Joseph Smith was a true prophet. Not just a prophet but the greatest prophet other than the Savior. As I've become convinced of that through personal revelation, the opinions of "scholars" mean little. It's not blind faith. It's knowledge that started out as faith. The scientific community change their opinions ALL THE TIME. All the time. The book of Abraham is exactly what it says it is.
@@Flintlock1776 So you claim to know what the text says? OK what does Di-Anhk mean? Why is it important? . What is the name of the Original text? What does it have to do with the Book of Abraham What is an Ascension / descension text? Name one in Hebrew tradition. Name one in the Bible. What is the Kabbalic word for firmament? What does it have to do with the Book of Abraham?
@@michaelparks5669 Lol. Dude. None of that matters. I don't need a Master's Degree degree in animal husbandry to know bullshit when I see it. Most people spend they're whole life trying hard to avoid public embarrassment. I see you're not one of those people. The real story is this. A known charlatan who claimed to translate conveniently unavailable golden plates from a magic rock in his farm hat goes on to buy some sketches, papyri, and some dead bodies from a guy in a wagon (the 19th century equivalent of a car trunk on a street corner) and he tries to pawn them off as sacred scripture, then goes on to demand that I orchestrate my life around these books and pay his organization 10 percent of my income upon peril of not becoming a god and getting my own wive-filled planet in Tier One Mormon Heaven. It's absurd and it always will be regardless of how many UA-cam videos you watch on it. By the way, watching UA-cam videos on Mormon apologetics is just going to make you dumber and you're already evidencing a pretty low bar.
the book of mormon is going to be so important i dont think we have any idea. The way scholars today are ripping the bible apart, showing how its man made, how it was written who wrote and didnt, how it was compiled . Then they go after christ and the gospels how their not first hand accounts written way after the events, etc. All they have to do is plant that seed of doubt in the woke generation and you will have a huge amount of athiests. The bom stands as companion scripture rattifying everything the bible stands for that is that jesus was prophesied and that he came to fullfill those prophecies. That he is the eternal son of god and the savior of the world. This message aint for those who cling tightly to their bibles but for those who are looking for somthing to cling on to. Lds cling to the living christ not the one the world including christains have shut the book on and thrown the book at. Thank God for Joseph Smith and all biblical promises being fullfilled! These next few years are going to be interesting...🍿
Then how about this??: 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. Or this: John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. So if you are going tell me that "LDS line" where the Bible has lost most of its meaning in translation, save it and instead read chapter 1 of John, it won't take long, and you can tell me then whom you are calling a liar ???
@@brandonsauer5739 i dont care what u believe dude and i wont argue with u. Have a blessed life. Christ made it very easy ask and ye shall recieve, knock and it shall be opened unto u. What could possibly be opened in a closed narrative?👋
@@brandonsauer5739 go away, if pharoah taught us anything its a hard heart will never learn forgive me if i dont argue doctrinal semantics with u when u havent done moronis promise. U dont even know what ur talking about jesus did not ascenf to heaven at first the scriptures (bible) tell us he preached to the spirits in prison during the days of noah. U dont want none of this bro trust me. Then when he appeared to the apostles he said touch me not for i have not yet ascended to my father. Paradise is where ur headed to and youll learn about christ in spirit prison and all the things he did and divulged because again tje bible tells us even all the books in the world could not contain the things christ has done. U have much to learn. Then you will learn Isaiah 56 where u recieve a new name in the house of god. U dont even know u lived before u were born but the voice out of the whirlwind will demand it of thee. Job 38 or Jeremiah 1:5 then think about what it means to be born again. I aint got time for ur elementary understanding bro im working my 9 to 5 u can choose to reject the word of god too bro.👋
Fair Mormon, is there a way to get a list of where I can find those references Dan Peterson used when talking about the idea of Deification being taught by early Christian writers? I am happy to try and hunt them down, but am wondering if you could point me in the direction to find them so that I can have them for future use. Thank you for posting this! I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Notice how he falsely tries to make you think that Joseph Smith mistakenly labeled the Egyptian God "OF" Elkanah as literally being Elkanah? Or, the God "OF" Korish was somehow actually being Korish himself! Do you dare even recognize how you are having your intelligence insulted here? Would you say the "God OF Abraham" was Abraham? Or, the God of Jacob was named Jacob? Prophets have always used this prophetic type of terminology to avoid the repeating of God's name over and over in scripture! If you say "the God of Abraham" everybody knows it is referring directly to "Jehovah" and NOT Abraham in which you were referring too! Joseph Smith never ever said the God of Elkanah was named Elkanah like Dr. Ritner clearly gets this fact all wrong! Read Joseph's explanation closely in the book of Abraham, he only refers