being okay with imperfection is so important! not all pieces will be a masterpiece and that's okay! having such high expectations of yourself is a sure way to get frustrated and just quit altogether. remember why you started drawing, relax and just have fun!
فَليسقُط دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) أشَرُّ الدَّواب بإذن اللهِ العَزيزِ الوَهَّاب؛ إنّ الله غالِبٌ على أمرِه ولَكِنَّ أكثَر النَّاس لا يَعلَمون .. اقتباس: "فاعلَموا عِلم اليَقين يا معشر أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أنّ الثَّعلب الماكِر الشِّرير دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) هو مَن وراء حروب العالَم المُستجّدة مِن وراء السِّتار حتى وهو خارج البيت الأبيض، وأمَّا الآن فيريد أن يُعلِنها جهارًا نهارًا ويظنّ نفسه القُوّة التي لا تُقهَر ويكيد كَيدًا ويكيد الله كَيدًا، ولسوف تعلمون مَن أسرع كَيدًا أيُّها المُجرِمون؛ بل أنتم وزعيمكم المَكيدون بإذن الله ربِّ العالمين، ألا إنَّ كَيد الله متينٌ ولسوف تعلمون أنت وأولياؤك يا أشَرّ الدَّواب دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump). ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه دين الله الحقّ (الإسلام) والمُسلمين، ونِيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه النَّصارى المُسالِمين الأقرَب مَودَّةً إلى المُسلمين، ونعلم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه المُسالمين من اليهود مع المُسلمين، ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه كُل مَن يتعاطَف مع شعب غَزَّة المُكرمين، ونعلم بنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أجمَعين المُتعاطِفين مع شعب فلسطين المَظلومين. ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُستَنكِرين جرائم حَرْب قَتْل الأطفال والنِّساء والمُستَضعَفين في غزَّة المُكرمة مِن أصحاب الضَّمير والرَّحمة الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين؛ كونك زعيم النِّمس الشِّرير (بن غفير) مُدلَّل المُجرِم (بنيامين نتن ياهو)، ولكن بن غفير هو رأس الفِتنة المُعتَدي على مُقَدَّسات المُسلِمين، ونعلم أنَّك زعيم شياطين البشر من الذين ينهون عن المَعروف ويأمرون بالمُنكَر، ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُسالِمين مع المُسلِمين من النَّصارى واليهود وعَدوٌ للمُسالِمين مع المُسلمين في الشَّعْب الأمريكيّ، ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ لكافَّة الشعوب العربيَّة والإسلاميَّة أجمَعين. ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ حَقودٌ على الشَّعْب اليَمانيّ الأبيّ العَرَبيّ، ولكنّي خَليفة الله على العالَم بأسرِه أُعلِنُ مِن وَسط عاصمة الخلافة الإسلامية العالميَّة (صنعاء) عن اقتراب نهاية ترامب (Trump) بأمرٍ من عند الله بِغض النَّظر عن ما سوف يُهلِكُكَ الله به؛ إنَّ الله على كُلِّ شَيءٍ قَديرٍ، مهما حرصت على أمْن نفسك فسوف تعلمُ ويعلَمُ العالَمُ بأسرِه أنّ الله بالغُ أمرهِ وأنَّ عَدوّ الله دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) لن يُعجِز الله في الأرض ولَن يُعجزه هَرَبًا، ولسوف يعلَمُ العالمُ بأسرِه حقيقةَ قول الله تعالى: {قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى ٱلْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُ بِيَدِكَ ٱلْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ ﴿٢٦﴾} صدق الله العظيم [سورة آل عمران]." - 🔴 الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ 03 - رجب - 1446 هـ | 03 - 01 - 2025 مـ الموقع لقراءة البيان كاملًا: البشرى الإسلامية والنبأ العظيم
As a 51 year old artist, I also advocate for the sketch book. It means you are never bored when your friends drag you to concerts and, added bonus, you can judge the venue’s level of security if you can get in without them noticing you carry a pencil sharpening knife.
My addition: Discipline beats motivation any day, and often discipline facilitates motivation. Waiting for motivation means you won't get much art done. Disciplining yourself to sit down and do the art regardless of how much motivation you have (or don't have) means you'll do a lot more art, and bonus, once you start you're more likely to keep going and find motivation joins you once you do begin. Great Video, Sam!
I do feel it's also important to stress taking breaks, yes drawing every day can be really good but I think you should be willing and okay to also take a day off or two and not be super depressed or stressed. Art is mentally taxing especially when learning new concepts you gotta have a nice balance along with proper sleep which I feel most artists and people in general now don't get enough really try and get 8 hours of sleep your art will be better for it, my art when I'm on 3 hours of sleep vs 6 hours is pretty jarringly different and between 6 hours of sleep vs 8 hours of sleep it's also jarringly different, rest and breaks are equally as important because without them we hinder the rate at which we can learn and develop these skills
@@MyNamesHunter75 yeah I didn’t want to mention it because I knew that they didn’t mean literally forcing ourselves all the time but moments like right now is to get up from your bed and practice new type of art lol
1. Challenge yourself, growth doesn’t bloom without work. 2. Use reference and expand your visually knowledge; don’t impart yourself with struggle. 3. Study your inspirations or art that catches your eye (where you want to be as an artist- also buy art books.) 4. Don’t be a perfectionist, you’ll learn better and create better quality this way without dread of getting the “perfect” detail. ( I myself used to struggle with this, I recommend just deadlining yourself) 5. Study your fundies, perspective, anatomy, colour, composition, tone and colour, structure and form. 6. Don’t stay too comfortable with the same medium, it’s in best interest to spread your wings on new lands for once. 7. Be an artist for yourself, DON’T MAKE DREED FOR YOURSELF, social media dose that to you. have fun :). 8. Have a sketchbook😩
My favorite 60 year old artist swinging out of the gate with very useful art tips that i try to say to myself at times even when get overwhelmed. thank you sam!
The being okay with imperfection point is still my biggest and most consistent hurdle, but every now and then, when I've able to push through it a bit, I've instantly had way more fun and was way happier with the end result than I normally would've been.
"Draw for yourself". I've had so many people tell me over the years that I should "do something" with my art, or get a career in that field. I draw because it's fun, and relaxing, and I like to finish something and then just smirk in appreciation. If I do it as a job, for someone else (and I have) it's no longer any of these things. The thing that relaxes me is no longer relaxing, and I just become the most grumpy person.
