@@nasisimi1 How do you say that after 2008? the guys ended the world economy and no one from the elite responsible for that was arrested! They are above the law.
“When someone removes a cancer, what do you replace it with?” Brilliant answer to anyone who asks, “Well what will we do if we get rid of (insert gov’t department of choice)?”
+Ola Nordmann there are several problems with having the gold standard, that you don't have with a fiat currency: 1) It takes a lot of resources to extract and transport the gold, resources that might have been allocated more efficiently elsewhere in the economy. This was a point that was famously argued by Milton Friedman against the gold standard. 2) While it is true that inflation over very long periods of time have been lower and more stable on the gold standard, inflation/deflation on a year to year basis was much higher and volatile, which caused many unnecessary banking failures (due to deflation), and reduced efficiency in the economy (due to rampant inflation). 3) Interest rates on the gold standard tend to run contrary to the rates that are most beneficial to the economy during economic cyclicals (interest rates were higher during downturns, and lower during booms effectively exacerbating the cyclicals) 4) The currency would be subject to speculative attacks against its value (Which was why Britain among others had to leave the gold standard in the early 30s)
shakka mannaka God dag! Et år sinden jeg skrev den komentaren, så har endret meningene mine litt. I stedet for å avskaffe sentralbanken, bør vi avskaffe Staten.
Hei. Det var en et enda større hopp. Hvis du ikke skjønte det så skrev jeg kommentaren i forsvar til sentralbanken, fordi jeg mener den er en netto-positiv bidragsyter til næringslivet. Jeg synes også det er en dårlig idè å avskaffe staten, grunnet at studier antyder at det vil resultere i underinvesteringer av grunnleggende goder som god infrastruktur, forsvar og beskyttelse mot markedsrelaterte eksternaliteter. Hvis du har lest "Basic Economics" av Sowell, så anerkjenner til og med han nytteverdien av å ha en sterk stat. Man kan i midlertidig ha en diskusjon om størrelsen og rekkevidde til staten
shakka mannaka Staten har ingen penger. De 4 ordene summerer argumentet for kapitalisme; Staten kan ikke bruke mer penger enn det Staten stjeler fra den private sektoren. Staten kan trykke, låne eller rane, men den kan ikke produsere noe som helst. Markedet har ingen problemer med å produsere biler, tog og fly, så hva får deg til å tro at markedet ikke kan produsere vei? Hva burde min straff være vis jeg nekter å bruke kroner? Jeg mener ikke vi bør innføre gull-standard, jeg mener vi bør oppheve "tvungen betalingsmiddel"-loven, og la markedet bestemme fritt, hva som skal være penger. Jeg personlig stemmer gull og sølv.
The idea of a government in itself is not the problem. The problem is self interest. The best person for the job doesn’t want the job. So we are left to be run by power hungry sociopaths. Unfortunately I don’t think this will ever change.
The Fed should be ended a long time ago. Thomas Sowell states it well as he does. He is more than a perfect rolemodel for the black community. He inspires me and i would vote him president over any of the latest presidents in the us. I am not a American nor am i black.. just a humanitarian thats all
@john-zh6ld Dear sir. You are very very correct of what you said. If you take away the Fed then everything goes back to the United States Treasury. Were does the IRS comes from the United States Treasury department. And not the Fed building. If you look at the ten dollar note it has the United States Treasury building on it. And not the Fed building. The only way you are going to get rid of the Fed building is go back to Woodrow Wilson and ask him why did you make the Federal reserve building. And the income tax of 1913. And see what he says. Dear sir I thank you for your time.
Guns is a trivial issue? The right to arms is written into the U.S. constitution. The Federal Reserve and how we use/protect/issue out our currency is not.
The guns were actually supposed to make sure we stopped them from taking over🙄Trying to rewrite history, like putting Jackson on a Debt Note, and then trying to replace him.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said back in ancient Bavaria now Germany who started the central banking system stated. Let me print a nation's currency and control its issue and I care not what law any government writes. He was saying that he was above the law. Thomas Jefferson once stated when America was founded stated the the central banking system was more dangerous than a standing enemy army.
