Wow, this makes Kimberly's performance even more valuable - instead of the easier way down following the green mark, she went back down the stairs as a true climber. I have great admiration for her courage!
Mila Kim a Danko vy dvaja ste neskutocni ake robite vyborne videa. Urcite vela Slovakov Janosikove Diery nenavstivili. Mne sa na Tebe Kim paci ze okrem vyletu sa naucis aj vsetko o minulosti. A nie si sama co sa boji takymi rebrikmi stupat do neba... si statocna a tesim sa na vase dalsie video A tie halusky mi narobili v ustach slinky
Nice trip, Kim. Don't be afraid of sheep and stairs :) Although your trip took six hours instead of four hours, you can say you spent much more time in the very nice nature ;)
wonderfuuul....absolutely fabulous place and you did a fantastic job recording it...looove your editing, of your top....You make me so homesick, living in US watching this I got lost back home, smelling and even tasting those Halusky!!! You are right slovak hiking is a killer compare to other nations, in USA easy trail is literally easy...sitting on the benches every 5 benches in Janosikove Skaly know the swedish girl..I watch her too...Joanna......Thank you Kimberly for this experience....and I recomend....SPANIA DOLINA...there is hiking there too and it is just views of Gods.....cheers...Jana
Jana's Space* Ahoj Janka, you can make your own Halusky ! Instead of Bryndza, use Feta cheese . Vigo feta cheese ! 100% sheep milk cheese ! VIGO is the BRAND #1, in all of the feta cheeses !!! And Halusky taste, so delicious, it's unreal !!! Enjoy !!! 💚🙂🥣👍🇸🇰🇵🇭🇺🇸 Jerry.🗽
@@jerrykrajnak6396 Hi I had halusky with Feta cheese! was not VIGO brand, could not find it as I do not go to stores in these days but got one in brine..and it melted...loved it..Thank you! Jana
Jana's Space* Hi Janka, you can make your own halusky ! Instead of Bryndza, use Feta cheese ! Vigo brand 100% sheep cheese is #1, in all of the feta cheeses ! And halusky taste, so delicious, it's unreal ! Enjoy !!! 💚🌹* Jerry.🗽
Just saw this post and really enjoyed viewing it. I hiked in the same mountain with a relative many years ago. I was in great shape then, but WOW! That was a scary hike! Those stairs and walkways were wet and slippery. YIKES! My knees were shaking by the time we were finished, too. My relatives live in the Terchova area. I am from Midwest USA. I love Slovakia. Love your posts. You are brave to leave your homeland to live permanently in a different culture. It sounds like your husband is very kind and patient, which is very important for the success of your immigration. Best wishes to the two of you! It would be nice to see your hubby in more of your posts.
Hello Jan! Though its been a while now since I hiked Janosikovy Diery I still remember how to exhausted I was but it was worth it as the view was just amazing! Thanks for watching me videos ✌🏽
Thank you for this beautiful video. I like your videos because you show us our own country from a different perspective. The Tatras are very nice. I was recently in Štôla, it is a small village near Poprad. My friends and I took a short walk along the lake in Štrbské Pleso, it's just to relax in the beautiful countryside. Because we have small children with us, we only made a simple route to the Popradské pleso. I'm looking forward to your next video. Angelika
Urcite Lomnicky stit - da sa tam aj prespat 😉 Ak nemas problem s vyskou, mna bolela hlava dost, ale stalo to za to 😍🤩 Na Slovensku je toho vela co objavovat 🥰
