In Germany everyone knows Loriot, for generations. I miss him. He looked at the German's mouth and into his brain. I love “I just want to sit here” even more.
"Ich sitze nur" is part of our regular married life as tribute to Loriot. And "ich lass mich nicht von einem kaputten Fernseher vorzuschreiben wann ich ins Bett zu gehen musse." (Was that right?) It has evolved into a directive of our lives, to be honest, my husband today said in English, 'You're not gonna let that singular event dictate your future actions?" LOL
Loriot was a brilliant observer of human peculiarities and everyday conflicts. In his sketches he sometimes exaggerated this to the point of being painful. He said of himself that he "describes failure in everyday life."
Yes, exactly. Especially the behavior of the Germans. He caricatuers it. It is a little bit like the character from John Cleese in Fawlty Towers. But John tried to caricature the English people.
I think the one about the Du vs. Sie relationship between the office employee and the boss was extremely hard to watch. A failure in everyday life indeed!
My favourite is "die Fernsehansagerin" (the TV announcer), where she announces an English TV series giving a summary of what has happened so far. She tries to pronounce everything as British as possible, especially the "th". In the end she goes crazy. I also love the one with the parking meter.
@@thr4017 Oh yes!! Guten Abend, meine Damen und Herren. Heute sehen Sie die achte Folge unseres 16-teiligen englischen Fernsehkrimis „Die zwei Cousinen“. Zunächst eine kurze Übersicht über den Handlungsablauf der bisher gesendeten 7 Folgen: Auf dem Landsitz North Cothelstonehall von Lord und Lady Hesketh-Fortesquieu befinden sich außer dem jüngsten Sohn Meredith auch die Cousinen Priscilla und Gwyneth Molesworth aus den benachbarten Ortschaften Nethereddlethorpe und Middlefrithem; ferner ein Onkel von Lady Hesketh-Fortesquieu, der 79-jährige Jasper Fetherston, dessen Besitz, Thrumpton Castle, zur Zeit an Lord Molesworth-Horton, einen Vetter von Priscilla und Gwyneth Molesworth, vermietet ist. Gwyneth Molesworth hatte für Lord Hesketh-Fortesquieu in Nethereddlethorpe einen Schlipth - Verzeihung, einen Schlips besorgt, ihn aber bei Lord Molesworth-Horton in Thrumpton Castle liegen lassen. Lady Hesketh-Fortesquieu verdächtigt ihren Gatten, das letzte Wochenende mit Priscilla Molesworth in Middlefrithem verbracht zu haben, gleichzeitig findet Meredith Hesketh-Fortesquieu auf einer Kutschfahrt mit Jasper Fetherston von Middlefrithem nach North Cothelstonehall in Thrumpton Castle den Schlips aus Nethereddlesthorpe. Nach einer dramatischen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Lady Hesketh-Fortesquieu und Priscilla Molesworth in North Cothelstonehall eilt Gwyneth Molesworth nach dem zwei Meilen entfernten South Thornsby, um ihre Tanten Emily Hollingworth und Bucinda Thatterthwait aufzusuchen. Diese sind jedoch nach North Thurston zu ihrem Schwager Thomas Thatcham gefahren, der als Gärtner in Thrumpton Castle bei Lord Molesworth-Horton arbeitet. Gwyneth Molesworth fährt nach North Cothelstonehall zurück, aber nicht über Middleeddlethorpe, sondern über North Thurston, Thrumpton Castle, Middlefrithem und Nethereddlethorpe. Dort trifft sie Priscilla Molesworth, die mit Lord Molesworth-Horton noch nachth von Nethereddlesthorpe nach North Thurston und thurfur ..
At Christmas I always love the Christmas sketch with the Hoppenstedt family to watch in television. It`s always so funny and Loriot himself plays the grandpa who celebrates Christmas with the family. Loriot was great.🤣😂💞👍
Loriot is amazing, I love Feierabend ("Ich will hier nur sitzen": I just want to sit here) and Zimmerverwüstung ("Das Bild hängt schief": The picture is hanging lopsided).
"Das Bild hängt schief" is brilliant. Even tho you kinda know, what will happen, it still gets you everytime:
That _legend_ ("Loriot") just produced masterpiece after masterpiece. "Das Ei ist hart." is as legendary as "Das Bild hängt schief." You simply say those words, and "everybody knows". If that does not match the definition of "iconic", I do not know _what_ does.
Also recommended: - "Zwei Herren im Bad" (Two guys in the bathtub) with the catchphrase "Herr Müller-Lüdenscheidt! Ich lasse die Ente jetzt zu Wasser" (Mr. Müller-Lüdenscheidt, I will now put the rubber ducky into the bathtub) and - "Auf der Rennbahn (At the racetracks) with the catchphrase "Ja wo laufen sie denn...? Ach, ist der Rasen schön grün..." (Where are they running...? Oh, how green the grass is...) But then again, there's so many more sketches from Loriot (animated or real-life ones), it's really hard to decide which ones to recommend. It's like Pokemon: you gotta watch them all! 🤣
Advent Forsthaus kniet bei Kerzenschimmer die Försterin im Herrenzimmer. In dieser wunderschönen Nacht hat sie den Förster umgebracht. Er war ihr bei des Heimes Pflege seit langer Zeit schon sehr im Wege. So kam sie mit sich überein: Am Niklasabend muß es sein!
One of the best pieces of German comedy ever has got to be Evelyn Hamann's "Ansage einer Englischen Fernsehserie" (short: "Englische Ansage" - Announcing an English TV series). It is a Loriot sketch, brilliantly (!!!) performed by Hamann. She was Loriot's partner for many many years. When you think of one, the other comes to mind immediately. This is the description on Wikipedia:
"Men in a bathtub" is my all time favorite. Shame that there don't seem to be a dubbed version of his films "Ödipussi" and "Papa ante portas". I had the pleasure to meet Loriot once. He was as funny in real life as in his sketches and films.
I couldn't really communicate with my husband's German grandfather before he died, and I spent time with him weekly as a caretaker/housecleaner. To break our barrier I played Loriot. I'll never forget it - it worked. Loriot brought us together. It was an episode where people were going to school to learn how to Yodel. No language skills necessary, again, to understand the episode. Clearly people were Yodelling poorly and being corrected and it was hilarious. And my man's Opa was cracking up, saying "Bekloppt!" and some more local Wuppertal terms for "crazy!" Without Loriot I would have had nothing to share with Opa.
@@monikadear3594 Wuppertal Barmen Wichlinghausen was where this took place: ) It's the generational house of my husband's family (built 1600!) and three generations are still there. Just one less, since Opa and Oma left us. I lived in Barmen for 2 years and was married in the Schwebebahn, as one does...: )
Loriot was a man of many talents, as You said. In this cartoon - no - in ALL of his cartoons - he drew it and voiced it himself. I would recommand "The Picture is crooked". It is skit in that he plays the main character and it needs nearly no words. Absolutely hilarious.
I love Loriot , my favourite is 'Pappa ante Portas', I know every line by heart before it is said, but I still unfailingly laugh my ass off when it comes, every time! BUT, as to the sketch about the egg - people always see the point of the husband, but I always wonder, why can't he just go and cook his egg himself??? Then he would have it exactly as he wants it! Loriot was a very conservative comedian. But also he was so extremely intelligent. You can read so much into all of his sketches, especially with regards to man-woman relationships; and you can relate to both sides. That’s what makes him the greatest.
This sketch is a perfect example of the "Vier-Seiten-Modell" (four-sides model) by Schulz von Thun. A communication model in where every message we say can be seen in 4 different ways. Facts, Self-disclosure, relationship and injunction. If the transmitter and receiver communicate on different sides (He: The egg is hard (facts) -> she thinks it's an injunction and answeres snappish).
Dear Mert, I really enjoy your viewings and smart observations. I grew up with Loriot and love and miss him a lot. To me, he looked right into the German soul and found ways to out it through his sketches. His work is a great mirror to the Preussian mentality that is deeply rooted into German culture. Loriot could characterize the Germans, like no others could (especially the post-war bourgois society and their hick-ups in their own thinking in everyday situations) and portrait great love for all the flaws of the human race at the same time. He worked with famous scientists at the time who were pioneers in studying human interactions and communication and therefore how miscommunication happens. Lot of this research is common knowledge today (that let to e.g. Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars). He started off as a cartoonist, why his work, even if it is shot with real actors, is thought of in a similar way. These aspects together, play a vital role in all of his work and what he is loved for until today. I showed Loriot to many non-Germans that could laugh a lot about it. By the way: he drew, wrote and spoke the entire clip you've watched. Keep up your great curiosity and viewings, Mert! We appreciate, lets me learn about ourselves through the outside perspective and lights up my day.