H-ha! Perfectly stated. That is what American workers are staring down the barrel of currently. Their energy or the value of their lives, their work is being devalued to support endless debt. It's cycle that cannot be outrun without high risk speculation. We all know how that ends. . .when Americans are pushed further and further out the risk curve, collapse is inevitable.
No, the dollar is a government monopoly, the fed was established through government, answers to congress, has all of its officials appointed by government, & always gives them the money they want no matter the detriment. It's not private. If you sincerely think so, then you're a dumb@ss.
@@austinbyrd4164 No no no. The Federal Reserve Note is what you mean. The dollar can ONLY be minted and issued by Congress. You've been duped and you won't admit it. You need to do some studying and learning on who really controls the FED, it's not our government. They are a private corporation and they issue their own currency, and it's not American dollars, it's says right on it "Federal Reserve Note".
@Life_of_Riley The federal reserve literally has its people chosen by the government, answers to the government, was created by government, & its currency is monopolized by the government. It's a semi independent government organization.
The Founding Fathers knew about the problems fiat money. That is why Gold and Silver are only allowed to be used as money under The Constitution. The Gold Standard is the best thing for regular working class people.
People, this video only has 18,496 views as of the time of this writing. I implore you to spread this around as much as possible. Every thinking/voting person in the United States of America needs to hear this man speak, and speak clearly.
Helping those who can't help themselves always hurts the country as a whole. But people value sympathy/emotion over logic, that is why politicians use this to help boost the idea of a centralized system. Ludwig von Mises and Thomas Sowell have many writings on this phenomenon
Most people are just like animals, they just need to fulfill their basic desires and feel good about themselves and they're happy, they don't want to know the truth nor do they care about reality. The government is happy to give them what they want.
"If the gov't had taken the bailout money, and given it every person in America, each person would have obtained an estimated $3,000. Instead, we gave it to the banks to prevent a recession that came shortly after anyway." - Dr. Ron Paul How can you read that and still say libertarians are crazy?
I think libertarians are short sighted for other reasons. If I understand their policies, they want us to be isolationist. That would lead to another World War in short order. I don't think that would be good for the average US citizen.
I'm watching this in 2022 and its even more relevant!!! Steven Zarlenga has passed sadly but his book Lost Science of Money " is available for free online. Approximately 750 pages of well documented history and facts. He was part of the American Monetary Institute.
It’s amazing really. We have a financial crisis, caused by greedy, reckless financial institutions. Congress passes legislation requiring those institutions to be less greedy and reckless. The institutions then lobby to have those restrictions removed, usually in the name of “remaining competitive”. This leads to another financial crisis. It’s completely predictable, and we have been doing this dance since the Great Depression almost 100 years ago.
Agree; the rules should be applicable to all banks - big or small. First; very few meaningful laws are passed and then this cycle of doing-undoing seems to support deregulation risking the economy and the faith in banks.
A lot of folks downplay the role of advlsors until being burnt by their own emotions. I remember couple summers back, after my lengthy divorce, I needed a good boost to help my business stay afloat, hence I researched for licensed advisors and came across someone of utmost qualifications. She's helped grow my reserve notwithstanding inflation, from $275k to $850k.
Well, I've been researching advisors lately because the market news I've been seeing hasn't been that positive. Who is the individual who helped you, and is he or she still around?
I work with Sonya Lee Mitchell as my fiduciary advisor. Simply look up the name. You would discover the information you needed to schedule an appointment.
+dukef4 He's right on President Obama. Bush and him have been the worst thing for the middle class. The Federal Reserve the main culprit, that has kept artificially low interest rates, which hurst who? The middle class. Why? Because middle class keep their money mostly in checkings/savings account. Who has most of their money in the stock market? The rich. Lower rates allow for banks to lend to large companies and small companies at low rates, which allow for them to grow.
You can do nothing and there are still more than enough people, like myself, to fill in the gap that technology cannot. If you open your eyes you will not be disappointed! Love you!
Volker was the best Federal Reserve chairman in the last 60 years. He didn't make the mistake of putting too much money in the system as Greenspan did.
