With that graph mount at the console, is it possible to slide to two graphs closer to eachother? Im going to be adding a second graph to the console of my z18 but i think id prefer them to be closer
Yes! If you see some of my newest videos you will see there is less of a gap. The mount shave several pre drilled holes for adjustments. It came from the factory like that and I didn’t bother to adjust it after I installed it. It’s good where I got it now.
@@FillALimitFishing good deal. Yeah growing up I have always wanted to be a professional bass fisherman but than I ended up getting into saltwater. Sold my flats boat about 6 months ago because I got tired of driving all the way to pine island to fish but now regretting it because got to thinking if I could learn to fish the river I could go anytime I want. So now I’m back on the market for a boat. Looking at the nitro z18 or the tracker 190 pro
Us freshwater fisherman are in a dead zone living in fort myers. The river is okay but not great. The big ships coming from Okeechobee make it annoying at time. Other than that I fish Cecil Webb from time to time but. It the same since I can’t crank up the big motor. Sebring is legit. I wish I lived there. It’s just far enough to piss you off on a day or Sunday morning when you want to go fishing. The Z18 is awesome. I almost purchased a 190 or 195txw. I felt like the z18 was a better rebuilt boat. I came from a 1986 tx-17 bass tracker. Loved it had it for 12-13 years.
@@FillALimitFishing lol it would be pretty cool to live up in that area. Just got a camp right on Kissimmee close to a boat ramp so I’m going to start trying to fish that once I get a boat. Did you go to river dale
William Tiner Awesome, good times to come for you up there then. If I could find work in the Sebring area I’d move my family up there pronto! No, I’m actually a SC native. Clemson boy. Moved to FL 3 years ago.
I almost pulled the trigger on a 195txw, in fact I loved the boat. I came from a tracker...I got my boat on clearance, it was only roughly 2k more than the tracker. I sat in both many of Saturday’s and determine the Nitro was a better built boat that felt more ridged. Just sit behind a 195 and grab the wheel firmly, then open all the compartments, you’ll see what I mean. I’m sure it’s a great boat but I’m SO glad I went with the glass, it’s a world of a difference. PM me if you have further questions I can go on an on.
I sure as heck hope I’m not apart of that conversation! No, my nitro has been great, but I’ve only had it for 6 months. I purchased new so I could hopefully have the lifetime warranty address any hull issue of that nature down the road. Minor issues here and there, of course, but nothing major at the moment. I love my boat and happy with purchase, if I could have afforded a Falcon or Vexus, sure I would have went that route but for my budget...she’s perfect.
I read a lot about delamination, hooked hulls, and other fiberglass problems. That seemed to only be an issue with a couple models in the 2012 year range if i recall correctly. I have a 19 Z18 and have had 0 fiberglass issues!
Great review, Nice boat, just bought a Z18, excited to get in it.
Your going to love it!
Nitro makes a great boat man nice rig 💪🏻
You got that right!
Nice looking boat, more than likely when I decide on a new boat it'll be a nitro also
Good choice!
Sweet boat bro. I had a 14ft jon boat i bought from BPS and turned it into a bass boat. I finally bought a 2020 Nitro Z21 Pro.
Nice!! that z21 is sweeet!
Good stuff man!! 👍🏼
love the video boss
Nice boat. I just bought a Z18. What size are the plastic containers you are using for the soft plastic storage.
michael johnson
Thanks! Sterlite boxes from Lowe’s, I think there like 9x12 maybe...cheap and work great. Can get them at Walmart too.
Thank you!!
With that graph mount at the console, is it possible to slide to two graphs closer to eachother? Im going to be adding a second graph to the console of my z18 but i think id prefer them to be closer
Yes! If you see some of my newest videos you will see there is less of a gap. The mount shave several pre drilled holes for adjustments. It came from the factory like that and I didn’t bother to adjust it after I installed it. It’s good where I got it now.
I was just about to say that looks like the Alva bridge. I’m from Alva
Yes sir! That’s where we be. Between there and w.p most of the time at least.
@@FillALimitFishing good deal. Yeah growing up I have always wanted to be a professional bass fisherman but than I ended up getting into saltwater. Sold my flats boat about 6 months ago because I got tired of driving all the way to pine island to fish but now regretting it because got to thinking if I could learn to fish the river I could go anytime I want. So now I’m back on the market for a boat. Looking at the nitro z18 or the tracker 190 pro
Us freshwater fisherman are in a dead zone living in fort myers. The river is okay but not great. The big ships coming from Okeechobee make it annoying at time. Other than that I fish Cecil Webb from time to time but. It the same since I can’t crank up the big motor. Sebring is legit. I wish I lived there. It’s just far enough to piss you off on a day or Sunday morning when you want to go fishing. The Z18 is awesome. I almost purchased a 190 or 195txw. I felt like the z18 was a better rebuilt boat. I came from a 1986 tx-17 bass tracker. Loved it had it for 12-13 years.
@@FillALimitFishing lol it would be pretty cool to live up in that area. Just got a camp right on Kissimmee close to a boat ramp so I’m going to start trying to fish that once I get a boat. Did you go to river dale
William Tiner
Awesome, good times to come for you up there then. If I could find work in the Sebring area I’d move my family up there pronto! No, I’m actually a SC native. Clemson boy. Moved to FL 3 years ago.
Nice rig! Are your storage areas water tight? Seems tough to find a boat with dry compartments.
yes for the most part...on a real heavy rain when trailering I can expect some condensation but overall they seam to be sealed off very well.
Why did you decide to go with a fiberglass Vs a 19ft tracker? I’m looking into buying a boat and trying to decide between aluminum or fiber
I almost pulled the trigger on a 195txw, in fact I loved the boat. I came from a tracker...I got my boat on clearance, it was only roughly 2k more than the tracker. I sat in both many of Saturday’s and determine the Nitro was a better built boat that felt more ridged. Just sit behind a 195 and grab the wheel firmly, then open all the compartments, you’ll see what I mean. I’m sure it’s a great boat but I’m SO glad I went with the glass, it’s a world of a difference. PM me if you have further questions I can go on an on.
I’ve been looking at getting a nitro but I’ve read some reviews saying the fiberglass is coming off on the sides,have you had any problem with it?
I sure as heck hope I’m not apart of that conversation! No, my nitro has been great, but I’ve only had it for 6 months. I purchased new so I could hopefully have the lifetime warranty address any hull issue of that nature down the road. Minor issues here and there, of course, but nothing major at the moment. I love my boat and happy with purchase, if I could have afforded a Falcon or Vexus, sure I would have went that route but for my budget...she’s perfect.
I have been thinking of getting a new bass boat and after talking with some of the guys in the tournaments I fish with it will not be a nitro
Very nice
I read a lot about delamination, hooked hulls, and other fiberglass problems. That seemed to only be an issue with a couple models in the 2012 year range if i recall correctly. I have a 19 Z18 and have had 0 fiberglass issues!
It was the Z7 boats that had some issues. Not the Z18, 19, 20 and 21s.
What kind of straps do you have around your Lowrance units?
Little bungee cords you can buy on eBay...search mini bungee cords.
Fill-A-Limit Fishing Thanks!
Is it still in good condition?
Boat is in awesome condition. Love it!
Get the ultrex before the power poles, you'll never buy the power poles once you have it
I live in FL, the poles are useful for sure!
Highly recommend, although please not from BPS...my experience has not been the best by any means.