Áno , manžel tam kedysi dávno spal predtým ako tam bolo možné ubytovať sa a hovoril že to bolo nezabudnutelné . Dúfam že aj ja sa tam raz dostanem .🏔 👍🏽
Hi Kim. That's my Slovak girl treska for breakfast and let's go for hike. I'm glad you enjoyed little walk😁 You guys wasn't far away from pace I grew. Glad you enjoyed nature it's really nice there, but I prefer ocean and beach sorry. Had enough hills in my life😁. You have many nice places for hiking there Kvacianska dolina. Maybe Krivan but that tougher hike, Krivan is national symbol. I'm glad you like there, with Dano you did nice video. Good luck to next trips🤗🤗🤗
@@ChasingKimberly Kim I don't blame you, but right now it's a little trip back home. Hope this Covid think get calm and would be easier to travel. I just wasn't in Slovakia 9 years, so bet for you it's harder right now also, but as I said hope all get calmer and you would be able to go. Hope you are vaccinated already. Have great rest of the summer with Daniel and you guys do more videos about Slovakia. Best of luck guys 🤗🤗🤗
Kim, I've got some tips for you: 1.If you go on Veľký Rozsutec, go from Štefanová thought sedlo Medziholie and then up, The road on Veľký Rozsutec is better from there. Then you can go back, thought Horné Janosikove diery. 2.Yes, it take only 20 min to on the Malý Rozsutec. From there leads also convinient path down to the Biely Potok, and the benefit is that you don't have to go down thought holes. 3.I recommend not refreshing yourself in that shiny, bright and cold stream in Janošíkové diery, it's because everyone who go différent way (from up to down) wash their muddy boots here😂😂
hi, kim. when it comes to hiking slovakia has so much to offer. every place in slovakia is worth visiting and janošíkove diery is definitely one of them. its very hard to recommend where to go next. maybe slovak paradise
I am so glad you did it. For me isn't it easy also. We went last week to Vodopad skok (Waterfall in High Tatras) with our 3y old son. People say it's the easyest hike in High Tatras. (No ladders 😊😉). Not easyest for me 🤣, but I am very glad I went. Beautiful place. I am sure, you would like it to.
THanks guys for beautifull video..and i must say, i totaly understand her struggle on the strairs and these climbing parts...i looked the same last week when we were going to Chata pod Rysmi. :D Climbing the Everest haha.
Ahoj Kim, Oceán a Hory = najlepšia psychohygiena a zdroj životnej energie, aspoň pre mňa. Je tam krásne , verím, že ste si to užili a odniesli si so sebou to "nepomenované " čo toto miesto ponúka. . Tie rebríky a výstupy sú náročné pre každého, šmýka sa, ale zvládla si to super. Veľký Rozsutec je veľmi náročný, pre mňa bol prvý krát výstup ľahší ako zostup a išiel som od hotela Diery 4-5 hodín len tam, ale možno ty si šikovnejšia. Nebála sa MAMA keď ťa videla ako vysokohorskú turistku? Každopádne video sa mi veľmi páčilo, som sa aj nasmial. Ahojte. Držte sa, užívajte život...... s pozdravom.
Nice video and beautiful slovak mountains. You are great, You did it! 18:45 that surprised me you drink a beer, after I saw another video where you taste beers... Maybe you'll slowly get a taste for it!
To the Mount Maly Rozsutec! :):):) Thanky you for providing some really spectacular&scenic and (photogrammetry) useful photos... ...BTW The red button which is the subscribe has been smashed for you... Thump up button has colorized to the blue one and a small grave gray bell is ringing for everything and everyone!!! ... Sorry for my bad English, am I right?