@CaptainCocaine This is big news. Many consrvative don't read Austiran economists, but hey do read Sowell. Sowell is the major intellectual to most conservatives. This can only help the cause immensely. Sowell is one of the few non-Austrians that I read regularly.
'i have to say, i wasn't expecting your answer to run in this direction, so i don't have questions - follow up questions - prepared, and i may have to actually think here in real time!' lol. at least he's honest about it.
I don’t understand why everyone thinks this is a brilliant response?? He literally dodged the question when asked what system should be in place which shows the ignorance of most people on how our monetary system works. The reasons he stated for the abolishment of the fed are Not the reason it should be ended. The reason the fed SHOULD be disbanded and outlawed is for the very reason of PRIVATE issuance of our money!! He states that the Fed buys up dollars bonds but doesn’t state why?? Because that’s the conspiracy that leads down the rabbit hole. Like Thomas Edison said “If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good, makes the bill good, also. The difference between the bond and the bill is the bond lets money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20%, whereas the currency pays nobody but those who contribute directly in some useful way. … It is absurd to say our country can issue $30 million in bonds and not $30 million in currency. Both are promises to pay, but one promise fattens the usurers and the other helps the people.”
The solution isn't gold and silver - both markets are subject to heavy manipulation. The solution is to let the Treasury issue debt-free notes. Simply restore the money making power to the government. There's no rational justification for having this power vested in private hands, especially the hands of bankers.
@fastted9390. That book the Creature from Jekyll Island. That's a hard book to get your hands on. I think it's out of print. You have to do a lot of searching for the book. If you want a copy. I just want you to know. That's if you new already.
Mr. Sowell is brilliant and knows that whatever that you replace one system with you gotta work hard to replace it with another. That will take some time. The Federal reserve is a cancer tho, and needs to be replaced as quickly as possible. It all takes time tho.
@AquaticApe1, so we carry around bags of flour? They never actually explain how "wealth" works in that video. I couldn't figure out how the accounting works.
I love what he says on this, except his evasion of the question of what to replace it with. If we disbanded the Fed without actively replacing it, that would leave Congress controlling the printing of our fiat currency. This would be a disaster, leading to actual hyperinflation, as it printed however much money it wanted.
@VanceJoudrey Sowell use to be a liberal early on in his life until he actually worked for the government and noticed first hand how there intervention often made things worse. Sowell doesn't write or say things in hopes of whites approving his message. Anytime he goes on Beck or Rush talks about him they give him major respect because they know his work is thorough. In a Sowell book you're guaranteed at least 3-4 facts per page that you didn't know about before.
all that needs to be done is to repeal legal tender laws to allow for competing exchange media, let the fed AND treasury compete too if they wish. federal reserve notes, treasury notes, private bank notes, foriegn currencies and whatever else people wish to use as exchange media can compete. who knows, maybe some people will even choose to accept/use actual specie as exchange media again.
I am kind of shocked that this man completely discredited himself and his understanding of our economy and the Federal reserve by thinking that Thomas Sowell would not end that corrupt, manipulative, destructive, thieving Federal Reserve.
economics is just the study of exchange. exchange is just a form of interaction. voluntary exchange is a form of voluntary interaction. praxeology is the study of human action. economics is just a part of it. praxeology tells us that the exact same feedback mechanisms regulate exchange as any other action. economic growth is just a way to measure human prosperity. value IS subjective. the fact that you think everyone OUGHT TO value health care as much as you do is called fascism. read rothbard.
The answer to what do you replace it with is this: government (and not central bank) issued money (not debt). This money enters circulation as needed and any excess if removed through taxes. The fact that we use money as debt issued by central banks is the biggest theft in history
I'm honestly looking to understand; not criticize the good, Dr. Sowell. What does he mean? To not have currency at all? Barter? Or does me mean a finite currency of dollars?
The Treasury can do it again and if the current Presidents Treasurer is doing a poor job put pressure on the President to replace them or replace the Administration the next time the term comes up. Central Banks historically were on 5, 10, 20 or 25 year contracts, not this perpetual BS like the Fed.
