Rather bizarre storyline, Tom gets hit in the back with an axe, two days later he's up and about as if nothing happened, his cars windscreen gets smashed outside the house how did the car get there when Tom was picked up and dropped off by the police and he was inside talking to Laurel and Jimmy how and when could he have thrown the brick,? End this storyline before it gets even more ridiculous!
Rather bizarre storyline, Tom gets hit in the back with an axe, two days later he's up and about as if nothing happened, his cars windscreen gets smashed outside the house how did the car get there when Tom was picked up and dropped off by the police and he was inside talking to Laurel and Jimmy how and when could he have thrown the brick,? End this storyline before it gets even more ridiculous!
TOMB KING.........absolutely........... B O R I N G
I totally agree
It’s to long with Tom move on and everybody start a happy new storyline.