He speaks the truth. My dad was in Vietnam from 72 to 75 honorable discharge but returned home with a new found drug habit. God rest his soul. He wasn't able to teach me much but he did teach me what not to become.
Nearly everybody came back fucked up from Nam. My Uncle Jim was a boat gunner and shot Vietcong children of teenage out of trees after one of them threw a grenade in his boat in which his best friend jumped on the grenade.
He didn’t kill anyone a quick google search will show you. He didn’t kill John Ross. John Ross was shot in the stomach and arm. The apartments he’s talking about in Florida with “9 stories” only has 4 stories look up the hilltop apartments. On top of that he said when he was 6 his dad went to prison then said when he was 7 he used to rack up pool balls for his dad. Then said he’d kill the women who helped him setup his marks and then said he never killed women or children lol. This guy is just a liar and a sex offender. That’s all. Been telling his own lies so much he actually believes them now 😂
“I could break down a 45 and put it back together in the dark, and I was only 5 years old” one of the main things that’s so enlightening about this channel, is that you hear about people like this, but until I see some of these people talk, you almost don’t think they really exist. You think it’s some thing that maybe would happen a long time ago in the 1800’s or in movies.. But this channel brings the stark reality to light, that to this day there are people on this earth enduring things most of us can hardly even imagine, and to them, it’s their every day life, it’s their foundation. Thank you Mark.
Great interview! All I can say is I am extremely proud of him . With the life he had, he could have easily kept in the same path . Brother keep on your new right path, we’re here temporarily in this journey call life to love one another, and for growth, to be a better version of ourselves the next day ..
Brother let me give you some advice from someone old who has seen alot, people as a whole tend to exaggerate, b.s. and straight up lie, never beleive a junkie and be very cautious around anyone who has done any significant time locked up, take thier storys as entertainment only, most of them wont stand up under scrutiny
Thanks for the diversity you bring to your channel! I cannot begin to imagine the toll it takes on you, Mark, emotionally to hear all of this like we do but from the reality side of it!! Thanks for your channel. It lets us see a side of life that is so foreign to so many people we wouldn’t even know existed!
@@davidleegoth Everyone makes a lot of mistakes. Even you. It’s what you do with yourself after that counts. I’m not judging him one way or another. All I said was “Mark brings a lot of diversity to his program.
Give this Man Mark his flowers before he’s ever gone , god forbid but it happens. Let it be known that this platform is very needed in this time and era we live in and we are blessed to have Mark doing this work and documenting the many things he does, that I believe will serve a more in depth purpose in the future. I thank u Mark , this channel has truly changed my life and the life of many others im sure. Forever thankful
@Wyatt Perp imagine hating yourself so much that you just comment negative things under somebody trying to spread a positive message. And trying to discredit Mark in the process. 😂 just ignorant and sad man seriously ask yourself why
@Damaged Metal read my comment ab that Wyatt guy. Do not stop spreading positive and supporting messages man seriously everybody needs that but people who creat content arguably need it more.
This is a heavy interview. This man is hard as a coffin nail. Whatever the specifics of this man's life may be, his message is clear and concise. Thank you for sharing your story, sir.🙏🏽
This was great. I’m always intrigued by the person behind the “person,” and WHY people do what they do regardless of how heinous the crime. This is good work.
yes. so true. in his eyes as a child he was doing right cause that is the code of the streets. beautiful souls are hidden sometimes from that code, so happy he made it out.. One lOve.
He didn’t kill anyone a quick google search will show you. He didn’t kill John Ross. John Ross was shot in the stomach and arm. The apartments he’s talking about in Florida with “9 stories” only has 4 stories look up the hilltop apartments. On top of that he said when he was 6 his dad went to prison then said when he was 7 he used to rack up pool balls for his dad. Then said he’d kill the women who helped him setup his marks and then said he never killed women or children lol. This guy is just a liar and a sex offender. That’s all. Been telling his own lies so much he actually believes them now 😂
And said Ted bundy had a mental illness but can't identify his own disconnect from the human family. Yeah okay they got that ankle bracelet on him for a reason. 😮
This is such an exceptional interview. What really bothers me is when people blame children for the mistakes of grown ups. I know it seems as if he keeps saying I was raised in a dysfunctional family, almost to the point you think it’s an excuse, but it’s not. Children are either trained or left on their own to raise themselves and then society deals with the consequences on those actions. I love stories of redemption of people admitting their wrong ways and getting the chance to correct them. Dope interview! 😊
Childhood trauma is real. I know pain and death too, from 11. My Dad was just 37...I'll outlive the guy this June. I'm glad to be able to connect with people on that level as a suicide survivor.
He killed 39 people by his own admission- over 60 if you believe his insinuations. Including women (he contradicts his own words on this in the interview). People grow up with terrible trauma and awful circumstances every day, I know from experience; and don’t spend their lives destroying others. We have choices, difficult though they may be. He’s full of excuses. Now he’s worked at UHaul for two years and he feels *bad*. Let’s forgive him of everything, and fuck all the families he’s ruined and torn apart. He’s ridiculously lucky to not still be sitting on death row, or executed. If our justice system works he’d be gone by now. The sentimentality and naivety in the comments here is a joke. 20 minutes and people think this guy is a saint, and absolved of a lifetime of destruction. Don’t forget almost all of these guys are master manipulators as well. Dude killed more people than Ted Bundy.
So much respect for this channel and the way that you speak to these people with no judgment,, you can tell they feel comfortable to talk about even the most horrible things they’ve done. You talk to them with genuine curiosity and treat them like people which many people probably don’t do when they hear about their past
That was great. For a person that does not live in the states, it shows me that the proposition here in Europe of rehabilitation in jails is the way to go. I guess it would be the same in the us, if the prison system would be such a big business. I'm a social worker here in Germany and I recommend this channel to all kinds of people who speak English to understand that it's so important to break these destructive cycles that go through generations. Thank you for your work mark, big fan here since the early days. Thank you so much
@@wacko6219 I was thinking at some points that he was exaggerating. His story with Ted Bundy was Bs probably. I don't think though that mark would visit this guy for an interview if he wouldn't have done some background check on this dudes credibility when it comes to his story as a whole
The 2 of you are both wrong he's telling the truth and he's for real. I grew up in Broward County and I know the laws so you dk what you're talking about. Domdom don't listen to what they're saying
@@domdomdidom the only “background check” you could do on somebody would be to verify his criminal charges and maybe past addresses. Which I highly highly doubt Mark does for any of his interviews.
He cappin🧢 non of his stories add up. Not saying he wasn’t a killer but he damn sure wasn’t selling drugs all over the world and all that other stuff at 16
@@Anonymous-km5pjthose terms and stats are alll bs. How would they test every single person and do long terms studies? People love to put names and terms on people, it’s much deeper then that.
EXACTLY THIS is the true meaning of success, not money, fame, material things. Self evaluation, evolvement, breaking the chains of the family and past and becoming the truth of yourself. Getting to the real heart by the journey. Serving others by your story... THAT is true meaning of life. Daniel, you are in my prayers for continued peace, happiness and a good life. So happy for you. God bless you and keep you.