to this subject as the four corners of the earth in his translations, and no more! This whole subject has become an anti Mormon echo chamber of misdirection. Let me disentangle it for you. Dr. Ritner and these anti Mormons convert Joseph's motives into a false narrative using the wrong lens to focus your attention on the wrong emphasis. They obviously think that you are stupid and hope you will never notice the correct textual meaning while they try to make it say something else that it clearly doesn't say at all ! Why? Because they hate the church and constantly resort to new trickery. Actually Dr. Peterson and Dr. Gee are correct by their associating those canopic jar names with the four corners of the earth only in their videos. However, later even they somehow got this off the track. But, the four corners of the EARTH are associated with the God of Elkanah and the others. The Gods OF EGYPT mean the same thing as saying the God "OF "Israel identifying literally Israel itself. You don't need to say the actual name of that God at all to refer directly to it ! ! ! The God of Elkanah is talking about a name of a place or person like unto the God of Israel or likewise the God of Egypt or the God "OF" some other entity. If it meant Elkanah was the name of the god then it would obviously name it "the God-Elkanah" and not the god "OF" Elkanah. How all of the BYU scholars thought this was the names of actual Egyptian gods I cannot comprehend. The gods OF are referring to someone else who worships that God. Why did Joseph Smith not ever use Egyptian names? A true prophet would not have associated false God's having fictitious fake Egyptian names becoming legitimized in holy scripture anyway. In Doctrine & Covenants Joseph Smith never ever names Mars or Jupiter or Venus as he describes planets or solar systems. The same reason no prophet would EVER legitimize pagan God's like Mars or Venus in any holy scripture. Instead a true prophet would use gospel related Hebrew names that God sanctioned to describe God's creations and never adapt Idolatrous names coming from man made Greek or Egyptian myths. These guys in this video figure you are stupid. It's all an echo chamber of misdirection. This guy posted Abraham UA-cam videos clearly disentangle these lies easily. To see this click UA-cam video titled " Book of Abraham part 13" By P. Gregersen. Take notice, how no church critic will dare respond to his objections to their above video. . Why? see UA-cam video by me titled "Book of Abraham part 13"
I am having difficulty locating what he referenced as the Armenian Apocryphon entitled Concerning the Creation of Adam. Is anyone else familiar with this?
I know the Book of Abraham is true, not because of evidences, but because I have read it and felt the Spirit of God testifying to my soul that it is true. I recognize the work that has been made by fairmormon and really appreciate it. I recommend fairmormon to my friends and critics, but the the one and only true proof of the historicity and truthfulness of the book is the Spirit.
Well said, even though *daveyork0* disagrees. The fact is, we don't have the manuscript from which the Book of Abraham was taken. We have a few scraps, but they are not the original papyri. I doubt the original text still exists, and it probably was destroyed in the great Chicago fire.
Magari M Where the garden of eden was or just outside of it and the location of Zion. Interestingly enough when Joseph had this revelation he just happened to have land he owned for sale right there! Funny how his revelation made him lots of money 🤣😂🤣😂
@Magari M Either way, if Adam exited the Garden of Eden near Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq where most bible scollars believe it was located), how did he spend time land locked in the middle of the continental United States? If you want to entertain the idea that God moved him on a cloud or he made the journey, some how, before the said round boats, then you must also ask yourself, hey this is pretty important historical information, shouldn't I be able to find this detail of his journey in the Bible or the BOM even?
Given that Oliver Cowdery quoted Josephus in the same year Joseph Smith dictated the Book of Abraham, Joseph Smith almost certainly was aware of Josephus' Abraham narrative when he was translating the Book of Abraham.
Its hard to use plagiarism when Joseph Smith was years before the things critics use to disprove him. Joseph had a revelation that every thing would be proven true by things discovered later. Eliminating faith. The wicked will have no leg to stand on.
We know what the source materials say, and they don't say what he said they did. Game over. Quit moving the goal post. It's a complete fabrication. Just own it.
@Flintlock1776 Except we don't have the source materials. Just a few scraps. Which don't match the several eye-witness accounts of the scroll. There's no proof either way - own it.
@@tezzerii Actually we do, complete with the notes he wrote. Name one Egyptologist outside the echo chamber of the LDS church or BYU that takes any of this seriously. You won't find one because it is easily proven to be a fraud.
@@tezzerii Right there in your imagination with the rest of it. Did you not ever find it curious that what little evidence we actually do have completely debunks Joseph Smith and the rest of this alleged witness-seen evidence is conveniently unavailable for review?
@@Flintlock1776 The witness accounts are indeed available if you bother to look. There is little concrete evidence, sure, but it doesn't completely debunk anything. Just like a flat earther to smugly dismiss it out of hand. I don't care either way, but there are people on both sides of this that pretend to be in the know - looking at u.
