with them or that they aren't close enough to god even when they've given their entire life and heart and soul to him. So it's very damaging to say that to someone, I would refrain from that if. The conviction didn't happen because the rules were man made not because there was anything wrong with me or my walk with god at the time.
      No thanks. I have no interest in attending an apostolic pentecostal church. Man made doctrine and legalism is not of god. Additionally, I am no longer a believer at all so I won't be attending any church for that matter.

    • @michelleennis8195
      @michelleennis8195 Рік тому

      I love your response. I did not grow up on any church or religion, I came to Lord at an adult, age 20. I am having a great experience. I have a great pastor who teaches holiness, but not shoving down peoples throats. I don’t believe people will go to hell for wearing pants but I do believe in holiness itself as Jesus was holy we should be holy as the scripture states. Always search the scripturesz

  • @BigPJJ
    @BigPJJ 4 роки тому +19

    Very interesting video! However I actually viewed this from a different perspective. I was raised Lutheran but eventually fell away from church completely. I was at a point I didn't even believe in God... Luckily my sister who was an alcoholic was invited to a Pentecostal church out in New York while her husband was interning for chiropractic school. All my life my sister was known in our family as the drinker, then almost miraculously she just began to outwardly reject it! This was a shock to my entire family but I was more interested in the story than going to church again to be honest. None the less she got me to go to church along with my parents. My first experience was that these people were an organized cult lol! But after six months I began to see that the people I went to church with didn't just say they believed the Bible I actually saw them live it. I know you label these things as wrong but as a worldly person who was used to many luke warm Churches I have to tell you that the "rules" or decisions to try and obey the Bible at every corner of someones life was something I had never experienced. At the time I had finally received the Holy Ghost it had been a full year and I was dropping out of college and I had no money. Full of anxiety all I could turn to was Jesus. After putting all my wants and needs aside and only focusing on him was when not only did I and my family receive physical, mental, and spiritual healing. But now I am a Branch Manager for the company I work for, Jesus helped me to find love and I'll be soon married. He also helped me find peace. I think you should do a video about your experience receiving the Holy Ghost. Because in my opinion that is the biggest thing that separates the Apostolics from everyone else. We discuss the power of the Holy Spirit and that anyone can call on this power to overcome struggles in your life. I'll say a prayer for you that Jesus helps you on your day to day life and that he helps your heart heal from problems that occurred during your childhood. I believe things will get better for you in Jesus name! I don't judge you for any of your opinions, I was of the world which meant I was addicted to many worldly things you had desires for as a child. All these things I was only able to acknowledge as harmful was with the power of Jesus. I'm happy to talk further with anyone who would like to.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +6

      Thanks for watching! Just out of curiosity did you watch my other videos or just this one? I think if you were to watch the other videos you would understand my perspective more.
      I believe your original hunch about them being an organized cult is correct. They tick nearly all of the boxes that constitute a cult. If you like the rules then that's fine, that's for you. But to shove them on to others as something that you must do for salvation is flat out wrong. The legalism that comes with those rules takes precedent over a true relationship with god. They try to act like those legalistic aspects are proof of a relationship with god when that is just not so. A vast majority of the people that I was surrounded by were the furthest thing from christ like and the nonsense they peddle isn't even biblically correct. My experience was the opposite of yours. I actually struggled with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts when I was in the church. The only thing that kept me from killing myself was fear of hell and the idea that I hadn't gotten to experience life outside of the church yet. I haven't once thought of suicide since leaving the church. As far as my experience receiving the holy ghost, it's pretty lame. I was at church camp praying at the alter for the holy ghost. I was coached by someone there on how to do it. I mimicked them. I didn't feel anything spectacular. I didn't even realize that I had "received the holy ghost" until I saw a sticker on my shirt that said "I received the holy ghost tonight!" I spoke in tongues many times in my life. It's certainly an emotional and psychological release. But now I understand that it's entirely learned behavior. You can will yourself into so many different experiences when given the right circumstances (social pressure, desire to emulate what you're around, sensationalism, emotionally charged environment) and coaching. As far as the "power" it gives you, not so. I blubbered away at the alter for years begging for god to help me with my suicidal thoughts. Never did. For me and many other victims of this movement, our experiences were abusive and traumatic. Thank you for your sympathy. I'm happy that you and your sister have found something that has helped you so much.

    • @annagolden6754
      @annagolden6754 3 роки тому +6

      @Bulky Paul- Absolutely! And another thing is that people expect people in church to be perfect, and I don’t know what church she went to, but her experience sounds nothing like mine! We never make anyone who comes to our church follow the standards. They choose when or if they want to follow them, it’s not forced. I actually grew up in the church and struggled with the standards for a while; I would use every excuse I had to wear shorts at P.E. Or to a close friend’s house etc. My parents would let me because they didn’t want to force things on me, but I eventually grasped it and the importance of it, not from anyone else’s teachings but from searching the Bible myself. As far as the Holy Ghost and water baptism in Jesus name- I mean there is a verse that says unless a man is born of the water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven, so we do teach both of those because we want to see people make it to heaven. It’s not rules that we just make up, we are just actually following what the Bible says. Are we perfect? No nobody in the apostolic Pentecostal church or any church for that matter should ever claim to be perfect because Jesus was the only perfect man to walk this earth! So if someone has had an experience with people in the apostolic church where they act like they are perfect or they are more focused on what you’re doing wrong than actually putting time into your life and showing love I’m sorry. Maybe she went to a church that was more about standards than getting a relationship with God first, I don’t know. However, I do know that people will fail... but God never will. So experiences with people should never effect your relationship with God. Thanks for sharing!

    • @user-qy9ov2fo2j
      @user-qy9ov2fo2j 3 роки тому +5

      @bulky Paul, great testimony 🙌 God raised my mom from death 5 years ago, she had severe blood in her brain that leds her to death the doctor pronounced that she was dead and I had to start the process of her funeral, gather all family members etc.. but after a prayer and weeping of God's people, she came back to alive at the hospital bed, that was the biggest miracle for all hospital crew to encounter, some changes their beliefs. God is alive and do miracle to those who obey and believes him!!!

    • @coopergates9680
      @coopergates9680 3 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia Oh dear. Really sorry that you literally thought damnation was the real reason to not suicide back then, or the hope of trying life outside the church.... and glad you did not do it so you're still here...
      and yes, I see a lot of people leaving some Abrahamic denomination and still believing in God and/or spiritual influence of some sort. I just don't get it and wish they would stop clinging to "want to believe" or "my truth" or "own reality" instead of THE truth...

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      @@coopergates9680 thank you. I'm glad that I didn't either. Life outside is so much better. I never knew life could be so free and beautiful. I'm glad I stuck around for it.
      Oh my gosh yes!!!! I know deconstructing is really hard. Losing your whole identity and everything you've ever known. But personally I would rather be firm in reality.

  • @kikitsintah2728
    @kikitsintah2728 3 роки тому +5

    My father is a minister, my mother does music, my brother is a youth minister, my sis is involved with choir, I’m the odd one out lol I was the emo trying yoga and would get lectures about it daily.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +4

      It's ok to be the "black sheep" just keep being yourself. You are your own person, not an extension of your parents. I'm sorry that your family isn't accepting of it 🥺 I was the emo kid too so I understand lol

    • @kikitsintah2728
      @kikitsintah2728 3 роки тому +2

      @@Denycia thank you gorgeous! 💜

  • @TheShelleSpencer
    @TheShelleSpencer 5 років тому +23

    I also grew up in the Apostolic Pentecostal Church, here in Colorado actually. My adopted family went to Landmark Tabernacle and it was the same... I broke away in my late teens. They tried to get me back into it. I look forward to seeing more.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  5 років тому +4

      I haven't seen many here in Colorado. I went to churches in southern Indiana and northern Kentucky. I'm glad you were able to get out and I hope that you are much happier now! I'll be uploading the next video tonight or tomorrow!

    • @ItsAshley08
      @ItsAshley08 4 роки тому +2

      Haha, I know about Landmark Tabernacle. Glad My husband and I left that man made Organization called man made Religion. We follow the Bible and listen to God, not man made Rules. We love Jesus, just not false religion, Manipulation, and mind control. It is the Jezebel spirit in those places.

    • @jderochervlk
      @jderochervlk 4 роки тому

      Landmark Tabernacle? I know a church with that name in Virginia.

    • @blakeappine
      @blakeappine 3 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia I go to one here in Denver, Calvary Apostolic Church, we are a very friendly church. Come check us out some time!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +2

      @@blakeappine I have zero interest in returning back into the clutches of my abusers and deeply rooted trauma but thanks anyway!

  • @zerofox2967
    @zerofox2967 3 роки тому +5

    I got involved with a girl that was apostolic a few years ago. She was attempting to recruit me to her church. She was also very hypocritical and confused. She wanted to be free from the religion but didn't, very sexual, pre marital sex, cussing and other things but you get the point. Needless to say the recruitment didn't work and the relationship went sideways. Very confused wishy washy person.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      That's so sad. I'm sorry. I'm glad you didn't get into that cult though. It would have been a disaster. She definitely needs to get out of there.

    • @Gothgrl6235
      @Gothgrl6235 3 роки тому +1

      The exact same thing happened to me with my ex boyfriend (I'm Catholic). The whole time he was trying to convert me to apostolic holiness but he cussed constantly and was extremely sexual and was the definition of a hypocrite

    • @zerofox2967
      @zerofox2967 3 роки тому

      @@Gothgrl6235 I just don't understand why go through the trouble you know?

