I cry every time I hear him speak cause it saved me from this world 🌎 ways of life. All praises belongs to Allah, whom came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. ❤❤❤
What a wise smart man. Tried and true! This man was a genius and had knowledge only God could give to a person. Only if MLK, and the rest had followed this great man and his teachings we would be better off today as a people. I never did understand why did they want to go where we were not welcomed. Integration is the worst thing that happened to us and MLK said it in his near end.
good example...the Actual Facts Master W Fard Muhammad gave us 91 years ago...just within the past 50 years have scientist been able to bear witness to the same...how to eat to live, the diet THEM set forth 55 years ago in his book is now the most popular diet in the u.s. and most of the world! APDTA!!!
@michaelfard3545- LOOK Mr. Muhammad is a False Prophet & False Teacher and Allah is a False god. There is only (1) True Jesus and that is the Jesus of The New Testament Bible who is revealed as God & Savior (John 1:1-14; Titus 2:13; 1 Timothy 3:16; Isaiah 9:6, and in particular read Revelation 1:1-9 where Jesus is revealed as "The Almighty" Now go stick your head in the Bible and get enlightened to The Truth! Jesus is The Truth, The Life, AND The Way, not this false prophet and false teach Mr. Muhammad. DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYTHING HE SAYS, NOW SNAP OUT OF YOUR DECEPTION AND PUT YOUR FAITH IN TRUST IN JESUS CHRIST FOR THE ACQUITTAL OF YOUR SINS WITH ETERNAL LIFE, IF NOT YOU SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS AND FACE ETERNAL JUDGEMENT!!! YOU'VE BEEN TOLD!
You just don’t know true this statement is my brother🖤 I am one who is being raised from the dead. I’ve chosen to convert to Islam and join my people in the fight to raise so many more. May Allah bless and raise us all from the dead teachings of Christianity. Peace🤲🏿🖤
“You lose your 10 cents you lose it all, he loses his $10,000 he’s got $10,000 more. Let’s get together and do something about it.” Thank you Mr Muhammad for teaching “do for self.”
That's not true, Hazel Barton, WD Fard's lady in LA, came forward after Elijah Muhammad denied He had a son, and Elijah dropped the issue in August of 1963. If you would like to debate this, let's set it up. You down@@blkpopeye
I wish this was video. I would have loved to seen the audience reaction I could not imagine my grandfather accepting the teachings. But my husband was at the Million Man March. This is how Islam began in our family. Allah is the Greatest.
@@michaelgoode3404 These are lies told on a man that spent every day of his life trying to change the condition of the bkack man and woman for the better. The truth has come out now and you're still repeating the lies. This reminds me of what's happening right now with Bill Cosby. They can know the truth and withhold it, while constantly feeding the public lies about our leaders and we believe it. Even after the proof comes out to vindicate them, the lies continue to be repeated.
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. False Christs For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Matthew 24
He said instead of going to the president why don't you go to Jesus about these things I know that really hurt . Stop finding fault he got healing in his wings
The Messager is saying everything the so call in amerikkka need to hear. But the minds of so many of our ppl are dead. Preach teacher preach!!! I wish our ppl would wake up and pull away from those devils. Each brother teach a brother.
He is directly related to me on my grandmother's side!! My family originally is from Arkansas, which is where Mr Muhammad's family is from. My grandmother's maiden name was Poole too...I'm still doing research into it but I'm glad I'm a Muslim today.
Elijah muhammad was a spiritual genius with flaws like any mortal man but what can never be questioned or refutted is his undenying love of truth and his dedication to raising a dead people from evils of slavery reconstruction Jim Crow systemic racism and segregation and every plight of discrimination that the posterity of slaves face up to this very day .This prophet of the most high was right on time for a generation that witnessed and experienced the worst forms of human cruelty and oppression that this world will ever know.
The Messenger of Allah did not have one flaws after being the first to be Resurrected by God himself. Who told you Adam that you were naked? Otherwise where did you get your information
That's 1000% RIGHT. Stop believing the Hypocrites and liars. The people did the same to other that was sent by Allah. Don't lose your blessings by believing in other then the truth and nothing But the truth. The Messenger is thee best of us and He sim no more. So do the same and don't speak ill of thee greatest and last Messenger of Allah. Get your mind right and go in the peace
John 16 he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hear he will speak he will testify of me (Jesus) he will glorify me for God will give him a mine and he will declare it to you..... Now who else has fulfilled this scripture but the most honorable Elijah Muhammad??????
Thank you my dear Brother Richmond I enjoy hearing the messenger (pbuh) use humour and satire so masterfully. His keen scriptural insightfulness captivates the listening audience. PBUY
elijah muhammad make alot of sense a true messenger of god forget all the hateful comments on here listen to the man a judge for yourself and dont let negative people take you off the path this messenge is good for my black brothers and sisters
@@michaelgoode3404 They weren't teenagers. None of them were teenagers. That's what Malcolm said. He said that on purpose because he was mad at his teacher and wanted to turn people against the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. All of his wives were grown.
