This is interesting to me... I used those very words earlier this year. My wife asked my why I bought a guitar, and I told her "I have a lot of music in me, and I need to get it out." I got a good start in music as a child. My mother was a piano player and guitarist, and she tried to teach me piano early. I have a physical deformity in my left hand, and as I grew, it never got large enough to play typical bass lines or chords. She got me a guitar, but I had much the same problem either fretting on a righty or strumming on a lefty. By the time I got to school, I faced music teacher after music teacher who would discourage me. I realize now that this was their lack of imagination preventing them from finding a creative solution rather than a flaw in me, but as a child it sunk in deep. One teacher said I could never play drums because I couldn't hold the drum sticks the "right way" (he had obviously never heard of match grip). To further complicate matters, I had an undiagnosed hearing imbalance where the frequency response in one ear is significantly different than that in the other, which puts me off pitch when singing. All of my friends were musically inclined because I really, really loved music, but it also led to me feeling left out. I convinced myself that making music was never going to be for me Along came college, marriage, kids, and a career in technology. There was always a lack of time (and sometimes money) to even think about making music. I settled for singing along with the radio in my car to and from work, which didn't even come close to scratching the itch. It's only been within the last few years that I took stock and realized that I don't have to listen to those inner voices, and I set about finding ways to express my musical interest. I found a voice teacher that helped me use recordings of my singing to train myself to compensate for the hearing (although I still lean on Melodyne quite a bit). I modified a guitar pick to have a large holding surface so I could use it with my left hand, and I'm learning guitar all over again. I set up two small midi controller keyboards, the left one with mini keys, and I can play with my DAW pretty well. I also dug up that feeling that an awful lot of us have probably had about wanting to be a rock star, guitar hero, or some other such stuff. I realized that that was never my goal, it was just a fun daydream. What I've always wanted was to take the music in me and let it out. And now I do. I sing and play for my wife, she enjoys it, and that's all either of us need.
My guitar teacher told of a story that a guitar player’s hands were deformed in a house fires. After recovering, their fingers could reach and play chords / intervals no one else could. Made them a better player apparently.
@@mattibiskit Django Reinhardt is that fellows name. He FULLY inspired Tony Iommi, who lost the tips of his fingers in a machine shop accident. Tony Iommi is credited with helping to create an entire genre of rock music. Heavy Metal.
For me it's an absolute urge to create something even if I'm only person to hear it or listen. It's frustrating at times when even family pay no interest but just have to do it. You've helped so many people create music that's a huge achievement 👏
I've been playing since I was about 7, and now I'm 58. In my teens and early adult-hood, I was so dedicated to 'making it'. That never happened, but one of the reasons that it never happened is, I believe, I was always more dedicated to the thrill I got from the creation of the song, or the sound. There are millions of us unknown but dedicated sound makers out there! I'm proud to be a life-long member of that club. Thank you for making this video.
This video of yours gave to me the reason why I like you. Your honesty and warmth is overwhelming me. I am 96, ridled with all source of health issues and still creating music, because as you said, we have to. Thanks and wish you the best. Ted
Very similar story. Started writing songs in '76, gigged, kid & family but all the while kept writing songs and learning and studying guitar, particularly tunings. Now 62 and have a lifetime of work and recordings I am re-recording in band format. My sons excellent drumming. A songwriter friend is a great producer!! Still writing, though to lesser extent but picked up the c6th lap steel, together with resonator I picked up in 2000, to keep fingerpicking interesting. Keep curious and keep listening. In love with music of Tuba Skinny, Sierra Ferrell, Erika Lewis, etc. etc. music these days. Play ragtime, blues, jazz, western swing, etc. Never stop learning and stay curious. Nice vid. PS keep writing.
Can't thank you enough for this video, Mike!! Spot on!! I can relate to your story... and dozens of the posted comments. Some of these comments I've read are very personal and moving. YES... I can finally stand proud and say "THIS is who I am... THIS is what I do".
Wow. Great video Mike. You have a very similar story as mine. I was an average drummer in my youth but still was able to play professionally. I later found love, gave up playing except on the weekends, went to college, got a good job in aerospace and eventually put the sticks down to focus on started a family for 15 years. Once the kids left home I started playing again. Today I’m retired but still play and do shows. I play because I enjoy it; I enjoy being creative, I enjoy collaborating with others, I enjoyed learning new drumming techniques and I enjoy watching others enjoying what I’m playing. I also love that I don’t have to play to stay alive, so besides enjoying music, I enjoy having time for family, friends, sports, leisure….and keeping a good balance between them all.
I've never had a doubt or question about "doing" music. By the time I figured out that my folks weren't going to support me at it, I coaxed our neighbor/my BFF (then) into taking guitar lessons with me, knowing my mom would have to drive us BOTH! LOL. He (being lefthanded) quit after 1 lesson and I quit after 3, when I realized that I could figure out songs off the radio and the teacher wanted me to show him how to play them! I decided to spend the $3.25 each week on albums and learned as many licks/chords/parts, as I could and I began to give lessons. That still is a habit 60 years later( as of Aug 8, '23).
Greetings Mike. Great video. I got my first guitar around age 9 for Christmas in 1972 and a drum set soon after. My parents didn't encourage me to be a musician and wanted me to be a dentist or doctor even though they loved music and always plàyed it at home and in the car. I couldn't afford music lessons and played by ear. I didn't like school and joined the Air Force at age 18. I spent my whole life intrigued by musicians and wanted to make music that people liked. It wasn't as easy as I thought and I became frustrated, but I never stopped doing it. I wrote songs along with my brother who shopped them on a cassette to record lables with no success. I ended up working for the Air Force full time and retired after 34 years. I was never a virtuoso at any instrument but I still was intrigued with it, and today at 59 I still pluck my guitar and bass from time to time at home as it calms my nerves and helps pass the time of an otherwise boring life. I don't have kids, but a girlfriend who actually likes some of my guitar playing. 😊 Today it seems all we have time for is chores around the house and preparing our own meals at home. I still like music, but only the 60's 70's and 80's stuff. Pretty boring life, eh?
Your way of seeing the universe, with its micro connections and its profound meaning is truly powerful. For me it was like being slapped in the middle of my sleep. What we should do in life is simply what would make us happy because this is the best way to make our contribution to the harmony of the universe. Powerful thought. Thank you.
I totally get this. Music is absolutely part of who I am - I have realised that I cannot not do it. The joy of creating something even if no one else gets it. Getting something that is inside, that needs to be outside. I'm not much of a guitarist, and as a singer, I'm a good guitarist... 😀 But I enjoy doing it, so I don't really care. I am proud of some of my songs, particularly some of the lyrics, but even that is secondary - I have enjoyed writing, arranging, and recording all of them. I find it very useful for keeping my head at least slightly together - music is one of the lights that shines in the darkness of my mind. Thank you, Mike, for all that you share and teach - it is more important, I think than you maybe realise. Thank you!
Excellent. I'm 68 and you tell a story that reflects my own existence on this earth. At times I've had a 'break' and at times been in situations where my life was changed ( generally by others) and took me away from being what I am in my heart - a musician. Although I embraced that 'suite' life and it brought me other wonderful things (family etc) there was always a huge 'hole' in my purpose and existence. In recent years my life is with people that allow me to be who I am and it's great - famous or not we are what we are and meant to be that person not some other. The only rule I've ever had is that my being who I am - does not hurt anybody - so keep being what you are and you will be content, which, in my opinion, is actually a feeling that is the best of all.
This might be my favorite video on all of UA-cam. Thanks from a no one out in the inter connected universe. Needed to hear this. Keep being who you’re supposed to be sir! Because it amazing.
The best video you ever made Mike! Thank you so much. I recognized myself in every word you said. We are the same age. I was born in Argentina and I had the chance to live the "explosion " of the Argentinian rock with was so great and unfortunately is not known worldwide...I live in Belgium now and I cannot stop making music. Thanks again, I learned a lot with your videos!! Gracias totales!!
Inspirational video Mike. I look forward daily to the whole music,song writing, and production process. It is my hobby in retirement. Kay’s catalog guitars, wow! what memories that evokes. 😊😊😊
AWESOME video! I was sitting here watching this video and nearly crying . . . I just turned 61 years old this week, so I have moss growing on me. The only people on earth who even tolerate my music are me and my kids. My wife hates ALL of my stuff . . . "turn that noise OFF!" But I published my first album (through Distrokid - thanks to your discount!) last year. It has sold exactly ZERO copies on Amazon, and has only gotten a few listens on UA-cam and Spotify. But still - I continue to work on my NEXT album. Why? Because it's PART OF ME. I once got great advise from the late-great-Harold Williams (a saxophonist/keyboardist) who played with the Allman Brothers and even Paul McCartney and Wings. He said, "Mike (that's my name too) - it's okay to make money with your music . . . but whatever you do . . . don't you EVER make music for money, because you'll learn to HATE it". He's right. Make your music because you LOVE IT . . . because it's PART OF YOU . . . it's WHAT you are. Then, if things go well, maybe you'll make a buck. But if you never make a penny (like me), you'll STILL LOVE WHAT YOU'RE DOING! (You can watch a FANTASTIC band . . . the Randall Bramblett Band . . . playing "Pothole on Mainstreet" on UA-cam. You've probably never heard of them. Watch the video and listen to how GREAT they are. I've played with the bass player. They are professional, in as much as they make their living with their music, but they aren't getting rich on it. Just understand that it's VERY difficult to even make a living with music - it's not in short supply.) And listen to constructive criticism. Creative Sauce (Mike) critiqued my song "Moonshine" last summer. One of the things he told me was to have my bass and kick drums hit together. It was advise I heard previously nearly 40 years ago! I went back and FIXED it, by moving the kick drum to match my bass line . . . and WHAM! It fixed it! Thank you Mike!! Be open to criticism when it is offered up to help IMPROVE your music. PROFIT FROM IT! And when someone (like my beautiful, wonderful - I mean that - wife) tells you your music sucks, IGNORE THAT. It's not going to improve your music, so it's extraneous! STAY THE COURSE!!!!! Keep making this great video series, Mike . . . you are affecting people's lives in a positive way!