Hi Kimberly if you want to try nice hike i recommend peaks in West Tatras: Plačlivé - Ostrý Roháč - Volovec - Rákoň. Go from Roháčska dolina (valley) to Ťatliakova chata (hut) If you dont feel like hiking the peaks you can just check Roháčský vodopád (waterfall) and Roháčske plesá (tarns). And if you are there dont forget the Orava village museum in Zuberec :)
About the robin hood guy, there is for many years ago made a movie about him. I mean the movie is polish. About the swedish woman, i follow her too. She is great. I definitely want to go trekking there too. Its so beautiful . nice video 😊
Alebo ešte Jánska dolina , možno sa okúpať zadarmo v liečivej kadi, ( ale hneď ráno, alebo večer, vtedy je tam malo ľudí), ist do parku Mini Slovensko a vybehnúť na Výhladnu
aaaaw.. so cute :o) we were there with my wife 2 weeks ago and today my mom messaged me a photo and where do you think they were with my dad? at Janosiove Diery :o)
Kimberly if im not mistaken in what i saw, flowers you liked so much are actually invasive not native and we have a big problem here in Slovakia with them and many other species to clear them off 🙂
Ahoj, na Slovensku nie sú len krásne hory na severe. Príď niekedy aj na juh - hraď Čabraď (okres Veľký Krtíš) je označovaný ako slovenské Machu Picchu. Prípadne, tu máme miesta, kde sa dá zažiť krásny východ/ západ Slnka. Dokonca tu máme aj Trúbiaci kameň, na ktorom sa pri troche snahy dá naučiť trúbiť :) Alebo v okrese Lučenec sú krásne Fiľakovský hrad a hrad Šomoška. Ak by si sem niekedy mala cestu a potrebovala by si poradiť, skľudom napíš. Rád pomôžem :)
Bola som v Tatrách v Sliezkom dome,bolo tam super, odporúčala by som,len neviem ako teraz sa tam dá ísť 😬, ale veľmi pekné to tam je, asi 2-3 hodiny cesta
Odporúčam navštíviť Liptovský Hrad. Je to túra tak na 3 hodinky možno. Záleží od toho akým tempom pôjdete. Ale je tam krásne, hlavne potom ako to nejaký šikovní chalani poopravovali.
Veľký Choč-úžasné výhlady,mlyn Oblazy-isť hore Prosieckou dolinou a zísť dolu Kvačianskou dolinou-balzam na dušu,Liptovský hrad-ist po žltej značke z obce Kalameny a po modrej dolu-opačne sa viac zadýchaš,Znievsky hrad(z obce Kláštor pod Znievom)-výhľad na Turiec,Babia Hora na Orave-krása,alebo len rozhladňa na Krahulskom vrchu(dajú aj dôchodcovia !!!) za pekného počasia krásna Kremnica,alebo Zádielská tiesňava na východnom slovensku-jedinečné miesto,a čo tak na biku alebo kolobežke Gaderskou dolinou po čertovu bránu kde natáčali prvého Jánošíka?..máme tu toho naozaj na výber.
@@ChasingKimberly When I was six years old (and I measured maybe 120 cm), I went through a large part of the 'Slovenský ráj' with my parents. The terrain is similar to 'Malá Fatra' - ladders, stairs, platforms above the river Hornád, chains for holding... Such a journey is very difficult for a small person. Thumbs up that you did it. ;-)
Hi Kim. When i am watching your videos i feel a bit sad. Miss Slovakia i hope people gonna stand up from the whole bullshit and i can visit Slovakia with my partner and show him the beauty of our country.
Vďaka za ďalšie skvelé video. Nielen že som sa dobre pobavil, ale som aj vďaka Vám "navštívil" Janošíkové diery, kde som doteraz nebol. PS: Mám rád vaše videa, len nesmiem čítať komenty "Slovaks" pod videom
Hi Ate Kim! 🤗 Paano ka po ma-reach out? Would love to be friends of yours kasi yung soon to be Manžel ko is from Slovakia too 🥰 Would love to hear from you. God bless and stay safe!
Hi Kimberly, I doubt that you should return the same way. These routes with ledders and stairs are always one-way in order to be safe for tourists. In your next video, please, show your viewers the right way of descending from the hill. Although, I like, that your are discovering our beautiful nature🙂
Je to pekné, že ste tam boli, ale ukazovať všetkým ako sa ide nesprávne naspäť, že ste šli v jednosmerke do protismeru a nie ako sa má ísť po zelenej dole. Správny turista, by si mal naštudovať trasu a nezavadzať ostatným pri výstupe. Za takú nezodpovednú propagáciu dier sa dá dať akurát unlike.
Where in Slovakia should I go next?