I feel if you end the federal reserves right now, those who own majority of the land and gold will control EVERYTHING. The complete financial system will need to be replaced, I agree with Mr Sowell on nearly everything. But on this topic, I’m not sure if he’s completely correct.
@MatsKaarbo I just looked into the Venus Project. I would like to ask you a question; if not for the price system, which system will allocate scarce resources that have alternative uses?
You replace it with whatever commodity the market demands. It’s been gold for thousands of years and will likely to continue being gold and silver, but if another commodity serves as a better money, then the market will inevitably shift to that money. Hopefully bitcoin will be in the mix.
Instead of the FED, simply implement a "100% reserve requirement banking system" !!!! "The Need Act" tried to fix this (in 2011) but did not pass. (see Wikipedia for info)
@LibertyDownUnder He didn't say whether he was in favor of it or not. His argument is that the Fed is only causes problems, and that an alternative to it would be unecessary. Proposing an alternative would conflict with his argument. From cantext, I think it's safe to assume that he would definitely prefer the gold standard to the federal reserve standard.
@koolkamel322 I am a huge Ron Paul fan and also an Australian.In the time of the GFC we also had a slight bailout(which i don't agree with) and it was partly given to the people, we received a $900 check in the mail from K Rudd.Given that we are doing reasonably well (in certain aspects), we are still 1.4 Trillion in debt and worse than before the GFC.Point being that, that money was ours to begin with but the debt wasn't, so how could've and did it work? I believe the best way would have been
Sowell gets it.
Ron Paul spent a lot of time on Congress trying to end the FED and got nowhere. When is someone going to get it?
The Fed will eventually collapse on its own when there is no more road to kick the can down.
@@nasisimi1 In other words a collapse of world capitalism. Workers control of industry. NOW!!
@@nasisimi1 How do you say that after 2008? the guys ended the world economy and no one from the elite responsible for that was arrested! They are above the law.
@@kimobrien. get the fuck out of here you duty commie
@@pokerkramer1240 lmao. What did he say?
"When someone removes a cancer, what do you replace it with?" *Not another form of cancer* This is why I love Sowell
“When someone removes a cancer, what do you replace it with?”
Brilliant answer to anyone who asks, “Well what will we do if we get rid of (insert gov’t department of choice)?”
Smaller banks that must use full fractional banking. Instead of reserves?
@@adiintel1 good point. Maybe smaller banks should have like 30% reserve rate instead of 10%
The federal reserve is private corporation. Just goes to show how ill informed people are lol
@@dcirish1213 lol yes we all know it’s technically private but it’s an instrument of the government literally created by federal legislation…
@@dcirish1213 it's technically a private corporation but in all aspects under the Act that ggives it power it's public
I can't see how people can make this so complicated; End the Fed (end every other central bank in the world), and let's move back to gold and silver.
+Ola Nordmann there are several problems with having the gold standard, that you don't have with a fiat currency:
1) It takes a lot of resources to extract and transport the gold, resources that might have been allocated more efficiently elsewhere in the economy. This was a point that was famously argued by Milton Friedman against the gold standard.
2) While it is true that inflation over very long periods of time have been lower and more stable on the gold standard, inflation/deflation on a year to year basis was much higher and volatile, which caused many unnecessary banking failures (due to deflation), and reduced efficiency in the economy (due to rampant inflation).
3) Interest rates on the gold standard tend to run contrary to the rates that are most beneficial to the economy during economic cyclicals (interest rates were higher during downturns, and lower during booms effectively exacerbating the cyclicals)
4) The currency would be subject to speculative attacks against its value (Which was why Britain among others had to leave the gold standard in the early 30s)
+Ola Nordmann btw jeg er norsk jeg å
shakka mannaka God dag!
Et år sinden jeg skrev den komentaren, så har endret meningene mine litt.
I stedet for å avskaffe sentralbanken, bør vi avskaffe Staten.