A wonderful story here - and so much truth in it! I feel that in terms of criticism, its important to seek it from those worthy of giving it. Not every opinion has the same value. Please leave a link here to your music on Spotify, and I'm so happy you found my advice useful :)
I have only slightly less moss growing on me than you do... I recorded an album a year ago and went the CD route which meant a minimum order of 300... So far, I've given away about 10 copies to family and some friends. There were a few reasons to make it - the main reason was to to give a copy to my partner for her birthday and secondly, to leave something for my adult son that was purely 'me' ... something he could play (hopefully) in the far distant future and know that's what his old man used to do... I uploaded a copy to Soundcloud (zero plays so far).... I'm still in two minds about 'getting it out there' - it's far from being a priority... I'm sketching out ideas for my next album at the moment and I'll happily go through the whole process and expense all over again to make it happen... I've been writing and recording my music since my teens so I think it's a bit late to stop now... it's a personal thing and the creative process is just a part of me (good, bad or otherwise)... it's nice if people like what you create but if they don't, that's OK with me.
Fantastic video Mike. It really touched a nerve with me. I’ve come to realise it’s the creation process I love; the energy of playing and bouncing ideas off someone and feeling the electricity in the air. I’ve just come back to playing after a 10year break. I had forgotten how much joy it brought me. Thanks for sharing.
Boy, o boy Mike, this truly could not have found its way to me at a better time. Thank you so much for this clip. You were absolutely right when you asked, "Does this sound familiar?" I, too, had stepped away from music and didn't touch my guitar, but maybe a dozen time over a 6 year period. Every time I did, it was actually painful (emotionally). It wasn't until 2011 that I made it a point to see if it were possible to play a batch of music I had put together for a friend's wedding several years earlier. It was June 26, 2011. The day of their anniversary. At the timeI stooped into a bit of depression. Without even obtaining my bosses approval, I left work at noon and took the rest of the on PTO to get away from the stress I was feeling on the job. That afternoon, I just stumbled my way through whatever bit of that music I could recall. Though it was painful at times, I felt a bit of an epiphany. I managed to work through emotional trouble of trying to play as the things in life that were dragging me down. It has taken until now (12 years back) to say that I do it not for others' approval, but for my own validation and sense of being anchored with something that I believe is truly my own purpose. I had to find my way away from mine and others' expectations about what I create and learn to let it be what it is and how it turns out. So why do I do it? Because I believe I am most myself when I do it. The keys to finding joy in that is to not seek approval from others, and if I do it from the right place (true to myself) there is absolutely nothing that reveals who I am more than when I am creating music. It is a sort of spiritual tonic.
Food for thought Mike. I'm 68 years old and started playing music in 1964 after being inspired by seeing the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. My parents agreed to help me but wanted me to take real music lessons and not just grow my hair and make noise. I thank them for that. After that nothing else made sense and all I was interested in was playing music and I did...local bands and all that typicical stuff. By the time I was in my early 20's I had already done a lot and really wanted more financial stability. I mananged to juggle two carreers for the next 20 years. I worked in the Brokerage industry untill I got sacked in 1994. At this point I started playing out more, and teaching guitar and bass. Did music 100% full time. I also moved from my tape based home studio to digital in setup (in early 2000's) and started having clients...singers needing demo's, bands and even some work for films. I agree 100% about what you said, regarding talent and all that. Music is there and many things are involved making it good. I don't think I could be separated from's really a major part of who I am and just something I do. It's a hard way to go and I've questioned myself about it many times, but ya the universe needs us!
Man, a lot of us got suckered into playing by seeing The Beatles on Ed Sullivan. If The Beatles were smart they would have invested in Gibson or Fender stock. They kicked off a hurricane of young dudes wanting to get in on the action.
I truly appreciate your blunt honesty! I worked at guitar for 50 years off and on (mostly off now due to arthritis in my hands) but never hit it big (or even little) as guitarist. I started "recording" with a Sony TC366 dual track machine that did sound-on-sound. The quality of the resulting audio was frankly awful, but I didn't care. I loved the process. I'm not a good performer due to being autistic (It just messes up my ability to express feelings, bad short-term memory and inability to connect with an audience) but I don't let that stop me. I love creating music (couldn't stop if I wanted to) and I have grown to love Cakewalk. I found your channel while looking for tutorials for Cakewalk and have genuinely appreciated your efforts here. Keep up the good work!!
Man I needed to hear that today. I've been struggling all weekend to cut guitar tracks. It seems that my reach always exceeds my grasp. Good to know I'm not alone. Thanks.
Mike, not to to take anything whatsoever away from all the excellent tutorials you do, but I found this one of the most engaging and inspirational videos I've seen from you. Being a similar age, and also an Englishman living in Australia, so much of what you described echoes my own experiences in music, but recently I've been asking myself that same question; "Why do I still do it?" and that's what drew me to this one. You might be surprised to know that watching this has given me a new enthusiasm and determination to keep going, and has removed any doubt in my mind about doing precisely that. The next time I find those doubts creeping back in, I will definitely remember that phrase - "How can I not?" Thanks so much!
Wow! I really relate to your story! I guess most musicians will relate also! Thank you for your honesty and sincerity! You wanted to hear our story, well I will copy something I wrote many years ago about music and my journey. "I tried leaving her. I tried not thinking about her. I turned my back on her. But she was always around. I cursed the day I met her, but I worship the ground she walks on. She makes me feel insecure, but I cannot live without her. She brings me joy and has brought me pain. I’ve tried to understand her but find her difficult to grasp. I respect her, and when I am deep into her, she overwhelms me. Time stands still when I am surrounded by her. I now know that I could never be without her again. Music controls my life. Music is my life." Thank you for this video. Every once in a while I ask myself the question, "why do I bother making music" and you put it into words!
Can't thank you enough for this video, especially the way you expressed the ideas with such honesty about your perception of your own abilities and ambitions. Just what I needed to hear today.
Thank you Mike, stumbled across your channel via your Studio One tutorials(huge thank you for those btw, never thought I'd ever understand Sidechain and dynamic EQ, but you made it easily understandable). But this video I'm gonna save and watch whenever I feel that my performance anxiety (or imposter syndrome) is kicking in. It was such a breath of fresh air to hear your love for music, and your views on it. And I love that you in every video I've seen says : I hope you're well with such warmth and sincerity. It makes me feel a little better everytime, and I know I'm not the only one out here needing to hear that. Much love from Sweden
Superb video Mike! In my 70 years on this earth, I have come to understand that everything isn't about us, especially in the music world. Once I got away from the dream of "rock stardom" and really looked at what I'm doing in this amazing field of music, I realized that we are here for the world! And, yes, from time to time we have fun and maybe some success! I had some fairly decent success in my musical career but it doesn't compare to someone coming up to me (in their late 80's!) and saying "you make me smile with your music!". I feel like I've done my job then! Everything you said is right on! Keep up the good work Mike!
Such a great uplifting video from you dear Mike. out of all your videos that I enjoyed watching, this one is the best encouragement for me as I was just asking myself the very same question. I play the Oud and compose music for the Coptic church while I work as a night shift bus driver in Sydney CBD to make ends meet. Thank you for this video. Your journey makes any body so proud of you and of themselves to be a musician. God bless you mate.
Hi Mike, I don't understand much English, but I was very touched by your words and your journey. I have been following your channel for a long time. I also learned a lot about Cakewalk for Bandlap here. But this video gives me a whole new dimension about music, or about creating music. With great gratitude to you and many kind regards from Germany.
Hi Mike. Glad you’re well again. Why do I bother? I’m not a great musician, don’t want to be a performer but I need to make music. It’s what makes me happy. At this point in my life almost the only thing that makes me happy 😢. I started making music when I was a little boy. Everybody in our family played 1 or more instruments. At 9 I discovered the drums, also at 15 I bought myself a bad electric guitar and learned some chords. In 1988 I got me a synth and Notator software. MIDI only, no audio. I also had a break when we got kids. Since 1998 I use Cakewalk and now I’ve got a home studio. The day I stop making music will be the day that I can’t make music anymore, probably the day I die. Fun fact. Our son has his own home studio and music is a big part of his life.
I came to this channel for a cakewalk tutorial but I will stay because I think you are one of the rare people today doing something for the pure love of it, and nothing else. I can see your eyes lighting up when you talk about music even after all this time, and that energy is infectious! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and love of music! Also, I am glad to see your voice is back!! 🌠🧡
Hey Mike, Much like you I worked in a stable job to support my family but always wrote my own songs and played over the years. Started writing my own songs as soon as I learned a few chords as a teen. Now I've recently retired and have been playing coffee shops ,farm markets, small venues, some paid ,some not.I love doing it ,still play only my original music cause that's what I like doing. Great video about your experience.
I've been in amateur rock bands for as long as I can remember. Close to 30 years by now... To me, the most important thing is to get together and play with the other guys every week, and create and record our own songs. It really doesn't matter that we only get a few hundred listeners, as you said, the process of creating and recording your own music is pure joy to us, and I don't think we'll ever stop doing it. BTW, if we can keep doing it, is thanks to you and your tutorials. You are an amazing teacher, Mike.
I'm so glad to see that you've recovered your voice, Mike! Yeah, my story is very similar to yours. I grew up on Long Island, NY. Back in the early seventies, it seemed like everyone I knew played some kind of instrument. My first electric guitar was just as bad as yours. It was a Teisco with a warped neck but it launched me into the music world. I was determined to upgrade and get better. Learning barre chords was the first milestone. I was lucky to have future rock stars in my school and just....around! I watched and I learned and I practiced. I'd spend thousands of hours lifting the record needle to a solo spot, listening, note by note. By 1975, I had gotten my first REAL guitar, a 1961 Gibson SG Jr! I got my dream Amp the year after, a Marshall 100w super lead. Around the same time I discovered Rush and progressive rock. I was hooked on odd time signatures from then on. I joined the US Navy, formed a three piece and got to play in Rio DeJanerio, Italy and Spain. After the service, I did what many players do.....I got married, raised a family and had a steady job. But I never gave playing, practicing and upgrading. I've been in and out of recording studios and picked up paying gigs but I live for the studio and the magic that happens there. I made a promise years ago that, when I retired, I'd dedictate myself to making music. And I've kept that promise! It's been a year since my retirement and I'm either in the studio with my co- collaborator or in my home studio. My advice to anyone out there is that life can be a series of sidesteps and setbacks but if you've got something to say and share through your music, persist and pursue it. Thanks, Mike, for your continuing help and suppport!
