The whole "adhd as a crutch" argument is just like telling someone with glasses that they're cheating to get super vision or telling someone in a wheel chair to stop being lazy and walk.
it's especially rich because often some of the worst critics are people who are -undiagnosed themselves-. Like "how dare that person get accommodations/medication to help with their brain bees! They should just learn to horribly repress and mask until it makes them bitter like a normal person, like me!". Like... yeesh
Someone actually told me to walk one day - I can get up, I can't walk, but someone saw me get up and thought I could walk... Well, it was embarrassing for them when I said "Well, do you wanna see me crawl on the floor? I can do that! That's the only way I can move without a wheelchair"
ADHD people get more time, people that need glasses are moved closer to the chalkboard, and people with wheelchairs get the best spots in a parking lot garage or otherwise. There is no difference. They need additional aid, so they get it
Litteraly. Last year, I slammed my foot; I was already in my 30s, but lived with my parents for a few monthes while I was searching a home to buy. My foot wasn't broken (I think... no one wanted to drive me to the hospital), but it hurt so much I couldn't walk. I had to BEG my mother for a few days so she would buy me crutches. x) I couldn't go buy them myself, as I couldn't walk, let alone drive. PS: I live in a country with very good healthcare. So, going to the hospital or having medicaments is never expensive. But, my mom, who is a nurse, never accepts that my brother, my father and I can be sick. The all world can be sick, but not us. x)
Well yes but actually no If I had a broken leg and no crutch I could move around It wouldn't be easy and it would be slow as hell. But I could crawl and move still. Maybe 'move around with dignity' may have been better phrasing
Agreed! Like, "[Accommodation] is a crutch!", So you agree, they're walking through life with a proverbial broken leg and will require help throughout their life?
The 'as a crutch' comment just reminded me that when I told my mother my doctor was recommending I look into getting a wheelchair, she said she didn't want me to as it'd be a crutch....I pointed out I cannot walk without crutches and the pressure was destroying my shoulders hence wheelchair. Like, wtf??
Oof, that sucks. My friend (who lives on her own but mainly funded by her mother) ended up having me buy her a power chair and then gradually paying me back so she could get one behind her mother's back. Keeps it in storage or at a friend's when her mom visits.
🤦 bro wtf crutches are geniuly hard for long term use that's why canes, walkers, rolletters, and the special arm crutches (like the ones that is like a cane but there's an arm cuff n stuff) Although canes and those might be a good option for you walking shorter distances without a wheel chair. Some people only use it which is valid but if you have mobility sometimes it's easier to be able to use these if your just walking around the house
The best response to "Maybe you haven't met the right person yet" I have heard it's "Have you ever wanted to duck a Cactus? No? Maybe you haven't met the right Cactus yet"
Personally I like to make it more personal by asking their sexuality, then turning on them. Ie. If they're a straight cis man "How do you know you're straight if you've never been bent over a table and taken to Broke Back Mountain by Daddy?" They take it far more seriously when it's their own sexuality being called into question rather than using a funny but unrealistic analogy.
I once heard a comment that still makes me giggle. “My Dad always looks at me and says ‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure’ and I still maintain that it’s the weirdest way to find out you’re adopted.”
This is almost on the same level as an adoptive family using a Mafia-esque blood ritual and backing it up with the "blood is thicker than water" saying.
I told my kids that if they were denied bathroom access to go anyway and I would handle any issues with the school. It's cruel to force someone to possibly soil themselves, especially in a group setting because of a power trip. I am particularly triggered by this issue because I have serious medical issues that make access to bathrooms critical. Urgency and pain are horrible enough. Unnecessarily making life even harder by denying bathroom access over a power trip is just cruelty. There's already too much unnecessary negativity surrounding bodily functions.
In some cases it isn’t necessarily a power trip (but it is still definitely possible) and sometimes it can just be anxiety that the teacher can have when they don’t know what their student is doing, since they could be chatting to a friend, or just bunking the lesson, which may, or may not, lead to losing her job (I don’t know, I’m just making an assumption) for not being more careful around what their students are doing. Either way, I still 100% agree with what you’re doing, because going to the toilet is a human need, my mum does it with me herself.
I used to have a similar problem at work, i was shamed that i needed to go to the toilet. The problem was the work enviroment since sins then i got a new job at which one of my coworkers (who also is the team leader) have medication that forcess him to go to the toilet around once ever or other hour
yeah it's sad that op was so shy about just leaving. No one would have done stuff like that to me at 16, I was too rebellious. would have just got up and walked out and dealt with the consequences later.
@@TR3xxy_ I would ask to go and no actually use it I'd get water walk to the bathroom because I was anxious. Even so even normal students need a brain break but neurodivergent students may need it more
Me too I don't get an just an urge I get pain or if I do it's pain and out of nowhere extreme urgency. I don't get signals until I gotta go right away most of the time. I have bowl incontinence issues too so you do not want to tell me no
Utah has set up a tipline to report trans people for using “The wrong bathroom”. Yes, you can attach images. Definitely don’t find it and spam it with memes and “other” images.
Can you provide a link? I totally won't spam it with my fanfic collection. Edit: I just found out they require an email so I'm not sure I want to do it. Maybe I should make a throw away email for stuff like this. Edit 2: Believable made up stories about fake trans people are apparently better than shitpost, as they waste resources, so I may do it instead.
Wouldn't it be a shame if we all just so happened to send photos of the state lawmakers that think its ok to take pictures of people in the bathroom. deffinitely don't do that
"How do you know you're ace if you never did the deed?" How do you know you don't like hugging cactus if you never tried it? Go ahead, hug the cactus! Or better yet, shove it up somewhere.
Reminds me of the bit from a fairly popular comedian that goes a bit like this: "I don't have to be a pilot to know that a helicopter in a tree means someone screwed up."
If they're hetero I just ask them how they know they wouldn't like the same gender (but more crudely)... They usually say something like "that's different", no it definitely is not. A few will actually get it when you say that.
@@JessicaO490Z I agree with you and just want to add a fun, personal anecdote. My father is hetero and he actually did have sex with a guy once, purely to make sure he REALLY isn't into it and isn't just missing out because of social pressure. This was HIS PERSONAL decision and NOTHING ELSE would have been ok, this is ABSOLUTELY NOT what anyone has to do!! Just don't get me wrong! I just find it funny, because, well, it kinda is?
The "Why are you wearing a mask" people are so obnoxious. It's all freedom and personal choices until someone makes a different choice than they would themselves.
The only situation I’d say asking this question in is ok is in a large group choir with uniforms. One of my friends always wore a mask to rehearsal because it made them more comfortable… but then nobody could hear them ‘cause the mask was in the way of their already quiet voice. Like sure, it’s cool to wear a mask if it makes you comfy, but it’s maybe not the best choice when doing activities that require an open, unobstructed mouth.
As a German this question triggers other thoughts 😂😂😂 There is an adult video that has one of the stupidest introducting. A woman shows a handyman who is wearing a robbery mask a power box he should fix next to a straw bale. He then asks why there are straws laying around and she asks him why he is wearing a mask and he suggests she should give him the head 😂😂 It makes no sense but this conversation has become part of our pop culture anyway. Like "why are straws laying around here? 😏" "That is for the hamster, now put back on your pants!" and during covid the "why are you wearing a mask?" had a great comeback. But despite of this weird pop culture thing, I agree with you that it should be an individual thing if people want to wear masks or not.
Maybe they think it's only if violence is involved ignoring how 'consensual [forcing]' is a legal term (if this id in america) Tldr consensual forcing is when someone agrees because of an impairing substance not because they want it. NEVER have your first time with someone inebriated
Redefining both r-wording and the concept of something being forced in what I was gonna call one smooth motion, but really it's about as smooth as sandpaper. Just because it doesn't involve literal physical force (which what he advocates still does to some extent, for reasons I'd rather not describe in any detail) doesn't mean it's not forced on someone.
Yah, those date r*pe drugs are heavy coercion, forcing the victim into a vulnerable state whether they wouldn't resist if they wanted to. I hate that some university guys have practically gotten away with r*pe because some idiot judge doesn't want to "ruin their future." There was another guy recently who was sentenced to something like 1 year, but then the judge decided that was too harsh and he rescinded it. Yah, the judge was totally recalled, but sadly the damage was done.
My parents didnt tell me about my autism diagnosis i got as a small child. At all. Their reasoning was that they wanted me 'to live a normal life.' I struggled to make friends, struggled with academics as soon as the work load increased, struggled to understand why i couldnt talk to people properly or why i got so obsessed with things (i had genuinely EVERY SINGLE scooby doo movie as a kid). And my parents were like 'oh youre just an old soul!!!' I still feel so cheated sometimes, because if i had known about my diagnosis and had gotten accomodations in middle school maybe id be in a higher math track instead of begging to be brought down because i wasnt able to understand how the math was being taught on my own. If any parents are reading this and their children get diagnosed as neurodivergent, please tell them and help them out. Their childhoods will be a lot happier if they get the support they need.
My parents tried to help and figure out what was wrong with me but I don’t ever recall ever getting help. Bpd came after 18 and autism had been around since I was a kid. Never got told until my 30s. I don’t know what being happy really is or if it was ever real. It’s not fun.
When I was younger my parents always just went 'oh well that's just him!' until nearly 5 years ago now, I am now struggling to get a diagnosis whilst struggling even more to find a job! Like I would come home from school early all the time due to severe panic attacks and nearly got kicked out of college for the amount of times I was out of classes. I would have had a normal life if I got diagnosed as a kid.
the other day, I was going through my old school stuff to shred the 50 pounds of worksheets we had kept from elementary school that were not really needed anymore (trying to cut down clutter to move soon). I found one of my old “write down HW” notebooks. the teachers also used the notebook as an easy way to get messages home to parents (this was before email was the norm). Nearly every day my notebook has some variation of “Charlotte struggled to stay on task and finish her work today” for about 6 months. The reason the notes stopped is because my mother complained to the school about the teacher that she was (in short) being bitchy and nitpicky for no reason towards her “brilliant child.” How does a parent literally have the signs in front of them and still choose to ignore it? Still undiagnosed for the (likely) ADHD and/or Autism. Probably won’t be diagnosed until I can make the appointment myself and get myself there, since I got shut down trying to bring up the idea a few years ago because “I’m too smart/shy/not hyper enough to have ADHD.” I’m sorry, Ms. Cavas.
Regarding the bullies: It's a US thing. In most schools, the policy is to punish everyone involved in an altercation, no matter who is at fault. Supposedly, it's to deter it from happening at all. As a side benefit, the school doesn't need to do any due diligence to determine who's at fault!
Yep, and on top of that, it usually ends up making the situation far worse for the person getting bullied because it does nothing to actually deter the bully from bullying. They just keep doing it, knowing thst the victim likely won't report again because they won't want to get in trouble themselves.
@@CryptidCritter Either that, or the victim goes all in because they realize that if they're gonna get in trouble no matter what they do, they may as well make it worth the trouble.
Yeah, I was bullied quite frequently until high school. And I would always get in trouble for standing up for myself. Sometimes even worse trouble than my bully.
I remember a school in my area had to go back on the zero tolerance policy after a group of three bullies all beat up this one kid on three different days. Since the school didn’t want to use their brain, they just suspended the victim because he was “involved” in three separate fights. Everyone called them out on their bullshit and they had to change their policy to avoid people from abusing this loophole.
I’m Christian. When someone asks if I found Jesus, I want to reply, “I didn’t know he was missing.” A pagan friend, when her grandmother asked about her relationship with Jesus, replied, “I don’t know what you’ve heard but we met briefly at a party but nothing else happened. I don’t know who keeps spreading those silly rumors.” 😂🤣😂
As someone who's from Canada as well, I get what you're talking about when you say that teachers don't issue punishments when they know the instigator. A few years ago, I was trying to tell a joke to demean a girl who had been verbally bullying me for over a year, (I was also dealing with a lot of stress surrounding schoolwork at that time) and before I could even complete the joke, she slapped me straight across the face. I absolutely lost it in that moment, and pretty much attacked her, arms flailing. After, I ended up curling up behind a portable classroom and crying, dreading the punishments I would receive from teachers. Some people tried to comfort me. Later that day, the principal spoke to us both, and she apologized, however she tried to say that I should apologize to her as well, and the principal was having none of it. He said "no, he doesn't need to apologize to you. You instigated things, and he wouldn't have attacked you had you not provoked him." That principal was a king.
The "piss girl" one is both heroic and absolutely horrendous. I'm glad the teacher got fired. It reminded me of a stunt like this when I was in highschool, we had a bio teacher who was... Let's say it was the first teacher I actually got into arguments with because she is a moron. One day, a classmate wanted to pee, and the teacher would not want to let her go. The classmate insisted, teacher got angry, classmate said "okay, I'll pee on the floor then" and actually started to get up like she would do it x') Teacher let her go. Because we were petty fucks, an other classmate said he also wanted to pee, teacher slammed her hand on the desk (she liked to do that), and said something along the lines of "you'll go pee when you're green in the face bc you can't keep it in anymore!" (translated, we're French). The guy said with an exquisite poker face "I'm black, you couldn't tell if I turned green, that's racist" 😂 That was a fun day
@@laurelyn C'était quelque chose du genre "t'iras pisser quand tu seras vert parce que tu pourras plus te retenir", à peu près. C'était il y a 10 ans et je t'avoue que je connaissais pas l'expression 😅
7:42 the analogy is even worse, because literal crutches also exist to help people with medical conditions get through life more easily. They exist to create "equal footing." (Puns fully intended)
It's actually even worser (I know) than that, since crutches are most often a temporary aid to aid you while you get better (learn ways to manage life in this context). That story is literally like someone telling their kid to walk off a broken leg.
"you're just using that as a crutch" is such a dumb comment. YES, CRUTCHES ARE IMPORTANT TO FUCTION, why do you think i'm using them??. I swear imagine seeing someone with a broken leg walking with crutches and telling them "you're just using crutches, stop". it makes no sense
7:40 my parents withheld my autism diagnosis from me because they didn’t want me to “make it my whole personality” which isn’t even a real reason in my opinion. Then when I bring it up they refuse to talk to me about and act like I’m not autistic enough to say that and act like they know my condition better than I do
If you have enough arguments with yourself in the shower, eventually you might come up with enough comebacks to use one at the right moment in real life. It's just argument training.
