In order for each character to survive, you had to have them overcome their flaws. This is weird considering that they didn’t exist and therefore none of it matters.
Apparently the hallucinations were each member of his deceased family or something, and by having them all survive and overcome their flaws he could like come to terms with their deaths and move on. But the endings are Commit Suicide (Bad), get Arrested (Neutral), Move on (Good). The main problem with this installment not being really good, is that the plot/twist was EXTREMELY convoluted and didn't fit at all with the other ghost/monster aspects. Like at least Until Dawn was Accidental Murder > Group all has shared guilt > They all begin to get hunted by a serial killer > Killer is revealed to be fake, and it is a "punishment for their sin" > Turns out that their sin actually came back to haunt them as a goddamn Wendigo It was a coherent story that you could follow, and the twists were in the MIDDLE of the story and not just f**king dumped on you at the very end out of nowhere. By the final act, you KNEW all the secrets and the stakes were up on the table. But this game? THIS GAME? Oh BTW you're actually some delusional guy and everything was in your head, okay ROLL CREDITS!
The concept of modern people being teleported back to colonial times and performing "magic" for "witches" is actually an interesting concept. Shame it was wasted in this game.
@@vgames9207 at least the quarry and the devil in me seem like they're gonna be genuinely good. Also the quarry might have the best acting in the entire series of choice based games made by supermassive
@@vgames9207 a cheap it was all a dream plot combined with a heaping helping of misinformation and stigmatisation of mental health issues and PTSD to boot! Fr though some kind of time loop wormhole or supernatural time stuff would’ve been amazing, and the idea of them being reincarnated and drawn/tethered to each other across many lives, maybe until they could right the wrongs of the past and free their original selves (or whatever) could’ve made a really cool, unique horror game…there’s some really good story in here, but it’s overshadowed by basically every decision made after the original pitch.
@@zaikolebolsh5724 Also with the animations bugging out every now and then so the characters switch to A-posing for a moment before returning to their T-poses.
@@Overlord99762 yes but most people don't use ancient roman latin specifically for that reason, it might be more accurate but it sounds fucking weird, so in books, movies, songs and games people use church latin because that's what was used to make the various creepy choirs people associate with latin. Italian is much more similar to this latin than the ancient roman latin. That said the point still stands, church latin was developed to be used in churches, specifically catholic churches, and guess where the epicenter of catholicism is? Vatican city, in (or rather, surrounded by) rome, in italy.
@@Overlord99762 I dunno man, classical Latin pronunciation sounds quite a lot like Italian to me. Obviously its gonna sound more different to a native Italian speaker, but to somebody who doesn't speak Italian it is surprising how similar the languages sound, especially if you're used to the received pronunciation of English church Latin.
This is like the worlds worst game of Phasmophobia: "Amity Upsall, are you there? Amity Upsall, give us a sign...OH! SHE'S IN THE ROOM WITH ME, SHE'S IN THE ROOM WITH ME! SHE'S SENDING ME BACK TO COLONIAL AMERICA, USE THE CAMERA, USE THE CAMERA! OH SHIT RIMMY FELL ON THE RUSTY FENCE, BACK TO THE VAN, NOW!
Get's back to the van just to find out they are just a postal delivery guy that ran rampant through someone's house throwing glowstick and candles everywhere whilst shouting at nothing, burning down the house accidentally ahhahaha
Yeah, he doesn't pat him down or anything. "Oh, he has a gun? Alright, let me put him in the back of my squad car completely unrestrained where he could easily shoot me in the back of my head."
In all fairness, I don't know that either Vince or the driver is all there, and the Cop knows it. Also this is seemingly in the past when small town cops may have been more lax about that sort of thing.
This story is truly self-aware. In the end, most of the characters and nearly all of the story came from a concussed, mentally ill bus driver. Admitting that, pretty much anybody on the planet can write as well as they can.
"First he loses his pride, then he loses his way" "What are you trying to say?" I guess, what she's saying is... DONT LOSE YOUR WAAAAY IN THE NIGHT, WE HAVE TO FIGHT AS OOONE
@@GodOfOrphans Well yeah, but that was a different era. Very few dev teams or even companies had the budget or even the idea of advertising their upcoming releases on tv back then so they just put them somewhere within the game. Now you can just, you know, make a teaser/trailer, post it on the tube, pay a bit of cash and have it shoved in everyone's faces 24/7, no real need to put it in the game.
@@thundersoul6795 I think they know nobody is talking about them anymore, which is why they are using this method. Plus seeing how fast they are pumping out games, they might be running out of money.
It wasn't even a good trailer. The chick can die in the game, as proved by these guys' playthrough, so it doesn't make sense to have her narrating like she survived to tell the tale.
So NOTHING in the game mattered! The girl wasnt at all evil, the literal DEMON THAT SHE SUMMONED at the beginning of the game didnt matter, and none of the characters existed. There were no stakes AT ALL. The worst part is: your choices at the end of the game are literally the only part of the game that matters. None of the other artifacts or any of that besides a satanic bible were important in the end.
Second worst part is that two or more people can play this, which is why when there is only 1 true guy. Did he split himself and can experience simultanous pov and or he was schizo and plays reality like a split screen. ....either alternatives seems to be worse.
Pretty much also in until dawn josh was also hallucinating aswell they are just reusing the same thing apparently it’s too much to ask for a different type of plot
Yeah how much you wanna bet the soldiers from the next game are just experiencing PTSD which I would honestly be fine with as I like the premise of supernatural events explained with natural causes, but it really clashes with Until Dawns confirmation of the supernatural
@@jordinagel1184 I’m talking about him seeing his dead sisters walking around pulling their faces off when he’s hallucinating he has schizophrenia. Wasn’t taking his meds.
The more I experience the writting of this game and Man of Medan. The more I think that Until Dawn was not a deliberate attempt to recreate a classic 80's slasher film, but their sincere and best effort in trying to scare the player.
Maybe they tried both. I realy wonder though how can a studio make something great like Until Dawn then a few years latter something shitty like Little Hope ? Did the team changed or something?
They probably just was able to make a one hit wonder and just kept trying to recreate it, Kinda like avlanach studios and every game since just cause two is a copy paste of its shit open world
@@jetstreamattano4176 its the same situation telltale had, where they have one REALLY popular game and then just shit the bed with each new release until they collapse from lack of funds which is getting more noticeable as the games are being released.