Bruh...he murdered 60 sumthin ppl..i get what yur sayin..but is remorse better, well..."more successful than actual acknowledgement and repayment? I dunno. Personally...alls im sayin is the guy bein a beacon of success is a long STRETCH...that he shoulda done behind bars;)
@@reginarichards7001 He said later he was 'only ever *Tried* for killing men, not women or children.'.. suggesting what *you* wrote, but that could mean he isn't fully atoning for the other, even more heinous murders he committed. Maybe he tripped himself up here... open your ears 12:48
@@lefroy1 Ok..... I just checked it out, my bad. He did say he shot that guy AND the girl. But I'm a Christian, and I know this man is repentant of all the murders that he done did in the past..... he loves the Lord and is trying to live right these days. There's the story of Paul in the Bible.....who was once Saul, and murdering Christians left and right..... well he changed.... so why can't anybody else??
@@reginarichards7001 Are you deliberately trying to downplay his crimes because he says he has found God? You write THAT guy and THE girl, singular, because you clearly failed to open your ears. What he was describing there was his modus operandi, not a single hit. That was his preferred way of killing his marks, and he suggested there were 39, which could mean 39 innocent girls too. I am glad he has repented and changed his ways, and maybe God will forgive him, but there are many parents, sons and daughters of murdered innocent women who have not been asked for forgiveness, nor they have ever seen justice being served. He should be atoning to THEM here on earth, as well as to the Lord if he wants true peace.
This was very insightful and informative WOW… a man can murder 36 people, be on death row 15 years… and walk away a free man . He feels really transformed to me and very worthy to be alive now- to feel, to educate, and live a renewed life. I really enjoyed this interview and welcoming 45 to a bountiful life now 🎉
Remember when he explained how he would recruit girls to lure victims and then kill the girl and the victim? Do you remember that? Remember when he said he killed his friend? Remember when he said he used to kill people for money? Yeah let's clap for the guy. It's so good of UHaul to give him a chance.
@@GodbreadGilfredBiago companies that offer convicted felons a chance to start a path on another reason to live is a good idea in my opinion. they really can change, this guy went through hell being alone with his thoughts for 15+ years you'd think he regrets his wrongdoings especially since he "turned to god"
@@GodbreadGilfredBiago don’t get it twisted, I wasn’t applauding his actions. I’m simply applauding the fact that he can recognize his wrong doings. Most people that have done similar things feel no remorse about it.
@@guitarplayer1495 I don't give a shit what he's done since brutally murdering those people and tricking poor women into being pawns in his business and then callously murdering them. He deserves to be alone with his thoughts for life. This guy should not be out on the streets. He probably knows he just has to pretend to be religious and say he's changed his ways and people like you and all of these other people will suddenly applaud him. It's frankly disgusting. Fuck this guy.
Wat up Ratcliff! Yo, you ever heard of Nate ‘Boone’ Craft, hitman outta Detroit? That’s a serious story. Dude confessed to over 30 murders, he’s been shot, stabbed, set on fire, half his body was burned. F’ing crazy sh** man!
This is one of those once in a blue moon interviews where the person has lived an absolutely insane unique life. I would watch a movie about him for sure.
@@G3NK5T42well at 13:00 he says he would lure men and women to a room and follow them and kill them….. at 23:15 he says he has NEVER killed women. Now I’m not screaming fake story I just didn’t understand that!
Nah we don't need any movie about this, see these are the kind of contents yall seems to resonate with that's why yall seems to normalise all these atrocities, this shit here is not normal.
This man had a good lawyer to get off on so many cases. The story of where he walked into the drug den tower, killed the boss, threw the body over the balcony, and then walked out is wild.
@@whitebreadmp Yeah I feel he's lying, my gut says different, everyone is so quick to believe at face value, remember that Christ or the Antichrist actually is supposed to come to separate the good from the bad AND will know every lying tongue before him, meaning people are going to try to lie to his face because PEOPLE LIE, don't believe what you hear. Thats my advice.
My first 🤔 moment was when he said he went with his dad n would rack pool balls when he was 7, but 30 seconds later said his dad went to prison for murder when he was 6.
Great interview! To see him taking accountability for his actions says a lot. I hope he continues to progress. His story and outreach may save another person. I’m glad he shared his story!
What about the souls of the people this man killed? Where was their god? Where was their second chance? Perhaps giving himself to God is his way of disassociating and living with him self. Coping mechanism.
@@ddz1375 it's not that simple. The Bible says a lot more on that subject. Actually the Bible can be a little contradicting that is why their has been room for each Christian faith to pick and choose what scriptures they believe all though every Christian faith believes Jesus was born of a Virgin and died on the cross and died for their sins. Corinthians 13:12 Paul said; Now i know in part then I shall fully know. The Bible also says believers in Christ will be with him after death.
Can we please not forget that the man that everyone in comments is gushing over is responsible for over 30 deaths with his own hands. He knew he was ending a life...and still did it.
@@ericbloodaxe88 lol so. You wouldn't say " so " if it was your son, father, wife, brother, etc. Stop being a clown. This man deserves hell. He shouldn't be free
He said they were drug dealers. If my son was playing in that world. It's sad. I'd be dying inside but it's a world of fire that is often met with fire. So this man was just playing a role. He was a victim of circumstance for worse. We'd be him if we were in his shoes. It's not a justification, just an understanding
Soft White Underbelly; I cried tears of gratitude and tears of sorrow for this person and his journey… I am glad he tries to help young people to make better choices for themselves, but the old saying “Hindsight is 20/20 is still true…
You cried tears of sorrow and gratitude for a man that may have murdered 20 people of more. Save those tears for the 100's of relatives and friends of the victims
Mark ... thank you for the video, how you find these amazing characters...all the comments in here are appreciative of the work behind the scenes to arrange and make it happen... sincerely thank you again. Stay blessed
Should we be concerned that this man has turned his life around but possibly just exposed himself to the world for crimes he's not been tried for? Or did I misunderstand some of the circumstances about the crimes he's describing?
I believe every word out of this mans mouth. Hell of a story and it needs a movie. I wish him the best of luck and success for his coming years. Good interview!!
I actually don't believe him, timelines don't make sense, doesn't seem sophisticated enough to carry out multiple murders and he sounds like someone who's heard a lot of stories and had a lot of time to make up his best life. Came to the comments to make my assumptions known.
@@jwedges you would be correct. His name is Daniel Gerard Holmes and he is a registered sex offender in the state of Florida. Convicted in 1989 for kidnapping and forced sexual battery with a deadly weapon. Served 19 years. A google search of his name will give all the information needed.
@@eddiec5036 thanks, something satisfying about getting an answer to a forgotten question 4 months later from a random stranger instead of immediately from Google
Yet he hated any guy that abused women, so he killed the other dude and threw him from the ninth floor. 🙄 Whenever I want to be cool, calm and collected and keep a low profile, I make sure to throw my murder victim out a high window.
Didn't he say in the beginning that he murdered the guy and the girl he had set the victim up? Then he says that he never murdered a woman when comparing himself to Bundy? Or did I mishear/misunderstand?
Watching this made me tear up. I was in the county jail when I was 18 and my bunkie was a man that talked just like this man. His name was Mr. Henry. He told me these exact words, he said, “ don’t make it so you’re in my position at my age telling a young kid like yourself to change before it’s too late”. I didn’t know why Mr. Henry was in jail until I got out. He killed someone in the 70’s and it took them decades to find him.