Loriot is a legend. His humor, combined with his intelligence and his ability to write and perform clever and funny dialogues is unique, and no other German comedian ever got close to his level in my opinion.
Рік тому
Good that you added an "in my opinion". Because that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Hi Mert! Loriot's comedy is (mostly) all about communication gone wrong. Because of that Loriot's work is used here in germany to teach students about the works of Friedemann Schulz von Thun and Paul Watzlawick - great language and social experts. It is all about sender/reciever perception.
Absolutely brilliant is the Loriot episode 14 "Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts" = "Christmas at Hoppenstedts" with a somewhat different Advent poem, the shopping for Christmas presents, and the giving of presents on Christmas Eve with grandpa's gift "We're building ourselves a nuclear power plant". The repeat of this episode from 1978 is regularly broadcast at Christmas time by the German TV station NDR. - Loriot not only drew the episodes himself - he also lent his voice to the characters. Of course, he also took part in the live-action film versions and usually played the main character.
Hape Kerkeling (today a very famouy comedian, too) spoke as a young boy for the role of little Dicki Hoppenstedt in the Christmas sketch , but was not casted.
This one sums it up really well: "After Loriot's death, in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the Art Directors Club Deutschland (ADC) took out a whole page with the words "Dear God, have fun". Loriot was elected an honorary member of the ADC in 1980."
Absolutely right. That honor moved me to tears. And perfect words. Unforgettable: "Ein Leben ohne Mops ist möglich, aber sinnlos." What else is there to say. Unmatched humor. 🤷♂
Loriot (Bernhard-Viktor Christoph-Carl von Bülow actuslly) is one of the giants of German comedy. In the 70s and 80s he was a institution in German TV and everybody knew him and his sketches. He produced quite different kinds of stuff, such animations as well as real film, in which usually he himself played along with a woman called Evelyn Hamann for almost 3 decades.
His sketch and film backgrounds often portrait this old fashion bourgois (well off) and conservative part of German society, which I actually do remember from childhood.I suppose this is the society Bernhard-Viktor Christoph-Carl von Bülow grew up in. The discrepancy between this almost aristocratic, but for sure 'better than the others' world and his keen observation on this world's ridiculous values was probably the start of his wonderful career as Loriot. He sure created a world of his own, and every German loves it.
In todays culture a joke has to hit within 10 seconds. And I don't like that at all. I love how he was able to describe an absolute normal and average situation that slowly escalates in a civilized way without being over the top until the very last moment. When you watch every line of dialog alone it feels completely normal. The escalation comes in extremely small steps and is presented in a way which seems unavoidable. You know that this will not go well but you often cannot tell why. It just happens. This is extremely skillful - he was understanding people extraordinary well.
Loriot is famous for his fine, dry humor. I would also recommend a few appearances by Heinz Erhardt. However, it will also be difficult to translate his wonderful wordplay correctly.
Yeah, I guess you have to know basic German for fully appreciate Heinz Erhardt. While Loriot is most about WHAT is said/shown, Heinz Erhardt is much more about HOW it is said.
And the wordplay/puns will be the problem. Puns usually only work in one language. Those regularly get lost in translation. And on top of that Heinz Erhardt Rhymes a lot
I can just follow a lot of the comments here. Even some of his scetches or dialogues made in the the German lessons in school, because his way of using the German language is just great. I can remember some dialogues until today just because my German teacher explained the communication theory by Watzlawick with that.
Loriot has a gift for taking everyday awkward situations everyone knows and abides by and turns them into excrutiatingly painful walkthroughs. The actual punchline generally isn't the most painful situation; it's the precise depictation of things we all have lived through and hated. And it's the realisation that he painfully takes you through it that makes you laugh, and cringe at the same time. Total masterclass.
Loriot (Vicco von Bülow) was the greatest German comedian ever. There is not even anybody else in competition. My favourite skid is "Die Bundestagsrede! (can be translated as something like: "The parliament speech") It is completely timeless and you might think any actual politician might give that speech :D
I would say that Heinz Erhardt came quite close, too. He had a great sense of humour and when it comes to play of words, he was a real master, just as Loriot. ;-)
Just watch "Das Bild hängt schief" (The picture is crooked)! No German language needed what so ever. And you realize, where Rowan Atkinson got his ideas for Mr. Bean, as one of Loriots unspoken scenes won an international Comedy prize. Others are "The janitor", "The Home Conductor" (difficult to find on YT), "The Fly".... But Loriot, as you said, had many talents: he did his little "Nose-Figures", was a master of words and the german language and of daily strange happenings ("The noodle") or specific german themes (the need of documents and licences - even as "Yodel graduate").
Loriot was a keen observer of his fellow german citizen. Noone could tell from the living german people better than he did. Even at his lifetime he already was a legend. Whenever I get to know someone who was not born in Germany some closer, the person will get a book of Loriot from me (he also wrote his sketches into books). Loriot is German culture at its peak.
I am really curios about how people from other countries react to it. Loriot's great strength is his ability to observer and analyse all these minute things that go on between people... but his sketches reflect his observations from the 70s and 80s Germany. I know many younger Germans do not connect with this on the same level. Some things shown in his sketches might be universal but I guess a lot is dependent on the cultural background.
More Loriot recommendations? "Ich will hier nur sitzen" is my personal favorite, and "Herren im Bad" pretty well known. Also the Jodeldiplom as the German variant of underwater basket weaving.
Undoubtedly Loriot was one of the most characteristic creative minds of the early years of the Federal Republic of Germany. How fitting that you're reacting to him on the day before our national holiday (Day of German Unity). However, he certainly wasn't the only one. I'd like to mention Heinz Erhard, Wolfgang Neuss, das Düsseldorfer Komödchen, die Münchner Lach- und Schiessgesellschaft, Dieter Hildebrand, ... However Loriot is unique due to his way of observing the world around him and reflecting it in so many ways: by drawing cartoons and caricaturistic pictures, writing books (sometimes disguised as practical advisory literature), writing comedic scenes for stage and for the TV broadcasts from the 1950ies into the 1980ies. In his film "Papa Ante Portas" he appears as the main character a manager in the first days of his retirement trying to be helpful at home with his expertise. His partner is played by the equally legendary Evelin Hamann who was his partner in many comedy scenes on TV and on stage. As his real name suggests he was of aristocratic descent. Using his knowledge from that background he could provide a particularly comedic twist to his creations sometimes. And he didn't shy away of poking fun at some peculiarities of etiquette of high society - or what people thought it was.
The best joke is " I am no chicken!" answer "Ach!" Which can mean "Really?" in German. That´s the problem with loriot. Sometimes his comedy relies on the language.
The whole dialogues are on point. The last line comes as a surprise for me every time because it’s unimportant for me. But „Mit meinem Gefühl stimmt was nicht“. There is something wrong with my (emotion/feeling/sensation/sentiment/hunch/ sentiation/sense of) Or Dir ist es also egal, ob ich den ganzen Tag in der Küche stehe und schufte So you don’t care if I work like a dog in the kitchen for the whole day. These are lines that found their way into our everyday life. The language choices, the insights into human relationships and shortcomings but trying to keep the facade makes it painfully funny and relatable. Everybody knows these people and some are bold enough to see themselves.
It's simply put: Logic vs. Emotions. Today you find it in some Nerd Comedies, Like Young Sheldon, Nerd versus the common man. But it also works between Man and Woman, but with keeping up the stereotype of the wife not beeing logical. I guess today this would be considered mansplaining.
Hello! I've enjoyed your reaction vids for quite some time now - being German myself I find them very entertaining. Thank you and keep going! 👍 Ah, you've discovered the legendary Loriot! Welcome to the rabbit hole! 😉 Loriot's style of humor is very subtle, pointed and quiet, never loud, never flashy or disrespectful. He had keen powers of observation and was a master at exaggerating everyday situations in almost absurd ways, both in his cartoons and live-action skits. In the latter, he had a congenial partner at his side who MUST be mentioned in this context: Evelyn Hamann, who had worked with Loriot for many years - they were a humorous dream couple! Small side note: Loriot was actually looking for a short, blonde actress to cast the skits - luckily he didn't insist on it! 😂 Here are a few more of his skits (with English subs): - The broken TV - The painting - I just want to sit here Have fun watching!