That is basically how I go through life with everything. every new conversation, everything I have to say that I've never said before, every new situation in which I have to talk in I practise beforehand when I'm alone. I use it as preperation for possible conversations/things I might have to say at some point. I also do that to regualte emotions (specifically anger) and because while regulating I actually figure out what I wanna tell that person, how to say it and what to answer them so I actually am prepared for comebacks. hehe :D (Also if I don't practise talking I'm absolutely incapable of forming any kind of sense-making-sentence. xD ^^)
@@JuBenjiiiii It also gives me the chance to say things that I know I won’t say in real life because some people can get really nasty when you point out how stupid or bigoted or just wrong their opinions are-especially when they’re trying to have a say in my life when it has nothing to do with their life.
@@JuBenjiiiiiI do that too. I think I'm mostly being paranoid, but whenever I need to have a serious talk or an argument with someone, I prepare beforehand for my comebacks.
@@gecko2.617 Medical conditions have diagnostic criteria, yes. And requiring an official diagnosis is a petty good way of preventing idiots slapping any number of labels on themselves because they've read some pop psych article and 2 symptoms vaguely match so now they TOTALLY have xyz condition... 🙄
Self-harming repetitive behaviours such as dermatilomania or trichotilomania aren't usually formally diagnosed, at least in certain places, so I can see how someone could be unsure about it being a medical condition. It's also a compulsive disorder, a.k.a it's a mental health thing, & a lot of people are weird about counting mental health conditions as medical conditions
13:06 "So youre just fine with being a virgin forever?" has GOT to be one of the biggest projections of the dudes own insecurities he could have possibly made.
@@BoxOfToasters Oh 100%. And hey, so am I, nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with feeling insecure about it either, society works pretty hard to make sure you will be. Projecting that insecurity onto others, however? Thats a bit weak, no?
the best comeback to "how do you know if you are asexual if you've never had sex" is "how do you know you're NOT asexual if you've never had sex" because that guy so clearly values sex highly.
@@navareeves8976 I like repeating people's questions back to them word for word. Straight guy asks me how I know I don't like penis if I've never had it? I'm asking him how he knows he doesn't like it if he's never had it. Apparently that's offensive. Like yeah, so why'd you ask it?
4:20 That was not my experience. In fact, my experience was the polar opposite. In middle school, I was relentlessly bullied. There were at least ten kids picking on me CONSTANTLY. I actually nearly got expelled for """""fighting""""" three times. The district defines it as "kid A hit kid B and kid B hit kid A back". Context doesn't matter. You hit someone, you get suspended. The only reason I wasn't expelled is that the school blamed my "behavior" on my parents getting divorced, which didn't really affect me much. Y'all they put me in anger management classes. Their solution to my getting bullied was to try to teach me to not get upset about it. Which is wild considering the level of harassment I endured, I only snapped three times in two years. It felt like in the school's eyes, what they were doing was perfectly fine and allowed, but my reacting to it? Absolutely unacceptable. My high school was run by a stone-cold tyrant who ruled the school with an iron fist, and nobody DARED to do anything even APPROACHING bullying lest they face her wrath, so high school was stupid chill.
Grannies are supposed to be supportive? My grandma was a verbal assassin. One time my office had a Valentines day event and gave everyone a piece of pink construction paper to make a valentine with. I made an anatomical heart. I used the pink of the paper for my mid tones, markers for the darker colors and white pen for the highlights. It was GORGEOUS. I showed it to my grandmother and she, the verbal assassin, said, and I quote: "Can't you make a pretty one?" It still hurts.
Anatomical heart cards sound amazing! I'd have admired the commitment to detail and the effort! Hearts a extremely tough to draw. Your granma might be a verbal assassin but if you assassinate them all, there's nobody left to cheer with you and dance on all these silly victory corpses you earned. There's a time and place for everything. You made a witty and creative card c: I think you deserve a smile and a compliment for that 🧡 wish I could give ya an anatomical heart emoji for it ;b but even the emojis are simpletons ;b /lh
Yeah, my one grandma was a total sweetheart, the other thought there should be "open season" on trans people (yes, like open season on deer). Yeah, what a shock, I never came out to her and definitely skipped her funeral. If only hell was real.
I'm sorry that happened. Your heart sounds amazing! One of my grandmothers is also a bit like that. My other grandmother, who unfortunately passed when I was 9, was loving and kind from what I can remember. I hope you find someone who can be a kind grandmother to you one day
As a teacher from Europe, I'm terrified of American public education. Kids are *shocker* just smaller humans and have bodily functions. When we have a test week, we have hallway surveillance to keep an eye on the hallway and bathrooms to make sure ALL kids can go to the bathroom without issues. What a weird thing to happen, wtf.
30:40 It is illegal to share medical information on a student as per HIPPA act, (if it is in the United States). HIPAA is a US federal law passed in 1996 to safeguard patient health information. It sets standards for privacy, security, and data sharing of medical records.
ADHD isnt a crutch, trust me. I left my debit card at the petrol station yeaterday, and now someone is on a fast food spree on my dime... it is a curse 90% of the time, and a blessing on trivia night
Plus now I cant find my whole "thing you hide your money and cards and stuff" (cant remember the word 😂 english is my second language) and I have my card and my "thing u use for legitimating yourself with" sooo yeah (have weird blackout for words today 😂)
In America you get into trouble for retaliating. You can bully someone, and it's ok. You just can't defend yourself. Its sadly why we have so many school problems.
The Tinfoil Hat crowd believes that's deliberate. They think the system wants kids indoctrinated to be passive victims, who keep their heads down, work hard, and don't ask questions.
It's seen as easier to just punish everyone involved rather than doing any form of investigating. It promotes Teachers and School Staff being stupid. Which is ironic considering schools are meant to be places of learning and education
It's a "don't rock the boat, don't be different, and for God's sake, don't be disabled!" Those things are all considered punishable offenses to the general population. It's unhinged.
When my older sister was in Kindergarten she was suspended from the bus for a week because an older child had been bullying her and my sister slugged the girl. Bully was 3 or 4 yrs older, so think an 8 or 9 yr old bullying a 5 yr old. Only my sister got in trouble. Mom had to drive her to and from school for a week. I think the older girl thought twice about bullying her again though.
@@Just1Norayou’d think that’s the one time the school would actually step in, because it’s a 9 year-old being mean to a 5 year-old, and it happened on the bus - yk, a major vehicle for accessibility, so that parents can actually uphold the law? The sort of thing that honestly should have gotten that school in a lot of legal trouble?
I got tired of people asking me (homosexual male) if I thought they were attractive or if I'm sure I'm gay or what or how do I know I'm gay, so I just now started going: "why? you interested?"
As a lesbian bartender, I get an unreasonable amount of cishet men flirting, getting rejected, and then promptly asking if they're attractive to me. I've just started saying "No!" while looking them straight in the eye before starting to list of different things they can do to improve on their appearance, usually involving simple things like "take a shower", "put some effort into dressing up" or "brush your teeth" It's especially fun when it's clear they already do all that, and I get to act confused and go "Really?", implying it doesn't show. Always makes my day!
@@grenade8572haha, same Tbh if I was ever asked that kind of sh!T, I would straight up just say "Nah you're hideous asf, not even an allo person would want you" or something like that, just to get them to leave me alone (if they're being an a$$hole about it)
I got told I "used my daughters cancer as a crutch" when I would say IN THE MIDDLE OF COVID PRIME that I wouldnt send her to kindergarten early/preschool, that i wouldnt put her in daycare and just go get a real job. Me using her disability funds to care for her while she was disabled was apparently "using her cancer as a crutch" like I wouldnt need to worry about her dying from random things if she wasnt LITERALLY FIGHTING CANCER BRO... i dont understand
My mom didn’t tell me I was autistic until I was a legal adult. All through school I just thought I was stupid or broken. If you have autism there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and you are amazing.
Leaking personal medical info should've gotten her fired on its own, but I probably would've done it as "I'm really upset she said such things - I would've hoped that as a relapsing alcoholic she would've been more empathetic to my situation" like "oh, sorry, I assumed the rest of the school staff would've already been informed about it, my bad"
I had one teacher try to stop me leaving (I have autism and I didn't often use my IEP). I just left and told my case manager (for those who don't know, tldr person in charge of your IEP and helping make sure it's good) about it. Needless to say that teacher never questioned me again. From what I know basically it was the teachers only warning. They were told because nothing bad happened they would get one warning
I used to HAVE to go right now. My teachers got informed & respected it. I came home in different clothes at least one day a week even with that in Element School. I'm better now thank goodness.
I'm pretty sure one of the previous videos had the story of someone who just stood up and wet their pants in front of the class. After that, the teacher told them to just leave if they had to use the bathroom. Most of my teachers luckily didn't care much beyond us being quick and not making much noise.
36:22 lmao that was a FarSide reference. "I found Jesus. He was behind the couch the whole time." Picture shows Jesus just crouching behind some dude's couch
I was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD when I was very young and struggled through school and university. My parents didn't tell me until I was out of college for the same "use it as a crutch"
I have Autism and ADHD, I think my mom might have withheld my ADHD diagnosis from me as I only found out when I read through some medical file and idk how long it had been there; I had an IEP and knew most of what was on there like extra time on tests but my mom chose not to tell me that I had something on there that allowed me a bigger window of being late for class without getting in trouble because she thought I would abuse it (I am pretty punctual, pretty sure it was only there because there was one class I routinely was late for because the way my routine was I had to go to my locker that was at like the complete opposite side of the school and then to the class which was back the other way which was basically impossible to do in the time between bells, I probably should have changed my routine of going to my locker then and had the books for it on me but my autism refused to allow that to change). At one point I walked in the door of this extremely strict teacher like three seconds after the bell and she told me I had after school detention with her for being late, I was practically having a panic attack over it and I couldn’t defend myself by notifying her that my IEP allowed that because I didn’t know that. Luckily when I showed up to her classroom after school she told me she’d let me off with a warning and I could go home, looking back idk if she was just being nice or if she saw my IEP and realized she wasn’t allowed to punish me for being barely late.
My mom didn’t tell me when I got my autism diagnosis or my depression diagnosis. I heard about autism because I overheard her telling my sister, and I heard about depression when my therapist went over all my diagnoses with me :/
@@The-one-and-only-Fruitcake Why is your diagnosis your sister’s business but not yours??? And I can’t even imagine struggling with depression but not knowing you have it just to find out you were already diagnosed and just never told, that really sucks.
@@aceofspades8474 i have no idea, i don’t think my mom was being malicious and instead just assumed my therapist would tell me, and i think my therapist expected my mom to tell me lol. Still kind of annoying
You having a diagnosis and your parents not telling you is a whole other level of bad parenting! As an adult I went to see a therapist: My parents were super ashamed and thought I am plain crazzy. I struggled a lot with cronic depressions from age 11onward. As a 42 years old I got a ADHD diagnosis. I am cinvinced had I known that I have ADHD earlier I had not have any depressions, or at least not as many and not as bad.
@@pyxilatethat’s not quite right, it’s down to power-tripping teachers regardless of political party. i went to school my entire life just outside of NYC (about as blue as you can get) and there were many many teachers who wouldn’t allow bathroom breaks. it’s all just insecurity, they need to feel powerful by exerting control over teenagers
@@pyxilate It's not about politics it's about a power trip. I grew up in a VERY red state and it always depended on the teacher. Our school planners had a "hall pass" page that only had TWO passes per class per semester, so in essence, only 18 passes for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR! Most teachers ignored that and created their own passes so that students could go when they needed to, but there were always a few teachers who very much does the 2 a semester pass rule. I had one that tried to not let me go to the bathroom, so I threatened to drop my pants a change my pad right there in my classroom. She let me go and never tried to stop me going to the bathroom again.
I live in America and some teachers have this stupid "leave your phone with me while I go thing." I didn't trust leaving my phone on a table, so I couldn't go use the bathroom. And when I have to go I move, a lot. He did end up letting me go. Most teachers only let one person go at a time. Some even have gendered passes. Thinking back on it, it's weird but so common. Apparently my Mom had to use the bathroom so bad once that she almost died.
13:51 Also, my bf is trans/Genderfluid and whenever someone says "whats in your pants?" He says "My phone!" Because he doesnt have pockets and keeps his phone in the waistband of his pants so ppl cant take it
I'm the person who mailed the 'cursed doll' to my kiddo. I was so happy when I heard my story being read out by The Click, & even happier that I made him laugh. Today is a good day. I live with kiddo now & the porch pirates are starting up again. I'm thinking about recreating 'The Package' with the addition of a geotracker so if it gets returned I can keep returning the doll to them to really drive the point home.
Omg! No joke, you're honestly one of my favorite people right now. That story was incredible!😂 Mark Rober has some interesting videos on how to deal with porch pirates ;)
Omg, a geo-tracker to keep returning the doll? 😈 even better leave the salt in the package and put the "Notes with words like "thought you could stop me?" I totally would, especially if i had the language base you had 🤣
@@atlas-h7t Kiddo was rather irritated about the salt. They said it got everywhere & it took forever to get it out of her hair & dress. Said they were sweeping up salt for days.
this is why i'm gonna teach my daughter 'you DO NOT ASK to go to the bathroom, if you have to go you raise your hand and TELL the teacher you ARE GOING to the bathroom, and get up and leave if the teachers want to throw a baby raging hissy fit we will back you always' obv teach her not to abuse it just to get out of class, and only do so to go to the bathroom and return asap but yeah no one is gonna tell my kid they cant use the bathroom
When I was a teacher, I always let my students go to the bathroom whenever they wanted. As I was the "nice and naive teacher", they just had a walk in the school. I quit after a few years because I had absolutely no authority. But I still think I was right to let the students go to the bathroom, never my hard tests just to make students "respect" me, and other techniques my coworkers told me to use, in order to help me with my non-authority.
Yes absolutely, a vine. A very complex shaped vine that somehow defies gravity and looks like the first lines in Deltarune chapter 2. If I had the DETERMINATION to do it I'd maybe write a whole story about that vine lol.
The ADHD story reminded me of my own experience with autism. The doctor said that he thinks I have it at an appointment when I was around two years old, and my dad strongly fought against it with the doctor. His reasoning? I was able to emotionally connect with people. Me being able to have a meaningful relationship with someone was the sole reason that, to this day, my dad doubted I had autism, even when i was diagnosed AGAIN at 17. And this is a man who usually does his research on things, so I was flabbergasted.
Lol. My doctor told me to My face that I have ADHD, and then wrote in my chart that they couldn't diagnose me with it since I managed to get good grades in school.