The way he mentioned murdering his grandfather notice how he says grandpops use to scare people like it was his fault he caught pellets to the face 🤦♂️ a man with no emotions is scarier than a man with a gun with
Him saying grandpa was tough and would make him sleep in his urine soaked pants is very telling...grandpa was probably the reason he was getting himself anyway....read between the lines here
This man seems so calm and genuine. Hard to see him as a murderer. Great to hear he's working with troubled youth! Wish him all the best! Thank you, Mark!
Must be sheltered. Don't be the basic judge a book by its cover. He was 16 when he started killing, most 16 yr olds don't look like killers do they? There are 15 yr old white girls who murder and there are people with face tattoos who have never murdered a fly.
Idk much but what I do know is that this man feels like the great pyramid of Giza was just lifted off his back, getting heavy stuff off your chest like this is therapeutic, speaking from experience btw salute to this man👌🏿💯
proud of you so much when u said you were a manager, I smiled so hard, and saw the smaller smile from you and saw how proud you were of it. were all sharing these same spaces of thoughts and feelings just like a song connects you to certain thoughts feelings spaces. I'm happy to share space with you brother. thank you mark for making his story available to me. also when juicily asked to share more murder stories by mark(name meaning in honor of the god of war so u can't be mad about it) you chose to give your testament aka your testimony from the heart and share your tests that made you that way it shows you truly embody your name, Daniel, which means god is my judge, even if someone judges you as purely a murderer and wants that ugly juice from you, god is the only judge of that juice and your giving it fully to him keeps you from Lucifer, the light bearer, you won't be drowned with those memories as long as u give it to god and don't have to bear that light, so good job choosing the lighter light to bear/share instead of sharing the dark heavy light.
@@spyder_33 you’ve been perfect your entire life and have never sinned 🤷🏻♂️ you grew up in a perfect environment wit the perfect family and a household full of love 🤷🏻♂️
I can't believe people who still praise this guy. Even if he changed who cares, he has put out so much negative karma into the world ain't no amount of right will make his wrongs fixed. He killed so many fathers, sons, husbands. All those families are forever messed up. His actions have impacted hundreds if not thousands of people and here ya'll praising him for changing? Get out of here.
I find it hard to empathise with these sorts of individuals despite their tough upbringing. He openly admitted to killing 39 people, at what point does this man consider what he’s doing is wrong. How many of these guys end up pastors, it’s a joke. Imagine the destruction of families as a result of his killings affecting 100s likely. I guess we’ll just have to leave it up to God for a proper judgment but I don’t think there is redemption for this fellow.
I agree. Karma hits everyone, so the fact he was found not guilty isn't justice for the victims. He will still have to atone/pay for those deaths he commited. So he may pay for that in the afterlife and not be as "redeemed" as he thinks he is.
I don't believe he's lying. I found an article about him having a retrial from killing a drug case witness. Plus I'm sure Mark vets people prior to posting his interviews.
I found nothing but sexual battery, sexual battery with a weapon, kidnapping, failure to report to sexual registration. It's his record and with a clear, large picture of his face. No murder charges that I can see. Dan Gerard Holmes in Florida
He's also at least 4 years younger than Mike. Cus adopted Mike and had him live with him around 13 years old. This dude would had to have been 8 years old picking on a 12 year old Tyson. Sure..lol
States have contracts with other state’s penitentiaries. They could be sister systems. Ny adults could be sent to Florida penitentiary based on the crimes. It’s common for a Cali inmate to be sent to Oklahoma, etc
Man, I would live to contribute for him to write a book. I think all the stories he can tell would not only be interesting but something you can learn from.
One of the most insane stories / interviews I’ve ever listened to and I’ve listened to a lot . We need more stories or dude needs to get a movie made .
My question is how TF is this man free? Taking another man’s life is unforgivable. Taking as many as he claims is completely ridiculous. People that do that shouldn’t be free, he shouldn’t be allowed to be walking free with society.
When he said, “I kill the girl too”. Damn, I hope this man really did change. The way he said that was cold and no remorse. Damn man, I know he’s a pasture but I’m still questioning unfortunately
dang this was deep thank you for sharing your story sir this inspired me to work hard in life and provide for my 2 year old baby and break the cycle of dysfunction in my family im 21 years old I turn 22 thursday but I just appreciate everything you said sir . It really hit deep in my chest and I really hope the rest of life treats you well🙏🏾
He said he would lure his mark up with a girl that would lead him to a motel and when he gets there he would kill'em both his mark and the girl. Then later on, says he would never murder a woman that he only kills man. I don't think he is telling the truth.
One was a girl he was emotionally involved with.. giving him some kind of connection to them to feel remorse. The second one was bait for a job... it makes sense that he didn’t attached emotional attachment to her... killers are very good at setting up blockades I’d imagine.
Like when he mentioned middle school, yet he said he only made it to 5th grade... I think he just had lots of time in prison to come up with some stories, that may have some truth to them, but definitely exaggerated
I've known several murderers. One of them are still to this day the most loyal and trustworthy man I know. He served his time for it and are now a contributing part of society.
No he's not wtf is wrong with you he killed over 30 people look up to him and what go to prison and maybe you'll get lucky and change your life??? Shut tf up!
I can't believe you on others didn't notice his story change from the start to finish. Claims he never killed women, but he clearly said he did earlier .. sounded like he did it alot.
He learned a big lesson that I wish he never would have had to learn, or to be exposed to what he was exposed to at such a young age, but thank the Good Lord he has turned his life around!❤️❤️❤️
Damm I heard of the shower posse growing up in Brooklyn my cousin cousin on her mother’s side was involved in that. He is doing live in prison. It just shows how powerful a parent can shape a child.
I remember reading a book about a government sanctioned hit man, and he recounted how difficult it was to live with what he had done, terrible nightmares etc.
I started out this video with sympathy for the guy and was rooting for him, but then he talked about his crimes and I'm thinking, yeah, he totally deserved to go to prison bro. He was murdering a lot of people. Also, when he said he killed the girl too, it was heart breaking.
@@krismendoza1920 then he said he never killed a women. But honestly. It was at the age of 10-16 and he clearly understands he had people in his life that made him do wrong and understand kids need a father abs mother he's in God's hands and judgement now. And can you imagine being free and living with that guil.. unlike most people he is extremely remorseful and you only have the cycle of men in hus life to blame that failed him.
He contradicts himself when he says he never killed women or children, only men and mostly drug dealers and informants, but tells a story where he hooked up a girl with his target then executed both.
He speaks the truth. My dad was in Vietnam from 72 to 75 honorable discharge but returned home with a new found drug habit. God rest his soul. He wasn't able to teach me much but he did teach me what not to become.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
Nearly everybody came back fucked up from Nam. My Uncle Jim was a boat gunner and shot Vietcong children of teenage out of trees after one of them threw a grenade in his boat in which his best friend jumped on the grenade.
He also since passed away last year. RIP Uncle Jim
My cousin was also in nam from 72-75, as Huey-pilot.
He should’ve raised you to not respect serial killers
He took a lot of lives away. He’s a very lucky man to be sitting there a free man and even alive.
Yes he is
He shouldn't be free.