The Most Hon. Elijah fits and fulfilled tightly and perfectly, every scriptural, prophetic, mathmatical scientific description and requirements of the last messenger according to all scriptures. Unless one understands Biblical and Quranic science, metaphor, simile and and allegory and knows what to look for, then objectively compares his every word and action they will not see him for who he is. He is the Lamb of Revelations, who snatched the book that no one could decipher, and the angels/ scientist took off there crowns so he could walk on them. He is the Elijah who came to turn the hearts of the father's back to the children and vice versa. He is the Muhammad that Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) spoke of that would come after him..Every mason, Black or White if you know how to talk to them will admit that he is the " Grand Master of the Lodge"..The Messenger of Allah, the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad is indeed that one, W5X
Assuming you mean the imam Mahdi; where is subsequently the dajjal? When did he pray in congregation with Isa? How do you translate William or wali Poole to be Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib? Can we check his family lineage back to Fatima?
+JUDAH THE LION Who in the hell told you that Islam is an Arab religion? I guess you think that Ishmael is a so-called Arab? The Black Man is the Originator of Islam and is also the Original Arabian just like you have the imposter Jew/Hebrew!!!! Don't say that my religion was originated by my imposter!!! I'm the Original Arabian!!!!
The black woman gave birth to God, the black man is God. So we as black men need to praise and love our beautiful black women for they gave creation to all
@@passionfashions3018The Man is the Head of the woman as Christ/Messiah Is Head Of the church . Allah there is no God but Thee and HE Is a Man. His first creation after Himself was The Black woman Who is His Second Self. That First Allah was not begotten nor did He beget because HE was a Man with a Womb or a WOMBMAN and Unique. Holy Quran recognizes the equality of male and female HOWEVER the Male Is a little above the Female as he is the maintainer of she.
Yes You Black woman are Our Co-Creator. This is WHY Satan,Serpent,Caucasian went after YOU first. To fool a man makes one fool. To fool a woman makes a NATION of fools. The woman is our first nurse and teacher created as our helpmeet to meet our responsibilities to God Allah. Our PURPOSE in life is to grow to become ONE with God Allah. Peace.
So your statement would make women god since she was first. The xx chromosome then the xy chromosome. So women are gods and then created man. But many aren’t ready for that convo
+Shawn Jennings you cant base religion on racial struggle. Yes America has a mistreated minorities but don't reject the one true God and spend eternity in hell over it.. your only hurting yourself.
+Gage Plake. A minority is a loser in conflict or someone who is mentally inept to take care of themselves. Jesus or Messiah is coming back to divide us from the evil doers of this world. He will come up from us the true Hebrew slaves in the midst of this house of bondage called America.
I'm going to clean this video up brother. I have software to clean that sound. I actually have a legit product key for another copy if you'd like to have it. seems pretty simple to use. I didn't google anything or read a manual.
Asa! No one could educate me like The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his Helper The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the NOI... Alhamdulillah!!! My Holy name is Wali Fawad Muhammad
Allahuakbar, Alhamdulillah RabilAllameen, thank you Allmighty God Allah for your Holiness, Tenderness, Mercy, and Grace, praise your Holiness. Please make me your Holy Temple, in the name of Elijah Muhammad i Pray.......................
As Salaamu Alaikum, Brother if we are stuck in the languages of our formal Slave Massa’s, we will never Unite into One Nation.. What does the word “Lord and Savior , Jesus and Christ” mean in our original languages that we have created.. Hint..... by nature reading and writing, adding and subtracting, building and constructing was and is done from Right to Left .. Most of our forefathers languages are written and read from Right to Left .. The Sun Travels from the East to the West-Right to Left.. Therefore, I ask again what does these European words mean in our Original languages and what where there functions.. Once you have completed this task you will honestly agree with me the The Hon. Elijah Muhammad is the Mentor, Sponsor, Teacher , Spiritual Guide to Black, Brown, Red, Yellow and white man on the Planet. Is this not the Function and Title of a Lord and Savior; a Jesus and a Christ???
Buy some books.Message To The Black Man in America by Elijah Muhammad. Our Saviour Has Arrived. The FALL of America. Get the Holy Quran translation by Maulana Muhammad Ali with Arabic text. Peace. Read the Final Call weekly news from Chicago, Illinois.
