Singularity Planet Busters never get old! I've done a bunch of AARs taking screenshots of them exploding at various stages. That took a bit of coordination with the PrntScr button. One way to win the game without consequences is to eliminate everyone with SPBs in 1 turn.
I'm reminded of using the inbuilt cheats in Civilization 2 to spawn a barbarian nuclear missile. Better believe they use it before it runs out of fuel. "Barbarians use nuclear weapons!"
I never tried smac in my youth and now i find it too obsolete to play. But im fascinated by it, and never saw anybody in gameplay use such missiles and explain it so well! You should make lots of such short informative ones! to teach the game and for those like me to enjoy as you play
Fusion PBs are great, they solve the problem of Yang on monsoon. In general, the easiest way to win is to blow up the major players as soon as you get fusion and then get a diplo victory once you own most of the pop.
Debatable; you can argue Hovertanks are instead. Gravships are good replacements for most (not not all) boat functions - basically everything but raising and lowering terrain - but the main thing I find them useful for is just capturing cities. Like needlejets, they're more of a niche role.
Singularity Planet Busters never get old! I've done a bunch of AARs taking screenshots of them exploding at various stages. That took a bit of coordination with the PrntScr button. One way to win the game without consequences is to eliminate everyone with SPBs in 1 turn.
Or wait until a solar flare happens. 20 turns of no communications means no one can report your warcrimes.
I'm reminded of using the inbuilt cheats in Civilization 2 to spawn a barbarian nuclear missile. Better believe they use it before it runs out of fuel. "Barbarians use nuclear weapons!"
Ha, I remember doing that too.
I never tried smac in my youth and now i find it too obsolete to play. But im fascinated by it, and never saw anybody in gameplay use such missiles and explain it so well! You should make lots of such short informative ones! to teach the game and for those like me to enjoy as you play
Fusion PBs are great, they solve the problem of Yang on monsoon. In general, the easiest way to win is to blow up the major players as soon as you get fusion and then get a diplo victory once you own most of the pop.
Don't you just hate it when they shoot down your conventional missiles?
How about conventional payload ballistic missiles? Are they worth building
Only for a small part of the game, and even then not really.
Are the singularity gravships the most advanced unit you can build ?
Debatable; you can argue Hovertanks are instead. Gravships are good replacements for most (not not all) boat functions - basically everything but raising and lowering terrain - but the main thing I find them useful for is just capturing cities. Like needlejets, they're more of a niche role.
I do like the Locusts of Chiron.
@@ThomasstevenSlater I built those too. Great units.
But war crimes… its fun