Five Self Defense Strategies for Teens

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • In this video, I cover five important topics concerning teens and self-defense and bullies #selfdefense #bullies #teenagers


  • @janetallen5393
    @janetallen5393 5 місяців тому +4

    Thank you for addressing this topic. Good tips for teens. 😊

  • @tomgroark
    @tomgroark 5 місяців тому +8

    Just found this channel and subscribed immediately. Excellent balanced advice. Check out his video on road rage.

  • @davidgalloway6414
    @davidgalloway6414 5 місяців тому +1

    I've watched numerous videos on this channel and have liked them all. This one is no exception. Kids need to hear these wise words from people such as yourself. Thanks!

  • @edgblades
    @edgblades 5 місяців тому +3

    Very well said and excellent advice

    • @411Outdoors
      @411Outdoors  5 місяців тому +2

      Thanks my friend. Have a great day!

  • @Nathan.44-40
    @Nathan.44-40 5 місяців тому +1

    411, much appreciated! Thank You for covering this topic!
    I want my daughter & wife to take some kind of a self defense class for the reasons you mentioned!

  • @skillmaster46
    @skillmaster46 5 місяців тому +3

    Good job Daniel

  • @kipkaercher3257
    @kipkaercher3257 5 місяців тому +1

    Nice video. Good advice for our teenagers. If I may offer an addition, based on my own and my son’s experience; I would recommend that teenagers consider joining their high school wrestling team. My son even had girls on the team. Physical fitness, camaraderie with teammates, and learning how to execute a double-leg takedown are all benefits. Plus, wrestlers look out for their teammates throughout the school day.😉 Thanks!

  • @shaynehawkins713
    @shaynehawkins713 5 місяців тому +2

    Personally the six punches of boxing and the six defenses of boxing using shadowboxing is a very straight forward method. No need for a gym or heavy bag. Just getting the structure down. As far as mma yes. But Bruce Lee's art is more progressive. But footwork and evading and using boxing is simple.

  • @thefucrew9865
    @thefucrew9865 5 місяців тому +1

    Great information, Brother !
    Great explanation as well !!!

  • @jamesr_whiterock_ocmd_3629
    @jamesr_whiterock_ocmd_3629 5 місяців тому +1

    Love this brother I definitely shared on fb. I could of used this 20 years ago so any teen or anyone in life in general this could really be a game change for some people! Thanks

  • @jorgefernandez6407
    @jorgefernandez6407 5 місяців тому

    Excellent video Daniel! The hardest job one has is being a parent (grandparent too!) and being able to teach your child the proper mindset for life, is the "most important" thing you can do...

  • @elizabethtorres6890
    @elizabethtorres6890 5 місяців тому +4

    Excellent article. Will fwd to my friend with teenage children.
    From some of the stories I have heard, much of this is relevant to teenage girls too.
    Thank you!

    • @411Outdoors
      @411Outdoors  5 місяців тому +3

      Absolutely right both the guys and gals experience much the same. Thank you!

