hahah the thing whit absoltuon is that it kinda works on different npc like Shiva and his bodyguard but for example Andre of Astora dont respawn even thought you make an absolution
The creepiest thing about him is that he's completely respectable, that is until _after_ he starts talking about confession. Then it seems obvious that he's holding back laughter perhaps at confession itself, or because he's laughing at you. He's my favorite, right after Filthy Man fro Demon's Souls. They both have a subtle darkness to them in subtext.
Gwyndolin and Velka have cross-aligned equipments. The darkmoon catalyst uses Faith, and the Velka Talisman uses Int. Velka could very well be the wife of gwyn, who sinned by conceiving a half-breed such as Priscilla.
+Shabsta TM of course. Gwyndolin wants to steal Velka's job as a deity and for this reason he casts everything related to her in Ariamis. He's probably scared of her.
I was a darkmoon blade for a long time, I would have loved to have others hunting me down for my actions, I took it as a job, was respectful, and brutal to those who attacked without a bow :D Good times, this game always bring me deep into it, wish there was more of an online presence these days
The dialogue may implies that by gettin pardon you will not be invaded anymore, therefore not be killed and keep your humanity. As a sinnar is invaded by the moon blade that only kills sinners/indicteds
RE: Oswald's reference to humanity: I think it is highly unlikely that sins would have prevented the player from restoring Humanity (after all, that would make invasions pointless). I think he just means that if you don't have your sins absolved, then your name will remain in the Book of the Guilty, and you'll be more likely to lose your humanity to Darkmoons.
Might I point out that Valka's Rapier's heavy attack slices a "V" shape? Maybe as in Velka? And what if Velka and Gwyndolen where a couple or something? Lovers, perhaps? And the Darkmoon was their combined idea?
One-handed: V Two-handed: upside-down V Put 'em together: XX Reference to female chromosomes (Priscilla), Tarot 20 (Judgment), to Double-Crossing and the diamond in the negative space represents dragons.
I think Oswalds line regarding humanity is trying to imply that, confessing your sins to him, aka absolving, would prevent you being invaded and killed by a darkmoon, and therefore preserving your humanity.
Thanks for this video, it has given me a better insight into Velka! God this game is so good, still got me hooked, still got me intrigued! Dark Souls is a work of frickin' art!
I would hesitate to assume Velka sides with the chosen undead. Isn't it more likely since you're 'not the first' that her crow simply delivers any undead to fire link shrine that is deemed strong enough to try for the bells? Also, Oswald is probably both ally and spy, keeping an eye so that Velka may judge you for good or ill? I would guess she is far more likely neutral than in alliance with any force in the game.
That is possible! It would explain why there's so many of them. Or it could imply that the dragon 'corpses' had some influence on events down in Lost Izalith. Perhaps they thought keeping them in a sea of lava would stop them from re-animating, but that seems unlikely, as the lava seems to have flooded Lost Izalith in an unintentional manner, in the same way those 'roots' from the Bed of Chaos have overgrown through the area.
I do not know too much about Dark Souls lore but the one thing the has interested me most its the citizens and ethos of Carim. Seems to me the stances and greeting strike me as what hold mankind together in bond that is law and order. Remember the words "No king is above law" maybe Velka sees Gwyn as a lord and not above the law. By imposing law you are the hands of rule and even gods must submit to law (Dark Soul possibly). Look at the citizens, Oswald the justice his even hands displayed and Lautrec he who hides his hands or shows the back of them on his armour. The law does indeed move in a manner of ways and all shall be judged including yourself. Law is what brings darkness and light to heal.
A curious thing to note about Velka and Gwyndolin is that both have a casting tool which's strength relies on the opposite stat. Gwyndolin has the Darkmoon Catalyst, a casting tool for sorcery that scales with Faith, and Velka has the Velka's Talisman, a casting tool for miracles that scales with Int. Opposites, but that follow the same direction.
I think i saw a video where someone mentioned that he called himself darksun bedcause the moon reflects the suns light and that's why we see it. so darksun is basically the moon. not sure though
It is known that that everything that the gods feared was locked in the painted world and Velka was considered a "rogue deity", she hunted sinners both man and god alike, thus all of her "tools" were forever sealed in the painted world, maybe including her followers, and also Priscilla and with her life hunt abilities. And Oswald was talking about preserving your humanity because if you sinned you would be hunted and killed by the darkmoon covenant, thus losing your humanity.
And it seems that the Crow Demons in the Painted World (followers of Velka) were twisted by their own beliefs into these... harpy abominations that we see. That's what faith'll do to you in Dark Souls!
DraigoDragon Good thing I went all Magic and good thing there's always been an interest in the occult in my family, and a form of rejected-acceptance of religion, I guess.
Silver Mont Well, thanks to Dark Souls 2 now I'm unsure if it's another race, or if they are twisted followers of Velka. As far as I'm aware Ornifex doesn't seem that interested in Velka.
AW MAN!!!! You didn't touch on the big topic!! See theres a really cool theory that the painted world is where the Gods have locked away everything that is a threat to them. Hence the occult ember and Pricilla. So surely it stands to good reason that all of Velka's followers (the crow like people) and a pardoner where locked away in the painted world in order to stop the Gods being punished for their sins. Maybe Gwyn was hoping to protect seath?
