But it's not bullshit to win, eh? I haven't watched Kripp in like three years (I used to, he's a good player, but oh god, the hypocrisy) and I can't believe he's still the same, to the same degree even. gets topdeck - a suppressed smirk and "planned it" atmosphere and a noticeable lift in his mood. Opponent gets topdeck - never lucky, depression, frustration. I mean, he kinda half-jests, but not fully, he is actually that kind of person. That's what completely stuns me whenever I encounter a video about him.
☑ “This guy's deck is CRAZY!” ☑ “My deck can't win against a deck like that” ☑ "He NEEDED precisely those two cards to win" ☑ “He topdecked the only card that could beat me” ☑ "He had the perfect cards" ☑ “There was nothing I could do” ☑ “I played that perfectly"
The “exact” cards needed are basically all cards that aren’t a dead draw. Dunno if you noticed, but since hearthstone started the cards have evolved to always either having a battlecry or deathrattle or some other condition on them. That just wasn’t the case before. THATS what really makes a difference
"Blizzard's core values are reaching a wider audience and making lots of money" says the guy who hates hearthstone but plays it anyway because always #1 twitch hearthstone streamer OMEGALUL
After trying arena for a while and retiring 5 decks in 1 hour, I figured out what the problem with arena is. Control is out. If you want more than 0 wins you need to go zoo+draw - this way you replenish your board even after lucky board clear. Case and point: went 7 wins with Pally zoo
Chuga chuga chuga
Gabriel Calado TryHard
Gabriel Calado mih
"It's like getting struck with lightning. But where I live, there's a lightning storm inside my house" lmao
The ominous piano just makes it 100x better.
More like monotonous piano
isnt it a piano version of radiohead‘s creep? 😅
Fact: Every year, about 1500 kripps are mistaken for salt bags in normal supermarkets
Hey guys, I finally deinstalled Hearthstone and watch Kripp being salty instead.
Life is so much better now.
"Arena's actually very consistent right now."
- Kripp just 2 parts ago
He never said in this video arena sucks, he said its bullshit to lose because of stupide RNG... And its accurate in both Arena & Ladder
But it's not bullshit to win, eh? I haven't watched Kripp in like three years (I used to, he's a good player, but oh god, the hypocrisy) and I can't believe he's still the same, to the same degree even. gets topdeck - a suppressed smirk and "planned it" atmosphere and a noticeable lift in his mood. Opponent gets topdeck - never lucky, depression, frustration. I mean, he kinda half-jests, but not fully, he is actually that kind of person. That's what completely stuns me whenever I encounter a video about him.
same here, havent watched him in over a year and im suprised he is still forcing himself to play that game. he obviously hates it
is the way to be
lol he predicted the Diablo 3 Mobile game. 10:05
I miss Salterino playing arena.
2023 who's here to remember the good times?
holy shit that first clip is so fucking lucky not gunna lie
GeX223 yeah true but still super unlucky
This channel is so underatted
Triggered kid
I ain't talkin' !!
An upload from both you and Salt Chronicles in one day? Fantastic, let's double up the salt!
“But where I live it’s a fucking lightening storm inside my house 24/7” 😂😂😂
I love how everyone has come to accept and love his salt
Laughed my ass off at krip saying chuga chuga
loved the twitch chat snippets, you should do more
WhySoShinee yeah I've never seen his chat, it's hilarious to watch them all give him shit.
Fun fact: Kipp is currently responsible for 1/3 of the world's production of salt in 2018
mobile diablo game - kripp knew this shit was coming ;-) DONT YOU GUYS HAAAS PHONEZ???
>Be me
>At dinner table
>Someone asks me, "Need me to pass the salt?"
>(subtle smirk on my face) I reply, "I'm ok."
Limbless Kripp at 4:10 is the scariest shit I've seen this decade.
Father: Why are you crying so fucking loud?
Me: (watching this)
Begging for rng, skillstone at its finest.
Love your way of editing :D
Needed a good laugh. To bring in 2025 😆
Thx for piano and all the love in making this video. Otherwise I coudn't stand this wining shitting on everybody man
OOOOH YEAH, the salt is back.
I was begning to feel hypertonic.
☑ “This guy's deck is CRAZY!” ☑ “My deck can't win against a deck like that” ☑ "He NEEDED precisely those two cards to win" ☑ “He topdecked the only card that could beat me” ☑ "He had the perfect cards" ☑ “There was nothing I could do” ☑ “I played that perfectly"
And his face was like rofl, looked as if he's about to cry!! " Kripp.exe stopped working"
Man, never gets old watching this inflated ego lose and go full salt.
