How Have You Made A Rude Persons Day Worse?

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @lordhood117
    @lordhood117 3 роки тому +205

    I’m not a violent person by nature, but if I’d witnessed what happened to that poor dog, that driver would either need facial reconstruction or cremation when I was done.

    • @RussellGreerOfficial
      @RussellGreerOfficial 2 роки тому

      I would just opt to take a bat and destroy his car. Less punishment if caught and you could use the heat of the moment defense.

    • @lethalwolf7455
      @lethalwolf7455 2 роки тому +13

      @@RussellGreerOfficial exactly, plus it was middle of night, so easy to get away with

    • @laughingaardvark3128
      @laughingaardvark3128 2 роки тому +14

      After burying the dog he could have used the shovel on the car.

    • @MuffinMammoth
      @MuffinMammoth 2 роки тому +12

      My first instinct on hearing that was a magdump in the direction of the piece of shit's truck. Either that or make it my life's goal to make his life hell in every single way possible.

    • @TeamFriendship8600
      @TeamFriendship8600 2 роки тому +11

      Let's just say I would make death seem like mercy.

  • @WayWardWonderer
    @WayWardWonderer 4 роки тому +664

    Best way to shut a Karen up is to ask if she wants the senior discount. Having her age and overall appearance called into question humbles them into much needed silence. Honestly, people like that crave attention and validation. If you bruise their ego then you win the war.

    • @olymolly3637
      @olymolly3637 4 роки тому +37

      Depends on the targeted Karen/Richard though. This one hits a bullseye. An old, scammy Karen will be offended actually, & will demand more or even free groceries because of the 'insult'.

    • @Khaisz.
      @Khaisz. 3 роки тому +21

      Yeah, especially after she talked up so much about face masks and photoshoots, she clearly tried to look and thought she looked young, so being called out that you look 65+ was so baffling to her that she just short-circuited.

    • @xFaerieBonesx
      @xFaerieBonesx 3 роки тому +9

      If I did that where I work they would say yes not even acknowledging the connotations just wanting a discount 😂

    • @TheFakeyCakeMaker
      @TheFakeyCakeMaker 3 роки тому +4

      Literally just watched that one lol!

    • @genevievehoskins6829
      @genevievehoskins6829 2 роки тому +9

      The reverse being flirting with an actual sweet old lady by telling her that you think she's a little too young to get the senior discount 🥰

  • @Residentevil1.5
    @Residentevil1.5 3 роки тому +492

    The dog one made me sick to my stomach I am so sad for that poor baby. Animals deserve so much love and happiness. I would've flipped out so much worse than that if I was the OP.

    • @haventhehedgehog
      @haventhehedgehog 2 роки тому +25

      Animals are definitely more human than humane themselves.

    • @kc8bdr
      @kc8bdr 2 роки тому +15

      That one broke my heart as well.

    • @AA-hg5fk
      @AA-hg5fk 2 роки тому +13

      Agree, very upsetting and makes you lose faith in humanity that people can be so cruel

    • @Lorisa25
      @Lorisa25 2 роки тому +2

      @@haventhehedgehog That doesn't make sense lol an animal can't have more human characteristics than a human. Perhaps you meant "kind"

    • @haventhehedgehog
      @haventhehedgehog 2 роки тому +16

      @@Lorisa25 I'm guessing you like to be right. I meant in the metaphorical sense.

  • @sebastianhunt9182
    @sebastianhunt9182 3 роки тому +411

    That dog one just hurt to listen to. Such an avoidable tragedy if that jerkish driver had cared for any existence other than their own pitiful one. There's a special reservation in a very warm place for people like that, and I don't mean Hawai'i.

    • @FooDerr
      @FooDerr 3 роки тому +6

      yeah you mean H♠️11. yeet him down to the darkest, deepest pits of it and yell to him, "HAVE FUN, DOG KILLER!"

    • @jesuschrist5605
      @jesuschrist5605 3 роки тому +25

      I would have maybe carried the dog out of the middle of the road but that driver still should not have been speeding and since he was he should have seen the lights

    • @Sylviathemoth
      @Sylviathemoth 3 роки тому +11

      i mean it can be hawaii they have many volcanoes there

    • @namor3607
      @namor3607 3 роки тому +16

      That story was horrific. I see a lot of dead animals along the highway on my drive to and from work, always dead. I wonder how many of them are accidents and how many are just people who don't care, or even aim for animals.

    • @Liadara
      @Liadara 3 роки тому +10

      Id sugared his gas tank

  • @wesleythomas7125
    @wesleythomas7125 3 роки тому +314

    "Do you know who I am!? I own hotels!"
    "Then you can afford to pay full price for the coffee an' donuts."

    • @gemmarosenthall4619
      @gemmarosenthall4619 3 роки тому +7

      i thought that too!!!!

    • @huh968
      @huh968 3 роки тому +4

      your comment makes no sense, the guy was mad that he had to wait not coz he had to pay full price

    • @ImashrekU
      @ImashrekU 3 роки тому +3

      @@huh968 ye

    • @genevievehoskins6829
      @genevievehoskins6829 2 роки тому +1

      Now I want donuts lol

    • @TeamFriendship8600
      @TeamFriendship8600 2 роки тому

      @@huh968 Just bribe your way to the front, like a true businessman.

  • @tsukarikaoru
    @tsukarikaoru 3 роки тому +61

    If I was the OP in the last story I would've put the driver in the middle of the road and given him the same treatment he gave to that poor pup. I can't handle animal cruelty in the best of times

  • @luckyrainbow2304
    @luckyrainbow2304 4 роки тому +103

    That dog one legit made my cry. IT WAS ALIVE DAMMIT AND IT HAD TO BE THINKING OH YAY IM BEING HELPED THEN A DAMN BASTARD KILLED IT. Omgggggg. The flood gates aren't stopping

    • @itz-JxN
      @itz-JxN 3 роки тому +13

      I thought that the person was going to save the dog and get the person who hit the dog in the first place... but no :(

  • @Creepy_shortcake
    @Creepy_shortcake 3 роки тому +119

    The story about the dog being run over made my stomach get real hot. POS human

  • @suzieseabee
    @suzieseabee 4 роки тому +196

    I told a screaming customer once that she should quiet down because she was letting her IQ slip out. She hung up on me.

  • @ThatOtherMaegan
    @ThatOtherMaegan 4 роки тому +516

    That dog one HURT to listen. The poor pup.

    • @sethralavode9012
      @sethralavode9012 3 роки тому +34

      I keep seeing so many comments about it and get I chose to listen to the story anyways. Ended up crying. Wtf is wrong with people??