Príď do Nových Zámkov možno sa stretneme haha🙈🙈🙈😂💗
Uhrovec, rodný dom Ľudovíta Štúra 😃
Vodopad Skok
Slovensky Raj and Muranska Planina
Sulovske skaly
To Slovensko naše tak krásne je 🌲🌳🌎🗻
Kim dala si to 👊 Super Video pokračuj si skvelá ❤
Ďakujem 😉✌🏽
Nádherné video. Keď budete vo Vysokých Tatrách,doporučujem navštíviť Hrebienok. Prajem Vám krásne zážitky ❤️
Ďakujem pekne 💚
Wow, this makes Kimberly's performance even more valuable - instead of the easier way down following the green mark, she went back down the stairs as a true climber. I have great admiration for her courage!
haha to be honest, we didn't know. I thought it was the same way back 😂😂
Mila Kim a Danko vy dvaja ste neskutocni ake robite vyborne videa. Urcite vela Slovakov Janosikove Diery nenavstivili. Mne sa na Tebe Kim paci ze okrem vyletu sa naucis aj vsetko o minulosti. A nie si sama co sa boji takymi rebrikmi stupat do neba... si statocna a tesim sa na vase dalsie video A tie halusky mi narobili v ustach slinky
Ďakujeme Marta . 💚💚💚
Kimberly is honestly so adorable when exploring, wish I had this much joy in me
Nice trip, Kim. Don't be afraid of sheep and stairs :) Although your trip took six hours instead of four hours, you can say you spent much more time in the very nice nature ;)
haha right, but most of the time I am just slow and careful climbing up and down the stairs 🤣
Milá Kimberly ,robíš super reklamu Slovensku! Celé Slovensko je krásne a Tvoje videjká to dokazujú. Ďakujem . Nech sa Ti darí všade , kde pojdeš.
Ďakujem pekne Emilia 💚
wonderfuuul....absolutely fabulous place and you did a fantastic job recording it...looove your editing, of your top....You make me so homesick, living in US watching this I got lost back home, smelling and even tasting those Halusky!!! You are right slovak hiking is a killer compare to other nations, in USA easy trail is literally easy...sitting on the benches every 5 benches in Janosikove Skaly know the swedish girl..I watch her too...Joanna......Thank you Kimberly for this experience....and I recomend....SPANIA DOLINA...there is hiking there too and it is just views of Gods.....cheers...Jana
Thank you Jana 🇺🇸 , also for recommendation . I'll visit Spania dolina one day definitely.
Jana's Space* Ahoj Janka, you can make your own Halusky ! Instead of Bryndza, use Feta cheese . Vigo feta cheese ! 100% sheep milk cheese ! VIGO is the BRAND #1, in all of the feta cheeses !!! And Halusky taste, so delicious, it's unreal !!! Enjoy !!! 💚🙂🥣👍🇸🇰🇵🇭🇺🇸 Jerry.🗽
@@jerrykrajnak6396 Thank you Jerry!.... .I sure will!..cheers J
@@jerrykrajnak6396 Hi I had halusky with Feta cheese! was not VIGO brand, could not find it as I do not go to stores in these days but got one in brine..and it melted...loved it..Thank you! Jana
Jana's Space* Hi Janka, you can make your own halusky ! Instead of Bryndza, use Feta cheese ! Vigo brand 100% sheep cheese is #1, in all of the feta cheeses ! And halusky taste, so delicious, it's unreal ! Enjoy !!! 💚🌹* Jerry.🗽
Just saw this post and really enjoyed viewing it. I hiked in the same mountain with a relative many years ago. I was in great shape then, but WOW! That was a scary hike! Those stairs and walkways were wet and slippery. YIKES! My knees were shaking by the time we were finished, too. My relatives live in the Terchova area. I am from Midwest USA. I love Slovakia. Love your posts. You are brave to leave your homeland to live permanently in a different culture. It sounds like your husband is very kind and patient, which is very important for the success of your immigration. Best wishes to the two of you! It would be nice to see your hubby in more of your posts.