Thats a different world, you wouldn’t understand. He was killing people involved in the underworld. I wouldn’t worry so much
@@AngelofD69 12:48 He killed innocent people and admits it.
He didn’t kill anyone a quick google search will show you. He didn’t kill John Ross. John Ross was shot in the stomach and arm. The apartments he’s talking about in Florida with “9 stories” only has 4 stories look up the hilltop apartments. On top of that he said when he was 6 his dad went to prison then said when he was 7 he used to rack up pool balls for his dad. Then said he’d kill the women who helped him setup his marks and then said he never killed women or children lol. This guy is just a liar and a sex offender. That’s all. Been telling his own lies so much he actually believes them now 😂
“I could break down a 45 and put it back together in the dark, and I was only 5 years old” one of the main things that’s so enlightening about this channel, is that you hear about people like this, but until I see some of these people talk, you almost don’t think they really exist. You think it’s some thing that maybe would happen a long time ago in the 1800’s or in movies.. But this channel brings the stark reality to light, that to this day there are people on this earth enduring things most of us can hardly even imagine, and to them, it’s their every day life, it’s their foundation. Thank you Mark.
Great interview! All I can say is I am extremely proud of him . With the life he had, he could have easily kept in the same path . Brother keep on your new right path, we’re here temporarily in this journey call life to love one another, and for growth, to be a better version of ourselves the next day ..
Brother let me give you some advice from someone old who has seen alot, people as a whole tend to exaggerate, b.s. and straight up lie, never beleive a junkie and be very cautious around anyone who has done any significant time locked up, take thier storys as entertainment only, most of them wont stand up under scrutiny
His life lesson is not to murder anyone. Thankfully i saw this and heeded his advice before murdering someone.
OMG!!!!! So funny, my face hurts!
Don't worry, your government does it for you...
Thanks Mark for what you do. I would like to support Daniel AKA 45. Lots of love
If my manager had 39 bodies, I would also be very productive. 😂
Stg 😂
Lmao no shit. U haul is smart😂😂
39 pinned on him he admitted to over 100 in this … why the fuck is he free
The best yet
@@thomaskirkpatrick3870 nobody cares about drug dealer rats and crooked police
Thanks for the diversity you bring to your channel! I cannot begin to imagine the toll it takes on you, Mark, emotionally to hear all of this like we do but from the reality side of it!! Thanks for your channel. It lets us see a side of life that is so foreign to so many people we wouldn’t even know existed!
Well said, I have the same thoughts on a lot of the many different people Mark brings on! 💯❤️💫💫💫
Exactly. ❤
If this guy killed a member of your family you wouldn't say this.
@PamBeforeTheStorm will you say the same thing about pedophiles or convicted child molesters?
@@davidleegoth Everyone makes a lot of mistakes. Even you. It’s what you do with yourself after that counts. I’m not judging him one way or another. All I said was “Mark brings a lot of diversity to his program.
I lived in South Florida for over 10 years. Some rough areas sprinkled in with all the glamour.
There always is. I’m from the Chi, and few miles from the mag mile was Cabrini Green.
basically everywhere black people are allowed to take root in is destroyed in america
Give this Man Mark his flowers before he’s ever gone , god forbid but it happens. Let it be known that this platform is very needed in this time and era we live in and we are blessed to have Mark doing this work and documenting the many things he does, that I believe will serve a more in depth purpose in the future. I thank u Mark , this channel has truly changed my life and the life of many others im sure. Forever thankful
@Wyatt Perp imagine hating yourself so much that you just comment negative things under somebody trying to spread a positive message. And trying to discredit Mark in the process. 😂 just ignorant and sad man seriously ask yourself why
@Damaged Metal read my comment ab that Wyatt guy. Do not stop spreading positive and supporting messages man seriously everybody needs that but people who creat content arguably need it more.
I call cap 🧢
God forbid lol
This is a heavy interview. This man is hard as a coffin nail. Whatever the specifics of this man's life may be, his message is clear and concise. Thank you for sharing your story, sir.🙏🏽
hes a fake bro sorry to ruin it for ya
he’s just a s*x offender
@@joshswarts2809 loll talking with no proof , I just know your a goofy racist in real life 😂
Shut your mouth. You sound like an idiot. This guys timelines don’t add up at all
@@joshswarts2809 how do you know??
This was great. I’m always intrigued by the person behind the “person,” and WHY people do what they do regardless of how heinous the crime. This is good work.
yes. so true. in his eyes as a child he was doing right cause that is the code of the streets. beautiful souls are hidden sometimes from that code, so happy he made it out.. One lOve.
What’s yo zodiac if you don’t mind me askin I’m guessin scorpio
You’re cute
Yes ma’am
He didn’t kill anyone a quick google search will show you. He didn’t kill John Ross. John Ross was shot in the stomach and arm. The apartments he’s talking about in Florida with “9 stories” only has 4 stories look up the hilltop apartments. On top of that he said when he was 6 his dad went to prison then said when he was 7 he used to rack up pool balls for his dad. Then said he’d kill the women who helped him setup his marks and then said he never killed women or children lol. This guy is just a liar and a sex offender. That’s all. Been telling his own lies so much he actually believes them now 😂
Dude mentioned killing his grandfather like it’s a regular Tuesday smh.
And said Ted bundy had a mental illness but can't identify his own disconnect from the human family. Yeah okay they got that ankle bracelet on him for a reason. 😮
Just saying he blew his head off like it was nothing is crazy.
Cause dudes not a killer lol he is a sex offender soft white underbelly doesn't run the background on people just takes them at face value.
Yall mfs dont listen to shit he cleary said his grandfather scared him & he was 8 yrs old watch the whole video before u leave a reply smart ass
Degular shit like WHOAAAA 🫨🫨
my first thought when the interview started was 'how does someone end up being a monster like this?'. 10 minutes later, it was very clear.
He’s a damb liar. This my uncle. He would be doing prison for life.
@@JeremiahHolmes-k5gdetails ?
Mark deserves the NPP for this series. Breaking down barriers and shining a light on all of humanity.
Remember when they gave it to Barrack Obama whose misguided drone missile strikes killed 4000 people including 324 women and children. So peaceful.
I can't think of many better suitors for one.
You are aware that the vast majority of people on here are just making sh*t up talking out their a*s right?
And don't forget putting the really sensational stuff behind a pay wall. LOL.
This is such an exceptional interview. What really bothers me is when people blame children for the mistakes of grown ups. I know it seems as if he keeps saying I was raised in a dysfunctional family, almost to the point you think it’s an excuse, but it’s not. Children are either trained or left on their own to raise themselves and then society deals with the consequences on those actions. I love stories of redemption of people admitting their wrong ways and getting the chance to correct them. Dope interview! 😊
100%! raising a child is such a delicate job. It doesn't take much to mess up a person.
Childhood trauma is real. I know pain and death too, from 11. My Dad was just 37...I'll outlive the guy this June. I'm glad to be able to connect with people on that level as a suicide survivor.
@@pasthumanGod bless you're still here because you matter!
He killed 39 people by his own admission- over 60 if you believe his insinuations. Including women (he contradicts his own words on this in the interview).
People grow up with terrible trauma and awful circumstances every day, I know from experience; and don’t spend their lives destroying others. We have choices, difficult though they may be.
He’s full of excuses.