    • @CrystalDa3h
      @CrystalDa3h 3 роки тому +36

      I'm on the verge of tears right now about it. Like holy shit, why? Why didnt you fucking stop?

    • @dennisahlarson1584
      @dennisahlarson1584 3 роки тому +22

      Some people are demons in disguise.

    • @jonathan_herr
      @jonathan_herr 3 роки тому +19

      That dog one made me so mad I would have banged and woke that WHOLE DAMN FAMILY awake and chewed them ALL out for it.

    • @loutenant2817
      @loutenant2817 3 роки тому +10

      I just got to that one and stopped the video at "I noticed a car speeding". Thanks for your comment so I know not to continue

  • @echomoon3381
    @echomoon3381 3 роки тому +60

    OMG, the story about the sleezy guy holding the boyfriends hand cracked me up to the point of tears! My mom, dad and I were out shopping together back when I was about 30. My mom had just went into a dressing room to try on some blouses and had dad hold her purse, I waa standing a little to the side. This guy came along and said something really snide to my dad about 'his' pocketbook. Without any hesitation at all dad adopted this really fruity, flamboyant gay voice and basically hit on the guy. Oh jeeze the look on that guys face! He couldn't hardly get away from my dad fast enough all while I was dying and laughing my ass off. Mom came out and asked what was funny and we told her. She looked at the both of us and said, 'Skip'!! Then looked at me and told me that I was as bad as dad. That I was no daughter of her's! LOLOLOL

  • @txominabel6353
    @txominabel6353 4 роки тому +58

    Dad was a salesman and had a company car that had 2 daschcams, one in front one in the back, important because 5 years ago almost Noone had one in Germany
    A civilian cop car starts tailgating him and forced him to go over speed limit and then pulling him over and give him a ticket
    He didn't even argue with them
    He proceeded to go to court and on the day of the trial showed the dash cam video
    The 2 cops are no longer employed

    • @posham219
      @posham219 3 роки тому +5

      Dash cams are life savers

    • @largol33t1
      @largol33t1 3 роки тому +3

      Sad that 5 years later, the judge would probably refuse to see the dash cam and the cops probably would just get reassigned...

    • @EJames-nm4qt
      @EJames-nm4qt 3 роки тому +1

      @@largol33t1 Why not see the dashcam footage?

    • @melkiorwiseman5234
      @melkiorwiseman5234 2 роки тому +3

      I'm reminded of a story told to me and some others by an older teacher at school.
      He was coming in to town (small, country town) and was sitting right on the speed limit when a cop car came right up behind him, getting closer and closer, obviously trying to spook him into going over the limit so they could book him for speeding.
      As he approached an intersection (which in those days would have been "unprotected" and therefore you were supposed to slow down a bit in case of traffic) he briefly yanked on the emergency/hand brake. There was a squeal of brakes from behind and the police car only barely managed to avoid running into his rear end. If they had, they'd have been automatically at fault for following too close. They decided to leave him alone after that.
      But then again, I know of another case where someone was taking a bleeding teenager (cut foot on a broken bottle while swimming) to hospital and was speeding through town at something like 70Mph (speed limit was 35Mph) when the police started following, although without lights or sirens. Car pulls in to the hospital and the police just kept on driving. Teen needed stitches but was okay after. One case where good sense overrode law.

    • @Trombonegoddess86
      @Trombonegoddess86 2 роки тому +4

      This reminds me of an incident I had with a police officer. I was pulled over and honestly had no idea why. The cop told me I swerved and I was like, okay…I guess. Gave her my information. She comes back saying my license had been revoked, there was a warrant out for my arrest, and that this wasn’t the first time my license has been revoked. Told her that was impossible because I barely had my license long enough at the time to have had it revoked even once. She insisted and went to arrest me. She said, “Since you’re complying, I won’t cuff you,” and took me to jail. As I sat handcuffed to a bench, she comes back and says, “I got the wrong person. The person has the same name as you, but they’re white (I’m black).” She then HANDS ME A TICKET and takes me back to my car. The DA tried their best to get me to just pay the fine because I couldn’t possibly plead non guilty to a traffic stop and win against an officer.
      Well, lying by omission (the officer did that), helped me out. She spoke first not even mentioning how she wrongly identified me and took me to jail! I went up and told THE WHOLE STORY including how she specifically stated not cuffing me because I was COMPLIANT (she claimed she didn’t remember saying that 🙄), and how I honestly didn’t even think I swerved in the 1st place, so the least she could have done after putting me through all that was toss the ticket. The judge agreed and tossed the ticket. I’m sorry, but after being calm that entire time, as I walked past her, I gave her the SMUGGEST smile ever 😌 she should have told the whole truth lol.

  • @ReginaPhelangee
    @ReginaPhelangee 3 роки тому +41

    The guy who insinuated the woman looked old in the grocery store deserves a fist bump

  • @MiloMilli0n
    @MiloMilli0n 4 роки тому +52

    I got a story too.
    TLDR: the loud dude in my class kept annoying everyone, so I roast his pp.
    I was trying my best to focus on my work in a math class I was really good at, but I just didn't really like it. The guy in front of me at my table was being loud and obnoxious. Apparently, he had forgotten his eraser and asked to use mine. I tossed it to him and it bounces off the table, landing in his lap. The kid next to him said something like 'dude, you hit his dick!'
    All I had to say after it was
    'Well, I must be a sharpshooter then. It's a small target.'
    The dude shut up really quick.

    • @brandonjeffery8023
      @brandonjeffery8023 3 роки тому +1

      One time a threw a eraser into my brother's ear... It was hilarious.

    • @genevievehoskins6829
      @genevievehoskins6829 2 роки тому +1


    • @DuchessofEarlGrey
      @DuchessofEarlGrey 2 роки тому +2

      When you said "roast his pp" I was hoping you were going to say it was a chemistry class or something. Disappointed.

    • @shadowrosegaming3566
      @shadowrosegaming3566 2 роки тому

      @@DuchessofEarlGrey in one of my chemistry classes a dude dropped some hydrochloric acid on his dick didn't scar he went to hospital but his screams he let out sounded like Tom from Tom and Jerry it was funny yet horrible

    • @brickslayerstudio
      @brickslayerstudio Рік тому


  • @arno_groenewald
    @arno_groenewald 3 роки тому +45

    I would have gone full late-medieval on that guy who ran over the dog, going as far as hanging him by his toenails in the scorching sun.
    Satisfying video.