I know about that theory, for sure! But other people have covered it far better than I could (such as EpicNameBro) so I didn't think I'd need to mention it much, and instead presented some alternate stuff.
I personally think it's of interest looking at the carim poses. Oswald stands high and mighty as if all is his. Chester leans back calm yet sinister. And laurtrec is usually found sitting down as if he has lost everything, gripping on to his sanity. If you look at them in this order you may be able to see the symbolization of going hollow, you are powerful at first, begin to lose sanity and stop caring about others, then finally losing hope and just using everyone for your gain. Then there is going hollow which may or may not be in the game. This is my first theory and I think I did well!
Also paying Souls to absolve sins, that's like back in the Middle Ages where they would make people pay Indulgences to wipe away sin, perhaps this symbolizes some form of corruption on Oswald's part?
Carmilla's Faithful Servant Well, I suppose the difference is that in reality, giving money to priests or whatever, didn't actually absolve you of your crimes (most likely) whereas Oswald CAN remove your sin. It is a bit suspicious though, I agree.
Perhaps it's just me, but I don't see it as corruption. Rather, I see it as you paying penance. In order to absolve yourself in the game and cleanse your soul, you have to go out and risk your life and kill all sorts of dangerous things. It reminds me of Genisis 3:19, "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food"
I think Darkmoon is the name of the powers Gwyndolin controls, such as Darkmoon Blade, which he/she teaches us, whilst Dark Sun is a kind of "nickname", which I think he refers to the fact of being the darkest member of the family. I also believe that the crow is Velka, sending us to punish the one who commited the First Sin.
if nobody minds, here's an item description to think about. "It is often the sinful who seek piety, spurred only by a selfish desire for salvation" -Archdrake Mace. just some sinful things I found and wanted to share here
It's also a fact that Oswald is fairly nice and friendly to you, as we comments on how he's happy about your humanity being sound :D The other npcs don't sound as happy as him, even if they do comment.
That is quite interesting! Are there any other bosses who count as sins, if you kill them? If it's exclusive to Priscilla I could somewhat understand that - she doesn't attack you even when you enter her room, and you are always the one to strike first. Very interesting.
I wasn't sure about the man serpents as we have so little information regarding them. I tend to think of them as just lizardmen, a race apart and quite common in fantasy. Good point about the C'thuluheads though. Those were once maidens of Gwynevere, warped into... whatever the hell they are now. Come to think of it, they are vaguely Seath-ish with all those tentacles. I don't think I want to keep thinking about this right now. Too many gross implications.
When listening to you talking about the 'dark sun' it occurred to me that the dark sign looks like an eclipsed sun... Could that be what she is referring to?
That is my character I've been playing since October 2011 when the game came out. Whenever I need specific items/armour for a video, I tend to just use him. Doing PvP at high levels gets you insane amounts of souls. Most of the time with this character, I stick him in the burg and either host fight clubs and PvP. He's on like... NG7 or something
To your funfact I also was cursed only once in my entirety of playing more than 200 hours of DS too. Also thank you for your Lore video now I know which NPC for example I missed in my Let's Play.
I've always thought that Gwyndolin calls himself the Dark Sun out of either jealousy of his siblings, or love of his father (As most of his actions are committed in this obsession.). So, he calls himself Dark Sun, but is the Darkmoon, The Child of the Moon, who slays the evil Dark Ones, or the Dark Wraiths, the ultimate Sinners, atleast lore wise. It also makes sense to me that way, as Velka is the Raven Goddess, and Dark Wraiths themselves wear Raven Feathers on each piece of their armor.
I always figured that Velka's covenant was originally going to be the one that invades sinners, but when it got cut it was just handed off to another covenant, and the Darkmoon Blades does seem to make the most sense and they really don't have much else going for them.
regarding the sinning and hollowing thing, I think that's a reference to the curse, which prevents you from regaining your humanity. Oswald sells purging stones to cure the curse, but perhaps he would be less willing to sell them to a sinner.
I heard that Velka was originally going to have her own Covenant hunting down the Darkmoon Covenant members as I guess both Velka and Dark Sun Gwyndolin hate each other, well so mentioned the short page they have about her in the Dark Souls wiki darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/Velka
i'd wager those zombie dragons in Izalith were dragons that fell from the skies after the lightning bolts of Gwyn and knights fill the skies. im assuming Izalith isn't filled with lava at this point since the Witch is setting the Archtrees on fire. (whatever the connection between the archtrees and the dragons is beyond me, help here?)
Haha, yeah that's on my like... NG+6 level 500 character. I kinda cheat and use him for cosplay 'cos it saves me making a new character (also saves on character slots!0
Personally I think Velka is the Darkmoon, but she has fled Lordran after betraying the other gods. Note: One of Velka's miracles Karmic Justice says that it is she who metes out the punishment. Both Miracles that are Velka's, the other being Vow of Silence, are illustrated with an image of a darkened moon. All of Velka's items not sold by the Oswald are found in the Painted Word, which is a prison, with the Dark Ember and Pricilla.
Well the same statue of a mother and child can be found at both The Sunlight Alter and in the catacombs where the Darkmoon Seance ring is located. So, Lore wise I'm going with: Gwyndolin, good with sorceries, was raise as a daughter to be heir to Velka, who is not around as she betrayed the gods and ran off when that didn't work out.