Solid information. I know the Book of Abraham is true. I don't need archaeological proof just like Luiz Arão S. Sotero Luiz . If we look for physical proofs to spiritual things, we will always fall short.
STUPIDITY: ''Solid information. I know the Book of Abraham is true. '' REALITY: Not solid at all, nothing but ''MORMONS'' shouting. There is not a SINGLE non-lds Egyptologist which takes this book serious, in fact they laugh at it. When only MORMONS are saying MORMON books are true, that should tell you something. Jehova's Witnesses also have their own experts who are ''JEHOVA'S WITNESS'' and testifying to ''JEHOVA'S WITNESS'' books. Same is true for ALL religions that have extra biblical books created by their leader who's claimed a prophet. STUPIDITY: ''I don't need archaeological proof just like Luiz Arão S. Sotero Luiz . If we look for physical proofs to spiritual things, we will always fall short.'' REALITY: The book might contain spiritual ''things'', however it's also supposed to be based on an actual translation of a language called Reformed Egyptian. No one has heard of such a language and >>>ZERO>PEER REVIEWED>MORMON
Brian Gardner actually it’s not what he is saying is reformed Egyptian doesn’t exist so it doesn’t exist. Using your logic there is an infinite number of genders and it’s fluid. We ignore DNA and XX/xy chromosomes and say well I believe there are other genders. The translation of the common Egyptian funerary papyrus Joseph made is completely made up Zub zool oan is not and Egyptian translation like Joseph said. Pure gibberish he created and some how this book says that he needs to have as many wives as he wants hmmmmm😂😂😂.
Brian Gardner excellent work using big words! I’m sure that makes you feel better about Joseph. You love to ridicule yet show no evidence to support your claim. So show me your exhaustive research into reformed Egyptian! Or show me how Joseph correctly translated Egyptian you know Zub Zool Oan! 😂😂😂
Brian Gardner 😂😂😂 see another attack, better furthers your beliefs. It’s without a doubt false. Luckily Joseph copied some of these “caractors “ and it’s not just what he calls it but it’s not real at all. I already showed you Josephs GAEL where he made incorrect translation of Egyptian which is verifiable! It’s not about what you cannot prove correct but what is verifiably false. And as for claiming it not using research level citations, you give no citations or evidence anything you claim is true. Look I’m not here to waste my time having you attack and ridicule me and you never give any evidence or proof any of what you claim is true or counter any claim that I make. So let’s just stick with one topic- show me evidence of nephite lamanite or jeridite civilizations in America.
Brian Gardner no the attack is where you imply I’m stupid in your first sentence. These are the people of ancient America, no Hebrews among them. I don’t know why you think anything that disproves Mormonism is a fallacy or ad hominem or straw man? What in particular have I said that is any of these? Please be specific.
This is very well done and quite convincing. To be clear, it does not constitute proof that the Book of Abraham is a true record (nor does the author claim such proof). Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the anti adherents were able to use such clear logic and scholarly research? Sadly, all we’ve seen from them so far does not meet this standard. Every time I’ve researched something they claimed to represent such it has failed the test required to be published outside of an editorial page (without a subsequent retraction) by any reputable publication not targeted solely at anti adherents. Thanks Fair Mormon, for sticking to the high road.
@@gadget5129 That is a chicken response, and a lie. I guess that is to be expected. You are not worth my time. Faith without intellect or curiosity is a blind mans path.
@@gadget5129 It certainly says what I said it does. It is you who simply claim over and over that Mornoni 10:4 answers all your questions - yes you are soooo open minded. I know because you keep saying so.
@@gadget5129 "The Book of Abraham, it is hardly necessary to say, is a pure fabrication. Cuts 1 and 3 are inaccurate copies of well-known scenes on funeral papyri, and cut 2 is a copy of one of the magical discs which in the late Egyptian period were placed under the heads of mummies. There were about forty of these latter known in museums and they are all very similar in character. Joseph Smith's interpretation of these cuts is a farrago of nonsense from beginning to end. Egyptian characters can now be read almost as easily as Greek, and five minutes' study in an Egyptian gallery of any museum should be enough to convince any educated man of the clumsiness of the imposture." (F.S. Spalding, Joseph Smith Jr., As a Translator, 1912, p. 27) - Dr. Arthur Mace, Assistant Curator for the Department of Egyptian Art of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York"
Excellent overview. Joseph Smith could not have correctly guessed all of these linguistic and historical parallels. Funeral text or not, Joseph Smith truly did recieve the book of Abraham through divine revelation from God.