    @VTPSTTU 5 місяців тому +2

    Thanks for the video.
    I see a few points that are worth mentioning.
    First, our society has degraded terribly. When I was a kid, there was at least some effort by school officials to sort right from wrong. I was pushed around by a bully in the ninth grade. At one point, he and his buddies caught me just outside a door to the school. He drew back his hand as if he were going to punch me and started talking down to me. I was saved by the fact that one of the coaches was walking in from the parking lot. One of his buddies was hissing out to him that the coach was right there. He looked, saw the coach, and let me go. The coach saw the whole thing and took the guy to the principal's office. I was called to the office a few minutes later, and among other things, the principal actually suggested that I hit the guy back if he hit me. I was too intimidated by the whole situation to know what to say. In hindsight, I wish I had asked whether I would get in trouble for fighting back. The situation wasn't resolved. A few hours later at the end of gym class, I was sitting on a bench changing clothes. The guy walked past me as if leaving the locker room and then came back and hit me as hard as he could in the back. Even though the principal had told me to report the kid, I knew that nothing would happen. The problems continued although he never found me alone again.
    Today, a principal would never tell a kid to fight back. If I had fought back, maybe I wouldn't have gotten in trouble. Today, a kid who defends himself or herself would get into trouble. As adults, we need to change this mindset in our society. We need to destroy the leftist influence in our school systems so that evil kids don't get the benefits that they do today.
    As an odd part of the whole story, we used to have a wrestling part of our gym classes. The gym coaches weren't competent enough to teach real wrestling. That would have been worthwhile. Instead, they just put some mats on the floor and let kids crawl around trying to pin one another. We weren't even allowed to stand up and have takedowns. As real wrestling training goes, it was worthless. As fun, it was okay. Matches were often decided by the next kids jumping to the center of the mat ahead of others as soon as one match was finished. I'm surprised kids didn't bump their heads diving to the center of the mat to be next. At one point, I got onto the mat first and challenged the guy to wrestle me. I knew that he really wanted a fistfight, but I figured that he saw himself as so much tougher than I was that he would be happy to wrestle me. I was patting my hand on the mat and saying "Richard, Richard." He just sat there at the edge of the mat looking at me kinda strangely. One of his buddies got up, ran around the mat, and then jumped on me from behind. We started to wrestle, but the coach whistled us to stop. The coach asked whether I'd wrestle the other guy. I did, and neither of us could get a pin. The coach decided that we'd used up our time and made us stop. None of this changed the stream of insults from the guy.
    Secondly, every kid is different. My best friend from high school always saw martial arts as useless. Part of his argument was that in a real fight, one would always know what to do. He had that kind of self-confidence. He always believed that he would know what to do. In a real fight, maybe he wouldn't have frozen. Maybe he would have acted decisively on whatever he decided to do. In many scenarios, his self-confidence to make decisions and carry them out decisively might have led to good results for him. I never had that self-confidence. I needed some kind of training to give me confidence in assessing a situation, deciding on a course of action, and following that course of action decisively. While I accept that different styles are more practical than others, the value that all of them have is in helping someone act confidently and decisively.
    I once tried to start taking a karate class as an adult. I only went once or twice, but I could quickly see that everything was about learning perfect technique on each move before going further. I've always had poor coordination. I was never going to learn consistent, perfect technique on anything. I would have spent months or maybe years trying to get every movement exactly right. They would have never bothered learning to teach me to throw punches or kicks with power or how to put together certain moves in certain situations. Many people who take martial arts love this aspect of those arts. They think that they are better people than others because they've had the time and spent the time learning all of these perfect dance moves. Much later in life, I tried Krav Maga. Many martial artists hate Krav Maga. While part of why they hate Krav Maga is that it became a fad a few years ago, part of why they hate Krav Maga is that Krav Maga tries to teach people to be effective without teaching them to be perfectly precise in every movement. Krav Maga is not an art. Krav Maga is a combat system. They love their traditional martial arts because those arts are arts.
    I understand that the person who spends decades learning perfect precision in every move and then learning to make every move with controlled power and then learning how to put moves together will be more effective than the Krav Maga practitioner who learns some combinations and how to use those combinations with power but never continues to develop precision. The problem is that not everyone has the time to spend decades learning the "art" side of some of those traditional martial arts. Not everyone has the natural coordination to become good at the "art" no matter how much time that person spends. For those of us who will never become artists, learning a close combat system is a better choice. I understand why people want to be careful teaching things like Krav Maga to teenagers. I understand the belief that young people should at least try something in life that will teach them precision and discipline as a traditional martial art will. However, traditional martial arts are just not going to be a good choice for every kid.
    I agree with you that a mixed martial arts approach could be good for many kids. Sometimes, the kid who is skilled at grappling may be horrible at striking and vice versa. Giving those kids exposure even to things that aren't a good fit for them will broaden their education in that area. At the same time, giving them broader exposure means that kids who really like one aspect better than others won't write off all combat training because the single exposure that the kid received was in something that the kid hated. I can also see where each aspect is going to train the kid in different ways, and the different kinds of training could help the kid to develop brain elasticity.
    Finally, I think that there is value in telling kids that real life isn't like school. There are jerks everywhere, and that's a problem. The world would be a better place if jerks would all die at birth. However, an employer usually will not tolerate as much nonsense from a jerk as a school does. All kids are required to go to school, and unless a kid pushes things much too far, schools can't get rid of students who are jerks. Employers will get rid of employees who don't contribute to company success. Sometimes, that lack of contribution to company success comes from creating a hostile environment at work. No one ever tried to intimidate me physically at work. In school, we are forced to spend many hours each day more or less in the company of all of the other kids who happened to live within that school's service boundaries. In real life, we have much more freedom to pick the people who are around us. Jerks and morons can still try to engage in harassment as neighbors, but they run a much higher chance of being arrested or sued. That tends to cause many of them to stop being jerks and morons. Learning self-defense is still important because attackers in adulthood are often more interested in doing permanent harm, but the regular harassment is often much less.