@@incelliousthewizard7883 telltale had some pretty good games, the wolf among us, batman, game of thrones, tales of a borderland, the first walking dead season
For anyone who's confused about this heap of confusion (spoiler warning if anyone cares): This game is about Anthony coming to terms with the death of his family from the fire at the very beginning of the game. After the bus crashes (which happened cause he swerved out of the way to avoid a vision of Megan), he hallucinates himself and the rest of his family as a modern-day class. He then creates this adventure for his family to go on: all of them being connected to a series of witchhunts from colonial America (So yes, all of those Colonial America scenes were also in his head). All the monsters that were seen were reflections of how Anthony remembers each person dying. (Dennis by the fence, Tanya by fire, and James by being crushed. The reason Anne's monster appears drowned was because Anthony remembers her getting a bath right before she died). The reason Mary/Megan appears to be the bad guy for a good portion was because *she* started the fire, so by the end of the game you can choose to forgive Mary (and indirectly Megan) or kill her. With this factor of forgiving Megan and not upsetting Vince through the game (reason explained below), can determine whether Anthony can carry on from his survivor's guilt and hatred, or be consumed by it (leading to his arrest, or maybe even to him 'cleaning out his ears'). More tid-bits to help explain more: - The reason the Colonial judge was Asian was because he represents the passerby/neighbor from the housefire scene. And as he saw Anthony with some matches, he 'judged' him. - To add onto that previous point, the reason Vince can be pissed at Anthony was because he believed he cause the fire from the neighbor's testimony. (But Vince can find out Anthony didn't do it in other endings) - That police officer from the beginning? He's in the Colonial America scenes as well: he plays the part of executioner for all of the death scenes with the witchhunts. It's been said that he's seen this way because he was the one that sent Anthony back to Little Hope. I think I covered the immediately confusing parts, hope it was helpful. So yeah, welcome to 'The Accident Wasn't Your Fault'/Survivor's Guilt: The Game Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
@@Aredel Worse is two people can play these while they travel to the town splitting into two groups, which is why if its one person? Was he re-enacting a whole town and delusionally experience split screen like a PS game? That was the crux for me to not continue the game for replays. Man of Medan at least had the gall to make the two playing people actually have a good experience for trying to survive the people they are playing as even it if was a delusion as it has real tension and makes you fight your flight or fight senses.
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope the only jumpscare fulled game the didn't scare me , not because jumpscares are over used or expected after a current point, but because their jumpscare are bad jumpscares are a flash of something scary, strange, or a known hostile TDPA:LH's jumpscares are 30 second animations of the same old albino lady holding someone's wrist
ah yes, the "shit sandwich" defence. Just because my man Maza here isn't a chef doesn't mean he can't say that a shit sandwich is a bad meal. The game is crap, you don't need to be a game dev to figure that out.
@@RimmyDownunder yeah, i never liked this defense either, particularly when talking about games. It's the wrong angle of approach. To criticize a food's taste you need to have working taste buds, not know how to make it, and to criticize a game you don't need to know how to program it (c++ is a bitch), just to not be blind and know how to actually play it (which considering the videos games journalists release might actually be quite a rare talent). It's just shifting the goalpost.
@@Predator20357 yeah, somebody said something along the lines of "if you can't make a game you shouldn't criticise people who can" and then deleted it when rimmy rightfully said that's stupid.
@@bonogiamboni4830 Wow, what a bitch move to delete your comment, I bet he would’ve gone on a 70 reply debate if it wasn’t Rimmy telling him to stop with that argument
When i played the game with a friend, we were speculating about the games plot while trying to keep the information we got seperately to ourselfs. I figured that the town was cursed since the witch trials because the priest used mary to take control of the town which in turn ended up with her unjust death - the reason why her ghost appears all the time. I was excited when in the latter part i found a poster advertising for the mayor who "coincidentally" had the same last name as the priest from the past. Then they also put all these books and notes about witches and their icons in the town ( sun = rebirth, moon = magic) which made me think that the mayor ist actually just the priest who by a devilish pact gained immortality and we had to stop him by overcoming our flaws first. And then they dropped that entire plot point and told me it was just andrew overcoming his trauma. It could've been so much more, man....
That would’ve been such a cool game, honestly. The plot that was building had so much potential and seemed so carefully woven and not only did they ditch it with the hallucination ending they didn’t even wrap it up in any meaningful way, no reason why he’d be hallucinating witch trials or even modern students or monsters all representing his family or any of it, no actual narrative or meaning in the end. There wasn’t even an intentional nihilistic lack of meaning or poignant statement on grief, it just ended with a “lol jk none of it was real and now he’s in prison or dead”. The whole thing felt like starting a really ambitious school project and having loads of great ideas and plans but having to rush to finish for the deadline and wasting all of it.
Unfortunately, it also gets more annoying, as the dude has a lot of clues that Anthony is hallucinating, and he still tries to peg the guy as a murderer for no real reason.
@@mako7710 Eh. I can see people getting genuinely attached to the professor and the annoying chick's boyfriend. They're the ones with actual personalities. From there, it's not hard to believe the game could trick some people into following suit with the others.
Getting dragged to colonial America got some real "Come to Brazil" vibes. Imagine a horror game where you are constantly jumpscared by a Brazilian who grabs you and screams COME TO BRAZIL, before teleporting you to the favelas.
And every time you get dragged to the favelas the game makes you fight off a wave of gangsters(or whatever the people who are a part of the organized crime in Brazil are called) as punishment for getting caught
@@nopainnogain3345 nah telltale had 2 to 3 awesome games before they rapidly died do to overwork while supermassive had one one hit wonder which was until done and every game since has been half as good the next game is probably gonna be so terrible people arnt gonna belive its real.
Have you heard of the prominent English economist If-Jesus-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned Barebone? Named so by his father, Praise-God Barebone. I am not even kidding.
@@TheArkTheArkTheArk that’s what happens when your country goes Protestant and can’t name their kids after Saints. Also we totally learned it from the British
To be fair though, Until Dawn probably had a budget like 100x larger than this game (or Man of Medan) had. Since UD was backed up by Sony and was a PS4 exclusive.
How much does budget affect writing though? You don't have to be a billionaire to not sink into the "It's all in your head" twist well right after just releasing a game with the same twist
@@chuckn4851 Nah it's probably valid. This game was produced in a year, idk if you have any knowledge on video game development, but completing a game in such a short period is insanity. The writers probably had something like 3 months to make the story before they start actually coding the game. Althought you might say it was faster since they already had a working engine, and plenty of assets used in Until Dawn, but this is still a very risky moove. I think they rished the development because they wanted to surf on their popularity before it goes down, like Scott Neil did it with "5 nights at Freddy's". But where as Scott always added a new mechanics to keep it all fresh, this studio added a terrible story.
@@Sir_Bucket Considering how poorly written the story is, I wouldn't be surprised if it was written in one night by a single writer driven into a coke-fueled frenzy. "It's all a dream" without the most important component of any dream-based story (that being that the one having the dream/hallucination has to go through significant development and growth, thus resulting in a completely different person when they wake up. IE: "A Christman Carol") would give any halfway decent writer an instant migraine.
Game's cutscene camera be like "Hunting Down the Freeman" and just bad TF2 SFWs. Also, my little sister jumping out from round the corner yelling "boo!" is scarier than the game's so-called "jumpscares".