By that same logic, if we include all the things he got wrong regarding the parchment, then there is no way he could have received it from God either. Don't be biased
Tyson Capel symbolic interpretation? So I am going to symbolically translate your writings here. Your writings above symbolically translated to Joseph Smith was a fraud, he was a treasure digger with a rock in his hat. Man how could you say those things about the prophet???
JS made it up! Nothing divine about it. He made it up. Dunn made up some warm, fuzzy stories too while serving as a gen authority. So, if it's a lie but makes people feel good then it's okay?? Nope. Not okay with me.
This is a well constructed Abraham video, however, like all of the other BYU productions concerning the book of Abraham it never explains the overall purpose of the book of Abraham. It doesn't ever explain why Kolob represents the priesthood nor why the brightest star representing Christ is the source of all light to the prophets nor why Abraham, Isaack, and Jacob are called stars! And why they borrow their light from the brightest star Christ. This leads you to something vital that everyone is totally missing. The video fails to explain why the Egyptians stole the birthright from Noah and how the facsimile 2 is actually about the gospel of Noah and Adam? this is the message of understanding most vital. Abraham 1:14 clearly says that the Egyptians counterfeited the gospel of Noah and turned it into Idolatry. If you read chapter one you solve the entire translation question every bodies debating over!. Joseph Smith was translating what the Egyptians got wrong back into what God wanted by revelation. Likewise, This video doesn't explain Gods purpose for sending Joseph Smith the Joseph in Egypt scroll to translate it also? The above video fails to explain Gods purpose for preserving ancient Josephs scroll for thousands of years only to arrive at the modern prophets hand, and how Joseph Smith was to relate it to the book of Abraham?. I clearly explain this matter in my video "Book of Abraham part 9" The above video doesn't explain why Joseph Smith challenged the whole world to discover the encrypted numbers of 9 through 11 in his explanation given in facsimile 2. I easily explain this matter by showing you the very text itself? question? Why did Joseph Smith convert Egyptian characters into gospel teachings that were related to 9 heavenly stars or 9 heavenly bodies? Since these teachings are obviously the main subject for all 3 Abraham facsimiles then why are all of these church member videos trying to explain what they think the importance of Egyptian mythology means instead? God cares nothing about the meaning of these Egyptian myths. This seems to always be their focus instead of the plain gospel message? Why are they ignoring the timelines in the facsimiles that are identical with the Bible including Daniel and Revelation? this is incredible stuff and they don't even mention it? Learn what the book of Abraham is all about for the first time. Its right here now. Click UA-cam title "Book of Abraham part 9" by P. Gregersen
I like Dan, but I'm sorry, Brian Hauglid and every credible egyptologist that has studied the matter disagrees with you. There is no leg to stand on with this Book except with blind faith.
And Hauglid's assumptions have been shown to be false. The evidence strongly supports that the KEP were reliant upon the BofA, and not the other way around. Egyptologists have not translated the source of the BofA.
@@MrSilus2000 Omg you can't be serious. Not a single prophet or apostle, not even Christ during his mortal ministry, said we should have blind faith. There must always be evidence to support faith. This entire argument is because Joseph, and by extension God, thought that physical evidence was necessary to legitimize a story about Abraham. That evidence has now been proven false. Adapt bro.
Feels like this kind of stuff should be our Sunday school lessons. You'd get people to show up more interested.
Joseph Smith was a true prophet. Not just a prophet but the greatest prophet other than the Savior. As I've become convinced of that through personal revelation, the opinions of "scholars" mean little. It's not blind faith. It's knowledge that started out as faith. The scientific community change their opinions ALL THE TIME. All the time. The book of Abraham is exactly what it says it is.
We know what the source materials say, and they don't say what he said they did. Game over. It's a complete fabrication. Just own it.
@@Flintlock1776read more
@@brucebooth4489 I have. That's why I know it's bullshit. Maybe try reading something not written by a hack from BYU.
@@Flintlock1776 So you claim to know what the text says? OK what does Di-Anhk mean? Why is it important? . What is the name of the Original text? What does it have to do with the Book of Abraham What is an Ascension / descension text? Name one in Hebrew tradition. Name one in the Bible. What is the Kabbalic word for firmament? What does it have to do with the Book of Abraham?
Lol. Dude. None of that matters. I don't need a Master's Degree degree in animal husbandry to know bullshit when I see it.
Most people spend they're whole life trying hard to avoid public embarrassment. I see you're not one of those people.
The real story is this. A known charlatan who claimed to translate conveniently unavailable golden plates from a magic rock in his farm hat goes on to buy some sketches, papyri, and some dead bodies from a guy in a wagon (the 19th century equivalent of a car trunk on a street corner) and he tries to pawn them off as sacred scripture, then goes on to demand that I orchestrate my life around these books and pay his organization 10 percent of my income upon peril of not becoming a god and getting my own wive-filled planet in Tier One Mormon Heaven. It's absurd and it always will be regardless of how many UA-cam videos you watch on it.