Asa to the Good, the Bad and the Ugly! The most honorable Elijah Mohammed speaks the whole truth and nothing but the truth. he spoke about the economy $.35 a gallon way back then look at it now it's $4.35 and going higher check your gas stations out praise be to Allah I met this man at the 1968 SD and through Muhammad Ali i joined the nation of Islam... all praises due to Allah for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. My holy name is Wali Fawad Muhammad
God chose the foolish things to confound the wise..keep on laughing at gods plan my brothers and you will be humbled..people build their whole existence hating On Jesus
No preacher can touch the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad when it comes to teaching the reality of God. Supreme Wisdom produces the mentality of God and brings you to your true Universal identification that the Blackman is God!
Donnell Austin who the Jesus tgat the white people brought yo us when we were slaves? Or the Jesus Constantine lies about? We follow facts and tbe jesus that live 2k years ago came here for the so called Jews ilijah brought us the messege US the brown and black. Lost and found people. Not putting nobody down but the real devil. Jesus is key yes. Our Jesus. Peace.
We thank Allah for coming to us and raising from among us This Divine Saviour for the world, and if we listen to THE ETERNAL LEADER OF THE NATION OF ISLAM we will finally be gods, children of the Most High God.
I {representing Master Fard Muhammad and previous Supreme Beings} will send the prophet Elijah {Elijah Muhammad} to you {people of Earth, via African Americans 1st} before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents {Africans} to their children {African Americans}, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction. (Mal 4:1-6)
Elijah Muhammad is deceiving you. There are no prophecies of the Messiah dying for the sins of the people? The book of Isaiah was written about 700 B.C. Isa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Isa 53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. Isa 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Isa 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. Isa 53:8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. Isa 53:9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Isa 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. Isa 53:11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Isa 53:12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. Psalm 22 was written around 1000 B.C. Psa 22:14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels. Psa 22:15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death. Psa 22:16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. Psa 22:17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me. Psa 22:18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture. Daniel was written about 164 B.C. Dan 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Dan 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. Dan 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. End of Sins.... Messiah shall be cut off...... This is just a few verses from the Old Testament. There are many others.
I have never listened to this man before until today, and it really is heartbreaking that he has so many good people deceived. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. We are on the threshold of eternity and our Lord is about to come. Amen
@@vernonmcneil5160 The Malcolm X that black people fell in love with was the Malcolm X that taught what he learned from the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. The conditions we as black people face today are proof that every thing the Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us is true. He also taught us about the wheel/UFO's. The government has been lying for decades saying that they dont exist and calling anyone crazy that said they saw one. A little over a month ago they finally admitted that the wheels or the Mother plane is real. Everything the Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us is now being proven to be the truth.
@@turkishman7869 The Hon. Elijah Muhammad slept with his wives like any other man that had wives. Standing up for your oppressed black people is not racist. Calling a devil a devil is not racist. In the words of Prophet Muhammad's wife Aisha when she was asked about the character of her husband she said he had sublime morals. She pointed to the Holy Quran to identify the character of his morals. All the Hon. Elijah Muhammad's wives still praise him and bear witness to the goodness and high morals of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. They bear witness that what he taught was true. One wife bore witness to being happy with the life that he gave to her. She said she raised her son as he instructed her to do and she is well pleased. One wife said that he stood for justice for women around the world. One wife said that we would never get another leader like the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. Their children are helpers in the fight for our liberation today, proving that he knew what he was doing when he took on wives and had multiple children by women who were also committed to the fight for our liberation.
@@charlesoneil4459 You Wish he was burning in hell! You hate the Exalted Christ The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad he has The Power Now and will set 🔥 Fire on you very soon. He is on the Mother Wheel and soon and very soon you shall see.
@Donnell Austin Lmao. So what species is your God. Does your God have a gender or is he a transgender. Perhaps the Tramnys are chosen people. Does your God talk? How does he talk? Does he use vocal cords? Who taught you about your god? What's your God's name? How and why did he impregnate a Betroved woman but your type bitch and moan about cheating? Lastly where is your God located. Please if you can answer we will take you serious.
He talks about holy Quran and then goes on bashing Jesus!? He mocks the physical resurrection of him and his body in the grave? Doesn't he know that jesus is one of the most respected prophets in the holy Quran? Has he actually read those verses about Mary and jesus in Quran? He claimed to be messenger of God and Muslim at the same time!? I'm yet to hear a single quotation of Quran in this speech. Even I could give a speech quoting100s of verses in Quran relevant to the then black community's struggles. He rambles on and yet people keep applauding him? Having listened to this man, I now have even more respect for Malcom for leaving him.
To Honerable Elijah Muhammad I am getting policed too hard...for slot of things but...IAM truly conscious of it u know policed by blacks more than whites other wise... U did an excellent job with your students and it even helped me in ways that made me stronger as well I thank you I thank you I thank you .
Well pray to Elijah Muhammad, he is the Messiah right? Maybe he'll come down on from his mother plane spaceship and save. I'm sarcastic-- he is a man who set up a cult to serve an agenda
I cry every time I hear him speak cause it saved me from this world 🌎 ways of life. All praises belongs to Allah, whom came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. ❤❤❤
And I send you, Elijah. What a Man.❤❤❤
He's a false teacher.
