Not sure about talking to the PC, but I had looked into setting a geofence to kick over a lap timer. I'd have to program it in for each track, and put on a microSD card unit and code it to record it to that because when the arduino turns off all the memory is wiped.
I'd read about and thought about using engine speed/wheel speed to calculate and display gear, but I figured since I've got a gear indicator basically built into the bike I'd go ahead and use it. I may take your idea and incorporate engine speed to smooth out the gear display though. Thanks!
I've actually been working on it again lately after not riding/working on it much the last couple years. Working a lot and busy with life. I've been thinking about doing an update/work video though, might have to get one in the works sometime in the next few weeks.
Steering axle? Stem? It's the GSXR unit. The generation of GSXR that I swapped the front end from uses the same bearings as the SV one so it's pretty plug-and-play, you won't need to press out the SV stem and press it into the GSXR lower triple. See my other videos for more info.
Keep at it, looks cool 😎
Now need to teach it to be a laptimer and to talk to the power commander
Not sure about talking to the PC, but I had looked into setting a geofence to kick over a lap timer. I'd have to program it in for each track, and put on a microSD card unit and code it to record it to that because when the arduino turns off all the memory is wiped.
I'm starting down the Arduino path to make a similar project for my 87 Hurricane.
Best of luck!
use engine rpm and speed to calculate what gear your in, you can also use the 1-5v along with rpm and speed to pick a gear
I'd read about and thought about using engine speed/wheel speed to calculate and display gear, but I figured since I've got a gear indicator basically built into the bike I'd go ahead and use it. I may take your idea and incorporate engine speed to smooth out the gear display though. Thanks!
hows the sv man? its been 2 xyears
I've actually been working on it again lately after not riding/working on it much the last couple years. Working a lot and busy with life. I've been thinking about doing an update/work video though, might have to get one in the works sometime in the next few weeks.
Drew what steering axle use? Gsxr or sv?
Steering axle? Stem? It's the GSXR unit. The generation of GSXR that I swapped the front end from uses the same bearings as the SV one so it's pretty plug-and-play, you won't need to press out the SV stem and press it into the GSXR lower triple. See my other videos for more info.
@@drew657 thanks so much!
Drew what steering axle use? Gsxr or sv?