I think one habit that I really love is observing your own old art and seeing how it’s different from what you do today. I think redrawing old art once in awhile is also a really cool thing to do especially with pieces you were proud of so than you can see how it looks with your newly acquired art skills
Omg I love your art and you cannot fathom how fast I clicked this video. Your videos are the reason I started digital art and infact picked up my pace in traditional art as well!!!
i've heard someone say "get comfortable with being uncomfortable" and it changed my art journey. i'm not there yet, but it's nice to remind myself that you can't be good at everything and you gotta take risks and get out of your comfort zone to grow
Thanks, Dad. These are great tips. After a long hiatus I am drawing again, and with the pragmatism of age I have found I am naturally gravitating towards these types of practices. I feel like Ive made more progress in months than I had in years.
As an artist who has been drawing for 8 years at 17 years old, i still consider myself a beginner, it wasnt till 2021 where i found a style of art i like and started digital, i noticed so much progress ever since 2021, and thats because i started using references, but not only that, i found the artist i admire that influence my art style(i technically dont have 1 i actually have 3 but anyway), sam, love2drawmanga, wlop, hanacue, ross draws, arcane and spider verse. I still have a lot to learn even tho some people think my art is unbelievable because i draw in a hyper semi-realistic style, where the skin is realistic but the body and eyes are stylistic. Ty sam for encouraging me to start using references.❤
The sketchbook with the dates at the pages is so good advice, especially for motivation later on, because I can't express how much of a joy and excitement I feel whenever I open my old sketchbooks and look at them. How much I've learned, how much I have grown up, it's all there and it's really inspiring to proceed moving forward, because my old art is my forever reminder that all that I went through wasn't that useless as a tend to think whenever I'm facing an artblock or other or other difficulties on my way.
I feel like the most important thing is just like. If you’re an artist, you know all of this. You’ve heard it a thousand times before. *Try actually doing it*
I am used to drawing with pencil and nothing more, but as time passes, i am trying to draw with water colors and markers, which was a bit unusual at first, but this is the beauty of trying something new, something unusual and unsettling to u, and thats what makes the progress specially and interesting!
I'm so glad you posted this today! I was feeling really bad about struggling to learn the fundamentals and I needed the reminder that perfection is not the goal 🙏
Thank you ! So valuable advice. Draw what scares you (love this hahaha) 0:54 I wish I used reference before as well. I love Aaron Blaise style too. 2:15 Perfectionnism: no 3:03 Fondamentals are not overrated 3:59 Traditionnal art 4:29 Yes! I needed to hear that today 5:31 Sketchbook
You're a genuine help. I challenge myself to draw every single day this year to at least practice and learn the fundies, as you praise to call them. Watch an art baby growing up and keep sharing your wisdom through videos, old man. Feel appreciated for what you're doing!
Sam Yang. I would like to kindly show my appreciation for your walls, they're better than most walls I've lived inside, also appreciate the cookies you leave in the fridge outside, very mucu appreciated! Thank you.
4:42 is so real. I’ve posted a couple animatics on UA-cam and the only one that has gotten any traction is the one that took me the least amount of time. I literally thought the art was so bad (because of how rushed it was) that I originally didn’t want to post it. Meanwhile, the ones I took a zillion hours to finish and I thought would do well have not done so. But what’s important is that I finished and I’m proud of all of them anyway!
6, absolutely agreed. I've found that when switching to digital drawing, it feels more challenging but in a good way. such as linearting with fineliners instead of digital ink, not only is there not an undo button, but the process forces your brain to figure out how to fix or work around any mistakes. a lot of mistakes I've done in my art actually ended up improving it, due to having to make it look like it was intended, and leaves for a lot of creative freedom.
idk if its just me but, when i draw i like to hear music that matches the vibe of what im drawing, fx if i draw jinx, i listen to music that would match her vibe like rock, punk rebellious music. If yk what i mean
One thing I would like to also share from my own journey and that I've heard a lot of people fall into this trap after leaving the beginner stage don't just practice. I feel people stress Practice, practice, practice but really what it should be is practice, play, practice. For the longest time I only really did studies and practice and it really hindered my creativity and joy for art practice then draw something for you applying what you learned from practice and rinse and repeat. My personal art goals for 2025 is finish 2 sketchbooks, reconnect more with my creativity and improve vairious areas of art i've been avoid and am less good at (I hope youtube doesn't delete this comment as it tends to delete 60% of my comments as is and I refuse to write a 3 word comment.)
Dude I love your silly talk - never change. As an artist who is ALSO 30, I agree with everything wholeheartedly. I spent many years drawing what I thought other people wanted to see, and it really took away the love I had for art. Going back to it after years of hiatus I worked from the fundaments up to drawing things out of my comfort zone, resulting in drawing what I most wanted to do (*cough* sexymen *cough*) I found that looking at references while drawing really makes your brain wheels turn, and it honestly gets to a point where you just do things out of pure memory. I also used to spend WEEKS making 1 piece only for me to hate later. Nowadays I'm prioritizing learning techniques, anatomy, breaks(learned that forcing yourself to draw doesnt get you anywhere), and the fun of it - unless you're working for a client, if you're doing things for yourself and to learn, you should always prioritize what makes you the happiest.
Number 6 was so massive for me. Ive been playing with a toned sketchbook, ink, markers, graphite rendering, and all sorts of other stuff since my motherboard got fried. Ive been drawing "seriously" for 6 years now? And ive *never* put paint into a sketchbook before this phase??? Its SO fun putting some janky thin pen lines on top of a sketch and then just SLAPPING some acrylic on it
My mother got really mad for me using the ipad to always draw, Lol yelling stuff in Korean that I don’t even understand, but she’d tell me to draw or paint on paper, and now, I’ve found it so much easier to draw on digital paint than just on paper. sam came a long way to end up here, putting in the work man!
I would like to add: draw thumbnail sketches before diving into a piece right away Aside from composition, for me it also helped me to figure out what studies I need to do before starting the actual piece. I.e. how the pose I want to go for works, what perspective I need and what unfamiliar objects are in there. It really safes the hassle of trial and error on the actual piece.
Definitely agree with a lot of these points, it’s good to experiment and learn. Art is such an interactive experience and a lot of people focus too much on the end product than the process itself that makes art “art”.