When I was a newcommer a couple years ago and I first saw Oswald after slaying the gargoyles and ringing the bell, after ALL I had seen so far, the last fucking thing I needed was a pale oddly stanced individual at the bottom of the ladder, I was nervous as shit. I assume he's supposed to be welcoming but that posture doesn't look safe at all.
Gwyndolin and Velka have an important differance you seem to have overlooked; The former is clearly only interested in upholding the will of the gods, whilst the latter, if her relation to the crow is to be belived, seems more intent on punishing even the other gods themselves, through the player. Perhaps the crow demons in the painted world originally carried out the players work, before a conflict of interest with the other gods made Gwyndolin imprison them all. Consider Pricilla. She is easily one of the more innocent and sin-less NPCs in the game, but from the gods point of veiw, she is an abomination. Gwyndolin upholds law, and Velka upholds morality; Two seemingly similar, but actually quite differant objectives.
2 things i been thinking about,1 what are the chances that the painted world is actually Carim,i have no proof to back it up. and also what if Oswald was the reason Lautrec is locked up? i think its a little bit more then a coincidence that they both just happen to be there. just my thoughts
Here's something I always thought was interesting: dragon invaders can be indicted even though they were summoned similar to the red sign soapstone, implying that gwyndolin dislikes the dragons in some respect. Gwyndolin also guards the sunlight blade miracle, and the ring of the sun's firstborn, things useful for hunting dragons.
I think that Oswald speaks of the humanity that makes us as people humans. I don't think it was intended to be from a gameplay perspective, such as reversing the hollowing of your character.
I don't know about you, but I like Oswald. Yes he has that voice, but I find it humorous. And he generally does seem pretty nice. From a role-playing character standpoint, I always like to think that my Character becomes friends with Oswald. Same with other NPCs like Siegmeyer & Andre etc etc
Regarding the title of Dark Sun and the Darkmoon Covenant, I would assume the Darkmoon Covenant is named as such because the moon reflects the light of the sun, so what Darkmoon means is that you're subordinate to the "Dark Sun" Gwyndolin.
He only refers to himself as the Dark Sun according to his dialogues, while he calls the player 'Disciple of the Dark Sun' or 'Blade of the Darkmoon'. Another interesting thing is when you join the covenant, he will say 'Hunteth the enemies of the Lords, by the power of the Dark Sun'. So maybe Darkmoon is symbolic as the individuals granted the power of the Dark Sun as well.
Hey Alex! One thought on Oswald, I found my self speaking with the Crestfallen Warrior in the shrine and received a very interesting dialog that I never had before. He refers to the sight of a man transported by the raven which had me wonder who it could have been. Oswald came to my mind fairly quickly, it would explain the peculiar doll location, maybe he was trying to hide it. Any thoughts?
+pietrobarca Fair points! I think it was probably just a gameplay hint - letting us know that we can use the bird to zoom back to the Asylum. But it could've been someone like Oswald, too!
and the flame hasn't faded while the war with the dragons waged on. I'm betting the dragon corpses reanimated when the Witch used her soul piece to create an artificial flame and became the bed of chaos which reanimated the corpses as well as releases demons into izalith which causes it's destruction and the deformities of the witches children....*shrugs* I love discussing this game!
always wondered, why does no one talk about Quelana, one of the daughters of chaos and NOT demonized, you find her down in blighttown, i assume after you buy all the pyromancey from the guy at fire link, at least thats when she appeared to me. Shes literally a witch of izalith, not hollow, not a demon, AND DEFINITELY not human. she refers to her sisters and shes suprised you can see her when you meet her also, she refers to the pryomancer master as her student, meaning, shes far stronger in pyromancey than anyone.
Silver Mont guess i have to look harder lol, I consider her cool considering the fact shes basically an unhollow demigod who just hangs out near her sisters and brother
And yet, despite all of her power, she's carrying so much guilt. She doesn't see herself as a fiery demigoddess. In her guilt-ridden mind, she's just a coward who abandoned her family to burn in the flames of Chaos.
I have great respect for Oswald he is one dangerous bro he can parry you and if you get riposted it hurts so bad ng+ 2 I died like 3 times to it and I though karmic justice boosted ripostes back then but its just super strong
vader1361 As ***** said, it insta-kills you and cuts your max HP until you cure it. In Dark Souls II it works a little different, as cursing/petrification are two different things there.
I know this is off topic. When people think about time being convoluted, alot of the time time they seem to assume that the NPC's are older than the player, but if you look at it as the player is the oldest human in the game and has completed the chosen undead's mission way before anyone else made it to lordran, then it makes more sense explaining how everyone else makes it to there destinations before you, and the reason solaire cannot find his sun.
The painted world was created to banish things the gods feared if im not mistaken. the rapier does deal occult damage and 1 pardoner may have been banished. gwindolyn may have taken over velkas domain and the giant raven may be velka or a creature under velkas control to take a chosen undead to kill the gods for their sins against her.