    • @Gothgrl6235
      @Gothgrl6235 3 роки тому

      @@zerofox2967 I think it's a superiority thing, like they think they're better than everyone because they think they're the only ones going to heaven, they don't want to give up their superiority but they also want to live a secular life so they try to convert others to feel better about themselves

    • @zerofox2967
      @zerofox2967 3 роки тому

      @@Gothgrl6235 i see that. But they are no closer with deceit.

  • @kathleenchilds213
    @kathleenchilds213 4 роки тому +24

    Girl 100% spot on. Thank you so much for sharing!!! I too also still sing “Oh where is my hairbrush” way to often. I forgot about the separated swimming 🤣🤣 and I never had the chin to chest test, but otherwise I was right there with you. It’s so comforting to see other “normal” people who have come out the other side and are thriving and wonderful. This made my day ♥️

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +4

      I definitely sing oh where is my hairbrush and the cheeseburger song ALL the time 😆
      Aw thank you! It is really nice to see people on the other side doing well. Especially considering how they scare you into believing your life will just fall apart and you're doomed. I definitely have a lot of trauma to work through but I have never felt more real and more whole then what I have after leaving. So refreshing! I hope you feel the same! 💖

    • @mikaylawinland
      @mikaylawinland 4 роки тому +2

      right here with you, it is comforting. i’m always here if you want to talk :)

    • @lyricrogersofficial
      @lyricrogersofficial 4 роки тому +2

      @@Denycia I sing the hairbrush and cheeseburger songs a lot with my mom 😂😂😂 I watched VeggieTales a lot with my parents growing up even though none of us identified as religious.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +3

      @@lyricrogersofficial haha love it! veggie tales was great!!!!!

  • @dianedevine2031
    @dianedevine2031 11 місяців тому +1

    My friend was raised in apostolic church but she just got saved I guess the pastor told her she should have friends of the church. She lied and said I did something to her which I did NOT and my spouse said that was her way of disconnecting from me but she did not have to lie. on me I support her religion I do not belong to apostolic church I belong to Baptist Church. Yes everything you are saying was the things her pastor Bishop or leader told her she could not wear pants to church she had to change her nails they were to flashy but she could wear a French manicure with a soft pink color she had to stop wearing her eyelashes if she wanted to be apart of his church. What did he mean his church ? The church belongs to God and the people NOT the pastor or bishop she can not listen to secular regular music anymore. How do you do that? What if you are somewhere and they begin to play music? Do you have to leave? She can not dance either. But I know she drunk a beer but was not suppose to . She told a lie on me instead of just saying I cannot be friends with you anymore because of my beliefs I would understand but do not lie ! To Me it sounds like the people are brain washed or in a cult but I AM A CHRISTIAN AND I AM Praying God Will be done in her life and she is making the right decision NOT being pressured by family 🙏

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  11 місяців тому

      They absolutely are in a brainwashed cult! I'm so sorry that you lost your friend and that they lied on you. That's not ok. I hope you are well!

  • @terryhatcher7271
    @terryhatcher7271 4 місяці тому +2

    Believing you are the only group that is saved is crazy. Also, that would require a very high opinion of oneself to believe such a thing.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 місяці тому +2

      Isn't it? Definitely a cult thing. Not surprised my mom got sucked into it. She thinks very highly of herself.

    • @terryhatcher7271
      @terryhatcher7271 4 місяці тому

      @@Denycia I hope you haven’t lost faith in Jesus over all of this. A lot of people do and say things in his name that warps people perception of Jesus and Christianity. Sadly this is nothing new.
      For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.
      Romans 2:24

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 місяці тому +1

      @@terryhatcher7271 this experience was a catalyst but certainly not the reason I am no longer a believer.

  • @arlieberry
    @arlieberry 2 місяці тому +1

    did u go back to christianity of move to another religion i pretty much left all religions after my growing up situaltion

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 місяці тому

      At first I moved to other religions then I left religion all together. Atheist now!

  • @Xaforn
    @Xaforn 2 роки тому +2

    I grew up UPCI, way too much legalism. Due to much research and scripture study I am on my way out. And for those who don’t understand the thinking, I’m leaving an organization but will never leave Jesus.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      I'm glad you were able to see through all of their bs! Proud of you for leaving. Their legalist ways aren't right!

  • @Babyswiss0120
    @Babyswiss0120 8 місяців тому +1

    Oh my gosh, I am learning so much from you. My brother-in-law married into apostolic pentecostal and my husband and I are often around them for family gatherings, his brother and family never grew up apostolic or in organized religion, it's always been spiritual Christianity, reading the Bible, praying and having a inner connect to the Lord. So both of our standards are a lot more lax compared to her and the way she grew up. Obviously, we, of course, are respectful of her beliefs and some of our own beliefs are similar with standards but I never truly understood what their religion is and his brother could never really explain it 😅 and I never wanted to ask in fear of seeming rude or coming off insulting in some way. They have been married for almost 3 years, I believe, and I was always so curious, and you really are helping me understand more of the religion, inner politics, and standards of the church. I really appreciate these videos! ❤

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  8 місяців тому

      So much of what apostolic pentecostals believe varies by church because it varies a lot by whoever the pastor is. But there are things that are consistent. Glad I could help!

  • @katrinamcgregor4467
    @katrinamcgregor4467 7 місяців тому

    I grew up Apostolic also.
    The main difference is the "Oneness" of God, Ephesians 4:5. They do not believe in the "Trinity". They firmly believe in the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ: Acts 2:38.

  • @sheldenkay1751
    @sheldenkay1751 3 роки тому +6

    If we would focus on Jesus and not man made religion we would be fine, sorry about your experiences

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      Yes!!!! It's sad people have twisted it so much. Thank you.

    • @sheldenkay1751
      @sheldenkay1751 3 роки тому

      @@Denycia I hope one day you come back to the faith, religion is poisonous

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      @@sheldenkay1751 sorry friend

  • @taytay.3297
    @taytay.3297 3 роки тому +3

    ok. I’m apostolic Pentecostal and a lot of people think my parents force me to do so. my mom (legal guardian) isn’t herself, so I’m apostolic by choice. anyway. Y’all in the comments saying “well the Bible says this not that”, “that’s because blah blah blah” stop. When people leave it’s because they feel the need to do so. They don’t feel comfortable. etc. I feel comfortable so I stayed. She is different so don’t tear her down or say rude things because she doesn’t believe like us anymore.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      I'm glad that you are not forced but do so by choice. I appreciate that you understand that I didn't feel comfortable and wanted to leave. Thank you! 🥰

  • @RipMyTamagachi
    @RipMyTamagachi 4 роки тому +8

    I left 8 years ago. I was 15, terrified, my parents were horrified and said I was "backsliding into the devil". They ended up leaving about a year or 2 later after me pointing out how toxic it was the whole time. I literally moved out though into a homeless shelter to escape that BS.
    I was lucky in a sense that I studied psychology from a very young age and saw the controlling and manipulative tactics they used.
    I'm happy we both got out and I'm glad there is a community of us supporting each other.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +3

      I'm so glad that you saw from a young age their controlling and manipulative tactics. That's a complicated thing to see and understand. I'm glad your parents eventually got out. Wish they would have saw the toxicity to begin with!!! I'm glad we got out too and have people that understand to relate to and support us. It helps a lot. I hope you're doing well!!! :)

    • @RipMyTamagachi
      @RipMyTamagachi 4 роки тому +2

      @@Denycia thank you for the reply and thank you for your videos :) I hope you are doing well too.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +2

      @@RipMyTamagachi anytime!!!! 😊

  • @chrissmith9199
    @chrissmith9199 Місяць тому +1

    My issue is the hypocrisy of it all. They condition people through fear and power and mask it with love.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Місяць тому

      Yes exactly! It's so gross!

  • @expchannel3539
    @expchannel3539 3 роки тому +2

    Hello. I hope you can answer me. I have a question. My aunt's is an Apostolic Christian and she died of severe COVID-19 illness because she refused to take the vaccine. She never cited the reason as to why but my family believes that it's because of her religious beliefs. Does the Apostolic Church prohibit vaccines? If so, what's the reason? I want to understand where my aunt is coming from. As someone who used to be Apostolic, I think you can help me on this. Thanks.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      I am so sorry for your loss. Their faith actually doesn't prohibit vaccines. In fact there have been UPCI sectors that have actually endorsed the vaccine. Unfortunately, because they are evangelical they often align themselves with far right wing political ideology because evangelical churches have decided to bring politics into their churches. So they typically end up being anti vaccines because of their politics rather than their faith but then try to paint it as part of their faith even though there is nothing in their faith that would actually warrant an antivaccine stance. Does that make any sense? Lol

    • @expchannel3539
      @expchannel3539 3 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia thanks for your answer. I can't believe the whole anti vaxx thing in some churches is politically motivated. 😔 Thank you for giving me clarity. I thought the whole apostolic/pentecostal church is anti vaccine.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      @@expchannel3539 No problem! Most of them are antivax because they are evangelical and evangelical churches are heavily influenced by right wing politics but it's not in their doctrine. It's crazy. I don't understand how so many churches became antivax. I guess it's because they're so against science.