By the way, watching UA-cam videos on Mormon apologetics is just going to make you dumber and you're already evidencing a pretty low bar.
the book of mormon is going to be so important i dont think we have any idea. The way scholars today are ripping the bible apart, showing how its man made, how it was written who wrote and didnt, how it was compiled . Then they go after christ and the gospels how their not first hand accounts written way after the events, etc. All they have to do is plant that seed of doubt in the woke generation and you will have a huge amount of athiests. The bom stands as companion scripture rattifying everything the bible stands for that is that jesus was prophesied and that he came to fullfill those prophecies. That he is the eternal son of god and the savior of the world. This message aint for those who cling tightly to their bibles but for those who are looking for somthing to cling on to. Lds cling to the living christ not the one the world including christains have shut the book on and thrown the book at.
Thank God for Joseph Smith and all biblical promises being fullfilled!
These next few years are going to be interesting...🍿
Then how about this??:
2 Timothy 3:16
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.
Or this:
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
So if you are going tell me that "LDS line" where the Bible has lost most of its meaning in translation, save it and instead read chapter 1 of John, it won't take long, and you can tell me then whom you are calling a liar ???
@@brandonsauer5739 i dont care what u believe dude and i wont argue with u. Have a blessed life. Christ made it very easy ask and ye shall recieve, knock and it shall be opened unto u. What could possibly be opened in a closed narrative?👋
@@brandonsauer5739 go away, if pharoah taught us anything its a hard heart will never learn forgive me if i dont argue doctrinal semantics with u when u havent done moronis promise. U dont even know what ur talking about jesus did not ascenf to heaven at first the scriptures (bible) tell us he preached to the spirits in prison during the days of noah. U dont want none of this bro trust me. Then when he appeared to the apostles he said touch me not for i have not yet ascended to my father. Paradise is where ur headed to and youll learn about christ in spirit prison and all the things he did and divulged because again tje bible tells us even all the books in the world could not contain the things christ has done. U have much to learn. Then you will learn Isaiah 56 where u recieve a new name in the house of god. U dont even know u lived before u were born but the voice out of the whirlwind will demand it of thee. Job 38 or Jeremiah 1:5 then think about what it means to be born again. I aint got time for ur elementary understanding bro im working my 9 to 5 u can choose to reject the word of god too bro.👋
@@six1nyne Im just sharing with you God's word brother, you choose to reject it, this isn't something I pulled out of thin air. ✌🏼Im out.
Who and to what are you referring to when you say “woke generation”
Fair Mormon, is there a way to get a list of where I can find those references Dan Peterson used when talking about the idea of Deification being taught by early Christian writers? I am happy to try and hunt them down, but am wondering if you could point me in the direction to find them so that I can have them for future use. Thank you for posting this! I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Here's a very good source for starters.
LDS Christian, Thank you for the reference! I greatly appreciate your help. Have a great day.
Notice how he falsely tries to make you think that Joseph Smith mistakenly labeled the Egyptian God "OF" Elkanah as literally being Elkanah?
Or, the God "OF" Korish was somehow actually being Korish himself! Do you dare even recognize how you are having your intelligence insulted here? Would you say the "God OF Abraham" was Abraham? Or, the God of Jacob was named Jacob? Prophets have always used this prophetic type of terminology to avoid the repeating of God's name over and over in scripture! If you say "the God of Abraham" everybody knows it is referring directly to "Jehovah" and NOT Abraham in which you were referring too!
Joseph Smith never ever said the God of Elkanah was named Elkanah like Dr. Ritner clearly gets this fact all wrong! Read Joseph's explanation closely in the book of Abraham, he only refers to this subject as the four corners of the earth in his translations, and no more! This whole subject has become an anti Mormon echo chamber of misdirection. Let me disentangle it for you. Dr. Ritner and these anti Mormons convert Joseph's motives into a false narrative using the wrong lens to focus your attention on the wrong emphasis.
They obviously think that you are stupid and hope you will never notice the correct textual meaning while they try to make it say something else that it clearly doesn't say at all ! Why? Because they hate the church and constantly resort to new trickery.
Actually Dr. Peterson and Dr. Gee are correct by their associating those canopic jar names with the four corners of the earth only in their videos. However, later even they somehow got this off the track. But, the four corners of the EARTH are associated with the God of Elkanah and the others. The Gods OF EGYPT mean the same thing as saying the God "OF "Israel identifying literally Israel itself. You don't need to say the actual name of that God at all to refer directly to it ! ! ! The God of Elkanah is talking about a name of a place or person like unto the God of Israel or likewise the God of Egypt or the God "OF" some other entity. If it meant Elkanah was the name of the god then it would obviously name it "the God-Elkanah" and not the god "OF" Elkanah. How all of the BYU scholars thought this was the names of actual Egyptian gods I cannot comprehend. The gods OF are referring to someone else who worships that God.