So they’ve basically released a new game and added nothing to the table. It reuses the same “oh, X can see shit that Y can’t” trope, and somehow even more poorly than Man of Medan
@@phantomkrieger2744 Man of Medan still has stakes that makes sense and matters in the start until the end. LH there is literally only the end that matters.
The horror genre as whole has been overly obsessed with twists for a while now, especially 'psychological' horror. I think that people making horror titles need to realise that a simple story, well told, is better than an ambitious but directionless mess. It's better to be good than to be 'deep'.
@@bonogiamboni4830 it wasnt revolutionairy but it was fun because the writing and story felt like a geuine classic slasher movie with mysteries added in but apprently supermassive thinks it was the mona lisa of video games cause ever game sense has been inferior copys of until dawn with worse gameplay and worse writing.
a geuine game like that could be fun a bunch of civilians in a warhammer 40k planet who has to try to survive and escape as the planet becomes a battle ground perhaps set it in a argi or old terra esk planet instead of a hive world or wasteland to make it feel more unique could give you a dead line by saying you have this long to get off world before the inquistion arrive and exterminatus the planet.
Dyslexia font is comic sans... And what the actual fuck? The twist cannot be there were no stakes all along. What an amazing way to make everyone feel like they wasted their time. And writing so bad you have to tease your next game as a gameplay feature. What the hell happened here?
apprently the stakes were if you got every character alive the bus driver comes to peace with his familys death or gets arrested if you dont or offs himself if they all die aka the stakes existed but were so mind boggling small youd need a atomic microscope to notice and alien brain to even care about
@@jacksonl.2201 It means anything you say to the cop is inadmissible in court, it's a protection against self-incrimination (if you tell me something, we can use it in court).
2:20 Dammit, when will we stop building our floors out of petrol?! How many more tragedies must we endure?! - This comment has been sponsored by the Organisation Against Flammable Floors. Please rip up your floorboards today!
Sounds stupid but actually loads of people in the Grenfell Tower fire in London, UK died because the building had flammable plastic walls installed but not smoke alarms so the fire spread via the outside of the building and rained burning plastic droplets.
@@woofyou1186 it wasn’t well done, it was cliche and nonsensical, medically inaccurate and makes the entirety of the rest of the game moot, which is not what a twist is supposed to do.
Rimmy, here us a tip for when you plug a ps4 controller to pc. A ps4 controller has a speaker built in, but it's not strong enough for all pc sound, so you need to go to settings and disable the controller speaker, hope this helps you
He would have a much better factory situation if he was Wonka. Just do a golden ticket contest and give it to a kid who doesn't get yeeted by Oompa Loompas
they seem to have a real "tell-tale games" problem, where they aren't concerned on making sure their story based games have a good story but are more concerned on a gimmick, in this case always having a twist
Upon watching this video and reading these comments, I’m glad that the developers actually learnt from their mistakes and instead of making a crappy plot twist they gave us an unsolved mystery and ACTUALLY GOOD CHARACTERS
Ok I know this studio's been going out of it's way to recapture it's magic of the first game, but good fucking god, that ending alone deserves closing them down cus they clearly fucked things up along the way.
Although I’m not sure if this is an idea that would be portrayed perfectly in the format of a Supermassive game, there was this one story pitch that held some similarity to the tale of Man of Medan, but with a stronger emphasis on the unknowable due to the subject matter that’ll i get to in a bit. Picture this: a group of history students have gone on a vacation to Lower Silesia, as part of one final discovery project in the presence of their retiring teacher. Originally, they sought to explore the Middle Age chateaus during the Piast reign over the region, but as they venture further into the landscape without much headway made into the research, they stumble upon the sole uncharted entrance of the supposedly-buried “Der Riese” facility, where legends speak of it being the heart of the Third Reich’s lesser known wonder weapons. Despite some hesitation with the fact that the complex shouldn’t exist, not to mention it must be unsafe after decades of neglect, the group would venture into the bowels of the Giant, where they would find the infamous “Die Glöcke” bell, still attached to the experimental apparatuses used for testing it. The team would be jovial, thrilled at the prospect of a mystery become reality, but not everything is exactly as it seems in the depths of the complex. It begins with one of the students becoming anxious and stressed as he could swear that voices and noises of activity echo the stone corridors of the Complex. Horrified shouts, seas of charging footsteps and the mysterious yet ghastly hum of the dormant Bell are but some of the sounds that shimmer within the aging concrete, and soon, the very student would find himself succumb to the effects of the Bell...and activate it. From then on, the students and professor find themselves thrust into different segments of the Complex, long forgotten by time yet still house the ghastly experiments performed by the Reich as they venture through armories, sunken barracks and floors of laboratories filled with all matters of dangerous concoctions and terrifying machinery, waiting for the day where they shall be cast upon the unsuspecting world to continue the rotten legacy of their inventors. Not only must they face the terror of their isolation, but very soon they will discover that the souls who heed the Bell’s toll have yet to truly depart from the afterlife. Some wish nothing more but to return from the dimensional limbo to which they’ve been cursed, some embrace their eldritch transformation in their twisted continuation of the Aryan faith, and some...may not be as of darkened heart as their mangled forms may seem. The Giant hides many secrets in its rotten carcass, and only the bold, the strong, and the steadfast can even hope to escape from the nightmares of the past. It’s a mere idea roaming about in my head, and although I’m uncertain Supermassive is going to take such a proposition anytime soon, I’d figure it would be a fun story to pan out. I might give it a shot, when I’m liberated from the heavy studies.
Personally I'm just wondering why if they're so dead set on the "it was all in your head" trope they don't just go with making the monster a living meme like Candyman or the Slenderman. Bonus: the monster not being real neatly sidesteps why you don't just shoot it.
@@ヴァリ-z3e What’s funny is that,in an odd way, it’s a recycling of the Man of Medan tale! The nerve gas from the Ourang Medan, Manchurian Gold, had the notable effect of making your sense of reality be warped by intense and extreme hallucinations (such as the rotten Pinup Girl, or the mysterious Double-Head Soldier from the coffins). What Little Hope did is almost the same, minus the somewhat logical base of the Gas and tossed up with a perplexing side-tale in the Puritan Era of America and...I guess insanity, although that doesn’t explicitly make it a bad idea. At least in the first game, the consequences were more impactful since the characters were real from start to finish. Here? If the story is solely that Anthony’s lost his marbles and everything is going on in his head, that means there isn’t even a danger to chug the plot along.