    • @Support_Ad_Blocker
      @Support_Ad_Blocker 5 місяців тому

      "We need to destroy the leftist influence in our school systems so that evil kids don't get the benefits that they do today. " Oh please....

  • @someonethatisachristian
    @someonethatisachristian 5 місяців тому +1

    If i had teenage children id teach them to always carry pepperspray (if legal). Wrestling when young, regular wrestling, Judo or BJJ for this is really hard on your body especially if you plan starting this when youre older, then striking arts (boxing or muay thai) when older. Late teens or 20s and you aim high? MMA. Lower volume of training or if you start when old (mid 30s up), id orient myself more around boxing and krav maga (which is very basic and straight to the point). BJJ, Judo, MMA especially but even muay thai all will take alot of your spare time, probably more than most adults are willing to sacrifice with family, work etc.

    • @411Outdoors
      @411Outdoors  5 місяців тому +1

      Getting a good base in these arts can help tremendously. Those who plan on competing will have to study deeper for sure.

  • @lorenaarteaga5585
    @lorenaarteaga5585 16 днів тому


  • @shaynehawkins713
    @shaynehawkins713 5 місяців тому +2

    MMA is good. In Bruce Lee's art we target the eyes, windpipe, nuts and knees. You can not do that in MMA. Bruce did this in fights. He was a nasty Street fighter.

    • @411Outdoors
      @411Outdoors  5 місяців тому +2

      MMA is a good bass but the street requires even more tools

  • @Xzontyr
    @Xzontyr 5 місяців тому +1

    Did combat sambo for years. Mma is the way to go. In our sambo we kept it pretty traditional and didn't practice chokes. You need chokes. That's where a 100lbs girl can take out a 220lbs man, if she takes his back and knows how to sink her thin arms in good. From what iv seen at mma gyms is chokes and slams have an effect on larger opponents, while striking seems futile most of thr time, yet Krav Maga and these other self defense arts never seem to delve into the grappling tactics needed to set up chokes or efficient throws. Live training is miles past that scenerio junk that may not play put like you expect it to anyway. Too many variables, unpredicatabilities. Live sparring will prepare a person alot better for that. Atleast around here, it's always wise to never take a drink from someone you don't know. Always good to keep yoir thumb over your beer in a dark bush party. If you got a red cup or some other container, get a lid for a it that you can pop off. Long ago, my sister was bumped into at a gravel pit party at night. Later on her friends had to take her home because she got conpletely out of it, and they knew it wasn't from booz. The guys would go on the edge of the bushes there, but the girls would go in them. Sometimes in groups which was always the smartest, but some would go alone. The way some of these drugs work is they really kick in when you move around a bit like sitting and than standing up it's said. Luckily it kicked in before she had to go to the bushes. They vaguely rememeber what the guy looked like. They never seen him again at a local party. He obviously wasnt from around the area. Some terrible people out there. Think it's good for kids to ket there folks know where there going if they leave where they say they were. One young boy around here met a nice girl at a bush party. He was from the south of the city, she was from the north of it by quite a ways. She coerced him into going back home with her and her cousins that she came down to the city with. So he went up to Montreal Lake woth her. Morning came, and I guess the rest of her familly did not like her decision to bring him home, and certainly did not like him. His phone was out of juice, none of them let him use a charger, and told him to go to the store on the reserve to use a phone if he needed. It was -25 Celsius at the time mid winter. He didn't take his chances and went straight to the rcmp station. Luckily they were transferring somebody to the city which was an hour away, so he caught a ride there with them. His folks weren't to impressed. That could have ended badly for him. Different culture up there for some. Over here, my sister brought home her boyfriend once when she was 18 and in grade 12, after a dance went on. My dad was not impressed with him. He drove conpletely out of it, but was glad he went to their house instead of trying to go farther somewhere. We lived on an acreage. My dad never liked the guy too much. Was really furious with him after that. Morning came though, and he still made them breakfast, and was polite infront of us. He took Matt outback though and had a word with him after before he left. He's been my brother inlaw for over a decade now. Probably the last time he ever drank and drove. They were young. Ya, I can't imagine the worry I'll have when my boys of that age. Some good tips.