A real leader and teacher!!! We need thousands like him.....everything that he has said here holds true to this very day!
There is
What a wise smart man. Tried and true! This man was a genius and had knowledge only God could give to a person. Only if MLK, and the rest had followed this great man and his teachings we would be better off today as a people. I never did understand why did they want to go where we were not welcomed. Integration is the worst thing that happened to us and MLK said it in his near end.
Slavery and integration, two biggest tragedy to us black people... after slavery we all should return to mother Africa
"There is no God in the universe greater than the God in You"
DRM 5-11-2018
Happy birthday to my Brother today
There’s no god in me im too sinful
Peace and blessings just because there's some rotten apples on the tree doesn't mean that the seed was rotten.
Your sinfulness is not your nature Mr K
What is DRM?
#064 #OBlock
The messengers voice and teachings should be the ultimate message for the Salvation of our people in North America
when someone is teaching truth. 50, 60 years later it STANDS TRUE. LISTEN TO EVERYTHING HE SAYS
good example...the Actual Facts Master W Fard Muhammad gave us 91 years ago...just within the past 50 years have scientist been able to bear witness to the same...how to eat to live, the diet THEM set forth 55 years ago in his book is now the most popular diet in the u.s. and most of the world! APDTA!!!
@@fredmendezjr790 Sure thats why i see big blacks tents ordering 10 quarter pounders for themselves on taxpayers dime , free diet.
@@charlesoneil4459 Nigga please. Take your negative ass somewhere else.
@michaelfard3545- LOOK Mr. Muhammad is a False Prophet & False Teacher and Allah is a False god. There is only (1) True Jesus and that is the Jesus of The New Testament Bible who is revealed as God & Savior (John 1:1-14; Titus 2:13; 1 Timothy 3:16; Isaiah 9:6, and in particular read Revelation 1:1-9 where Jesus is revealed as "The Almighty" Now go stick your head in the Bible and get enlightened to The Truth! Jesus is The Truth, The Life, AND The Way, not this false prophet and false teach Mr. Muhammad. DO NOT LISTEN TO ANYTHING HE SAYS, NOW SNAP OUT OF YOUR DECEPTION AND PUT YOUR FAITH IN TRUST IN JESUS CHRIST FOR THE ACQUITTAL OF YOUR SINS WITH ETERNAL LIFE, IF NOT YOU SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS AND FACE ETERNAL JUDGEMENT!!! YOU'VE BEEN TOLD!
Psalms 22
He said take control of ourselves and leave other people alone ☀️🤫💯
Sophia harper Muhammad
Inshall Allah
If we don’t get anything but that we will be in much better shape than we are. Much further down the road of progress.
The wisdom of this great man is remarkable and yes I use the word is instead of was because because his works are still raising men up from the grave
You just don’t know true this statement is my brother🖤 I am one who is being raised from the dead. I’ve chosen to convert to Islam and join my people in the fight to raise so many more. May Allah bless and raise us all from the dead teachings of Christianity. Peace🤲🏿🖤
“You lose your 10 cents you lose it all, he loses his $10,000 he’s got $10,000 more. Let’s get together and do something about it.” Thank you Mr Muhammad for teaching “do for self.”
Yes he said that several times but no one came fourth.
That's right. I've been trying to get the phone number of the last poet's can I get a little help
@@blkpopeye Because black folks depended on where he was at was not about that life.
That's not true, Hazel Barton, WD Fard's lady in LA, came forward after Elijah Muhammad denied He had a son, and Elijah dropped the issue in August of 1963. If you would like to debate this, let's set it up. You down@@blkpopeye
@@thomastolbert56 what's kkt5
I listen to this at night before bed and it puts my mind at ease
@@aubreystewart7581 He was different in his prime as he got older he was a little more laid back in the 70s .
me 3
We never had someone that came and clean a ppl up and stood them up like Elijah n gave our ppl hope
Elijah has wisdom
To see you by the
Your statement is true & the example he left behind still holds true today.
He was an intelligent man but hypocrite
@@ronmuhammad9080 use
God is Good..... hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
The messenger the Honorable Elijah Muhammad the Blackman and Blackwoman best teacher
Who listening in 2024!!!
I've been knowing he was serious for over 50 years. He taught truth to the black man and woman!
I wish this was video. I would have loved to seen the audience reaction
I could not imagine my grandfather accepting the teachings. But my husband was at the Million Man March. This is how Islam began in our family. Allah is the Greatest.
Magnificent. The Mighty Messenger 🤲🏾
this was one serious man. that's all i got to say
Yes he's serious..Truth serious!