@@ヴァリ-z3e The good way to do it here (man of medan I guess made more sense than this, but I don't remember much about it) would be to make the schitzo guy the only one who can see/ interact with the mystical part of the story. So near the end they set you up for a fake out twist that it was just all a hallucination, but as you're realizing that doesn't add up they throw the mystical aspect back in more directly (presumably better explaining the colonial america thing); this would also give more license to have weird inexplicable shit going on as long as the actual world behind the scenes is kept consistent, it'd just be how the bus driver is interpreting it, and allowing for fake-out hallucination scares after that reveal. At the end then actually have the poor guy take the fall and go to jail or a mental institution, but he was partially right and the supernatural thing lives on to haunt the world into the future. Add in some small improvements and hints, the bus driver persona showing up earlier and dipping in/ out of the story at times, etc, and this could have been good.
no its just them being stupid and advertising there next game in there own game as man of medean is not part of this "anthology" honestly glad as even man of medean didnt end with "it was all a dream"
In order for each character to survive, you had to have them overcome their flaws. This is weird considering that they didn’t exist and therefore none of it matters.
Thanks for the spoiler I guess? xD
Your fear of Latin music is shared brother.
“You just don’t understand art.”
-Neil Cucctmann
What game?
How do you overcome their flaws when their flaws are in the fucking mechanical design of the game?
So basically colonial americans use people from the present as stands
This game is just a really bad JoJo reference.
Imagine if dio just summons mike Tyson
4/10 could have used more Pillar Men of Medan.
this comment is cursed, i'm never gonna look at this terrible game the same way again
yes but also no, because the points are made up and the score doesn't matter.
What about the French.
What *about* the French?
Apparently the hallucinations were each member of his deceased family or something, and by having them all survive and overcome their flaws he could like come to terms with their deaths and move on. But the endings are Commit Suicide (Bad), get Arrested (Neutral), Move on (Good). The main problem with this installment not being really good, is that the plot/twist was EXTREMELY convoluted and didn't fit at all with the other ghost/monster aspects.
Like at least Until Dawn was Accidental Murder > Group all has shared guilt > They all begin to get hunted by a serial killer > Killer is revealed to be fake, and it is a "punishment for their sin" > Turns out that their sin actually came back to haunt them as a goddamn Wendigo
It was a coherent story that you could follow, and the twists were in the MIDDLE of the story and not just f**king dumped on you at the very end out of nowhere. By the final act, you KNEW all the secrets and the stakes were up on the table. But this game? THIS GAME? Oh BTW you're actually some delusional guy and everything was in your head, okay ROLL CREDITS!
Yea it was so quick and sudden. Abrupt…
Why the hell did Anthony imagine his sister and brother as a couple?! She not only has a boyfriend but he imagined his siblings dating each other??
Sweet Home Alabama
They're not related at all that's why Dennis disapproved tanya dating Vince. Andrew probably mixed that love relationship together
It is America thogh
@@BringMeThatHorizon2000 Charles II: 'sweating nervously'
@@BringMeThatHorizon2000 Are they in the Deep South as that’s the only Place where a stereotype might make sense
Senator Armstrong : Played college ball, ya know. Coulda gone pro if I hadn't been warped in colonial america.
“I could break the Natives Chief in two”
@@Predator20357 "WITH MY BEAR HANDS!"
@@kingsnakke6888 And that’s no Pun.
@@kingsnakke6888 BEAR FISTS!!!
At some cushy ivy riddled homestead
"Maybe he's a progressive abusive father"
Dad: In this house we RESPECT and WELCOME all GENDERS AND RACES. *Dad snaps the belt*
Dad is disappointed that his son is an white straight male, he does not approve.
top tier comment 💀
Too bad everyone with a brain doesn't.
Cause social justice is retarded.
In like 30 years that might actually be a thing
And then culture will swing back the other way.
The concept of modern people being teleported back to colonial times and performing "magic" for "witches" is actually an interesting concept. Shame it was wasted in this game.
the devs would rather use a cheap its all a dream plot twist then work hard and make a good story.
@@vgames9207 at least the quarry and the devil in me seem like they're gonna be genuinely good. Also the quarry might have the best acting in the entire series of choice based games made by supermassive
@@vgames9207 a cheap it was all a dream plot combined with a heaping helping of misinformation and stigmatisation of mental health issues and PTSD to boot! Fr though some kind of time loop wormhole or supernatural time stuff would’ve been amazing, and the idea of them being reincarnated and drawn/tethered to each other across many lives, maybe until they could right the wrongs of the past and free their original selves (or whatever) could’ve made a really cool, unique horror game…there’s some really good story in here, but it’s overshadowed by basically every decision made after the original pitch.
A batman comic actually did this in like the black and white series
The inclusion of Senator Armstrong, would have made this game 100 times better.
"Their memes" an American Senator
Armstrong punches a ghost “nanomachines son you can’t hurt me”
To be fair the inclusion of Senator Armstrong into anything automatically makes it 100 times better.
You aren't wrong there
@@rgm96x49 Cooking Mama: The Mother of the Mother of all Omelettes.
The ability of this studio to release a horror game every year that drops a magnitude in quality every time is commendable.
@@zaikolebolsh5724 Also with the animations bugging out every now and then so the characters switch to A-posing for a moment before returning to their T-poses.
Oh God your right
This was meant to be this way. The mental stability of the character is always in question, which is illustrated by the "experiences."
How many year took. Until. Dawn?
"I didn't know Latin sounds like Italian." Rimmy where do you think Rome is
You do know that the Romans pronounced Latin in a VERY different way than what Italians do it nowadays
@@Overlord99762 yes but most people don't use ancient roman latin specifically for that reason, it might be more accurate but it sounds fucking weird, so in books, movies, songs and games people use church latin because that's what was used to make the various creepy choirs people associate with latin. Italian is much more similar to this latin than the ancient roman latin. That said the point still stands, church latin was developed to be used in churches, specifically catholic churches, and guess where the epicenter of catholicism is? Vatican city, in (or rather, surrounded by) rome, in italy.
@@bonogiamboni4830 I see your point, and you make valid observations.
@@Overlord99762 thx.
@@Overlord99762 I dunno man, classical Latin pronunciation sounds quite a lot like Italian to me. Obviously its gonna sound more different to a native Italian speaker, but to somebody who doesn't speak Italian it is surprising how similar the languages sound, especially if you're used to the received pronunciation of English church Latin.
"You know what, fuck this story, I just want us dead!"
-Senator Armstrong when he throws the gun away
This is like the worlds worst game of Phasmophobia: "Amity Upsall, are you there? Amity Upsall, give us a sign...OH! SHE'S IN THE ROOM WITH ME, SHE'S IN THE ROOM WITH ME! SHE'S SENDING ME BACK TO COLONIAL AMERICA, USE THE CAMERA, USE THE CAMERA! OH SHIT RIMMY FELL ON THE RUSTY FENCE, BACK TO THE VAN, NOW!
Get's back to the van just to find out they are just a postal delivery guy that ran rampant through someone's house throwing glowstick and candles everywhere whilst shouting at nothing, burning down the house accidentally ahhahaha
I like how at the end Vince says "he has a gun". The police officer hears this but doesn't take the gun and just puts him in the backseat like wtf
And it looked like he was uncuffed as well
Yeah, he doesn't pat him down or anything. "Oh, he has a gun? Alright, let me put him in the back of my squad car completely unrestrained where he could easily shoot me in the back of my head."