    • @411Outdoors
      @411Outdoors  5 місяців тому +1

      Thank you!

    • @someonethatisachristian
      @someonethatisachristian 5 місяців тому

      MMA is the way to go if youre willing to sacrifice alot of time and have energy + physique for it. The elite trains MMA. But most arent there. Most of us are past our best years, fatties and have back problems and high blood pressure. Krav maga is plenty for us, but its still effective for self defense. Also moving your arms like a boxer doesnt take alot, any stiff old man can do that and jump around a little bit, so thats also good training for elderly, just be careful with hard blows to the head for your healths sake, dont go to gyms that are ok with that.

    • @Xzontyr
      @Xzontyr 5 місяців тому +1

      @someonethatisachristian Some good points. Ya, some gyms have a terrible habit of letting there guys pay for cte. Which is really just a passive mugging.

  • @MrConkee
    @MrConkee 5 місяців тому

    Sound advice

  • @erikhasenauer3584
    @erikhasenauer3584 5 місяців тому +1

    Great advice! Wish I knew some of this when I was a teenager. Also hope you got my email.

    • @411Outdoors
      @411Outdoors  5 місяців тому

      I will check and see when I get a chance 🙂👍

  • @Jeremy-Two
    @Jeremy-Two 5 місяців тому +1

    Greg Medford Rant on America is pretty awesome. "Medford Knife and Tool"
    He mentioned the FBI.
    The first part of the video is on Knives.

  • @reedsponsler2563
    @reedsponsler2563 5 місяців тому +2

    You know I set here for the 2 weeks I have been subbed to this channel and think about all the wisdom I have soaked up. Then I look at my collection of plastic knuckles yes I got all 3 of them. And my Kyoto tanto that just just came today and think how much richer my life is. Thank goodness I am not susceptible to just any little suggestion to run out and buy stuff. This looks like a cool little knife I wonder why I have never seen before.

  • @simonbrown9310
    @simonbrown9310 5 місяців тому +2

    Great advice as always, thank you !

  • @skillmaster46
    @skillmaster46 5 місяців тому +3

    Best video yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @redfaux74
    @redfaux74 5 місяців тому +1

    I do feel sorry for kids today. ❤
    I had it hard growing up. I was bullied bad. When I became an adult I decided to learn martial arts so I never had to deal with that again. Now when I see someone getting bullied I step in and help them.

  • @tweedlebee-eo2kq
    @tweedlebee-eo2kq 5 місяців тому +2

    shared! thank you 411 outdoors! 👍

    • @411Outdoors
      @411Outdoors  5 місяців тому +1

      My pleasure! Thank you 🙂

  • @effeojnedib7208
    @effeojnedib7208 5 місяців тому +1

    Great tips. I have a teen daughter as well. My job puts me in position to be responsible for over 180, K-12 graders 4-5 hours a day. 3/4 of these kids come from a tough side of town. I see and hear a lot, break up some fights and prevent some before they happen.
    I'm also a Black Belt and teach at the local rec center some. Also taught the "Karate Club" at an elementary school last year.
    The World is different from the one I grew up in. lol

  • @JohnVentarino-ey5ln
    @JohnVentarino-ey5ln 5 місяців тому +1

    Very well said my friend, very informative and well put and I really hope these teenagers are listening to this video and follow your steps because all your steps are 100 percent right and correct.

  • @tristecamp
    @tristecamp 5 місяців тому +1

    Hey I know this is unrelated to the video but are blunt karambit's allowed in melbourne?

    • @411Outdoors
      @411Outdoors  5 місяців тому +1

      That I do not know my friend

  • @brockshen
    @brockshen 5 місяців тому +1

    That's all proper brother. Salute!

  • @outdoor121
    @outdoor121 5 місяців тому +1

    Excellent advice for all, thank you for your video. It's imperative to be firm, direct, straight forward. Majority of Bullys are cowards.