Started out in punk bands and recording on Tascam Ports cassette 4 tracks but I always wanted to be a songwriter. Graduated from the Tascams to ADATs but pretty much watched every band that I ever had dissolve, so I attempted to go it alone recording everything alone on the ADATs until I could find more committed people or people who were willing to record. Graduated to helping some friends record but that went nowhere either. Hard times hit the camp and I had to liquidate gear and move back home to be near the family. Now I kept just enough gear to record myself but I didn't really have the heart to work so hard anymore ( I hated drum programming) so recording kind of slipped away. Much like you Mike, I spent a few years busking in the summers here and got some solo acoustic gigs opening for some of my punk rock heroes who also had second careers as sad bastard folk singers. I finally got up the gumption to record an album but that blew up in my face and like most of my life, went nowhere. We had to take in the grandkids for a time so the recording gear stayed in storage for close to a decade. I hardly played guitar and I didn't write a single thing for 5 years. Well, the grandkids went back to where they belonged and so I started doing little UA-cam cover videos just to have something to do and get my callouses back. Gave myself a challenge to do a cover a day for a year. After that year a friend challenged me to write a song a day for a year. It had been so long that I no longer knew if I knew how so I agreed to one song a week for a year. At the end of the year I had 54 songs. While all of that was going on my physical condition was deteriorating and I am now, as a result, disabled. When we moved into where we are now my wife promised me that I would have a place to set up my gear again. Now things had improved immensely while I was out of it, so we invested in an old ThinkPad, an M-Audio interface, and a teeny midi Keyboard, I then started auditioning DAWs and settled on the old Cakewalk, as it suited ti budget, or no budget as it were. Thankfully, I had my older recording gear to use on top of the new stuff. So, I started teaching myself production in the Digital realm and have spent the last few years chipping away at the 54 songs that I wrote in that year, as well as my absurd back catalog. At first, I was just putting things up on the UA-cam and Bandcamp but eventually got up the courage to go with DistroKid and I am happy to say that I have already recovered my initial fee, lol, and with any luck next years will be paid for too. Why do I record, because it is my last refuge and one of the few positive outlets that I have left. And it is truly amazing what one can accomplish with a little bit of talent and a lot of free, as well as some cheap, tools. We've come a long way from cassette 4 tracks.
This video totally resonates with me Mike. I have always loved to sing and after seeing the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964 I was hooked on music for life. Started on the acoustic guitar. Like you, got married, family, graphic design and printing was my trade. Kept writing all these years when I could find the time and now I've picked up writing on the banjo and the mandolin. Played out almost every weekend in the mid to late 70's in a few cover bands, and did some recording of original material as a singer. Now at 70, I've built a cool little studio in the basement and am struggling to polish up and record all those songs from all those years. Your channel is really giving me the confidence I need to keep trying. Like you I have a few friends and family that enjoy what I do and that's enough for me. (Even my wife likes most of my songs.) Learning an instrument and trying to do it well has been the best part of my life. I always tell young people who will listen that knowing how to play music for yourself is the best thing you can do for your self confidence and personal enjoyment. Like you, and many here, we just can't not play. Good show!
That was great Mike, So many of us can relate to your experience, I know I can! When you showed those pictures of your first guitar, it was such a familiar story. I also found some old picture of myself, as well as, some old family photos that inspired a few songs. My "Break" lasted several years as I climbed the corporate ladder. In fact, I wrote and recorded my first originals song after I retired.....a pretty late start for sure. When I found DistroKid I finally had the vehicle to share my music with the world. I felt compelled to share some of my knowledge to help others do what I did so, I wrote an eBook on the basics of how to write, record, mix and release your own original songs. Thanks for all the great content; I always learn something from your videos!
Mike your the best! Love this. I'm 53 and been rehashing 4 albums worth of material from 1997- 2008 for a best of album. Not many care about my music at this point, but I love the process and I am totally addicted to rework and production. I don't play live much, but this allows my Brother (in another state ) and I to create and work on songs together as well. Thank you for these words of encouragement!
Mike, your words ring so true for me. I have followed a similar path to you in that I was one of the writers and lead singer in a band in the 1970's, we got a record deal and recorded an album of our original songs. The album was never fully finished because the label and studio went bust before it was completed, so it was never released. I continued playing for a few more years but then like you marriage and a family came along together with a 'proper' job and music took a back seat. In 2017 we reconnected with the guy that owned the label we were signed to and discovered he still had the original tapes of our songs. To cut a long story short, we finished the songs and the album was finally released in 2018, some 40 years after it was recorded. This inspired me to pick up the guitar and start making music again. I'm now in my 60's, I record using Cakewalk and your invaluable tutorials! I've even done a couple of local gigs. Thanks for all you do Mike and your wise words in this video. Passion is everything, without it you have nothing. Keep on rocking everyone.
Hi, Mike! Glad to here you again! Thanks for your honesty, you're absolutely right about passion! "To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable." - Ludwig van Beethoven
Wise words indeed. Love the ability to make "my music" and share it with the planet in the 21st century. Have never played for money, always for soul and fun. Playing and recording has always been passion, a passion my fingers always seem to stumble to relay. For me music has always been a puzzle that I'm always trying to complete...trying find the next piece. Loads of fun to find a piece that expresses a view of life to others. Thanks Mike
Great questions Mike! For me, not the most gifted musician, the answer is my thirst for knowledge. Growing up in the 1970s and 1980s, most all of my friends aspired to be rock stars but life, love and other opportunities just happened. After becoming disabled, and spending 3 months in the hospital, I've spent the last 5 years doing what I love which is learning more about music theory and production. My wife has noticed how much progress I've made with music, and often asks why I don't perform for others? My answer is simply that I just want to learn how and why the music that has brought me so much joy was created.
"I just want to learn how and why the music that has brought me so much joy was created." - this was just such a beautiful thing to read. Really moving.
Mike, Thank You so Much for your message. I felt like letting my musical talent (what little I have) all go because I did ask myself many times "what's the point?". But I guess I couldn't find reason until I heard someone else (like you) share those similar thoughts and/or feelings about their gift(s). Now I understand it's just a part of me that's desires to contribute some meaningful happiness in this world. Sir, you have my Gratitude.
Great video! I’ve appreciated your videos and have learned a great deal about mixing, mastering and I was particularly moved by this video! I was just trying to explain to my wife why I keep doing what I do, with hours and hours in my studio writing and recording. I just HAVE to!! It’s truely who I am, and you articulated it so well! Please DON’T stop making these videos! I live in New Zealand, and sometimes it feels like I have no support for what I do. This video was very timely! Thanks!
Mike... THANK YOU! This video is so far the epitome of encouragement to any musician doing their thing in this world. Also - of your generosity that you whole-heartedly show on EACH of your videos. You have certainly helped me A LOT! God Bless you.
Loved your story and thanks for sharing it, Mike. Fortunately for me, I have no intention of making music my career so I can just enjoy fiddling about and generally making a mess. Just as well, really, as I can neither read nor write music and can't play any instruments! I've only recently discovered that, thanks to modern technology, I have some small ability to churn some tunes out and these are shared with family and friends only. Why do I do it? Because, every now and then a bar or two, or a passage from a particular instrument, will give you goosebumps and you know you got it right. The pleasure derived from knowing that YOU did that is priceless.
Thank John. You are absolutely right. Some of what we do is, well, not good. Some is good. But once in a while, often by chance, we get to experience magic!
Mike, you've said all for every one of us. I think we are all on that journey because of that something inside that won't be denied. I started performing in coffee houses when I was 16. Now I'm 74 and working on another album. We all have to do it, some become McCartney and some will never be heard of. It can't be about the level of success, it has to be about the music!
You nailed it, Mike! I came from a very small country town in the middle of the USA. I was the very big fish in a very small pond of musicians. Went to college to be a better musician, and quickly found out I was certainly not a big fish anymore. That was the kick in the butt that I needed to push me to try to actually be great at drums/percussion. I got my undergrad in percussion performance. Then I went on to get my masters degree, all in percussion performance. From there I landed in the Chicago area, playing lots of gigs and some studio work. After that (about 20 years ago) I decided to try my hand at shows in Las Vegas. Fast forward to today, and I've been able to play on several of the biggest shows in Vegas, and also play with some fairly famous people. I don't consider myself to be the greatest player. I just had the drive and focus to go get what I wanted. I always tell my students "you don't pick music, music picks you".
@@CreativeSauce I've gotten lots of great stuff from your channel. Very informative, and well done. I'm hoping to get some free time soon so I can push my channel a little more. All the best to you, and keep up the great content!
Thank you for having this channel. I have a very busy job and find myself not able to spend the time I'd like, writing and recording. You help me keep involved and interested. I appreciate your efforts. I've used Cakewalk since it was 12tone. I've grown with it, and when it was under Gibson, I about cried. Now it's revamped and you give hope that even as an older guy, I can still enjoy making music. Wonderful! Blessings, Perry
THANK YOU for this video!! I've really been struggling with the "what's the point" thing recently, and I appreciate your thoughts. I SO identify with your story - the Kay guitar (I remember Kay guitars! Mine was an SG style - $60 in some music store in the mall in 1977!), the "break" period, spending days or weeks practicing to appear proficient in a 20-second clip I post to social media. At the end of the day, I've decided to continue doing the music thing simply because I love it - I love the gear, I love the feeling of finishing a song and making it sound like an actual professional release and listening to it over and over because I think it sounds so cool. That has to be the starting point - anything else that happens to come along in terms of recognition, praise or remuneration or whatever is simply an added bonus.
Thanks, Mike, I needed to hear that because I struggle also at times with the frustration of needing to taking weeks to learn a particular song before I can play it live! As far as why I do it, it's the love of making and performing music that's always been in me. I also put down my guitar after getting married and having a family, but music was always in me even though I seemed to be light years away from it by that point in my life. I no longer had friends who were musicians, so every time I stumbled across my dusty guitar case I would want to pick it up but would say to myself, "what's the point." Then an opportunity arose to play in a Church worship band, and although I hadn't played in years, the joy I felt when I now had a reason to pick up the guitar again, gave me the answer to the question of "what's the point?" The point is as you said, we are all born with different hopes and dreams, and I guess talents, although I'm not the greatest talent, it's my passion for what I do that shines through. Today I now lead that worship team with vocals and guitar. Although I'm around your age, and most of my married life career was as a home improvement contractor, I'm now much happier when I'm doing what I was created to do! And P.S., your videos have been a blessing to me, thank you again!!
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Mike. Bloomin' heck, you took me back to my childhood mentioning the Littlewood's catalogue!!! I have always admired your openness and honesty, especially on a platform like YT where a false reality can be easily constructed in your own favour. I genuinely think that you provide so much to so many, not just with content but also with your passion, energy and enthusiasm. Like many of your 127K subscribers, I wouldn't be home recording and doing something that means so much to me had it not been for discovering your videos here during the lockdown - that's not exaggeration, just a cold hard fact. Thank you so very much.