Hes a progressive cop
In all fairness, I don't know that either Vince or the driver is all there, and the Cop knows it. Also this is seemingly in the past when small town cops may have been more lax about that sort of thing.
Imagine if he were a GTA cop and he calls in a tank to arrest a crazy old man.
This story is truly self-aware. In the end, most of the characters and nearly all of the story came from a concussed, mentally ill bus driver. Admitting that, pretty much anybody on the planet can write as well as they can.
I feel like im the only one who liked the game
@@zacharyhobia159 i feel like im the only one who actually really liked the ending. it was sad af and good. made the game better in my opinion
@@usmc6270 agreed
@@zacharyhobia159 to be fair, it's really hard to pull an "and it's all just a dream" trope and make it good.
"First he loses his pride, then he loses his way"
"What are you trying to say?"
I love it when my horror game accidentally turns into a comedy
He hath returned
not this guy again
It's our boy!
The more Justin Y comments I see the more I think he's a true bro
heavy rain syndrome
Imagine having a teaser trailer for your next game in your newest release. That's not even a cliffhanger, its just a dead ass trailer.
they did the same with Man of Medan
Didn't that used to be a somewhat common practice to have trailers for upcoming releases in like the special features for games and such?
@@GodOfOrphans Well yeah, but that was a different era. Very few dev teams or even companies had the budget or even the idea of advertising their upcoming releases on tv back then so they just put them somewhere within the game. Now you can just, you know, make a teaser/trailer, post it on the tube, pay a bit of cash and have it shoved in everyone's faces 24/7, no real need to put it in the game.
@@thundersoul6795 I think they know nobody is talking about them anymore, which is why they are using this method.
Plus seeing how fast they are pumping out games, they might be running out of money.
It wasn't even a good trailer. The chick can die in the game, as proved by these guys' playthrough, so it doesn't make sense to have her narrating like she survived to tell the tale.
So NOTHING in the game mattered! The girl wasnt at all evil, the literal DEMON THAT SHE SUMMONED at the beginning of the game didnt matter, and none of the characters existed. There were no stakes AT ALL.
The worst part is: your choices at the end of the game are literally the only part of the game that matters. None of the other artifacts or any of that besides a satanic bible were important in the end.
love me some life is strange "only one choice really matters and it's at the very end of the game" vibes
@@rozhsoh-muh why what that a game again
Second worst part is that two or more people can play this, which is why when there is only 1 true guy. Did he split himself and can experience simultanous pov and or he was schizo and plays reality like a split screen.
....either alternatives seems to be worse.
Not even nanomaschines could save armstrong from being imaginary
So basically, Every game in this anthology is gonna come down to "There's nothing supernatural, you're just hallucinating" Got it.
Pretty much also in until dawn josh was also hallucinating aswell they are just reusing the same thing apparently it’s too much to ask for a different type of plot
Yeah how much you wanna bet the soldiers from the next game are just experiencing PTSD which I would honestly be fine with as I like the premise of supernatural events explained with natural causes, but it really clashes with Until Dawns confirmation of the supernatural
@@kaylafairnbain8163 was he though? I mean, yes, the narrator and all that, but the wendigos were still a real thing
@@jordinagel1184 I’m talking about him seeing his dead sisters walking around pulling their faces off when he’s hallucinating he has schizophrenia. Wasn’t taking his meds.
@@jordinagel1184 like this scene
The more I experience the writting of this game and Man of Medan. The more I think that Until Dawn was not a deliberate attempt to recreate a classic 80's slasher film, but their sincere and best effort in trying to scare the player.
Maybe they tried both. I realy wonder though how can a studio make something great like Until Dawn then a few years latter something shitty like Little Hope ? Did the team changed or something?
They probably just was able to make a one hit wonder and just kept trying to recreate it, Kinda like avlanach studios and every game since just cause two is a copy paste of its shit open world
@@jetstreamattano4176 its the same situation telltale had, where they have one REALLY popular game and then just shit the bed with each new release until they collapse from lack of funds which is getting more noticeable as the games are being released.
@@oslo0323 It's probably due to decrees in the budget as Until Dawn was backed by Sony and was a ps4 exclusive
@@incelliousthewizard7883 telltale had some pretty good games, the wolf among us, batman, game of thrones, tales of a borderland, the first walking dead season
"horror game"? more like "black comedy with the occasional loud noise"
I don't really care about how bad this game is.
But I feel sympathy for the bus driver tbh, it's pretty sad.
Markiplier in Man of Medan: I don't think this game is meant to be this funny.
Rimmy and maxor in Little Hope: This is a hilariously bad horror game.
I love how they decided to waste an entire cool premise and crush it into “it was just a dream bro”
For anyone who's confused about this heap of confusion (spoiler warning if anyone cares):
This game is about Anthony coming to terms with the death of his family from the fire at the very beginning of the game. After the bus crashes (which happened cause he swerved out of the way to avoid a vision of Megan), he hallucinates himself and the rest of his family as a modern-day class. He then creates this adventure for his family to go on: all of them being connected to a series of witchhunts from colonial America (So yes, all of those Colonial America scenes were also in his head). All the monsters that were seen were reflections of how Anthony remembers each person dying. (Dennis by the fence, Tanya by fire, and James by being crushed. The reason Anne's monster appears drowned was because Anthony remembers her getting a bath right before she died). The reason Mary/Megan appears to be the bad guy for a good portion was because *she* started the fire, so by the end of the game you can choose to forgive Mary (and indirectly Megan) or kill her. With this factor of forgiving Megan and not upsetting Vince through the game (reason explained below), can determine whether Anthony can carry on from his survivor's guilt and hatred, or be consumed by it (leading to his arrest, or maybe even to him 'cleaning out his ears').
More tid-bits to help explain more:
- The reason the Colonial judge was Asian was because he represents the passerby/neighbor from the housefire scene. And as he saw Anthony with some matches, he 'judged' him.
- To add onto that previous point, the reason Vince can be pissed at Anthony was because he believed he cause the fire from the neighbor's testimony. (But Vince can find out Anthony didn't do it in other endings)
- That police officer from the beginning? He's in the Colonial America scenes as well: he plays the part of executioner for all of the death scenes with the witchhunts. It's been said that he's seen this way because he was the one that sent Anthony back to Little Hope.
I think I covered the immediately confusing parts, hope it was helpful.
So yeah, welcome to 'The Accident Wasn't Your Fault'/Survivor's Guilt: The Game
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
I mean the pieces of a good story are then even with the twist ending but the lack of budget and rushed production resulted in this mess.
It comes off as a guy having a schizophrenic episode while wandering through an abandoned town.
they were literally shown on the bus before it crashed though
@@Aredel Worse is two people can play these while they travel to the town splitting into two groups, which is why if its one person? Was he re-enacting a whole town and delusionally experience split screen like a PS game? That was the crux for me to not continue the game for replays.