    • @expchannel3539
      @expchannel3539 3 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia thank you. I wish they'd change their minds. If they continue that kind of attitude, then COVID-19 won't get eradicated. 😔

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      @@expchannel3539 I wish they would too. You're so right!

  • @wendyspeer9189
    @wendyspeer9189 3 роки тому +4

    I just left after 28 yrs, your a brave young lady. I was here for .. “how to do makeup after leaving standards” search terms.. lol
    I’m thinking of starting something similar on where to start with clothing and makeup!! I’ll be sending some others your way. Several of us left at the same time last year. Good Luck!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      Congratulations on getting out! I hope you feel relieved and free!!! I think that would be an awesome idea for a channel. When I left I dressed and did my makeup horribly but I didn't know how to do any of that stuff. Excited to see what you upload! Thanks for stopping by :)

  • @karendavis3023
    @karendavis3023 Рік тому +2

    1st off I want to say that I'm really sad for what you went through and I hate that there are churches out there that are that way. 2nd I would encourage you to do a little more study into where the apostolic doctrine actually came from because it came from the upper room on the day of pentecost. It wasn't created from the "Trinity." The Trinity is a man made False doctrine created by Constantine. Search Nicene Creed. Which is why you can't find the word Trinity in The Bible anywhere. Because there is only ONE true God, and his name is Jeaus. I am Apostolic and I do not believe it is a cult. I will be praying for you. Just always remember it was man who did these things to you not God.. Never give up on Jesus!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому +1

      I already did my research. That's why I'm atheist lol 😆

    • @stacijo7989
      @stacijo7989 Рік тому

      @@Denycia Very sad. Either you're not for real, not human, a clone, fake, deceived by sin, or never even had any real experience, with JESUS, who is God; miracles are everywhere as well. You just being born (if you're human), was a miracle in itself!
      No one is atheist. Everyone trusts in something. Maybe you believe that you are a god. Remember, Satan was a liar then, and he still is now, and wants you to think there is no God, because he was jealous from the beginning. He came only to kill, steal, and destroy. Remember that.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому

      @@stacijo7989 the term atheist simply means a lack of belief in god or gods. The prefix a- means without or lack of, the root word the from theos which means god, and suffix -ist means an adherent of or believer in. So yes you can quite literally be an atheist if you are a person who lacks belief in god.

  • @erikgil5901
    @erikgil5901 2 роки тому +1

    I’ve commented on this video before and some of the comments I see are people saying that you won’t make it to Heaven if you leave the AP church or whatever. No one and literally nobody can make that decision but God alone. The Bible said you are not be called Apostolic, Catholic, Protestant, etc, it says you need to be born again. I left the AP church last year after realizing it was not for me. It doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love more or less or if I love him more or less. We are called to love one another in this life. I understand that love is something precious and beautiful. Bashing and judging someone for their personal decisions is wrong and is not going to draw anyone closer to the Lord or make you seem better. I believe someone who wants to look for God should find it in their own way in their and to understand that Jesus is the truth, nobody else.

  • @robinmayfield667
    @robinmayfield667 3 роки тому +2

    My daughter was raised in apostolic church I’m watching this cause I don’t understand I myself am baptist and I don’t believe in speaking in tongues to be saved it hard having 2 believes in same household is there any advice u could give me and me not understanding the beliefs of apostolic.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      I'm sorry that I am just now seeing this comment! Wow that must be very tough having your own child be a part of this extremist religion when you aren't. I would love to help you understand. What questions do you have?

    • @dragontantra
      @dragontantra Місяць тому

      Pentecostal is an offshoot of the Baptist church. Apostolic Pentecostals and Baptist are Protestants.
      Apostolic Pentecostals are a modern-day sect of Protestant Christianity.

  • @gretakaveny4407
    @gretakaveny4407 Рік тому +1

    Honestly those horror movies make me jump every time I hate violent movies that show clowns dismantling woman’s bodies that is just evil no matter what

  • @gatedude07
    @gatedude07 4 роки тому +9

    I was in a pentecostal christian cult, and I identify with many of the things you have talked about. I saw your Q&A video first and it hit so much familiar stuff.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому

      I hate that so many people can relate because what happens in these churches is awful but it's nice to know that we aren't alone! I'm glad you were able to get out and I hope you've been able to heal some.

    • @gatedude07
      @gatedude07 4 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia Thank you. I got out five and a half years ago. I am probably in the middle of my healing journey. I finally started seeing a therapist and that has been a huge help.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому

      @@gatedude07 Nothing wrong with that! I've been out 9 years and I've still got healing left to do! Definitely in a much better place than before. Moving far away helped tremendously. I too just started seeing a therapist. I wish I had done it sooner like you have! Very smart move on your part!

    • @coopergates9680
      @coopergates9680 3 роки тому

      @@Denycia Is that a Recovering from Religion therapist or some other secular one?

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      @@coopergates9680 she's a self proclaimed "recovering catholic" so she relates and understands a lot of things and she's not religious anymore so that definitely helps!

  • @Kaypers
    @Kaypers 3 роки тому +4

    I have Pentecostal friends that I talked to through the book of Acts to better understand why things happened and how it happened and they absolutely refused to see the transition from Paul’s ministry. I have no clue how to convince them and it really does look like they’re too far gone at this point. One of them even told me she would pray for me to see nightmares and visions so I could run to their point of view.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      Wow that is so so messed up. They really do twist the scripture and don't understand at all the bible as a cohesive whole or biblical history. Then they have the audacity to act like they are the "only ones that are right"

    • @Kaypers
      @Kaypers 3 роки тому

      @@Denycia yeah I’ve showed them everything from water baptism to verse by verse exposition to dispensationalism where they all clearly say the exact same thing and all they do is tell me I’m not saved because I don’t speak in tongues and that I’m not reading the Bible clearly because of it.
      I’m close to calling this denomination a cult or heresy but I still believe they don’t have bad intentions, they just follow wrong doctrine and are so far imbued in it that they just can’t deny it.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      @@Kaypers Speaking in tongues the way they do it isn't even biblical and it's certainly not a requirement for salvation. It's like they don't even read the Bible. I am totally comfortable calling them a cult. Their control and manipulation knows no bounds. And even if their intentions are good their impact is abusive and traumatic.

    • @Kaypers
      @Kaypers 3 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia yeah I see that. I’m sorry you got caught up by their doctrine and I’m glad you got out of there. Some people actually benefitted from leaving the denomination and actually are better because of it while others get traumatic experiences that will never go away.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      @@Kaypers thank you! I'm glad I got out too!

  • @beans9499
    @beans9499 4 роки тому +16

    When you were talking, Im like " Yes Yes You understand ! " Raised in it and Im glad to be out But I do find they are trying to pull me back in UGH

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +5

      I'm sorry that this story resonates with you so well. I hate that so many others have similar horrific expreiences. But at the same time, I'm glad that you found someone else who understands. It's so important for people who are leaving or have left and are still healing from it to know that they aren't alone and to have someone else reassure them that they aren't crazy and that their feelings are valid. I'm glad that you made it out. I hope that you are on your journey to healing. Don't allow them to suck you back in. It will only make things worse. If you ever need anyone to talk to I'm here for you!

    • @ItsAshley08
      @ItsAshley08 4 роки тому +5

      I know huh!!! The family tries to invite my husband and I back every so often. And We Are Like NOooooooooooo AND NOoooooooooooo. We are Free in Christ Jesus now. Been set Free and we go to a Great non denominational Christian church now and we love it

    • @josiah3960
      @josiah3960 4 роки тому +1

      Beautiful Bean that’s cause they love you and they don’t want to see you go to hell.

    • @beans9499
      @beans9499 4 роки тому +5

      @@josiah3960They can still love me and not push their irrational fear on me

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +7

      @@josiah3960 she's not going to hell because she left the Pentecostal church. You can hippity hoppity outta here with that nonsense.

  • @mtr4lyf1991
    @mtr4lyf1991 2 роки тому +5

    Thank you for sharing. I grew up in the Apostolic Pentecostal. I must say they are very extremely passionate about their beliefs and very cultish to be honest.
    I felt harassed and smothered and even hurt at times whenever I went because they are always emphasizing about the whole repent,being baptized, speaking in tongues formulas in order to be saved or your going to hell. The constant screaming at you just for you to speak in tongues.
    Just like with people in general, some people are good, some people are bad. Unfortunately, I’ve encountered too many bad ones in the Apostolic Pentecostal environment. You wouldn’t think so as they portray the so called perfect Pentecostal persona. Nice nasty is what I call it. It felt like it was a motive or something whenever a new comer arrived.
    The fact that some of them have the audacity to speak negative against you is what I have encountered in that environment, like they’re so perfect. Last I checked Jesus was the only one perfect smh.
    Anyways, sorry for the long paragraph ha ha, but you keep doing you and I commend you for sharing 😉

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому +2

      They are very cultish and legalistic!
      Yes! They are always pressuring people to speak in tongues.
      I have encountered way too many bad ones too. That is the perfect way to describe it, nice nasty! They really are not as nice as they appear in the beginning. They're just love bombing people to sucker them in. Then they get all judgmental and shaming. I am so sorry that you had to deal with them too. Hope you got away from them!