As a recently 32yo who just graduated as a vet (my life has been hell for 7 yrs and I had no free time), I did art things during my break before starting work tomorrow! I've been watching you for like 2 yrs, would do anatomy sketches (like joints etc) that related directly to my studies, which was the only way I was able to justify the time for art.. In December I painted a small picture for my mum for Xmas (broke as hell rn), a portrait of my friends cats, did a sketch of a photo I love of my cat in black pen (my bf wants to frame it 🥰), and I embroidered something for another friend. None of the pieces were perfect but I'm so immensely proud of them and happy to be making stuff, all the tips I've banked from your vids have helped a lot ❤ I'll continue prioritising art when I start working, bc it makes me happy 😊
I just wanted to let you know that I've been watching you for almost two years now, and this year I finally started drawing again motivated by one of your rants about how it's never late to pick up the pen once again (last time I drew was in middle school and it was my favorite hobby until I lost myself in studies).
Sam: Keep a sketchbook. A place where you can draw without worry of judgement! Me: -Purposely shows other people my art weather good or bad- Honestly, from experience. Laughing at something you thought was terrible is better than hating it. It also encourages other artists that it's okay to make art that doesn't seem "perfect" and live with the mistakes. Mistakes give it character and change your view on your art. It all just depends on how you view it.
One tip i follow and it works for everything else too is, trust your mentor have the gratitude for them and ignore the haters and random people who doesn't know or care as much. :)
There might be lots of people we could learn from on the Internet, but your comedic timing, and the way you present your information is what makes your videos the ones I look forward to the most! ☺ I love all the other artists you listed in this video, but none of them are as funny as you! Lol. Cheering up the internet full of nervous art babies is a noble endeavor! Very much appreciated! 💕
something i like to do that my friends have noticed is that i put tiny notes on my art like inspo, OC lore, anatomy ref etc that its lowkey become my style also additional tip: work in grayscale to really understand shading and tonal differences (plus you can do the grayscale for digital pieces then overlay the color)
Dude the try new mediums one is *SOOO UNDERRATED* , I’m so happy he mentioned it. You should always be looking for something new to try, even if you’re not good at it, or you don’t like it, you won’t like all mediums and that’s OKAY! It’s always great to try a new one, you can always apply those techniques you used in that mediums for others, including digital, don’t be scared to try a new medium and not bring good at it. It’s worth it. Promise. Tysm Sam you’re just that dude.
No.4 is something I still struggle with since I often don't realize I'm spending too much time on one part of my art and it tends to burn me out xD but the way you worded it simply in a few minutes made me feel a bit better and slightly motivated, thank you for another video Sam 👏🏻
Best art habits I got were TIme, Immersion, and Confidence, which are the most important to form an improvement habit. It takes time to immerse yourself so try spending more time drawing, every effect has a cause, and sacrifice determines your result heavily, and to become confident you must be immersed. Do you know the feeling when everything goes to your liking? you feel somewhat invincible against your goal and it is so fun.
I just discovered your videos a couple weeks ago, and have been hooked ever since! Thank you Sam for all of your art tips that have helped me step out of my comfort zone with digital art
One of my siblings said you only draw yassified girls, Sam all I've seen are yassified girls but your art is amazing and I'm trying to become like you. Continuing teaching me grandfather.
YIPPEE SAM POSTED!!! i’ve been looking through your art book religiously, i finally got it for Christmas after a whole year! 🤭🤭 it’s been insanely helpful and i can’t wait to watch this video for more tips 😼
First of all, I absolutely love the art book! 🥰 I go back and reference it a lot since getting it. Second, I love how since starting drawing again I feel addicted to it in a way, I'll be laying down going to bed for work in the morning but still having this itch to keep drawing and it's a wonderful feeling. I'm so glad I fell back in love with drawing❤
I think its pretty awesome that i came watching this video to learn what im doing wrong but turns out i am doing all of things which boost my confidence
I learned the "keep on doing even tho it's not yet good" just like what you've said on one of your videos, that all of everyone's masterpiece is once a disappointment for them something like that HAHAHAHA. It's just, they keep on doing those disappointments until it becomes a masterpiece. But actually, now, I am so art blocked. It's frustrating for me when I get disappointed in my art. But then, I'm fighting, thanks to Sam as well because your videos make me want to draw HAHAHAHA. So I am watching and even rewatching your videos for me to be inspired or motivated. Thank you very much Sam!
Taking an art class isn’t required to be an artist, but it can give you a focused environment to study art. One thing any of my Art classes did from Middle School up into College, was encouraged me try different ways of creating art. I drew, painted, crafted, drafted, and sculpted. Both Traditionally and Digitally. Nowadays most of the things I learned probably have YT tutorials by now. But I still enjoyed the experience of learning from my teachers.
There was a time when I was so fixated on what Instagram liked and how perfect I wanted my paintings to look that I couldn't finish any paintings because they always looked like trash to me. I had to remind myself why I started drawing in the first place. Learning how to draw things was something I wanted to do for myself. It was a goal I set as a six-year-old kid and I had so much determination and passion to just learn and draw anything I could. When I draw without any expectations it turns out better and is more fun in the process.
i was just struggling to decide what i should draw and praying i wasnt about to go into art block when this popped up…thank you this is going to rejuvenate my motivation
I learned this from the artist Neytirix, and what she does is if she doesn’t like what one portion when doing the line art she creates a new layer, lower the opacity of the layer she did the line art, on the new layer begin sketching what might make it look better, once satisfied erase the area on the line art layer, finally combine those two layers. Never be afraid to fix something that you’ve already done the line art babies
A good art habit that has helped me. Is to doodle everyday. It can help with getting those creative juices flowing especially when your having art block. Doesn’t always work but have fun with it
Absolutely the best habits one can hear from every one of the great professional art UA-camrs (the ones that earn money from art, not UA-cam, and you, however you earn your money. And if it's UA-cam... good for you! At least I know now that you know what you're talking about... )! I think I should watch this video every two weeks so I don't forget these great habits! 👍
i knew all this stuff though i learnt em from u but watched the whole vid anyway coz it feels good to know that someone new is also watching it as i am. Then they gon use these and become a better artist.