Man of Medan at least had the gall to make the two playing people actually have a good experience for trying to survive the people they are playing as even it if was a delusion as it has real tension and makes you fight your flight or fight senses.
But what about the demon standing behind Megan at the beginning?
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope
the only jumpscare fulled game the didn't scare me , not because jumpscares are over used or expected after a current point, but because their jumpscare are bad
jumpscares are a flash of something scary, strange, or a known hostile
TDPA:LH's jumpscares are 30 second animations of the same old albino lady holding someone's wrist
ah yes, the "shit sandwich" defence. Just because my man Maza here isn't a chef doesn't mean he can't say that a shit sandwich is a bad meal.
The game is crap, you don't need to be a game dev to figure that out.
@@RimmyDownunder yeah, i never liked this defense either, particularly when talking about games. It's the wrong angle of approach. To criticize a food's taste you need to have working taste buds, not know how to make it, and to criticize a game you don't need to know how to program it (c++ is a bitch), just to not be blind and know how to actually play it (which considering the videos games journalists release might actually be quite a rare talent). It's just shifting the goalpost.
@@bonogiamboni4830 what is going on? Did a person replied to the comment but deleted it?
@@Predator20357 yeah, somebody said something along the lines of "if you can't make a game you shouldn't criticise people who can" and then deleted it when rimmy rightfully said that's stupid.
@@bonogiamboni4830 Wow, what a bitch move to delete your comment, I bet he would’ve gone on a 70 reply debate if it wasn’t Rimmy telling him to stop with that argument
When i played the game with a friend, we were speculating about the games plot while trying to keep the information we got seperately to ourselfs. I figured that the town was cursed since the witch trials because the priest used mary to take control of the town which in turn ended up with her unjust death - the reason why her ghost appears all the time. I was excited when in the latter part i found a poster advertising for the mayor who "coincidentally" had the same last name as the priest from the past. Then they also put all these books and notes about witches and their icons in the town ( sun = rebirth, moon = magic) which made me think that the mayor ist actually just the priest who by a devilish pact gained immortality and we had to stop him by overcoming our flaws first.
And then they dropped that entire plot point and told me it was just andrew overcoming his trauma. It could've been so much more, man....
That would’ve been such a cool game, honestly. The plot that was building had so much potential and seemed so carefully woven and not only did they ditch it with the hallucination ending they didn’t even wrap it up in any meaningful way, no reason why he’d be hallucinating witch trials or even modern students or monsters all representing his family or any of it, no actual narrative or meaning in the end. There wasn’t even an intentional nihilistic lack of meaning or poignant statement on grief, it just ended with a “lol jk none of it was real and now he’s in prison or dead”. The whole thing felt like starting a really ambitious school project and having loads of great ideas and plans but having to rush to finish for the deadline and wasting all of it.
every scene with the black guy gets funnier when you realise he's seeing the bus driver the whole time and nobody else.
Unfortunately, it also gets more annoying, as the dude has a lot of clues that Anthony is hallucinating, and he still tries to peg the guy as a murderer for no real reason.
@TrainerblueTube That's a really good point. I didn't even realize that. There's so much stupid it's hard to process it all.
@@mattpace1026 I hate that I got attached to the characters
@@mako7710 Eh. I can see people getting genuinely attached to the professor and the annoying chick's boyfriend. They're the ones with actual personalities. From there, it's not hard to believe the game could trick some people into following suit with the others.
@@mattpace1026 I got attached to Andrew 😭😭😭
Rimmy: Endless laughter
Tommykay: Endless screaming
27:34 I love how the officer isn't even animated before he leaves the car.
Satan attempted to make a game that would ensnare human souls.
He failed and made a comedy instead.
Your getting dragged to Colonial America is such a powerful sentence holy shit
Honestly, the time travel getting misinterpreted as witches and stuff is such a cool idea, they should have stuck to that.
Getting dragged to colonial America got some real "Come to Brazil" vibes. Imagine a horror game where you are constantly jumpscared by a Brazilian who grabs you and screams COME TO BRAZIL, before teleporting you to the favelas.
jetstream sam jumpscare
And every time you get dragged to the favelas the game makes you fight off a wave of gangsters(or whatever the people who are a part of the organized crime in Brazil are called) as punishment for getting caught
@@jonathanjoestar3785 Imagine you just have to play the MW2 Favela special ops mission every time.
@@PhoenixT70 Now that was a fever dream of an experience nostalgia. One of the best sequences of MW campaigns.
It seems like they were desperately trying to fill the space in the market Telltale left behind, but the awful script and bugs just... No.
Hey, a bit more gameplay though.
I miss telltale :( supposedly they got bought out and a sequel to twau is supposed to come out
@@kaylafairnbain8163 i feel supermassive game is ending up like telltale slowly
@@nopainnogain3345 nah telltale had 2 to 3 awesome games before they rapidly died do to overwork while supermassive had one one hit wonder which was until done and every game since has been half as good the next game is probably gonna be so terrible people arnt gonna belive its real.
guys really made Until Dawn and decided "hey lets make garbage"
I was thinking throughout the video "this gameplay looks pretty fast tho"
Turns out I had the video on 1.25 speed and didn't notice that...
You think Abstinence Hake is a weird name? One of my relatives is Gay Speed.
Ah yes.
True naming perfection
Have you heard of the prominent English economist If-Jesus-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-damned Barebone? Named so by his father, Praise-God Barebone.
I am not even kidding.
Oh yeah? Well if my grandfather would have had a son, his name would have been Harry Heiney, last name pronounced like heinie, as in butt.
American puritans LOVED overly long, religious names.
@@TheArkTheArkTheArk that’s what happens when your country goes Protestant and can’t name their kids after Saints. Also we totally learned it from the British
To be fair though, Until Dawn probably had a budget like 100x larger than this game (or Man of Medan) had. Since UD was backed up by Sony and was a PS4 exclusive.
How much does budget affect writing though? You don't have to be a billionaire to not sink into the "It's all in your head" twist well right after just releasing a game with the same twist
@@buzzinbea I was mainly referring to others parts of the game.
@@theokayishgamer The main shite part of the game *was the writing* though, so invalid
@@chuckn4851 Nah it's probably valid. This game was produced in a year, idk if you have any knowledge on video game development, but completing a game in such a short period is insanity.
The writers probably had something like 3 months to make the story before they start actually coding the game. Althought you might say it was faster since they already had a working engine, and plenty of assets used in Until Dawn, but this is still a very risky moove.
I think they rished the development because they wanted to surf on their popularity before it goes down, like Scott Neil did it with "5 nights at Freddy's". But where as Scott always added a new mechanics to keep it all fresh, this studio added a terrible story.