Why did Joseph Smith not ever use Egyptian names? A true prophet would not have associated false God's having fictitious fake Egyptian names becoming legitimized in holy scripture anyway. In Doctrine & Covenants Joseph Smith never ever names Mars or Jupiter or Venus as he describes planets or solar systems. The same reason no prophet would EVER legitimize pagan God's like Mars or Venus in any holy scripture. Instead a true prophet would use gospel related Hebrew names that God sanctioned to describe God's creations and never adapt Idolatrous names coming from man made Greek or Egyptian myths. These guys in this video figure you are stupid. It's all an echo chamber of misdirection. This guy posted Abraham UA-cam videos clearly disentangle these lies easily. To see this click UA-cam video titled " Book of Abraham part 13" By P. Gregersen. Take notice, how no church critic will dare respond to his objections to their above video. . Why? see UA-cam video by me titled "Book of Abraham part 13"
I am having difficulty locating what he referenced as the Armenian Apocryphon entitled Concerning
the Creation of Adam. Is anyone else familiar with this?
Where might I find the "early Jewish midrash" quoted here?
cynthianielsen tou might find this a good start:
@@spellbindery1 Thank you.
I know the Book of Abraham is true, not because of evidences, but because I have read it and felt the Spirit of God testifying to my soul that it is true. I recognize the work that has been made by fairmormon and really appreciate it. I recommend fairmormon to my friends and critics, but the the one and only true proof of the historicity and truthfulness of the book is the Spirit.
Well said, even though *daveyork0* disagrees. The fact is, we don't have the manuscript from which the Book of Abraham was taken. We have a few scraps, but they are not the original papyri. I doubt the original text still exists, and it probably was destroyed in the great Chicago fire.
Luiz Arão S. Sotero Luiz??? You really choose to stay blind. Wow! I can't believe peoples like you still exist.....
That "Spirit of God" you felt is called delusion. The Book of Abraham is the most obvious case of fraud in all of Mormonism.
+George Instead of making an unsubstantiated claim you should argue the points made in the video
Feelings are not facts.
Can a LDS explain to me how the Nephites and Lamanites traveled to the new world on round boats, yet the garden of eden was already in the new world?
Yeah garden of eden was in Missouri 🤣, but then somehow they got to Jerusalem. It’s called Mormon mental gymnastics 🤣😂🤣
@@shawnbradford2243 Ouch, certainly sounds like a stretch to me.
Brandon Sauer yeah doesn’t have to make sense as long as you keep paying your 10%+fast offering+any other money they ask for 😂
Magari M
Where the garden of eden was or just outside of it and the location of Zion. Interestingly enough when Joseph had this revelation he just happened to have land he owned for sale right there! Funny how his revelation made him lots of money 🤣😂🤣😂
@Magari M Either way, if Adam exited the Garden of Eden near Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq where most bible scollars believe it was located), how did he spend time land locked in the middle of the continental United States? If you want to entertain the idea that God moved him on a cloud or he made the journey, some how, before the said round boats, then you must also ask yourself, hey this is pretty important historical information, shouldn't I be able to find this detail of his journey in the Bible or the BOM even?
It's a spiritual fact that Abraham wife was a spirit daughter of the Eternal Father and Abraham a spirit son, making them brother and spirit sister,
Then that a sister, either way we look at,
Super video!!!
Sorry but this is spoken too rapidly!
I want to take it in but please slow down
you can adjust speed in settings
Listen to it several times, and take notes. Nibley spoke fast too. Geniuses do that.
Given that Oliver Cowdery quoted Josephus in the same year Joseph Smith dictated the Book of Abraham, Joseph Smith almost certainly was aware of Josephus' Abraham narrative when he was translating the Book of Abraham.
Kabane when and what was the quotes Oliver Cowdery quoted from Josephus the ancient historian about abraham
Critics will always use the plagarism tactic against Joseph Smith.
JWJ BROS mostly because he plagiarized a lot 😂🤣😂
Its hard to use plagiarism when Joseph Smith was years before the things critics use to disprove him.
Joseph had a revelation that every thing would be proven true by things discovered later.
Eliminating faith.
The wicked will have no leg to stand on.
Very, very, very good.
We know what the source materials say, and they don't say what he said they did. Game over. Quit moving the goal post. It's a complete fabrication. Just own it.