@@sebastienmailbox that tracks sadly. I'm undiagnosed, but I asked a psych for an ADHD evaluation and he very confidently stated I don't have it because I'd graduated from high school so clearly I couldn't be that dumb...without checking I actually had graduated. I did, but he didn't know that.
@@KeylahJooste-gj8rs definitely not kidding! I cried for days and made several angry phone calls to no avail. I'd been fighting to get the appointment for years.
I love the Porch Pirate post, like instead of something simple like a glitter explosion, OP decided to make a package that was supposedly cursed with messages in several languages, and it successfully stopped the pirating. Faking a curse to scare away people, I love it
I would have sent the doll in a tiny robe with runes from a nithing pole etched all over it for good measure. Btw, I got that from a DnD campaign I once ran. Yes, I am also pagan.
"He never made that comment again." A bit of background: Here in The Netherlands, until a few years ago there used an orchestra entirely made up of physically and mentally handicapped people called 'Josti Band'. They weren't that great but they had a lot of fun playing. They sold out large venues with relative ease. But as a result the name Josti became somewhat of a slur. So I have this colleague who has clearly reached his intellectual peak three to four decades ago. He often tries to pull himself up by dragging others down. A few years ago I was his target. When I entered the break room he was already there eating his toasti/grilled cheese sandwich. I snatch a brownie from the table while I pour myself some coffee. "Ha ha. A downie with a brownie." He jokes. I turn around; "And Josti with a Tosti." He was flabbergasted while another colleague nearly soiled himself. He never made that joke again.
that took quite a while to get.... i think i got it though.... maybe........ ???? idk man im not great with understanding things, it took me a while just to understand who said what
I feel bad for the band members... It doesn't seem right to relate them to an awful person because they are handicapped... They deserve more respect. If someone is a bad person, does it make it okay to call them slurs?
The girl who wet herself during the test reminds me of elementary school me- When I was little, I couldn't hold it because I was prone to chronic UTIs that were debilitatingly painful. I had to stay home for days and do my schoolwork at home because of how painful it was. I could hardly get up to eat most days when I had them. My mother refused to acknowledge that this was a severe condition, and so she dealt with it on her own and never took me to a doctor. According to her, her home remedy of making me chug cranberry juice and getting up to use the restroom every 15 minutes worked just fine. I only had it checked out when I was taken out of her custody and had to see a doctor for a mandated health exam. I no longer struggle with that problem. Anyway. Many teachers I had didn't believe me when I said I couldn't hold it, and as a result I'd end up wetting myself in class. Every time this happened, I'd go straight to the nurse's office, but the principal would have me sit in his office on a plastic chair and eat my lunch early while my parents were called so I didn't have to feel embarrassed with other kids seeing me sitting in my own piss. Eventually, the principal just wrote up his own condition for me that I could go to the bathroom every hour regardless of who else was in there or if I had a pass to avoid this happening at all. Thanks to his actions as well, I wasn't bullied outside of first grade and my chronic UTIs weren't as frequent anymore. I ended up doing better in school (especially 3rd and 4th grade) because I wasn't missing entire weeks of class due to the painful UTIs. Even though I didn't have medical notice giving me those accommodations, the principal was an amazing man who stepped up and made a terrible situation so much more tolerable.
Re: getting in trouble for defending yourself, yeah here in the states you're literally not allowed to defend yourself against bullies. I distinctly remember the school resource officer (in the states, schools have a police officer on grounds at all times) having a talk with students about how "there's no such thing as 'self defense'". I remember because as someone who's been bullied all my life, it made me LIVID.
I'm sorry, what!? A literal Police Officer told a bunch of children that Self-Defense doesn't exist!? I mean, I live in the States as well, but I have never been told this growing up! What!? I mean, I've had the "zero tolerance policy" and all that, I mean specifically 'self-defense does not exist'.
My friend suffered from violent cyberbullying for over a year, and in the end THEY were the one that got in trouble. Our school is *TINY* and the principal didn't even know what grade they were in. Bs.
@@Bunny_BillThe principal is the equivalent of a parent (usually the dad-I’m sorry but it’s true) having so many kids that they forget some of their names.
20:36 "The babies in question are in their 40s." -- It's like a Monty Python skit in which an old lady is fussing over another woman's son: *Old Lady:* Ooh, he's a chirpy little fellow. Isn't he a chirpy little fellow ... eh? eh? Does he talk? Does he talk, eh? *Son:* Of course I talk, I'm Minister for Overseas Development.
If someone had made that rohypnol "joke" at my workplace, I would have made sure I knew their name, the name of the person they were talking to, the name of their supervisor, and gone immediately to HR to file a complaint about sexism, a hostile work environment, and fear for my own safety in working along side someone has such a casual, and possibly positive opinion of substances used for "date-r***", as these could also be used in the workplace where people share coffee pots and often leave drinks at their workplace while completing tasks away from their desks.
@@ariadne0w1 why do you assume that? Nothing was said regarding what kind of job or whether or not the company was big enough to have an HR department.
@@cathleenc6943 Personal bias/experience. When I worked retail and was hourly, we got breaks. When I went white-collar and was more salaried, we did not. Retail was a big chain but small number of employees, HR was distant/external and I don't know if anyone would've thought to reach out to them, whereas office work was 2,000 in a building that had its own HR (where I worked).
For the ace person getting punished, it seemed more like a punishment for screaming next to the chickens who probably got scared, since the punishment was just to not sit with the chickens for some time. If the screaming happened somewhere else, with no chickens to scare, they might not have gotten punished
“You’re sure you’re okay with being a virgin forever?” Bro, I’m not even asexual and _I_ wouldn’t care about staying a virgin. It’s really not that difficult.
After Covid restrictions began to lift, I was still wearing a mask due to panic attacks I'd get without it. My roommate and I were in the drive-thru for McDonald's and a group of teens two cars ahead of us were acting nuts. They were running around all the cars and honking and beating on windows and such. I was very annoyed as it was hard to keep track of all of them so we wouldn't accidentally hit one. Finally, just as we get up to the order board, one of the teens turn to me and yell out "Why are you wearing a mask?" I yelled back "I have Covid!" (which was a lie, I never got Covid). But the look of fear that crossed that kid's face as he ducked back into the car and rolled the window up quick was hilarious. I felt justified in my response, as he had been harassing everyone in line as it was. The lady taking our order never batted an eye when we showed up at the window. But I politely informed her that I'd lied to get the kid to go away. I wore it for mental comfort. She smiled and thanked me for my order. HOWEVER< I do applaud MYSELF in my mind. Does that count? LOL.
I told my kids no matter what, if a teacher says you cant go to the restroom and you NEED to go. Walk out. Idgaf. You will not be in trouble with me or the school once I'm done with them. We had a few situations like that poor girls and thats with accommodations also -.-
14:28 Why do I feel like the real reason he got so flustered when asked how he knew he wasn't gay is because it made him have some kind of realization?
My dermatillomania is also kinda bad. Scarred face etc. I once told a student I was going to comic con and wanted to dress as Sailor Mercury. He told me I should go as Dead Pool. Fortunately, I did not know this movie at the time. Had no clever comeback... dang it!
I know this is not the same thing, but i wanted to share I have severe depression, and although i stopped SH, I sometimes still feel the urge to do so. So, i end up scratching my hands and arms, and as a result i have beautiful little white spots on my arms and hands :) Luckily i do not care at all, and since i have cats my arms are full of white spots and lines from scratches anyway lol
Well, I've got threads, fabric, elastic, buttons... If you need to know my pockets, I've got my phone, wallet, headphones... not sure what else you need to know
23:18 I don't understand why there are parents that feel the need to blatantly make their children feel unloved/unwanted. It's sad enough that so many of them do it by accident. I've also always hated the, "I put a roof over your head, clothes on your back..." speech that usually coincides with justifying crappy behavior on their part. Like, "Congratulations, parent; you are literally doing the bare minimum you signed up for when you decided to have and keep me. Here is your participation ribbon."
One of my favorite stories involving a baby was from a friend of mine. It was shortly after she had the baby, first time taking him out of the house. She was in Walmart buying things, and of course, every random person is obsessing about the baby. She's frustrated by the endless questions, and had finally had enough. Near the end of the shopping trip, a kid (could be young teen, could be younger, she didn't remember) looks in the stroller and sees the covered up little bundle and was like "Is that a baby?" And my friend was like "No, it's a Velociraptor." Kid goes "Really" Friend "Yep, careful, he bites." And at that exact moment, her baby grunts and stretches a little. Kid apparently ran off screaming.
The teacher telling the school about the poster's mental health issues gave me flashbacks to my youth, for background context, I was diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism, that caused me to need many surgeries as a child, heart issues, lung issues and amongst other complications, a life expectancy of about 20 years old, I am currently typing this a month away from my 27th birthday, so when I was in the 9th grade, I started in a Clinical Trial and I had to go to the hospital once a week to receive an infusion of the enzyme my body cannot make and potentially save my life (It works, I am still on the medication to this day), so every week I would miss Wednesdays in school. I was already struggling with math (since then I've been diagnosed with Dyscalculia) and I was failing, so my algebra teacher decided to call my mother and tell her to pull me out of this trial because I was failing Algebra. My mother responded to her saying "My daughter's ability to live, is more important than her ability to find X" and hung up on her
How someone who is a teacher can be so stupid is beyond me. Isn't being alive a mandatory first step for being able to do algebra? I would think so at least. 😉 Happy for you that the medication works! 🎉
9:30 one of my siblings was once told, "If you need to go so bad, do it right there." For some reason people think that'll deter little kids from needing to go out of embarrassment. Instead, my sibling did exactly that in the middle of the gym floor. Idk the rest of the story, but I imagine they got in trouble for doing what they were told.
Honestly its just so baffling how people dont see how "oh how would you know if you're x without doing y" is such a bland arguement that can easily be flipped around?
They're trying to sleep with the women they typically ask that to. In their minds, they wanna fuck this girl, but girl says she's Lesbian. So he says "but how do you know you're lesbian if you haven't slept with guy?", because it's an invitation. He's actually saying "You haven't slept with the right guy yet, I am the right guy", because a lot of dudes think they're gigachads who can be the ones to change a woman's mind. That's the logic behind that argument.
American here, and yeah American schools are AWFUL about fairness. Nobody will protect you from bullying & if you fight back OR NOT you will get in trouble. I had a teacher make me apologize to a kid FOR HIM KICKING ME, and he was a repeat offender to multiple kids. Also had teachers not care about kids throwing stuff at me. Even my mom has a story where she got in trouble for being attacked by a guy in a hallway. This is why a lot of people teach their kids to fight back because thats the only way to get the bully to stop & you're gonna get in trouble anyways
I was 9, 9 when I was a new kid in a school in California. I was ignored by everyone or when I wasn’t I was made fun of. It got to the point two boys decided that, we should make up a story about new girl making fun of us. It ended up with two boys chuckling behind the supervisor and me crying. To make it better, we were the show! All the kids stopped playing and stood around us to watch the confrontation. I hate crowds and people to this day and have trust issues.
I was a skin picker too-very severe. I used tools(pins n tweezers) n didn’t pay attention to cleanliness. (I’ve struggled w depression my whole life.) I developed a spinal infection from staph entering my bloodstream. The small town ER I went to told me I was a drug addict (clean UAs-not an addict!) n not to come back there looking for drugs! Long story short: I am now a paralyzed double amputee bc of their belief in my imaginary drug addiction. Dw, they paid, but I sure would rather have had my mobility back
17:31 Our s3x ed was basically the same, we talked about things like periods, getting pregnant, protection, etc. Then the topic of homosexuality was "brought up". The *ONLY* thing we got told was "Being gay is a thing and it's not wrong to be gay" I mean, come on. At least the teacher and students weren't homophobic but the only other interaction we had with this topic was a short answer to a question about how gay s3x even works
Hell yeah! Once when I was in high school a group of girls kept bullied me and asking weird questions about me being bi such as 'how do you do it with a girl?', I honestly didn't know because I was innocent then. I was annoyed and merely said: "Why, wanna do it you creep?" Really loudly and clearly. Everyone ignored them for the next few weeks and it was GREAT.
Babyklappen (babyhatches) are like a small door (sometimes a drawer like hatch) you can open to place your baby in a safe warm place anonymously. So mothers who want to keep it a secret can give away their babys without the need to throw them in a dumpster or put them on some stairs. The babies are safe and warm and the baby hatches normally give a signal to the next hospital. They are found in germany at hospitals but sometimes also at churches, fire departments and even police stations. They are meant to keep the baby safe while the mother will be anonymous the mothers won't throw them away where the baby will die. Probably one of the best things invented in the last 30 years.
That sort of thing has been around forever. What we really need is good access to and education around contraception, good publicly funded access to termination of unwanted pregnancies, good publicly funded health care through pregnancy, and good financial and social support for all parents, even the young and unmarried ones. Nobody should be in a situation of bringing a child into the world and then not having the resources or mental space to raise it.
It's not a new invention or concept. It was around even in the Middle Ages, people (women) could leave newborns in churches and abbots anonymously and the church would take them in and raise them. This was mostly to avoid the only other alternative... to kill the baby by throwing them in the local river. It's also why the family name Abbott exists; they are the descendants of such children.
@tealkerberus748 part of the issue, not the whole issue, is the decline of the extended family and the rise of the nuclear one. "It takes a village to raise a child" isn't just a cute expression. It's a universal truth.
22:47 Austrian here, i think u could say the englisch equivalent to her answer for her dad would be "someone won a free ticket to retirement home" and i love it xD
My own personal TraumatizeThemBack story is from when I was a freshman in high school...a 13yr old goth girl with undiagnosed ASD and resting murder-face for reference😅 I was in the middle of the cafeteria when one of the popular girls in my grade turned to me and loudly asked whether I was a virgin or not, to which I replied (after blandly staring at her for so long she started looking visibly uncomfortable) "How about instead of playing 'Piss Off the Goth', how about we play 'Kill the Munchkin'?", and to this day I have never seen a white girl go so pale so quick as I did that day😂 Our next period was English and Shortie (this girl's legitimate nickname given the fact she was all of 4'9") immediately ran to tell our English teacher what I had said (with no mention of her own provocation)...our teacher literally laughed in Shortie's face and told her that's what she gets for picking a fight outside her weight class 🤣 good thing I had already enamored myself to all my teachers as their most diligent student so they knew I only "sharpened my talons on my victims" (a word-for-word quote from my Math teacher) when provoked 😈
The sex ed class story is me! Thanks for featuring my story haha, I didn’t think it would be cool enough to be featured in a click video. Last I checked with younger siblings, she’s done traumatising the students in SPHE, and now teaches the class with minimal mention of sex besides the necessary. At least there’s no more homophobic bullshit
Love that story! Absolutely sent me with the "sweet and innocent" voice. They love to spout that bs, but then get that shocked pikachu face when we can spin it back on them. I was the chicken story :3
I had a vaguely similar experience to you and the simplypeaches who wrote the chicken story, involving a biggoted aunt and my asexuality. She kept asking when I'd settle down with a "God fearing man" and more importantly have "God fearing children" and become a "God fearing mother". Should have seen the look on her face when I looked her in the eyes and stated loudly, in a crowded mall, "for the last time aunt Lisa, I'm ace, I LITTERALLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK!"