I don't know if anyone else has said this, but here's an idea on how Oswald knew about Petrus, and his sins. Oswald is the pardoner, so what if Petrus confessed to him after trying to off his three companions? A bit anticlimactic, but it would make sense. If you kill Petrus before he attacks you, it counts towards your sin marker, even if it's after he returns from his ill fated trip. That would sort of imply that he's innocent himself, even though he killed two of the three clerics. So perhaps on his way back to the firelink shrine, he visited Oswald for an absolution and cleared his sins?
i totally didn't go through all the comments to see if someone else has said anything about this, but another man/animal hybrid in the game that i can think of is the man-serpent creatures from sen's fortress and the duke's archives. don't know what kind of connection they have to some sorta deity in the game but i think they're possibly guards made by seathe to kinda protect/survey lands for him. just my thoughts tho.
> the more you sin the more you hollow and stuff not really, he was just telling that if you desire to preserve your humanity it's a good idea to use his services, as the best way to get humanity is to sin by invading others, taking other's humanity, etc, especially for the Carim guys.
hey but don't forget, doesn't Oswald sell bite rings? that's interesting, perhaps Carim is tied to Velka and Earl Arstor created the rings to protect selected Pardoners?
He sells the Bloodbite and Poisonbite, if I remember correctly! I hadn't ever really made a connection between them before... he offers his wares indiscriminately, which I find interesting. I wonder if he has other items that he would sell to those he believes more devout? Purely from a gameplay perspective, it would be cool if he sold you something extra or had different dialogue if you had picked a dubious Carim as your character.
When you were talking about the crow people, you mention what other half animal people there were. I thought of the snake people in sens and dukes. Were they made in a similar way perhaps?
Alex I have a theory about the dragons, Gwen and his knights slain the dragons. Gwen claimed the heads as trophies but what about the body's I think Gwen and and the witches of islilith had an arrangement to dispose the carcasses in list islilith
so far as i am aware, this is unique to priscilla, except for gwyndolin, for obvious reasons. the thing is that if my earlier definition of a sin, an "affront to the god", is correct then that leaves a whole lot of questions. priscilla is in and of herself, an affront to the gods. this is pretty obvious from most of her lore. so then, why would killing someone that is in fact an affront to the gods, count as an affront as well?
Basic greeting in Carim: "Greetings friend. *Creepy Laugh*"
Oswald: "Do you find it quizzable when I say the name..... Biggus..... Dickus?"
Nicholas Serrano I think you have been watching too much of The Life of Brian.
vader1361 whaaaaaat noooooooooo of coursee noott
Nicholas Serrano i loved that movie, it's ok bro.
vader1361 oh thank brian...... finally a fan
He has a wife, you know.....
"Pls gimme souls now"
I killed Oswald but I'll just go to the npc that lets you request absolu... Oh, wait, he was that npc.
the thing whit absoltuon
is that it kinda works on different npc
like Shiva and his bodyguard
but for example Andre of Astora dont respawn even thought you make an absolution
NPC's don't respawn pretty sure.
The creepiest thing about him is that he's completely respectable, that is until _after_ he starts talking about confession. Then it seems obvious that he's holding back laughter perhaps at confession itself, or because he's laughing at you.
He's my favorite, right after Filthy Man fro Demon's Souls. They both have a subtle darkness to them in subtext.
Gwyndolin and Velka have cross-aligned equipments.
The darkmoon catalyst uses Faith, and the Velka Talisman uses Int. Velka could very well be the wife of gwyn, who sinned by conceiving a half-breed such as Priscilla.
Except gwyndolin is gay
@@espadamt8839 nah he’s just raised a woman
@@UltimateCatSalad hence gay
the gesture may be called "well what is it"... but everyone knows it really means "come at me bro"
"Does he believe that now we've rung the bell, we'll have need of his services?"
Diks_Swiggy Oswald thought we were summoning him, poor guy.
Apparently the cut content of Velka's covenant involved hunting down Blades of the Darkmoon.
the hunters being hunted
That would be sick
+Shabsta TM of course. Gwyndolin wants to steal Velka's job as a deity and for this reason he casts everything related to her in Ariamis. He's probably scared of her.
I was a darkmoon blade for a long time, I would have loved to have others hunting me down for my actions, I took it as a job, was respectful, and brutal to those who attacked without a bow :D
Good times, this game always bring me deep into it, wish there was more of an online presence these days
Sounds like a sort of caponist removal campaign.
I beat Oswald to death as soon as I saw him, I thought he was one of those Undead Clerics with the staff that ambushed me when I got down the ladder
i did the exact same thing why did they put him there posing like that wearing all black after being hopped up on first time bell gargoyle adrenaline
The dialogue may implies that by gettin pardon you will not be invaded anymore, therefore not be killed and keep your humanity. As a sinnar is invaded by the moon blade that only kills sinners/indicteds
Basically this ^
Confess and be invaded no more, so thout shall keepeth thine humanity! :b
these souls videos have stood the test of time, you should be proud of your contribution
I would have to disagree! That's why I've felt the need to remake them in better quality
RE: Oswald's reference to humanity:
I think it is highly unlikely that sins would have prevented the player from restoring Humanity (after all, that would make invasions pointless). I think he just means that if you don't have your sins absolved, then your name will remain in the Book of the Guilty, and you'll be more likely to lose your humanity to Darkmoons.
A rare lore. I dont think theres a lot info on You tube about this NPC. Thank you!!
You were never cursed?
When I blind ran Dark Souls first thing I did in the Depths was fall down a pit and landing in a room full of Basilisks
I got lucky!