Hello Jan! Though its been a while now since I hiked Janosikovy Diery I still remember how to exhausted I was but it was worth it as the view was just amazing! Thanks for watching me videos ✌🏽
Jeeej super, parádne video. Akurát predvčerom som sa odtiaľ vrátila. Krásna príroda, krásne spomienky 🙂
Ďakujem, máte super videá o našom krásnom Slovensku
Ďakujem pekne 💚
Thank you for this beautiful video. I like your videos because you show us our own country from a different perspective.
The Tatras are very nice. I was recently in Štôla, it is a small village near Poprad. My friends and I took a short walk along the lake in Štrbské Pleso, it's just to relax in the beautiful countryside. Because we have small children with us, we only made a simple route to the Popradské pleso.
I'm looking forward to your next video.
Thank you Angelika ,also for tip in Tatras. 💚
Urcite Lomnicky stit - da sa tam aj prespat 😉 Ak nemas problem s vyskou, mna bolela hlava dost, ale stalo to za to 😍🤩
Na Slovensku je toho vela co objavovat 🥰
Áno , manžel tam kedysi dávno spal predtým ako tam bolo možné ubytovať sa a hovoril že to bolo nezabudnutelné . Dúfam že aj ja sa tam raz dostanem .🏔 👍🏽
Hi Kim. That's my Slovak girl treska for breakfast and let's go for hike. I'm glad you enjoyed little walk😁 You guys wasn't far away from pace I grew.
Glad you enjoyed nature it's really nice there, but I prefer ocean and beach sorry. Had enough hills in my life😁.
You have many nice places for hiking there Kvacianska dolina.
Maybe Krivan but that tougher hike, Krivan is national symbol.
I'm glad you like there, with Dano you did nice video.
Good luck to next trips🤗🤗🤗
Thanks Vlado, and yes, I like ocean as well, excited to be able to see Philippines again. Hopefully soon 😊
@@ChasingKimberly Kim I don't blame you, but right now it's a little trip back home.
Hope this Covid think get calm and would be easier to travel.
I just wasn't in Slovakia 9 years, so bet for you it's harder right now also, but as I said hope all get calmer and you would be able to go.
Hope you are vaccinated already.
Have great rest of the summer with Daniel and you guys do more videos about Slovakia.
Best of luck guys 🤗🤗🤗
Looks like nice trip Kim. Those stairs and ropes are not easy. Good story.
Thank you 😊
Zuberec- Museum of Slovak village. It's Orava region as well.
Aj my sme tam boli, nadhera. Pojdeme znovu tento rok.
Také jsem měl vztah s Filipínlou, jsou veselé a pracovité, velice osvěžující vztah pro zbýdačeného Evropana..... 😬
Odporúčam Vám ešte Kvačiansku dolinu, prejdite až dolu k Mlynom alebo až k vodopádu.. mierne náročná túra, ale nádherne niečo 👌
Ďakujem ✌🏽
Kim máte super videá a aj veľmi vtipné.❤
Ďakujem 😁😁
Kim, I've got some tips for you:
1.If you go on Veľký Rozsutec, go from Štefanová thought sedlo Medziholie and then up, The road on Veľký Rozsutec is better from there. Then you can go back, thought Horné Janosikove diery.
2.Yes, it take only 20 min to on the Malý Rozsutec. From there leads also convinient path down to the Biely Potok, and the benefit is that you don't have to go down thought holes.
3.I recommend not refreshing yourself in that shiny, bright and cold stream in Janošíkové diery, it's because everyone who go différent way (from up to down) wash their muddy boots here😂😂
hahaha the water was very tempting specially when during the hot weather. I can't help my self 😂😂
Nádherné miesto, tiež som tam bola ❤️ a teraz môžeš skúsiť slovenský raj ❤️❤️❤️to dáš 💪💪💪🙂🙂🙂👋👋👋
hi, kim. when it comes to hiking slovakia has so much to offer. every place in slovakia is worth visiting and janošíkove diery is definitely one of them. its very hard to recommend where to go next. maybe slovak paradise
Slovakia Paradise is definitely on the list 😉
I am so glad you did it. For me isn't it easy also. We went last week to Vodopad skok (Waterfall in High Tatras) with our 3y old son. People say it's the easyest hike in High Tatras. (No ladders 😊😉). Not easyest for me 🤣, but I am very glad I went. Beautiful place. I am sure, you would like it to.