  • @elevatorbutton4045
    @elevatorbutton4045 2 роки тому +21

    The dog one hit me like a train. I love animals more than life itself and to hear that this happened has me shaking in disgust. To put it lightly, if I was the EMT. I would be in an orange jumpsuit.... or the guy in the car would be. Going to hug my dogs. Humans don’t deserve animals. I hope that the person in the car has a horrible life.

  • @majesticchinchilla8692
    @majesticchinchilla8692 3 роки тому +36

    “This isn’t monopoly, this is Krispy Kreme” filled me with so much joy.

    • @rc1411
      @rc1411 2 роки тому +1

      Now I'm super sad that we don't have a Krispy Kreme within an hour's drive of me and I'm debating whether a 2 hour round trip is worth finding a Krispy Kreme. At $6/gall for gas, that'd be a very expensive dozen donuts.

  • @Polymathically
    @Polymathically 4 роки тому +82

    I'll only go into detail if someone asks, but a racist road rager threatened to kill me in a hospital parking lot because he was really in a rush to get my spot... even though there were a couple of spots open about 10 feet down the lot. So I scared him off (wannabe tough guys change their tune _real_ fast when their targets fight back), and then did the responsible, common sense thing: I reported him to the authorities and got him permanently banned from the facility. Now he has to drive two cities over - and through some of the worst traffic in the county - in order to get his medical needs (I'm assuming some kind of antipsychotic medicine) taken care of. The fact that I got away with ruining countless hours of his free time and forcing him to do even _more_ of something he despises absolutely warms my heart.

    • @omghalo3rocks
      @omghalo3rocks 3 роки тому +1

      @@KnakuanaRka ur mad

    • @lemax6865
      @lemax6865 3 роки тому +9

      @@KnakuanaRka Medical professional here. Your diagnosis does not give you a free pass to douchebaggery, and there's no such thing as a mental illness that makes you racist.

    • @thesleepy0wl350
      @thesleepy0wl350 3 роки тому +5

      @@KnakuanaRka Someone already pointed it out: there's psychotic and there's entitlement. And neither excuse shitty behavior; can explain it, but not excuse it.

    • @EJames-nm4qt
      @EJames-nm4qt 3 роки тому

      So... which city did he have to drive to? And couldn't meds be ordered online?

    • @Polymathically
      @Polymathically 3 роки тому +4

      @@EJames-nm4qt I won't say which city, because I don't want people figuring out where I live. And it could've been more than just prescriptions. I was just assuming it was, given that security said he was inside the pharmacy when they tracked him down. This happened a while back, before ordering online became popularized. He could probably order prescriptions online now, though. Assuming he's still alive, of course. After the guy left, a woman came over and spoke with me. She said that he was a regular at city hall public meetings, and was an asshole to everyone. So he had a knack for making enemies. I wouldn't be surprised if someone else beat the Hell out of him. Or maybe he ended up catching COVID. He was definitely the anti-mask type. I only saw him twice after that. After the confrontation, I went with my aunt to the grocery store. It was at this big shopping center; I went to Safeway, and he went to the UPS store nearby. We didn't cross paths, thankfully. The second time was actually in traffic; I was running some errands, and he ended up in front me as we were waiting for the green light. Had he bothered looking in his rearview mirror, I've no doubt he would've jumped out of his car and tried something.
      As for me, I ended up in therapy after the confrontation. I have a lot of anger issues, for a lot of reasons. I was born and raised in a cult, had abusive parents, dealt with homophobia, racism, depression, social isolation, and a bunch of other stuff. My family was scared that I'd go after that guy and kill him. And they were right; I was armed at the time, and it wouldn't have been too hard figuring out where he lived. But thankfully, a security guard got between us, and I had to be talked into reporting him. I've been in and out of therapy since. I had to go back in after I nearly killed a burglar with an axe, but that's another story. I can't pretend that I'm a peaceful person, but I can do better in terms of avoiding situations or triggers, using energy more productively, and staying present instead of ruminating over the past. I once talked my way out of a fight just through calm intimidation a few years back. For me, that's a huge accomplishment and way more badass than anything else I've done.

  • @midgetarmy1921
    @midgetarmy1921 3 роки тому +32

    Somebody should get the address of the guy who ran over the dog, I'm sure we could get the same treatment for him.

    • @aga3852
      @aga3852 3 роки тому +7

      Oh and much worse.

    • @oz_jones
      @oz_jones 2 роки тому

      Humans > animals. Get over it.

    • @rc1411
      @rc1411 2 роки тому

      Ever hear of the guy who killed the kitten on UA-cam? Yeah.....don't fuck with dogs n' cats.

  • @oldhunterdempsey1006
    @oldhunterdempsey1006 2 роки тому +6

    That poor dog in the last story, it just made my empathy explode. That poor pupper likely thought "Yay, I'm being saved", then gets killed. I hope the fucker that killed the poor thing suffers horribly from the worst deseases imaginable, and rots in Tarterous for all eternity

  • @brianburkhard5209
    @brianburkhard5209 3 роки тому +35

    I always get a kick out of people who apologize when English is their second language. They're usually more articulate than most Americans.

    • @kaylapounds1359
      @kaylapounds1359 2 роки тому +5

      Agreed. And even when they aren't good, they'll try to do something like use a translation app on their phone for communication. A lot of Americans aren't as good about that but rather think that all people should know English when they travel to non English speaking countries.

    • @lindapatton4478
      @lindapatton4478 2 роки тому +2

      Being from Texas, I have a very distinct accent. When I was Minnesota we had a teacher who insisted we call him by his first name, which was Butch. I did it once, and it apparently sounded like I called him something else. He slapped me, and I was shocked. A couple of classmates took pity on me and explained what it sounded like. Ever since I’ve been really careful with my pronunciation.

    • @milimuller3348
      @milimuller3348 2 роки тому +3

      Being german and watching mainly english videos, it feels good to know that my english might not be as beschissen as I thought when I'm writing comments.

    • @rc1411
      @rc1411 2 роки тому

      @@lindapatton4478 I'm sorry, but if a teacher fucking slapped me, his job would be gone. I don't give a fuck if they think I called them a bitch or not, you don't go around slapping students.

  • @imweird1794
    @imweird1794 2 роки тому +9

    I legit almost cried when i heard the dog one. It made my blood boil.