  • @kieramarshall9319
    @kieramarshall9319 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you for this. I wish I would’ve seen your series on apostolics a long time ago! I had gotten involved with a guy who was raised in it and I knew nothing about it so I didn’t question it nearly as much as I should’ve. I did little research here and there but never went in depth with it cause I really liked him and wanted us to work and I figured little religious differences wouldn’t matter. Boy was I wrong. I grew up Pentecostal but my church was not as strict or cultish. Then around the age of 20 I switched churches and was thankfully able to further my relationship with God. Fast forwarding to this guy who I thought was heaven sent and finally someone who met my standards. 🤦🏽‍♀️ We talked about God A LOT, we had similar interest, and some what wanted the same things out of life. But we were always disagreeing when it came to the smallest things. Like yoga which you mentioned. Ha! I could never understand why he took the smallest things so seriously. And every time I would ask for an explanation he’d only say “I believe in the word of God” it was as if he didn’t have his own mind. It took him blurting out “I don’t believe women should wear jewelry” during a conversation for me to realize his thought process was off. I have three ear piercings in each ear. A nose ring. Tattoos. So I began to ask him if I was even the type of girl he wanted. And if anything enduring that he’s ever told me was ever true. He got defensive. Needless to say two weeks after that he randomly texted me and told me he had asked some girl that he’d known for a while to be his wife because they exemplified the same faith and the path that God was leading him on he needed security and stability. It wasn’t until after that I started to dig into what Apostolic region truly is. A cult!!!! I could talk about so many other red flags that popped up with him but I’ll refrain. This post is long enough. Definitely felt like he used me to fulfill some type of fleshly desire. Pretty sure he knew I wasn’t “his type” very early on. But he dragged me along believing we’d come to some kind of compromise eventually. So glad God has other plans for me. I will not live my life in a box looking down on others.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +2

      Wow how horrible that he used you like that. But man oh man did you dodge a bullet there!!!!!! Definitely a legalistic cult that turns it's people into personal thoughtless zombies. I'm glad you didn't get sucked into that and I am happy that you don't want to be the kind of person that looks down upon others like that.

    • @coopergates9680
      @coopergates9680 3 роки тому

      Dang... I'm sorry you went through that and I hope no one denounces you because the Bible condemns tattoos, either.
      There are a lot of religious cults, which literally live and breathe supremacism and discrimination. Have any other ones tried to win you over, like Jehovah's Witnesses, Qanon, or Scientologists?

  • @erikgil5901
    @erikgil5901 2 роки тому +1

    I grew up growing up in the liberal church my grandparents took us kids to up until I was 13 and I was invited to go to church. It was a Pentecostal church and I didn’t realize why certain things there were practiced. I was told that having a beard is not appropriate and men should shave. Women can’t wear pants nor makeup. We have to be modest in dressing and men can’t wear short. I later earlier this year at the age of 19 decided to leave because I realize that your relationship with Christ is what matters. Not following man made rules. Not bashing anyone though who reads this and is in the Apostolic church. I still respect everyone and their values.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      You are totally right! It's about a relationship not stupid man made rules.

  • @tericitaheard1173
    @tericitaheard1173 Рік тому +1

    I grew up Pentecostal Apostolic in Buffalo, N. Y. My dad was a Deacon until his death. I was scolded by a church mother when I was in my 20's. I moved to Alabama to live, my sister is a minister. She gossips, if you tell her something she goes back and tell it. She and her husband are always talking about gay and people are going to he'll. I have told them that they are not JESUS OR GOD and have no heaven or he'll to put anyone in.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому

      I'm sorry that your family is still so deep in it! The gossiping is so bad in these churches. They're so judgemental! It's so yucky.

  • @keithparker5625
    @keithparker5625 22 дні тому

    I'm very surprised you haven't mentioned baptism formula. Did your church baptize in Jesus name or the typical trinitarian formula?

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  21 день тому +1

      @@keithparker5625haha oh yeah they were very specific about baptism in Jesus name

  • @TopoIl12
    @TopoIl12 9 місяців тому

    Hi,what did they belive about "personal prophecy", where a prophet says to you thus spoke the lord and then it says something like you're on the wrong path,you wil face this or that,you have to confess a sin that you haven't yet and things kike these?

  • @cyndiwren7922
    @cyndiwren7922 Рік тому

    The church I went to was even more strict on the modesty then that. No showing elbows, shirts came up to our collar bones, TV was absolutely not allowed, no wedding rings, watches had to have leather bands, etc.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому +1

      One of my friends went to a church like that. We had several in our area like that. Shit is WILD.

    • @lozentucker1071
      @lozentucker1071 Рік тому +2

      The one I'm going too doesn't believe in wearing leggings, boots, dating outside your race, can't even tell people who aren't saved bless you when they sneeze. The apostolic church my mother goes to is a lovely church but it just isn't my path. I'm planning on leaving very soon

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому +1

      @@lozentucker1071 oh wow that is insanity 🤯 as if it isn't already crazy enough! Glad that you're not going to stick around for that. I remember when my churches talked about dating outside your race as being "unequally yoked" like WHAT THE FUCK!?

    • @lozentucker1071
      @lozentucker1071 Рік тому +1

      @@Denycia It's even worse because I'm a mixed child. My mother is Irish and my father is Native American so what race am I? It's not even biblical

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому +1

      @@lozentucker1071 I am so sorry they are teaching these harmful things. Especially when it's a bunch of bullshit that isn't even in the bible and they're just pretending it is so they can be racist.

  • @amandakimball6730
    @amandakimball6730 3 роки тому +4

    Hello from Colorado! I am native here and grew up Apostolic Pentecostal. Would love to connect and talk more!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +2

      No way! I never see apostolic people out here but I knew they existed lol

    • @amandakimball6730
      @amandakimball6730 3 роки тому +3

      @@Denycia there are not many and I feel like its becoming less and less as the years pass. My parents church hasnt grown at all since I stopped going.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +2

      @@amandakimball6730 I'm happy to hear that! Glad you got outta there!!!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      @@amandakimball6730 are you noco, soco, Denver area?

  • @nicholevaccaro153
    @nicholevaccaro153 2 роки тому +6

    I’m here for all of this! Yes! Where is the community of people who’ve been through this!?

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому +1

      It's so nice to find a community online! Tik tok, UA-cam, and reddit are great places to find them!

  • @mshaylarobins2666
    @mshaylarobins2666 2 роки тому +2

    apostolic pentecostal was founded in 1911 its history started in 1904 its a really new religion and a horrible one, the very first religion was hinduism...

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому +2

      Exactly! Yet they think they are the only ones with "the truth" 🙄

    • @mshaylarobins2666
      @mshaylarobins2666 2 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia your video brings me some sort of comfort knowing I’m not alone….My dads a pastor in this faith, I left 7 years ago and the emotions haven’t gotten easier, because I truly loved my family…I have a brother as well he’s older and still in the faith. But one thing for sure is I’m not blaming myself anymore. Because it isn’t even their beliefs anymore! it’s how they’re willing to go thru with them, abandoning their families that’s evil. I personally could never do that no matter what. Please don’t blame yourself at all it was not your fault! Sending love and positivity ❤️

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      @@mshaylarobins2666 You are certainly not alone! I am so sorry your family is still in it. I also cannot fathom choosing religion over family. It's really sad honestly. Thank you for your kind words. It really means a lot. It's absolutely not our fault! This religion is just a fucked up cult. I'm sorry you have had to endure all the bullshit that comes with being in it. I hope you are healing and doing well ❤️

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      @@wjdyr6261 this original commenter wasn't even talking about trinity vs oneness.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      @@wjdyr6261 the apostolic church was founded in 1911 and the UPCI was founded in 1945. There are origins dating back to the 1800s but those are in fact the dates they were founded.

  • @mikaylawinland
    @mikaylawinland 4 роки тому +8

    this brought back all too much for me. thank you for doing this series

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому

      Thank you for watching. I hope you are doing well. Growing up this way is hard!

  • @DeehocAirbmac
    @DeehocAirbmac 4 роки тому +16

    Wow. That just brought back my childhood. For people not in it, it must sound insane. I grew up in a United Pentecostal church. Left when I was 18. It's been 15 years and I've never looked back. It seriously messed me up, my wife says I need therapy. My beliefs now are atheist or agnostic depending if I care enough to give it thought. Glad you got out of that cult.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +3

      It is insane! I also left at 18 and never looked back. I also now identify as atheist. Therapy does help! I suggest it if you can. Really glad you got out of the cult too. It's hard to heal from the truama but it's far better than living in your truama.

  • @gretakaveny4407
    @gretakaveny4407 Рік тому

    What do you think about miracles? Or how do you think about reincarnation vs human creation and being born again with being baptized in the Name of Jesus not Titles. Do you know anyone that spoke in a tongue a language they literally did not learn in school or a language they never studied but while praying their lips tongues released a language that someone from a different language actually understood. I do prefer modesty but I do like wearing jeans and shorts just above the knees. I just know faith produces action so getting treatment for some cancers can be the difference between lip service and just saying I am healed and gettting actual treatment.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому

      For me personally, I no longer believe in miracles, reincarnation, or that humans were created by a divine being.
      As far as "speaking in tongues" goes I never heard anyone speak a language they didn't know, it was always gibberish.

  • @judgementalchihuahua705
    @judgementalchihuahua705 3 роки тому +2

    the easiest ways to describe this to my therapist was "everything BUT the snakes"

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      Hahaha that is a great way to describe it!