Wow!! This came at just the right moment for me. In my 74th year , I find myself asking the question posed in the video. It is particularly vexing because my musical chops fading as I become older. Nevertheless, your video inspires me as it shows that the process is key and the connection with people is the essential part. I also want to deeply thank you for all your priceless tutorial videos. As a Cakewalk user from the very beginning, I have found your lessons so practical. It is interesting to me that your aspiration to connect with and help us all is not only a part of your musical skills it is so beautifully expressed in these videos. You really are making a difference in this world and I thank you for all your efforts!
Mike, I really enjoyed this video. Although the rest of my brothers are master musicians, I am not. However, I love recording myself anyway. I am thankful that my love of music has spilled over to my son who now writes, sings and records on his own using his laptop, and has even had a song go viral. It is amazing to me how the large, hardware based studio I worked in as a young adult, can now be reproduced (actually even better) in a small box on my desk. I shake my head every so often at the idea that I now own the equivalent of thousands of dollars worth of equipment as plugins. It is truly a wonderful gift, to have this outlet for our thoughts and emotions so readily available, and allow us to express who we are, even if few ever hear it.
"Playing with passion and emotion" Nailed it in one Mike! If I may add to that (my own two cents worth) play with passion and emotion, it helps if you know the story/history behind the song, then you can more easily sing it with passion and emotion. I've always believed that the more you know about a song the better you can sing it. One final point which (to me personally) is extremely important, never ever disrespect your audience.
Like Black Beard's Ghost, I am 61, and the only thing I have done longer than be a musician is probably breathe. I started playing my first instrument at 5 (violin), by the time I graduated high school I could play everything we had in the band room except piano, played in the local symphony orchestra on bassoon along with a budding rock band as a drummer. I started playing professionally, which was my dream, and as it turned out, I wasn't having fun anymore! Go figure! I was living my dream and I started hating to play!! I quit playing for about 2 years, then came back to the music scene doing solo folk guitar/singer songwriter gigs. I didn't HAVE to do it, but I couldn't not, if that makes any sense. About this time I made friends with an incredibly talented classical pianist. I had been itching to learn piano, so I asked him to show me where "C" was on the keyboard. He did, I said thank you and turned and walked away. I took everything I knew about music theory from my high school days, all the chord construction from teaching myself guitar, and taught myself to play the piano. So, by this time it is the early/mid 80's, MIDI is a brand new thing, digital keyboards are becoming all the rage, and I was starting to feel the itch to try my hand at playing keys in a band setting. As an American stationed overseas as a Marine Embassy Guard I gave it a shot. My first actual gig was at the Marine Corps Birthday Ball where the band was 3 Marines and 2 other foreigners. I played acoustic rhythm guitar and keys, but mostly guitar. It was thrilling! At my next posting I joined a local established band, and we had a BLAST!!!! I have since been on over 2 dozen recordings as either part of a band or as a hired gun, and released my first solo CD a little over a year ago (sorry, on CDBaby - don't hate me). I got an email from them recently that I had made a whopping $0.26!!! To be completely honest I didn't expect to make any money at all, so I am thrilled!! My goal is not to make a living or a name for myself. I want to make my own music my own way. If some people like it, GREAT! If not, it is still okay. Like Mike said, I do it because it is one of the largest parts of my life, and how can I not!? And if anyone cares, I can still play most of the instruments I have learned over my lifetime to some degree of proficiency.
Hey, 69 here - writing and recording have never been more fun. I've never had such incredible tools, and I also can "release" this music in a real way whether I'm known or not. It's a fantastic time!
Great video, spoke directly to me. I started learning guitar when I was 12, beginning with a Mel Bay beginners book. I am now 73 years old and do not consider myself a professional musician. I play mandolin, violin, bass, guitar, and lap steel. I just obtained a pedal steel and loving the challenge to learn. I play at our church and with a small group at nursing homes and assisted living for free. That is my way of sharing my limited talent. Everything I know has been self taught. You put into words exactly how I feel about music. It was my escape when I was a teenager trying to deal with abuse. Making music brings a peace to mind and spirit. I have done one CD project, on a home studio, and surprisingly sold all 100 copies to friends and family. Thanks again for the great insight this video has given. You have caused me to feel better about what I do.
This is the best video you have done outside of the music tutorials you usually do Mike. It hit home with me. Your talent is a divine gift, and it is meant to be shared with the world. That's all.... nothing more, nothing less.
Great vid Mike. I can relate massively to a lot of the points. I was in a band for about 5 years in my late teens and early twenties and then gave it up when I started studying to be an accountant. I picked up music again about 10 years later because it had always just been there in the back of my mind. Fast forward a few more years and I've actually just left my career as well and have enjoyed having more time to learn music production and work on my writing. Like you, I'm definitely not the best guitarist or vocalist, but I just love writing songs and I don't think I'll ever stop doing!
Mike, I've learned so much from you about recording in general and cakewalk specifically. This vid is a well timed reminder about why we musicians do what we do. As I approach 70 years I still look forward to getting songs out of my brain and into the world, even if only a few get to hear them
You're the best, Mike and have captured the experience of the majority of musicians who aren't famous and can't make a living from being one. Cheers from Canada and keep the Cakewalk videos coming!
Just watched this video, so true, amazing how similar our experiences are too. Music is also an anti-depressor, never needed pills, recording and playing music makes me feel creative and a much happier person that I would be without it.
Mike, thanks so much I really, really enjoyed this video - what a great story! Your diverse experience is no doubt part of why you come across so well, and why you are such a great communicator - the other part is your inherent warm personality. You could so easily have kept all your knowledge to yourself, but instead you choose to share; this shows what a great bloke you are. I totally agree with you about making music - it's part of us, however talented (or not) we are. Absolutely great video...and thanks.
I do it because people won't leave me alone, I started watching the video and immediatly someone called me to book a gig.🤣 Jokes aside, someone once said that musicians have no choice and I agree to that. If I had the choice, I would never wake up in the middle of the night to write down music or some amp settings that appear to me in a dream - I would never dream about amps if I had a choice! But music compels us to do that kind of thing and to be who we are, even when times are overchallenging. It's been 25 year for me, and since I booked that gig, I won't be stopping soon. Cheers from Rio!
Yup! I was born a musician, as was my father before me (Scottish bagpiper) and my son after. It is, as you said Mike, 'who we are'! There will always be an undefined, unstoppable force that drives us muso's to do what we do. It's not about being 'the best' or being famous. I've been playing in the public since age 15, and some 50 years later am stilling making a happy noise - now getting all my personal 'hits' recorded on Cakewalk for the grandkids and others. And do we have a role to play as a part of the cosmos? Absolutely. Carry on being as philosophical as you like. Thanks for posting this encouraging vid.
Thanks Mike! You packed a lot of wisdom into this short video. It made me realize that I need to change my approach. I often feel overwhelmed by how much I *don't* know or am not good at (mixing, mastering, etc.) - when I should be focusing/working on what I *do* know and enjoy (playing piano / songwriting). Whether I'm *good* at that is subjective and irrelevant as long as I enjoy it! Thanks so much for helping me change my mindset for the better!
I have a similar history, Mike, although my career path may have veered even farther away from music and for longer periods of time. My first band was also in high school and it so astonished my private piano teacher (strictly classical) that she threatened to stop teaching me because I was applying my talent and attention to what she considered to not even qualify as music. Looking back, I'm not sure I disagree! In any case, that didn't stop me. I continued on that path until I attended college and didn't have time to apply to "extracurricular" music while I was getting my degree (in musical performance). Once that was completed, I went straight back into playing music in bands and stayed there for 12 years until I met my wife and like you, decided to provide for her and my soon to be growing family by getting a "real job". Literally decades later, I've decided to go back to my passion for music. I've found what is available now in music technology compared to my last brief view ten years ago is amazing. I've got entire orchestras and any sort of sound I can think of right at my fingertips. As you might imagine, I've become fully immersed and am absolutely enjoying this world that I've finally pulled back into existence. Mind you, I have so much to learn and your videos have been more than helpful. I also find the production and process of creating music incredibly enjoyable. Hours pass by and I'll discover I've forgotten to do things like eat or sleep. I have to say. what I've found most comforting is the few people out in the world who share experiences like you have in this video. I've been subscribed to Creative Sauce for some time but this one obviously reaches far past technical lessons or product reviews. It touches on the very reason why I create music. As I look back over my time on this beautiful planet, the years when I wasn't involved directly with music were the same years when I always felt a bit lost, like something important was missing. Well, there you have it. Thanks Mike, for all of your videos, but especially this one.
Thanks for this. I can definitely relate. I had a few bands and learned production under a Grammy winning mix engineer (15 years ago). All in I’ve produced hundreds of songs and a few albums. Fortunately different projects got some listeners and fans but nothing that would keep the lights on. I ended up going to law school and would make music in my limited free time. For me it’s a compulsion. When my daughter was born, like you, I took a 5 year break from music to support my family. Last summer I was really off. I felt like something was missing in my life and that I needed to make music again. I’m really thankful for Cakewalk because if it wasn’t free I’d probably still be stuck. The advances in technology in the past 15 years have been drastic. The amount of education on UA-cam is extremely helpful. I’ve learned so much from you and others. Thanks, and I hope you’re well!
I'm so glad you found music again! Each person has different circumstances at the time, but I feel that Mums and Dads should feel proud that they took time to focus on their kids. But honouring yourself is also important. Well done :)
I love your life story!!!! 💝You are rich and abundant in experiences! In following your love of music, enriching your many various skills, in persevering, and being a man who meets all your familial responsibilities. Your video & your generosity, with sharing your experiences and insights is truly inspiring! 🙏💕!!
I still make music now, keep it organized and labeled. When I’m dead, it’s going to still breath “air” and keep my spirit floating mysteriously around the world.
I too am not the most talented singer or guitar player that I know. I've actually been playing since I was around 7 years old or so, but life has a way of taking priority. After a long career in the service, I found myself getting together with local musicians, and before long I was sharing the stage with some of the best musicians in the country playing a gig as a house band for the biggest country music venue in the southeast for seven years. I got a major case of burnout and didn't even listen to the radio for almost two years. One day, I took my guitar out of its case and just started writing again. Now writing and producing my own material is front and center for me. Why do we do it after all this time? It is PART of us, and we would not be ourselves without it! On another note: Thanks for doing this channel. I'm glad to see I'm not alone...