Loriot captures the German soul like no other humorist. Unfortunately his descendants don't publish his comedy online and are said to be very litigious when other people upload clips. So material is hard to find online, especially translated. In many of his sketches much of the comedy also comes from the way the characters speak and the particular words they use. Quite hard to translate those in general.
the main point here is the observation of the many subtle nuances in daily conversations, such as the way in which the husband's questions are repeatedly dodged in a clever, and then still completely natural way, and the narrative is repeatedly (completely unconsciously by the lady) directed against himself, which in the end leads to the fact that basically two different dialogues are being conducted past each other. Loriot was a real master in observing and reflecting the ironic nature of daily human interaction, and in letting us participate in it again and again, in a highly entertaining, and fascinating way, in the form of illustrations, sketches, and all sorts of short films as well. in doing so, he not infrequently, strongly responds to the national zeitgeist of the epoch, whereby the fullness of his genius can only really be grasped by germans. especially those of the populationional proportion, which, statistically speaking, is increasingly declining due to demographic change. he has my respectful appreciation. a few other, highly recommended sketches are: - die Badewanne (the bathtub) - Ich will hier nur sitzen (i just want to sit here) and also "Das Bild Hängt Schief" (the picture is crooked) which, the last one, as a visual comedy sketch, is also easily accessible to an international audience. One could partly draw parallels to Rowan Atkinson's "Mr. Bean" classics, or even Charlie Chaplin‘s work, to an extent, for example. Regarding Loriot, this is, understandably only slightly scratching the surface of a lifelong work of art, in which his creative partner, Evelyn Hamann, played a huge role after all, and is not to be underestimated in any way, by all means. Together they performed a barrage of masterpieces in a vast variety of performances and creations. they truly did. I sincerely miss them for the joy they brought to us. R.I.P. my beloved icons! continue to have fun and success with your channel. I, for one, am always happy witnessing new uploads of yours. especially when I get to listen to your, usually, very differentiated and sophisticated views and comments on the matter at hand. all the best and have a nice day! ✌️
I would recomend the loriot Christmas episode. But thats really long so specificly the grandfather shopping scene or the scene with the liquor and vaccum sellers or the scene were they open the gifts etc.
"Die Nudel" !!! 🙃🤣 Part of the genius of Loriot is saying the most common and mundane things in the most perfect and polished German you can imagine. 🙃 Please view "Die Nudel" with his partner, the unforgettable Evelyn Hamann! Liebe Grüße!
Loriot is difficult for foreigners because the satire is so finely rooted in german burgeoise norms and manners that you will usually just get the surface level of it. And his trademark "ach?" just can't work properly via subtitle. With my American room mate I waited like two years into his german classes before pulling out the Papa ante Portas DVD, which to me still is by far the funniest and most rewatchable german movie ever made. Even though the movie is over 30 years old now you could walk into any college student party now, start a quote and immediately multiple people will correctly finish the sentence for you.
Heinz Ehrhardt is still a bit older but he had the honour of being one of the first Germans to be on the air for the BBC right after WWII, well technically he was born in Lettland one of my favourite movies with him is "Natürlich die Autofahrer" its still a blast with Trude Herr as driving instructor (context this is a movie made in the 1950ties, and a woman is his driving instructor). Other classics would be him being a guest on the Rudi Carrel show, drei Mann auf einem Boot and many more. He made it through the bad times by being absolutly a-political. In this Context the Feuerzangenbowle with Heinz Rühmann is an must watch for the study of German comedy. That movie was made in 1944 and despite that it remains a timeless classic to this day. As other people surely already mentioned the christmas program of Loriot is a must watch, it is almost as much as a tradition as Dinner for one but on christmas eve or on one of the other two christmas days. Aka "Hoppenstedts" "Heinzelmann" und "Adventsgedicht"
"Ich will hier nur sitzen" or "Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts" are 2 other great classics by Loriot. The last one is longer though and a compilation of a few sketches and animations. I looked it up and it seems it is not available in full length on UA-cam, but you could check it out piece by piece - it is absolutely worth it.😂
Loriot is great, he had it down to the T to extract the quitessence of something and then present it in a bit exaggerated way that is very funny. The absurdity of these sketches are special itself.
Much, much, much better than the animated Loriot sketches are the ones acted out by Evelyn Hamann and Loriot himself! Who can ever forget the TV announcer giving a summary of an English series fighting increasingly with the pronunciation? Just fantastic!
I love Loriot! He made 2 cinema movies. I love the scene in "Papa ante portas" where the lyrics reader "Frohbein"comes and tells his garbage and gets a hickup 🤣🤣
You have to watch “Pappa ante portas”. This movie sums up all of Loriot’s typical humour. It is simply a masterpiece and hilarious. As he typically drew his inspiration from the day-to-day life of otherwise seemingly “normal” people (I.e. all of us), you can easily relate to the situations and people’s behaviour.
If you want to know, what the Germans are really like, watch the sketches of Loriots. 😅 You have to watch the film clip from "pappa ante portas" Zugfahrt mit der Familie!
Loriot is a class of his own. He was watching people in all da situations and used them. He also was a perfectionist and everything had to be just as he imagined it. I love his humour ❤
My favorite is the Movie " Pappa ante portas" Its about a recently retired man and his wife and how the couple is coping with the husband who is bored at home
Loriot was the finest, most precise art of showing human nature through a microscope. There are quotes from his scetches every german will know immediatly like "Das Bild hängt schief", "Früher war mehr Lametta" or "Ich heiße Erwin Lottomann, bin seit 66 Jahren Rentner und im Herbst eröffnet meine Tochter mit dem Papst eine Herrenboutique"! Legendary! A major problem with his work may be translation, a lot of precision will get lost translating Loriot. My top 5 are: Der Herr isst eine Kalbshaxe Die Nudel Weihnachten mit den Hoppenstedts Die Badewanne Der Lottogewinner honorable mention: Es saugt und bläst der Heinzelmann, wo Mutti sonst nur blasen kann (from Weihnachten mit den Hoppenstedts) in no particular order Sadly not all Loriot classics are available online.
As with all animations, this is a complete Loriot work. He did the drawings, the animation, the voices, the direction, everything. If you want to see him in person (again directing himself, writing the sketch, etc), a perfect entry level would be "Das Bild hängt schief", as it involves barely any dialogue.
Loriot is our national treasure. Foreigners often do not get his humour, but he will leave every true German in stitches. No matter if you are young or old, male or female, left or right, we love him!
One of THE best Loriot skits was 'Ich möchte einfach nur hier sitzen'. Unfortunately, I haven't found a good video for you to react to yet. But I keep on trying, because I love your reaction videos!!
Loriot shaped the Germans as no other - and in an unique way: He portrayed our Spiessigkeit (smugness) and the embarrassments in our failing attempts to behave rock-solid earnest so precisely and so popular in the 70’s that latest with start of the 80’s everybody worked their asses of to NOT look like one of his characters. His punchline became as well-known as quotes from Goethe’s Faust and it became a totally desperate German habit to NEVER act, look or talk like in a Loriot scene. So I sometimes tell people from other countries to watch Loriot if they want to understand what Germans are inside - while they try hard to pretend on the outside to be international. .-) I recommend some of his non-cartoon stuff, too: German Bürger (burgois) get drunk and unwillingly into a lewdness talk about sucking in „Es saugt und bläst der Heinzelmann“, the happy Christmas family portrait of „Weihnachten bei den Hoppenstedts“ or the seriousness of buying some quality trousers in And don’t miss a glance on Loriot’s elegance when he announces the next thing on his (even in the 70’s) old fashioned Chaiselongue. (And yes, it’s tricky to find his stuff on UA-cam - they still protect the copyright like Pickelhaube.)
I have noticed throughout my youth and even when visiting home, that this back and forth is present within my own parents (except the killing intent of course!). but my mother misses the point of a question my father asks and the conversation begins to drift off. My mother explains this woman behavior as: "thinking ahead but by doing so ignoring the actual question asked and answering something no one wanted to know" xD
I grew up with Loriot and love his work. It is a more subtle description of human peculiarities, especially German ones. I love especially the picture is crooked, men I a bathtub, the parliament speech, the piano gift, and of course, the Christmas classic: Christmas with the Hoppenstedt family. The latter one is almost every year shown on some TV channel in Germany. The cartoons are made in the seventies which explains the quality. He also did cartoons of the most important politicians of the late seventies with their original voice. Extremely precise and super funny with the big noses, but only when you know these politicians.