  • @ArcanineEspeon
    @ArcanineEspeon 4 роки тому +95

    This was all laughs and sweet justice as I expected...up until the very last story. The "asshole" is a menace to society who would be more than willing to kill again, the revenge was unsatisfying, and no justice is ever going to be had for the killer. I feel almost as horrible and hopeless as I did yesterday when I watched a 50 minute Reddit video about "the rudest things you have ever seen a person do." and when I watched that I wanted to attack anyone who did anything even kind of wrong.

    • @LiamNajor
      @LiamNajor 2 роки тому +5

      That driver was simply careless, no ones life matters to them besides their own. Attributing intent to kill to simple selfishness (even if extreme) is a big leap.

    • @ArcanineEspeon
      @ArcanineEspeon 2 роки тому +4

      Huh, I didn't realize I'd watched this video before.

    • @ArcanineEspeon
      @ArcanineEspeon 2 роки тому +7

      @@LiamNajor You are far more understanding and charitable than I.
      I thought that the driver knew exactly what they were doing because the OP described turning their bright headlights to focus on the dog.
      If the real story were halfway between your perception and mine, then I think the driver would have to be considered...maliciously incompetent.
      That's the kindest thing I can say about them.

    • @fredericksaxton9782
      @fredericksaxton9782 2 роки тому

      ​@@LiamNajor You do know people purposely try to hit dogs, right? "A big leap" until you've see the people who swerve their cars just to hit animals, the f*ck you mean "big leap"?

  • @stephengorczyca7624
    @stephengorczyca7624 2 роки тому +6

    Keeping calm, collected and smiling is the best to handle an irate customer, it really gets under their skin.

  • @CuriousGoodsJessica
    @CuriousGoodsJessica 4 роки тому +396

    I'm now hungry for some sweet, sweet vengeance wings...

    • @sundayswithjj158
      @sundayswithjj158 4 роки тому +10

      I'm hungry for vengeance pizza

    • @shadowdroid776
      @shadowdroid776 3 роки тому +10

      I want vengence indian food, extra spicy. I want to feel pain when I eat.

    • @tyreejordan1204
      @tyreejordan1204 3 роки тому +3

      I just happen to be listening to the vengeance wings pattern as I read this lol

    • @Kimbp85
      @Kimbp85 3 роки тому +4

      Geese wings?

    • @justblacky4489
      @justblacky4489 3 роки тому +5

      Only available at KFV
      Kentucky's Fried Vengence

  • @frisbyart
    @frisbyart 4 роки тому +13

    Wasn’t so much rude, but I had enough of a caregiver’s bullshit once.
    For context: the residential home I used to work in had really easy pick-up hours for To Go orders (yes, I was a server there); pick ups for 3:30PM had to be put in before 3, and any orders put in after that are to be picked up at 6:30PM. Not hard to remember.
    So a resident who got ill had this caregiver who called in 10-20 minutes after the 3 deadline, and every time one of my co-workers or myself reminded her that she had to call in before 3 if she wanted it at 3:30. It was the usual “Ok” bullshit from her every time.
    So, after the 5th time (she called 5 minutes before it was 3:30), I had enough and the following conversation happened:
    Me: “Dining, this is Frisby.”
    Caregiver: “Hello, I’m calling for Mrs Lady. She wants this food, the drink, and that dessert.”
    Me: “Alright. This will be ready at 6:30PM.”
    Caregiver: “No, she wants it at 3:30PM.”
    Me: “Oh, I’m sorry, but It’s after the 3PM limit, and we’re about to begin the dinner service.”
    Caregiver: “Oh, but she doesn’t want it at that time. She wants it at-”
    Me: “No, we have already informed this resident’s caregivers about the hours of the To Go orders, and it isn’t our fault that you or the others can’t be bothered to remember them or write notes regarding the hours. This is going to be ready at 6:30PM, thank you for calling.”
    And I just hung up on her.
    She came down at 6:30PM, looking upset because she most likely got yelled at by the resident for her incompetence (the resident is know to be strict), and I handed her the resident’s order and said to enjoy her night.
    Needless to say, she never called in after 3PM again.

  • @night_city_nights
    @night_city_nights 3 роки тому +13

    The DMV worker that got back at the spot stealer...fucking legend!

  • @thepuffin4050
    @thepuffin4050 3 роки тому +29

    Oof, that DMV worker slapped harder than a whale's tail flukes in rut

  • @tessfabled4115
    @tessfabled4115 2 роки тому +5

    Poor pupper, poor pupper, my heart hurts :(

  • @WrenMcNally
    @WrenMcNally 3 роки тому +12

    That one about the EMT and the dog. That hurt. I would have been hard pressed not to slash his tires. Also, find out the the owner is in the area and make sure they know who did it. Yuck. I hate people.

    • @melkiorwiseman5234
      @melkiorwiseman5234 2 роки тому +2

      Yeah, that would have been a better revenge. At least it would have in Australia where running over an animal carries the requirement of rendering assistance and attempting to find the owner if it's not a wild animal. If the OP had found the owner and acted as a witness, the driver could easily have been fined a large sum for hit & run on a domestic animal, on top of having to pay compensation to the dog owner.

  • @AdaishaLBenn
    @AdaishaLBenn 3 роки тому +13

    Love is magic...hope that poor pup haunts the jerk's house

  • @dnachistatrax1029
    @dnachistatrax1029 4 роки тому +36

    #1 : 7th grade year picture day, I was all dressed up and had my hair all picked out! At lunch, with my back turned an 8th grader tossed a milk across the room and it got all over me! So, I'm like "YO, WHO DID THAT..." everybody pointed out the only person laughing! So, I walked over... slapped him, then sat back down! I later found out, his aunt passed... I STILL couldn't care less, some things you just don't do!

  • @russelljohnson6267
    @russelljohnson6267 3 роки тому +9

    I laughed so hard at the one about the boyfriend who held the creepy guy's hand making the guy think it was his girlfriend's hand.

  • @riobanana5948
    @riobanana5948 3 роки тому +4

    Dog story made me cry, I was once riding my bike home and saw a toad on the road and took a snap chat, while I added a caption I heard a car than a squeak! I cried all the way home on my bike

  • @yaellnovella
    @yaellnovella 4 роки тому +9

    Love is magic~ especially love for that poor sweet dog

  • @bumblebee949
    @bumblebee949 3 роки тому +9

    I always treat ice and change differently depending on the customer. If they're polite and act with decency, I'll ask them how much ice they want, can I help them with anything else, give them the £5 note instead of 5 £1 coins, so on. If they're rude, they get no say on how much ice, minimal polite small talk, and the smallest change I can give without it being obvious what I'm doing. I'll also drop the change on the sticky bar-top if they ignore my outstretched hand and dump it on the bar instead. Don't frick with the people making your food and drinks.