I will definitely go for Tatras this summer! just not sure if I will trek or just enjoying the view from a cottage hahaha 🤣
Krásne 👍
THanks guys for beautifull video..and i must say, i totaly understand her struggle on the strairs and these climbing parts...i looked the same last week when we were going to Chata pod Rysmi. :D Climbing the Everest haha.
hahaha it was really hard for me those stairs! 😂
@@ChasingKimberly yeea i know. Its actually a scary thing when we are not used to it 🙄👍😎
Yeah, Fatra is beautiful. Did you know that the rocks from Rozsutec area are used for making high quality whetstones? I use one for my scythe.
Didn't know that 👍🏽
Ahoj Kim, Oceán a Hory = najlepšia psychohygiena a zdroj životnej energie, aspoň pre mňa. Je tam krásne , verím, že ste si to užili a odniesli si so sebou to "nepomenované " čo toto miesto ponúka. . Tie rebríky a výstupy sú náročné pre každého, šmýka sa, ale zvládla si to super. Veľký Rozsutec je veľmi náročný, pre mňa bol prvý krát výstup ľahší ako zostup a išiel som od hotela Diery 4-5 hodín len tam, ale možno ty si šikovnejšia. Nebála sa MAMA keď ťa videla ako vysokohorskú turistku? Každopádne video sa mi veľmi páčilo, som sa aj nasmial. Ahojte. Držte sa, užívajte život...... s pozdravom.
Mama sa bála a povedala mi aby som neišla na také nebezpečné túry 🤣. Áno byť v prírode je nenahraditelný relax . 💚
@@ChasingKimberly Držím palce v ďalšej tvorbe ⚓️🗽🇨🇭.
Beautiful isn't it? Nice vid Kimberley 👍🏻😀
Beautiful ⛰💚
Horalka musí byť 😂👍
Nice video and beautiful slovak mountains. You are great, You did it! 18:45 that surprised me you drink a beer, after I saw another video where you taste beers... Maybe you'll slowly get a taste for it!
It was radler 😄
Krásne je tam. Bola som tam pred mesiacom. Škoda, že ste nedali ten Malý Rozsutec, naozaj je to 20 minút a nádherný výhľad. Určite choďte nabudúce 🙂.
Nabudúce 😄✌🏽
To the Mount Maly Rozsutec! :):):) Thanky you for providing some really spectacular&scenic and (photogrammetry) useful photos...
...BTW The red button which is the subscribe has been smashed for you... Thump up button has colorized to the blue one and a small grave gray bell is ringing for everything and everyone!!!
Sorry for my bad English, am I right?
Thanks Andrej 💚💚
Presne tam sme boli asi pred mesiacom a naozaj je to krása urcite sa tam ešte vrátime 😁👌♥️
Super výlet ❤ objavuj krásy Slovenska
@@jerrykrajnak6396 thanks
@@hannz5759 Hi Hann Z, you are absolutely Great !!! Jerry.🗽
Hi Kimberly if you want to try nice hike i recommend peaks in West Tatras: Plačlivé - Ostrý Roháč - Volovec - Rákoň. Go from Roháčska dolina (valley) to Ťatliakova chata (hut) If you dont feel like hiking the peaks you can just check Roháčský vodopád (waterfall) and Roháčske plesá (tarns). And if you are there dont forget the Orava village museum in Zuberec :)
Ďakujem 👌🏽
Juuuj... Aj ja tam chcem ísť!