@cee cee deaf, dumb, and blind animal
Teenage girls and getting folks killed
@@michaelgoode3404 was your mother one of those girls
@@michaelgoode3404 These are lies told on a man that spent every day of his life trying to change the condition of the bkack man and woman for the better. The truth has come out now and you're still repeating the lies. This reminds me of what's happening right now with Bill Cosby. They can know the truth and withhold it, while constantly feeding the public lies about our leaders and we believe it. Even after the proof comes out to vindicate them, the lies continue to be repeated.
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
False Christs
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
Matthew 24
Yes the slave ship was named Jesus of Loewbec. Islam comes after all else fails.
He said instead of going to the president why don't you go to Jesus about these things I know that really hurt . Stop finding fault he got healing in his wings
1 of the greatest BLACKMAN on earth,,, PBUH,,, T. H. E. M.
False prophet
Great in your own mind.
@@charlesoneil4459 Lol. If I can apply his points to be successful in life. Why the fuck would your opinion matter. Lol
@@judgeehud9491 watch your mouth chump
@@charlesoneil4459Taught by God Himself. You should listen and understand.
The Messager is saying everything the so call in amerikkka need to hear. But the minds of so many of our ppl are dead. Preach teacher preach!!! I wish our ppl would wake up and pull away from those devils. Each brother teach a brother.
He is directly related to me on my grandmother's side!! My family originally is from Arkansas, which is where Mr Muhammad's family is from. My grandmother's maiden name was Poole too...I'm still doing research into it but I'm glad I'm a Muslim today.
i thank ALLAH for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad he lives!
False prophet
Master Fard Muhammad is the Great Mahdi in person.
@@judgeehud9491 never said he was a prophet, but a messenger of the word, there's a difference.
With out The Nation Of Islam we would we be in bad shape Thank You Allah
I am here ❤😮
Elijah muhammad was a spiritual genius with flaws like any mortal man but what can never be questioned or refutted is his undenying love of truth and his dedication to raising a dead people from evils of slavery reconstruction Jim Crow systemic racism and segregation and every plight of discrimination that the posterity of slaves face up to this very day .This prophet of the most high was right on time for a generation that witnessed and experienced the worst forms of human cruelty and oppression that this world will ever know.
The Messenger of Allah did not have one flaws after being the first to be Resurrected by God himself.
Who told you Adam that you were naked? Otherwise where did you get your information
That's 1000% RIGHT. Stop believing the Hypocrites and liars. The people did the same to other that was sent by Allah. Don't lose your blessings by believing in other then the truth and nothing But the truth. The Messenger is thee best of us and He sim no more. So do the same and don't speak ill of thee greatest and last Messenger of Allah. Get your mind right and go in the peace
John 16 he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hear he will speak he will testify of me (Jesus) he will glorify me for God will give him a mine and he will declare it to you..... Now who else has fulfilled this scripture but the most honorable Elijah Muhammad??????
SEPARATION IS A MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes. I.agree. we must seperate..we..must seperate. And at this point and time and.life. its a. Must...some kind of.way we must seperate
I wonder how can I love a man so much that I’ve never met. APIDTA for the Messenger
Allah at work.
Peace to the nation of Islam
Fard Ali . I come from this knowledge it’s birthed my success thank u ALLAH
The devil is a liar
Thank you my dear Brother Richmond I enjoy hearing the messenger (pbuh) use humour and satire so masterfully. His keen scriptural insightfulness captivates the listening audience. PBUY
elijah muhammad make alot of sense a true messenger of god forget all the hateful comments on here listen to the man a judge for yourself and dont let negative people take you off the path this messenge is good for my black brothers and sisters
Nah. Just some creep who loved teenage girls
@@michaelgoode3404 They weren't teenagers. None of them were teenagers. That's what Malcolm said. He said that on purpose because he was mad at his teacher and wanted to turn people against the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. All of his wives were grown.
Thank you
Awesome CHRIST
Grown enough be yo sisters
The Living Christ and Exalted Christ!
can u post something today
ray1love1 please direct your comment with name.
#FACTS there is no fake spook Jesus Christ waiting in space for 2000 years coming back.
but elijah muhammad is in space on spaceship waiting to come back, right?@@iluvrachellef
The cleanest, baddest Black man to walk this earth.
No u lying abomination..... Christ is the King of kings
Agreed brother
This guy killed malcolm x
Sure he's clean murdered malcolm and slept.with children.
@@calebwest3797 Are you a dumb nigga who believes in MASSA'S tricknology??? Sounds like you fell for it.