@@Sir_Bucket Considering how poorly written the story is, I wouldn't be surprised if it was written in one night by a single writer driven into a coke-fueled frenzy. "It's all a dream" without the most important component of any dream-based story (that being that the one having the dream/hallucination has to go through significant development and growth, thus resulting in a completely different person when they wake up. IE: "A Christman Carol") would give any halfway decent writer an instant migraine.
Game's cutscene camera be like "Hunting Down the Freeman" and just bad TF2 SFWs.
Also, my little sister jumping out from round the corner yelling "boo!" is scarier than the game's so-called "jumpscares".
do you mean SFM?
Senator Armstrong is the only good part of this and even he doesn't redeem the game.
So they’ve basically released a new game and added nothing to the table. It reuses the same “oh, X can see shit that Y can’t” trope, and somehow even more poorly than Man of Medan
At least Man of Medan had those pirates and a cool setting which were at least actual threats even if the prologue gave away the twist.
@@phantomkrieger2744 In comparison, 'welcome to low budget Silent Hill.'
@@phantomkrieger2744 Man of Medan still has stakes that makes sense and matters in the start until the end.
LH there is literally only the end that matters.
The horror genre as whole has been overly obsessed with twists for a while now, especially 'psychological' horror. I think that people making horror titles need to realise that a simple story, well told, is better than an ambitious but directionless mess. It's better to be good than to be 'deep'.
Them playing darts instead of literally anything else reminds me of rimworld and those damn horseshoes..
Everyone dying gruesomely in a house fire
Rimmy and Max0r: I have achieved comedy
16:05 I'm pretty sure that's a Steve Carell scream, which is normally followed by "PLEASE GOD NO"
Ah yes, the masterpiece of editing that is teleporting around monsters
Creepy Watson's School of Teleportation
Imagine House of Ashes is just Spec Ops: The Line but with more dread and depression
now that would be fucking cool
And then, suddenly: COLONIAL BRAZIL.
What are the thirteen scariest words in the English language?
"We're Delta Force, and we're here to save you.
Or, we may not."
they wish they could write something like Spec Ops: The Line.
Well, it wasn’t that, but at least it was actually a halfway decent game this time.
You know, normally when a studio makes a game sequel with a bigger budget than the original, it’s supposed to be an improvement...
Not if they make it in half a year and try to churn sequels the same way telltale games did.
It’s the opposite actually, they had a lot more cash when working on Until Dawn
I could break the president in two...
With my bare hands!
Please play MGR
Gotta love how both supermassive games and supergiant games exist as game companies and you need to double check online which is the good one.
One has literally released nothing but indie darlings and the other made one good game and now pretends like they're the de facto horror game kings
@@zoneanomaly4780 and even if it was good it had its head a bit stuck up its ass and wasn't as revolutionary as it thought it was.
@@bonogiamboni4830 it wasnt revolutionairy but it was fun because the writing and story felt like a geuine classic slasher movie with mysteries added in but apprently supermassive thinks it was the mona lisa of video games cause ever game sense has been inferior copys of until dawn with worse gameplay and worse writing.
Supermicro games when??
Can’t wait for Superhuge, and its much bigger companion, Superlarge.
The next game you play as some civilians having to survive the intervention of the Cadian XXth.
a geuine game like that could be fun a bunch of civilians in a warhammer 40k planet who has to try to survive and escape as the planet becomes a battle ground perhaps set it in a argi or old terra esk planet instead of a hive world or wasteland to make it feel more unique could give you a dead line by saying you have this long to get off world before the inquistion arrive and exterminatus the planet.
14:50 "We named people dumb shit, in America, back in the day."
*Looks at some present day names.* "So... nothing's changed then?"
Dyslexia font is comic sans... And what the actual fuck? The twist cannot be there were no stakes all along. What an amazing way to make everyone feel like they wasted their time. And writing so bad you have to tease your next game as a gameplay feature. What the hell happened here?
apprently the stakes were if you got every character alive the bus driver comes to peace with his familys death or gets arrested if you dont or offs himself if they all die aka the stakes existed but were so mind boggling small youd need a atomic microscope to notice and alien brain to even care about
Comic sans is actually great for dyslexia.
This game feels as if mid way through polishing/production they just went "Eh good enough, just publish it"
Rimmy knew Tanya Degurechuff, damn you just gained mad respect
She is an emissary of Tomboyism.
The game would’ve been ten times better as a hack and slash where you play as senator armstrong
*it's children of the corn featuring sociopathic Australian and apathetic nostalgia critic*
Well, this is Armstrong proving once again that no matter what, he somehow makes his return after a random amount of time.
"I didn't realise latin is italian", I mean... kinda? A lot of change happened, but the root source is very much pig latin
27:51 that officer never read out Anthonys "Miranda rights" reeee
Theyre progressive poggers
I think that means that you can get off scot-free if no one reads your rights and it's brought up in court.
@@jacksonl.2201 It means anything you say to the cop is inadmissible in court, it's a protection against self-incrimination (if you tell me something, we can use it in court).
Ironically that's actually accurate. The 'miranda rights' reading is actually a hollywood cliche like prisoners getting 'one phone call' as well.
@@Fordo007 Reading it is pretty certain I think, it's just the implications are different
“The shadow Karen comes to claim your souls.”
2:20 Dammit, when will we stop building our floors out of petrol?! How many more tragedies must we endure?!
- This comment has been sponsored by the Organisation Against Flammable Floors. Please rip up your floorboards today!
Sounds stupid but actually loads of people in the Grenfell Tower fire in London, UK died because the building had flammable plastic walls installed but not smoke alarms so the fire spread via the outside of the building and rained burning plastic droplets.
This could have potentially been a decent plot for a story that's not, you know, a choice based game that has you play as multiple characters.
The police officer doesn't take the gun, doesn't cuff Andrew and just ignores the rest of the group. God dammit american police...
God I'm amazed someone finally shat on this game
yeah finally someone being honest
Or maybe it could be a difference in opinions and how Rimmy is a more comedic UA-camr than others
@@chargerrex2430 Oh you again? No fuck off it's a shit game because of shit writing
@@chuckn4851 the twist was done well and it worked in what it did, people just shit on it for no reason
@@woofyou1186 it wasn’t well done, it was cliche and nonsensical, medically inaccurate and makes the entirety of the rest of the game moot, which is not what a twist is supposed to do.
So it's Silent Hill with an "it was all a dream" ending that invalidates everything that happened.
Why did he go through the fog and immediately came back what is this Pokémon The rise of darkrai?!
The nanomachines were not real, but the memes were...
Despite its small population, Colonial America is the cause of half the worlds kidnappings via time travel
i just love jokes like this that catch's me off guard.
I get the weirdest feeling that the third game is going to be an adaptation of The Descent.
Sort of right
@@AshGorall I am clairvoyant
These are seriously the same developers that made Until Dawn? How the mighty have fallen.
I feel so empty after just finishing You Me and Her,
I want more Rimmy
"I figured you would like Tanya. She's a blonde Loli that kills people."