Hei. Det var en et enda større hopp. Hvis du ikke skjønte det så skrev jeg kommentaren i forsvar til sentralbanken, fordi jeg mener den er en netto-positiv bidragsyter til næringslivet. Jeg synes også det er en dårlig idè å avskaffe staten, grunnet at studier antyder at det vil resultere i underinvesteringer av grunnleggende goder som god infrastruktur, forsvar og beskyttelse mot markedsrelaterte eksternaliteter. Hvis du har lest "Basic Economics" av Sowell, så anerkjenner til og med han nytteverdien av å ha en sterk stat. Man kan i midlertidig ha en diskusjon om størrelsen og rekkevidde til staten
shakka mannaka Staten har ingen penger. De 4 ordene summerer argumentet for kapitalisme; Staten kan ikke bruke mer penger enn det Staten stjeler fra den private sektoren. Staten kan trykke, låne eller rane, men den kan ikke produsere noe som helst.
Markedet har ingen problemer med å produsere biler, tog og fly, så hva får deg til å tro at markedet ikke kan produsere vei?
Hva burde min straff være vis jeg nekter å bruke kroner?
Jeg mener ikke vi bør innføre gull-standard, jeg mener vi bør oppheve "tvungen betalingsmiddel"-loven, og la markedet bestemme fritt, hva som skal være penger.
Jeg personlig stemmer gull og sølv.
Mr. Sowell is a brilliant, informed, educated, intelligent, articulate individual!!!
A modern day philosopher I’d add too!
A Gentleman
And A
I have just discovered this man, and now I can't get enough of listening to him.
the problem with government is government
The problem with government is bribery.
The idea of a government in itself is not the problem. The problem is self interest. The best person for the job doesn’t want the job. So we are left to be run by power hungry sociopaths. Unfortunately I don’t think this will ever change.
It should be noted that our economy has grown IN SPITE of the Fed and not "because" of the Fed.
The Fed should be ended a long time ago. Thomas Sowell states it well as he does. He is more than a perfect rolemodel for the black community. He inspires me and i would vote him president over any of the latest presidents in the us. I am not a American nor am i black.. just a humanitarian thats all
Brilliant man...so sad our so called black leaders belittle him.
It's these statements that confirm Sowell as one of our great minds in modern times.
Thomas delivers again. No value in the Fed doing the Treasury job.
@john-zh6ld Dear sir. You are very very correct of what you said. If you take away the Fed then everything goes back to the United States Treasury. Were does the IRS comes from the United States Treasury department. And not the Fed building. If you look at the ten dollar note it has the United States Treasury building on it. And not the Fed building. The only way you are going to get rid of the Fed building is go back to Woodrow Wilson and ask him why did you make the Federal reserve building. And the income tax of 1913. And see what he says. Dear sir I thank you for your time.
Guys like Sowell and Paul give me hope in America.
Guns is a trivial issue?
The right to arms is written into the U.S. constitution. The Federal Reserve and how we use/protect/issue out our currency is not.
The guns were actually supposed to make sure we stopped them from taking over🙄Trying to rewrite history, like putting Jackson on a Debt Note, and then trying to replace him.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said back in ancient Bavaria now Germany who started the central banking system stated. Let me print a nation's currency and control its issue and I care not what law any government writes. He was saying that he was above the law. Thomas Jefferson once stated when America was founded stated the the central banking system was more dangerous than a standing enemy army.
"When someone removes a cancer, what do you replace it with" EPIC QUOTE
Man I love this guy!!
My respect for Thomas Sowell just increased by a factor of 10.
Thomas sowell is a National Treasure.
It's almost as if having a streamlined machine for manufacturing debt would create slavery.
H-ha! Perfectly stated. That is what American workers are staring down the barrel of currently. Their energy or the value of their lives, their work is being devalued to support endless debt. It's cycle that cannot be outrun without high risk speculation. We all know how that ends. . .when Americans are pushed further and further out the risk curve, collapse is inevitable.
That last remark is why Sowell is one of the greatest
The federal reserve is about as federal as federal express (fedex)
It’s not
It’s a private corporation
What private corporation has that kind of power?
@@ИванИвановИванович-т1ф the Illuminati ;)
No, the dollar is a government monopoly, the fed was established through government, answers to congress, has all of its officials appointed by government, & always gives them the money they want no matter the detriment. It's not private. If you sincerely think so, then you're a dumb@ss.
