Did you you ever watch Roots? I don't know if the naming scene is considered safe to be on UA-cam these days, but I think that's where the name Tobey came from
BTW, I'm pretty sure that chronologically this episode takes place before the "Color of Ruckus" episode. I kinda imagine his friendship with Jimmy Rebel helped give Uncle the courage to stand up to his abusive father later in the season.... or at least, that's my headcanon, anyway. 😂
The writers of this episode actually grabbed real world inspirations for this episode. Jimmy Rebel is based on a real life racist country singer Johnny Rebel. The record studio had the initials R.R. which stood for Racist Records but it’s actually based on a real record label studio called Resistance Records, which published racist country and Neo-Nazi rock music. The writers definitely did their research and delivered a clever commentary on racism in this episode, albeit very politically incorrect.
your reactions to this was hilarious. i had to rewind them. lol what tripped me out was how he kept calling him toby, and then they actually watched the scene from roots together where they call kunta that exact name. lol and yeah i heard jimmy is based on a real country star that acted like this too but i don't know which one. i heard jerry reed?
"Problematic"? Yeah, I really love how TV networks treat their audiences like children that need to be protected from controversial subject matter instead of like grown adults who can think for themselves and make their own decisions. . .
Now, I obviously despise the lyrics, obviously, but sometimes I have to stop myself from just belting out "ANY WAY YOU FIIIIGURE, THE PRESIDENT'S A [and so on]" while out in public. That song's got rhythm.
What in the whole entire world is this. I see now why this episode is banned lol
W reaction 😂
Crazy I remember this being on cable tv, now its sent to the shadow realm
This is my favorite episode because it's hilarious and so over the top. The songs are golden 😂
Did you you ever watch Roots? I don't know if the naming scene is considered safe to be on UA-cam these days, but I think that's where the name Tobey came from
Search about Johnny Rebel, the real racist country singer who inspired this! :)
These banned episodes go extra hard💯💯 😂😂
05:43, she got the best "WHAT THA FXXK?!?!" face I ever seen. She just stunned to silence😅😅😅😅😅
BTW, I'm pretty sure that chronologically this episode takes place before the "Color of Ruckus" episode. I kinda imagine his friendship with Jimmy Rebel helped give Uncle the courage to stand up to his abusive father later in the season.... or at least, that's my headcanon, anyway. 😂
This was actually supposed to be episode 4 of season 3, but you can't find this episode on any platform.
I love the Boondocks
This is Bruce”ANGELO” Johnson, I get goosebumps every time I see you, hey Beautiful.
😂😂 uncle Ruckus
I would love to see you react to black dynamite
Your face when Jimmy started his song 🤣😭🤣
This is one of my favorite episodes!!!! The lyrics in the songs are DIABOLICAL!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You should actually go here when the Johnny's songs😂 you want to talk about diabolical
The writers of this episode actually grabbed real world inspirations for this episode. Jimmy Rebel is based on a real life racist country singer Johnny Rebel. The record studio had the initials R.R. which stood for Racist Records but it’s actually based on a real record label studio called Resistance Records, which published racist country and Neo-Nazi rock music. The writers definitely did their research and delivered a clever commentary on racism in this episode, albeit very politically incorrect.
Boondocks grabbed real world inspiration for so many episodes
Somehow this is one of the funniest episodes of boondocks
10:33 that was my reaction to most of this episode lol. Great reaction Allona
Wen she said "i see why this episode and banned, and taken down, it needs to be burnt!" I lost it 😅😂
This is John Madden from Pawtucket Rhode Island I love The Boondocks and I love your content❤❤❤❤
This episode is worth the patreon subscription 😂
Surprised Ruckus didn't ask him to sing a duet of the first song he sang in episode 1, "Please sing along if you known the words..."
I hate the song is so catchy 😂
That means you love it 🤠
Was just watching this episode yesterday. It's so funny!
your reactions to this was hilarious. i had to rewind them. lol
what tripped me out was how he kept calling him toby, and then they actually watched the scene from roots together where they call kunta that exact name. lol
and yeah i heard jimmy is based on a real country star that acted like this too but i don't know which one. i heard jerry reed?
His name was Johnny Rebel and died back in 2016. I hate knowing as much as I do about him 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Based off real life Johnny Rebel. Idk if his music is on UA-cam but it was there at one point
Many of the songs in this episode do have the same titles as his real life songs.
UA-cam keeps taking his music down I would tell you something good but you might report the people who upload the music 🤣
Man, as a black man, I can still admit this is hilarious. South Park already did this too.
I’m hear for the facial expression reactions I had the same ones the 1st time I seen this 😂🤦🏾♂️
Hilarious episode, very edgy. Miss the Boondocks. I always enjoy your reactions! Hope all is well ;-)
I'm so ashamed I actually know all these lyrics. I've played this episode an unhealthy amount of times 😅
Ahahahah same!
Yeah, I really love how TV networks treat their audiences like children that need to be protected from controversial subject matter instead of like grown adults who can think for themselves and make their own decisions. . .
Where have I seen that red hat before?
Everybody uploading fire today lol
I wish there was some jimmy rebel music on gta v
Now, I obviously despise the lyrics, obviously, but sometimes I have to stop myself from just belting out "ANY WAY YOU FIIIIGURE, THE PRESIDENT'S A [and so on]" while out in public. That song's got rhythm.
1:25 B BROWN!
Based. 😂
I was ROLLING when I first saw this LMAOOOOO
People forget Ruckus is white
He certainly is not.
"How old are you and you still believe that?" - Mister Ruckus
@@JimmyMacram Did you not see the episode where he was born from a white family?
@@BaDik_Jacob Yes, we're seeing what he was told. Mister Ruckus (who was THERE) says his mother made it all up to help his self-esteem.
@@JimmyMacram Nonsense he got the opposite of what Michael Jackson got(lucky bastard)
That’s s3 ep 4
It wasn't on the platform so this was made after watching the rest of season 3.
@@juanthadon86 so she should still change the title she gon confuse mfs
@@okeykid780okea9 i understand that too, that's why she put the title of each episode up instead of the episode numbers..
Is jimmy rebel supposed to be Johnny cash ???😂
It's actually based off of Johnny Rebel
@@juanthadon86 yesss that’s the one thank you 🙏🏽
4:31 AHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!! That got me too! Lol
9:12 See? Ol' Jimmy Rebel wasn't so bad, after all...