Might I point out that Valka's Rapier's heavy attack slices a "V" shape? Maybe as in Velka?
And what if Velka and Gwyndolen where a couple or something? Lovers, perhaps? And the Darkmoon was their combined idea?
Huh, I never noticed the V shape thing.
That could fit into the two bells in ds2
One-handed: V
Two-handed: upside-down V
Put 'em together: XX
Reference to female chromosomes (Priscilla), Tarot 20 (Judgment), to Double-Crossing and the diamond in the negative space represents dragons.
I think Oswalds line regarding humanity is trying to imply that, confessing your sins to him, aka absolving, would prevent you being invaded and killed by a darkmoon, and therefore preserving your humanity.
Thanks for this video, it has given me a better insight into Velka! God this game is so good, still got me hooked, still got me intrigued! Dark Souls is a work of frickin' art!
I would hesitate to assume Velka sides with the chosen undead. Isn't it more likely since you're 'not the first' that her crow simply delivers any undead to fire link shrine that is deemed strong enough to try for the bells? Also, Oswald is probably both ally and spy, keeping an eye so that Velka may judge you for good or ill? I would guess she is far more likely neutral than in alliance with any force in the game.
As soon as you said "book of guilty", I died and the loading screen showed said item 0_0
Pssst I think.....Silver Mont is secretly controlling Dark Souls universe.....Because the same happened to me.
That is possible! It would explain why there's so many of them. Or it could imply that the dragon 'corpses' had some influence on events down in Lost Izalith. Perhaps they thought keeping them in a sea of lava would stop them from re-animating, but that seems unlikely, as the lava seems to have flooded Lost Izalith in an unintentional manner, in the same way those 'roots' from the Bed of Chaos have overgrown through the area.
I do not know too much about Dark Souls lore but the one thing the has interested me most its the citizens and ethos of Carim.
Seems to me the stances and greeting strike me as what hold mankind together in bond that is law and order. Remember the words "No king is above law" maybe Velka sees Gwyn as a lord and not above the law. By imposing law you are the hands of rule and even gods must submit to law (Dark Soul possibly).
Look at the citizens, Oswald the justice his even hands displayed and Lautrec he who hides his hands or shows the back of them on his armour. The law does indeed move in a manner of ways and all shall be judged including yourself. Law is what brings darkness and light to heal.
prehaps Velka was helping us all along to further us to punish gwyn for committing the ultimate and first sin
is that related to Dark Souls II?
A curious thing to note about Velka and Gwyndolin is that both have a casting tool which's strength relies on the opposite stat. Gwyndolin has the Darkmoon Catalyst, a casting tool for sorcery that scales with Faith, and Velka has the Velka's Talisman, a casting tool for miracles that scales with Int.
Opposites, but that follow the same direction.
I think i saw a video where someone mentioned that he called himself darksun bedcause the moon reflects the suns light and that's why we see it. so darksun is basically the moon. not sure though
It is known that that everything that the gods feared was locked in the painted world and Velka was considered a "rogue deity", she hunted sinners both man and god alike, thus all of her "tools" were forever sealed in the painted world, maybe including her followers, and also Priscilla and with her life hunt abilities. And Oswald was talking about preserving your humanity because if you sinned you would be hunted and killed by the darkmoon covenant, thus losing your humanity.
And it seems that the Crow Demons in the Painted World (followers of Velka) were twisted by their own beliefs into these... harpy abominations that we see. That's what faith'll do to you in Dark Souls!
Silver Mont that's pretty much reality in a nut shell
Faith starter of wars killer of the unbelievers XD
Good thing I went all Magic and good thing there's always been an interest in the occult in my family, and a form of rejected-acceptance of religion, I guess.
Silver Mont
Well, thanks to Dark Souls 2 now I'm unsure if it's another race, or if they are twisted followers of Velka. As far as I'm aware Ornifex doesn't seem that interested in Velka.
AW MAN!!!! You didn't touch on the big topic!! See theres a really cool theory that the painted world is where the Gods have locked away everything that is a threat to them. Hence the occult ember and Pricilla. So surely it stands to good reason that all of Velka's followers (the crow like people) and a pardoner where locked away in the painted world in order to stop the Gods being punished for their sins. Maybe Gwyn was hoping to protect seath?
I know about that theory, for sure! But other people have covered it far better than I could (such as EpicNameBro) so I didn't think I'd need to mention it much, and instead presented some alternate stuff.
Thats fair enough man! It makes sense to me.
I personally think it's of interest looking at the carim poses. Oswald stands high and mighty as if all is his. Chester leans back calm yet sinister. And laurtrec is usually found sitting down as if he has lost everything, gripping on to his sanity. If you look at them in this order you may be able to see the symbolization of going hollow, you are powerful at first, begin to lose sanity and stop caring about others, then finally losing hope and just using everyone for your gain. Then there is going hollow which may or may not be in the game. This is my first theory and I think I did well!
The power of Velka compels you!
Also paying Souls to absolve sins, that's like back in the Middle Ages where they would make people pay Indulgences to wipe away sin, perhaps this symbolizes some form of corruption on Oswald's part?
Carmilla's Faithful Servant Well, I suppose the difference is that in reality, giving money to priests or whatever, didn't actually absolve you of your crimes (most likely) whereas Oswald CAN remove your sin. It is a bit suspicious though, I agree.
