Extending the reach of virtual wheeling with tradeable Electricity Credit Tokens

  • Опубліковано 29 січ 2024
  • Wheeling is an important energy accounting framework that enables customers to access power from off-site distributed generators to meet their price hedging and decarbonisation objectives.
    Currently, wheeling models in South Africa suffer from significant implementation and financial risk exposure problems for Eskom, customers and generators.
    This limits the reach of wheeling and therefore the scale and rate of distributed generation expansion that can be viably financed and implemented.
    This webinar considers the implementation of an Electricity Credit Token system that could overcome many of these challenges and unlock much greater distributed generation investment in South Africa.
    In addition to enabling customers to meet their objectives, this could also expedite the resolution of load shedding and avoid further pressure on municipal and national public finances.
    Dr Grové Steyn of Meridian Economics will take the audience through and explain the proposed Electricity Credit Token system, its rationale and benefits, after which utility, legal, financial, trading and market development experts will respond with their views and insights. This will be followed by an open discussion and Q & A session.