Being okay with imperfection hit me in such a serious way. I recently drew something and thought it was great, so I showed it to my group of friends. The next day, I was in agony and I was redoing every little part that was bothering me, even with my friends saying it was great already. It turned out that I spent more than TWENTY-SIX HOURS fixing tiny things in a drawing. Did it get better? It did, but gosh... The result didn't even seem THAT different from the previous one. I got really stressed about it. I'll try to just go with the flow and not worry too much about what's good and what's not. Thanks for this video :)
i really like this channel. ive been drawing since i could practically hold a pencil and im 19 now, i know nothing about fundamentals and honestly i just draw to draw. I know like the ‘very basics’ and i want to improve. these art tips/suggestions helped me open my eyes in a new way! tyty sam :)
HAI I have a question! Is there like a actual proper way to draw or like sketch or can there be like other ways you can draw like an art style, like what I mean is what is a art style that is ACCEPTABLE to you (love you baby girl 😏)
an advice I have is mix up your techniques; for example, I don't always work with lines, I tend to think in shapes and 3D spaces so sometimes I draw the silhouette and refine it; sometimes I use thicker lines. and when i'm drawing more textured hair I do the colours before the lineart. don't be afraid to experiment with things like over painting, and using shapes instead of lines. trying different shading styles etc
The way I do most of these- very proud of myself and realise I may still not be the best at drawing but I’m not a beginner anymore 😭😭 - I was thinking of starting a UA-cam or instagram to post my art all because of you Sam so thank you so much for teaching me loads and giving me confidence in myself and art
Repeating patterns is great, that's what you should do to communicate a character. And so is not drawing *every little detail* before you give the drawing Spirit (Hallowe'en). Also you can never ever go wrong with a Sam vid, this is always such great stuff. Time to turn off brain (Not too much) and be happy.
At 29 and not a great artist, but still trying sometimes, I'm only just now starting to realize that perfectionism is bad actually. At least for me. It takes so much effort to flat out ignore something that I would otherwise get frustrated by, but I actually managed a finished piece, and learned a lot.
i think relying on references too much can also be detrimental! So as good as references r for building that mental library, we should learn to sometimes draw from our heads, get it wrong, then fix it instead of relying on references I think another healthy habit to have is whenever you look at someone else’s art, always view it with the mindset of what u can learn from it, and how it can inspire you over comparison. We all can appreciate great art, but it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, instead let it inspire and motivate you to draw rather than discourage
I started to draw this year (now 28) I got motivated by PiewDiePie 365 days video. Here is my plan: 1. I started with the Loomis method for the head 2. AFter a couple pages everybody looked like Saitama, so next was hair (currently at this stage) 3. Then I planned to draw gesture, for that I ordered "Point character drawing by Taco" 4. Hands and feet 5. Clothes and foldings 6. Shading 7. Human anatomy After that I will be able to draw a human in any position possible with any clothes and hair style that I want. For thex next year I want to use alcohol marker and learn how to draw animals and various objects like car, bycicle, plants, weapons etc... Any advice is welcome ;)
man. these are all good pieces of advice. the hardest part for me is as someone trying to learn solo.. I find the lack of structure to be difficult to contend with. i feel like someone that needs a rubric or lesson plan or something to follow along with even though i know i should just draw what i want
Tip 5 is important for me because you always hear that to get better you need to practice or just draw alot but the problem with that is that you never focus your practice. I used to draw A LOT when I was younger and I would barely improve because that was all I’d do just draw but now I improve much faster even though I draw way less and thats because I’m more mindful of why things are the way they are and my technique
4:35 That's something I stopped doing, even if I post everything I draw I actually never look at the likes or shares, rarely see comments unless is people I follow. I dont draw for social growth, I want to be an artist for my own selfish needs LMAO and fun fact, I'm applying the first tip right now, I'm very bad at clothing shading, but I decided to draw a character with an holographic design, I'm so uncomfortable cause I never did it. so yea, first step already done
Random thing that it took me 30 years to learn (got my first real sketchbook at like 10)... if you have "First Page Paralysis" for a sketchbook... skip it... skip 10... if the first drawing you make in it is on page 10, it doesn't matter if it sucks because it wasn't the first page. You didn't "ruin" your sketchbook. It lets you break the sketchbook without fear. Also, it doesn't matter what pages you draw on, they don't have to be in order, it doesn't have to be just one page, the crack doesn't matter. If you want the spread for a finished print later... hey, that's why we have paint programs now, we can remove the crack! Love to all!
Only mistakes we made are our own signature of we made that "thing" by hand. I will add one mistake most of artist dont do (no matter what lvl skill they are) is retracing of pictures. Specifically retracing contours of objects and their shadows, that's easiest way to power up of reference memory bank of artist.
Going back to the fundementals is so true! I had only started taking art classes/corses 5 into making art "seriously." And it really dose help. Could be as simple as the activities it puts you through giving you soecific practice on ways your brain dosn't normally go
No way I came in less than a min 😭
@@samdoesartsyou’re not sly we saw that pin 😭
Pause on that😶
just like me fr fr
im not actually 31 guys idk why google thinks i am
You’re 30? I thought you were like 18-20!!??
I'm a lawyer so how about we talk to Google
haha sure
you look 27 ngl. just a simple guess.
“1. Get uncomfortable”
*clicks off video for my own comfort* 😂
And that's why you'll never improve, trust me I know by experience.
@@stephaniekatie9 broo it was a joke 😭😭
@@stephaniekatie9 when u tell your parents a joke and they turn it into a life lesson 😂
@@stephaniekatie9 yes mom
@@stephaniekatie9 Sgt. Buzzkill in person
Stay strong, grandpa. Your art grand babies need your wisdom
being okay with imperfection is so important! not all pieces will be a masterpiece and that's okay! having such high expectations of yourself is a sure way to get frustrated and just quit altogether. remember why you started drawing, relax and just have fun!
Bro is a fax machine
@@samdoesartsfr tho
فَليسقُط دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) أشَرُّ الدَّواب بإذن اللهِ العَزيزِ الوَهَّاب؛ إنّ الله غالِبٌ على أمرِه ولَكِنَّ أكثَر النَّاس لا يَعلَمون ..
اقتباس: "فاعلَموا عِلم اليَقين يا معشر أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أنّ الثَّعلب الماكِر الشِّرير دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) هو مَن وراء حروب العالَم المُستجّدة مِن وراء السِّتار حتى وهو خارج البيت الأبيض، وأمَّا الآن فيريد أن يُعلِنها جهارًا نهارًا ويظنّ نفسه القُوّة التي لا تُقهَر ويكيد كَيدًا ويكيد الله كَيدًا، ولسوف تعلمون مَن أسرع كَيدًا أيُّها المُجرِمون؛ بل أنتم وزعيمكم المَكيدون بإذن الله ربِّ العالمين، ألا إنَّ كَيد الله متينٌ ولسوف تعلمون أنت وأولياؤك يا أشَرّ الدَّواب دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump).
ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه دين الله الحقّ (الإسلام) والمُسلمين، ونِيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه النَّصارى المُسالِمين الأقرَب مَودَّةً إلى المُسلمين، ونعلم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تجاه المُسالمين من اليهود مع المُسلمين، ونعلَم بِنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه كُل مَن يتعاطَف مع شعب غَزَّة المُكرمين، ونعلم بنيَّتك المُبيَّتة تِجاه أصحاب الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين أجمَعين المُتعاطِفين مع شعب فلسطين المَظلومين.
ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُستَنكِرين جرائم حَرْب قَتْل الأطفال والنِّساء والمُستَضعَفين في غزَّة المُكرمة مِن أصحاب الضَّمير والرَّحمة الإنسانيَّة في العالَمين؛ كونك زعيم النِّمس الشِّرير (بن غفير) مُدلَّل المُجرِم (بنيامين نتن ياهو)، ولكن بن غفير هو رأس الفِتنة المُعتَدي على مُقَدَّسات المُسلِمين، ونعلم أنَّك زعيم شياطين البشر من الذين ينهون عن المَعروف ويأمرون بالمُنكَر، ونعلم أنك عَدوٌّ مُبينٌ لكافَّة المُسالِمين مع المُسلِمين من النَّصارى واليهود وعَدوٌ للمُسالِمين مع المُسلمين في الشَّعْب الأمريكيّ، ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ لكافَّة الشعوب العربيَّة والإسلاميَّة أجمَعين.
ونعلَم أنَّك عَدوٌّ لَدودٌ حَقودٌ على الشَّعْب اليَمانيّ الأبيّ العَرَبيّ، ولكنّي خَليفة الله على العالَم بأسرِه أُعلِنُ مِن وَسط عاصمة الخلافة الإسلامية العالميَّة (صنعاء) عن اقتراب نهاية ترامب (Trump) بأمرٍ من عند الله بِغض النَّظر عن ما سوف يُهلِكُكَ الله به؛ إنَّ الله على كُلِّ شَيءٍ قَديرٍ، مهما حرصت على أمْن نفسك فسوف تعلمُ ويعلَمُ العالَمُ بأسرِه أنّ الله بالغُ أمرهِ وأنَّ عَدوّ الله دونالد ترامب (Donald Trump) لن يُعجِز الله في الأرض ولَن يُعجزه هَرَبًا، ولسوف يعلَمُ العالمُ بأسرِه حقيقةَ قول الله تعالى: {قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَٰلِكَ ٱلْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِى ٱلْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُ بِيَدِكَ ٱلْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ ﴿٢٦﴾} صدق الله العظيم [سورة آل عمران]."
- 🔴
الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ
03 - رجب - 1446 هـ | 03 - 01 - 2025 مـ
الموقع لقراءة البيان كاملًا: البشرى الإسلامية والنبأ العظيم
@@samdoesartsHELP 😭
As a 51 year old artist, I also advocate for the sketch book. It means you are never bored when your friends drag you to concerts and, added bonus, you can judge the venue’s level of security if you can get in without them noticing you carry a pencil sharpening knife.
My addition: Discipline beats motivation any day, and often discipline facilitates motivation. Waiting for motivation means you won't get much art done. Disciplining yourself to sit down and do the art regardless of how much motivation you have (or don't have) means you'll do a lot more art, and bonus, once you start you're more likely to keep going and find motivation joins you once you do begin.
Great Video, Sam!
This. Just what I was feeling right now. I needed this, thank you.
@@calmdeadtries You're welcome!
I'm a motivational junkie so this just punched me in the gut 😭
I do feel it's also important to stress taking breaks, yes drawing every day can be really good but I think you should be willing and okay to also take a day off or two and not be super depressed or stressed. Art is mentally taxing especially when learning new concepts you gotta have a nice balance along with proper sleep which I feel most artists and people in general now don't get enough really try and get 8 hours of sleep your art will be better for it, my art when I'm on 3 hours of sleep vs 6 hours is pretty jarringly different and between 6 hours of sleep vs 8 hours of sleep it's also jarringly different, rest and breaks are equally as important because without them we hinder the rate at which we can learn and develop these skills
@@MyNamesHunter75 yeah I didn’t want to mention it because I knew that they didn’t mean literally forcing ourselves all the time but moments like right now is to get up from your bed and practice new type of art lol
1. Challenge yourself, growth doesn’t bloom without work.
2. Use reference and expand your visually knowledge; don’t impart yourself with struggle.
3. Study your inspirations or art that catches your eye (where you want to be as an artist- also buy art books.)
4. Don’t be a perfectionist, you’ll learn better and create better quality this way without dread of getting the “perfect” detail. ( I myself used to struggle with this, I recommend just deadlining yourself)
5. Study your fundies, perspective, anatomy, colour, composition, tone and colour, structure and form.
6. Don’t stay too comfortable with the same medium, it’s in best interest to spread your wings on new lands for once.
7. Be an artist for yourself, DON’T MAKE DREED FOR YOURSELF, social media dose that to you. have fun :).
8. Have a sketchbook😩
My favorite 60 year old artist swinging out of the gate with very useful art tips that i try to say to myself at times even when get overwhelmed. thank you sam!
I'm so happy to see New video because lately I've been watching your 4 years old videos and thank you for doing what you are doing 🫡
It's insane i been doing this 4 years already 🥲
Did he !?
Sam does upload
The being okay with imperfection point is still my biggest and most consistent hurdle, but every now and then, when I've able to push through it a bit, I've instantly had way more fun and was way happier with the end result than I normally would've been.
"Draw for yourself". I've had so many people tell me over the years that I should "do something" with my art, or get a career in that field.
I draw because it's fun, and relaxing, and I like to finish something and then just smirk in appreciation. If I do it as a job, for someone else (and I have) it's no longer any of these things. The thing that relaxes me is no longer relaxing, and I just become the most grumpy person.
0:53 jokes on you I can ONLY draw with references
"Mental library?" Don't know her
I was thinking the exact same thing 💀💀
Same here 😂😂😂
Thought I was the only one lol
yall are not alone in this
"Looking good today" is the most reassuring thing sam's said to us, ever.