@Flintlock1776 Except we don't have the source materials. Just a few scraps. Which don't match the several eye-witness accounts of the scroll. There's no proof either way - own it.
@@tezzerii Actually we do, complete with the notes he wrote. Name one Egyptologist outside the echo chamber of the LDS church or BYU that takes any of this seriously. You won't find one because it is easily proven to be a fraud.
@@Flintlock1776 Oh, so where is the 40-odd feet of scroll mentioned by various witnesses ?
@@tezzerii Right there in your imagination with the rest of it. Did you not ever find it curious that what little evidence we actually do have completely debunks Joseph Smith and the rest of this alleged witness-seen evidence is conveniently unavailable for review?
@@Flintlock1776 The witness accounts are indeed available if you bother to look. There is little concrete evidence, sure, but it doesn't completely debunk anything. Just like a flat earther to smugly dismiss it out of hand. I don't care either way, but there are people on both sides of this that pretend to be in the know - looking at u.
was there ever any doubt? lol....loved it. thanks..
Yeah there was and is
Solid information. I know the Book of Abraham is true. I don't need archaeological proof just like Luiz Arão S. Sotero Luiz
. If we look for physical proofs to spiritual things, we will always fall short.
''Solid information. I know the Book of Abraham is true. ''
Not solid at all, nothing but ''MORMONS'' shouting. There is not a SINGLE non-lds Egyptologist which takes this book serious, in fact they laugh at it. When only MORMONS are saying MORMON books are true, that should tell you something. Jehova's Witnesses also have their own experts who are ''JEHOVA'S WITNESS'' and testifying to ''JEHOVA'S WITNESS'' books. Same is true for ALL religions that have extra biblical books created by their leader who's claimed a prophet.
''I don't need archaeological proof just like Luiz Arão S. Sotero Luiz . If we look for physical proofs to spiritual things, we will always fall short.''
The book might contain spiritual ''things'', however it's also supposed to be based on an actual translation of a language called Reformed Egyptian. No one has heard of such a language and >>>ZERO>PEER REVIEWED>MORMON
Brian Gardner actually it’s not what he is saying is reformed Egyptian doesn’t exist so it doesn’t exist. Using your logic there is an infinite number of genders and it’s fluid. We ignore DNA and XX/xy chromosomes and say well I believe there are other genders. The translation of the common Egyptian funerary papyrus Joseph made is completely made up Zub zool oan is not and Egyptian translation like Joseph said.
Pure gibberish he created and some how this book says that he needs to have as many wives as he wants hmmmmm😂😂😂.
Brian Gardner excellent work using big words! I’m sure that makes you feel better about Joseph. You love to ridicule yet show no evidence to support your claim. So show me your exhaustive research into reformed Egyptian! Or show me how Joseph correctly translated Egyptian you know Zub Zool Oan! 😂😂😂
Brian Gardner 😂😂😂 see another attack, better furthers your beliefs. It’s without a doubt false.
Luckily Joseph copied some of these “caractors “ and it’s not just what he calls it but it’s not real at all.
I already showed you Josephs GAEL where he made incorrect translation of Egyptian which is verifiable!
It’s not about what you cannot prove correct but what is verifiably false. And as for claiming it not using research level citations, you give no citations or evidence anything you claim is true. Look I’m not here to waste my time having you attack and ridicule me and you never give any evidence or proof any of what you claim is true or counter any claim that I make. So let’s just stick with one topic- show me evidence of nephite lamanite or jeridite civilizations in America.
Brian Gardner no the attack is where you imply I’m stupid in your first sentence.
These are the people of ancient America, no Hebrews among them.
I don’t know why you think anything that disproves Mormonism is a fallacy or ad hominem or straw man? What in particular have I said that is any of these? Please be specific.
This is very well done and quite convincing. To be clear, it does not constitute proof that the Book of Abraham is a true record (nor does the author claim such proof).
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the anti adherents were able to use such clear logic and scholarly research? Sadly, all we’ve seen from them so far does not meet this standard. Every time I’ve researched something they claimed to represent such it has failed the test required to be published outside of an editorial page (without a subsequent retraction) by any reputable publication not targeted solely at anti adherents.
Thanks Fair Mormon, for sticking to the high road.
@@gadget5129 That is a chicken response, and a lie. I guess that is to be expected. You are not worth my time. Faith without intellect or curiosity is a blind mans path.
@@gadget5129 Let others read it for themselves and see you are wrong.
@@gadget5129 It certainly says what I said it does. It is you who simply claim over and over that Mornoni 10:4 answers all your questions - yes you are soooo open minded. I know because you keep saying so.
