He sings BEVAR Christiana = preserve Christiania (save it) Original this song is meant for Oslo which one time was called this. But since this gig was at Vega, Copenhagen they sing the song for the freetown in Copenhagen which is called Christiania and they want it to be save so it can stay as it is.
This is one of those songs that are so beautiful it makes your stomach turn. Seriously.
He sings BEVAR Christiana = preserve Christiania (save it)
Original this song is meant for Oslo which one time was called this. But since this gig was at Vega, Copenhagen they sing the song for the freetown in Copenhagen which is called Christiania and they want it to be save so it can stay as it is.
klasse lied, ganz toll.
elsker den
en af deres bedste !
Versteh kein Wort - aber trotzdem ein Suuuper Lied
@dangereauxdangerful They're singing "Det var Christiania", or it was Christiania.
da verpasst du echt was... Norwegisch is gar nicht so schwer ;)