  • @GC-fj4lc
    @GC-fj4lc 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you for talking about something not a lot of people realize exists. I grew up in the UPC and although I left 5 years ago when I went to college (mentally I left long before that, but my parents forced me to be involved in the church), I'm still dealing with the lasting effects of anxiety and guilt. It's always so validating to find someone else with similar experiences as it's difficult to explain the toxicity if you've never experienced it and I am often gaslighted. Glad you escaped as well.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for watching. I just wanted to share the truth about what goes on and how harmful it is. I am so sorry you are still reeling from the lasting effects of this toxic religion. I totally understand and completely relate. And being gaslighted...wowee yea. It's just what they do to attempt to regain control over you when you leave. Put your foot down and do not stand for it! So many of us had experiences like that. It's important that we know we aren't alone and we aren't crazy. It's important that we are validated and supported so that it can aid in the healing process. I'm so glad you got out and I hope you are taking steps to heal.

  • @davidsimons1832
    @davidsimons1832 3 роки тому +8

    Horrible cult!!! And, I’m so sorry that you went through that. I had the same exact experiences in the United Pentecostal Church. Very abusive religion!!!! Fear based cult!!! Have Complex PTSD because of this cult. And, really loved your video. Subscribed and liked!!! And, thanks for the awesome video. Everything you said is true!!! Everything!!!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      I am so sorry that you can relate. Definitely a fear based cult. I also have PTSD from my experience. Didn't know I had it until my therapist told me recently. I'm sorry that you struggle with this too. I know how hard it is. But I'm proud of you for getting out! I hope you have taken steps to heal and wish you luck on this journey!

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 3 роки тому +1

      Denycia I feel really bad for you, too, Denycia. And, sorry to hear that you as well have PTSD. No fun at all!!! And, thanks!!! Proud of you, too, though, for also being able to get out of the cult. Takes a tremendous amount of strength and energy to get out of the cult. They tell ya all the horrible, horrible things that will supposedly happen to you if you ever dare to question the pastor or if ya leave their man made organization. And, try to scare ya out of your mind. And, my former pastor even told us that if we ever left, GOD would haunt us till the day we die, and then the Judgment Day (and, of course, we were told that we’d then be taken to HELL so that we could then be tortured all throughout eternity). Fear is a very powerful motivator!!! And, we’re NOT going to hell!!! It’s the cult that hates us and that’s because they are no longer able to control us. And, they’re no longer able to have access to our money. And, I’m definitely healing. A very slow process for me because I was involved with the United Pentecostal Church for almost 60 years. And, because I was involved with the cult for so long (started going when I was really young), it did a TON of damage. I was exposed to the abuse for almost 40 years altogether. The only thing that really helps me. And, I know you’re going to laugh, but it’s medical marijuana. Medical marijuana is helping me quite a lot!!! And, CBD oil (which is non psychoactive). Just helps to calm my mind s lot. And, really helps me with my PTSD. Not trying to say that YOU should try it (if you haven’t already), but just wanted to let you know that it’s really been helping me. And, I didn’t think that I would ever get any real relief. And, don’t get me wrong. Still have a lot of problems!!! Just saying that the medical marijuana helps to take the edge off of everything. And, helps me to relax and be calm myself down. And, I really, honestly do not know what I’d do without my medical marijuana. And, not because I’m addicted to it, but just because it helps me so much. Really love your videos!!! And, good luck with YOUR journey, too. God loves you just as you are, too!!! He loves ALL of us!!! John 3:16 (Don’t even really believe in the bible, anymore, because it was written by men and because it was changed (edited, re-edited, etc.,) so that it would be more fitting for the times over the years. And, there’s a lot of contradictions, too. Still very much believe in God. Just don’t believe in the man made bible, anymore. That’s all!!! Not religious!!! Just really spiritual now!!! And, that’s the way I like it!!! Feel a thousand times closer to God now than I ever did before. Just in a different way. Still speak in tongues!!! But, now, I’m speaking in tongues because I’m spiritual (not because I’m trying to be religious by speaking in tongues). Big difference!!! Ya know what I mean?!!? Anyways, wish you all the luck with your new UA-cam channel. And, I love, love, love your videos. Thanks again!!! 😎

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      @@davidsimons1832 thank you. It definitely does take a lot of strength to leave a cult. Fear is totally their powerful motivator and they get so worked up with fear isn't also your motivator. Sorry but fear just does not rule my entire life like that anymore. It did when I was an impressionable child and for several years after leaving but I know better now. That bothers them so much when fear can't be used to control you anymore. I'm sorry they taunted you when you left but you did the right thing.
      Damn that's such a long time to be in that. I left the literal day I turned 18. I can't imagine being in there for that long. I'm just glad you eventually left.
      As far as CBD and weed go, I take a CBD supplement every day to help with anxiety. I also live in Colorado where weed is entirely legal so that's nice.
      Yes it's definitely a man made Bible! Nothing wrong with being spiritual. Recognizing the Bible is not this infallible word of god is so important.
      Thanks for watching my videos and reaching out friend!

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 3 роки тому

      @@Denycia Denycia, I’m sorry, didn’t even realize that you had wrote me back till just now. Didn’t get any notification for whatever reason. But, yeah, you’re definitely welcome. And, yeah, I agree with everything that you said. And, especially when you said that they don’t know what to do when they can no longer control you with fear. It’s so true!!! And, yeah, because I was involved with that crazy cult for so long, it probably affected me to a point that I’ll never ever truly get over it. But, I’ll be fine!!! So glad YOU were able to get out of there, too. And, glad that you’re taking a CBD oil supplement. Hopefully, that’s really helping you?!!? And, really, CBD, alone, might really help. I use a little THC, too. But, CBD, alone, does quite a lot all by itself. THC just helps the CBD oil to work better than the CBD oil alone. They say that they compliment each other. And, if you decide to try THC, sometime, White Widow really helps me. Very calming!!! Helps with anxiety, depression AND PTSD. So, it definitely might help you. Just an idea, though, for later on, if you decide to try something like that. I love White Widow!!! And, ya really don’t need that much weed to really help ya, either. But, yeah, sure does help. Anyways, good luck with whatever you decide to do. And, I wish the absolute BEST for you!!! The fact that Jim Jones used to be a good member of this cult that we used to go to says everything ya need to know as far as the depth of the spiritual abuse is concerned. He was actually in the United Pentecostal Churches yearbooks!!! So, it’s there for everybody to see (if ya have a copy of the yearbooks from the United Pentecostal Church during that time). Of course, they could have possibly took HIS picture out of there by now because they know that having Jim Jones in there is NOT exactly something that they would necessarily want in there. It doesn’t necessarily look GOOD for them. 😡😢🙄🤦‍♂️ But, yeah, that says it all in my opinion. He had enough power over their minds that HE was able to get them to drink his Cyanide laced Kool Aid drink. And, most of them ended up dying, including the United States congressman and journalists, too, I believe. Just glad that WE got out of there when we did. Look up Jim Jones if you haven’t already. You’ll probably actually see a LOT of similarities between the United Pentecostal so-called Church preachers and Jim Jones from the distant past. I’m rambling!!! Sorry!!! But, anyways, yeah, I love your videos and thanks again. And, I have severe ADHD so I sometimes ramble. Sorry!!!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      @@davidsimons1832 that's ok though. We don't ever really "get over" trauma. We just learn how to cope with it and live with it. I'm just glad you got out.
      I'm really picky about my strains because if I do the wrong kind it makes me anxious. I'll check that one out though. I feel like I've had that one before.
      Noooo waaaay!!!! I didn't know that! I know who Jim Jones is of course. But I didn't know he was part of the UPC. Wow that really says so much.
      Don't apologize!!! You haven't done anything wrong. Ramble away! I do the se thing lol

  • @michovaltrades8444
    @michovaltrades8444 Рік тому +1

    To me this is when religion gets in the way of God. Cut and simple done.
    Stuff like this is man made has nothing to do with Christ. In fact i would imagine he is either weeping angry or both for turning people away from Christ

  • @rangersmom1994
    @rangersmom1994 4 роки тому +3

    I wasn't even allowed to listen to rocky Christian music bc it sounded too rocky...

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      They thought it was a "slippery slope" ugh how ridiculous. I'm sorry!
      Only reason I got away with some rocky christian was because my stepdad liked skillet

    • @rangersmom1994
      @rangersmom1994 4 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia that's okay, I appreciate your videos. My husband and I do our own thing now luckily. Yes I did like skillet growing up and listened to them when my dad wasn't around lol I no lie told my husband while watching you're videos "this girl on youtube is basically telling my life story" lol! But for real so glad we can listen to punk rock whenever we want now! 🤗

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +2

      @@rangersmom1994 aw thank you that means a lot. Glad we can relate to each other!!! I definitely listened to secular music when my parents weren't around. Haha yeah it is nice to have freedom and genuinely not fear that freedom. Glad you got outta there.

    • @rangersmom1994
      @rangersmom1994 4 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia me too sister, glad for both of us!

  • @pabloh5884
    @pabloh5884 4 роки тому +11

    Hey listen, if you are in this kind of churches, GET OUT!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому


    • @anthonybrenda3648
      @anthonybrenda3648 4 роки тому +2

      No that's the worst thing you can do is get out of that Apostolic Pentecostal Church when God said be ye separate come out from among them he meant Darkness he meant the world not the church

    • @pabloh5884
      @pabloh5884 4 роки тому +4

      @@anthonybrenda3648 Apostolic Pentecostal church is the most heretical form of christianity right next to LDS and JW

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      @@pabloh5884 Exactly!