Now he’s worked at UHaul for two years and he feels *bad*. Let’s forgive him of everything, and fuck all the families he’s ruined and torn apart.
He’s ridiculously lucky to not still be sitting on death row, or executed. If our justice system works he’d be gone by now.
The sentimentality and naivety in the comments here is a joke. 20 minutes and people think this guy is a saint, and absolved of a lifetime of destruction.
Don’t forget almost all of these guys are master manipulators as well.
Dude killed more people than Ted Bundy.
So much respect for this channel and the way that you speak to these people with no judgment,, you can tell they feel comfortable to talk about even the most horrible things they’ve done. You talk to them with genuine curiosity and treat them like people which many people probably don’t do when they hear about their past
That was great. For a person that does not live in the states, it shows me that the proposition here in Europe of rehabilitation in jails is the way to go. I guess it would be the same in the us, if the prison system would be such a big business. I'm a social worker here in Germany and I recommend this channel to all kinds of people who speak English to understand that it's so important to break these destructive cycles that go through generations. Thank you for your work mark, big fan here since the early days. Thank you so much
You should realize if you're a social worker that this guy is full of it all lies
@@wacko6219 I was thinking at some points that he was exaggerating. His story with Ted Bundy was Bs probably. I don't think though that mark would visit this guy for an interview if he wouldn't have done some background check on this dudes credibility when it comes to his story as a whole
The 2 of you are both wrong he's telling the truth and he's for real. I grew up in Broward County and I know the laws so you dk what you're talking about. Domdom don't listen to what they're saying
@@domdomdidom the only “background check” you could do on somebody would be to verify his criminal charges and maybe past addresses. Which I highly highly doubt Mark does for any of his interviews.
@@domdomdidom he knew Mike Tyson? He randomly killed his grandpa? This dude is full of bs.
I'm 51 and grew up a mile from Daniel, I'm glad he changed his life.
Yea was curious is he real deal or bsing
I know him
Can't believe you guys buy this sh*t.
He cappin🧢 non of his stories add up. Not saying he wasn’t a killer but he damn sure wasn’t selling drugs all over the world and all that other stuff at 16
@@rodking6000 Do you know the streets? Most criminal activities are carried out by that age or even younger.
2016 aint that long ago. dude still active for the right price today , probably.
#bigfacts 😂💀
He actually died not long after this interview...someone got him
@Unmaleable is there a full name that you could give me so I could look him up?
@_gamepoint_ search Daniel aka 45 and you will find it.
@_gamepoint_ I just don't drop names man sorry.
That voice would make me get out the way real quick 😂😂
They walk amongst us...Always be on point and be aware of your surroundings at all time
Stats are 1 in 25 psychopathic, speaking of neurotic, schizo paranoid tendencies, OCD, anti-social, probably one in two people now.
Keep that thang on you
@@Anonymous-km5pjthose terms and stats are alll bs. How would they test every single person and do long terms studies? People love to put names and terms on people, it’s much deeper then that.
Why? Just pray to Jesus
@Whyliebelievers what about the people that were in church in South Carolina when Dylan Roof came in and killed them?
EXACTLY THIS is the true meaning of success, not money, fame, material things. Self evaluation, evolvement, breaking the chains of the family and past and becoming the truth of yourself. Getting to the real heart by the journey. Serving others by your story... THAT is true meaning of life. Daniel, you are in my prayers for continued peace, happiness and a good life. So happy for you. God bless you and keep you.
You're happy and praying for him? No mention of the people he brags about killing? You are a weirdo.
shut the f*** up, this is exactly the opposite, this p**** of sh** killed people for money. May his soul go to hell and may he go back to jail.
Bruh...he murdered 60 sumthin ppl..i get what yur sayin..but is remorse better, well..."more successful than actual acknowledgement and repayment? I dunno. Personally...alls im sayin is the guy bein a beacon of success is a long STRETCH...that he shoulda done behind bars;)
nah this guy is beyond forgiveness. he can do all the good he wants but he murdered 39 people... makes a good video buut fk this dude honestly
Remarkable employee. He worked for me back in the early 2000s
He was in prison then.
@@malikr2271 why are here so many Bots or people saying he tells the truth? Thats fishy
He's working for me today. We're actually on lunch break watching his video right now 😮
@@bringitbackent9530 Hahaha yeah he works for a lot of people, he works for me too und everything he says is real!
i’ll never have any type of sympathy for a killer
What a great interview. For someone who has created so much pain he seems to be such a humble spirit.
Using an innocent girl as a honeytrap to lure your mark, then casually murdering them both. What a sweetheart.
No but you forgot he found god😂
No.....I don't think he murdered the girl. He said he only murdered men.
@@reginarichards7001 He said later he was 'only ever *Tried* for killing men, not women or children.'.. suggesting what *you* wrote, but that could mean he isn't fully atoning for the other, even more heinous murders he committed. Maybe he tripped himself up here... open your ears 12:48
@@lefroy1 Ok..... I just checked it out, my bad. He did say he shot that guy AND the girl. But I'm a Christian, and I know this man is repentant of all the murders that he done did in the past..... he loves the Lord and is trying to live right these days. There's the story of Paul in the Bible.....who was once Saul, and murdering Christians left and right..... well he changed.... so why can't anybody else??
@@reginarichards7001 Are you deliberately trying to downplay his crimes because he says he has found God?
You write THAT guy and THE girl, singular, because you clearly failed to open your ears. What he was describing there was his modus operandi, not a single hit. That was his preferred way of killing his marks, and he suggested there were 39, which could mean 39 innocent girls too.
I am glad he has repented and changed his ways, and maybe God will forgive him, but there are many parents, sons and daughters of murdered innocent women who have not been asked for forgiveness, nor they have ever seen justice being served. He should be atoning to THEM here on earth, as well as to the Lord if he wants true peace.
This was very insightful and informative WOW… a man can murder 36 people, be on death row 15 years… and walk away a free man . He feels really transformed to me and very worthy to be alive now- to feel, to educate, and live a renewed life. I really enjoyed this interview and welcoming 45 to a bountiful life now 🎉
Fascinating. Warts and all truthfulness. Can't imagine ANYONE teasing Mike Tyson----even when he was a kid.
He's full of it, unless he was 8 years old picking on a 12 year old Tyson, otherwise the timeline doesn't match.
Okay. Never thought of the timeline.
He was in Florida I thought. Tyson was in New York
“The answer for healing is breaking the cycle” 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 also good for UHaul for giving this man a chance. This guys should write a book.
Remember when he explained how he would recruit girls to lure victims and then kill the girl and the victim? Do you remember that? Remember when he said he killed his friend? Remember when he said he used to kill people for money? Yeah let's clap for the guy. It's so good of UHaul to give him a chance.
@@GodbreadGilfredBiago companies that offer convicted felons a chance to start a path on another reason to live is a good idea in my opinion. they really can change, this guy went through hell being alone with his thoughts for 15+ years you'd think he regrets his wrongdoings especially since he "turned to god"
@@GodbreadGilfredBiago turn to god heal the soul repent for the wrong doings of his past he must seek none from others but rather for his soul
@@GodbreadGilfredBiago don’t get it twisted, I wasn’t applauding his actions. I’m simply applauding the fact that he can recognize his wrong doings. Most people that have done similar things feel no remorse about it.