When his opponent wins its all luck, when he wins its all skill. lololol
One of your best video's so far :) hope you get 5000 subs. I want that bonus video!
Salt is good. "Struck by lightning" LOL.
9:58 he predicted it!!!!!
4:45 Kripp looks like a stretched psp game without antialiasing.
Reminds me of Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops haha
I think my blood pressure just went up from all that salt
We reeeeeaaaaaaalllllyyyyy don't need to see twitch chat. We all can imagine it with great accuracy.
Cry me a timberlake.. Finally a Kripp salts channel.
Glitch Bomb salt chronicles
perfect salty music choice
The “exact” cards needed are basically all cards that aren’t a dead draw. Dunno if you noticed, but since hearthstone started the cards have evolved to always either having a battlecry or deathrattle or some other condition on them. That just wasn’t the case before. THATS what really makes a difference
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Kripp got 0-3
Hes got no clue
that sad music playing in the back is fucking with me i cant stop laughing
The salt is enough to let Kripp buys a house with a giant drive way. Salt's worth it.
back in the middle ages salt was a very valuable ressource, kripp taps into that ;-)
That chat was brutal! Hahaha
I watched this live and this doesn't even show how hilarious he really got wrecked
that sad piano music totally sold it for me.
kripp was right, d3 ended up being a mobile game
i nearly sharted when he lost the last game.. laughed so hard.
I found it! An American version of Papich! Fascinating.
"Blizzard's core values are reaching a wider audience and making lots of money" says the guy who hates hearthstone but plays it anyway because always #1 twitch hearthstone streamer OMEGALUL
How could he not be embarrassed for acting like that in front of thousands of people?
Embrace the shadow into hero power was definitely the only fitting way to end this
Lmao Dexter's randomass barks
Opponent Plays "Embrace the Shadows"
Opponent Heals you for 2 Health.
Opponent has Defeated Kripp.
love the constant videos lately ;)
oh this is what happen 2me when i started playing for FIRST TIME this game. im no playing anymore for sure xD
this is some next level salt
So Kripp's game against that Priest is just my every game vs priest
Man love watching this😂
watching kripp play makes me depressed, lol
3:50 is this Brolylegs? How does he control the mouse!?
This is what you get for cheating in wow battlegrounds Kripp
Those Twich Chat comments really help rub it in.
After trying arena for a while and retiring 5 decks in 1 hour, I figured out what the problem with arena is. Control is out.
If you want more than 0 wins you need to go zoo+draw - this way you replenish your board even after lucky board clear.
Case and point: went 7 wins with Pally zoo
kripp.exe stopped working got me
The DSP of card games.
Brilliant as always 👌🏼
kripps gonna hate constructed with a capital hatured
ay its not just the clip u actually edited it nice
This was magical
top 10 anime: saddest deaths
This made me feel salt
''I just had nothing'' ...yeah especially skill.
with your permission may i open a little salt mines here?
Maybe he wouldn’t think his opponents were so lucky if he played around basic and common cards instead of expecting them not to have it
I need that salt clip
I get so far... and {really good answer #9} shits on my face.
hes hilarious af
lol the bgm is great
Yeahh..... sure.... lets just call it RNG 🤣🤣🤣
0:08 LMAO
The struggle was real😣
How people are so happy when he loose lol
Okay, honestly though I'd be fuckin pissed too.
8:20 that wasn't even a punish that was his normal draw that turn xD He didn't even need the draw off of the attack
Is the occurrence of abyssal enforcer back to normal? Just drafted 3
made my day!
A few days ago he lost six times in a row and started beating his dog. Was kinda nuts.
Getting this mad over casual arena OMEGALUL sb
Arena specialist LUL
Eli lul normie lul
Animal Chin "normie" Holy fuck get a life stupid teenager
Erick Dos Passos Nascimento lul normie lul
He top-decked an answer... Oh look it happened again...and again
im literally losing to drolling noobs
Karma for bming against that aggro paladin lol.
People still rage in RNGstone? LUL
Yeah! Like number 4, but unlike Kripp, my ass is not soar lol RiP run
peanut brain
Is this the Phil Hellmuth of HS?
dont worry ,happens to me every time too, you cant do nothing, just play what you can and the game played itself as you told
well to be fair that was depressive to watch, i'd be salty too
What is the full video for the chuga chuga clip