@@SimplyPeachyKeen Yep, went full on carp-faced in public, it was glorious. Now she won't even look at me at family gatherings much less talk to me, which I'm just fine and dandy with. I mean did it even occur to her daft self that she was essentially asking "when are you getting creampied for the Lord" every time she saw me? SMH😑 Also, those chooks were really cute, were they black silkies?
Sadly, in the U.S., we have a no violence policy in our schools were, even if you're just defending yourself against a bully you'd still get in trouble for it. I think it's was made to prevent fighting in schools. However, even back when I went to school even I thought that rule was stupid because I thought it encouraged people not defending themselves even after getting bullied for it. Keep in mind, I'm an autistic person who likes rules and even I can't stand that stupid policy that basically lets bully's get away with stuff because they know you will get in trouble if you defend yourself.
The other problem that can arise from "zero tolerance" policies as they are is that the bully's victim just might let loose and make that trouble they're gonna get into worth it. Saw a situation when I was in high school where the bully ended up getting a broken nose and several lost teeth because the normally meek guy had had enough and decided to make his trip to detention worth it.
Every time I hear about someone getting in trouble for self defense because of a zero tolerance policy the bully who started it goes unpunished, so apparently they have plenty of tolerance of violence but zero tolerance for self defense.
@@LloydTheZephyrianyep, this was my and my dad's policy when I went to highschool. Don't start a fight, but you better make sure you finish it. Though I was more prone to threatening to stab people with pencils when they shoved their hands in my face and touched my stuff. (Didn't realize I was neurodivergent at the time and was reacting to being overstimulated)
Yep. I have multiple stories of dealing with zero tolerance bs with my kids, ranging from my getting detention in HS for screaming at a girl who wouldn't stop harassing me to most recent, my son getting detention for making the "finger guns" gesture. It just condones bullying.
In my experience in the US, the person defending themselves often gets in MORE trouble than the bully. As someone who was suspended for "fighting" i.e. fighting BACK on more than one occasion, I can confidently say it's pretty common. Now I have kids in the school system who have also gotten in trouble for standing up to bullies. My daughter got in trouble for threatening to fight back when her friend was getting picked on. My daughter stepped in and said she'd fight them with her friend if they kept it up, and she's the one who got in trouble. To the point where her friend's mom and I moved both girls to a different school because they weren't protecting this little girl, and if our girls fired back they got lunch detention. It's some ol' bullshit.
I never live in the US, but there was also a "0 tolerance policy" at my school. I've been bullied at school from my 12yo to my 17yo. I fought back just once (slapped once the bully in her face; but very midly because she was so tall I could barely touch her ^^). The bully told the P.E. teacher, who came to me, when I was in the changing room with my classmates. I had no friend. There were no witnesses. I told no one was happened. But the classmates were shocked (like: SHE slapped someone?) and then, they all started to lie, saying they witnessed what happened, and that I didn't slapp the bully. I don't know if the teacher bought it, but I had no problem (and I still don't understand why my classmates, who didn't like me, stood for me). My younger brother started to be bullied, but he immediately fought back; I think he broke his bully's nose. My mom was called by the school, the told that no one helped me for YEARS, that she approves what my brother did; he still had detention but she negociated the date, so the detention would be after the exams. At least my brother fought hard enough to make instantanely stop all bullying against him.
@@turkoositerapsidi That's actually a really common misconception. There are way too many women in prison for shooting their abuser when they are afraid he's going to kill them. Schools don't generally support self-defense in my experience. They punish the victim just as hard as the bully, if the bully get punished at all. I have friends that have had to take their kids out of school and put them in online classes because the bullying has been so bad.
@@AmberBoBamber9681 Oh I see, that doesn't sound nice, if the wrong doer is not punished, but the victim is. But what about all the guns then that usaians carrying around all day then?
@@turkoositerapsidi There are a lot of gunowners in the US, but the majority of us don't carry guns around. Most guns here are for hunting, though I live in a very red state, so there are more personal protection handguns carried here. The people walking around carrying assault rifles are actually pretty uncommon for the most part. In a lot of cases, self-defense is a get out of jail free card, but in just as many, it's incredibly hard to prove that lethal force was necessary. Because my family leans very right, I grew up around guns. Mostly hunting rifles and some handguns we'd take to the shooting range. I've taken enhanced concealed carry courses and have my license to carry even though you don't need one in Idaho (where I live). One of the things they stress in that course is that the second you draw a gun, it's considered lethal force, and you need to be 100% sure you're ready to follow through, and that it's necessary, and that if you shoot someone, don't talk to anyone until you have a lawyer present, because it's very hard to prove self-defense. If you say the wrong thing to first responders, you're screwed. Sorry for the book. There's a lot more nuance than the media on either side like to portray. Guns are a problem here, but it's not at cut and dry as a lot of people think.
TW for R*pe: I was r*ped at the age of 4. I didn't know what was happening so I just went along with it because I trusted adults, so it 'technically' wasn't forced. So that man, would he consider my experience to be r*pe? Or was it not because my r*pist didn't technically force me to do anything? I'm glad that he was taught a lesson, but it sickens me that people like this exist in the world that like to invalidate people's experiences that they don't know the slightest thing about.
One, oh my god, that sucks, I'm so sorry. Genuinely, that's a horrible thing to go through. Two, the same exact thing happened to me when I was six, so I wonder what he'd think about that. Three, that is not a "man." No *actual* man would do that to *anyone*.
I am 37 years old and have ADhD, and my parents treated the symptoms as me being lazy and immature. Their unwillingness to take the disability seriously resulted in me getting a 1.3 gpa through high school and depression which whant diagnosed until I was 33. It causes me to doubt my serious issues as well as forget about them.
The ADHD story really resonates with me. When I had to go to a psychologist my parents and the psychologist refused to let me see my diagnoses. My therapist was horrified years later when I brought it up, finally having realized that it’s not normal.
That spooky doll porch pirate story. I would bet the rent, every time those thieves stub their toe in the dark, or the yoke breaks when they try to fry an egg, they start sweating because it can only be the curse. At least that's what I hope.
19:46 lmfao my niece started walking around a year and 3 months ago. She was just being her sassy self😂 everyone in my family was worried and I’m like “nah don’t worry, I know she can walk” She even lifted her baby-walker with both hands and tiptoeing a little😂😂 now she just zooooooooms and I have to chase her just in case she decides to bulldoze the furniture🤣🤣
Hey Click, my emotional support demon arrived few days ago and I took him to a psychiatrist visit. Really helped me mentally lol >:] (I have no other reason to say this aside from the fact that I’m really happy and glad that I had found the channel)
7:31 My best friend found out at 18 when she accessed her records she was diagnosed with OCD at 8. She would say her whole life she surely couldn’t have it but she felt like she did and it was a huge issue for her. And then she found out hers was considered so severe she walked into a normal checkup at 8 and out with a diagnosis.
8:49 Hey, just a reminder to anyone who sees this: A teacher, substitute or not, who refuses to let you do something clearly stated in your accommodations, is not just an asshole; they are *LITERALLY BREAKING THE LAW* I don’t remember for sure what specific type of law it is, but I’m *pretty* sure it’s federal law. So yeah, if a teacher doesn’t let you use your accommodations, at the very least report them to their boss (and make sure to point out in the conversation that not allowing you your accommodations is illegal).
I honestly doubt the US has those sorts of laws, given how much they hate children after they're born. Probably a *literally-the-rest-of-the-entire-civilized-world* thing.
4:03 "3 years of therapy later I've been doing better with my condition" It's a medical condition! It sure is! If it was just an entertainment or body mod choice or something then it wouldn't take literal therapy and help and effort to stop
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UwU indeed
I am so happy to see you
The whole "adhd as a crutch" argument is just like telling someone with glasses that they're cheating to get super vision or telling someone in a wheel chair to stop being lazy and walk.
it's especially rich because often some of the worst critics are people who are -undiagnosed themselves-. Like "how dare that person get accommodations/medication to help with their brain bees! They should just learn to horribly repress and mask until it makes them bitter like a normal person, like me!". Like... yeesh
But my glasses DO give me super vision. 🥸
Someone actually told me to walk one day - I can get up, I can't walk, but someone saw me get up and thought I could walk...
Well, it was embarrassing for them when I said "Well, do you wanna see me crawl on the floor? I can do that! That's the only way I can move without a wheelchair"
ADHD people get more time, people that need glasses are moved closer to the chalkboard, and people with wheelchairs get the best spots in a parking lot garage or otherwise.
There is no difference. They need additional aid, so they get it
@@fredskull1618 ok cyclops from x-men
"[X] is just a crutch!" Yes. Yes it is. And a crutch is something that some people OBJECTIVELY NEED in order to move around.
Last year, I slammed my foot; I was already in my 30s, but lived with my parents for a few monthes while I was searching a home to buy. My foot wasn't broken (I think... no one wanted to drive me to the hospital), but it hurt so much I couldn't walk. I had to BEG my mother for a few days so she would buy me crutches. x) I couldn't go buy them myself, as I couldn't walk, let alone drive.
PS: I live in a country with very good healthcare. So, going to the hospital or having medicaments is never expensive. But, my mom, who is a nurse, never accepts that my brother, my father and I can be sick. The all world can be sick, but not us. x)
Well yes but actually no
If I had a broken leg and no crutch I could move around
It wouldn't be easy and it would be slow as hell.
But I could crawl and move still.
Maybe 'move around with dignity' may have been better phrasing
I wonder if the people that say that would change their mind if they broke a leg :)
Agreed! Like, "[Accommodation] is a crutch!", So you agree, they're walking through life with a proverbial broken leg and will require help throughout their life?
The 'as a crutch' comment just reminded me that when I told my mother my doctor was recommending I look into getting a wheelchair, she said she didn't want me to as it'd be a crutch....I pointed out I cannot walk without crutches and the pressure was destroying my shoulders hence wheelchair.
Like, wtf??
Oof, that sucks. My friend (who lives on her own but mainly funded by her mother) ended up having me buy her a power chair and then gradually paying me back so she could get one behind her mother's back. Keeps it in storage or at a friend's when her mom visits.
Mom: a wheelchair it is a crutch
You:🩼 💀🩼
Wtf is she on?!
🤦 bro wtf crutches are geniuly hard for long term use that's why canes, walkers, rolletters, and the special arm crutches (like the ones that is like a cane but there's an arm cuff n stuff)
Although canes and those might be a good option for you walking shorter distances without a wheel chair.
Some people only use it which is valid but if you have mobility sometimes it's easier to be able to use these if your just walking around the house
The best response to "Maybe you haven't met the right person yet" I have heard it's "Have you ever wanted to duck a Cactus? No? Maybe you haven't met the right Cactus yet"
Yeah, IS my Go to answer to that bs
I am stealing that
I met the right cactus. 💕
Personally I like to make it more personal by asking their sexuality, then turning on them. Ie. If they're a straight cis man "How do you know you're straight if you've never been bent over a table and taken to Broke Back Mountain by Daddy?"
They take it far more seriously when it's their own sexuality being called into question rather than using a funny but unrealistic analogy.
@@atlasthewolf1508i heard your cactus is a prick
I once heard a comment that still makes me giggle. “My Dad always looks at me and says ‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure’ and I still maintain that it’s the weirdest way to find out you’re adopted.”
😂 Oh, my god.
That's traumatizingly wholesome.
I think our dad's would be friends
This is almost on the same level as an adoptive family using a Mafia-esque blood ritual and backing it up with the "blood is thicker than water" saying.
I love that!
I told my kids that if they were denied bathroom access to go anyway and I would handle any issues with the school. It's cruel to force someone to possibly soil themselves, especially in a group setting because of a power trip.
I am particularly triggered by this issue because I have serious medical issues that make access to bathrooms critical. Urgency and pain are horrible enough. Unnecessarily making life even harder by denying bathroom access over a power trip is just cruelty. There's already too much unnecessary negativity surrounding bodily functions.
In some cases it isn’t necessarily a power trip (but it is still definitely possible) and sometimes it can just be anxiety that the teacher can have when they don’t know what their student is doing, since they could be chatting to a friend, or just bunking the lesson, which may, or may not, lead to losing her job (I don’t know, I’m just making an assumption) for not being more careful around what their students are doing. Either way, I still 100% agree with what you’re doing, because going to the toilet is a human need, my mum does it with me herself.
I used to have a similar problem at work, i was shamed that i needed to go to the toilet. The problem was the work enviroment since sins then i got a new job at which one of my coworkers (who also is the team leader) have medication that forcess him to go to the toilet around once ever or other hour
yeah it's sad that op was so shy about just leaving. No one would have done stuff like that to me at 16, I was too rebellious. would have just got up and walked out and dealt with the consequences later.
@@TR3xxy_ I would ask to go and no actually use it I'd get water walk to the bathroom because I was anxious. Even so even normal students need a brain break but neurodivergent students may need it more
Me too I don't get an just an urge I get pain or if I do it's pain and out of nowhere extreme urgency.
I don't get signals until I gotta go right away most of the time.
I have bowl incontinence issues too so you do not want to tell me no
Utah has set up a tipline to report trans people for using
“The wrong bathroom”.
Yes, you can attach images.
Definitely don’t find it and spam it with memes and “other” images.
Can you provide a link? I totally won't spam it with my fanfic collection.
Edit: I just found out they require an email so I'm not sure I want to do it. Maybe I should make a throw away email for stuff like this.
Edit 2: Believable made up stories about fake trans people are apparently better than shitpost, as they waste resources, so I may do it instead.
Could we get a link for ease of "reporting"
thank you for this 🙏
Wouldn't it be a shame if we all just so happened to send photos of the state lawmakers that think its ok to take pictures of people in the bathroom. deffinitely don't do that
@@saros_system The Humanist Report’s latest video on the subject has the lin:k in his description
"How do you know you're ace if you never did the deed?"