About the robin hood guy, there is for many years ago made a movie about him. I mean the movie is polish. About the swedish woman, i follow her too. She is great. I definitely want to go trekking there too. Its so beautiful . nice video 😊
Thank you Allan ⛰⛰⛰
Kim veari good video a nádherne zaberi a prajem pekný víkend
Ďakujem podobne aj tebe ✌🏽
Malá fatra - Stoh. Nádherné výhľady. Na budúci týždeň sa tam chystáme . Výstup zo Štefanovej. Odporúčam!!!
Ďakujem ✌🏽
Odporúčam tam ísť po dažďoch, vtedy je to ešte zaujímavejšie, ked voda hučí oveľa viac 😜
Pekné a ešte krajšie keď sú v Terchovej "Jánošíkove slávnosti. 7:22 ❤
Alebo ešte Jánska dolina , možno sa okúpať zadarmo v liečivej kadi, ( ale hneď ráno, alebo večer, vtedy je tam malo ľudí), ist do parku Mini Slovensko a vybehnúť na Výhladnu
i love you. Danko is lucky man..
413💐💐 great job👍🌷 first time view your video
Thank you 💙
aaaaw.. so cute :o) we were there with my wife 2 weeks ago and today my mom messaged me a photo and where do you think they were with my dad? at Janosiove Diery :o)
Kimberly if im not mistaken in what i saw, flowers you liked so much are actually invasive not native and we have a big problem here in Slovakia with them and many other species to clear them off 🙂
Ahoj, na Slovensku nie sú len krásne hory na severe. Príď niekedy aj na juh - hraď Čabraď (okres Veľký Krtíš) je označovaný ako slovenské Machu Picchu. Prípadne, tu máme miesta, kde sa dá zažiť krásny východ/ západ Slnka. Dokonca tu máme aj Trúbiaci kameň, na ktorom sa pri troche snahy dá naučiť trúbiť :) Alebo v okrese Lučenec sú krásne Fiľakovský hrad a hrad Šomoška. Ak by si sem niekedy mala cestu a potrebovala by si poradiť, skľudom napíš. Rád pomôžem :)
Ďakujem 👍🏽
Bola som v Tatrách v Sliezkom dome,bolo tam super, odporúčala by som,len neviem ako teraz sa tam dá ísť 😬, ale veľmi pekné to tam je, asi 2-3 hodiny cesta
Odporúčam navštíviť Liptovský Hrad. Je to túra tak na 3 hodinky možno. Záleží od toho akým tempom pôjdete. Ale je tam krásne, hlavne potom ako to nejaký šikovní chalani poopravovali.
Ďakujem za tip.
Peknučka si :)
V Terchovej je aj vyhladňa nad obcou.
Ahoj Kimberly tvoj muž natočil pekné video, zdá sa že Highlander s teba nebude, oveľa viac ti to pristane na pláži pri mori
Ďakujem 😂. Asi máš pravdu 🧜🏽♀️
I've been at the same place where you been! 🤣🤣
Veľký Choč-úžasné výhlady,mlyn Oblazy-isť hore Prosieckou dolinou a zísť dolu Kvačianskou dolinou-balzam na dušu,Liptovský hrad-ist po žltej značke z obce Kalameny a po modrej dolu-opačne sa viac zadýchaš,Znievsky hrad(z obce Kláštor pod Znievom)-výhľad na Turiec,Babia Hora na Orave-krása,alebo len rozhladňa na Krahulskom vrchu(dajú aj dôchodcovia !!!) za pekného počasia krásna Kremnica,alebo Zádielská tiesňava na východnom slovensku-jedinečné miesto,a čo tak na biku alebo kolobežke Gaderskou dolinou po čertovu bránu kde natáčali prvého Jánošíka?..máme tu toho naozaj na výber.
Ďakujem pekne za tipy. 👌🏽
Hi Kim, can I have one impertinent question?