  • @annvictor9627
    @annvictor9627 3 роки тому +8

    The senior discount is only for persons aged 55-60? What about customers who are older than 60? Don't we qualify?

    • @rc1411
      @rc1411 2 роки тому

      No. There are no people over 60. If you're over 60, you need to turn yourself in to the nearest "going home" center.

  • @bl0nd3tim3s6
    @bl0nd3tim3s6 3 роки тому +3

    The dog story brought me to tears. How can someone be so horrible and cruel... I would have reported it to the cops and the evidence would have been on the car. I hate humans like that there's a special place in hell or afterlife for em.

  • @MrDlt123
    @MrDlt123 3 роки тому +4

    I ran a team of club bouncers many years ago and did the same thing as in the first story. A drunk kept challenging me to a fight, and1 became more beligerent as the night went along. So I finally told him to go with me out to the alley behind the club, and I pointed to the rear door. He marched to the back door, whereupon I closed it behind him - it was an exit only with no way to get back in except to walk down the block and come back to the front of the club. Half the club saw it all and began laughing hysterically, which I'm sure he heard. He was probably pretty embarrased because he never came back.

  • @txominabel6353
    @txominabel6353 4 роки тому +6

    25:16 as a waiter and hostess
    Thank you, I love you
    I hate when a large group comes in when we're the busiest and the get pissed when I say that they have to wait a little
    Just call ahead and make a reservation the Day before, it's not spontaneous

  • @cellogirl11rw55
    @cellogirl11rw55 4 роки тому +21

    The dog one really got stirred up.

    • @aga3852
      @aga3852 3 роки тому

      I don't like you 😥😔😭😭😭

  • @d0peusername
    @d0peusername 3 роки тому +16

    Whenever I see someone weaving through all the cars behind me while we're already going 5 or more over, I match speeds of the car in the right lane and hold that person up. Always gets them fuming mad

    • @larrythompson8630
      @larrythompson8630 3 роки тому +3

      So you road rage? You like passive, aggressive moves? While it might make you feel good to “have power” over a idiot. They might cause harm. Let them go. If dangerous to other traffic get license info, call Police.
      They might have a legit reason. (Doubtful but possible) get hired as Police if you want to be a traffic cop. Amazing thing? The worst, most unsafe drivers I know like blocking other drivers. And totally lose their minds if in a hurry and others don’t move.

    • @lovethemack
      @lovethemack 3 роки тому +1

      @@larrythompson8630 speeding and tail gating s dangerous, but its fun to block them

  • @br5092
    @br5092 3 роки тому +4

    one time we were at a restaurant and my dad was using the bathroom when these 2 teenage boys came in and started acting obnoxious, throwing toilet paper over the stalls and making a mess. When he came out he saw the 2 boys with their parents. My family and their family happened to be leaving at the same time. So my dad starts telling the story of how "the weirdest thing happened... 2 kids came in and were throwing wet paper around and stuff etc" and the father of the 2 boys heard my dad, yelled at them right there, and made them apologize to my dad

    • @melkiorwiseman5234
      @melkiorwiseman5234 2 роки тому

      The father should have forced the boys to go back in and clean up their mess.

  • @dreammaker9642
    @dreammaker9642 2 роки тому +1

    9:00 I love the fact the checkout girl waited for him to unload his entire cart before telling him to go to the back of the line lmao

  • @Drago9545
    @Drago9545 3 роки тому +3

    People say: "Karma is a bitch" but they forget to add: "and she can either be a good or a bad bitch"!

  • @evamg21
    @evamg21 3 роки тому +6

    Before corona, almost weekly.
    In the hotel I work on weekends, people are allowed to check-in at 4pm. They are informed on the website, in the room offer and the reservation mail, as well as in the welcome mail they get before they arrive.
    And people still arrive at 8am *demanding* their room, when the previous guest hasn't even left yet.
    We receptionists have had it and agreed to inform each other about these guests to make sure they are the very very last to get their rooms. We'll even endure their crying and screaming children in the lobby rather than let them check in a minute earlier than officially stated.
    On the other hand, somebody who arrives at 8am and kindly asks to store their luggage while they go sightseeing? No problem checking them in at 1 pm. (That's the earliest the rooms are finished).
    Don't mess with the staff.
    I mean it. I know a person who actually spit in a guests soup once for feeling her up.

  • @thefiretailedweasel6206
    @thefiretailedweasel6206 3 роки тому +2

    So I work at an amusement park that sells souvenir cups. Because of the virus, we have to give people their sodas in disposable cups so they can pour it in themselves. Whenever I get an especially rude customer, I casually "forget" to tell them not to pour their drinks in too fast or it'll fizz and bubble over, spilling soda everywhere. It always makes my coworkers and I smile seeing a Karen or Ken get cold, sticky soda all over their hands.

  • @personified3500
    @personified3500 3 роки тому +2

    That one lady at the grocery store. Priceless.

  • @bobwhite8440
    @bobwhite8440 3 роки тому +2

    I was at a gas station/convenience store with only one way in and out. I pulled in to pump gas. Two more cars pulled in behind me. The only way to exit was to drive around the back of the building. There was a van parked in the back blocking the exit. It belonged to an overweight HVAC tech working on a rooftop unit. There was no access to the roof other than the ladder he had set up. I politely asked him to move his van. He just laughed and said no. After several maneuvers I was able to get around his van. Then I got out of my car, grabbed his ladder and threw it over the fence and left. Several minutes later I drove by and his van was parked on the side street.

  • @michaelholub5027
    @michaelholub5027 4 роки тому +9

    To be flipping honest, if I got the DMV guy that charged the full penalties to the entitled parking-space stealing c(nt, I (later, after I cooled down) would have asked for a manager and gave him a great review. I'm not perfect, I get rude and frustrated especially when dealing with underfunded/overworked government agencies. I usually try to be low-key and never try to create a scene, but everyone has their times/places/situations where they revert to this behavior. Props on him for not being overly rude during the conversation, aside from his little "gotcha bicch" at the end.