How do you know you don't like hugging cactus if you never tried it? Go ahead, hug the cactus! Or better yet, shove it up somewhere.
That reminds me of Doji from Beyblade and how he hates cactuses besides having one in his office XD
I've never been stabbed either but I know I don't like being stabbed.
They're the same thing anyway (if you have an innie)
Reminds me of the bit from a fairly popular comedian that goes a bit like this: "I don't have to be a pilot to know that a helicopter in a tree means someone screwed up."
If they're hetero I just ask them how they know they wouldn't like the same gender (but more crudely)... They usually say something like "that's different", no it definitely is not. A few will actually get it when you say that.
@@JessicaO490Z I agree with you and just want to add a fun, personal anecdote.
My father is hetero and he actually did have sex with a guy once, purely to make sure he REALLY isn't into it and isn't just missing out because of social pressure.
This was HIS PERSONAL decision and NOTHING ELSE would have been ok, this is ABSOLUTELY NOT what anyone has to do!! Just don't get me wrong!
I just find it funny, because, well, it kinda is?
"Verbal self-defense" needs to be a legally valid response to harassment.
Also, screw zero-tolerance policies that blame everyone involved.
A well regulated militia, the right of the People to keep and bear verbal Arms, shall not be infringed.
The "Why are you wearing a mask" people are so obnoxious. It's all freedom and personal choices until someone makes a different choice than they would themselves.
The only situation I’d say asking this question in is ok is in a large group choir with uniforms. One of my friends always wore a mask to rehearsal because it made them more comfortable… but then nobody could hear them ‘cause the mask was in the way of their already quiet voice.
Like sure, it’s cool to wear a mask if it makes you comfy, but it’s maybe not the best choice when doing activities that require an open, unobstructed mouth.
As a German this question triggers other thoughts 😂😂😂
There is an adult video that has one of the stupidest introducting. A woman shows a handyman who is wearing a robbery mask a power box he should fix next to a straw bale. He then asks why there are straws laying around and she asks him why he is wearing a mask and he suggests she should give him the head 😂😂
It makes no sense but this conversation has become part of our pop culture anyway.
Like "why are straws laying around here? 😏"
"That is for the hamster, now put back on your pants!"
and during covid the "why are you wearing a mask?" had a great comeback.
But despite of this weird pop culture thing, I agree with you that it should be an individual thing if people want to wear masks or not.
@@larafranke1802 wait that’s so silly 😭😭😭
Me: I have the right to wear this mask
Them: **Managed democracy infensifies**
Legit just had someone get snappy at me for wearing a mask. It's raining ash here because of forest fires. What am I supposed to do? Move?
what part of drugging someone against there will isn't forced?
my mind boggles at the mental gymnastics of others.
I think he meant because they won't struggle. Ugh, feel dirty just thinking about it.
Maybe they think it's only if violence is involved ignoring how 'consensual [forcing]' is a legal term (if this id in america)
Tldr consensual forcing is when someone agrees because of an impairing substance not because they want it.
NEVER have your first time with someone inebriated
Some people are just crazy or stupid
Redefining both r-wording and the concept of something being forced in what I was gonna call one smooth motion, but really it's about as smooth as sandpaper. Just because it doesn't involve literal physical force (which what he advocates still does to some extent, for reasons I'd rather not describe in any detail) doesn't mean it's not forced on someone.
Yah, those date r*pe drugs are heavy coercion, forcing the victim into a vulnerable state whether they wouldn't resist if they wanted to. I hate that some university guys have practically gotten away with r*pe because some idiot judge doesn't want to "ruin their future." There was another guy recently who was sentenced to something like 1 year, but then the judge decided that was too harsh and he rescinded it. Yah, the judge was totally recalled, but sadly the damage was done.
My parents didnt tell me about my autism diagnosis i got as a small child. At all. Their reasoning was that they wanted me 'to live a normal life.'
I struggled to make friends, struggled with academics as soon as the work load increased, struggled to understand why i couldnt talk to people properly or why i got so obsessed with things (i had genuinely EVERY SINGLE scooby doo movie as a kid). And my parents were like 'oh youre just an old soul!!!' I still feel so cheated sometimes, because if i had known about my diagnosis and had gotten accomodations in middle school maybe id be in a higher math track instead of begging to be brought down because i wasnt able to understand how the math was being taught on my own.
If any parents are reading this and their children get diagnosed as neurodivergent, please tell them and help them out. Their childhoods will be a lot happier if they get the support they need.
My parents tried to help and figure out what was wrong with me but I don’t ever recall ever getting help. Bpd came after 18 and autism had been around since I was a kid. Never got told until my 30s. I don’t know what being happy really is or if it was ever real. It’s not fun.
Yoooo another autistic person with Scooby-Doo as an interest? Me too babe (babe in a platonic and not creepy way I promise)
When I was younger my parents always just went 'oh well that's just him!' until nearly 5 years ago now, I am now struggling to get a diagnosis whilst struggling even more to find a job! Like I would come home from school early all the time due to severe panic attacks and nearly got kicked out of college for the amount of times I was out of classes.
I would have had a normal life if I got diagnosed as a kid.
the other day, I was going through my old school stuff to shred the 50 pounds of worksheets we had kept from elementary school that were not really needed anymore (trying to cut down clutter to move soon).
I found one of my old “write down HW” notebooks. the teachers also used the notebook as an easy way to get messages home to parents (this was before email was the norm).
Nearly every day my notebook has some variation of “Charlotte struggled to stay on task and finish her work today” for about 6 months.
The reason the notes stopped is because my mother complained to the school about the teacher that she was (in short) being bitchy and nitpicky for no reason towards her “brilliant child.”
How does a parent literally have the signs in front of them and still choose to ignore it?
Still undiagnosed for the (likely) ADHD and/or Autism. Probably won’t be diagnosed until I can make the appointment myself and get myself there, since I got shut down trying to bring up the idea a few years ago because “I’m too smart/shy/not hyper enough to have ADHD.”
I’m sorry, Ms. Cavas.
Regarding the bullies: It's a US thing.
In most schools, the policy is to punish everyone involved in an altercation, no matter who is at fault. Supposedly, it's to deter it from happening at all.
As a side benefit, the school doesn't need to do any due diligence to determine who's at fault!
Yep, and on top of that, it usually ends up making the situation far worse for the person getting bullied because it does nothing to actually deter the bully from bullying. They just keep doing it, knowing thst the victim likely won't report again because they won't want to get in trouble themselves.
@@CryptidCritter Either that, or the victim goes all in because they realize that if they're gonna get in trouble no matter what they do, they may as well make it worth the trouble.
Yeah, I was bullied quite frequently until high school. And I would always get in trouble for standing up for myself. Sometimes even worse trouble than my bully.
I remember a school in my area had to go back on the zero tolerance policy after a group of three bullies all beat up this one kid on three different days. Since the school didn’t want to use their brain, they just suspended the victim because he was “involved” in three separate fights. Everyone called them out on their bullshit and they had to change their policy to avoid people from abusing this loophole.
meanwhile in the UK where they only punish the person bullied or maybe that was just the horrible school I went to
I’m Christian. When someone asks if I found Jesus, I want to reply, “I didn’t know he was missing.” A pagan friend, when her grandmother asked about her relationship with Jesus, replied, “I don’t know what you’ve heard but we met briefly at a party but nothing else happened. I don’t know who keeps spreading those silly rumors.” 😂🤣😂
I hope you got a friend named Jesus and could just call them going "OH MY GOD ARE YOU MISSING!?"
That is a brilliant response! LOL
This reminds me pf that pne meme where the people asked the old woman "have you found Jesus" and jesus is just hiding behind her curtains lol
Whenever someone brings up Jesus I say: Please don't mention my ex he was abusive
@@anonymousCAT420 also a brilliant comeback
As someone who's from Canada as well, I get what you're talking about when you say that teachers don't issue punishments when they know the instigator.
A few years ago, I was trying to tell a joke to demean a girl who had been verbally bullying me for over a year, (I was also dealing with a lot of stress surrounding schoolwork at that time) and before I could even complete the joke, she slapped me straight across the face. I absolutely lost it in that moment, and pretty much attacked her, arms flailing. After, I ended up curling up behind a portable classroom and crying, dreading the punishments I would receive from teachers. Some people tried to comfort me. Later that day, the principal spoke to us both, and she apologized, however she tried to say that I should apologize to her as well, and the principal was having none of it. He said "no, he doesn't need to apologize to you. You instigated things, and he wouldn't have attacked you had you not provoked him." That principal was a king.
The "piss girl" one is both heroic and absolutely horrendous. I'm glad the teacher got fired. It reminded me of a stunt like this when I was in highschool, we had a bio teacher who was... Let's say it was the first teacher I actually got into arguments with because she is a moron. One day, a classmate wanted to pee, and the teacher would not want to let her go. The classmate insisted, teacher got angry, classmate said "okay, I'll pee on the floor then" and actually started to get up like she would do it x') Teacher let her go. Because we were petty fucks, an other classmate said he also wanted to pee, teacher slammed her hand on the desk (she liked to do that), and said something along the lines of "you'll go pee when you're green in the face bc you can't keep it in anymore!" (translated, we're French). The guy said with an exquisite poker face "I'm black, you couldn't tell if I turned green, that's racist" 😂 That was a fun day
Beautiful! I can't translate the thing she said about being green in the face (I'm french too), can you tell me the sentence in french?
@@laurelyn C'était quelque chose du genre "t'iras pisser quand tu seras vert parce que tu pourras plus te retenir", à peu près. C'était il y a 10 ans et je t'avoue que je connaissais pas l'expression 😅
What a chad
@@thornwalker8970 jamais entendu cette expression non plus, elle a dû mélanger les couleurs 😂
7:42 the analogy is even worse, because literal crutches also exist to help people with medical conditions get through life more easily. They exist to create "equal footing." (Puns fully intended)
It's actually even worser (I know) than that, since crutches are most often a temporary aid to aid you while you get better (learn ways to manage life in this context). That story is literally like someone telling their kid to walk off a broken leg.
True. It's of cause not meant to be taken literally but I see your point.
I wonder if the people that say that would change their mind if they broke a leg :)
Unrelated, but amazing PFP.
"you're just using that as a crutch" is such a dumb comment. YES, CRUTCHES ARE IMPORTANT TO FUCTION, why do you think i'm using them??.
I swear imagine seeing someone with a broken leg walking with crutches and telling them "you're just using crutches, stop". it makes no sense
7:40 my parents withheld my autism diagnosis from me because they didn’t want me to “make it my whole personality” which isn’t even a real reason in my opinion. Then when I bring it up they refuse to talk to me about and act like I’m not autistic enough to say that and act like they know my condition better than I do
Bigotry is a lifestyle choice. We have to think about the children because we live in really dangerous times.
Imagine if one day you see your child being happy with their partner but they use pronounces !!! I could never handle so much sin
It's sad how unironically true your comment is.
It’s depressing that in the 21st century that people still see being LGBTQ+ as a mental illness. The hatred is heartbreaking
Confess your sins to the Crime Pronouns Haver!
Yeah! Grrr @@asveses5730
If you have enough arguments with yourself in the shower, eventually you might come up with enough comebacks to use one at the right moment in real life. It's just argument training.
That is basically how I go through life with everything. every new conversation, everything I have to say that I've never said before, every new situation in which I have to talk in I practise beforehand when I'm alone. I use it as preperation for possible conversations/things I might have to say at some point.
I also do that to regualte emotions (specifically anger) and because while regulating I actually figure out what I wanna tell that person, how to say it and what to answer them so I actually am prepared for comebacks. hehe :D
(Also if I don't practise talking I'm absolutely incapable of forming any kind of sense-making-sentence. xD ^^)
"if I pretend enough human interactions alone, when I'm interacting with humans I won't be so awkward"
Ain't that the neurodivergent experience
My autistic ass: nuh uh!!
@@JuBenjiiiii It also gives me the chance to say things that I know I won’t say in real life because some people can get really nasty when you point out how stupid or bigoted or just wrong their opinions are-especially when they’re trying to have a say in my life when it has nothing to do with their life.
@@JuBenjiiiiiI do that too. I think I'm mostly being paranoid, but whenever I need to have a serious talk or an argument with someone, I prepare beforehand for my comebacks.
"What's in your pants?"
"Murder usually, also nightmares of men."
**The will of the Omminisah**
"I think a pen, and my phone is in my pants."
"Lovecraftian Horrors."
The fact that she has a diagnosis to the condition she is suffering from means it’s a medical condition
exactly! If you have a medical specialist diagnosing it, that makes it a medical condition, doesn't it? 😅
@@gecko2.617 Medical conditions have diagnostic criteria, yes. And requiring an official diagnosis is a petty good way of preventing idiots slapping any number of labels on themselves because they've read some pop psych article and 2 symptoms vaguely match so now they TOTALLY have xyz condition... 🙄
Self-harming repetitive behaviours such as dermatilomania or trichotilomania aren't usually formally diagnosed, at least in certain places, so I can see how someone could be unsure about it being a medical condition.
It's also a compulsive disorder, a.k.a it's a mental health thing, & a lot of people are weird about counting mental health conditions as medical conditions
13:06 "So youre just fine with being a virgin forever?" has GOT to be one of the biggest projections of the dudes own insecurities he could have possibly made.
I wouldn't be surprised if HE was a virgin.
@@BoxOfToasters Oh 100%.
And hey, so am I, nothing wrong with that.
Nothing wrong with feeling insecure about it either, society works pretty hard to make sure you will be.
Projecting that insecurity onto others, however? Thats a bit weak, no?
the best comeback to "how do you know if you are asexual if you've never had sex" is "how do you know you're NOT asexual if you've never had sex" because that guy so clearly values sex highly.
Yeah, it's so obviously projection. Like why yes, I am just fine with getting what I want.
@@navareeves8976 I like repeating people's questions back to them word for word. Straight guy asks me how I know I don't like penis if I've never had it? I'm asking him how he knows he doesn't like it if he's never had it. Apparently that's offensive. Like yeah, so why'd you ask it?
4:20 That was not my experience. In fact, my experience was the polar opposite. In middle school, I was relentlessly bullied. There were at least ten kids picking on me CONSTANTLY. I actually nearly got expelled for """""fighting""""" three times. The district defines it as "kid A hit kid B and kid B hit kid A back". Context doesn't matter. You hit someone, you get suspended. The only reason I wasn't expelled is that the school blamed my "behavior" on my parents getting divorced, which didn't really affect me much.