@@austinbyrd4164 No no no. The Federal Reserve Note is what you mean. The dollar can ONLY be minted and issued by Congress. You've been duped and you won't admit it. You need to do some studying and learning on who really controls the FED, it's not our government. They are a private corporation and they issue their own currency, and it's not American dollars, it's says right on it "Federal Reserve Note".
@Life_of_Riley The federal reserve literally has its people chosen by the government, answers to the government, was created by government, & its currency is monopolized by the government. It's a semi independent government organization.
"when someone removes a cancer what do you replace it with" - Priceless
The Founding Fathers knew about the problems fiat money. That is why Gold and Silver are only allowed to be used as money under The Constitution. The Gold Standard is the best thing for regular working class people.
People, this video only has 18,496 views as of the time of this writing. I implore you to spread this around as much as possible. Every thinking/voting person in the United States of America needs to hear this man speak, and speak clearly.
Nice to see the Chicago School coming around against the fed
Milton Friedman wanted to abolish the fed in his last years
"When someone removes a cancer, what do you replace it with?"
Massive amount of debt from treatment and medication.
so what let it fucking kill us?
Decentralised crypto currency.
The biggest heist in the history of mankind resulted in the Federal Reserve
Helping those who can't help themselves always hurts the country as a whole. But people value sympathy/emotion over logic, that is why politicians use this to help boost the idea of a centralized system. Ludwig von Mises and Thomas Sowell have many writings on this phenomenon
Most people are just like animals, they just need to fulfill their basic desires and feel good about themselves and they're happy, they don't want to know the truth nor do they care about reality. The government is happy to give them what they want.
@@Nekrumorfiini1 couldn’t have been said better
"If the gov't had taken the bailout money, and given it every person in America, each person would have obtained an estimated $3,000. Instead, we gave it to the banks to prevent a recession that came shortly after anyway." - Dr. Ron Paul
How can you read that and still say libertarians are crazy?
I think libertarians are short sighted for other reasons. If I understand their policies, they want us to be isolationist. That would lead to another World War in short order. I don't think that would be good for the average US citizen.
I really like both of these men. Mentors for thought and conversation.
Yes, End the Fed.
God bless this intelligent man! 🙏
I'm watching this in 2022 and its even more relevant!!! Steven Zarlenga has passed sadly but his book Lost Science of Money " is available for free online. Approximately 750 pages of well documented history and facts. He was part of the American Monetary Institute.
It’s amazing really. We have a financial crisis, caused by greedy, reckless financial institutions. Congress passes legislation requiring those institutions to be less greedy and reckless. The institutions then lobby to have those restrictions removed, usually in the name of “remaining competitive”. This leads to another financial crisis. It’s completely predictable, and we have been doing this dance since the Great Depression almost 100 years ago.
Agree; the rules should be applicable to all banks - big or small. First; very few meaningful laws are passed and then this cycle of doing-undoing seems to support deregulation risking the economy and the faith in banks.
A lot of folks downplay the role of advlsors until being burnt by their own emotions. I remember couple summers back, after my lengthy divorce, I needed a good boost to help my business stay afloat, hence I researched for licensed advisors and came across someone of utmost qualifications. She's helped grow my reserve notwithstanding inflation, from $275k to $850k.
Well, I've been researching advisors lately because the market news I've been seeing hasn't been that positive. Who is the individual who helped you, and is he or she still around?
I work with Sonya Lee Mitchell as my fiduciary advisor. Simply look up the name. You would discover the information you needed to schedule an appointment.
I just looked her up on the web and I would say she really has an impressive background in investing. I will write her an email shortly.
Dr. Thomas Sowell : One of America’s greatest (largely unknown) treasures
"Creature From Jekyll Island" --A MUST READ regarding the Federal Reserve.
Thomas Sowell,, you sir are truly a patriot, as opposed to the LIAR and current occupant of the white house.
I bet you can't define Zionism.