Brilliant video. We've both just about had the same life. I've had some success in that I had a couple of years in a duo playing our own material and got to play some really good gigs. Sold every cassette we made too. Played in some fun bands but the last one was an absolute scream and such a great bunch of musicians. Been writing and recording for many years but had no success with that and now write for anyone who wants to listen. As you say. If it's in you it has to be released. You can't just stop si I guess I'll compose till I de-compose.
I see that this video was dated 9 months ago but for me, I watched it at the exact right time. I've had very similar life experiences as what Mike shared. It was the answer I was searching for. My comment here may never be read because of it being months after being released but I wanted to say thank you Mike anyway! Watching it helped to break down a mental block I had recently, in the area of music composition and recording. I was feeling undermotivated and very frustrated with myself for feeling that way. I believe and share Mike's view of our universe and peoples inner connectiveness. Mike's view of our personal responsibility to be who we WANT to be and/or share with the world our love of music was key of me. The video inspired me to get off my sad ass and enjoy and appreciate the gift of music with the world. No matter how mundane or common it may be, it's important. If nothing else, to be one of billions of people who love music, which would support it as a human need. I don't believe I would have had the same realization as what Mike's video "Why Even Bother Making Music" accomplished. So, thank you Mike for being open and courageous to share your vulnerability in this area. I'm ok with my limitations now. I'm ok with mastering a uncommercially sellable song. I just love playing & recording music. Even at age 70. Ha!
What a video. Helps us know you a why you are where you are, and how you got there. For myself, always had the calling. I remember being very young getting called out by mom for drumming on everything. Dad ALWAYS had music on. At 15, late 60’s, walking home late I noticed a neighbor tossing stuff to the curb prior to moving. Checked and found what would be a Gibson GA-9 Tweed Tube amp (50’s). Dad, an engineer got it working with tube swaps. Late that night I wondered if there was an amp, was there a - snuck out digging deeper found what was a homemade knock-off of a Les Paul. Terrible, Neck was SO wide. That started it all. I’m very shy but loved learning by myself by spending allowances on music books. Learning chords to Dylan, James Taylor, The Rascals, Beatles, Stones, Allman Brothers - you get it. 55 years later and it’s still my Zen. Except now I watch Creative Sauce Vid’s and using Cakewalk to better myself. I love mixing and understanding the nuances of it. Thanks for all you do, from Sea Breeze, NY.
Great video. I've had this feeling since I had covid the end of last summer. I guess covid also messes with you psychologically as well , because I still can't seem to get back into it. I'm only 45 and I used to absolutely be bonkers about music. Who knows...maybe I'll get it back (creating and mixing/mastering).
Thanks for your thoughts, I'm a very basic guitarist, more of a song writer, only now in my mid 40s am I releasing songs written in my 20's, it makes me feel more alive again.
That was so surprising from the beginning to the end. First of all, i started making music on DOP back in 2004 because my dad used it for all his works ( he is a guitarist himself ). Then, i accidently installed flstudio 4 instead of photoshop a year later....Your final words were exactly what i said to my friend a year ago. For me, it is a matter of self-determination.
love the 15 yr old you photo, then the littlewoods blast from the past, wow couldn't even recognise business you! totally 100% on your lightbulb busking moment! i describe my playing and singing as "functional" it is enough to hang the rest of it on (the Song, communication, humour, bringing a room together, having a laugh... etc) Big YES on your big hook line! I am enjoying running a little open mic at the moment and it is going great, feedback is all friendly/supportive/inclusive/warm open mic night . lovely episode Mike X
Cheers Wobbie. I love what you do. Music is such a wonderful vehicle for comedy, and has some really unique characteristics in terms of matching lyrics, with timing. Happy to hear the open mic nights are going well.
In my case, this question stretches far beyond music, but every single thing I thought I was good at and had to recognize there's not enough time to make it happen no matter how much effort I put in. And that will never change.
well you kinda nailed it Mike. It's who we are. I am not a great instrumentalist - I'm quite sloppy, but good enough to have made a good living from it. But the problem with us and music is that we want so desperately (maybe not desperately for some) to be heard and affirmed. It's a sad trap. But I had a glorious epiphany about 2 months ago. And that is that while this gift of music was given to me so that others might be blessed, it was primarily a gift to me that I, personally, would be blessed. You see, music was my hiding place throughout my tumultuous life. As far back as I can remember, music was my best friend, and at times, my only friend. And the creative process has always been a place where nothing else in the world can enter in. It's my home.
Great video, Mike, Good to see you're doing better! When i just started my music school, i didn't have a piano, that was a challenge. Dad helped me to paint a keyboard on a piece of cardboard (in a scale) so i could do anything at least between lessons in school. No suprise that made me quit untill we got an old but playable piano. Eventually i finished school, today i am 35, do my music as a hobby, with lots of help from your channel including. But now there's another challenge ( i am in Russia) global players in distribution don't work in local market anymore. So i just keep doing it just because how can i not do it. And we'll see what future shows us
Thanks for this video, Mike. It's exactly where I am. I have friends who are much better musicians than I will ever be. They couldn't make a living playing music. What chance do I have? But still, I can't not make music. Every time I am in front of people playing or singing, I do it from the heart and try to make it so good that they would have paid to be there. Now, I have a growing collection of finished songs I have written, performed, recorded, and mixed that have only been heard by a handful of people. But, I can't wait to finish the next one and the one after that. As you said, and I said earlier, I can't not make music.
Mike, What an honest video - great to hear your story. I think you are probably 10-15 years behind me in age, but I was somewhat obsessed with music from my mid-teens onwards and eventually saved for an acoustic guitar (one of my daughters has it now). I however, met some talented musicians of around my age and I played a few gigs with them in and around Canning Town, Newham and Wanstead (East London). It was obvious to me that they were light years ahead in musical talent, so I became their manager/roadie and we spent a number of years playing various places including a residency at the famous Boleyn pub in the shadow of West Ham FC. I in the meantime had a day job at the BBC, which became more intense and eventually we went our different directions. I still hanker after writing music, but unlike you, I think the universe is telling me, that after all this time, I should really stick to other things I know better! But, I will carry on, and hopefully be able to teach my grandchildren something about music too, as they seem interested. Keep up the great work!
I did the same as you, got the catalogue guitar in my teens, learned as much as I could through trial and error over the years. (Moved to Australia) I've done the Distrokid thing and UA-cam, SoundCloud etc. Nothing came out of all that. Sometimes I wonder why I bother and your right its the process and its who we are. I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. Best wishes to everyone in the same boat. Keep on keepin on.
I am so with you on this. I can’t not do it. And to echo David Crosby, “I feel like I owe it to someone “. I’m not a beginner but I’m not fit to utter the names of my musical heroes. This makes that feeling of responsibility very strange to me… I’m just not that great. Maybe your right about our places in the universe. Regardless at 68 I’m still learning, writing, and recording and don’t expect to stop any time soon. I wish we lived near each other.
What a great video. I am music obsessed, never made it professionally on violin or any other instrument. Still, it's in my blood, and if 1 person gets something from a performance I am part of, be it in an orchestra, a modular gig, or a post-rock gig where I am bashing drums, that's my job done! It's all energy and my best use of it.
Hey Mike. Well my first guitar wasn't quite as illustrious as yours. It was the naff acoustic second left bottom of the catalogue page. Absolute garbage. The bridge actually came off whilst I was playing it and ended up swinging around dangling by the strings from the headstock. I sent it back and got some shoe instead. Since them I've moved up a bit, was in a band for a while. Played in Church for 20 years before losing my faith and now am a guitar teacher with side hustle of stock music, which I know is lucrative for some but I just enjoy it. Why do I bother? Simple. Because I can and it keeps me semi sane. Keep up the good work.
Very inspiring man! I have asked that question so may times and have recently been asking it again. I'm about 6 weeks off 60. I play guitar ok, I sing ok and love home recording. None of my kit is super expensive and I don't believe I need super expensive kit. I am also a pom that has made Oz home. Anyway, with my recent self doubt and questioning I stumbled across a meme a friend posted in FB Basically it said a bird doesn't play to fill a stadium it plays because there is a song in it. And that's the answer. Oh, and by the way, I'm old enough to know better but will never stop dreaming of becoming a rockstar because sometimes our dreams, however unreal, keep us going
This is interesting to me... I used those very words earlier this year. My wife asked my why I bought a guitar, and I told her "I have a lot of music in me, and I need to get it out."
I got a good start in music as a child. My mother was a piano player and guitarist, and she tried to teach me piano early. I have a physical deformity in my left hand, and as I grew, it never got large enough to play typical bass lines or chords. She got me a guitar, but I had much the same problem either fretting on a righty or strumming on a lefty. By the time I got to school, I faced music teacher after music teacher who would discourage me. I realize now that this was their lack of imagination preventing them from finding a creative solution rather than a flaw in me, but as a child it sunk in deep. One teacher said I could never play drums because I couldn't hold the drum sticks the "right way" (he had obviously never heard of match grip). To further complicate matters, I had an undiagnosed hearing imbalance where the frequency response in one ear is significantly different than that in the other, which puts me off pitch when singing. All of my friends were musically inclined because I really, really loved music, but it also led to me feeling left out. I convinced myself that making music was never going to be for me
Along came college, marriage, kids, and a career in technology. There was always a lack of time (and sometimes money) to even think about making music. I settled for singing along with the radio in my car to and from work, which didn't even come close to scratching the itch. It's only been within the last few years that I took stock and realized that I don't have to listen to those inner voices, and I set about finding ways to express my musical interest. I found a voice teacher that helped me use recordings of my singing to train myself to compensate for the hearing (although I still lean on Melodyne quite a bit). I modified a guitar pick to have a large holding surface so I could use it with my left hand, and I'm learning guitar all over again. I set up two small midi controller keyboards, the left one with mini keys, and I can play with my DAW pretty well.
I also dug up that feeling that an awful lot of us have probably had about wanting to be a rock star, guitar hero, or some other such stuff. I realized that that was never my goal, it was just a fun daydream. What I've always wanted was to take the music in me and let it out. And now I do. I sing and play for my wife, she enjoys it, and that's all either of us need.
What an inspiring story Jack! I so admire your passion and dedication to this art. Thank you.
My guitar teacher told of a story that a guitar player’s hands were deformed in a house fires. After recovering, their fingers could reach and play chords / intervals no one else could. Made them a better player apparently.
@@mattibiskit Django Reinhardt is that fellows name. He FULLY inspired Tony Iommi, who lost the tips of his fingers in a machine shop accident. Tony Iommi is credited with helping to create an entire genre of rock music. Heavy Metal.