Y'all they put me in anger management classes. Their solution to my getting bullied was to try to teach me to not get upset about it. Which is wild considering the level of harassment I endured, I only snapped three times in two years.
It felt like in the school's eyes, what they were doing was perfectly fine and allowed, but my reacting to it? Absolutely unacceptable.
My high school was run by a stone-cold tyrant who ruled the school with an iron fist, and nobody DARED to do anything even APPROACHING bullying lest they face her wrath, so high school was stupid chill.
Grannies are supposed to be supportive? My grandma was a verbal assassin.
One time my office had a Valentines day event and gave everyone a piece of pink construction paper to make a valentine with. I made an anatomical heart. I used the pink of the paper for my mid tones, markers for the darker colors and white pen for the highlights. It was GORGEOUS.
I showed it to my grandmother and she, the verbal assassin, said, and I quote: "Can't you make a pretty one?"
It still hurts.
Anatomical heart cards sound amazing! I'd have admired the commitment to detail and the effort! Hearts a extremely tough to draw.
Your granma might be a verbal assassin but if you assassinate them all, there's nobody left to cheer with you and dance on all these silly victory corpses you earned. There's a time and place for everything.
You made a witty and creative card c: I think you deserve a smile and a compliment for that 🧡 wish I could give ya an anatomical heart emoji for it ;b but even the emojis are simpletons ;b /lh
Yeah, my one grandma was a total sweetheart, the other thought there should be "open season" on trans people (yes, like open season on deer). Yeah, what a shock, I never came out to her and definitely skipped her funeral. If only hell was real.
my grandmother told my cousin on her 18th birthday that she was an ugly baby
I'm sorry that happened. Your heart sounds amazing! One of my grandmothers is also a bit like that. My other grandmother, who unfortunately passed when I was 9, was loving and kind from what I can remember. I hope you find someone who can be a kind grandmother to you one day
That heart card sounds amazing
As a teacher from Europe, I'm terrified of American public education. Kids are *shocker* just smaller humans and have bodily functions. When we have a test week, we have hallway surveillance to keep an eye on the hallway and bathrooms to make sure ALL kids can go to the bathroom without issues. What a weird thing to happen, wtf.
Yep, can confirm that in America there are three types of classes: Honors classes, classes with horrible teachers, and classes with horrible students.
@@pyxilate none of which are mutually exclusive
Europe? What does that mean really? Russia, Serbia, Britain?
@@turkoositerapsidigirliepop they dont have to doxx themself for yt comment clout
@@peculiar-pan What?
30:40 It is illegal to share medical information on a student as per HIPPA act, (if it is in the United States). HIPAA is a US federal law passed in 1996 to safeguard patient health information. It sets standards for privacy, security, and data sharing of medical records.
ADHD isnt a crutch, trust me. I left my debit card at the petrol station yeaterday, and now someone is on a fast food spree on my dime... it is a curse 90% of the time, and a blessing on trivia night
I feel you man, every day is an uphill battle to be organized
Totally understand/can relate. I hope you cancelled your card and didn’t have to pay for fraudulent charges? 🙏🏼
i lost my bank card somewhere, and had to get my bank to give me a new one.
good thing i'm piss pot poor and i have no money on it.
I can feel you, I left it in the check out machine, thank god the cashier screamed at me that I left my card there 😅
Plus now I cant find my whole "thing you hide your money and cards and stuff" (cant remember the word 😂 english is my second language) and I have my card and my "thing u use for legitimating yourself with" sooo yeah (have weird blackout for words today 😂)
In America you get into trouble for retaliating.
You can bully someone, and it's ok. You just can't defend yourself.
Its sadly why we have so many school problems.
The Tinfoil Hat crowd believes that's deliberate. They think the system wants kids indoctrinated to be passive victims, who keep their heads down, work hard, and don't ask questions.
It's seen as easier to just punish everyone involved rather than doing any form of investigating. It promotes Teachers and School Staff being stupid. Which is ironic considering schools are meant to be places of learning and education
It's a "don't rock the boat, don't be different, and for God's sake, don't be disabled!" Those things are all considered punishable offenses to the general population. It's unhinged.
When my older sister was in Kindergarten she was suspended from the bus for a week because an older child had been bullying her and my sister slugged the girl. Bully was 3 or 4 yrs older, so think an 8 or 9 yr old bullying a 5 yr old. Only my sister got in trouble. Mom had to drive her to and from school for a week. I think the older girl thought twice about bullying her again though.
@@Just1Norayou’d think that’s the one time the school would actually step in, because it’s a 9 year-old being mean to a 5 year-old, and it happened on the bus - yk, a major vehicle for accessibility, so that parents can actually uphold the law? The sort of thing that honestly should have gotten that school in a lot of legal trouble?
15:15 Bad teacher, the sexually harassed student should NOT be the one punished after FINSLLY losing their patience.
I got tired of people asking me (homosexual male) if I thought they were attractive or if I'm sure I'm gay or what or how do I know I'm gay, so I just now started going: "why? you interested?"
As a lesbian bartender, I get an unreasonable amount of cishet men flirting, getting rejected, and then promptly asking if they're attractive to me.
I've just started saying "No!" while looking them straight in the eye before starting to list of different things they can do to improve on their appearance, usually involving simple things like "take a shower", "put some effort into dressing up" or "brush your teeth"
It's especially fun when it's clear they already do all that, and I get to act confused and go "Really?", implying it doesn't show.
Always makes my day!
You're an angel, we need more ppl like you 🙏@@arui6143
I'm aroace. I can't roast people with this technique. :(
@@grenade8572 I'm also aroace!
@@grenade8572haha, same
Tbh if I was ever asked that kind of sh!T, I would straight up just say "Nah you're hideous asf, not even an allo person would want you" or something like that, just to get them to leave me alone (if they're being an a$$hole about it)
Them: How do you know you don't like sex if you've never had it?
Me: Well, I've never been stabbed before, but I'm 100% certain I wouldn't like it.
You sure? /s
This is gold.
I got told I "used my daughters cancer as a crutch" when I would say IN THE MIDDLE OF COVID PRIME that I wouldnt send her to kindergarten early/preschool, that i wouldnt put her in daycare and just go get a real job. Me using her disability funds to care for her while she was disabled was apparently "using her cancer as a crutch" like I wouldnt need to worry about her dying from random things if she wasnt LITERALLY FIGHTING CANCER BRO... i dont understand
My mom didn’t tell me I was autistic until I was a legal adult. All through school I just thought I was stupid or broken. If you have autism there is absolutely nothing wrong with you and you are amazing.
I got C-PTSD because of my late diagnosis and all the misunderstandings in my childhood. I'm sad for my brain. 😢
My mother forgot about my ADHD diagnosis until my 20s. She also has ADHD
Leaking personal medical info should've gotten her fired on its own, but I probably would've done it as "I'm really upset she said such things - I would've hoped that as a relapsing alcoholic she would've been more empathetic to my situation" like "oh, sorry, I assumed the rest of the school staff would've already been informed about it, my bad"
I believe the teacher violated FERPA by doing that
22:50 The click speaking german was everything I ever needed lmao
He did a good job actually but the accent was just so beautiful
As a German I have to say that his accent is not bad one can notice that he isn’t native but it’s better than some i heard
@@aliya354 100% I’m always so proud of him… Also a German myself
I am curious, do yall use :) and :D when you have Ü and Ö?
If a teacher won't let you go to the bathroom, just go anyway. What is she gonna do, tackle you?
Or if you have zero shame whatsoever, piss yourself right then and there.
If she did in this case, she would have gotten peed on. Petty revenge as well as traumatizing them back.
I had one teacher try to stop me leaving (I have autism and I didn't often use my IEP). I just left and told my case manager (for those who don't know, tldr person in charge of your IEP and helping make sure it's good) about it. Needless to say that teacher never questioned me again. From what I know basically it was the teachers only warning. They were told because nothing bad happened they would get one warning
I used to HAVE to go right now. My teachers got informed & respected it. I came home in different clothes at least one day a week even with that in Element School. I'm better now thank goodness.
I'm pretty sure one of the previous videos had the story of someone who just stood up and wet their pants in front of the class. After that, the teacher told them to just leave if they had to use the bathroom.
Most of my teachers luckily didn't care much beyond us being quick and not making much noise.
I have a magnet that says, “I found Jesus, he was behind the couch the whole time” 😂😂😂
Love it!!!
That's hilarious
reminds me of the side quest in south park videogame
36:22 lmao that was a FarSide reference. "I found Jesus. He was behind the couch the whole time." Picture shows Jesus just crouching behind some dude's couch
I was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD when I was very young and struggled through school and university. My parents didn't tell me until I was out of college for the same "use it as a crutch"
I have Autism and ADHD, I think my mom might have withheld my ADHD diagnosis from me as I only found out when I read through some medical file and idk how long it had been there; I had an IEP and knew most of what was on there like extra time on tests but my mom chose not to tell me that I had something on there that allowed me a bigger window of being late for class without getting in trouble because she thought I would abuse it (I am pretty punctual, pretty sure it was only there because there was one class I routinely was late for because the way my routine was I had to go to my locker that was at like the complete opposite side of the school and then to the class which was back the other way which was basically impossible to do in the time between bells, I probably should have changed my routine of going to my locker then and had the books for it on me but my autism refused to allow that to change). At one point I walked in the door of this extremely strict teacher like three seconds after the bell and she told me I had after school detention with her for being late, I was practically having a panic attack over it and I couldn’t defend myself by notifying her that my IEP allowed that because I didn’t know that. Luckily when I showed up to her classroom after school she told me she’d let me off with a warning and I could go home, looking back idk if she was just being nice or if she saw my IEP and realized she wasn’t allowed to punish me for being barely late.
My mom didn’t tell me when I got my autism diagnosis or my depression diagnosis. I heard about autism because I overheard her telling my sister, and I heard about depression when my therapist went over all my diagnoses with me :/
@@The-one-and-only-Fruitcake Why is your diagnosis your sister’s business but not yours??? And I can’t even imagine struggling with depression but not knowing you have it just to find out you were already diagnosed and just never told, that really sucks.
@@aceofspades8474 i have no idea, i don’t think my mom was being malicious and instead just assumed my therapist would tell me, and i think my therapist expected my mom to tell me lol. Still kind of annoying
You having a diagnosis and your parents not telling you is a whole other level of bad parenting! As an adult I went to see a therapist: My parents were super ashamed and thought I am plain crazzy. I struggled a lot with cronic depressions from age 11onward. As a 42 years old I got a ADHD diagnosis. I am cinvinced had I known that I have ADHD earlier I had not have any depressions, or at least not as many and not as bad.
America sounds horrific. What kind of country doesn't allow children access to a toilet without a special medical pass?
Not all of America. It just depends on whether where you live is red or blue or independent.
@@pyxilatethat’s not quite right, it’s down to power-tripping teachers regardless of political party. i went to school my entire life just outside of NYC (about as blue as you can get) and there were many many teachers who wouldn’t allow bathroom breaks. it’s all just insecurity, they need to feel powerful by exerting control over teenagers
@@pyxilatewhy tf do political parties have that power
@@pyxilate It's not about politics it's about a power trip. I grew up in a VERY red state and it always depended on the teacher. Our school planners had a "hall pass" page that only had TWO passes per class per semester, so in essence, only 18 passes for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR! Most teachers ignored that and created their own passes so that students could go when they needed to, but there were always a few teachers who very much does the 2 a semester pass rule. I had one that tried to not let me go to the bathroom, so I threatened to drop my pants a change my pad right there in my classroom. She let me go and never tried to stop me going to the bathroom again.
I live in America and some teachers have this stupid "leave your phone with me while I go thing." I didn't trust leaving my phone on a table, so I couldn't go use the bathroom. And when I have to go I move, a lot. He did end up letting me go. Most teachers only let one person go at a time. Some even have gendered passes. Thinking back on it, it's weird but so common. Apparently my Mom had to use the bathroom so bad once that she almost died.
13:51 Also, my bf is trans/Genderfluid and whenever someone says "whats in your pants?" He says "My phone!" Because he doesnt have pockets and keeps his phone in the waistband of his pants so ppl cant take it
You bf is valid
I'm the person who mailed the 'cursed doll' to my kiddo. I was so happy when I heard my story being read out by The Click, & even happier that I made him laugh.
Today is a good day.
I live with kiddo now & the porch pirates are starting up again. I'm thinking about recreating 'The Package' with the addition of a geotracker so if it gets returned I can keep returning the doll to them to really drive the point home.
Omg, i would love to see more posts from you. The cursed doll was genius (and hilarious).
No joke, you're honestly one of my favorite people right now. That story was incredible!😂
Mark Rober has some interesting videos on how to deal with porch pirates ;)
Omg, a geo-tracker to keep returning the doll? 😈 even better leave the salt in the package and put the "Notes with words like "thought you could stop me?" I totally would, especially if i had the language base you had 🤣
@@atlas-h7t Kiddo was rather irritated about the salt. They said it got everywhere & it took forever to get it out of her hair & dress. Said they were sweeping up salt for days.
@@KiboSanti I love Mark Rober. He's amazing.
this is why i'm gonna teach my daughter 'you DO NOT ASK to go to the bathroom, if you have to go you raise your hand and TELL the teacher you ARE GOING to the bathroom, and get up and leave if the teachers want to throw a baby raging hissy fit we will back you always' obv teach her not to abuse it just to get out of class, and only do so to go to the bathroom and return asap but yeah no one is gonna tell my kid they cant use the bathroom
When I was a teacher, I always let my students go to the bathroom whenever they wanted.
As I was the "nice and naive teacher", they just had a walk in the school.
I quit after a few years because I had absolutely no authority. But I still think I was right to let the students go to the bathroom, never my hard tests just to make students "respect" me, and other techniques my coworkers told me to use, in order to help me with my non-authority.
This! You don't have to ask because they can't forbid it. It's your basic right as a human
Click reminds me of that vine "What have you got there?" "A knife!" "No!"
Yes absolutely, a vine. A very complex shaped vine that somehow defies gravity and looks like the first lines in Deltarune chapter 2. If I had the DETERMINATION to do it I'd maybe write a whole story about that vine lol.
Yes,and he's playing both parts
I was planning to edit him into elden ring but now I'm considering putting him into that meme instead.