I think one habit that I really love is observing your own old art and seeing how it’s different from what you do today. I think redrawing old art once in awhile is also a really cool thing to do especially with pieces you were proud of so than you can see how it looks with your newly acquired art skills
‘I’m still garbage, but not as smelly.’ I’m gonna use that later
Omg I love your art and you cannot fathom how fast I clicked this video. Your videos are the reason I started digital art and infact picked up my pace in traditional art as well!!!
i've heard someone say "get comfortable with being uncomfortable" and it changed my art journey. i'm not there yet, but it's nice to remind myself that you can't be good at everything and you gotta take risks and get out of your comfort zone to grow
Thanks, Dad. These are great tips. After a long hiatus I am drawing again, and with the pragmatism of age I have found I am naturally gravitating towards these types of practices. I feel like Ive made more progress in months than I had in years.
As an artist who has been drawing for 8 years at 17 years old, i still consider myself a beginner, it wasnt till 2021 where i found a style of art i like and started digital, i noticed so much progress ever since 2021, and thats because i started using references, but not only that, i found the artist i admire that influence my art style(i technically dont have 1 i actually have 3 but anyway), sam, love2drawmanga, wlop, hanacue, ross draws, arcane and spider verse. I still have a lot to learn even tho some people think my art is unbelievable because i draw in a hyper semi-realistic style, where the skin is realistic but the body and eyes are stylistic. Ty sam for encouraging me to start using references.❤
father sam has provided
The sketchbook with the dates at the pages is so good advice, especially for motivation later on, because I can't express how much of a joy and excitement I feel whenever I open my old sketchbooks and look at them. How much I've learned, how much I have grown up, it's all there and it's really inspiring to proceed moving forward, because my old art is my forever reminder that all that I went through wasn't that useless as a tend to think whenever I'm facing an artblock or other or other difficulties on my way.
I feel like the most important thing is just like. If you’re an artist, you know all of this. You’ve heard it a thousand times before.
*Try actually doing it*
I am used to drawing with pencil and nothing more, but as time passes, i am trying to draw with water colors and markers, which was a bit unusual at first, but this is the beauty of trying something new, something unusual and unsettling to u, and thats what makes the progress specially and interesting!
I'm so glad you posted this today! I was feeling really bad about struggling to learn the fundamentals and I needed the reminder that perfection is not the goal 🙏
Thank you ! So valuable advice.
Draw what scares you (love this hahaha)
0:54 I wish I used reference before as well. I love Aaron Blaise style too.
2:15 Perfectionnism: no
3:03 Fondamentals are not overrated
3:59 Traditionnal art
4:29 Yes! I needed to hear that today
5:31 Sketchbook
You're a genuine help. I challenge myself to draw every single day this year to at least practice and learn the fundies, as you praise to call them. Watch an art baby growing up and keep sharing your wisdom through videos, old man. Feel appreciated for what you're doing!
Sam Yang. I would like to kindly show my appreciation for your walls, they're better than most walls I've lived inside, also appreciate the cookies you leave in the fridge outside, very mucu appreciated! Thank you.
4:42 is so real. I’ve posted a couple animatics on UA-cam and the only one that has gotten any traction is the one that took me the least amount of time. I literally thought the art was so bad (because of how rushed it was) that I originally didn’t want to post it. Meanwhile, the ones I took a zillion hours to finish and I thought would do well have not done so. But what’s important is that I finished and I’m proud of all of them anyway!
fr! I threw together a 7 second animation (flat color, no bg) in the span of like 3 hours and that's my top viewed video 💀
6, absolutely agreed. I've found that when switching to digital drawing, it feels more challenging but in a good way. such as linearting with fineliners instead of digital ink, not only is there not an undo button, but the process forces your brain to figure out how to fix or work around any mistakes. a lot of mistakes I've done in my art actually ended up improving it, due to having to make it look like it was intended, and leaves for a lot of creative freedom.
idk if its just me but, when i draw i like to hear music that matches the vibe of what im drawing, fx if i draw jinx, i listen to music that would match her vibe like rock, punk rebellious music. If yk what i mean
That's so real I also just drew jinx while listening to Wasteland. Do you post your art anywhere?
One thing I would like to also share from my own journey and that I've heard a lot of people fall into this trap after leaving the beginner stage don't just practice. I feel people stress Practice, practice, practice but really what it should be is practice, play, practice. For the longest time I only really did studies and practice and it really hindered my creativity and joy for art practice then draw something for you applying what you learned from practice and rinse and repeat. My personal art goals for 2025 is finish 2 sketchbooks, reconnect more with my creativity and improve vairious areas of art i've been avoid and am less good at
(I hope youtube doesn't delete this comment as it tends to delete 60% of my comments as is and I refuse to write a 3 word comment.)
0:14 I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear you say that.
Dude I love your silly talk - never change. As an artist who is ALSO 30, I agree with everything wholeheartedly.
I spent many years drawing what I thought other people wanted to see, and it really took away the love I had for art. Going back to it after years of hiatus I worked from the fundaments up to drawing things out of my comfort zone, resulting in drawing what I most wanted to do (*cough* sexymen *cough*)
I found that looking at references while drawing really makes your brain wheels turn, and it honestly gets to a point where you just do things out of pure memory. I also used to spend WEEKS making 1 piece only for me to hate later. Nowadays I'm prioritizing learning techniques, anatomy, breaks(learned that forcing yourself to draw doesnt get you anywhere), and the fun of it - unless you're working for a client, if you're doing things for yourself and to learn, you should always prioritize what makes you the happiest.
The sketchbook advice and medium switch is true! The tactile feel of sketching pencil and paper is unmatched.
Number 6 was so massive for me. Ive been playing with a toned sketchbook, ink, markers, graphite rendering, and all sorts of other stuff since my motherboard got fried.
Ive been drawing "seriously" for 6 years now? And ive *never* put paint into a sketchbook before this phase??? Its SO fun putting some janky thin pen lines on top of a sketch and then just SLAPPING some acrylic on it
you know what else is massive? lowwwwwwww
You know is going to be a better day when sam upload a video
My mother got really mad for me using the ipad to always draw, Lol yelling stuff in Korean that I don’t even understand, but she’d tell me to draw or paint on paper, and now, I’ve found it so much easier to draw on digital paint than just on paper. sam came a long way to end up here, putting in the work man!
I would like to add: draw thumbnail sketches before diving into a piece right away
Aside from composition, for me it also helped me to figure out what studies I need to do before starting the actual piece. I.e. how the pose I want to go for works, what perspective I need and what unfamiliar objects are in there. It really safes the hassle of trial and error on the actual piece.