That was a wonderful story. Kudos to you. I hope your musical adventures bring you much happiness
Awesome Jack! You inspired me to bare my soul to the world as well. As I say, keep on keepin' on brother...
This video should be seen by every musician. The honesty and importance of this content is immeasurable. Thank you
I think this video should be seen by everyone who is looking for their place in the universe.
For me it's an absolute urge to create something even if I'm only person to hear it or listen. It's frustrating at times when even family pay no interest but just have to do it. You've helped so many people create music that's a huge achievement 👏
I've been playing since I was about 7, and now I'm 58. In my teens and early adult-hood, I was so dedicated to 'making it'. That never happened, but one of the reasons that it never happened is, I believe, I was always more dedicated to the thrill I got from the creation of the song, or the sound. There are millions of us unknown but dedicated sound makers out there! I'm proud to be a life-long member of that club. Thank you for making this video.
This video of yours gave to me the reason why I like you. Your honesty and warmth is overwhelming me. I am 96, ridled with all source of health issues and still creating music, because as you said, we have to. Thanks and wish you the best. Ted
Very similar story. Started writing songs in '76, gigged, kid & family but all the while kept writing songs and learning and studying guitar, particularly tunings. Now 62 and have a lifetime of work and recordings I am re-recording in band format. My sons excellent drumming. A songwriter friend is a great producer!! Still writing, though to lesser extent but picked up the c6th lap steel, together with resonator I picked up in 2000, to keep fingerpicking interesting. Keep curious and keep listening. In love with music of Tuba Skinny, Sierra Ferrell, Erika Lewis, etc. etc. music these days. Play ragtime, blues, jazz, western swing, etc. Never stop learning and stay curious. Nice vid. PS keep writing.
Can't thank you enough for this video, Mike!! Spot on!!
I can relate to your story... and dozens of the posted comments. Some of these comments I've read are very personal and moving.
YES... I can finally stand proud and say "THIS is who I am... THIS is what I do".
Wow. Great video Mike. You have a very similar story as mine. I was an average drummer in my youth but still was able to play professionally. I later found love, gave up playing except on the weekends, went to college, got a good job in aerospace and eventually put the sticks down to focus on started a family for 15 years. Once the kids left home I started playing again. Today I’m retired but still play and do shows. I play because I enjoy it; I enjoy being creative, I enjoy collaborating with others, I enjoyed learning new drumming techniques and I enjoy watching others enjoying what I’m playing. I also love that I don’t have to play to stay alive, so besides enjoying music, I enjoy having time for family, friends, sports, leisure….and keeping a good balance between them all.
I've never had a doubt or question about "doing" music. By the time I figured out that my folks weren't going to support me at it, I coaxed our neighbor/my BFF (then) into taking guitar lessons with me, knowing my mom would have to drive us BOTH! LOL. He (being lefthanded) quit after 1 lesson and I quit after 3, when I realized that I could figure out songs off the radio and the teacher wanted me to show him how to play them! I decided to spend the $3.25 each week on albums and learned as many licks/chords/parts, as I could and I began to give lessons. That still is a habit 60 years later( as of Aug 8, '23).
Greetings Mike. Great video. I got my first guitar around age 9 for Christmas in 1972 and a drum set soon after. My parents didn't encourage me to be a musician and wanted me to be a dentist or doctor even though they loved music and always plàyed it at home and in the car. I couldn't afford music lessons and played by ear. I didn't like school and joined the Air Force at age 18. I spent my whole life intrigued by musicians and wanted to make music that people liked. It wasn't as easy as I thought and I became frustrated, but I never stopped doing it. I wrote songs along with my brother who shopped them on a cassette to record lables with no success. I ended up working for the Air Force full time and retired after 34 years. I was never a virtuoso at any instrument but I still was intrigued with it, and today at 59 I still pluck my guitar and bass from time to time at home as it calms my nerves and helps pass the time of an otherwise boring life. I don't have kids, but a girlfriend who actually likes some of my guitar playing. 😊 Today it seems all we have time for is chores around the house and preparing our own meals at home. I still like music, but only the 60's 70's and 80's stuff. Pretty boring life, eh?
Your way of seeing the universe, with its micro connections and its profound meaning is truly powerful. For me it was like being slapped in the middle of my sleep. What we should do in life is simply what would make us happy because this is the best way to make our contribution to the harmony of the universe. Powerful thought. Thank you.
I totally get this. Music is absolutely part of who I am - I have realised that I cannot not do it. The joy of creating something even if no one else gets it. Getting something that is inside, that needs to be outside. I'm not much of a guitarist, and as a singer, I'm a good guitarist... 😀 But I enjoy doing it, so I don't really care. I am proud of some of my songs, particularly some of the lyrics, but even that is secondary - I have enjoyed writing, arranging, and recording all of them. I find it very useful for keeping my head at least slightly together - music is one of the lights that shines in the darkness of my mind. Thank you, Mike, for all that you share and teach - it is more important, I think than you maybe realise. Thank you!
Excellent. I'm 68 and you tell a story that reflects my own existence on this earth. At times I've had a 'break' and at times been in situations where my life was changed ( generally by others) and took me away from being what I am in my heart - a musician. Although I embraced that 'suite' life and it brought me other wonderful things (family etc) there was always a huge 'hole' in my purpose and existence.
In recent years my life is with people that allow me to be who I am and it's great - famous or not we are what we are and meant to be that person not some other. The only rule I've ever had is that my being who I am - does not hurt anybody - so keep being what you are and you will be content, which, in my opinion, is actually a feeling that is the best of all.
This might be my favorite video on all of UA-cam. Thanks from a no one out in the inter connected universe. Needed to hear this. Keep being who you’re supposed to be sir! Because it amazing.
The best video you ever made Mike! Thank you so much. I recognized myself in every word you said. We are the same age. I was born in Argentina and I had the chance to live the "explosion " of the Argentinian rock with was so great and unfortunately is not known worldwide...I live in Belgium now and I cannot stop making music. Thanks again, I learned a lot with your videos!! Gracias totales!!
Inspirational video Mike. I look forward daily to the whole music,song writing, and production process. It is my hobby in retirement. Kay’s catalog guitars, wow! what memories that evokes. 😊😊😊
AWESOME video! I was sitting here watching this video and nearly crying . . .
I just turned 61 years old this week, so I have moss growing on me. The only people on earth who even tolerate my music are me and my kids. My wife hates ALL of my stuff . . . "turn that noise OFF!" But I published my first album (through Distrokid - thanks to your discount!) last year. It has sold exactly ZERO copies on Amazon, and has only gotten a few listens on UA-cam and Spotify. But still - I continue to work on my NEXT album. Why?
Because it's PART OF ME. I once got great advise from the late-great-Harold Williams (a saxophonist/keyboardist) who played with the Allman Brothers and even Paul McCartney and Wings. He said, "Mike (that's my name too) - it's okay to make money with your music . . . but whatever you do . . . don't you EVER make music for money, because you'll learn to HATE it". He's right. Make your music because you LOVE IT . . . because it's PART OF YOU . . . it's WHAT you are. Then, if things go well, maybe you'll make a buck. But if you never make a penny (like me), you'll STILL LOVE WHAT YOU'RE DOING! (You can watch a FANTASTIC band . . . the Randall Bramblett Band . . . playing "Pothole on Mainstreet" on UA-cam. You've probably never heard of them. Watch the video and listen to how GREAT they are. I've played with the bass player. They are professional, in as much as they make their living with their music, but they aren't getting rich on it. Just understand that it's VERY difficult to even make a living with music - it's not in short supply.)
And listen to constructive criticism. Creative Sauce (Mike) critiqued my song "Moonshine" last summer. One of the things he told me was to have my bass and kick drums hit together. It was advise I heard previously nearly 40 years ago! I went back and FIXED it, by moving the kick drum to match my bass line . . . and WHAM! It fixed it! Thank you Mike!! Be open to criticism when it is offered up to help IMPROVE your music. PROFIT FROM IT! And when someone (like my beautiful, wonderful - I mean that - wife) tells you your music sucks, IGNORE THAT. It's not going to improve your music, so it's extraneous! STAY THE COURSE!!!!!
Keep making this great video series, Mike . . . you are affecting people's lives in a positive way!
A wonderful story here - and so much truth in it! I feel that in terms of criticism, its important to seek it from those worthy of giving it. Not every opinion has the same value. Please leave a link here to your music on Spotify, and I'm so happy you found my advice useful :)
I can't seem to get the Spotify link so take, so here is a UA-cam link. Hopefully this one will work:
Testing now on the Spotify link again:
I have only slightly less moss growing on me than you do...
I recorded an album a year ago and went the CD route which meant a minimum order of 300... So far, I've given away about 10 copies to family and some friends. There were a few reasons to make it - the main reason was to to give a copy to my partner for her birthday and secondly, to leave something for my adult son that was purely 'me' ... something he could play (hopefully) in the far distant future and know that's what his old man used to do...
I uploaded a copy to Soundcloud (zero plays so far).... I'm still in two minds about 'getting it out there' - it's far from being a priority... I'm sketching out ideas for my next album at the moment and I'll happily go through the whole process and expense all over again to make it happen... I've been writing and recording my music since my teens so I think it's a bit late to stop now... it's a personal thing and the creative process is just a part of me (good, bad or otherwise)... it's nice if people like what you create but if they don't, that's OK with me.
Dude, where can I hear your record? I love all music.
Fantastic video Mike. It really touched a nerve with me. I’ve come to realise it’s the creation process I love; the energy of playing and bouncing ideas off someone and feeling the electricity in the air. I’ve just come back to playing after a 10year break. I had forgotten how much joy it brought me. Thanks for sharing.
Boy, o boy Mike, this truly could not have found its way to me at a better time. Thank you so much for this clip. You were absolutely right when you asked, "Does this sound familiar?" I, too, had stepped away from music and didn't touch my guitar, but maybe a dozen time over a 6 year period. Every time I did, it was actually painful (emotionally). It wasn't until 2011 that I made it a point to see if it were possible to play a batch of music I had put together for a friend's wedding several years earlier. It was June 26, 2011. The day of their anniversary. At the timeI stooped into a bit of depression. Without even obtaining my bosses approval, I left work at noon and took the rest of the on PTO to get away from the stress I was feeling on the job. That afternoon, I just stumbled my way through whatever bit of that music I could recall. Though it was painful at times, I felt a bit of an epiphany. I managed to work through emotional trouble of trying to play as the things in life that were dragging me down. It has taken until now (12 years back) to say that I do it not for others' approval, but for my own validation and sense of being anchored with something that I believe is truly my own purpose. I had to find my way away from mine and others' expectations about what I create and learn to let it be what it is and how it turns out. So why do I do it? Because I believe I am most myself when I do it. The keys to finding joy in that is to not seek approval from others, and if I do it from the right place (true to myself) there is absolutely nothing that reveals who I am more than when I am creating music. It is a sort of spiritual tonic.