+dukef4 He's right on President Obama. Bush and him have been the worst thing for the middle class. The Federal Reserve the main culprit, that has kept artificially low interest rates, which hurst who? The middle class. Why? Because middle class keep their money mostly in checkings/savings account. Who has most of their money in the stock market? The rich. Lower rates allow for banks to lend to large companies and small companies at low rates, which allow for them to grow.
Brilliant man love hearing him.
But when I remove this shackle from my leg, what do I replace it with?
You can do nothing and there are still more than enough people, like myself, to fill in the gap that technology cannot. If you open your eyes you will not be disappointed! Love you!
Love this man's intelligence and candor.
The FED is privately owned. It is unconstitutional, and it is not likely to be dissolved without a great deal of effort.
They had so many warnings.
Volker was the best Federal Reserve chairman in the last 60 years. He didn't make the mistake of putting too much money in the system as Greenspan did.
OMG greatest quote ever at the end. Someone write that down... nevermind, i will do it, to make sure it gets done :D
Any one watching this in 2022 to understand the main issue with the USA financial system 🇺🇸 ?
This man knows toooooo much real info's 😳
He was great! Go Austrian School of Economics!
@CaptainCocaine This is big news. Many consrvative don't read Austiran economists, but hey do read Sowell. Sowell is the major intellectual to most conservatives. This can only help the cause immensely. Sowell is one of the few non-Austrians that I read regularly.
A very good comeback. What do you replace cancer with?
'i have to say, i wasn't expecting your answer to run in this direction, so i don't have questions - follow up questions - prepared, and i may have to actually think here in real time!'
lol. at least he's honest about it.
I don’t understand why everyone thinks this is a brilliant response?? He literally dodged the question when asked what system should be in place which shows the ignorance of most people on how our monetary system works. The reasons he stated for the abolishment of the fed are Not the reason it should be ended. The reason the fed SHOULD be disbanded and outlawed is for the very reason of PRIVATE issuance of our money!! He states that the Fed buys up dollars bonds but doesn’t state why?? Because that’s the conspiracy that leads down the rabbit hole. Like Thomas Edison said “If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good, makes the bill good, also. The difference between the bond and the bill is the bond lets money brokers collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20%, whereas the currency pays nobody but those who contribute directly in some useful way. … It is absurd to say our country can issue $30 million in bonds and not $30 million in currency. Both are promises to pay, but one promise fattens the usurers and the other helps the people.”
That last line was a zinger. Yes!
The solution isn't gold and silver - both markets are subject to heavy manipulation. The solution is to let the Treasury issue debt-free notes. Simply restore the money making power to the government. There's no rational justification for having this power vested in private hands, especially the hands of bankers.
Creature from Jekyll Island.
Cancer, spot on!
Boy does this ring true in Oct 2021.
Finally something Thomas Sowell and I agree with.
Every American needs to read and study the book - "The Creature From Jekyll Island."
@fastted9390. That book the Creature from Jekyll Island. That's a hard book to get your hands on. I think it's out of print. You have to do a lot of searching for the book. If you want a copy. I just want you to know. That's if you new already.
Mr. Sowell is brilliant and knows that whatever that you replace one system with you gotta work hard to replace it with another. That will take some time. The Federal reserve is a cancer tho, and needs to be replaced as quickly as possible. It all takes time tho.
@AquaticApe1, so we carry around bags of flour? They never actually explain how "wealth" works in that video. I couldn't figure out how the accounting works.
End the Fed!
It's time for a change NOW
Thomas Sowell for the win.
beautiful line I'm stealing it When someone removes a cancer what do you replace it with?
We don't need the government but the government sure needs
The Creature From Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin, lays bare the total history of this awful cabal.
I love what he says on this, except his evasion of the question of what to replace it with.
If we disbanded the Fed without actively replacing it, that would leave Congress controlling the printing of our fiat currency. This would be a disaster, leading to actual hyperinflation, as it printed however much money it wanted.
what do you place it with?
the tally stick was backed by the implicit use of force, it was not just an idea.