  • @jaycharleston2570
    @jaycharleston2570 4 роки тому +1

    What about regular Pentecostal churches? It’s kinda similar but I’m apostolic though

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      It just depends on the sect of Penteocstalism and sometimes even from church to church. There's a lot of variability.

  • @kiterafrey
    @kiterafrey 2 роки тому +1

    OMG yes!!! Me too. When I can’t find something I still run around singing “Oh where is my….” To the tune of Where is my Hair Brush from Silly Songs with Larry

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому +1

      Omg me too hahahahaha 🤣

  • @sailorcentauri
    @sailorcentauri 2 роки тому +3

    i have the exact same experience. my mother switched denominations to pentecostalism when i was 12. I'm 20 now and still live with my family but am no longer christian. the adolescence i spent kinda ruined it for me. i'm glad you're out now, lets me know things do get better :)

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому +1

      I am sorry to hear that you are stuck living with them. That must be so hard. It must have also been really hard to go from life outside of the pentecostal world to life inside of it at such an impressionable age. I hope that you are able to get away from all that soon. Things definitely DO get better. So if there's anything to keep you going let it be that! I hope you are well!

  • @teslasmiles
    @teslasmiles 2 роки тому +4

    Wow. Spot on. I just wanted to say, I've been a very persistent protester for this "religion" for a while now. And it's cult-like advances.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      It's such a cult!

  • @josephjones4207
    @josephjones4207 4 роки тому +5

    I left it too. It is not biblical

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      Exactly! Glad you got out!

  • @lorieharris1752
    @lorieharris1752 3 роки тому +3

    While exactly how i grew up from about age 4 til the end of high school... Penecostal Apostalic..Holliness church.. Felt anxiety n

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      I am so sorry you can relate to all this. The anxiety is the worst part

    • @beccabass4758
      @beccabass4758 3 роки тому +1

      So much anxiety!!!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +2

      @@beccabass4758 I'm so sorry that you can relate 😔

  • @Djneyon79
    @Djneyon79 Рік тому +1

    You are brave and strong God bless you I also left and if you need a friend im over here

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому

      I appreciate that. Thank you so much. I'm glad you got out of there as well! Hope you are well!

  • @monarchymouth
    @monarchymouth Рік тому

    You can definitely find Jesus without church, or anyone for that matter.

  • @elirodriguez514
    @elirodriguez514 3 роки тому +4

    Very good video you one small thing you may have forgotten to mention that makes them cultish- They believe in Oneness not the Trinity they say if you are not in their doctrine you are serving a false God even though there are many Christians other Pentecostals etc who speak in tongues just don’t go to Apostolic churches but overall touched the main points great job 🙌👍

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      At the time of recording this video I didn't even know that there were trinitarian Pentecostals! I learned that from the ExPentecostal subreddit. Thanks for watching and thanks for the compliment!

    • @elirodriguez514
      @elirodriguez514 3 роки тому +2

      @@Denycia your welcome thanks for doing this it helps others to see the life with Christ is about a relationship not bondage.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      @@elirodriguez514 absolutely!!!

    • @taytay.3297
      @taytay.3297 3 роки тому

      thanks for the “cultish” adjective. love it when people say that about us even when we are just living our life :) 💗 (just for SOME)

  • @bravefreeamericanchristian9266
    @bravefreeamericanchristian9266 3 роки тому +3

    And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      Sorry pal Bible scriptures don't work on atheists 😆

  • @lilykep
    @lilykep 4 роки тому +9

    In my mom's church they didn't even like wedding rings. If the woman was married to someone who "wasn't saved" and HE wanted her to wear a wedding ring, she should (of course) submit to his will...
    We also NEVER had a TV in my house and my mom *strictly* didn't allow me to watch ANYTHING with magic in it, even Disney movies. I remember being in *OUR CHURCH'S DAYCARE* and having to sit in the hall while everyone else watched a Disney movie cause the movie contained magic and my mom had a "conviction" about magic.
    So glad I grew up and escaped.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +2

      Oh damn that sounds awful. We had a TV but it was strictly monitored. They couldn't control what I watched at other people's houses though so it was nice to watch some of the same things my friends at school were. I remember when my mom figured out I had been watching That's so Raven which was about a psychic and she was so mad.
      What movie was it? I'm surprised your church showed a movie with magic in it. Or was it like just a little bit like what you see in Cinderella? My family was super against the whole magic thing as well.
      Glad you got out as well!!! Life is so much better out of all that nonsense.

    • @lilykep
      @lilykep 4 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia I also watched what I wanted at other people's houses until my mom found out I saw "Spawn" at a friend's house, then she told me she didn't want me going over there again.
      It was Cinderella.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      @@lilykep that is so annoying. You can't shelter and keep your kids from everything. They think they know what's best but all they do is harm their children.
      Also...Cinderella seriously!? That is not even a big deal. Come on. Sheesh.

    • @lilykep
      @lilykep 4 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia but *magic!!!* I might have been corrupted by the idea of *fairy godmothers!!!*

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      @@lilykep that's just so ridiculous lol

  • @iamwhoyousayiam6773
    @iamwhoyousayiam6773 2 роки тому +1

    I appreciate you kept this clean

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      I thought I had to in order to be monetized in the future lol

  • @Ajay-uk6kc
    @Ajay-uk6kc 2 роки тому +1

    I’m 41 and I have been a southern Baptist all my life.. I am interested joining because I want a virtuous wife and a family… nothing wrong with rejecting the devil and all of the evil…

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому +2

      You only want to join to find a "virtuous wife?" That's not a good reason to fall into false doctrine. I will caution you that their doctrine is legalistic, misguided, and embellished but the choice is yours 🤷‍♀️

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому +1

      Also, just so that you're aware if you were to join there will likely not be any single women your age. They typically marry incredibly young in these churches.

  • @marshawood3325
    @marshawood3325 3 роки тому +1

    I may be jumping ahead baptism in Jesus bane only not father, son, and holy spirit which are titles. Have you walked completely away from Jesus because of your experience? You can have a relationship with Jesus and grow in your faith with sisters/brothers in another part of the body of Christ.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      Yes, that's another requirement I forgot to mention!
      I am no longer a believer, yes. But not just because of my experience. While my experience was certainly a catalyst, I lost faith because the empirical evidence does not support it.

    • @marshawood3325
      @marshawood3325 3 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia I'm so sorry for your experience. I have been in many different denominations and it does separate and cause division. People just do not know what to believe nowadays. As far as evidence has Jesus ever done something for you that only you prayed about or you experience? Sometimes the evidence doesn't necessarily come with visible eyes sometimes it's just a knowing.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      @@marshawood3325 thank you for that. I hope you are in a loving and accepting church!
      Nah I can't recall any answered prayers. Even the prayers where my literal life was on the line were ignored. But even after all those pertinent unanswered prayers I still was a believer for a very long time after leaving. Now that I have read the empirical evidence I cannot rely upon faith because I must rely upon reason, rationality, and fact. It wasn't easy to let go initially. It was hard to come to the realization that my entire life and being up to that point had been a fallacy but eventually I had to face that reality.

    • @marshawood3325
      @marshawood3325 3 роки тому +2

      @@Denycia Thank you. I think that I am in a loving church(not apostolic anymore). However, I no longer depend on the church but Christ, love, within me, and it's my job to love others that's what I focus on. We are imperfect people and God is a perfect God. I just like to be real with myself and others. I had a bad experience and so did my husband in the apostolic church, not just that religion its self either. I had to ask Jesus to search my soul. We all have a choice to believe or not. Some will fall away from the faith it says that in the bible. My heart burdened for the Apostolic doctrine really for all doctrine, it divides. I am glad for my relationship with Jesus. I will pray for you, believe I do not judge you I see people walking away more now than before. It saddens me. At the end of the day, it is faith. Now(Todays) faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Heb 11. Thank you for sharing your story.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +2

      @@marshawood3325 I am so sorry that you were hurt by these churches. I am glad that you have gotten out and have found a loving church. It sounds like your spiritual journey now is beautiful and fulfilling. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for listening and showing compassion and the love that Jesus would.

  • @ashleyjessee5953
    @ashleyjessee5953 Рік тому

    We’re you part of the UPC United Pentecostal Church? That’s what I grew up as.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому +1

      Yes! But they were also sure to specify that we were Apostolic Pentecostal/Oneness/Holiness lol

  • @Dimitrius1
    @Dimitrius1 3 роки тому +1

    What you saying is true. I was also in Apostolic Pentecostal church for a short while, after being in New Age. However, It seems like you backslid into a New Age with that picture behind you and wearing those crystals. Many people who actually grew up in church have not been saved, and they know traditions but not God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Repent for your sins, and get truly saved.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      Oh honey you're doing a lot of assuming right now. I'm atheist so I don't believe in any higher power, no "new age" about it. I have a mandala because I do yoga. The crystal in the video is a labradorite my friend wrapped for me, she has an Etsy shop she sells them in. It's not like I believe crystals have powers or anything, they're just absolutely beautiful! Anyway, after leaving the apostolic pentecostal church I was a believer for many years. I attended a Baptist church then left, a non-denominational church then left, then I worshipped at home because I believed in god but saw organized religion as a sham. I have since left religion and belief all together so no thanks!