Perhaps it's just me, but I don't see it as corruption. Rather, I see it as you paying penance. In order to absolve yourself in the game and cleanse your soul, you have to go out and risk your life and kill all sorts of dangerous things. It reminds me of Genisis 3:19, "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food"
I've always drawn parallels between Oswald, and The Pardoner from "The Canterbury Tales".
I think Darkmoon is the name of the powers Gwyndolin controls, such as Darkmoon Blade, which he/she teaches us, whilst Dark Sun is a kind of "nickname", which I think he refers to the fact of being the darkest member of the family. I also believe that the crow is Velka, sending us to punish the one who commited the First Sin.
if nobody minds, here's an item description to think about. "It is often the sinful who seek piety, spurred only by a selfish desire for salvation" -Archdrake Mace.
just some sinful things I found and wanted to share here
It's also a fact that Oswald is fairly nice and friendly to you, as we comments on how he's happy about your humanity being sound :D The other npcs don't sound as happy as him, even if they do comment.
I always found Oswald to be rather condescending, in his own way.
I just started the remaster and I can’t be the only one who thought he was an enemy and killed him by accident
That is quite interesting! Are there any other bosses who count as sins, if you kill them? If it's exclusive to Priscilla I could somewhat understand that - she doesn't attack you even when you enter her room, and you are always the one to strike first. Very interesting.
Gwyndolin being called the dark sun and the covenant being called darkmoon isn't really important. Remember he uses moonlight magic.
I wasn't sure about the man serpents as we have so little information regarding them. I tend to think of them as just lizardmen, a race apart and quite common in fantasy. Good point about the C'thuluheads though. Those were once maidens of Gwynevere, warped into... whatever the hell they are now. Come to think of it, they are vaguely Seath-ish with all those tentacles. I don't think I want to keep thinking about this right now. Too many gross implications.
When listening to you talking about the 'dark sun' it occurred to me that the dark sign looks like an eclipsed sun... Could that be what she is referring to?
That is my character I've been playing since October 2011 when the game came out. Whenever I need specific items/armour for a video, I tend to just use him.
Doing PvP at high levels gets you insane amounts of souls. Most of the time with this character, I stick him in the burg and either host fight clubs and PvP. He's on like... NG7 or something
And I love making them!
To your funfact I also was cursed only once in my entirety of playing more than 200 hours of DS too. Also thank you for your Lore video now I know which NPC for example I missed in my Let's Play.
I've always thought that Gwyndolin calls himself the Dark Sun out of either jealousy of his siblings, or love of his father (As most of his actions are committed in this obsession.). So, he calls himself Dark Sun, but is the Darkmoon, The Child of the Moon, who slays the evil Dark Ones, or the Dark Wraiths, the ultimate Sinners, atleast lore wise. It also makes sense to me that way, as Velka is the Raven Goddess, and Dark Wraiths themselves wear Raven Feathers on each piece of their armor.
Oswald is awesome
He is!
Silver Mont chester is too (somewhat)
i killed him
Justyn Quesenberry i also killed chester
I always figured that Velka's covenant was originally going to be the one that invades sinners, but when it got cut it was just handed off to another covenant, and the Darkmoon Blades does seem to make the most sense and they really don't have much else going for them.
Yeah, for some reason they made Darkmoon Blades take over the duties of Velka's covenant, for some reason.
Make Miyazaki a Lord. Then he can link the fire and we can bloody well explore other lands!
regarding the sinning and hollowing thing, I think that's a reference to the curse, which prevents you from regaining your humanity. Oswald sells purging stones to cure the curse, but perhaps he would be less willing to sell them to a sinner.
***** Well, he's there to let you repent of your sins... for a price.
I heard that Velka was originally going to have her own Covenant hunting down the Darkmoon Covenant members as I guess both Velka and Dark Sun Gwyndolin hate each other, well so mentioned the short page they have about her in the Dark Souls wiki
i'd wager those zombie dragons in Izalith were dragons that fell from the skies after the lightning bolts of Gwyn and knights fill the skies. im assuming Izalith isn't filled with lava at this point since the Witch is setting the Archtrees on fire. (whatever the connection between the archtrees and the dragons is beyond me, help here?)
Your Oswald RP is pretty beefy! And he looks like a total badass
Haha, yeah that's on my like... NG+6 level 500 character. I kinda cheat and use him for cosplay 'cos it saves me making a new character (also saves on character slots!0
Personally I think Velka is the Darkmoon, but she has fled Lordran after betraying the other gods.
Note: One of Velka's miracles Karmic Justice says that it is she who metes out the punishment.
Both Miracles that are Velka's, the other being Vow of Silence, are illustrated with an image of a darkened moon.
All of Velka's items not sold by the Oswald are found in the Painted Word, which is a prison, with the Dark Ember and Pricilla.
NyJoanzy It does seem odd that originally the "Darkmoon" style covenant was apparently going to be Velka's. I wonder why they ended up changing that?
Well the same statue of a mother and child can be found at both The Sunlight Alter and in the catacombs where the Darkmoon Seance ring is located.
So, Lore wise I'm going with:
Gwyndolin, good with sorceries, was raise as a daughter to be heir to Velka, who is not around as she betrayed the gods and ran off when that didn't work out.
what would happen if you took velkas rapier, dropped it in front of oswald, and reloaded your save?