Wow, you said lets talk about Loriot, how long time do you have? Watch the film Pappa ante portas, the sketch the noodle! Loriot is the father of so many comedians and every Comedians has respect to Loriot! I love him. Another older Comedian is Heinz Erhardt, he studiet the human race also and I think he was the first stand up
Like everybody else said already (and I can only concur), Loriot is a legend in Germany. One thought that I had, however, is that maybe not all of his scetches work quite as well when translated. He's done great scetches without any words being said (which are therefore very universal) as well as many more scetches which heavily rely on the spoken word which may work best in German. But nonetheless I'm glad you discovered Loriot! What I would most highly recommend is his movie "Pappa ante Portas".
Loriot was master in portraying the stiffness of the bourgeois, their mannerism and such. He was alsways incredible precise in his perceptions but also had a loving touch to it.
Loriot has so many great sketches and movies. Everything is just so relatable, he's among the best (if not THE best) of traditional German fun and humour.
2:23 At this point, I "broke down". 😂😂 So hilarious... 😂 And amazing subs. 😁 3:06 Absolutely. 😁 "Loriot" (Vicco von Bülow) is/was a _legend_ . There are 5 to 10 names of German-speaking comedy _legends_ , so that people still "stand in attention", when names are dropped: Peter Frankenfeld, Heinz Erhardt, Rudi Carell, "Loriot". Some even still remember Werner Finck. They are unmatched. Laughters without remorse.
Indeed, Heinz Ehrhardt and Peter Frankenfeld are worth to be mentioned. Unfortunately they don't work so much for this format. Heinz Ehrhardt plays with the German language itself, Peter Frankenfeld often based his humour on dialects ("Was ein Wetterchen", "Hotelrezeption").
omg I'm so glad I clicked on this cuz just last week I was working at a German buffet and the little old ladies were trying to teach me how to make Bergische Waffeln - regional waffles, on a waffle iron. I asked them all how many minutes per side (you have to flip it) and they said, "Nach GEFUEHL!" (your gut will tell you, like with the egg) and I am American my gut is not going to tell me when to flip a waffle. So I watched them, and watched the clock on the wall, and figured it out. Then I went to make my first one and failed completely, it was a doughy mess everywhere. They said I was staring at the clock and not using my feelings. WTH! *LOL* So this is something that kids must grow up with in Germany, knowing how to make waffles. Just like everyone here knows how to set up those collapsable beer tent tables and benches. Hey, if you enjoyed that, please take a look at the classic Loriot that we showed my American family this year - the one where Loriot himself plays a character who tries to fix a crooked painting on the wall in a waiting room. It's freaking hilarious and no language skills necessary. ENJOY: ) I also love the one about the broken television and the lottery win. These things make learning German fun.
Hey Mert, thanks not only to you but also to the commentators. There are always so many interesting, funny or curious informations to be found in the comment sections. Could you maybe make a reaction video about comments to your own videos? I think this would be fun and many people would watch this.
Loriot and Heinz Erhardt are the source of german comedy. Every german knows them both. Loriot had a straight Look into the germans soul, heart and identity
I partly agree, but also have to disagree a bit here. You see, both Loriot and Erhardt were institutions of German humour in post war West-Germany, and while Loriot in particular was also appreciated by viewers in the East, they had their own high profile comedians, shaping a different mark on humour (Preil and Herricht comes to mind). And then there was Valentin, the grandfather of German humour of the 20th century, his influence on the comedians following in his foot steps can't be denied, especially with Loriot.
@@cu3350 i cannot disagree. Things were partly different in the east back then, but i sometimes forget... even though ive got relatives in the east, i never felt like we were different. Sorry, if you felt offended
@@SweetSchnubbl , oh, I wasn't offended at all, I merely wanted to add some additional context. We all see these comedians in our own window of time and space (OK, location, but "space" sounds cooler). For example, older viewers (1930s to 50s) would have definitely called Valentin as the undisputed grand master, but since his heydays happened before most of us here on UA-cam, we have no real tangible connection to him. While Erhardt concentrated heavily on wordplay (less of a connection to V.), Loriot's sketches do exhibit a heavy influence. I enjoy them all, V., Loriot, Erhardt, Herricht & Preil, and all the others that I forgot).
Since I like dark humor a lot, one of my favoutite Loriot cartoons is the advent poem, where .... SPOILERS... a grandfather reads with a warm voice a nice poem about winter in the forest. He describes at first how the snow glitters in the dark, a rabbit that lurks with tired eyes from its hole and a nice warm light coming from a lonley forester's house where... and here comes the twist .. the forester's wife just butchered her husband, cut up his corpse and wrapped the body parts in wrapping paper (excluding on piece of fillet for the christmas dinner)... all still told with this warm voice and colourful, poetic language. I wonder how the viewers reacted to that when it first aired.
Loriot: 4 comedians in one! Cartoon strips in newspapers ("the early years") which later evolved into pieces like you just saw, then comedy sketches with fabulous partners - especially Evelyn Hamann, and his two cinematic movies "Pappa ante portas" and "Ödipussy" All 4 genres are absolutely top notch.
In Germany everyone knows Loriot, for generations. I miss him. He looked at the German's mouth and into his brain. I love “I just want to sit here” even more.
agreed. "I want to sit here" is my absolute favorite of him.
They are both great, but best of all in my humble opinion would be "Men in a bathtub". Never get enough of them.
Yes! 'I just want to sit here' alongside the talking dog.
"I just want to sit here":
"Ich sitze nur" is part of our regular married life as tribute to Loriot. And "ich lass mich nicht von einem kaputten Fernseher vorzuschreiben wann ich ins Bett zu gehen musse." (Was that right?) It has evolved into a directive of our lives, to be honest, my husband today said in English, 'You're not gonna let that singular event dictate your future actions?" LOL
Loriot was a brilliant observer of human peculiarities and everyday conflicts. In his sketches he sometimes exaggerated this to the point of being painful. He said of himself that he "describes failure in everyday life."
Yes, exactly. Especially the behavior of the Germans. He caricatuers it. It is a little bit like the character from John Cleese in Fawlty Towers. But John tried to caricature the English people.
_Mein Name ist Lohse und ich kaufe hier ein!_ 😂❤
I think the one about the Du vs. Sie relationship between the office employee and the boss was extremely hard to watch. A failure in everyday life indeed!
@@LythaWausWI don't think I know that one. Do you remember the title of that clip?
I really wanted to write a comment ... but everything Said....
My favourite is "die Fernsehansagerin" (the TV announcer), where she announces an English TV series giving a summary of what has happened so far. She tries to pronounce everything as British as possible, especially the "th". In the end she goes crazy. I also love the one with the parking meter.
yes, this is pure genius. Please watch it.
Yes! Lord and Lady Hesketh-Fortescue who live in North Cothelstone Hall. This video would be absolutely PERFECT for this channel here.
@@thr4017yes, it would! However, I don't see a good version on YT
Absolutly wantd to mention that one as well. It's great.
@@thr4017 Oh yes!!
Guten Abend, meine Damen und Herren. Heute sehen Sie die achte Folge unseres 16-teiligen englischen Fernsehkrimis „Die zwei Cousinen“. Zunächst eine kurze Übersicht über den Handlungsablauf der bisher gesendeten 7 Folgen:
Auf dem Landsitz North Cothelstonehall von Lord und Lady Hesketh-Fortesquieu befinden sich außer dem jüngsten Sohn Meredith auch die Cousinen Priscilla und Gwyneth Molesworth aus den benachbarten Ortschaften Nethereddlethorpe und Middlefrithem; ferner ein Onkel von Lady Hesketh-Fortesquieu, der 79-jährige Jasper Fetherston, dessen Besitz, Thrumpton Castle, zur Zeit an Lord Molesworth-Horton, einen Vetter von Priscilla und Gwyneth Molesworth, vermietet ist.
