Hi there :) PVA is a type of craft glue that dries clear. I'll link the one I use below so that you can look into it further. As for leather, I generally use sheep leather. The thinner the leather, the higher the concentrate of PVA you will need to use when stiffening. Hope this helps! x www.spotlightstores.com/art-craft/basic-craft-supplies/craft-glues-adhesives/craft-glue/pva-glue/crafters-choice-pva-glue/80421212?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpeaYBhDXARIsAEzItbHkKaH5K1obRxfYHhOPM4QiHECBH4LZJRmLgVfjVbNSgwP8RFf6D68aAqfpEALw_wcB
Can you use Mod Podge instead of PVA glue?
Superbe merci ❤❤❤
Thank you for sharing … I really enjoyed your tutorial
What is PVA glue? Oh and what kind of leather are you using? How thick is it?
Hi there :) PVA is a type of craft glue that dries clear. I'll link the one I use below so that you can look into it further. As for leather, I generally use sheep leather. The thinner the leather, the higher the concentrate of PVA you will need to use when stiffening. Hope this helps! x
From Indonesia, hai emily
Hi Choirur - hope you liked the video!