I made a mistake of not measuring the previous radiator width, now all i have is pipe work sticking out on each end - how would i go about measuring the width taking into account the valve measurements?
The edge of a radiator to centre of pipe is usually 45mm so if you had a 1990 gap you would need a 1900wide radiator. Then you need to measure the distance of pipe center of wall. Find a radiator with the same center distance. Panel radiators are all similar. Its the decorative radiators that take the most measuring. It is more so what the room needs in Watts and then the space you have to fit the radiators. Pipes can be re done brought out walls and floors to the correct new positions.
I made a mistake of not measuring the previous radiator width, now all i have is pipe work sticking out on each end - how would i go about measuring the width taking into account the valve measurements?
The edge of a radiator to centre of pipe is usually 45mm so if you had a 1990 gap you would need a 1900wide radiator. Then you need to measure the distance of pipe center of wall. Find a radiator with the same center distance. Panel radiators are all similar. Its the decorative radiators that take the most measuring. It is more so what the room needs in Watts and then the space you have to fit the radiators. Pipes can be re done brought out walls and floors to the correct new positions.