Need to differentiate Unilateral Declaration of Independence (1965) when the colonial Rhodesian government declared independence from British( colonial authority) control. This was not independence for Africans, but independence for whites in Rhodesia to control the country and Africans. Africans only gained political independence in 1980 after a protracted armed struggle that was resolved through a negotiated settlement during the UK facilitated Lancaster House conference.
Zimbabwe gained independence from colonial rule in 1980 not 1964. Beautifully presented. Thank you
Extremely well presented.
Nice madam
Need to differentiate Unilateral Declaration of Independence (1965) when the colonial Rhodesian government declared independence from British( colonial authority) control. This was not independence for Africans, but independence for whites in Rhodesia to control the country and Africans. Africans only gained political independence in 1980 after a protracted armed struggle that was resolved through a negotiated settlement during the UK facilitated Lancaster House conference.
Thank you.
thank you