Food for thought Mike. I'm 68 years old and started playing music in 1964 after being inspired by seeing the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. My parents agreed to help me but wanted me to take real music lessons and not just grow my hair and make noise. I thank them for that. After that nothing else made sense and all I was interested in was playing music and I did...local bands and all that typicical stuff. By the time I was in my early 20's I had already done a lot and really wanted more financial stability. I mananged to juggle two carreers for the next 20 years. I worked in the Brokerage industry untill I got sacked in 1994. At this point I started playing out more, and teaching guitar and bass. Did music 100% full time. I also moved from my tape based home studio to digital in setup (in early 2000's) and started having clients...singers needing demo's, bands and even some work for films. I agree 100% about what you said, regarding talent and all that. Music is there and many things are involved making it good. I don't think I could be separated from's really a major part of who I am and just something I do. It's a hard way to go and I've questioned myself about it many times, but ya the universe needs us!
Man, a lot of us got suckered into playing by seeing The Beatles on Ed Sullivan. If The Beatles were smart they would have invested in Gibson or Fender stock. They kicked off a hurricane of young dudes wanting to get in on the action.
I truly appreciate your blunt honesty! I worked at guitar for 50 years off and on (mostly off now due to arthritis in my hands) but never hit it big (or even little) as guitarist. I started "recording" with a Sony TC366 dual track machine that did sound-on-sound. The quality of the resulting audio was frankly awful, but I didn't care. I loved the process. I'm not a good performer due to being autistic (It just messes up my ability to express feelings, bad short-term memory and inability to connect with an audience) but I don't let that stop me. I love creating music (couldn't stop if I wanted to) and I have grown to love Cakewalk. I found your channel while looking for tutorials for Cakewalk and have genuinely appreciated your efforts here. Keep up the good work!!
Man I needed to hear that today. I've been struggling all weekend to cut guitar tracks. It seems that my reach always exceeds my grasp. Good to know I'm not alone. Thanks.
Mike, not to to take anything whatsoever away from all the excellent tutorials you do, but I found this one of the most engaging and inspirational videos I've seen from you. Being a similar age, and also an Englishman living in Australia, so much of what you described echoes my own experiences in music, but recently I've been asking myself that same question; "Why do I still do it?" and that's what drew me to this one. You might be surprised to know that watching this has given me a new enthusiasm and determination to keep going, and has removed any doubt in my mind about doing precisely that. The next time I find those doubts creeping back in, I will definitely remember that phrase - "How can I not?" Thanks so much!
Wise words were spoken, thanks for sharing.
Wow! I really relate to your story! I guess most musicians will relate also! Thank you for your honesty and sincerity!
You wanted to hear our story, well I will copy something I wrote many years ago about music and my journey.
"I tried leaving her. I tried not thinking about her. I turned my back on her. But she was always around. I cursed the day I met her, but I worship the ground she walks on. She makes me feel insecure, but I cannot live without her. She brings me joy and has brought me pain. I’ve tried to understand her but find her difficult to grasp. I respect her, and when I am deep into her, she overwhelms me. Time stands still when I am surrounded by her. I now know that I could never be without her again.
Music controls my life.
Music is my life."
Thank you for this video. Every once in a while I ask myself the question, "why do I bother making music" and you put it into words!
Thats beautiful, and do wonderfully articulated. Honestly, that could form the basis of a great song!
Can't thank you enough for this video, especially the way you expressed the ideas with such honesty about your perception of your own abilities and ambitions. Just what I needed to hear today.
Thank you Mike, stumbled across your channel via your Studio One tutorials(huge thank you for those btw, never thought I'd ever understand Sidechain and dynamic EQ, but you made it easily understandable). But this video I'm gonna save and watch whenever I feel that my performance anxiety (or imposter syndrome) is kicking in. It was such a breath of fresh air to hear your love for music, and your views on it.
And I love that you in every video I've seen says : I hope you're well with such warmth and sincerity. It makes me feel a little better everytime, and I know I'm not the only one out here needing to hear that.
Much love from Sweden
Superb video Mike! In my 70 years on this earth, I have come to understand that everything isn't about us, especially in the music world. Once I got away from the dream of "rock stardom" and really looked at what I'm doing in this amazing field of music, I realized that we are here for the world! And, yes, from time to time we have fun and maybe some success! I had some fairly decent success in my musical career but it doesn't compare to someone coming up to me (in their late 80's!) and saying "you make me smile with your music!". I feel like I've done my job then! Everything you said is right on! Keep up the good work Mike!
Such a great uplifting video from you dear Mike. out of all your videos that I enjoyed watching, this one is the best encouragement for me as I was just asking myself the very same question. I play the Oud and compose music for the Coptic church while I work as a night shift bus driver in Sydney CBD to make ends meet. Thank you for this video. Your journey makes any body so proud of you and of themselves to be a musician. God bless you mate.
All in all it sounds like a wonderful journey.
Something to be proud of.
Hi Mike,
I don't understand much English, but I was very touched by your words and your journey.
I have been following your channel for a long time. I also learned a lot about Cakewalk for Bandlap here. But this video gives me a whole new dimension about music, or about creating music.
With great gratitude to you and many kind regards from Germany.
Hi Mike. Glad you’re well again. Why do I bother? I’m not a great musician, don’t want to be a performer but I need to make music. It’s what makes me happy. At this point in my life almost the only thing that makes me happy 😢. I started making music when I was a little boy. Everybody in our family played 1 or more instruments. At 9 I discovered the drums, also at 15 I bought myself a bad electric guitar and learned some chords. In 1988 I got me a synth and Notator software. MIDI only, no audio. I also had a break when we got kids. Since 1998 I use Cakewalk and now I’ve got a home studio. The day I stop making music will be the day that I can’t make music anymore, probably the day I die.
Fun fact. Our son has his own home studio and music is a big part of his life.
I came to this channel for a cakewalk tutorial but I will stay because I think you are one of the rare people today doing something for the pure love of it, and nothing else. I can see your eyes lighting up when you talk about music even after all this time, and that energy is infectious! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and love of music! Also, I am glad to see your voice is back!! 🌠🧡
Hey Mike, Much like you I worked in a stable job to support my family but always wrote my own songs and played over the years. Started writing my own songs as soon as I learned a few chords as a teen. Now I've recently retired and have been playing coffee shops ,farm markets, small venues, some paid ,some not.I love doing it ,still play only my original music cause that's what I like doing. Great video about your experience.
I've been in amateur rock bands for as long as I can remember. Close to 30 years by now... To me, the most important thing is to get together and play with the other guys every week, and create and record our own songs. It really doesn't matter that we only get a few hundred listeners, as you said, the process of creating and recording your own music is pure joy to us, and I don't think we'll ever stop doing it.
BTW, if we can keep doing it, is thanks to you and your tutorials. You are an amazing teacher, Mike.
I'm so glad to see that you've recovered your voice, Mike! Yeah, my story is very similar to yours. I grew up on Long Island, NY. Back in the early seventies, it seemed like everyone I knew played some kind of instrument. My first electric guitar was just as bad as yours. It was a Teisco with a warped neck but it launched me into the music world. I was determined to upgrade and get better. Learning barre chords was the first milestone. I was lucky to have future rock stars in my school and just....around! I watched and I learned and I practiced. I'd spend thousands of hours lifting the record needle to a solo spot, listening, note by note. By 1975, I had gotten my first REAL guitar, a 1961 Gibson SG Jr! I got my dream Amp the year after, a Marshall 100w super lead. Around the same time I discovered Rush and progressive rock. I was hooked on odd time signatures from then on. I joined the US Navy, formed a three piece and got to play in Rio DeJanerio, Italy and Spain. After the service, I did what many players do.....I got married, raised a family and had a steady job. But I never gave playing, practicing and upgrading. I've been in and out of recording studios and picked up paying gigs but I live for the studio and the magic that happens there. I made a promise years ago that, when I retired, I'd dedictate myself to making music. And I've kept that promise! It's been a year since my retirement and I'm either in the studio with my co- collaborator or in my home studio. My advice to anyone out there is that life can be a series of sidesteps and setbacks but if you've got something to say and share through your music, persist and pursue it. Thanks, Mike, for your continuing help and suppport!
Started out in punk bands and recording on Tascam Ports cassette 4 tracks but I always wanted to be a songwriter. Graduated from the Tascams to ADATs but pretty much watched every band that I ever had dissolve, so I attempted to go it alone recording everything alone on the ADATs until I could find more committed people or people who were willing to record. Graduated to helping some friends record but that went nowhere either. Hard times hit the camp and I had to liquidate gear and move back home to be near the family. Now I kept just enough gear to record myself but I didn't really have the heart to work so hard anymore ( I hated drum programming) so recording kind of slipped away. Much like you Mike, I spent a few years busking in the summers here and got some solo acoustic gigs opening for some of my punk rock heroes who also had second careers as sad bastard folk singers. I finally got up the gumption to record an album but that blew up in my face and like most of my life, went nowhere. We had to take in the grandkids for a time so the recording gear stayed in storage for close to a decade. I hardly played guitar and I didn't write a single thing for 5 years. Well, the grandkids went back to where they belonged and so I started doing little UA-cam cover videos just to have something to do and get my callouses back. Gave myself a challenge to do a cover a day for a year. After that year a friend challenged me to write a song a day for a year. It had been so long that I no longer knew if I knew how so I agreed to one song a week for a year. At the end of the year I had 54 songs. While all of that was going on my physical condition was deteriorating and I am now, as a result, disabled. When we moved into where we are now my wife promised me that I would have a place to set up my gear again. Now things had improved immensely while I was out of it, so we invested in an old ThinkPad, an M-Audio interface, and a teeny midi Keyboard, I then started auditioning DAWs and settled on the old Cakewalk, as it suited ti budget, or no budget as it were. Thankfully, I had my older recording gear to use on top of the new stuff. So, I started teaching myself production in the Digital realm and have spent the last few years chipping away at the 54 songs that I wrote in that year, as well as my absurd back catalog. At first, I was just putting things up on the UA-cam and Bandcamp but eventually got up the courage to go with DistroKid and I am happy to say that I have already recovered my initial fee, lol, and with any luck next years will be paid for too. Why do I record, because it is my last refuge and one of the few positive outlets that I have left. And it is truly amazing what one can accomplish with a little bit of talent and a lot of free, as well as some cheap, tools. We've come a long way from cassette 4 tracks.