Max0r: "And I took that personally."
The Maxor jokes are on point... "he's a progressive abusive father... I saw you wave to that police officer!"
Max0r: Good that's one less loose end.
I'm just imaging the kid touching the thermostat as the father is sleeping through the fire and then he just wakes up.
6:59 plays darts proceeds to question why everyone else is playing darts
As a person who likes making books and gaming in his free time
The ending is the worse ending of the series BY FAR!
14:58 Man had a god damn plan if it wasn't for Cornwall and the Pinkertons.
I like how with the comments the top 2 people are Justin Y. and Kim Jong-un. Repeat for the last 20 videos.
I love the way how at 13:39 the girl walks up with that sorta gmod walk
Rimmy, here us a tip for when you plug a ps4 controller to pc. A ps4 controller has a speaker built in, but it's not strong enough for all pc sound, so you need to go to settings and disable the controller speaker, hope this helps you
He would have a much better factory situation if he was Wonka. Just do a golden ticket contest and give it to a kid who doesn't get yeeted by Oompa Loompas
Wonka corporate death squads.
All these characters look like aliens that aren't wearing their skin suits right.
Rimmy: I didn’t realize Latin was italian Romans: 👁👄👁
Its increadible that the moment you are starting to get invested in the story it just kills the story instantly and ends
they seem to have a real "tell-tale games" problem, where they aren't concerned on making sure their story based games have a good story but are more concerned on a gimmick, in this case always having a twist
Upon watching this video and reading these comments, I’m glad that the developers actually learnt from their mistakes and instead of making a crappy plot twist they gave us an unsolved mystery and ACTUALLY GOOD CHARACTERS
did anyone else see Taylor's eye roll back into her head at 6:16?
I genuinely dont understand why this game has such a high rating on Steam, its awful.
I had a feeling shooting your gun was a trap
this game is like somebody wrote notes on a new silent hill game on a napkin while they were drunk
Ok I know this studio's been going out of it's way to recapture it's magic of the first game, but good fucking god, that ending alone deserves closing them down cus they clearly fucked things up along the way.
Although I’m not sure if this is an idea that would be portrayed perfectly in the format of a Supermassive game, there was this one story pitch that held some similarity to the tale of Man of Medan, but with a stronger emphasis on the unknowable due to the subject matter that’ll i get to in a bit.
Picture this: a group of history students have gone on a vacation to Lower Silesia, as part of one final discovery project in the presence of their retiring teacher. Originally, they sought to explore the Middle Age chateaus during the Piast reign over the region, but as they venture further into the landscape without much headway made into the research, they stumble upon the sole uncharted entrance of the supposedly-buried “Der Riese” facility, where legends speak of it being the heart of the Third Reich’s lesser known wonder weapons. Despite some hesitation with the fact that the complex shouldn’t exist, not to mention it must be unsafe after decades of neglect, the group would venture into the bowels of the Giant, where they would find the infamous “Die Glöcke” bell, still attached to the experimental apparatuses used for testing it. The team would be jovial, thrilled at the prospect of a mystery become reality, but not everything is exactly as it seems in the depths of the complex.
It begins with one of the students becoming anxious and stressed as he could swear that voices and noises of activity echo the stone corridors of the Complex. Horrified shouts, seas of charging footsteps and the mysterious yet ghastly hum of the dormant Bell are but some of the sounds that shimmer within the aging concrete, and soon, the very student would find himself succumb to the effects of the Bell...and activate it.
From then on, the students and professor find themselves thrust into different segments of the Complex, long forgotten by time yet still house the ghastly experiments performed by the Reich as they venture through armories, sunken barracks and floors of laboratories filled with all matters of dangerous concoctions and terrifying machinery, waiting for the day where they shall be cast upon the unsuspecting world to continue the rotten legacy of their inventors. Not only must they face the terror of their isolation, but very soon they will discover that the souls who heed the Bell’s toll have yet to truly depart from the afterlife. Some wish nothing more but to return from the dimensional limbo to which they’ve been cursed, some embrace their eldritch transformation in their twisted continuation of the Aryan faith, and some...may not be as of darkened heart as their mangled forms may seem. The Giant hides many secrets in its rotten carcass, and only the bold, the strong, and the steadfast can even hope to escape from the nightmares of the past.
It’s a mere idea roaming about in my head, and although I’m uncertain Supermassive is going to take such a proposition anytime soon, I’d figure it would be a fun story to pan out.
I might give it a shot, when I’m liberated from the heavy studies.
Personally I'm just wondering why if they're so dead set on the "it was all in your head" trope they don't just go with making the monster a living meme like Candyman or the Slenderman.
Bonus: the monster not being real neatly sidesteps why you don't just shoot it.
@@ヴァリ-z3e What’s funny is that,in an odd way, it’s a recycling of the Man of Medan tale! The nerve gas from the Ourang Medan, Manchurian Gold, had the notable effect of making your sense of reality be warped by intense and extreme hallucinations (such as the rotten Pinup Girl, or the mysterious Double-Head Soldier from the coffins). What Little Hope did is almost the same, minus the somewhat logical base of the Gas and tossed up with a perplexing side-tale in the Puritan Era of America and...I guess insanity, although that doesn’t explicitly make it a bad idea.
At least in the first game, the consequences were more impactful since the characters were real from start to finish. Here? If the story is solely that Anthony’s lost his marbles and everything is going on in his head, that means there isn’t even a danger to chug the plot along.
@@ヴァリ-z3e The good way to do it here (man of medan I guess made more sense than this, but I don't remember much about it) would be to make the schitzo guy the only one who can see/ interact with the mystical part of the story. So near the end they set you up for a fake out twist that it was just all a hallucination, but as you're realizing that doesn't add up they throw the mystical aspect back in more directly (presumably better explaining the colonial america thing); this would also give more license to have weird inexplicable shit going on as long as the actual world behind the scenes is kept consistent, it'd just be how the bus driver is interpreting it, and allowing for fake-out hallucination scares after that reveal. At the end then actually have the poor guy take the fall and go to jail or a mental institution, but he was partially right and the supernatural thing lives on to haunt the world into the future. Add in some small improvements and hints, the bus driver persona showing up earlier and dipping in/ out of the story at times, etc, and this could have been good.
So... it's a 50$ advert for next game? What? WTF?!
A TANYA REFERENCE?!? Its my favorite anime.
"Little Hope is a hilariously bad horror game"
Up next:
"The SCARIEST Until Dawn Game YET?"
Quite the polar opposites here
The premonition at 25:30 is from House of Ashes. It's the next story in the anthology. Does that mean all these events happen in the same universe?
no its just them being stupid and advertising there next game in there own game as man of medean is not part of this "anthology" honestly glad as even man of medean didnt end with "it was all a dream"
Rimmy is experiencing horror movie logic where the main people are making the dumbest decisions
Did they notice how the guy in the bar never acknowledged anyone aside from the dude from were the millers