When I was a newcommer a couple years ago and I first saw Oswald after slaying the gargoyles and ringing the bell, after ALL I had seen so far, the last fucking thing I needed was a pale oddly stanced individual at the bottom of the ladder, I was nervous as shit. I assume he's supposed to be welcoming but that posture doesn't look safe at all.
Arms open, no weapons - what's so threatening about that!
do xanthous king jaramiah lore. hes an interesting character
Gwyndolin and Velka have an important differance you seem to have overlooked; The former is clearly only interested in upholding the will of the gods, whilst the latter, if her relation to the crow is to be belived, seems more intent on punishing even the other gods themselves, through the player. Perhaps the crow demons in the painted world originally carried out the players work, before a conflict of interest with the other gods made Gwyndolin imprison them all. Consider Pricilla. She is easily one of the more innocent and sin-less NPCs in the game, but from the gods point of veiw, she is an abomination. Gwyndolin upholds law, and Velka upholds morality; Two seemingly similar, but actually quite differant objectives.
I miss that rapier... not even in dark souls 3.
This guy is the magistrate from Bravehart. The "he is your king" guy.
+IAmProof ThatGreatnessCanBeEncapsulatedInOneFormWhichIndeedTakesTheAppearance OfAGreekAdonis
You mean the voice actor?
IAmProof ThatGreatnessCanBeEncapsulatedInOneFormWhichIndeedTakesTheAppearance OfAGreekAdonis DO..YOU..CONFESS!!!!!
Damn he is.
1:23 "Well, I got killed today..."
Oswald-the man of no animation.
+Douglas Mitchell Until you hit him!
Slender Man 186 then he has ALL the animation.
Brador says do you hear the toll of the bell? So you ring the bell and oswald shows up.
I just accidentally killed him and came here looking for absolution.
Same lmao
I love when I see one of these in my sub box
That's.... a pretty darn good speculation :O
2 things i been thinking about,1 what are the chances that the painted world is actually Carim,i have no proof to back it up.
and also what if Oswald was the reason Lautrec is locked up? i think its a little bit more then a coincidence that they both just happen to be there.
just my thoughts
Here's something I always thought was interesting: dragon invaders can be indicted even though they were summoned similar to the red sign soapstone, implying that gwyndolin dislikes the dragons in some respect. Gwyndolin also guards the sunlight blade miracle, and the ring of the sun's firstborn, things useful for hunting dragons.
***** I think everyone hates dragons, at this point haha
Lore video about the path of the dragon? just a suggestion. also love theses vids. :)
I think that Oswald speaks of the humanity that makes us as people humans. I don't think it was intended to be from a gameplay perspective, such as reversing the hollowing of your character.
So... Carim is the creepy (more than the rest) country of dark souls
I don't know about you, but I like Oswald. Yes he has that voice, but I find it humorous. And he generally does seem pretty nice. From a role-playing character standpoint, I always like to think that my Character becomes friends with Oswald. Same with other NPCs like Siegmeyer & Andre etc etc
Yeah, Oswald is a pretty genuine kinda guy.
How so? I mean, what do you want to see?
Alex: Fun fact I've never been cursed in all my time playing Dark Souls...
Hackers: Good to know.
I don't think that would count, even if it happened lol
Regarding the title of Dark Sun and the Darkmoon Covenant, I would assume the Darkmoon Covenant is named as such because the moon reflects the light of the sun, so what Darkmoon means is that you're subordinate to the "Dark Sun" Gwyndolin.
Gwyndolin is referred to as both though, isn't he?
He only refers to himself as the Dark Sun according to his dialogues, while he calls the player 'Disciple of the Dark Sun' or 'Blade of the Darkmoon'.
Another interesting thing is when you join the covenant, he will say 'Hunteth the enemies of the Lords, by the power of the Dark Sun'. So maybe Darkmoon is symbolic as the individuals granted the power of the Dark Sun as well.
Hey Alex! One thought on Oswald, I found my self speaking with the Crestfallen Warrior in the shrine and received a very interesting dialog that I never had before. He refers to the sight of a man transported by the raven which had me wonder who it could have been. Oswald came to my mind fairly quickly, it would explain the peculiar doll location, maybe he was trying to hide it. Any thoughts?
+pietrobarca Fair points! I think it was probably just a gameplay hint - letting us know that we can use the bird to zoom back to the Asylum. But it could've been someone like Oswald, too!
and the flame hasn't faded while the war with the dragons waged on. I'm betting the dragon corpses reanimated when the Witch used her soul piece to create an artificial flame and became the bed of chaos which reanimated the corpses as well as releases demons into izalith which causes it's destruction and the deformities of the witches children....*shrugs* I love discussing this game!
always wondered, why does no one talk about Quelana, one of the daughters of chaos and NOT demonized, you find her down in blighttown, i assume after you buy all the pyromancey from the guy at fire link, at least thats when she appeared to me. Shes literally a witch of izalith, not hollow, not a demon, AND DEFINITELY not human. she refers to her sisters and shes suprised you can see her when you meet her also, she refers to the pryomancer master as her student, meaning, shes far stronger in pyromancey than anyone.
Chrono Triggerhappy Oh, she gets discussed now and then!