Gwyneth Molesworth hatte für Lord Hesketh-Fortesquieu in Nethereddlethorpe einen Schlipth - Verzeihung, einen Schlips besorgt, ihn aber bei Lord Molesworth-Horton in Thrumpton Castle liegen lassen. Lady Hesketh-Fortesquieu verdächtigt ihren Gatten, das letzte Wochenende mit Priscilla Molesworth in Middlefrithem verbracht zu haben, gleichzeitig findet Meredith Hesketh-Fortesquieu auf einer Kutschfahrt mit Jasper Fetherston von Middlefrithem nach North Cothelstonehall in Thrumpton Castle den Schlips aus Nethereddlesthorpe.
Nach einer dramatischen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Lady Hesketh-Fortesquieu und Priscilla Molesworth in North Cothelstonehall eilt Gwyneth Molesworth nach dem zwei Meilen entfernten South Thornsby, um ihre Tanten Emily Hollingworth und Bucinda Thatterthwait aufzusuchen. Diese sind jedoch nach North Thurston zu ihrem Schwager Thomas Thatcham gefahren, der als Gärtner in Thrumpton Castle bei Lord Molesworth-Horton arbeitet.
Gwyneth Molesworth fährt nach North Cothelstonehall zurück, aber nicht über Middleeddlethorpe, sondern über North Thurston, Thrumpton Castle, Middlefrithem und Nethereddlethorpe. Dort trifft sie Priscilla Molesworth, die mit Lord Molesworth-Horton noch nachth von Nethereddlesthorpe nach North Thurston und thurfur ..
At Christmas I always love the Christmas sketch with the Hoppenstedt family to watch in television. It`s always so funny and Loriot himself plays the grandpa who celebrates Christmas with the family. Loriot was great.🤣😂💞👍
Damals war mehr Lametta. xD
Genau. Opa Hoppenstedt😂@@NephritduGrey
"Früher war mehr Lametta." My brother-in-law really likes to say that at Christmas.
@@NephritduGrey -Damals- Früher
Zicke-zacke Hühnerkacke.
Loriot is amazing, I love Feierabend ("Ich will hier nur sitzen": I just want to sit here) and Zimmerverwüstung ("Das Bild hängt schief": The picture is hanging lopsided).
"Das Bild hängt schief" is brilliant. Even tho you kinda know, what will happen, it still gets you everytime:
That _legend_ ("Loriot") just produced masterpiece after masterpiece. "Das Ei ist hart." is as legendary as "Das Bild hängt schief." You simply say those words, and "everybody knows". If that does not match the definition of "iconic", I do not know _what_ does.
Also recommended:
- "Zwei Herren im Bad" (Two guys in the bathtub) with the catchphrase "Herr Müller-Lüdenscheidt! Ich lasse die Ente jetzt zu Wasser" (Mr. Müller-Lüdenscheidt, I will now put the rubber ducky into the bathtub) and
- "Auf der Rennbahn (At the racetracks) with the catchphrase "Ja wo laufen sie denn...? Ach, ist der Rasen schön grün..." (Where are they running...? Oh, how green the grass is...)
But then again, there's so many more sketches from Loriot (animated or real-life ones), it's really hard to decide which ones to recommend. It's like Pokemon: you gotta watch them all! 🤣
@@jk9554 The Rennbahn skit is not his own, he just did the animation.
I love this slow but inevitatable escalation in tiny steps. Loriot was the very best!
Advent Forsthaus kniet bei Kerzenschimmer
die Försterin im Herrenzimmer.
In dieser wunderschönen Nacht
hat sie den Förster umgebracht.
Er war ihr bei des Heimes Pflege
seit langer Zeit schon sehr im Wege.
So kam sie mit sich überein:
Am Niklasabend muß es sein!
Mein Lieblingsweihnachtsgedicht! 👍
One of the best pieces of German comedy ever has got to be Evelyn Hamann's "Ansage einer Englischen Fernsehserie" (short: "Englische Ansage" - Announcing an English TV series). It is a Loriot sketch, brilliantly (!!!) performed by Hamann. She was Loriot's partner for many many years. When you think of one, the other comes to mind immediately. This is the description on Wikipedia:
"Men in a bathtub" is my all time favorite. Shame that there don't seem to be a dubbed version of his films "Ödipussi" and "Papa ante portas".
I had the pleasure to meet Loriot once. He was as funny in real life as in his sketches and films.
Sie lassen jetzt SO-FORT die Ente zu Wasser!
@@Waechter_im_All mit Ihnen teilt meine Ente das Wasser nicht!
HERR Müller-Lüdenscheid!!!
Can you imagine how difficult it would be to properly dub "Dann hätte ich vorhin auch meine Quallenknödel legen können"! :)
@@Waechter_im_All "HERR Doktor Klögener!"
Loriot generated more comedic value using the word „ach“ than most others do in their whole career
ach was
"Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts" is als an episode I watch every christmas.
I couldn't really communicate with my husband's German grandfather before he died, and I spent time with him weekly as a caretaker/housecleaner. To break our barrier I played Loriot. I'll never forget it - it worked. Loriot brought us together. It was an episode where people were going to school to learn how to Yodel. No language skills necessary, again, to understand the episode. Clearly people were Yodelling poorly and being corrected and it was hilarious. And my man's Opa was cracking up, saying "Bekloppt!" and some more local Wuppertal terms for "crazy!" Without Loriot I would have had nothing to share with Opa.
What a sweet story! Much love from Wuppertal! 😉😘
@@monikadear3594 Wuppertal Barmen Wichlinghausen was where this took place: ) It's the generational house of my husband's family (built 1600!) and three generations are still there. Just one less, since Opa and Oma left us. I lived in Barmen for 2 years and was married in the Schwebebahn, as one does...: )
@@LythaWausW So beautiful, great story! Married in the Schwebebahn! ❤Congratulations! Thank you for sharing!
herzerwärmend :)
What a wholesome story!😌
Loriot was a man of many talents, as You said. In this cartoon - no - in ALL of his cartoons - he drew it and voiced it himself.
I would recommand "The Picture is crooked". It is skit in that he plays the main character and it needs nearly no words. Absolutely hilarious.
I love Loriot , my favourite is 'Pappa ante Portas', I know every line by heart before it is said, but I still unfailingly laugh my ass off when it comes, every time!
BUT, as to the sketch about the egg - people always see the point of the husband, but I always wonder, why can't he just go and cook his egg himself??? Then he would have it exactly as he wants it!
Loriot was a very conservative comedian. But also he was so extremely intelligent. You can read so much into all of his sketches, especially with regards to man-woman relationships; and you can relate to both sides. That’s what makes him the greatest.
This sketch is a perfect example of the "Vier-Seiten-Modell" (four-sides model) by Schulz von Thun. A communication model in where every message we say can be seen in 4 different ways. Facts, Self-disclosure, relationship and injunction. If the transmitter and receiver communicate on different sides (He: The egg is hard (facts) -> she thinks it's an injunction and answeres snappish).
Dear Mert, I really enjoy your viewings and smart observations. I grew up with Loriot and love and miss him a lot. To me, he looked right into the German soul and found ways to out it through his sketches. His work is a great mirror to the Preussian mentality that is deeply rooted into German culture. Loriot could characterize the Germans, like no others could (especially the post-war bourgois society and their hick-ups in their own thinking in everyday situations) and portrait great love for all the flaws of the human race at the same time. He worked with famous scientists at the time who were pioneers in studying human interactions and communication and therefore how miscommunication happens. Lot of this research is common knowledge today (that let to e.g. Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars). He started off as a cartoonist, why his work, even if it is shot with real actors, is thought of in a similar way. These aspects together, play a vital role in all of his work and what he is loved for until today. I showed Loriot to many non-Germans that could laugh a lot about it. By the way: he drew, wrote and spoke the entire clip you've watched. Keep up your great curiosity and viewings, Mert! We appreciate, lets me learn about ourselves through the outside perspective and lights up my day.
More Loriot please! He had so many brilliant sketches, including scenes from his movies.
Loriot is a legend. His humor, combined with his intelligence and his ability to write and perform clever and funny dialogues is unique, and no other German comedian ever got close to his level in my opinion.
Good that you added an "in my opinion". Because that's just, like, your opinion, man.
@ 128 likes in 9 days? Nope, definitely not just his opinion.
One of my alltime favorites of Loriot is "Herren im Bad". :D
Oh yes, please! 😂
"Herr Dr. Klöbner."
"Herr Müller-Lüdenscheid."