    • @Dimitrius1
      @Dimitrius1 3 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia I agree about leaving corporate Christianity institutions. Didn’t mean to offend and wrongfully assume. Good to know! I also used to wear bunch of those crystals, actually believing in receiving good vibes from them, and even meditating with them! I was really deceived. Thank God for the truth! God Bless you! God still loves you!

  • @kendrickpreston456
    @kendrickpreston456 3 роки тому

    Is there anyway that you could give scripture references for all these standards that you weren’t allowed to do or are they just made up by the church?

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      Many of them were made up or merely exaggerated. For the ones that weren't they were "backed up" with scriptures which were either misinterpreted, taken out of context, or embellished.

  • @ashleywilliams2239
    @ashleywilliams2239 3 роки тому +2

    I feel for you really I do. Saying that I'm apostolic and my church is nothing like this. We have dress codes but it isn't enforced its more of a you do what you feel god is pulling you to do kinda thing. Also the things with tv and movies and sports also doesnt happen. I think individual families make that decision about what is best for their families. Its interesting to see others perspective and how they were raised.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +1

      Yeah, it does vary by church and family. Some are more extreme than others but most of the views are the same.

    • @billymimnaugh3998
      @billymimnaugh3998 Рік тому

      Never once has anyone told me what to wear , what to do , what sports I can’t play .I wore a giddier and sweats when I first got there , no one said a peep .I’m a powerlifter , no one told me to stop .

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому

      @@billymimnaugh3998 we all have experiences that are different and many also have experiences that are similar or the same. Your experience doesn't have to be the same as mine for mine to be true and my experience doesn't have to be the same as yours for yours to be true. A vast majority of people who are here on this page are here because they relate and need someone to talk to who had similar experiences as them. If that's not you, that's fine. But attempting to belittle the experience of others because it's not the same as yours is not welcome here. Thanks for understanding 😊

  • @Val-zr4ck
    @Val-zr4ck 2 роки тому +2

    You described my entire childhood. I got the courage to leave the church once I turned 19 and some things still affect me. I’m 25 now and listening to what you said is eye opening and sounds crazy coming from someone else. It really does sound like a cult :/ sadly I didn’t have a great experience with the church but I’m much happier now.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      I'm glad you got the courage to leave so early! Get outta there as soon as you can! It takes time to heal from growing up like that because it's so traumatizing. You're very strong for leaving and taking time to heal! I left at 18, I'm 29 now and I'm still dealing with some things. But I didn't start going to therapy until a little over a year ago. It definitely is such a cult! And when you hear everything all at once it's definitely shocking. I'm just glad you're happier now! That's so good to hear. You deserve it!

  • @TheAndergorn
    @TheAndergorn 4 роки тому +1

    Hey Denycia (and others), man here from the UK. Thanks for this video, It was refreshing. Thrilled to see what the Lord has done in your life. I was brought up in the Apostolic church UK, is it the same denomination do you know? My father was a pastor in said denomination, but even at an early age the Lord had his hand on me and i knew in my spirit there was something wrong. Anyway God spoke the words 'come out of her' (not an audible voice)))) and he brought me into an evangelical church with sound teaching. My sister on the other hand went way into the charismatic NAR camp. Just one other question. While i recognize the heavy shepherding we both experienced, scripture does encourage modest apparel. I just wondered how you see this subject now in the light of scripture? Every blessing for the future. Andrew

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому

      Thanks for watching! Glad you got out and found something that is better for you. In terms of modesty, modesty is not objective, modesty is subjective. The Bible does not specifically say X is modest and Y is immodest because modesty is not an inherently objective term. What is modest in one person's eyes may not be modest in another's and vice versa. Dress in whichever way convicts you personally in your heart. We see time and time again in the Bible where inward appearance takes precedence over the outward appearance. The new testament convenant is written on the heart. It's clear to me scripturally that God cares about who we are not how we dress.
      But none of that applies to me either way because I don't believe the Bible is the infallible word of God and I believe the bible to be man made. But that's an entirely different conversation.

    • @TheAndergorn
      @TheAndergorn 4 роки тому +1

      @@Denycia I see, sorry i thought you had come out of it and moved forward in the evangelical faith. Take it easy.

    • @DarkenAngel8
      @DarkenAngel8 3 роки тому

      @Maria Jensen I don't think she said anything mean she just relayed her experience. I have a nose ring and two tattoos and my hair is turquoise, still a Christian. Evangelical. As someone who came from being a Jehovah's Witness to being introduced to UPC/ALJC to now just going to a non denominational church because religious spirit is a real thing and I experienced a lot of negativity and some fake sincerity where they care enough to get you baptized and then kind of push you to the side. So I understand a lot of what she says and I grew up jehovahs witness which has some similarities as far as the cult culture.

    • @anniep2935
      @anniep2935 2 роки тому

      @Andrew, I know this is two years on but I've just come across your comment. No I don't think it is the same Apostolic Church as in the UK. I was also brought up in the Apostolic Church UK and my grandfather was a pastor. I didn't experience the things that Denycia has but I did get a few looks when I turned up to a Sunday morning service on my motorbike dressed in leathers...there was a lot of discussion about whether I should be wearing a hat! Things have moved on thank goodness.

  • @dragontantra
    @dragontantra 2 роки тому +1

    My friend's partner is Mormon and she's really similar to how my dad behaves. She's so strict about her having coffee.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому +1

      Oh man yeah I have a friend who is Mormon and know some ex Mormons. It's 100% a cult. Just like apostolic pentecostalism. Most Abrahamic religions are cults in my opinion.

  • @jadestone5682
    @jadestone5682 4 роки тому +3

    and also how was the dress code for men a lot more relaxed?

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +6

      Men had two dress code rules 1) no shorts 2) no sleeveless shirts and some of the guys wouldn't abide by them and that was ok, no repercussions of any sort for that. But women, on the other hand, had a long list of things they couldn't wear and faced several different repercussions if found not to follow them. Men looked normal in public and women stuck out like sore thumbs.

    • @jigglypuffe13
      @jigglypuffe13 4 роки тому +4

      Men also have hair rules. Sideburns can only go to middle ear, short hair, and no facial hair

    • @jigglypuffe13
      @jigglypuffe13 4 роки тому +2

      I see you mentioned the hair for men as well... I commented on this while watching the video 😂

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +5

      do you remember the part in the Bible when god told men to gouge out their eyeballs? Of course, that's hyperbole to gouge out your eyes but what that means is when a man looks upon a woman with lust it is HIS responsibility, not the woman's.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +3

      @@Adnilas disagree. People should be able to wear whatever they want to wear.

  • @r.c4914
    @r.c4914 2 роки тому

    If you know that apostolic Pentecostal is a sect what kept you in a man made faith or Church ?

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому +1

      I was forced to stay in the apostolic pentecostal church because my parents would not allow me to leave. I had to move out of their house at 18 so I could leave.

    • @r.c4914
      @r.c4914 2 роки тому

      @@Denycia Thanks for answering back.
      Most people wont hardly ever answered back .
      I barely found out you had replied ,
      Im been waiting for more videos from time to time your testimony is very interesting
      I would like to see what ealse happen in your Jeorney thats how i can learn of what other Christians go through and believe.
      🕊May the holyspirit guide you sister to your correct destination and understanding in other words to the truth.

    • @r.c4914
      @r.c4914 2 роки тому

      @@Denycia I have to recognize The Pentecostal Apostolic have some true things by what you share except your perents tried to force you to believe and practice.
      Which i can recognize that is not of God .
      God gives us free will to belive and practice.
      Your perents witness the way they brought you up, actually cause you to be resentful and even doubt whatever ealse they tried to show you to be right in their understanding.
      You did right no beliver should be in captivity that is not the gospel.
      Dont give up remember what bible says in Luke 11,9.
      Try to practice the good God has put the commandments in our heart so we have a good clue what is wrong from right. Sister i need to inform you that you still need the true Church dont give up the spirit leads to the truth which JesusChrist.
      Dont forget that Prayer is very key to finding your way .
      Pray constantly and ask God for help in all things .

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      @@r.c4914 I had intentions of making more videos this summer but I have just been so busy! I would love to share those things in a video sometime!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      @@r.c4914 That is not "the true church" and no I don't need it. There is no true church and you're right I have free will in what I believe or don't. I don't believe in their gospel or any gospel for that matter and that's my choice.

  • @sevynloomis5618
    @sevynloomis5618 4 роки тому +8

    I still sing Veggie Tales too! My mother grew up AP and i grew up Evangelical. She didn't talk too much about her upbringing, but your video is helping me piece things together about her life and why she raised us the way she did. Thank you so much!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      They so doggone catchy!!! Lol
      I'm glad this was able to provide you with insight into your mom's upbringing.

  • @sdthyng
    @sdthyng 2 роки тому

    I am interested in knowing more about the Apoostolic Pentacostal church, particularly would like someone to recommend to me a study Bible that is commonly used by them

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      They only use king james

    • @krazzykracker2564
      @krazzykracker2564 7 місяців тому

      Try things from Pentecostal publishing house

  • @elzey1980
    @elzey1980 9 місяців тому +1

    so sorry you went to a church like that. I am Apostolic/Penetecostal - but we dont have that nonesense - I dont drink the koolaide. LOl I do however believe in modesty - but you make those choices. so sad for you. almost all ladies in my church have french maniures - some men have facial hair wow glad I am in my church. so sorry for you again. and wedding rings are allowed.