  • @evejustamante3908
    @evejustamante3908 7 місяців тому

    I Hope the spirit of that sweet baby dog comforts the OP in his toughest of moments. They will see each other once more, beyond the rainbow bridge 🌈🐾🐕✨💗

  • @alexscott5301
    @alexscott5301 2 роки тому +4

    The dog one that got hit again made me so sad 😭 it was about to be saved and that pos ran it over

  • @Alex-ei2yk
    @Alex-ei2yk 3 роки тому +2

    best ive got is charging a creepy old dude 5 more cents then normal on his pizza after he answer my questions of "would you like anything else today?" with "just a smile from you, maybe you should follow me home tonight *insert old guy chuckling*"

  • @skatergirl6764
    @skatergirl6764 2 роки тому +2

    Went to the bridal shop to pick up my wedding dress--with my fiancee. We do a lot together and he's been my best friend for years, so why not? While there, a girl was trying on dresses with her squad there. When my back was turned, she off-handedly said (loudly enough so I could hear) 'What's *he* doing here?' I turned around, and calmly told her: 'You brought your best friend. I brought mine. I just happen to be marrying mine.' Then I turned and left. The shocked look on her face, her mother's face, her entire freakin' bridal party's face was priceless.

  • @F40PH-2CAT
    @F40PH-2CAT 3 роки тому +2

    "This isn't Monopoly, this is a Krispy Kreme" 🤣🤣

  • @chaotic-goodartistry3903
    @chaotic-goodartistry3903 3 роки тому +9

    I once went to a Krispie Creme when I was a kid with my friend and her mom cause they were having a deal on donuts. It was the most embarrassing 10 minutes of our lives when the employee had to explain multiple times that Apple strudels aren’t donuts so no they’re not on sale as my friend’s mom was being a total karen. She was pissy the rest of the day but I’m proud of the employee putting their foot down cause friend’s mom is very hard to deal with.

  • @TimeSurfer206
    @TimeSurfer206 3 роки тому +1

    "Have a Nice Day."
    A nice way of saying, "I don't give a f because I've seen and heard it all before, K Thx Gbye."
    No smirk, no smile, wear a "Just another day at the office" face, and "NEXT?"

  • @my-chemical-romance
    @my-chemical-romance 3 роки тому +7

    26:21 I'm a little pissed at this one because my mom and I both have "invisible" disabilities and can't walk long so we have to use handicap but don't use wheelchairs, someone blocked us in before and called the cops because we "obviously didn't need the spot."

    • @mangon1
      @mangon1 3 роки тому +1

      do you display you hadicaped placard? well i'm sure the D-bag in the story doesnt have one

    • @nee_username871
      @nee_username871 2 роки тому +1

      Wow. They should've been charged with false imprisonment or something!
      I know someone that avoided using their handicapped tag because of fear of people acting like that - she gets very bad migraines that will debilitate her in short order, so she has to leave, if within a certain range of distance from home, or hole up in her car until family could help sort her out. She was already hesitant to leave her house ever, and if anyone had challenged her right to use the handicap tag she had to apply and qualify for, she would've become a recluse.

  • @thatkidjason1234
    @thatkidjason1234 3 роки тому +10

    The one with the co worker and boyfriend was great

  • @pb9611
    @pb9611 3 роки тому +7

    If the dog one happened to me I’d take that shovel and wreck their car. People like that deserve the worst and more.

    • @Sniper_4_Life
      @Sniper_4_Life 2 роки тому

      Or just wreck their face instead of the car

  • @justsomenessiewithinternet53
    @justsomenessiewithinternet53 4 роки тому +73

    When he was throwing rocks at me and I almost drowned him in my Loch.

    • @ShakaarGaleed
      @ShakaarGaleed 2 роки тому

      I know that wasn't meant to sound dirty, but...

  • @KittyPepperPhd
    @KittyPepperPhd 3 роки тому +5

    When my sister was pulling up to park on the street in front of her house, the woman in the car behind her got right up on her ass, blocking her from parking.
    We heard yelling--it was the woman, sticking her head out her window. Then she started honking. My sister got a hostile gleam in her eye... and shut her engine off. After 5 minutes of screaming and acting like a fool, she finally went around my sister's car. My sister smiled and waved at her (with her middle finger).

  • @sab0nes
    @sab0nes 3 роки тому +3

    At my work I work in an area where we change walkie and tablet batteries. You're supposed to have the battery off when you come up to the counter. Most people have this done but a few people just show up to the counter, put the radio on the counter and either say change it or some people don't say anything at all. So I scan their badge and put the new battery on the counter and walk away. They start to get the message.

  • @overlordgaming752
    @overlordgaming752 3 роки тому +3

    Pro tip for all those who deal with assholes, here’s a nice good bye:
    I hope you have a day just as pleasant as you
    This creates a plausible deniability situation, they either have to admit they were an asshole, or accept it at face value and suck it up

  • @alejandrorodriguez3376
    @alejandrorodriguez3376 2 роки тому +3

    The ruder rhe customer, the more extra my "have a nice day" gets. I once had a customer that was so rude, i ended up telling her "I sincerely ask the omniscient power to grant thee a fantastically blessed epoch 👁👄👁"

  • @unknownvariable2456
    @unknownvariable2456 3 роки тому +1

    kindergarten teacher who just started working as a middle school teacher:
    "so if he jumped off a cliff you would follow him?"
    "depends, are you on the cliff?"
    ........ "oooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  • @frogman3740
    @frogman3740 3 роки тому +4

    The dog one really got to me

  • @cheyannehiland6306
    @cheyannehiland6306 2 роки тому +3

    I was in line at a McDonald's and this person 2 or 3 behind behind me was constantly complaining how long it was taking. They also mentioned how happy they were that there were still apple pies. There were 2 and normally I got the strawberry and cream ones. I barely had enough money for what I was getting so I got the pies I stead and ate something else at home. The look on their face lol

  • @Just_This_Hayley
    @Just_This_Hayley 3 роки тому +3

    That dog one I swear I would have gone to jail. 100000000%

    • @aga3852
      @aga3852 3 роки тому

      Honestly? I don't know, if I had seen that, experienced that... I don't know. Retribution would be the only option. That should be legal damn it

  • @benjaminwebster4482
    @benjaminwebster4482 2 роки тому +2

    I was a lifeguard at 2 different indoor Waterparks in the Poconos. One day I was at the top slide of the kids area. It was a Saturday so there were a lot of people in line. Suddenly I feel a cold blast of water against my neck and see a bratty little kid and his super soaker at the bottom of the slide spraying myself and everyone in line. No matter how many times I whistled for him to stop, he just kept harassing us, to the point where I had to shield everyone in line with the lifeguard umbrella. I called for a shift lead to come and handle this, and I see him talking with a Caucasian woman in her 40s. Suddenly she stomps up the stairs of the tower and grabs the little bastard by his ear and yells something to him. The music was too loud to hear what she was saying, but the look on the kid's face obviously meant they were going home. The kid hung his head down and slowly walked down the stairs. Then he glared up at all of us laughing and blowing raspberry at him and shouting NAH-NAH just like he was doing to us.