The ADHD story reminded me of my own experience with autism. The doctor said that he thinks I have it at an appointment when I was around two years old, and my dad strongly fought against it with the doctor. His reasoning? I was able to emotionally connect with people.
Me being able to have a meaningful relationship with someone was the sole reason that, to this day, my dad doubted I had autism, even when i was diagnosed AGAIN at 17.
And this is a man who usually does his research on things, so I was flabbergasted.
Lol. My doctor told me to My face that I have ADHD, and then wrote in my chart that they couldn't diagnose me with it since I managed to get good grades in school.
@@sebastienmailbox ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
@@sebastienmailbox What? 0_0
@@sebastienmailbox that tracks sadly. I'm undiagnosed, but I asked a psych for an ADHD evaluation and he very confidently stated I don't have it because I'd graduated from high school so clearly I couldn't be that dumb...without checking I actually had graduated. I did, but he didn't know that.
@@KeylahJooste-gj8rs definitely not kidding! I cried for days and made several angry phone calls to no avail. I'd been fighting to get the appointment for years.
7:35 the “crutch” thing doesn’t work because crutches help people be on the same level as their peers when they need extra support 💀
I love the Porch Pirate post, like instead of something simple like a glitter explosion, OP decided to make a package that was supposedly cursed with messages in several languages, and it successfully stopped the pirating.
Faking a curse to scare away people, I love it
I would have sent the doll in a tiny robe with runes from a nithing pole etched all over it for good measure. Btw, I got that from a DnD campaign I once ran. Yes, I am also pagan.
Actually, I feel like most curses are made specifically to scare people away
"He never made that comment again."
A bit of background: Here in The Netherlands, until a few years ago there used an orchestra entirely made up of physically and mentally handicapped people called 'Josti Band'. They weren't that great but they had a lot of fun playing. They sold out large venues with relative ease. But as a result the name Josti became somewhat of a slur.
So I have this colleague who has clearly reached his intellectual peak three to four decades ago. He often tries to pull himself up by dragging others down. A few years ago I was his target. When I entered the break room he was already there eating his toasti/grilled cheese sandwich. I snatch a brownie from the table while I pour myself some coffee.
"Ha ha. A downie with a brownie." He jokes.
I turn around; "And Josti with a Tosti."
He was flabbergasted while another colleague nearly soiled himself.
He never made that joke again.
that took quite a while to get.... i think i got it though.... maybe........ ???? idk man im not great with understanding things, it took me a while just to understand who said what
@@NonArtisticArtist-ari Basically, OP's colleague said he had down syndrome so OP called him a Josti
I feel bad for the band members... It doesn't seem right to relate them to an awful person because they are handicapped... They deserve more respect.
If someone is a bad person, does it make it okay to call them slurs?
15:00 why did SHE get a punishment and not him??? His sexual harassment went for weeks!
15:09 the teacher was "chill" because he knew that she wouldn't be the one to get in trouble, the f****** teacher would.
The girl who wet herself during the test reminds me of elementary school me- When I was little, I couldn't hold it because I was prone to chronic UTIs that were debilitatingly painful. I had to stay home for days and do my schoolwork at home because of how painful it was. I could hardly get up to eat most days when I had them.
My mother refused to acknowledge that this was a severe condition, and so she dealt with it on her own and never took me to a doctor. According to her, her home remedy of making me chug cranberry juice and getting up to use the restroom every 15 minutes worked just fine.
I only had it checked out when I was taken out of her custody and had to see a doctor for a mandated health exam. I no longer struggle with that problem.
Anyway. Many teachers I had didn't believe me when I said I couldn't hold it, and as a result I'd end up wetting myself in class. Every time this happened, I'd go straight to the nurse's office, but the principal would have me sit in his office on a plastic chair and eat my lunch early while my parents were called so I didn't have to feel embarrassed with other kids seeing me sitting in my own piss.
Eventually, the principal just wrote up his own condition for me that I could go to the bathroom every hour regardless of who else was in there or if I had a pass to avoid this happening at all. Thanks to his actions as well, I wasn't bullied outside of first grade and my chronic UTIs weren't as frequent anymore. I ended up doing better in school (especially 3rd and 4th grade) because I wasn't missing entire weeks of class due to the painful UTIs.
Even though I didn't have medical notice giving me those accommodations, the principal was an amazing man who stepped up and made a terrible situation so much more tolerable.
Re: getting in trouble for defending yourself, yeah here in the states you're literally not allowed to defend yourself against bullies. I distinctly remember the school resource officer (in the states, schools have a police officer on grounds at all times) having a talk with students about how "there's no such thing as 'self defense'". I remember because as someone who's been bullied all my life, it made me LIVID.
I'm sorry, what!? A literal Police Officer told a bunch of children that Self-Defense doesn't exist!? I mean, I live in the States as well, but I have never been told this growing up! What!?
I mean, I've had the "zero tolerance policy" and all that, I mean specifically 'self-defense does not exist'.
My friend suffered from violent cyberbullying for over a year, and in the end THEY were the one that got in trouble. Our school is *TINY* and the principal didn't even know what grade they were in. Bs.
My parents told us if we started the fight then & the school would punish us, if we finished the only the school would be mad.
@@Bunny_BillThe principal is the equivalent of a parent (usually the dad-I’m sorry but it’s true) having so many kids that they forget some of their names.
20:36 "The babies in question are in their 40s." -- It's like a Monty Python skit in which an old lady is fussing over another woman's son:
*Old Lady:* Ooh, he's a chirpy little fellow. Isn't he a chirpy little fellow ... eh? eh? Does he talk? Does he talk, eh?
*Son:* Of course I talk, I'm Minister for Overseas Development.
If someone had made that rohypnol "joke" at my workplace, I would have made sure I knew their name, the name of the person they were talking to, the name of their supervisor, and gone immediately to HR to file a complaint about sexism, a hostile work environment, and fear for my own safety in working along side someone has such a casual, and possibly positive opinion of substances used for "date-r***", as these could also be used in the workplace where people share coffee pots and often leave drinks at their workplace while completing tasks away from their desks.
Yes!! I kept thinking, "Go to HR!!!"
"date-r***" is not a thing, that's just called r*** lol
But yeah good point on coffee and other drinks being easily accessible around work
I'm assuming it was more blue-collar, or retail or whatever, with no "visible"/in-house HR so first to mind as a resource.
@@ariadne0w1 why do you assume that? Nothing was said regarding what kind of job or whether or not the company was big enough to have an HR department.
@@cathleenc6943 Personal bias/experience. When I worked retail and was hourly, we got breaks. When I went white-collar and was more salaried, we did not. Retail was a big chain but small number of employees, HR was distant/external and I don't know if anyone would've thought to reach out to them, whereas office work was 2,000 in a building that had its own HR (where I worked).
For the ace person getting punished, it seemed more like a punishment for screaming next to the chickens who probably got scared, since the punishment was just to not sit with the chickens for some time. If the screaming happened somewhere else, with no chickens to scare, they might not have gotten punished
“You’re sure you’re okay with being a virgin forever?”
Bro, I’m not even asexual and _I_ wouldn’t care about staying a virgin. It’s really not that difficult.
After Covid restrictions began to lift, I was still wearing a mask due to panic attacks I'd get without it. My roommate and I were in the drive-thru for McDonald's and a group of teens two cars ahead of us were acting nuts. They were running around all the cars and honking and beating on windows and such. I was very annoyed as it was hard to keep track of all of them so we wouldn't accidentally hit one. Finally, just as we get up to the order board, one of the teens turn to me and yell out "Why are you wearing a mask?" I yelled back "I have Covid!" (which was a lie, I never got Covid). But the look of fear that crossed that kid's face as he ducked back into the car and rolled the window up quick was hilarious. I felt justified in my response, as he had been harassing everyone in line as it was. The lady taking our order never batted an eye when we showed up at the window. But I politely informed her that I'd lied to get the kid to go away. I wore it for mental comfort. She smiled and thanked me for my order. HOWEVER< I do applaud MYSELF in my mind. Does that count? LOL.
Yes, yes that definitely counts. You have every right to be proud of yourself for handling that situation like you did. Kudos!
I also wear a mask everytime I go out for mental comfort :)
Im guessing she was riding the high of someone telling those kids off cuz she'd get in trouble for it.
Edited to add kudos too. W
Be proud of yourself for that, also, R/TraumatizeThemBack lol😂
I told my kids no matter what, if a teacher says you cant go to the restroom and you NEED to go. Walk out. Idgaf. You will not be in trouble with me or the school once I'm done with them. We had a few situations like that poor girls and thats with accommodations also -.-
14:28 Why do I feel like the real reason he got so flustered when asked how he knew he wasn't gay is because it made him have some kind of realization?
My dermatillomania is also kinda bad. Scarred face etc. I once told a student I was going to comic con and wanted to dress as Sailor Mercury. He told me I should go as Dead Pool. Fortunately, I did not know this movie at the time. Had no clever comeback... dang it!
I know this is not the same thing, but i wanted to share
I have severe depression, and although i stopped SH, I sometimes still feel the urge to do so. So, i end up scratching my hands and arms, and as a result i have beautiful little white spots on my arms and hands :)
Luckily i do not care at all, and since i have cats my arms are full of white spots and lines from scratches anyway lol
Deadpool is uncalled for wtf😨
That's an insult to both you and deadpool!
Lol! The power of sarcasm! It too is how I dealt with my existential crisis.(I too have said affliction)
Nah wtf thats so out of pocket
"What's in your pants?"
"Epipen, hair tie, fountain pen, handkerchief... You?"
Bilbo Baggins's Ring of Power.
@@rawilliams5881 Oh boy. This could take a while...
Extra pants
🎶I've got...
Keys on a ring for everything,
My lucky rabbits foot,
Bells and a whistle, feather and a thistle,
And a map of Connecticut!🎶
Well, I've got threads, fabric, elastic, buttons...
If you need to know my pockets, I've got my phone, wallet, headphones... not sure what else you need to know
23:18 I don't understand why there are parents that feel the need to blatantly make their children feel unloved/unwanted. It's sad enough that so many of them do it by accident. I've also always hated the, "I put a roof over your head, clothes on your back..." speech that usually coincides with justifying crappy behavior on their part. Like, "Congratulations, parent; you are literally doing the bare minimum you signed up for when you decided to have and keep me. Here is your participation ribbon."
6:40 a personal favorite dark humor joke of mine goes, "What is a reverse exorcism", "It's when the demon tells the priest to get out of the child"
While we're on the subject, if you don't pay the exorcist, do you get repossessed?
What's the difference between acne and a Catholic priest? Acne only comes on your face after puberty.
@@ostlandr they pull out cult robes and read the bible upside down so the demon comes back
That is honestly a banger. 😂
The demons in my head enjoyed this. With some wild images ofc.
I am jealous about that sword, I want one and not my wooden knife that i coloured myself when I was younger
You could buy one :) (probably)
I did that too omg!!
@@feuerling EBAY will sell anything you could probably find a 1600s sword with little effort
Do you want a larping sword or a HEMA (the sport, not the shop) sword?
Oh! @36:00 the responses to “Y’all found Jesus?”. I love that so much!
One of my favorite stories involving a baby was from a friend of mine. It was shortly after she had the baby, first time taking him out of the house. She was in Walmart buying things, and of course, every random person is obsessing about the baby. She's frustrated by the endless questions, and had finally had enough.
Near the end of the shopping trip, a kid (could be young teen, could be younger, she didn't remember) looks in the stroller and sees the covered up little bundle and was like "Is that a baby?" And my friend was like "No, it's a Velociraptor." Kid goes "Really" Friend "Yep, careful, he bites."
And at that exact moment, her baby grunts and stretches a little. Kid apparently ran off screaming.
The teacher telling the school about the poster's mental health issues gave me flashbacks to my youth, for background context, I was diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism, that caused me to need many surgeries as a child, heart issues, lung issues and amongst other complications, a life expectancy of about 20 years old, I am currently typing this a month away from my 27th birthday, so when I was in the 9th grade, I started in a Clinical Trial and I had to go to the hospital once a week to receive an infusion of the enzyme my body cannot make and potentially save my life (It works, I am still on the medication to this day), so every week I would miss Wednesdays in school. I was already struggling with math (since then I've been diagnosed with Dyscalculia) and I was failing, so my algebra teacher decided to call my mother and tell her to pull me out of this trial because I was failing Algebra. My mother responded to her saying "My daughter's ability to live, is more important than her ability to find X" and hung up on her
Good for your mama!
How someone who is a teacher can be so stupid is beyond me. Isn't being alive a mandatory first step for being able to do algebra? I would think so at least. 😉
Happy for you that the medication works! 🎉
What a poopy teacher. Congrats for making it this far! May there be many more years in store for you!
"Dear Algebra: Please stop asking us to find your X. She's not coming back. And don't ask Y."
Your mom is epic
9:30 one of my siblings was once told, "If you need to go so bad, do it right there." For some reason people think that'll deter little kids from needing to go out of embarrassment. Instead, my sibling did exactly that in the middle of the gym floor. Idk the rest of the story, but I imagine they got in trouble for doing what they were told.
Honestly its just so baffling how people dont see how "oh how would you know if you're x without doing y" is such a bland arguement that can easily be flipped around?
Free trauma is always funny though, I love to ask them back even when they weren't asking ME... the pure horror most AH show is priceless. 🤣
Because they're not smart.
They're trying to sleep with the women they typically ask that to. In their minds, they wanna fuck this girl, but girl says she's Lesbian. So he says "but how do you know you're lesbian if you haven't slept with guy?", because it's an invitation. He's actually saying "You haven't slept with the right guy yet, I am the right guy", because a lot of dudes think they're gigachads who can be the ones to change a woman's mind. That's the logic behind that argument.
That feel when you lose the argument in the shower to yourself; and now you're not on speaking terms,
And that awkward couple if days when you refuse to talk to yourself until you apologise.
@@Virtualblueartat least the make up sex isn't to bad
😭 😭
To quote the Corsican twins from The Electric Company, nobody ever wins.
Even if the ADHD kid wasnt Popular in highschool, i love love that the popular kids decided it "wasnt cool" to bully her regarding the situation
American here, and yeah American schools are AWFUL about fairness.
Nobody will protect you from bullying & if you fight back OR NOT you will get in trouble.
I had a teacher make me apologize to a kid FOR HIM KICKING ME, and he was a repeat offender to multiple kids.
Also had teachers not care about kids throwing stuff at me.