  • @TheShineybutt
    @TheShineybutt 3 роки тому

    Do you consider yourself to have blasphemed the Holy Ghost (as you understand it)?

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +3

      As in speaking in tongues? No, that's learned behavior and the way apostolic pentecostals do it with the gibberish isn't even biblical.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому +2

      But even if I was I don't care 😆

  • @juliebatausa3689
    @juliebatausa3689 2 роки тому

    Are you still a Christian or did growing up this way completely turn you away from God altogether? I hope you have had a revelation of His Grace and know that we can’t earn His love no matter how many rules we keep. We receive His love and forgiveness.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      I'm atheist now but growing up this way wasn't what made me walk away. I was a practicing Christian for many years after leaving the apostolic pentecostal church. It was actually studying other religions and emperical evidence that caused me to walk away. But I agree with you! If I did still believe in god it's not about following rules, especially manmade ones like the AP church.

  • @jessedamron9947
    @jessedamron9947 2 роки тому +1

    I just want to say that there has never ever ever been a tale like veggie tales..... and has anyone seen my hairbrush??

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      Forever engraved in my memory

  • @dragontantra
    @dragontantra 2 роки тому +1

    They have a lot of anti intellectualism in the Apostolic Pentecostal community. I try being intellectual with my dad and be hits me in the mouth. I grew up Catholic like a typical Spanish American, he later became born again and super strict.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      I'm so sorry for how he treats you 😞 you're so right. They are so anti intellectual. The demonization of science in my home was absolutely insane.

  • @Make_it_a_double_xx
    @Make_it_a_double_xx 5 років тому +2

    What happened to part 2?

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  5 років тому

      I'm just about to upload it actually! It's taken a long time because I kept scrapping it and starting over.

  • @vacuumgeniusasmr7662
    @vacuumgeniusasmr7662 Рік тому +1

    Grew up AP in Kentucky as well. I left a couple of years ago.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому +1

      So glad you got outta there!

  • @josephjones4207
    @josephjones4207 4 роки тому +1

    They deny the trinity.
    They believe Jesus is his own father and his own son

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      Apparently there are trinitarian Pentecostals??? I don't know personally but I've heard there are. I was raised oneness Pentecostal.

    • @missylee3022
      @missylee3022 4 роки тому +3

      Oneness doctrine is extremely similar to trinitarian doctrine. I'm not exactly sure why both sides, especially oneness people make such a big deal about it. Great is the mystery of godliness. I don't think there's a single human being alive that truly understands god.

    • @mikef6063
      @mikef6063 4 роки тому +1

      Oneness doctrine, historically, was the original belief of the apostolic era Christians. Trinitarianism was a later development that evolved over the course of several centuries, but did not reach its current form until the 5th century A.D. This is a matter of history. Trinitarianism replaced Modalism (Oneness) as the mainstream belief in the "church", as it merged with the Roman Empire. No serious scholar denies this, and even Tertullian and Origen (early so-called "church fathers") admit this in their writings. Oneness doctrine simply believes that there is one God who manifested Himself in flesh as a genuine man in order to be the sacrifice for man's redemption. Trinitarianism believes in three persons of God who are co-equal, co-eternal, and co-essential. For more information on this, including citations proving what I've said, see this study...
      Where many Apostolic "Christians" go off-track is in embracing the cultish behaviors Denycia describes in her videos. They add additional things that are CONVICTIONS and not doctrine, and try to force you to follow their convictions on non-essentials of the faith, and things that the Spirit should be leading each individual to their own conclusion on how to apply to their own life.

  • @kelebeck5905
    @kelebeck5905 2 роки тому

    I’m Jewish and live on the west coast and I’m going to visit my online bf in Arkansas for two weeks. His whole family is apostolic Pentecostal. I’m scared to death.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      Is he apostolic pentecostal too or just his family?

  • @kennethmeeker6369
    @kennethmeeker6369 2 роки тому

    There are many branch’s of Pentecostal or Jesus name religions, ones,s whatever, just like there’s 500 baptist religions and so forth , some even teach to speak in tounges alrighty then , but not all believe you have to speak in tounges to go to heaven, that’s gods call , speaking to god can be a scream or a shout , if there truly apostolic they’ll make no judgment and they’ll love even if quit that church they’ll call and they’ll be positive and encouraging always very much like Christ, if they shunned you in anyway it wasn’t apostolic if your congregation is primarily interested in a certain race it’s not apostolic, if your not open to being completely honest and truthful apostolic is not your bag

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому

      I think that it's you that isn't open up to being honest and truthful. Most APOSTOLIC pentecostal churches are like this (I am connected with thousands of ex apostolic pentecostals across this country and abroad) and not only did I very specifically say APOSTOLIC pentecostal I also very specifically stated that I was in the UPCI sect. So maybe if you took the time to listen, rather than jump to defense with your no true Scotsman logical fallacy, you would have heard that.

  • @leerysunchez9419
    @leerysunchez9419 Рік тому

    You left the church
    And I returned

  • @jadestone5682
    @jadestone5682 4 роки тому

    Hey, I just wanted to know if your parents explained the reasons for any of these things?

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +4

      They would have explanations for things but it was typically just a few misunderstood Bible verses and mostly a heavy dose of fear of demonic spirits and going to hell.

  • @leavingtheupci239
    @leavingtheupci239 4 роки тому +5

    Thanks for sharing your heart and being exactly who you're supposed to be at this point in your life.... I wish others wouldn't be mean to you and say mean things on your channel here, but unfortunately, many think they know everything... don't let it get to you too much.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +2

      Aw, thank you so much that means a lot to me seriously! I wish people would be empathetic. They don't have to agree with me but they don't need to be mean to me about it.
      Side note, I have watched numerous of your videos and just want to say I appreciate them and it's people like you who inspired me to get on here and share my story!

  • @sharontolbert4424
    @sharontolbert4424 3 роки тому +1

    There are no standards when it comes to God’s word either that you’re going to live by God’s word or you’re not gonna live by God’s word.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      Well your ideas of what the word says are misinformed but again I'm atheist so I am not going to 😊👍

  • @jeremiahpowell7428
    @jeremiahpowell7428 3 роки тому

    You also have to understand, that a lot of parents make the mistake of not letting kids think for themselves

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      Yes, they certainly do make the mistake of not letting their kids think for themselves. I should have been allowed to do that, not forced to believe whatever my parents did.

  • @IsaacCoverstone
    @IsaacCoverstone 4 роки тому +9

    Congrats on getting out of that mess. Hope things go well for you, life is always better once you get away from the cult.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you. Congrats to you as well! It's a whole new life once you leave.

    • @mickeyrules6598
      @mickeyrules6598 4 роки тому gives biblical support for Apostolic doctrine. The name of a denomination is NOT important; the doctrine taught is what's important. We are just misunderstood.

    • @answeringchristianity7778
      @answeringchristianity7778 4 роки тому

      Denycia you have Instagram

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      @@mickeyrules6598 I can use scripture to refute Apostolic doctrine. Your doctrine is your interpretation of the scripture. Apostolic are not misunderstood, they misunderstand.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому

      @@answeringchristianity7778 what does that have to do with anything?

  • @billymimnaugh3998
    @billymimnaugh3998 Рік тому

    Lol why anyone listens to those outside the Church is beyond me .David Bernard has NANY videos explaining everything .I will take his word for it .

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому

      Lol yeah it's funny how people would want to listen to someone who relates to their experience and shares with them without judgement or imposing upon them. It's funny how people like to listen and talk to people who make them feel safe, welcome, and heard. Haha weird.

  • @Djneyon79
    @Djneyon79 Рік тому +1

    Hope to connect with you soon

  • @reina9470
    @reina9470 Рік тому

    I’m sorry but Pokémon..harmless cute fictional animals are..evil?!

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  Рік тому +1

      Oh yeah they were considered "pocket demons"

  • @doublecutnut753
    @doublecutnut753 3 роки тому

    Lots of folks need to check out the Eastern Orthodox churches. If anyone has experienced spiritual abuses in a Christian sect, please take an opportunity to attend a Divine Liturgy at an Orthodox church. You may find the truth, peace, and love there.

    • @sharontolbert4424
      @sharontolbert4424 3 роки тому

      The truth is what Jesus said John 3:5 and 5 . You must be born again of water and of the spirit. Bible also says if any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of us.
      Jesus commands us to repent Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
      Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
      Acts 2:38 says Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  3 роки тому

      No thanks

  • @yuisaquintana6509
    @yuisaquintana6509 2 роки тому +2

    I love being part of the Body of Christ and being part of the Pentecostal Apostolic Church ❤️🥰

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  2 роки тому +3

      Good for you

  • @nicolerenee7025
    @nicolerenee7025 2 роки тому

    Foursquare Pentecostal churches, as well as assembly of God Pentecostal churches, don’t have those dressed standards. I’m so very sorry you went through all that. I have to tell you, it is my passion to teach on the gifts of the spirit because so many people, unfortunately, have experienced them in the flesh instead of in the spirit as they belong. God bless you.

  • @ChangingMindz7861
    @ChangingMindz7861 4 роки тому +5

    Praise God for this.... I do appreciate this information that you have brought out and the courage you took to do so

    • @Denycia
      @Denycia  4 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much. That means a lot to me!