Definitely agree with a lot of these points, it’s good to experiment and learn. Art is such an interactive experience and a lot of people focus too much on the end product than the process itself that makes art “art”.
As a recently 32yo who just graduated as a vet (my life has been hell for 7 yrs and I had no free time), I did art things during my break before starting work tomorrow!
I've been watching you for like 2 yrs, would do anatomy sketches (like joints etc) that related directly to my studies, which was the only way I was able to justify the time for art..
In December I painted a small picture for my mum for Xmas (broke as hell rn), a portrait of my friends cats, did a sketch of a photo I love of my cat in black pen (my bf wants to frame it 🥰), and I embroidered something for another friend. None of the pieces were perfect but I'm so immensely proud of them and happy to be making stuff, all the tips I've banked from your vids have helped a lot ❤
I'll continue prioritising art when I start working, bc it makes me happy 😊
I just wanted to let you know that I've been watching you for almost two years now, and this year I finally started drawing again motivated by one of your rants about how it's never late to pick up the pen once again (last time I drew was in middle school and it was my favorite hobby until I lost myself in studies).
when i get something i love i get really happy for a second, then get bored, that is my worst enemy above thumbs.
You’re not a failure Sam, your art is amazing and you’re my role model
Sam: Keep a sketchbook. A place where you can draw without worry of judgement!
Me: -Purposely shows other people my art weather good or bad-
Honestly, from experience. Laughing at something you thought was terrible is better than hating it. It also encourages other artists that it's okay to make art that doesn't seem "perfect" and live with the mistakes. Mistakes give it character and change your view on your art. It all just depends on how you view it.
One tip i follow and it works for everything else too is, trust your mentor have the gratitude for them and ignore the haters and random people who doesn't know or care as much. :)
I'm so happy that you made this video Sam! I've been binge watching alot of videos like these lately.
4:09 sculpting or molding clay is also great
There might be lots of people we could learn from on the Internet, but your comedic timing, and the way you present your information is what makes your videos the ones I look forward to the most! ☺ I love all the other artists you listed in this video, but none of them are as funny as you! Lol.
Cheering up the internet full of nervous art babies is a noble endeavor! Very much appreciated! 💕
something i like to do that my friends have noticed is that i put tiny notes on my art like inspo, OC lore, anatomy ref etc that its lowkey become my style
also additional tip: work in grayscale to really understand shading and tonal differences (plus you can do the grayscale for digital pieces then overlay the color)
I swear this guy built one of the most wholsome comunities in yt, and I am here for it!
Dude the try new mediums one is *SOOO UNDERRATED* , I’m so happy he mentioned it. You should always be looking for something new to try, even if you’re not good at it, or you don’t like it, you won’t like all mediums and that’s OKAY! It’s always great to try a new one, you can always apply those techniques you used in that mediums for others, including digital, don’t be scared to try a new medium and not bring good at it. It’s worth it. Promise. Tysm Sam you’re just that dude.
No.4 is something I still struggle with since I often don't realize I'm spending too much time on one part of my art and it tends to burn me out xD but the way you worded it simply in a few minutes made me feel a bit better and slightly motivated, thank you for another video Sam 👏🏻
я так сильно люблю такие "разговорные" видео Сэма они меня мотивируют и вдохновляют ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Best art habits I got were TIme, Immersion, and Confidence, which are the most important to form an improvement habit. It takes time to immerse yourself so try spending more time drawing, every effect has a cause, and sacrifice determines your result heavily,
and to become confident you must be immersed. Do you know the feeling when everything goes to your liking? you feel somewhat invincible against your goal and it is so fun.
2:56 SamDoesAnimations!!!!
Shocking 😂
I just discovered your videos a couple weeks ago, and have been hooked ever since! Thank you Sam for all of your art tips that have helped me step out of my comfort zone with digital art
One of my siblings said you only draw yassified girls, Sam all I've seen are yassified girls but your art is amazing and I'm trying to become like you. Continuing teaching me grandfather.
YIPPEE SAM POSTED!!! i’ve been looking through your art book religiously, i finally got it for Christmas after a whole year! 🤭🤭 it’s been insanely helpful and i can’t wait to watch this video for more tips 😼
First of all, I absolutely love the art book! 🥰 I go back and reference it a lot since getting it. Second, I love how since starting drawing again I feel addicted to it in a way, I'll be laying down going to bed for work in the morning but still having this itch to keep drawing and it's a wonderful feeling. I'm so glad I fell back in love with drawing❤
I think its pretty awesome that i came watching this video to learn what im doing wrong but turns out i am doing all of things which boost my confidence
1:28 trash? Definitely, a golden trash bag sam
I learned the "keep on doing even tho it's not yet good" just like what you've said on one of your videos, that all of everyone's masterpiece is once a disappointment for them something like that HAHAHAHA. It's just, they keep on doing those disappointments until it becomes a masterpiece.
But actually, now, I am so art blocked. It's frustrating for me when I get disappointed in my art. But then, I'm fighting, thanks to Sam as well because your videos make me want to draw HAHAHAHA. So I am watching and even rewatching your videos for me to be inspired or motivated. Thank you very much Sam!
Taking an art class isn’t required to be an artist, but it can give you a focused environment to study art. One thing any of my Art classes did from Middle School up into College, was encouraged me try different ways of creating art. I drew, painted, crafted, drafted, and sculpted. Both Traditionally and Digitally. Nowadays most of the things I learned probably have YT tutorials by now. But I still enjoyed the experience of learning from my teachers.
There was a time when I was so fixated on what Instagram liked and how perfect I wanted my paintings to look that I couldn't finish any paintings because they always looked like trash to me.
I had to remind myself why I started drawing in the first place. Learning how to draw things was something I wanted to do for myself. It was a goal I set as a six-year-old kid and I had so much determination and passion to just learn and draw anything I could.
When I draw without any expectations it turns out better and is more fun in the process.
i was just struggling to decide what i should draw and praying i wasnt about to go into art block when this popped up…thank you this is going to rejuvenate my motivation
The way you talk about artist you look to is going to be the way we talk about you in the future as a artist we look up to
I learned this from the artist Neytirix, and what she does is if she doesn’t like what one portion when doing the line art she creates a new layer, lower the opacity of the layer she did the line art, on the new layer begin sketching what might make it look better, once satisfied erase the area on the line art layer, finally combine those two layers.
Never be afraid to fix something that you’ve already done the line art babies
Perfectionism is the killer of good.