The Most Hon. Elijah fits and fulfilled tightly and perfectly, every scriptural, prophetic, mathmatical scientific description and requirements of the last messenger according to all scriptures. Unless one understands Biblical and Quranic science, metaphor, simile and and allegory and knows what to look for, then objectively compares his every word and action they will not see him for who he is. He is the Lamb of Revelations, who snatched the book that no one could decipher, and the angels/ scientist took off there crowns so he could walk on them. He is the Elijah who came to turn the hearts of the father's back to the children and vice versa. He is the Muhammad that Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) spoke of that would come after him..Every mason, Black or White if you know how to talk to them will admit that he is the " Grand Master of the Lodge"..The Messenger of Allah, the Most Hon. Elijah Muhammad is indeed that one,
So then he was reincarnated again and bought back to the earth
Assuming you mean the imam Mahdi; where is subsequently the dajjal? When did he pray in congregation with Isa? How do you translate William or wali Poole to be Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib? Can we check his family lineage back to Fatima?
If anyone don't believe that this important information is true.Please just look it up.
SURE U Right
Profound words of wisdom our Dear Honorable Elijah Muhammad!
what was wise about his message in this speech?
All the jealous haters posting filthy and evil comments im sure your living a terrible life and thats why you are filled with so much hate.
askiaff how could you say wat you just said when the man on the video thought nothing but hate he hated the white man you forgot
+JUDAH THE LION Was Ishmael not Abraham's first born son?
+JUDAH THE LION Who in the hell told you that Islam is an Arab religion? I guess you think that Ishmael is a so-called Arab? The Black Man is the Originator of Islam and is also the Original Arabian just like you have the imposter Jew/Hebrew!!!! Don't say that my religion was originated by my imposter!!! I'm the Original Arabian!!!!
Andrea Vlasis Isreal is the great Satan. Study the Star of David and it’s origin. Truth stands alone!!
@Wallace Delaney Where in the Qu'ran is that stated ?
I will NEVER give up Christ..
Nobody is asking you too
You can't give up who your true nature is. "Jesus" is just an example.
U need the proper understanding of the REAL Jesus.
Don Thompson who ASKED YOU TOO!!!
@@elx2482 Facts he said it himself that he loved Jesus. We talking about the real Jesus not the European that what he saying.
The black woman gave birth to God, the black man is God. So we as black men need to praise and love our beautiful black women for they gave creation to all
Damien Mattocks You would think the black women is God since she gave creation to all but ok God (black man) was created by the black woman
@@passionfashions3018 wow. I never thought of it like that. I must say that I see your point and value what you said.
@@passionfashions3018The Man is the Head of the woman as Christ/Messiah Is Head Of the church . Allah there is no God but Thee and HE Is a Man. His first creation after Himself was The Black woman Who is His Second Self. That First Allah was not begotten nor did He beget because HE was a Man with a Womb or a WOMBMAN and Unique. Holy Quran recognizes the equality of male and female HOWEVER the Male Is a little above the Female as he is the maintainer of she.
Yes You Black woman are Our Co-Creator. This is WHY Satan,Serpent,Caucasian went after YOU first. To fool a man makes one fool. To fool a woman makes a NATION of fools. The woman is our first nurse and teacher created as our helpmeet to meet our responsibilities to God Allah. Our PURPOSE in life is to grow to become ONE with God Allah. Peace.
So your statement would make women god since she was first. The xx chromosome then the xy chromosome. So women are gods and then created man. But many aren’t ready for that convo
A faithful teacher and guide.
who has led millions of blacks straight to the pits of hell..
+Gage Plake That is America that has lead black people to the pit.
+Shawn Jennings you cant base religion on racial struggle. Yes America has a mistreated minorities but don't reject the one true God and spend eternity in hell over it.. your only hurting yourself.
+Gage Plake. A minority is a loser in conflict or someone who is mentally inept to take care of themselves. Jesus or Messiah is coming back to divide us from the evil doers of this world. He will come up from us the true Hebrew slaves in the midst of this house of bondage called America.
Shawn Jennings i
I'm going to clean this video up brother. I have software to clean that sound. I actually have a legit product key for another copy if you'd like to have it. seems pretty simple to use. I didn't google anything or read a manual.
It's clear enough for myself to understand him!
Please send me the clean vision +260973461731
Can i contact you for the clean version?
Where please I'm missing some of the wisdom
When you do can yu please repost it! 🙏
Asa! No one could educate me like The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his Helper The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the NOI... Alhamdulillah!!! My Holy name is Wali Fawad Muhammad
APDTA for the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad!!
Greatest Man 👨🏽🦲dat eva lived💪🏽jack!.. Ase’ The Most Honorable 👑Elijah Muhammad 💯🖤✊🏽
No he isn’t !
@@Ghost-tg1dh yes he is u fukkin pezzant 💯🤨🤫
@@EastOfATL no he isn’t he is a false prophet and your a fool for believe in a man of flesh !
@@Ghost-tg1dh I said🗣️wut I said🤫
The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad the Exhalted Christ/Messiah.
Allahuakbar, Alhamdulillah RabilAllameen, thank you Allmighty God Allah for your Holiness, Tenderness, Mercy, and Grace, praise your Holiness. Please make me your Holy Temple, in the name of Elijah Muhammad i Pray.......................