@@gadget5129 "The Book of Abraham, it is hardly necessary to say, is a pure fabrication. Cuts 1 and 3 are inaccurate copies of well-known scenes on funeral papyri, and cut 2 is a copy of one of the magical discs which in the late Egyptian period were placed under the heads of mummies. There were about forty of these latter known in museums and they are all very similar in character. Joseph Smith's interpretation of these cuts is a farrago of nonsense from beginning to end. Egyptian characters can now be read almost as easily as Greek, and five minutes' study in an Egyptian gallery of any museum should be enough to convince any educated man of the clumsiness of the imposture." (F.S. Spalding, Joseph Smith Jr., As a Translator, 1912, p. 27)
- Dr. Arthur Mace, Assistant Curator for the Department of Egyptian Art of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York"
Excellent overview. Joseph Smith could not have correctly guessed all of these linguistic and historical parallels. Funeral text or not, Joseph Smith truly did recieve the book of Abraham through divine revelation from God.
By that same logic, if we include all the things he got wrong regarding the parchment, then there is no way he could have received it from God either. Don't be biased
@@Man-jf6lz That just depends on whether you're taking a literal interpretation of it or a symbolical interpretation of it.
Tyson Capel symbolic interpretation? So I am going to symbolically translate your writings here.
Your writings above symbolically translated to Joseph Smith was a fraud, he was a treasure digger with a rock in his hat.
Man how could you say those things about the prophet???
JS made it up! Nothing divine about it. He made it up. Dunn made up some warm, fuzzy stories too while serving as a gen authority. So, if it's a lie but makes people feel good then it's okay?? Nope. Not okay with me.
This is a well constructed Abraham video, however, like all of the other BYU productions concerning the book of Abraham it never explains the overall purpose of the book of Abraham. It doesn't ever explain why Kolob represents the priesthood nor why the brightest star representing Christ is the source of all light to the prophets nor why Abraham, Isaack, and Jacob are called stars! And why they borrow their light from the brightest star Christ. This leads you to something vital that everyone is totally missing.
The video fails to explain why the Egyptians stole the birthright from Noah and how the facsimile 2 is actually about the gospel of Noah and Adam? this is the message of understanding most vital.
Abraham 1:14 clearly says that the Egyptians counterfeited the gospel of Noah and turned it into Idolatry. If you read chapter one you solve the entire translation question every bodies debating over!. Joseph Smith was translating what the Egyptians got wrong back into what God wanted by revelation. Likewise, This video doesn't explain Gods purpose for sending Joseph Smith the Joseph in Egypt scroll to translate it also?
The above video fails to explain Gods purpose for preserving ancient Josephs scroll for thousands of years only to arrive at the modern prophets hand, and how Joseph Smith was to relate it to the book of Abraham?.
I clearly explain this matter in my video "Book of Abraham part 9"
The above video doesn't explain why Joseph Smith challenged the whole world to discover the encrypted numbers of 9 through 11 in his explanation given in facsimile 2.
I easily explain this matter by showing you the very text itself? question? Why did Joseph Smith convert Egyptian characters into gospel teachings that were related to 9 heavenly stars or 9 heavenly bodies? Since these teachings are obviously the main subject for all 3 Abraham facsimiles then why are all of these church member videos trying to explain what they think the importance of Egyptian mythology means instead? God cares nothing about the meaning of these Egyptian myths. This seems to always be their focus instead of the plain gospel message?
Why are they ignoring the timelines in the facsimiles that are identical with the Bible including Daniel and Revelation? this is incredible stuff and they don't even mention it? Learn what the book of Abraham is all about for the first time. Its right here now. Click UA-cam title "Book of Abraham part 9" by P. Gregersen
please talk 20 times faster on your next video
John you can slow speed down in the setttings
I like Dan, but I'm sorry, Brian Hauglid and every credible egyptologist that has studied the matter disagrees with you. There is no leg to stand on with this Book except with blind faith.
Hauglid is not an Egyptologist. He is an Arabist, and knows nothing of ancient Egypt.
And Hauglid's assumptions have been shown to be false. The evidence strongly supports that the KEP were reliant upon the BofA, and not the other way around. Egyptologists have not translated the source of the BofA.
Blind faith is the highest level of truth. You mock it, like a fool.
@@MrSilus2000 Omg you can't be serious. Not a single prophet or apostle, not even Christ during his mortal ministry, said we should have blind faith. There must always be evidence to support faith. This entire argument is because Joseph, and by extension God, thought that physical evidence was necessary to legitimize a story about Abraham. That evidence has now been proven false. Adapt bro.
@@Man-jf6lz 2nd Corinthians 5:7. But it sounds like you don’t use the Bible for evidence. What is convincing to you then?
The "Wheel" turns and the tower still stands.
Oh say then what is the truth?
Actually, no.
None of that is true.
Care to explain?