  • @puppetseducer
    @puppetseducer 3 роки тому +2

    If you are rude to me at my register, I start to do exactly what you are complaining about.
    For instance, if you come to my large order register with 1 or 2 items and complain it's taking too long, I will take longer on the person before you. And I'll be smiling the whole time.

  • @gokuxsephiroth4505
    @gokuxsephiroth4505 3 роки тому +2

    32:55 You know, I thought this was gonna be a "My bf beat up the creep story" but what happened was *way* better

  • @usagi18
    @usagi18 3 роки тому +6

    There was a long lane waiting for the traffic lights (I was about the 6th car, narrow street). The second the light got green, a psycho right after me started honking like death was after him while the cars were just starting to advance.
    I went slooooooooooooow. Slow enough so the light was back to yellow when I crossed, and he had to wait for the light to go back to green but hey, he was the first now ;)

  • @brickslayerstudio
    @brickslayerstudio Рік тому +2

    Bro got ran over and then gets jumped by a goose lmao

  • @heatherkilpatrick2130
    @heatherkilpatrick2130 4 роки тому +3

    Rude at fast food, give full cup of ice... Yaaassss. Mee too. Guess I'm passive aggressive as well. 🤷😂

  • @chriscarpenter3370
    @chriscarpenter3370 2 роки тому +1

    dude in the truck with the bull-bar is my fucking spirit animal.

  • @sstaners1234
    @sstaners1234 2 роки тому +1

    My mother in law is Chinese. I get along well with her but one time she introduced me to her coworkers son.
    “You call him uncle.” She said.
    I look the kid in the face and he looks like he’s barely 19. And me, I was 30.
    “Hi uncle.” I said embarrassed.
    Apparently, he was being rude and this was her payback.

  • @pipsqueakerdoobie
    @pipsqueakerdoobie 2 роки тому +1

    I worked as a librarian for a few months after I graduated college as a way to pass time and make quick money, since my actual job I had lined up didn't start until the fall.
    This old couple that is dressed very nicely came in to check out some books and movies, but they were anything but nice themselves. They made comments on what I was wearing, asked why I was working as a librarian if I had supposedly graduated college, and then said "Well, you must've not been a very good student if you had to resort to being a librarian after getting your degree."
    I just told them to have a nice day and that everything was due on a certain date, but I was seething. Who the hell even thinks about making fun of a librarian anyways??

  • @east-endjustice7883
    @east-endjustice7883 3 роки тому +2

    My friend was a dog walker for many years with his then girlfriend/now wife, and as is the territory they carried the poop bags they picked up in a larger plastic grocery bag as sometimes they walked up to 6 dogs at a time and as they were walking along a major road a car drove past them and chucked a large Styrofoam container of salad and dressing and a container of mashed potatoes and gravy at them while yelling an insult and it luckily didn't really get on them but some on the dogs and then karma hit them bad and the driver hit the high curb while paying attention to them while a passenger threw it at them and it broke their wheel and popped the tire and he arranged for his gf to take all 6 dogs and turn into the housing plan while he ripped holes gently in the several heavy dookie bags and went into the wood line along the road to sneak up on them and while they were outside of the car investigating the damage and calling for help, he snuck out right when the one who actually threw it sat back in the car and pitched the now open and compromised bag of ripped bags right into the window and repeated their insult back before hopping the railing into the woods and shortcut into the housing plan to meet up with his gf who was dropping the dogs off again! He said the one who threw it actually caught the bag in his hands which caused it to fling all over the inside of the car!!!! Hahahahaha they called police on him and the police actually tracked them down quickly but only because his gf had called police to report the attack on them and the dogs prior to him breaking off for vengeance and were able to piece it together rather easily but ultimately nothing came of it and police laughed that "if theoretically it was true my friend did that in retaliation it would be perfectly justified morally" but considered it a wash not worth investigating and not really able to be proven.

  • @A2theG
    @A2theG 2 роки тому +2

    I came out of the bathroom at work and a coworker was standing by the door that goes back into the warehouse I work at. I was about 30 feet away from her and I asked "you forgot your badge to get in?" she then says "no, I just want you to open the door for me". I open the door but don't hold it for her, making her catch it (it closes by itself) and I say "because you're lazy?" as I walk away and she sheepishly replies "no". Fast forward a few days later and we're in the same situation again. But instead of opening the door, I walk close enough for her to see me but then u-turn and walk away from her and she continues to wait for me to open the door for a bit. I end up getting back in the warehouse by another door that was down the hall and around the corner. Fast forward a few days again and we're at it again during lunch break. She sees me coming and quickly opens the door for herself but hurries through so she doesn't have to hold it for me. The door closes on me but no big deal, I tap my badge and I open the door to find that she had dropped her sandwich and it fell apart on the floor.
    This lady is very rude to other people and mostly only hangs aroind people that buy her lunch at work so she deserved this.

  • @ariellumeer8458
    @ariellumeer8458 3 роки тому +2

    The dog one hurts me so bad.

  • @dnachistatrax1029
    @dnachistatrax1029 4 роки тому +13

    #2 : So, remember how they'd make you sit in groups of 4 with your desks pushed together in school? The girl in front of me was, arguing with the teacher over how junky her's was! While cleaning it she, started yelling and throwing stuff after 2 hit me I'm like "AYE... WATCH it, don't hit me again! Say excuse me..." she kept yelling and did it again, so I cracked her in the face with my math book!

  • @rc1411
    @rc1411 2 роки тому +1

    I can't imagine a more horrible death than to be hit by one car, forced to lay in the middle of the road, only to watch another car coming to run me over and finish the job, but can't do a damn thing because both my legs are broke. Just...lay there and watch it happen.

  • @dragonkyng
    @dragonkyng 4 роки тому +44

    “Also they were a racist.”
    *#thathappened** alarm goes off*

    • @thegimpygamer
      @thegimpygamer 3 роки тому +5

      So f'ing true. The virtue signal is strong with some of these people

    • @repentorperish1386
      @repentorperish1386 3 роки тому +9

      That's my biggest complaint with these vids and reddit as a whole. Like their typical racist person description ya know... big white guy with big truck. Typical southern karen. Regular white guy with blue collar job. Ive lived in the south my whole life, specifically the Appalachian mountains. Everyone I know would beat the hell out of someone being racist. These people telling these stories are seriously just virtue signaling and just keeping the racist bullshit alive, when its trying to die.