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is the great messenger of Allah
The Messiah one born Jesus Christ to full fill the laws of Moses.The Messiah is coming one sent from Allah.
He a fake prophet
Mohammed salli wa sallem The last prophet of Allah aza wa jella
@Donnell Austin actually Muhammad was 1400 years ago jesus was 2000
Our Lord
Our Savior
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
As Salaamu Alaikum, Brother if we are stuck in the languages of our formal Slave Massa’s, we will never Unite into One Nation.. What does the word “Lord and Savior , Jesus and Christ” mean in our original languages that we have created.. Hint..... by nature reading and writing, adding and subtracting, building and constructing was and is done from Right to Left .. Most of our forefathers languages are written and read from Right to Left .. The Sun Travels from the East to the West-Right to Left.. Therefore, I ask again what does these European words mean in our Original languages and what where there functions.. Once you have completed this task you will honestly agree with me the The Hon. Elijah Muhammad is the Mentor, Sponsor, Teacher , Spiritual Guide to Black, Brown, Red, Yellow and white man on the Planet. Is this not the Function and Title of a Lord and Savior; a Jesus and a Christ???
your lord and savior? what happened to Allah... he's not lord?
Buy some books.Message To The Black Man in America by Elijah Muhammad. Our Saviour Has Arrived. The FALL of America. Get the Holy Quran translation by Maulana Muhammad Ali with Arabic text. Peace. Read the Final Call weekly news from Chicago, Illinois.
Growing up from his grave we see the sign of life
Preach brother, Preach
Thank you Dear Apostle 🕊
Atleast you're going think when you leave here today!😎
Sure will, Sir. Think it's BULLSHIT !
@@vincentestone5764 the only bull shit is you the way you think watch your mouth chump before something happens to you
Asa to the Good, the Bad and the Ugly! The most honorable Elijah Mohammed speaks the whole truth and nothing but the truth. he spoke about the economy $.35 a gallon way back then look at it now it's $4.35 and going higher check your gas stations out praise be to Allah I met this man at the 1968 SD and through Muhammad Ali i joined the nation of Islam... all praises due to Allah for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. My holy name is Wali Fawad Muhammad
Thank you sir from the bottom of my heart!
He is the Christ
Happy saviour's day2016 knower's abelievers in all of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad books and Muhammad speaks writing
He's mastered the language of God.
True indeed Queen 👑he did, your parents masterd the art of beauty!!!! I know a cheap shot but it's true
@Zen Zen Peace and blessings
@Zen Zen Peace be unto you
@Zen Zen Thank you for sharing
@Zen Zen Your a fucking idiot
All Praises Are Do To Allah For The most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
All praises to ALLAH MWDFM for the Messenger the Glorious Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
The undisputed exalted Christ the most honorable Elijah Muhammad
On that great and dreadful day,I will send you Elijah
False prophet
Aisha was s child when muhummad had sexually intercourse with a child calling her his wife.Jesus was healing people and children remember.
Fosho brother
@@judgeehud9491 he is not a prophet and never claimed to be
Peace be upon him
All praises due to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his teacher Fard Muhammad who raised the Messenger and Malcom and Farrakahn. Salaam Alakuim
God chose the foolish things to confound the wise..keep on laughing at gods plan my brothers and you will be humbled..people build their whole existence hating On Jesus
Raw truth!
This is solid info to help wake up sleepers.. 👍UNCUT...
Thank you
So powerful
Peace God...
No preacher can touch the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad when it comes to teaching the reality of God. Supreme Wisdom produces the mentality of God and brings you to your true Universal identification that the Blackman is God!
Need more of the honorable elijah Muhammad
Donnell Austin who the Jesus tgat the white people brought yo us when we were slaves? Or the Jesus Constantine lies about? We follow facts and tbe jesus that live 2k years ago came here for the so called Jews ilijah brought us the messege US the brown and black. Lost and found people. Not putting nobody down but the real devil. Jesus is key yes. Our Jesus. Peace.
We thank Allah for coming to us and raising from among us This Divine Saviour for the world, and if we listen to THE ETERNAL LEADER OF THE NATION OF ISLAM we will finally be gods, children of the Most High God.
Nupuqi Om-Re Khonectics Chamber degrees in Comments Section. / Ali Baba Heru
I {representing Master Fard Muhammad and previous Supreme Beings} will send the prophet Elijah {Elijah Muhammad} to you {people of Earth, via African Americans 1st} before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents {Africans} to their children {African Americans}, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction. (Mal 4:1-6)
+C Dg EXCELLENT!!! 10/10 !!!
Elijah Muhammad is deceiving you. There are no prophecies of the Messiah dying for the sins of the people? The book of Isaiah was written about 700 B.C.