A good art habit that has helped me. Is to doodle everyday. It can help with getting those creative juices flowing especially when your having art block. Doesn’t always work but have fun with it
I think your sketchbook looks like a work of art in itself 😮You're very talented. Artists never fail to amaze me ☺
Absolutely the best habits one can hear from every one of the great professional art UA-camrs (the ones that earn money from art, not UA-cam, and you, however you earn your money. And if it's UA-cam... good for you! At least I know now that you know what you're talking about... )! I think I should watch this video every two weeks so I don't forget these great habits! 👍
i knew all this stuff though i learnt em from u but watched the whole vid anyway coz it feels good to know that someone new is also watching it as i am. Then they gon use these and become a better artist.
Being okay with imperfection hit me in such a serious way. I recently drew something and thought it was great, so I showed it to my group of friends. The next day, I was in agony and I was redoing every little part that was bothering me, even with my friends saying it was great already. It turned out that I spent more than TWENTY-SIX HOURS fixing tiny things in a drawing. Did it get better? It did, but gosh... The result didn't even seem THAT different from the previous one. I got really stressed about it.
I'll try to just go with the flow and not worry too much about what's good and what's not. Thanks for this video :)
you're the type of art papa that every "young" and young artist needs :"))) thank you Sam!
i really like this channel. ive been drawing since i could practically hold a pencil and im 19 now, i know nothing about fundamentals and honestly i just draw to draw. I know like the ‘very basics’ and i want to improve. these art tips/suggestions helped me open my eyes in a new way! tyty sam :)
HAI I have a question! Is there like a actual proper way to draw or like sketch or can there be like other ways you can draw like an art style, like what I mean is what is a art style that is ACCEPTABLE to you (love you baby girl 😏)
The puppy blinking at the end just 🥰 too cute! Great video! Sometimes really need to hear this advice.
an advice I have is mix up your techniques; for example, I don't always work with lines, I tend to think in shapes and 3D spaces so sometimes I draw the silhouette and refine it; sometimes I use thicker lines. and when i'm drawing more textured hair I do the colours before the lineart.
don't be afraid to experiment with things like over painting, and using shapes instead of lines.
trying different shading styles etc
I can't wait for 60 year old Sam Does Art. You will be a hilarious old man and your grandchildren will huddle around to listen to your stories. 😁
as soon as i saw you posted i clicked 😭😭😊
The way I do most of these- very proud of myself and realise I may still not be the best at drawing but I’m not a beginner anymore 😭😭 - I was thinking of starting a UA-cam or instagram to post my art all because of you Sam so thank you so much for teaching me loads and giving me confidence in myself and art
9 - Don't be jealous , take inspirations
Repeating patterns is great, that's what you should do to communicate a character. And so is not drawing *every little detail* before you give the drawing Spirit (Hallowe'en).
Also you can never ever go wrong with a Sam vid, this is always such great stuff. Time to turn off brain (Not too much) and be happy.
At 29 and not a great artist, but still trying sometimes, I'm only just now starting to realize that perfectionism is bad actually. At least for me. It takes so much effort to flat out ignore something that I would otherwise get frustrated by, but I actually managed a finished piece, and learned a lot.
i think relying on references too much can also be detrimental! So as good as references r for building that mental library, we should learn to sometimes draw from our heads, get it wrong, then fix it instead of relying on references
I think another healthy habit to have is whenever you look at someone else’s art, always view it with the mindset of what u can learn from it, and how it can inspire you over comparison. We all can appreciate great art, but it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, instead let it inspire and motivate you to draw rather than discourage
I started to draw this year (now 28) I got motivated by PiewDiePie 365 days video.
Here is my plan:
1. I started with the Loomis method for the head
2. AFter a couple pages everybody looked like Saitama, so next was hair (currently at this stage)
3. Then I planned to draw gesture, for that I ordered "Point character drawing by Taco"
4. Hands and feet
5. Clothes and foldings
6. Shading
7. Human anatomy
After that I will be able to draw a human in any position possible with any clothes and hair style that I want.
For thex next year I want to use alcohol marker and learn how to draw animals and various objects like car, bycicle, plants, weapons etc...
Any advice is welcome ;)
man. these are all good pieces of advice.
the hardest part for me is as someone trying to learn solo.. I find the lack of structure to be difficult to contend with.
i feel like someone that needs a rubric or lesson plan or something to follow along with even though i know i should just draw what i want
happy 31st birthday sam! Youre closer to your 40s than ever before!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Tip 5 is important for me because you always hear that to get better you need to practice or just draw alot but the problem with that is that you never focus your practice. I used to draw A LOT when I was younger and I would barely improve because that was all I’d do just draw but now I improve much faster even though I draw way less and thats because I’m more mindful of why things are the way they are and my technique
I can’t say I hit my head trying to make things perfect, I hit my head trying to make things the way I want them to look.
'hi there you look good today. shit" that's how I speak to my crush😭
I don't know who made the concept that "15likes" is less. Just imagine 15 people think your art is fabulous in real life or in person! Damnnn! 5:01
4:35 That's something I stopped doing, even if I post everything I draw I actually never look at the likes or shares, rarely see comments unless is people I follow. I dont draw for social growth, I want to be an artist for my own selfish needs LMAO
and fun fact, I'm applying the first tip right now, I'm very bad at clothing shading, but I decided to draw a character with an holographic design, I'm so uncomfortable cause I never did it. so yea, first step already done
i love you sam
Random thing that it took me 30 years to learn (got my first real sketchbook at like 10)... if you have "First Page Paralysis" for a sketchbook... skip it... skip 10... if the first drawing you make in it is on page 10, it doesn't matter if it sucks because it wasn't the first page. You didn't "ruin" your sketchbook. It lets you break the sketchbook without fear. Also, it doesn't matter what pages you draw on, they don't have to be in order, it doesn't have to be just one page, the crack doesn't matter. If you want the spread for a finished print later... hey, that's why we have paint programs now, we can remove the crack! Love to all!
Only mistakes we made are our own signature of we made that "thing" by hand.
I will add one mistake most of artist dont do (no matter what lvl skill they are) is retracing of pictures. Specifically retracing contours of objects and their shadows, that's easiest way to power up of reference memory bank of artist.
I am a digital tablet since the beginning (that i started seriiously) and recently got an ipad. Is that enough discomfort?
Going back to the fundementals is so true!
I had only started taking art classes/corses 5 into making art "seriously." And it really dose help. Could be as simple as the activities it puts you through giving you soecific practice on ways your brain dosn't normally go