@@guitarplayer1495 I don't give a shit what he's done since brutally murdering those people and tricking poor women into being pawns in his business and then callously murdering them. He deserves to be alone with his thoughts for life. This guy should not be out on the streets. He probably knows he just has to pretend to be religious and say he's changed his ways and people like you and all of these other people will suddenly applaud him. It's frankly disgusting. Fuck this guy.
This is one of the best interviews I’ve seen on this channel
Heavy stuff right here.. fantastic interview..thank you both.
Wat up Ratcliff! Yo, you ever heard of Nate ‘Boone’ Craft, hitman outta Detroit? That’s a serious story. Dude confessed to over 30 murders, he’s been shot, stabbed, set on fire, half his body was burned. F’ing crazy sh** man!
He did a hit for me years ago. He did a wonderful job. I havent seen the person since. Definitely 5 star review. Would use again
Hilarious SD. In a sea of seriousness this light hearted hilarity was sooopurb
This is probably one of the best UA-cam channels at this point you get to hear real people!
This is one of those once in a blue moon interviews where the person has lived an absolutely insane unique life. I would watch a movie about him for sure.
Fake story
@@shyne9828Why do you say that?
Do you notice all his contradictions and holes in the story?
@@shyne9828 nah go look up the Johnny lee Ross story..it’s true
@@G3NK5T42well at 13:00 he says he would lure men and women to a room and follow them and kill them….. at 23:15 he says he has NEVER killed women.
Now I’m not screaming fake story I just didn’t understand that!
Nah we don't need any movie about this, see these are the kind of contents yall seems to resonate with that's why yall seems to normalise all these atrocities, this shit here is not normal.
This man had a good lawyer to get off on so many cases. The story of where he walked into the drug den tower, killed the boss, threw the body over the balcony, and then walked out is wild.
Yeh i mean... i dunno. Lol 🤷♂️
@@whitebreadmp Yeah I feel he's lying, my gut says different, everyone is so quick to believe at face value, remember that Christ or the Antichrist actually is supposed to come to separate the good from the bad AND will know every lying tongue before him, meaning people are going to try to lie to his face because PEOPLE LIE, don't believe what you hear. Thats my advice.
I don’t know he seems legit to me I live in Jacksonville it is pretty wild according to the local news
My first 🤔 moment was when he said he went with his dad n would rack pool balls when he was 7, but 30 seconds later said his dad went to prison for murder when he was 6.
Great interview! To see him taking accountability for his actions says a lot. I hope he continues to progress. His story and outreach may save another person. I’m glad he shared his story!
This is a remarkable interview about how faith saves a man's soul. Especially on Easter weekend.
What about the souls of the people this man killed? Where was their god? Where was their second chance? Perhaps giving himself to God is his way of disassociating and living with him self. Coping mechanism.
@@mattsmokes2505 faith and forgiveness. Read your Bible. The dead know nothing. Eternal slumber is awaiting all of us.
Amen 🙏🏼
Not the people he murdered, one day God will properly sentence this murderer.
@@ddz1375 it's not that simple. The Bible says a lot more on that subject. Actually the Bible can be a little contradicting that is why their has been room for each Christian faith to pick and choose what scriptures they believe all though every Christian faith believes Jesus was born of a Virgin and died on the cross and died for their sins.
Corinthians 13:12 Paul said; Now i know in part then I shall fully know.
The Bible also says believers in Christ will be with him after death.
Dude should seriously consider starting a career in voice-over work. Awesome voice.
He sounds like Tone Loc
he should be venom lol
Maybe cookie monster lol
He sounds like a cigarette that can talk
@@Unknown.User420 beat me to it
Hey I live in Ft Lauderdale Florida. He's telling nothing but the truth. He definitely seems like he's reformed and great interview
@@BatmanPopswhoop whoop 😊
Tater town in dee house
Dude is really a serial killer?
@christopherpederson102 where's tater town? Lol 😆
Daniel Holmes.
@8:21 bruh say im a manager at U-Haul & the interview almost bust out laughing Lmaoo
Forgiving yourself for the wrong you've done by knowing you will truly never do it again, sets you free. And that shines through here ❤
Nah. This dude is a piece of shit. The amount of lives he has ruined is unfathomable.
True words Jenny, true words! Best greetzzzz from Germany...☯
@Tristan Says the dude with an al capone pfp
He found forgiveness through GOD.
Can we please not forget that the man that everyone in comments is gushing over is responsible for over 30 deaths with his own hands. He knew he was ending a life...and still did it.
Thats what Im saying. Why is everyone praising this dude… He is a legitimate psychopath.
@@ericbloodaxe88 lol so. You wouldn't say " so " if it was your son, father, wife, brother, etc. Stop being a clown. This man deserves hell. He shouldn't be free
He said they were drug dealers. If my son was playing in that world. It's sad. I'd be dying inside but it's a world of fire that is often met with fire. So this man was just playing a role. He was a victim of circumstance for worse. We'd be him if we were in his shoes. It's not a justification, just an understanding
Soft White Underbelly; I cried tears of gratitude and tears of sorrow for this person and his journey… I am glad he tries to help young people to make better choices for themselves, but the old saying “Hindsight is 20/20 is still true…
You cried tears of sorrow and gratitude for a man that may have murdered 20 people of more. Save those tears for the 100's of relatives and friends of the victims
I hate to tell you this but you cried over a bunch of lies... maybe the truth was even more depressing though
If this makes you cry you need help. Hormones sound imbalanced.
Mark ... thank you for the video, how you find these amazing characters...all the comments in here are appreciative of the work behind the scenes to arrange and make it happen... sincerely thank you again. Stay blessed
Yeah Mark, more of these types of interviews please 👏🏿.
Exactly. Some of the interviews lately are just boring
@@LandscapeMaster33 agreed.
Should we be concerned that this man has turned his life around but possibly just exposed himself to the world for crimes he's not been tried for? Or did I misunderstand some of the circumstances about the crimes he's describing?
I dont think theres a ton of people convicted of 6 murders you can talk to outside of prison
America is the biggest piss take of all the modern industrial nations.
What a story. Good for you Daniel, overcoming your dark past.
You can't be charged for a crime twice but if they are investigating one other murder it isn't wise to admit to having been a killer
Was thinking the same thing mate, that fella might have said a bit to much
He's not going back anywhere and he's not saying too much!!
He done his time. All things change
Sounds like the cops already hated him
@@brettstewart8765 You can say as much as you want if it’s not true.
“Umm I blow my Grand fathers head off but umm I met Mike Tyson” 😂
Definitely heavy on the psychopathic chart.
Wow. What an amazing interview. There is definitely a movie in this mans life!
I believe every word out of this mans mouth. Hell of a story and it needs a movie. I wish him the best of luck and success for his coming years. Good interview!!
I actually don't believe him, timelines don't make sense, doesn't seem sophisticated enough to carry out multiple murders and he sounds like someone who's heard a lot of stories and had a lot of time to make up his best life.
Came to the comments to make my assumptions known.
@@jwedges Lol yeah a whole lot of exaggeration and tall tales involved here. But there's some truth in there somewhere, probably
He’s a registered sex offender, google Dan Gerard Holmes Florida, don’t be fooled by these type of people
@@jwedges you would be correct. His name is Daniel Gerard Holmes and he is a registered sex offender in the state of Florida.