Loriot is the peak of German humour, and possibly humour in general. May he live forever in our hearts
... and don't forget the sketch "die Nudel" (the noodle) 😅
Loriot is a German treasure ❤
Hi Mert! Loriot's comedy is (mostly) all about communication gone wrong. Because of that Loriot's work is used here in germany to teach students about the works of Friedemann Schulz von Thun and Paul Watzlawick - great language and social experts. It is all about sender/reciever perception.
Absolutely brilliant is the Loriot episode 14 "Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts" = "Christmas at Hoppenstedts" with a somewhat different Advent poem, the shopping for Christmas presents, and the giving of presents on Christmas Eve with grandpa's gift "We're building ourselves a nuclear power plant". The repeat of this episode from 1978 is regularly broadcast at Christmas time by the German TV station NDR. - Loriot not only drew the episodes himself - he also lent his voice to the characters. Of course, he also took part in the live-action film versions and usually played the main character.
Hape Kerkeling (today a very famouy comedian, too) spoke as a young boy for the role of little Dicki Hoppenstedt in the Christmas sketch , but was not casted.
Loriot quite often caricatured the German "Spießbürgertum" (philistinism) of his time. I found it so funny in my youth.
This one sums it up really well: "After Loriot's death, in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the Art Directors Club Deutschland (ADC) took out a whole page with the words "Dear God, have fun". Loriot was elected an honorary member of the ADC in 1980."
Absolutely right. That honor moved me to tears. And perfect words.
Unforgettable: "Ein Leben ohne Mops ist möglich, aber sinnlos." What else is there to say. Unmatched humor. 🤷♂
@@jawosammadennhier7062 Zu seinem 80. Geburtstag stellte Loriot fest: Frauen sind aus der modernen Gesellschaft praktisch nicht mehr wegzudenken.
Loriot (Bernhard-Viktor Christoph-Carl von Bülow actuslly) is one of the giants of German comedy. In the 70s and 80s he was a institution in German TV and everybody knew him and his sketches.
He produced quite different kinds of stuff, such animations as well as real film, in which usually he himself played along with a woman called Evelyn Hamann for almost 3 decades.
His sketch and film backgrounds often portrait this old fashion bourgois (well off) and conservative part of German society, which I actually do remember from childhood.I suppose this is the society Bernhard-Viktor Christoph-Carl von Bülow grew up in. The discrepancy between this almost aristocratic, but for sure 'better than the others' world and his keen observation on this world's ridiculous values was probably the start of his wonderful career as Loriot. He sure created a world of his own, and every German loves it.
In todays culture a joke has to hit within 10 seconds. And I don't like that at all.
I love how he was able to describe an absolute normal and average situation that slowly escalates in a civilized way without being over the top until the very last moment.
When you watch every line of dialog alone it feels completely normal. The escalation comes in extremely small steps and is presented in a way which seems unavoidable. You know that this will not go well but you often cannot tell why. It just happens.
This is extremely skillful - he was understanding people extraordinary well.
I am really impressed how good you analyse things. In this case the conversation. You earn big respect.
Loriot is famous for his fine, dry humor. I would also recommend a few appearances by Heinz Erhardt. However, it will also be difficult to translate his wonderful wordplay correctly.
Yeah, I guess you have to know basic German for fully appreciate Heinz Erhardt. While Loriot is most about WHAT is said/shown, Heinz Erhardt is much more about HOW it is said.
And the wordplay/puns will be the problem. Puns usually only work in one language. Those regularly get lost in translation.
And on top of that Heinz Erhardt Rhymes a lot
@@Saiberion Stimmt ;-))
You discovered a german legend!
I can just follow a lot of the comments here. Even some of his scetches or dialogues made in the the German lessons in school, because his way of using the German language is just great. I can remember some dialogues until today just because my German teacher explained the communication theory by Watzlawick with that.
Loriot is on the highest level, excellent.
Absolutely true, unmatched.
Loriot is as German as it gets... many phrases of Loriot are ingrained into German DNA
I'd recommend my favourite loriot sketches of all time ... "Ich will hier nur sitzen"
Loriot has a gift for taking everyday awkward situations everyone knows and abides by and turns them into excrutiatingly painful walkthroughs. The actual punchline generally isn't the most painful situation; it's the precise depictation of things we all have lived through and hated. And it's the realisation that he painfully takes you through it that makes you laugh, and cringe at the same time. Total masterclass.
One of my favorites from Loriot is "Ich will hier nur sitzen". Probably the same couple.
Loriot (Vicco von Bülow) was the greatest German comedian ever. There is not even anybody else in competition.
My favourite skid is "Die Bundestagsrede! (can be translated as something like: "The parliament speech")
It is completely timeless and you might think any actual politician might give that speech :D
Can't believe I don't know that. Gonna look for it right away
Adolf Tegtmeier war genau so gut.Aber auf seine Weise.
I would say that Heinz Erhardt came quite close, too. He had a great sense of humour and when it comes to play of words, he was a real master, just as Loriot. ;-)
There is no "greatest ever". Never was, never will be. Okay, *maybe* Robin Williams. But only maybe.
Just watch "Das Bild hängt schief" (The picture is crooked)! No German language needed what so ever. And you realize, where Rowan Atkinson got his ideas for Mr. Bean, as one of Loriots unspoken scenes won an international Comedy prize. Others are "The janitor", "The Home Conductor" (difficult to find on YT), "The Fly".... But Loriot, as you said, had many talents: he did his little "Nose-Figures", was a master of words and the german language and of daily strange happenings ("The noodle") or specific german themes (the need of documents and licences - even as "Yodel graduate").
Aaaah, great! Please watch "das Bild hängt schief" also "das schiefe Bild" (The crooked picture) as well ❤
Best ever🎉
Ödipussi, die Steinlaus, der Kosaken Zipfel...
Loriot was a keen observer of his fellow german citizen. Noone could tell from the living german people better than he did. Even at his lifetime he already was a legend. Whenever I get to know someone who was not born in Germany some closer, the person will get a book of Loriot from me (he also wrote his sketches into books). Loriot is German culture at its peak.
I am really curios about how people from other countries react to it. Loriot's great strength is his ability to observer and analyse all these minute things that go on between people... but his sketches reflect his observations from the 70s and 80s Germany. I know many younger Germans do not connect with this on the same level. Some things shown in his sketches might be universal but I guess a lot is dependent on the cultural background.
More Loriot recommendations? "Ich will hier nur sitzen" is my personal favorite, and "Herren im Bad" pretty well known. Also the Jodeldiplom as the German variant of underwater basket weaving.
Loriot was one of the best.
Undoubtedly Loriot was one of the most characteristic creative minds of the early years of the Federal Republic of Germany. How fitting that you're reacting to him on the day before our national holiday (Day of German Unity).
However, he certainly wasn't the only one. I'd like to mention Heinz Erhard, Wolfgang Neuss, das Düsseldorfer Komödchen, die Münchner Lach- und Schiessgesellschaft, Dieter Hildebrand, ...
However Loriot is unique due to his way of observing the world around him and reflecting it in so many ways: by drawing cartoons and caricaturistic pictures, writing books (sometimes disguised as practical advisory literature), writing comedic scenes for stage and for the TV broadcasts from the 1950ies into the 1980ies. In his film "Papa Ante Portas" he appears as the main character a manager in the first days of his retirement trying to be helpful at home with his expertise. His partner is played by the equally legendary Evelin Hamann who was his partner in many comedy scenes on TV and on stage.
As his real name suggests he was of aristocratic descent. Using his knowledge from that background he could provide a particularly comedic twist to his creations sometimes. And he didn't shy away of poking fun at some peculiarities of etiquette of high society - or what people thought it was.
The egg is a classic one. My favorite is Bello the dog, who can talk
...and I think, almost EVERY German born before 2000 can quote at least three or four Loriot-punchlines
The best joke is " I am no chicken!" answer "Ach!" Which can mean "Really?" in German. That´s the problem with loriot. Sometimes his comedy relies on the language.
Loriot is even analysed in German psychology classes in schools to give an example of failed communication.
The whole dialogues are on point. The last line comes as a surprise for me every time because it’s unimportant for me. But „Mit meinem Gefühl stimmt was nicht“. There is something wrong with my (emotion/feeling/sensation/sentiment/hunch/ sentiation/sense of)
Or Dir ist es also egal, ob ich den ganzen Tag in der Küche stehe und schufte
So you don’t care if I work like a dog in the kitchen for the whole day.