Even my mom has a story where she got in trouble for being attacked by a guy in a hallway.
This is why a lot of people teach their kids to fight back because thats the only way to get the bully to stop & you're gonna get in trouble anyways
I was 9, 9 when I was a new kid in a school in California. I was ignored by everyone or when I wasn’t I was made fun of. It got to the point two boys decided that, we should make up a story about new girl making fun of us. It ended up with two boys chuckling behind the supervisor and me crying. To make it better, we were the show! All the kids stopped playing and stood around us to watch the confrontation. I hate crowds and people to this day and have trust issues.
I was a skin picker too-very severe. I used tools(pins n tweezers) n didn’t pay attention to cleanliness. (I’ve struggled w depression my whole life.) I developed a spinal infection from staph entering my bloodstream. The small town ER I went to told me I was a drug addict (clean UAs-not an addict!) n not to come back there looking for drugs!
Long story short: I am now a paralyzed double amputee bc of their belief in my imaginary drug addiction. Dw, they paid, but I sure would rather have had my mobility back
17:31 Our s3x ed was basically the same, we talked about things like periods, getting pregnant, protection, etc. Then the topic of homosexuality was "brought up". The *ONLY* thing we got told was "Being gay is a thing and it's not wrong to be gay"
I mean, come on. At least the teacher and students weren't homophobic but the only other interaction we had with this topic was a short answer to a question about how gay s3x even works
Was not even brought up when I was in school was about men and women and that's about it
Was not even brought up when I was in school was about men and women and that's about it
Hell yeah! Once when I was in high school a group of girls kept bullied me and asking weird questions about me being bi such as 'how do you do it with a girl?', I honestly didn't know because I was innocent then. I was annoyed and merely said: "Why, wanna do it you creep?" Really loudly and clearly. Everyone ignored them for the next few weeks and it was GREAT.
Babyklappen (babyhatches) are like a small door (sometimes a drawer like hatch) you can open to place your baby in a safe warm place anonymously. So mothers who want to keep it a secret can give away their babys without the need to throw them in a dumpster or put them on some stairs. The babies are safe and warm and the baby hatches normally give a signal to the next hospital. They are found in germany at hospitals but sometimes also at churches, fire departments and even police stations. They are meant to keep the baby safe while the mother will be anonymous the mothers won't throw them away where the baby will die.
Probably one of the best things invented in the last 30 years.
That…. That sounds incredible! Why can’t this be more commonplace?
That sort of thing has been around forever. What we really need is good access to and education around contraception, good publicly funded access to termination of unwanted pregnancies, good publicly funded health care through pregnancy, and good financial and social support for all parents, even the young and unmarried ones. Nobody should be in a situation of bringing a child into the world and then not having the resources or mental space to raise it.
It's not a new invention or concept. It was around even in the Middle Ages, people (women) could leave newborns in churches and abbots anonymously and the church would take them in and raise them. This was mostly to avoid the only other alternative... to kill the baby by throwing them in the local river. It's also why the family name Abbott exists; they are the descendants of such children.
The US has these too, at fire stations!
@tealkerberus748 part of the issue, not the whole issue, is the decline of the extended family and the rise of the nuclear one. "It takes a village to raise a child" isn't just a cute expression. It's a universal truth.
Austrian here, i think u could say the englisch equivalent to her answer for her dad would be "someone won a free ticket to retirement home" and i love it xD
My own personal TraumatizeThemBack story is from when I was a freshman in high school...a 13yr old goth girl with undiagnosed ASD and resting murder-face for reference😅 I was in the middle of the cafeteria when one of the popular girls in my grade turned to me and loudly asked whether I was a virgin or not, to which I replied (after blandly staring at her for so long she started looking visibly uncomfortable) "How about instead of playing 'Piss Off the Goth', how about we play 'Kill the Munchkin'?", and to this day I have never seen a white girl go so pale so quick as I did that day😂 Our next period was English and Shortie (this girl's legitimate nickname given the fact she was all of 4'9") immediately ran to tell our English teacher what I had said (with no mention of her own provocation)...our teacher literally laughed in Shortie's face and told her that's what she gets for picking a fight outside her weight class 🤣 good thing I had already enamored myself to all my teachers as their most diligent student so they knew I only "sharpened my talons on my victims" (a word-for-word quote from my Math teacher) when provoked 😈
i didn’t know Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way watched The Click
@@SwarmOfBees404 different goth girl, but this definitely seems to be a common 🖤 *Goth Origin Story* 🖤 👹
You sound like a riot, and with comebacks? Absolutely powerful
@@Localcourtjester4hire thanks😅 my sarcasm and viciousness tend to get the better of me at times haha
@@crazycatchick4111 also in your pfp is that ur cat?
"I will let you pet my sword" - holy euphemism, Batman!
28:53 "dont step into the boxing rink if you cant take a hit" is extra funny now. Nicely done, past Click 😂
The sex ed class story is me! Thanks for featuring my story haha, I didn’t think it would be cool enough to be featured in a click video.
Last I checked with younger siblings, she’s done traumatising the students in SPHE, and now teaches the class with minimal mention of sex besides the necessary. At least there’s no more homophobic bullshit
Love that story! Absolutely sent me with the "sweet and innocent" voice. They love to spout that bs, but then get that shocked pikachu face when we can spin it back on them. I was the chicken story :3
Loved your story! Ty for sharing!
I had a vaguely similar experience to you and the simplypeaches who wrote the chicken story, involving a biggoted aunt and my asexuality. She kept asking when I'd settle down with a "God fearing man" and more importantly have "God fearing children" and become a "God fearing mother". Should have seen the look on her face when I looked her in the eyes and stated loudly, in a crowded mall, "for the last time aunt Lisa, I'm ace, I LITTERALLY DON'T GIVE A FUCK!"
@@TeamVampireHunterD I'm imagining her clutching her pearls and gasping like a fish out of water rn
@@SimplyPeachyKeen Yep, went full on carp-faced in public, it was glorious. Now she won't even look at me at family gatherings much less talk to me, which I'm just fine and dandy with. I mean did it even occur to her daft self that she was essentially asking "when are you getting creampied for the Lord" every time she saw me? SMH😑
Also, those chooks were really cute, were they black silkies?
Sadly, in the U.S., we have a no violence policy in our schools were, even if you're just defending yourself against a bully you'd still get in trouble for it. I think it's was made to prevent fighting in schools. However, even back when I went to school even I thought that rule was stupid because I thought it encouraged people not defending themselves even after getting bullied for it. Keep in mind, I'm an autistic person who likes rules and even I can't stand that stupid policy that basically lets bully's get away with stuff because they know you will get in trouble if you defend yourself.
The other problem that can arise from "zero tolerance" policies as they are is that the bully's victim just might let loose and make that trouble they're gonna get into worth it. Saw a situation when I was in high school where the bully ended up getting a broken nose and several lost teeth because the normally meek guy had had enough and decided to make his trip to detention worth it.
Every time I hear about someone getting in trouble for self defense because of a zero tolerance policy the bully who started it goes unpunished, so apparently they have plenty of tolerance of violence but zero tolerance for self defense.
@@LloydTheZephyrianyep, this was my and my dad's policy when I went to highschool. Don't start a fight, but you better make sure you finish it. Though I was more prone to threatening to stab people with pencils when they shoved their hands in my face and touched my stuff. (Didn't realize I was neurodivergent at the time and was reacting to being overstimulated)
Yep. I have multiple stories of dealing with zero tolerance bs with my kids, ranging from my getting detention in HS for screaming at a girl who wouldn't stop harassing me to most recent, my son getting detention for making the "finger guns" gesture. It just condones bullying.
@@LloydTheZephyrian We're proud of you,normally meek guy! May you have a good life!
16:35 oh yeah in the us both parties get punished sometimes the person being bullied gets in more trouble because they "started" the fight
In my experience in the US, the person defending themselves often gets in MORE trouble than the bully. As someone who was suspended for "fighting" i.e. fighting BACK on more than one occasion, I can confidently say it's pretty common. Now I have kids in the school system who have also gotten in trouble for standing up to bullies. My daughter got in trouble for threatening to fight back when her friend was getting picked on. My daughter stepped in and said she'd fight them with her friend if they kept it up, and she's the one who got in trouble. To the point where her friend's mom and I moved both girls to a different school because they weren't protecting this little girl, and if our girls fired back they got lunch detention. It's some ol' bullshit.
I never live in the US, but there was also a "0 tolerance policy" at my school.
I've been bullied at school from my 12yo to my 17yo. I fought back just once (slapped once the bully in her face; but very midly because she was so tall I could barely touch her ^^). The bully told the P.E. teacher, who came to me, when I was in the changing room with my classmates.
I had no friend. There were no witnesses. I told no one was happened. But the classmates were shocked (like: SHE slapped someone?) and then, they all started to lie, saying they witnessed what happened, and that I didn't slapp the bully. I don't know if the teacher bought it, but I had no problem (and I still don't understand why my classmates, who didn't like me, stood for me).
My younger brother started to be bullied, but he immediately fought back; I think he broke his bully's nose. My mom was called by the school, the told that no one helped me for YEARS, that she approves what my brother did; he still had detention but she negociated the date, so the detention would be after the exams. At least my brother fought hard enough to make instantanely stop all bullying against him.
I thought in the USA defending oneself even with extreme violence is always allowed.
@@turkoositerapsidi That's actually a really common misconception. There are way too many women in prison for shooting their abuser when they are afraid he's going to kill them. Schools don't generally support self-defense in my experience. They punish the victim just as hard as the bully, if the bully get punished at all.
I have friends that have had to take their kids out of school and put them in online classes because the bullying has been so bad.
@@AmberBoBamber9681 Oh I see, that doesn't sound nice, if the wrong doer is not punished, but the victim is.
But what about all the guns then that usaians carrying around all day then?
@@turkoositerapsidi There are a lot of gunowners in the US, but the majority of us don't carry guns around. Most guns here are for hunting, though I live in a very red state, so there are more personal protection handguns carried here. The people walking around carrying assault rifles are actually pretty uncommon for the most part.
In a lot of cases, self-defense is a get out of jail free card, but in just as many, it's incredibly hard to prove that lethal force was necessary. Because my family leans very right, I grew up around guns. Mostly hunting rifles and some handguns we'd take to the shooting range. I've taken enhanced concealed carry courses and have my license to carry even though you don't need one in Idaho (where I live). One of the things they stress in that course is that the second you draw a gun, it's considered lethal force, and you need to be 100% sure you're ready to follow through, and that it's necessary, and that if you shoot someone, don't talk to anyone until you have a lawyer present, because it's very hard to prove self-defense. If you say the wrong thing to first responders, you're screwed.
Sorry for the book. There's a lot more nuance than the media on either side like to portray. Guns are a problem here, but it's not at cut and dry as a lot of people think.
TW for R*pe:
I was r*ped at the age of 4. I didn't know what was happening so I just went along with it because I trusted adults, so it 'technically' wasn't forced. So that man, would he consider my experience to be r*pe? Or was it not because my r*pist didn't technically force me to do anything? I'm glad that he was taught a lesson, but it sickens me that people like this exist in the world that like to invalidate people's experiences that they don't know the slightest thing about.
I hope you're doing alright and are coping with it in a healthy way. That shit shouldn't even happen, let alone be joked about.
"Man" cuz that waste of oxygen really doesn't sound human
One, oh my god, that sucks, I'm so sorry. Genuinely, that's a horrible thing to go through. Two, the same exact thing happened to me when I was six, so I wonder what he'd think about that. Three, that is not a "man." No *actual* man would do that to *anyone*.
I am 37 years old and have ADhD, and my parents treated the symptoms as me being lazy and immature. Their unwillingness to take the disability seriously resulted in me getting a 1.3 gpa through high school and depression which whant diagnosed until I was 33. It causes me to doubt my serious issues as well as forget about them.
"May you perpetually step on legos barefoot in the dark."
... damn.
When I came out as Aroace my friend said that wasn’t a real thing. I made her watch a video on it and know she’s accepting of it.
I never came out in real life. No one would understand. I know the answrer would be: "you just didn't found the right one".
I'm glad it worked out for you!
Jw, did u show her the jaiden animations coming our vid?
at 0:44 I think the sword is more civilized than this subreddit and many other subreddits like it
The ADHD story really resonates with me. When I had to go to a psychologist my parents and the psychologist refused to let me see my diagnoses. My therapist was horrified years later when I brought it up, finally having realized that it’s not normal.
That spooky doll porch pirate story.
I would bet the rent, every time those thieves stub their toe in the dark, or the yoke breaks when they try to fry an egg, they start sweating because it can only be the curse.
At least that's what I hope.
19:46 lmfao my niece started walking around a year and 3 months ago. She was just being her sassy self😂 everyone in my family was worried and I’m like “nah don’t worry, I know she can walk” She even lifted her baby-walker with both hands and tiptoeing a little😂😂 now she just zooooooooms and I have to chase her just in case she decides to bulldoze the furniture🤣🤣
“Pet my sword”
100 pts for innuendos used in Shakespeare
Hey Click, my emotional support demon arrived few days ago and I took him to a psychiatrist visit. Really helped me mentally lol >:]
(I have no other reason to say this aside from the fact that I’m really happy and glad that I had found the channel)
That's amazing. I squeezed mine to crap dueimh both of my wisdom tooth extractions at the end of last year.
I got mine last month!
41:00 im starting to love this person more and more, purely because of the scripts, symbols and languages she used... this is brilliant!
7:31 My best friend found out at 18 when she accessed her records she was diagnosed with OCD at 8. She would say her whole life she surely couldn’t have it but she felt like she did and it was a huge issue for her. And then she found out hers was considered so severe she walked into a normal checkup at 8 and out with a diagnosis.
8:49 Hey, just a reminder to anyone who sees this: A teacher, substitute or not, who refuses to let you do something clearly stated in your accommodations, is not just an asshole; they are *LITERALLY BREAKING THE LAW*
I don’t remember for sure what specific type of law it is, but I’m *pretty* sure it’s federal law. So yeah, if a teacher doesn’t let you use your accommodations, at the very least report them to their boss (and make sure to point out in the conversation that not allowing you your accommodations is illegal).
I honestly doubt the US has those sorts of laws, given how much they hate children after they're born. Probably a *literally-the-rest-of-the-entire-civilized-world* thing.
4:03 "3 years of therapy later I've been doing better with my condition" It's a medical condition! It sure is! If it was just an entertainment or body mod choice or something then it wouldn't take literal therapy and help and effort to stop