Convicted in 1989 for kidnapping and forced sexual battery with a deadly weapon. Served 19 years.
A google search of his name will give all the information needed.
@@eddiec5036 thanks, something satisfying about getting an answer to a forgotten question 4 months later from a random stranger instead of immediately from Google
The fact that he killed the girl also, that he used to lure his victims in, kinda tells me he was not in it just for the money.
he simply did not want to leave any witnesses
Yet he hated any guy that abused women, so he killed the other dude and threw him from the ninth floor. 🙄 Whenever I want to be cool, calm and collected and keep a low profile, I make sure to throw my murder victim out a high window.
He's a serial killer. Would you want to cross this man in 2023?
If anything it tells you he's 100% in it for the money and willing to sacrifice someone to complete the job
Didn't he say in the beginning that he murdered the guy and the girl he had set the victim up? Then he says that he never murdered a woman when comparing himself to Bundy? Or did I mishear/misunderstand?
He said the cases weren’t women, not he didn’t murder them.
I literally said the same thing
Awesome interview & story. I'm glad he pointed out that he could have been different if he had better parents and examples to look up to
Watching this made me tear up. I was in the county jail when I was 18 and my bunkie was a man that talked just like this man. His name was Mr. Henry. He told me these exact words, he said, “ don’t make it so you’re in my position at my age telling a young kid like yourself to change before it’s too late”. I didn’t know why Mr. Henry was in jail until I got out. He killed someone in the 70’s and it took them decades to find him.
I like and respect Mark a lot. He must be living through one of the most fulfilling careers.
I bet he is a bit broken from this mess of humanity he is surrounded by
@@christopherhawes9173 maybe a little of both
Fun eh?
He’s a registered sex offender, google Dan Gerard Holmes Florida, don’t be fooled by these type of people
The way he mentioned murdering his grandfather notice how he says grandpops use to scare people like it was his fault he caught pellets to the face 🤦♂️ a man with no emotions is scarier than a man with a gun with
He ended the interview saying that he’s finally learned it’s wrong to kill ppl no matter hope much you’re paid.
Yup. Man isn’t to be trusted.
Him saying grandpa was tough and would make him sleep in his urine soaked pants is very telling...grandpa was probably the reason he was getting himself anyway....read between the lines here
@@sj9410I may be wrong, but I think you got mixed up with who did what.
Amazing this man is allowed to walk freely
This man seems so calm and genuine. Hard to see him as a murderer. Great to hear he's working with troubled youth! Wish him all the best! Thank you, Mark!
What does a murderer look like?
Must be sheltered. Don't be the basic judge a book by its cover. He was 16 when he started killing, most 16 yr olds don't look like killers do they? There are 15 yr old white girls who murder and there are people with face tattoos who have never murdered a fly.
Bizarre comment, have you seen interviews with Jeff Dahmer? Calmest guy in all the videos…
He’s a registered sex offender, google Dan Gerard Holmes Florida, don’t be fooled by these type of people
Idk much but what I do know is that this man feels like the great pyramid of Giza was just lifted off his back, getting heavy stuff off your chest like this is therapeutic, speaking from experience btw salute to this man👌🏿💯
This guy is good for multiple interviews. He has tons of stories.
Tons of bullshit stories - lies
Most of them being made up or grossly exaggerated
None of this happened unless it's verified
@@Jeff-sp7bghis name is Daniel Holmes. Probably not super difficult to find out about his criminal history. 🤷♂️
This man is such a GREAT speaker.
His voice is so unique.
lol is this a joke?
proud of you so much when u said you were a manager, I smiled so hard, and saw the smaller smile from you and saw how proud you were of it. were all sharing these same spaces of thoughts and feelings just like a song connects you to certain thoughts feelings spaces. I'm happy to share space with you brother. thank you mark for making his story available to me. also when juicily asked to share more murder stories by mark(name meaning in honor of the god of war so u can't be mad about it) you chose to give your testament aka your testimony from the heart and share your tests that made you that way it shows you truly embody your name, Daniel, which means god is my judge, even if someone judges you as purely a murderer and wants that ugly juice from you, god is the only judge of that juice and your giving it fully to him keeps you from Lucifer, the light bearer, you won't be drowned with those memories as long as u give it to god and don't have to bear that light, so good job choosing the lighter light to bear/share instead of sharing the dark heavy light.
Manager at Uhaul makes me question his story. But oh well its an entertaining listen 😂
It takes someone special and someone strong to break the cycle.. God bless him ❤
So true! God bless him!
@@spyder_33 you’ve been perfect your entire life and have never sinned 🤷🏻♂️ you grew up in a perfect environment wit the perfect family and a household full of love 🤷🏻♂️
@@mallorymeyr2249 Bless the serial killer?😂 Imagine the 100s of victim family members for a second you cultist
There isn't anying the God of this world cannot do😊❤❤❤❤
I can't believe people who still praise this guy. Even if he changed who cares, he has put out so much negative karma into the world ain't no amount of right will make his wrongs fixed. He killed so many fathers, sons, husbands. All those families are forever messed up. His actions have impacted hundreds if not thousands of people and here ya'll praising him for changing? Get out of here.
Thank you Brother for being so honest. Its a pleasure to hear you talk .
I find it hard to empathise with these sorts of individuals despite their tough upbringing. He openly admitted to killing 39 people, at what point does this man consider what he’s doing is wrong. How many of these guys end up pastors, it’s a joke. Imagine the destruction of families as a result of his killings affecting 100s likely. I guess we’ll just have to leave it up to God for a proper judgment but I don’t think there is redemption for this fellow.
Listen to the interview again. He mentors sons of the men he murdered.
You took the words out of my mouth. Like wtf this guy is a pastor as well
@@pauls4235 yeah, it’s a load of baloney.
Me too… he still murdered people and destroyed families.
I agree. Karma hits everyone, so the fact he was found not guilty isn't justice for the victims. He will still have to atone/pay for those deaths he commited. So he may pay for that in the afterlife and not be as "redeemed" as he thinks he is.
He seems like a nice friendly gentleman, a man of culture. Only, you don't want to be his target.
Maneee I had my suspicions now I’m more den POSITIVE he straight up lyin
@@YPN_Dre yes...his mom went from a drunk to a drug abuser AND that line he uses is scripted as hell.... 😭😭😭😭😭
I don't believe he's lying. I found an article about him having a retrial from killing a drug case witness. Plus I'm sure Mark vets people prior to posting his interviews.
I found nothing but sexual battery, sexual battery with a weapon, kidnapping, failure to report to sexual registration. It's his record and with a clear, large picture of his face. No murder charges that I can see. Dan Gerard Holmes in Florida
How does a child from Florida get sent to a New York State reform school for a crime committed in Florida?
U too? 😂😂😂😂
Yeah lots of lies in his story
He's also at least 4 years younger than Mike. Cus adopted Mike and had him live with him around 13 years old. This dude would had to have been 8 years old picking on a 12 year old Tyson. Sure..lol
States have contracts with other state’s penitentiaries. They could be sister systems. Ny adults could be sent to Florida penitentiary based on the crimes. It’s common for a Cali inmate to be sent to Oklahoma, etc
"it wasn't like you were a crazy person" haha 😂 23:30
Powerful. Thank you Mark
Man, I would live to contribute for him to write a book. I think all the stories he can tell would not only be interesting but something you can learn from.