Silver Mont guess i have to look harder lol, I consider her cool considering the fact shes basically an unhollow demigod who just hangs out near her sisters and brother
And yet, despite all of her power, she's carrying so much guilt. She doesn't see herself as a fiery demigoddess. In her guilt-ridden mind, she's just a coward who abandoned her family to burn in the flames of Chaos.
Why is everyone from Carim so freaking creepy?
They feel like they gotta live up to their reputation! Honestly though? We can't say for sure.
I have great respect for Oswald he is one dangerous bro he can parry you and if you get riposted it hurts so bad ng+ 2 I died like 3 times to it and I though karmic justice boosted ripostes back then but its just super strong
And to me, Oswald looks more like he's in the Praise the Sun gesture.
I got cursed by the first lizard thing (the name of it is slipping from me right now) I will never let myself be cursed. Ever again.
TheMason658 The basilisk?
YES! Thank you, I couldn't remember it's name for the life of me.
Silver Mont what does the curse effect do? i usually try to stay away from anything that puts up a skull and meter... so yeah... never cursed.
As ***** said, it insta-kills you and cuts your max HP until you cure it. In Dark Souls II it works a little different, as cursing/petrification are two different things there.
Silver Mont ouch
Carim, the land of creeps and weirdos
I know this is off topic. When people think about time being convoluted, alot of the time time they seem to assume that the NPC's are older than the player, but if you look at it as the player is the oldest human in the game and has completed the chosen undead's mission way before anyone else made it to lordran, then it makes more sense explaining how everyone else makes it to there destinations before you, and the reason solaire cannot find his sun.
Are you going to start talking about the maps/ areas in dark souls?, their former inhabitants, and the map's story in ties with the game lore???
Oswald is intimidating because he claims to mean well but has this very... inquisition type of feeling about him. Which is probably intentional.
The painted world was created to banish things the gods feared if im not mistaken. the rapier does deal occult damage and 1 pardoner may have been banished. gwindolyn may have taken over velkas domain and the giant raven may be velka or a creature under velkas control to take a chosen undead to kill the gods for their sins against her.
Alex Next can you do like a showcase for that epic character you use? It would be cool, thanks
I don't know if anyone else has said this, but here's an idea on how Oswald knew about Petrus, and his sins. Oswald is the pardoner, so what if Petrus confessed to him after trying to off his three companions? A bit anticlimactic, but it would make sense. If you kill Petrus before he attacks you, it counts towards your sin marker, even if it's after he returns from his ill fated trip. That would sort of imply that he's innocent himself, even though he killed two of the three clerics. So perhaps on his way back to the firelink shrine, he visited Oswald for an absolution and cleared his sins?
+J,J,&E Well, even if you intentionally kill a criminal, it's still murder in the end.
i totally didn't go through all the comments to see if someone else has said anything about this, but another man/animal hybrid in the game that i can think of is the man-serpent creatures from sen's fortress and the duke's archives. don't know what kind of connection they have to some sorta deity in the game but i think they're possibly guards made by seathe to kinda protect/survey lands for him. just my thoughts tho.
> the more you sin the more you hollow and stuff
not really, he was just telling that if you desire to preserve your humanity it's a good idea to use his services, as the best way to get humanity is to sin by invading others, taking other's humanity, etc, especially for the Carim guys.
+Lll Kk I like to think he was trying to sell his services as a little more than what they actually were.
Really hope he appears in Dark Souls 3
T pose oswald
Just for theory , OstWalt which sounds very similar to Oswald if you speak german. means EastWild.
walt is not german for wild. The german word for wild is wild...
+Muffin It'd be "Ostwald" which would mean "Eastern Forest". But the name is older than those words, so that etymology is very unlikely.
I've yet to be cursed either thankfully... it terrifies me xD
hey but don't forget, doesn't Oswald sell bite rings? that's interesting, perhaps Carim is tied to Velka and Earl Arstor created the rings to protect selected Pardoners?
He sells the Bloodbite and Poisonbite, if I remember correctly! I hadn't ever really made a connection between them before... he offers his wares indiscriminately, which I find interesting. I wonder if he has other items that he would sell to those he believes more devout? Purely from a gameplay perspective, it would be cool if he sold you something extra or had different dialogue if you had picked a dubious Carim as your character.
When you were talking about the crow people, you mention what other half animal people there were. I thought of the snake people in sens and dukes. Were they made in a similar way perhaps?
+fithfire Those enemies in particular are kinda interesting, as we don't know much about the "manserpents"
Remember my negative comment on your Chester video? Doesn't count for this video. Well speculated, to the point, all in all a good video :D
Alex I have a theory about the dragons, Gwen and his knights slain the dragons. Gwen claimed the heads as trophies but what about the body's I think Gwen and and the witches of islilith had an arrangement to dispose the carcasses in list islilith
@Silver Mont Maybe you could show the items and stuff maybe some pvp?
so far as i am aware, this is unique to priscilla, except for gwyndolin, for obvious reasons. the thing is that if my earlier definition of a sin, an "affront to the god", is correct then that leaves a whole lot of questions. priscilla is in and of herself, an affront to the gods. this is pretty obvious from most of her lore. so then, why would killing someone that is in fact an affront to the gods, count as an affront as well?
I'm not completely positive if i'm remembering clearly... but I believe I read somewhere that if you kill Gwyndolin you get permanent sin.