    • @kylejohns2288
      @kylejohns2288 3 роки тому +4

      @@repentorperish1386 agreed. Morgan Freeman was asked how hard it was to be a black man in the acting world and what he said was that he is an actor and just as he does not call others by their skin color he did not see himself as such because it does not matter. i respect that opinion. color blindness is the only way to end racism because if you create a distinction then people will consider them to be different, when we are not, your skin tone should never matter except if your buying makeup.

    • @Pman8362
      @Pman8362 3 роки тому +3

      @@kylejohns2288 the color blindness theory is a nice idea in theory, but choosing to operate by that ignores the fact that racism is still very real, and causing you to be blind to the inequality that minorities face. We cannot become a color blind society until we address the inequality caused by ongoing racism in America.

    • @KnakuanaRka
      @KnakuanaRka 3 роки тому +2

      @J M Buildings being burned down? I honestly didn’t know about that; where and when did this happen?

  • @Iso20227
    @Iso20227 2 роки тому

    Saying, “have a nice day”, at the end of someone’s angry rant is the ultimate way of saying, “I don’t care what you think, get out of my face”.
    I’m going to use that.

  • @Lukelins1
    @Lukelins1 3 роки тому +1

    By being extra nice to them. They think something is wrong and their own brains take care of themselves.

  • @Allantitan
    @Allantitan 4 роки тому +3

    Oh god people taking handicapped parking when they don’t need it have always pissed me off especially when my grandfather got to the point where he couldn’t walk very far and needed one and I’d have to spend extra time finding a spot when taking him to the store/restaurant/ or wherever else he needed to go

  • @Jade_Dragon
    @Jade_Dragon 2 роки тому

    Our family has had several dogs, and a lot of outdoor cats, so there have been a few incidents. One of our dogs ate a cooked chicken bone, and it splintered in his throat, killing him. Another dog (my mom's) got very old and had some bone troubles, so we had to put her down. Another dog we had to give up when we moved, and the other dog we had at the time had been abused at some point by men (she cowered away from my dad when he came near, she lives happily with my aunts. My mom always said we were just holding her until she got to her proper family). As for cats, we've had two run overs, two give aways, and at least four run aways. (When we moved, to the home we intend to stay at, we got three girls and two boys that could have babies. They really do pop out like nothing) Once, we brought a kitten inside. An adorable calico we immediately named Spot. She was very young, but very quick. My dad was wearing work boots, and accidentally stepped on her. Then, we brought in another that we dubbed Nora, and she crawled under my mom's chair, and got squished when my mom sat down, she survived, and didn't crawl under any chairs after that. (The lasts two were particularly horrible because they were both kittens, and it happened inside.)
    My sisters have witnessed several of these incidents, including finding one of our run overs, Preacher (we had been having a Firefly naming streak), with, according to my mom, his eyes popping out of his head. Any time a animal dies, or we declare that they ran away, it means a three hour crying session for my sisters. I can't really cry, because I have stuff to do, so I end up walking around the rest of the day with a weight on my chest, and questioning the meaning of life before bed.
    Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, the dog story made me think of the pets I've lost, and made me both feel like crying (not literally, but the weight on the chest thing), and punching the driver of the car in the face. F*ck him. I can't imagine how it felt to see that.

  • @TheGr0nch
    @TheGr0nch 3 роки тому +1

    The person who intentionally killed a fucking dog should be barred from driving. It's completely reckless and insane, how fucking dare they.

  • @updownstate
    @updownstate 2 роки тому

    Once a woman tried to cut in front of me at the deli. She knew she was trying to skip the line. I wouldn't let her in and she told me I was rude. I said, "That's exactly what I was thinking about you. " Hearty laughter ensued.

  • @voidsmith8887
    @voidsmith8887 3 роки тому +4

    36:15 Ernie prepares to commit a hate crime

  • @okaykh-o5316
    @okaykh-o5316 2 роки тому

    “Please don’t put my eggs on top of my bread” as a former cashier that’s literally something commonly known not to do.

  • @AtlasCompleXtheProd
    @AtlasCompleXtheProd 3 роки тому +3

    7:57 lol at dude with fine English whose only big English mistake was contained in the apology for the bad English lol

    • @oz_jones
      @oz_jones 2 роки тому

      Technically it was two mistakes, lol. In German English is Englisch and it should have been capitalized.

  • @bilindalaw-morley161
    @bilindalaw-morley161 2 роки тому

    "Jerry Springer guest-looking" That's the best perfect description in four words I've ever seen.

  • @teacupper
    @teacupper 2 роки тому


  • @viperdmk1483
    @viperdmk1483 3 роки тому +2

    I was about to be next at a Taco Bell I went to(Lunchtime).
    Man cuts infront of me
    I said “And your point?”
    He said “I’m in a Hurry”
    I said “aren’t we all? That’s the most Lame-ass excuse I could ever hear. I just want a God-Damn Toasted cheddar Chalupa box and you just had to cut. Chill out and go to the back”
    He went to the back.
    When I got up to the counter I apologized for my tiny outburst.
    The person behind the counter said “Toasted cheddar chalupa Box?” I smiled and said “You read my mind” as I put my money down. Most satisfying Lunch I ever had. Period.

  • @seanrosenau2088
    @seanrosenau2088 2 роки тому

    Long story, but worth it. worked at a nursing home in Phoenix, AZ and there was a security guard who took genuine glee in slamming residents on the floor. He owned a black Escalade. One day (hottest day that year, 116 degrees) I put a whole pack of garlic bologna slices all over his car. It fried the bologna and when he removed two slices he also removed perfect circles of paint. Probably cost him a fortune.

  • @jacobmitchell7402
    @jacobmitchell7402 2 роки тому +3

    99% I laughed at and love the people who hot their sweet revenge I mean justice.
    But the dog one, I didn't laugh, I was seeing red, I have no idea what I would have done if I were in his shoes, but I know that I would do a lot more than a burial. I respect that man and what he did, but anger would have won me over

  • @whtxombi4955
    @whtxombi4955 3 роки тому +1

    I work at a grocery store. Until recently, Sunday alcohol sales were illegal. Back then when someone asked me where the hooch was I would warn them of the law. One Sunday, a thug comes in and grunts: "Where's the beer at?". I simply smiled and told him. I wasn't there to watch his reaction at checkout when he was denied the purchase...a real shame.

  • @graceyeah3926
    @graceyeah3926 3 роки тому +1

    And this, everyone, is why being an asshole to people will make your own life miserable.