Yes, that’s a great price
One of the most insane stories / interviews I’ve ever listened to and I’ve listened to a lot . We need more stories or dude needs to get a movie made .
You gotta check out the dude who was groomed young buy a pedo cop that was the best one
@@thomasmorano7779 whats his name?
@@rover6430 Clark Fredrick's ..it's under sexual abuse
Clark Fredrick's..under sexual abuse,I thought was the best story
My question is how TF is this man free? Taking another man’s life is unforgivable. Taking as many as he claims is completely ridiculous. People that do that shouldn’t be free, he shouldn’t be allowed to be walking free with society.
I was thinking the same thing 🤷🏽♀️
Man that 30 min went fast, awesome intervene Mark
That was great all around. Made me critically think and made me appreciate my upbringing
Hollywood needs to make a movie about this man’s life
They have. It’s called John Wick
When he said, “I kill the girl too”. Damn, I hope this man really did change. The way he said that was cold and no remorse. Damn man, I know he’s a pasture but I’m still questioning unfortunately
Psychopath I'm guessing
Simply amazing Mark. Would love to hear more from this guy, maybe a book or movie is in his future for sure.
Ahhhhhh !!! Back in the day when they still shot INFORMANTS. 😊😊
U got the wrong message from this interview bro you should watch it again
dang this was deep thank you for sharing your story sir this inspired me to work hard in life and provide for my 2 year old baby and break the cycle of dysfunction in my family im 21 years old I turn 22 thursday but I just appreciate everything you said sir . It really hit deep in my chest and I really hope the rest of life treats you well🙏🏾
G-D bless you and your family! I pray that the Lord will lead you in the right direction and help you overcome life’s inevitable difficulties! 🙏🏾
Good luck.Small country towns are recommended
@@Bacnow thank you that means so much to me im trying my best to become a better me everyday for my daughter 💙
@@swiftbobber thank you 🙏🏾
@Kaylin Lee happy belated birthday! Hope it was fantastic!!🎉🎊🎂
What a great interview this is, Mark’s content never ceases to amaze n show that redemption is possible!
He said he would lure his mark up with a girl that would lead him to a motel and when he gets there he would kill'em both his mark and the girl. Then later on, says he would never murder a woman that he only kills man. I don't think he is telling the truth.
I noticed that too..🤔
@@jacobus57 He is definitely full of sh#t.
One was a girl he was emotionally involved with.. giving him some kind of connection to them to feel remorse. The second one was bait for a job... it makes sense that he didn’t attached emotional attachment to her... killers are very good at setting up blockades I’d imagine.
Cognitive dissonance.
Like when he mentioned middle school, yet he said he only made it to 5th grade... I think he just had lots of time in prison to come up with some stories, that may have some truth to them, but definitely exaggerated
I've known several murderers. One of them are still to this day the most loyal and trustworthy man I know. He served his time for it and are now a contributing part of society.
He is an inspiration to young men. I'm proud of his changes in his life. It's never to late.
It's never too early,either.
Did you hear the part where he murdered a bunch of people and killed the girls that he recruited to lure the targets too?
No he's not wtf is wrong with you he killed over 30 people look up to him and what go to prison and maybe you'll get lucky and change your life??? Shut tf up!
He's also a prolific serial killer
@@AzakiahIsYourOnlyGod he had a rough life and only killed people who had bounties on them. He’s just a professional bounty Hunter
Listening to truth with these folks is an amazing experience. I have been truly moved by these interviews,
I can't believe you on others didn't notice his story change from the start to finish. Claims he never killed women, but he clearly said he did earlier .. sounded like he did it alot.
He is living proof it's never too late ❤👊🏽
Great interview! The real rawness of it was shocking but my heart actually goes out to this guy.
Another amazing interview. Thank you
He learned a big lesson that I wish he never would have had to learn, or to be exposed to what he was exposed to at such a young age, but thank the Good Lord he has turned his life around!❤️❤️❤️
His lesson was what He needed. What He prescribed.
Im sure the 40 people hes killed families dont give a fuck that he "found god". Guy should be in a cell
He’s a registered sex offender, google Dan Gerard Holmes Florida, don’t be fooled by these type of people
Damm I heard of the shower posse growing up in Brooklyn my cousin cousin on her mother’s side was involved in that. He is doing live in prison. It just shows how powerful a parent can shape a child.
Wow. I'm speechless. Truly inspiring.
Yea, you’re on the list buddy😂
I remember reading a book about a government sanctioned hit man, and he recounted how difficult it was to live with what he had done, terrible nightmares etc.
What was it?
Curious on the book title as well.
People are not meant to take life. Not human life especially. It is a soul fracturing event.
@@demsandlibsareswinecancer4667 I disagree.
@@litofficialI think humans are meant to survive and if you can justify that killing an individual would prolong your survival it's not that hard
I started out this video with sympathy for the guy and was rooting for him, but then he talked about his crimes and I'm thinking, yeah, he totally deserved to go to prison bro. He was murdering a lot of people. Also, when he said he killed the girl too, it was heart breaking.
And then he said he hated mean that beat women lmao
@@krismendoza1920 Yeah this guy actually fucking sucks. Everyone is sucking his dick in the comments though.
@@krismendoza1920 then he said he never killed a women. But honestly. It was at the age of 10-16 and he clearly understands he had people in his life that made him do wrong and understand kids need a father abs mother he's in God's hands and judgement now. And can you imagine being free and living with that guil.. unlike most people he is extremely remorseful and you only have the cycle of men in hus life to blame that failed him.
@@MoonmanSpacejam Yeah we should have let Ted Bundy out of jail too after 30 years.
This guy was born in 1972. Dan Gerard Holmes. He said he met Ted Bundy in 1985 on death row… which would make him 13 years old…
I feel so sorry to the families of the six people this person murdered.
He murdered 39 people though..
6 lol? He admittedly said he’s killed over 60 people. Did you miss that part lol
@@extavwudda he said he killed over 60 from Washington, to Chicago to New York. He’s insane lol
WTF, why is this evil bastard walking free? Is it to teach other evil children to play the victim card.
Something about him you can tell he’s NOT to be played with! Gives me chills yet I don’t feel fearful
Probably bc there is a screen and thousands of miles bt the 2 of you!
Think it's got anything do to with the fact that he just told you he's shot about 40 people in the head? Three times each
unbelievable ..i wish you luck sir! Thanks for telling your story!!
One of the craziest interviews so far.
Because 70% of it was made up
This is a very smart man. His story has been fascinating to hear.
He is a very smart man he never completed the 6th grade?
He contradicts himself when he says he never killed women or children, only men and mostly drug dealers and informants, but tells a story where he hooked up a girl with his target then executed both.
He says he never had a murder case involving women not he didn't kill women
he said he racked pool balls for his father at 7-8 years old then right after says his father went to prison for murder when he was the age of 6
@@shyne9828 he also says he killed his grandfather at 8 “by accidentally” but was competent with firearms by age 6
time ? numbers ? places ?
honest reality is justs a bunch
of stuffs that happened........
but guns kill peoples too idiot.....