These are lines that found their way into our everyday life.
The language choices, the insights into human relationships and shortcomings but trying to keep the facade makes it painfully funny and relatable. Everybody knows these people and some are bold enough to see themselves.
It's simply put: Logic vs. Emotions.
Today you find it in some Nerd Comedies, Like Young Sheldon, Nerd versus the common man.
But it also works between Man and Woman, but with keeping up the stereotype of the wife not beeing logical. I guess today this would be considered mansplaining.
I've enjoyed your reaction vids for quite some time now - being German myself I find them very entertaining.
Thank you and keep going! 👍
Ah, you've discovered the legendary Loriot! Welcome to the rabbit hole! 😉
Loriot's style of humor is very subtle, pointed and quiet, never loud, never flashy or disrespectful.
He had keen powers of observation and was a master at exaggerating everyday situations in almost absurd ways, both in his cartoons and live-action skits.
In the latter, he had a congenial partner at his side who MUST be mentioned in this context: Evelyn Hamann, who had worked with Loriot for many years - they were a humorous dream couple!
Small side note: Loriot was actually looking for a short, blonde actress to cast the skits - luckily he didn't insist on it! 😂
Here are a few more of his skits (with English subs):
- The broken TV
- The painting
- I just want to sit here
Have fun watching!
Still so good even after more than 4 decades. Everyone knows Loriot and his crew.
Have a look to "Ein Herz und eine Seele" different Humour
Loriot captures the German soul like no other humorist. Unfortunately his descendants don't publish his comedy online and are said to be very litigious when other people upload clips. So material is hard to find online, especially translated.
In many of his sketches much of the comedy also comes from the way the characters speak and the particular words they use. Quite hard to translate those in general.
the main point here is the observation of the many subtle nuances in daily conversations, such as the way in which the husband's questions are repeatedly dodged in a clever, and then still completely natural way, and the narrative is repeatedly (completely unconsciously by the lady) directed against himself, which in the end leads to the fact that basically two different dialogues are being conducted past each other. Loriot was a real master in observing and reflecting the ironic nature of daily human interaction, and in letting us participate in it again and again, in a highly entertaining, and fascinating way, in the form of illustrations, sketches, and all sorts of short films as well. in doing so, he not infrequently, strongly responds to the national zeitgeist of the epoch, whereby the fullness of his genius can only really be grasped by germans. especially those of the populationional proportion, which, statistically speaking, is increasingly declining due to demographic change.
he has my respectful appreciation.
a few other, highly recommended sketches are:
- die Badewanne (the bathtub)
- Ich will hier nur sitzen (i just want to sit here)
and also
"Das Bild Hängt Schief" (the picture is crooked)
which, the last one, as a visual comedy sketch, is also easily accessible to an international audience. One could partly draw parallels to Rowan Atkinson's "Mr. Bean" classics, or even Charlie Chaplin‘s work, to an extent, for example.
Regarding Loriot, this is, understandably only slightly scratching the surface of a lifelong work of art, in which his creative partner, Evelyn Hamann, played a huge role after all, and is not to be underestimated in any way, by all means. Together they performed a barrage of masterpieces in a vast variety of performances and creations. they truly did. I sincerely miss them for the joy they brought to us. R.I.P. my beloved icons!
continue to have fun and success with your channel. I, for one, am always happy witnessing new uploads of yours. especially when I get to listen to your, usually, very differentiated and sophisticated views and comments on the matter at hand.
all the best and have a nice day! ✌️
For me, “Die Nudel (The Noodle)” is one of his best sketches. And I recommend “Die Made (The Made)” by Heinz Erhardt.😊
I would recomend the loriot Christmas episode. But thats really long so specificly the grandfather shopping scene or the scene with the liquor and vaccum sellers or the scene were they open the gifts etc.
From Switzerland, and even here Loriot is a classic master of humor.
As a person from that country you could have mentioned Emil Steinberger 🤣
He was really the best comedian. We loved him very much.
"Die Nudel" !!! 🙃🤣 Part of the genius of Loriot is saying the most common and mundane things in the most perfect and polished German you can imagine. 🙃 Please view "Die Nudel" with his partner, the unforgettable Evelyn Hamann! Liebe Grüße!
You should watch "The picture is crooked". Awesome slapstick by Loriot.
You should check out his sketch "I just want to sit here" - absolutely savage
Loriot is difficult for foreigners because the satire is so finely rooted in german burgeoise norms and manners that you will usually just get the surface level of it. And his trademark "ach?" just can't work properly via subtitle. With my American room mate I waited like two years into his german classes before pulling out the Papa ante Portas DVD, which to me still is by far the funniest and most rewatchable german movie ever made. Even though the movie is over 30 years old now you could walk into any college student party now, start a quote and immediately multiple people will correctly finish the sentence for you.
Heinz Ehrhardt is still a bit older but he had the honour of being one of the first Germans to be on the air for the BBC right after WWII, well technically he was born in Lettland one of my favourite movies with him is "Natürlich die Autofahrer" its still a blast with Trude Herr as driving instructor (context this is a movie made in the 1950ties, and a woman is his driving instructor).
Other classics would be him being a guest on the Rudi Carrel show, drei Mann auf einem Boot and many more. He made it through the bad times by being absolutly a-political. In this Context the Feuerzangenbowle with Heinz Rühmann is an must watch for the study of German comedy. That movie was made in 1944 and despite that it remains a timeless classic to this day.
As other people surely already mentioned the christmas program of Loriot is a must watch, it is almost as much as a tradition as Dinner for one but on christmas eve or on one of the other two christmas days. Aka "Hoppenstedts" "Heinzelmann" und "Adventsgedicht"
"Ich will hier nur sitzen" or "Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts" are 2 other great classics by Loriot. The last one is longer though and a compilation of a few sketches and animations. I looked it up and it seems it is not available in full length on UA-cam, but you could check it out piece by piece - it is absolutely worth it.😂
Loriot is great, he had it down to the T to extract the quitessence of something and then present it in a bit exaggerated way that is very funny. The absurdity of these sketches are special itself.
Much, much, much better than the animated Loriot sketches are the ones acted out by Evelyn Hamann and Loriot himself!
Who can ever forget the TV announcer giving a summary of an English series fighting increasingly with the pronunciation?
Just fantastic!
I love Loriot! He made 2 cinema movies. I love the scene in "Papa ante portas" where the lyrics reader "Frohbein"comes and tells his garbage and gets a hickup 🤣🤣
You have to watch “Pappa ante portas”. This movie sums up all of Loriot’s typical humour. It is simply a masterpiece and hilarious.
As he typically drew his inspiration from the day-to-day life of otherwise seemingly “normal” people (I.e. all of us), you can easily relate to the situations and people’s behaviour.
I disagree. Could never warm up to that movie despite being a big Loriot fan.
@@Celisar1 what a pity. But it’s the same for me with “Ödipussi“.
If you want to know, what the Germans are really like, watch the sketches of Loriots. 😅
You have to watch the film clip from "pappa ante portas" Zugfahrt mit der Familie!
Loriot is a class of his own. He was watching people in all da situations and used them. He also was a perfectionist and everything had to be just as he imagined it. I love his humour ❤
My favorite is the Movie " Pappa ante portas" Its about a recently retired man and his wife and how the couple is coping with the husband who is bored at home
Loriot was the finest, most precise art of showing human nature through a microscope.
There are quotes from his scetches every german will know immediatly like "Das Bild hängt schief", "Früher war mehr Lametta" or "Ich heiße Erwin Lottomann, bin seit 66 Jahren Rentner und im Herbst eröffnet meine Tochter mit dem Papst eine Herrenboutique"! Legendary!
A major problem with his work may be translation, a lot of precision will get lost translating Loriot.
My top 5 are:
Der Herr isst eine Kalbshaxe
Die Nudel
Weihnachten mit den Hoppenstedts
Die Badewanne
Der Lottogewinner
honorable mention:
Es saugt und bläst der Heinzelmann, wo Mutti sonst nur blasen kann (from Weihnachten mit den Hoppenstedts)
in no particular order
Sadly not all Loriot classics are available online.
LottEmann 😉
As with all animations, this is a complete Loriot work. He did the drawings, the animation, the voices, the direction, everything. If you want to see him in person (again directing himself, writing the sketch, etc), a perfect entry level would be "Das Bild hängt schief", as it involves barely any dialogue.