@VanceJoudrey Sowell use to be a liberal early on in his life until he actually worked for the government and noticed first hand how there intervention often made things worse. Sowell doesn't write or say things in hopes of whites approving his message. Anytime he goes on Beck or Rush talks about him they give him major respect because they know his work is thorough. In a Sowell book you're guaranteed at least 3-4 facts per page that you didn't know about before.
all that needs to be done is to repeal legal tender laws to allow for competing exchange media, let the fed AND treasury compete too if they wish. federal reserve notes, treasury notes, private bank notes, foriegn currencies and whatever else people wish to use as exchange media can compete. who knows, maybe some people will even choose to accept/use actual specie as exchange media again.
The founding fathers, said gold and silver was to be our currency, no other.
LOL@the last line...the journalist felt silly by the end of this video.
Thomas Sowell, you are a respectable individual.
It's interesting that the interviewer did not expect Sowell's answer.
I am kind of shocked that this man completely discredited himself and his understanding of our economy and the Federal reserve by thinking that Thomas Sowell would not end that corrupt, manipulative, destructive, thieving Federal Reserve.
Market forces are smarter than a central commissar that sets rates, etc for us. Freedom, not govt.
economics is just the study of exchange.
exchange is just a form of interaction. voluntary exchange is a form of voluntary interaction.
praxeology is the study of human action.
economics is just a part of it.
praxeology tells us that the exact same feedback mechanisms regulate exchange as any other action.
economic growth is just a way to measure human prosperity.
value IS subjective.
the fact that you think everyone OUGHT TO value health care as much as you do is called fascism.
read rothbard.
What do you replace it will is a legitimate questions. What do would you use to regulate the money supply?
GOLD STANDARD by any means possibility.Revoke Fractional Reserve Standard.Outlaw FIAT money printing punishable by death......
The answer to what do you replace it with is this: government (and not central bank) issued money (not debt). This money enters circulation as needed and any excess if removed through taxes. The fact that we use money as debt issued by central banks is the biggest theft in history
I'm honestly looking to understand; not criticize the good, Dr. Sowell. What does he mean? To not have currency at all? Barter? Or does me mean a finite currency of dollars?
The Treasury can do it again and if the current Presidents Treasurer is doing a poor job put pressure on the President to replace them or replace the Administration the next time the term comes up. Central Banks historically were on 5, 10, 20 or 25 year contracts, not this perpetual BS like the Fed.
Sowell is a true genius.
I feel if you end the federal reserves right now, those who own majority of the land and gold will control EVERYTHING. The complete financial system will need to be replaced, I agree with Mr Sowell on nearly everything. But on this topic, I’m not sure if he’s completely correct.
Yay, Thomas Sowell!!!
Replace it with discarded plastic bags; that would clear out the landfills.
@MatsKaarbo I just looked into the Venus Project. I would like to ask you a question; if not for the price system, which system will allocate scarce resources that have alternative uses?
Great interviewer. Smart and can ask questions off the cuff.
My holms, Sowell tells it straight yet again.
You replace it with whatever commodity the market demands. It’s been gold for thousands of years and will likely to continue being gold and silver, but if another commodity serves as a better money, then the market will inevitably shift to that money. Hopefully bitcoin will be in the mix.
Instead of the FED, simply implement a "100% reserve requirement banking system" !!!! "The Need Act" tried to fix this (in 2011) but did not pass. (see Wikipedia for info)
@MatsKaarbo Hmmmm.... when you say "we have and what we can use," who do you mean?
why does it matter who funds the hoover institution?
@LibertyDownUnder He didn't say whether he was in favor of it or not. His argument is that the Fed is only causes problems, and that an alternative to it would be unecessary. Proposing an alternative would conflict with his argument. From cantext, I think it's safe to assume that he would definitely prefer the gold standard to the federal reserve standard.
@koolkamel322 I am a huge Ron Paul fan and also an Australian.In the time of the GFC we also had a slight bailout(which i don't agree with) and it was partly given to the people, we received a $900 check in the mail from K Rudd.Given that we are doing reasonably well (in certain aspects), we are still 1.4 Trillion in debt and worse than before the GFC.Point being that, that money was ours to begin with but the debt wasn't, so how could've and did it work? I believe the best way would have been
Thank u mr sowell