How tall you are?
hahaha I'm 151cm 🤣🤣
@@ChasingKimberly When I was six years old (and I measured maybe 120 cm), I went through a large part of the 'Slovenský ráj' with my parents. The terrain is similar to 'Malá Fatra' - ladders, stairs, platforms above the river Hornád, chains for holding...
Such a journey is very difficult for a small person. Thumbs up that you did it. ;-)
Jej tam som bola
ach to naše Slovensko je ale krásne :)
Je 😄💚
My sme tam boli pred dvoma týždňami
Top moment z videa bol keď ňou prešla chuť halušiek. LOL
Tam som bola pred dvoma rokmi je tam nádherá 👌👌👌👌👌💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Hi Kim. When i am watching your videos i feel a bit sad. Miss Slovakia i hope people gonna stand up from the whole bullshit and i can visit Slovakia with my partner and show him the beauty of our country.
wishing you could visit Slovakia soon! 🙏
Tam som bol je to iná šlapačka výsť až hore
I m coming next year is that good country
3:51 😂😂😂👍
Vďaka za ďalšie skvelé video. Nielen že som sa dobre pobavil, ale som aj vďaka Vám "navštívil" Janošíkové diery, kde som doteraz nebol.
PS: Mám rád vaše videa, len nesmiem čítať komenty "Slovaks" pod videom
Ďakujem . Super že som mohla inšpirovať 😊.
Hej you go in Slovenský Raj there in better adrenalin like in Jánošíkové diery 😉 i promise you after your knees will be in shock 🤣🤣
Môzes urobit video, co na Slovensku milujes a na co mas problem si zvyknut .
Hi Ate Kim! 🤗 Paano ka po ma-reach out? Would love to be friends of yours kasi yung soon to be Manžel ko is from Slovakia too 🥰 Would love to hear from you. God bless and stay safe!
Hi April! Im in IG too, pm me there 😊😊 congrats! Love to see you soon!
Ate Kim sorry i don't have IG 🥺 Only FB and whatsApp. Thank you po 🥰 Love to see you soon too po.❤️
Shame they don't serve Balut in Salaš 😀
hahaha wouldn't eat it too anyway 🤣
Ty vieš viac Slovensky než ja 😚
A prajem vám všetko dobré do nového roka aj keď ešte neni Silvester
😃 Slovakia is Beautiful country🇸🇰🇸🇰👍🌟
Indeed it is! 💚
How about citizenship? How to get it ?
Where are you from?
Philippines 🇵🇭
a teraz hor sa na priecne sedlo v t tatrach
Hi Kimberly, I doubt that you should return the same way. These routes with ledders and stairs are always one-way in order to be safe for tourists. In your next video, please, show your viewers the right way of descending from the hill. Although, I like, that your are discovering our beautiful nature🙂
Yes ,now we know that we made mistake 😬. ✌🏽
Very nice.🌞
Thank you.🦋🌞🦋
Každý poctivý Slovák by mal dať like 👍🇸🇰
12:20 why is she so afraid of stairs? 🤣😂
I have a challenge for you both. Do you have an interest?
what is it? 🤔
@@ChasingKimberly If you both have bikes so next trip try to replace the car with using train and bikes. Are you both up for the challenge?
Je to pekné, že ste tam boli, ale ukazovať všetkým ako sa ide nesprávne naspäť, že ste šli v jednosmerke do protismeru a nie ako sa má ísť po zelenej dole. Správny turista, by si mal naštudovať trasu a nezavadzať ostatným pri výstupe. Za takú nezodpovednú propagáciu dier sa dá dať akurát unlike.
Asi sme spravili chybu ospravedlňujeme sa . Našťastie tam nebolo veľa ľudí tak sme nikoho nebrzdili.Nabúce si dáme vačší pozor .
Peter Soukup* You are perfect ??? SHAME !!!
Peter Soukup* I will give you as many Dislikes, as YOU deserve !!!
@@jerrykrajnak6396 Another egoistic ignoramus who does not follow the rules of visiting the national park and tourist ethics.
@@jerrykrajnak6396 Try driving to a one-way street and see what happens.