Loriot is our national treasure. Foreigners often do not get his humour, but he will leave every true German in stitches. No matter if you are young or old, male or female, left or right, we love him!
One of THE best Loriot skits was 'Ich möchte einfach nur hier sitzen'.
Unfortunately, I haven't found a good video for you to react to yet. But I keep on trying, because I love your reaction videos!!
Id love to see more reactions to Loriot. He was absolutely fantastic
Weihnachten bei Hoppenstets is the best. Especially the scene where the grandpa tries to buy a gift for his grandchild
Loriot shaped the Germans as no other - and in an unique way:
He portrayed our Spiessigkeit (smugness) and the embarrassments in our failing attempts to behave rock-solid earnest so precisely and so popular in the 70’s that latest with start of the 80’s everybody worked their asses of to NOT look like one of his characters. His punchline became as well-known as quotes from Goethe’s Faust and it became a totally desperate German habit to NEVER act, look or talk like in a Loriot scene.
So I sometimes tell people from other countries to watch Loriot if they want to understand what Germans are inside - while they try hard to pretend on the outside to be international. .-)
I recommend some of his non-cartoon stuff, too: German Bürger (burgois) get drunk and unwillingly into a lewdness talk about sucking in „Es saugt und bläst der Heinzelmann“, the happy Christmas family portrait of „Weihnachten bei den Hoppenstedts“ or the seriousness of buying some quality trousers in
And don’t miss a glance on Loriot’s elegance when he announces the next thing on his (even in the 70’s) old fashioned Chaiselongue.
(And yes, it’s tricky to find his stuff on UA-cam - they still protect the copyright like Pickelhaube.)
I have noticed throughout my youth and even when visiting home, that this back and forth is present within my own parents (except the killing intent of course!). but my mother misses the point of a question my father asks and the conversation begins to drift off. My mother explains this woman behavior as: "thinking ahead but by doing so ignoring the actual question asked and answering something no one wanted to know" xD
I grew up with Loriot and love his work. It is a more subtle description of human peculiarities, especially German ones. I love especially the picture is crooked, men I a bathtub, the parliament speech, the piano gift, and of course, the Christmas classic: Christmas with the Hoppenstedt family. The latter one is almost every year shown on some TV channel in Germany. The cartoons are made in the seventies which explains the quality. He also did cartoons of the most important politicians of the late seventies with their original voice. Extremely precise and super funny with the big noses, but only when you know these politicians.
Wow, you said lets talk about Loriot, how long time do you have? Watch the film Pappa ante portas, the sketch the noodle! Loriot is the father of so many comedians and every Comedians has respect to Loriot! I love him. Another older Comedian is Heinz Erhardt, he studiet the human race also and I think he was the first stand up
Yes, Loriot is great.
Man, he should just boil his egg himself. XD
The animation in this is simplebecause Loriot draw it all himself. It is his style of drawing
she is also in control, tea/coffeepot sugar and butter not easy to reach for him aaand gave him hard eggs
Like everybody else said already (and I can only concur), Loriot is a legend in Germany. One thought that I had, however, is that maybe not all of his scetches work quite as well when translated. He's done great scetches without any words being said (which are therefore very universal) as well as many more scetches which heavily rely on the spoken word which may work best in German. But nonetheless I'm glad you discovered Loriot! What I would most highly recommend is his movie "Pappa ante Portas".
I am very glad that you found this treasure of German humour. Loriot is and remains brilliant. 😍
Loriot was master in portraying the stiffness of the bourgeois, their mannerism and such. He was alsways incredible precise in his perceptions but also had a loving touch to it.
The great Viktor von Bülow... I love his word. Everything! Everything except the "Noodle" performance.
Loriot has so many great sketches and movies. Everything is just so relatable, he's among the best (if not THE best) of traditional German fun and humour.
2:23 At this point, I "broke down". 😂😂 So hilarious... 😂 And amazing subs. 😁 3:06 Absolutely. 😁
"Loriot" (Vicco von Bülow) is/was a _legend_ .
There are 5 to 10 names of German-speaking comedy _legends_ , so that people still "stand in attention", when names are dropped: Peter Frankenfeld, Heinz Erhardt, Rudi Carell, "Loriot". Some even still remember Werner Finck. They are unmatched. Laughters without remorse.
Indeed, Heinz Ehrhardt and Peter Frankenfeld are worth to be mentioned. Unfortunately they don't work so much for this format. Heinz Ehrhardt plays with the German language itself, Peter Frankenfeld often based his humour on dialects ("Was ein Wetterchen", "Hotelrezeption").
omg I'm so glad I clicked on this cuz just last week I was working at a German buffet and the little old ladies were trying to teach me how to make Bergische Waffeln - regional waffles, on a waffle iron. I asked them all how many minutes per side (you have to flip it) and they said, "Nach GEFUEHL!" (your gut will tell you, like with the egg) and I am American my gut is not going to tell me when to flip a waffle. So I watched them, and watched the clock on the wall, and figured it out. Then I went to make my first one and failed completely, it was a doughy mess everywhere. They said I was staring at the clock and not using my feelings. WTH! *LOL* So this is something that kids must grow up with in Germany, knowing how to make waffles. Just like everyone here knows how to set up those collapsable beer tent tables and benches.
Hey, if you enjoyed that, please take a look at the classic Loriot that we showed my American family this year - the one where Loriot himself plays a character who tries to fix a crooked painting on the wall in a waiting room. It's freaking hilarious and no language skills necessary. ENJOY: ) I also love the one about the broken television and the lottery win. These things make learning German fun.
Great Story! Thanks for sharing.
One of my alltime favorites is 'Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts'. It's a series of shorter scenes, culminating on christmas eve at the hoppenstedts.
Hey Mert, thanks not only to you but also to the commentators. There are always so many interesting, funny or curious informations to be found in the comment sections. Could you maybe make a reaction video about comments to your own videos? I think this would be fun and many people would watch this.
Loriot and Heinz Erhardt are the source of german comedy.
Every german knows them both.
Loriot had a straight Look into the germans soul, heart and identity
I partly agree, but also have to disagree a bit here. You see, both Loriot and Erhardt were institutions of German humour in post war West-Germany, and while Loriot in particular was also appreciated by viewers in the East, they had their own high profile comedians, shaping a different mark on humour (Preil and Herricht comes to mind). And then there was Valentin, the grandfather of German humour of the 20th century, his influence on the comedians following in his foot steps can't be denied, especially with Loriot.
@@cu3350 i cannot disagree.
Things were partly different in the east back then, but i sometimes forget... even though ive got relatives in the east, i never felt like we were different. Sorry, if you felt offended
@@SweetSchnubbl , oh, I wasn't offended at all, I merely wanted to add some additional context. We all see these comedians in our own window of time and space (OK, location, but "space" sounds cooler). For example, older viewers (1930s to 50s) would have definitely called Valentin as the undisputed grand master, but since his heydays happened before most of us here on UA-cam, we have no real tangible connection to him. While Erhardt concentrated heavily on wordplay (less of a connection to V.), Loriot's sketches do exhibit a heavy influence. I enjoy them all, V., Loriot, Erhardt, Herricht & Preil, and all the others that I forgot).
@@cu3350 we can 100% agree on every word you said 😀
@@cu3350 are you german?
If so- why would your english be so good?
Definitely one of the best at that time
As a german this is amazing!
My Favorite workpiece of Loriot are defenitily his movies 👌
Since I like dark humor a lot, one of my favoutite Loriot cartoons is the advent poem, where .... SPOILERS... a grandfather reads with a warm voice a nice poem about winter in the forest. He describes at first how the snow glitters in the dark, a rabbit that lurks with tired eyes from its hole and a nice warm light coming from a lonley forester's house where... and here comes the twist .. the forester's wife just butchered her husband, cut up his corpse and wrapped the body parts in wrapping paper (excluding on piece of fillet for the christmas dinner)... all still told with this warm voice and colourful, poetic language.
I wonder how the viewers reacted to that when it first aired.
Loriot: 4 comedians in one! Cartoon strips in newspapers ("the early years") which later evolved into pieces like you just saw, then comedy sketches with fabulous partners - especially Evelyn Hamann, and his two cinematic movies "Pappa ante portas" and "Ödipussy"
All 4 genres are absolutely top notch.
You have to watch Evelyn Hamann: Englische Fernsehansage
Hamann was brilliant, a close coworker of Loriot