Isa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
Isa 53:4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
Isa 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Isa 53:6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
Isa 53:8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
Isa 53:9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
Isa 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
Isa 53:11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
Isa 53:12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
Psalm 22 was written around 1000 B.C.
Psa 22:14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.
Psa 22:15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.
Psa 22:16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.
Psa 22:17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.
Psa 22:18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.
Daniel was written about 164 B.C.
Dan 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
Dan 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
Dan 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
End of Sins.... Messiah shall be cut off...... This is just a few verses from the Old Testament. There are many others.
Agree, the Old Testament points to the cross of Christ.
I have never listened to this man before until today, and it really is heartbreaking that he has so many good people deceived. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord. We are on the threshold of eternity and our Lord is about to come. Amen
@@chriscurtis1578 amen brother!
All praise is due to Allah for Grandmaster The Honourable Elijah Muhammad
I am not feeling your message LORD Knows you need Malcolm X WORD
He slept with so many women. He was racist. He was not following Koran.
@@turkishman7869 watch your mouth chump
@@vernonmcneil5160 The Malcolm X that black people fell in love with was the Malcolm X that taught what he learned from the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. The conditions we as black people face today are proof that every thing the Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us is true. He also taught us about the wheel/UFO's. The government has been lying for decades saying that they dont exist and calling anyone crazy that said they saw one. A little over a month ago they finally admitted that the wheels or the Mother plane is real. Everything the Hon. Elijah Muhammad taught us is now being proven to be the truth.
@@turkishman7869 The Hon. Elijah Muhammad slept with his wives like any other man that had wives. Standing up for your oppressed black people is not racist. Calling a devil a devil is not racist. In the words of Prophet Muhammad's wife Aisha when she was asked about the character of her husband she said he had sublime morals. She pointed to the Holy Quran to identify the character of his morals. All the Hon. Elijah Muhammad's wives still praise him and bear witness to the goodness and high morals of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. They bear witness that what he taught was true. One wife bore witness to being happy with the life that he gave to her. She said she raised her son as he instructed her to do and she is well pleased. One wife said that he stood for justice for women around the world. One wife said that we would never get another leader like the Hon. Elijah Muhammad. Their children are helpers in the fight for our liberation today, proving that he knew what he was doing when he took on wives and had multiple children by women who were also committed to the fight for our liberation.
Thanks 😊 so much for sharing this great lecture of the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad the Exalted Christ
Only 134,000 views of this word...how can this be?
I.am veiwing it
Because its bull shit he knows nothing of CHRIST, hes burning in hell.
@@charlesoneil4459 Is your comment CHRIST like?
@@charlesoneil4459 You Wish he was burning in hell! You hate the Exalted Christ The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad he has The Power Now and will set 🔥 Fire on you very soon. He is on the Mother Wheel and soon and very soon you shall see.
@@charlesoneil4459 , where is this hell you speak so ignorantly of, sir? BTW, where is this heaven ?
14:56 Malcolm X say's: ''that's' right!.'
My teachers, teacher !
Josh Mason Ditto brother. Peace to u
Ditto brother peace 2u
Salaam family. This is beautiful and probably the clearest I've ever heard of our Christ APIDTA!
The more you absorb His voice, the more that voice will guide you.
Elijah last God of old world first God of New World.
@Donnell Austin Lmao. So what species is your God. Does your God have a gender or is he a transgender. Perhaps the Tramnys are chosen people. Does your God talk? How does he talk? Does he use vocal cords? Who taught you about your god? What's your God's name? How and why did he impregnate a Betroved woman but your type bitch and moan about cheating? Lastly where is your God located. Please if you can answer we will take you serious.
The Comforter!
He talks about holy Quran and then goes on bashing Jesus!?
He mocks the physical resurrection of him and his body in the grave?
Doesn't he know that jesus is one of the most respected prophets in the holy Quran?
Has he actually read those verses about Mary and jesus in Quran?
He claimed to be messenger of God and Muslim at the same time!?
I'm yet to hear a single quotation of Quran in this speech.
Even I could give a speech quoting100s of verses in Quran relevant to the then black community's struggles.
He rambles on and yet people keep applauding him?
Having listened to this man, I now have even more respect for Malcom for leaving him.
To Honerable Elijah Muhammad I am getting policed too hard...for slot of things but...IAM truly conscious of it u know policed by blacks more than whites other wise... U did an excellent job with your students and it even helped me in ways that made me stronger as well I thank you I thank you I thank you .
Well pray to Elijah Muhammad, he is the Messiah right? Maybe he'll come down on from his mother plane spaceship and save. I'm sarcastic-- he is a man who set up a cult to serve an agenda
Love you Elijah
Jesus is Lord
yes he is!!
But not the White Michaeangelo Jesus but the Black Right Jesus who is now in our midst.