This video totally resonates with me Mike. I have always loved to sing and after seeing the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964 I was hooked on music for life. Started on the acoustic guitar. Like you, got married, family, graphic design and printing was my trade. Kept writing all these years when I could find the time and now I've picked up writing on the banjo and the mandolin. Played out almost every weekend in the mid to late 70's in a few cover bands, and did some recording of original material as a singer. Now at 70, I've built a cool little studio in the basement and am struggling to polish up and record all those songs from all those years. Your channel is really giving me the confidence I need to keep trying. Like you I have a few friends and family that enjoy what I do and that's enough for me. (Even my wife likes most of my songs.)
Learning an instrument and trying to do it well has been the best part of my life. I always tell young people who will listen that knowing how to play music for yourself is the best thing you can do for your self confidence and personal enjoyment. Like you, and many here, we just can't not play. Good show!
That was great Mike, So many of us can relate to your experience, I know I can!
When you showed those pictures of your first guitar, it was such a familiar story.
I also found some old picture of myself, as well as, some old family photos that inspired a few songs.
My "Break" lasted several years as I climbed the corporate ladder. In fact, I wrote and recorded my first originals song after I retired.....a pretty late start for sure.
When I found DistroKid I finally had the vehicle to share my music with the world. I felt compelled to share some of my knowledge to help others do what I did so, I wrote an eBook on the basics of how to write, record, mix and release your own original songs.
Thanks for all the great content; I always learn something from your videos!
Mike your the best! Love this. I'm 53 and been rehashing 4 albums worth of material from 1997- 2008 for a best of album. Not many care about my music at this point, but I love the process and I am totally addicted to rework and production. I don't play live much, but this allows my Brother (in another state ) and I to create and work on songs together as well. Thank you for these words of encouragement!
Mike, your words ring so true for me. I have followed a similar path to you in that I was one of the writers and lead singer in a band in the 1970's, we got a record deal and recorded an album of our original songs. The album was never fully finished because the label and studio went bust before it was completed, so it was never released. I continued playing for a few more years but then like you marriage and a family came along together with a 'proper' job and music took a back seat. In 2017 we reconnected with the guy that owned the label we were signed to and discovered he still had the original tapes of our songs. To cut a long story short, we finished the songs and the album was finally released in 2018, some 40 years after it was recorded. This inspired me to pick up the guitar and start making music again. I'm now in my 60's, I record using Cakewalk and your invaluable tutorials! I've even done a couple of local gigs. Thanks for all you do Mike and your wise words in this video. Passion is everything, without it you have nothing. Keep on rocking everyone.
Hi, Mike! Glad to here you again! Thanks for your honesty, you're absolutely right about passion!
"To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable." - Ludwig van Beethoven
What a sensational quote!
Wise words indeed. Love the ability to make "my music" and share it with the planet in the 21st century. Have never played for money, always for soul and fun. Playing and recording has always been passion, a passion my fingers always seem to stumble to relay. For me music has always been a puzzle that I'm always trying to complete...trying find the next piece. Loads of fun to find a piece that expresses a view of life to others. Thanks Mike
Great questions Mike! For me, not the most gifted musician, the answer is my thirst for knowledge. Growing up in the 1970s and 1980s, most all of my friends aspired to be rock stars but life, love and other opportunities just happened.
After becoming disabled, and spending 3 months in the hospital, I've spent the last 5 years doing what I love which is learning more about music theory and production. My wife has noticed how much progress I've made with music, and often asks why I don't perform for others? My answer is simply that I just want to learn how and why the music that has brought me so much joy was created.
"I just want to learn how and why the music that has brought me so much joy was created." - this was just such a beautiful thing to read. Really moving.
That's IT..!!! You nailed it!!!
Mike, Thank You so Much for your message. I felt like letting my musical talent (what little I have) all go because I did ask myself many times "what's the point?". But I guess I couldn't find reason until I heard someone else (like you) share those similar thoughts and/or feelings about their gift(s). Now I understand it's just a part of me that's desires to contribute some meaningful happiness in this world. Sir, you have my Gratitude.
Great video! I’ve appreciated your videos and have learned a great deal about mixing, mastering and I was particularly moved by this video! I was just trying to explain to my wife why I keep doing what I do, with hours and hours in my studio writing and recording. I just HAVE to!! It’s truely who I am, and you articulated it so well! Please DON’T stop making these videos! I live in New Zealand, and sometimes it feels like I have no support for what I do. This video was very timely! Thanks!
Mike... THANK YOU!
This video is so far the epitome of encouragement to any musician doing their thing in this world.
Also - of your generosity that you whole-heartedly show on EACH of your videos.
You have certainly helped me A LOT! God Bless you.
Loved your story and thanks for sharing it, Mike. Fortunately for me, I have no intention of making music my career so I can just enjoy fiddling about and generally making a mess. Just as well, really, as I can neither read nor write music and can't play any instruments! I've only recently discovered that, thanks to modern technology, I have some small ability to churn some tunes out and these are shared with family and friends only. Why do I do it? Because, every now and then a bar or two, or a passage from a particular instrument, will give you goosebumps and you know you got it right. The pleasure derived from knowing that YOU did that is priceless.
Thank John. You are absolutely right. Some of what we do is, well, not good. Some is good. But once in a while, often by chance, we get to experience magic!
Mike, you've said all for every one of us. I think we are all on that journey because of that something inside that won't be denied. I started performing in coffee houses when I was 16. Now I'm 74 and working on another album. We all have to do it, some become McCartney and some will never be heard of. It can't be about the level of success, it has to be about the music!
You nailed it, Mike! I came from a very small country town in the middle of the USA. I was the very big fish in a very small pond of musicians. Went to college to be a better musician, and quickly found out I was certainly not a big fish anymore. That was the kick in the butt that I needed to push me to try to actually be great at drums/percussion. I got my undergrad in percussion performance. Then I went on to get my masters degree, all in percussion performance. From there I landed in the Chicago area, playing lots of gigs and some studio work. After that (about 20 years ago) I decided to try my hand at shows in Las Vegas. Fast forward to today, and I've been able to play on several of the biggest shows in Vegas, and also play with some fairly famous people. I don't consider myself to be the greatest player. I just had the drive and focus to go get what I wanted. I always tell my students "you don't pick music, music picks you".
Wow! Thanks for this Kirk. I feel a little unnerved that such an accomplished musician would watch my channel - but very greatful, thank you!
@@CreativeSauce I've gotten lots of great stuff from your channel. Very informative, and well done. I'm hoping to get some free time soon so I can push my channel a little more. All the best to you, and keep up the great content!
Thank you for having this channel. I have a very busy job and find myself not able to spend the time I'd like, writing and recording. You help me keep involved and interested. I appreciate your efforts. I've used Cakewalk since it was 12tone. I've grown with it, and when it was under Gibson, I about cried. Now it's revamped and you give hope that even as an older guy, I can still enjoy making music. Wonderful!
Blessings, Perry
THANK YOU for this video!! I've really been struggling with the "what's the point" thing recently, and I appreciate your thoughts. I SO identify with your story - the Kay guitar (I remember Kay guitars! Mine was an SG style - $60 in some music store in the mall in 1977!), the "break" period, spending days or weeks practicing to appear proficient in a 20-second clip I post to social media. At the end of the day, I've decided to continue doing the music thing simply because I love it - I love the gear, I love the feeling of finishing a song and making it sound like an actual professional release and listening to it over and over because I think it sounds so cool. That has to be the starting point - anything else that happens to come along in terms of recognition, praise or remuneration or whatever is simply an added bonus.
Thanks, Mike, I needed to hear that because I struggle also at times with the frustration of needing to taking weeks to learn a particular song before I can play it live! As far as why I do it, it's the love of making and performing music that's always been in me. I also put down my guitar after getting married and having a family, but music was always in me even though I seemed to be light years away from it by that point in my life. I no longer had friends who were musicians, so every time I stumbled across my dusty guitar case I would want to pick it up but would say to myself, "what's the point." Then an opportunity arose to play in a Church worship band, and although I hadn't played in years, the joy I felt when I now had a reason to pick up the guitar again, gave me the answer to the question of "what's the point?" The point is as you said, we are all born with different hopes and dreams, and I guess talents, although I'm not the greatest talent, it's my passion for what I do that shines through. Today I now lead that worship team with vocals and guitar. Although I'm around your age, and most of my married life career was as a home improvement contractor, I'm now much happier when I'm doing what I was created to do! And P.S., your videos have been a blessing to me, thank you again!!
Thank you so much for sharing your story, Mike. Bloomin' heck, you took me back to my childhood mentioning the Littlewood's catalogue!!!
I have always admired your openness and honesty, especially on a platform like YT where a false reality can be easily constructed in your own favour. I genuinely think that you provide so much to so many, not just with content but also with your passion, energy and enthusiasm. Like many of your 127K subscribers, I wouldn't be home recording and doing something that means so much to me had it not been for discovering your videos here during the lockdown - that's not exaggeration, just a cold hard fact.
Thank you so very much.
Wow!! This came at just the right moment for me. In my 74th year , I find myself asking the question posed in the video. It is particularly vexing because my musical chops fading as I become older. Nevertheless, your video inspires me as it shows that the process is key and the connection with people is the essential part. I also want to deeply thank you for all your priceless tutorial videos. As a Cakewalk user from the very beginning, I have found your lessons so practical. It is interesting to me that your aspiration to connect with and help us all is not only a part of your musical skills it is so beautifully expressed in these videos. You really are making a difference in this world and I thank you for all your efforts!
Mike, I really enjoyed this video. Although the rest of my brothers are master musicians, I am not. However, I love recording myself anyway. I am thankful that my love of music has spilled over to my son who now writes, sings and records on his own using his laptop, and has even had a song go viral. It is amazing to me how the large, hardware based studio I worked in as a young adult, can now be reproduced (actually even better) in a small box on my desk. I shake my head every so often at the idea that I now own the equivalent of thousands of dollars worth of equipment as plugins. It is truly a wonderful gift, to have this outlet for our thoughts and emotions so readily available, and allow us to express who we are, even if few ever hear it.
So true. And yes, it's a joy to see our kids play music!
"Playing with passion and emotion" Nailed it in one Mike! If I may add to that (my own two cents worth) play with passion and emotion, it helps if you know the story/history behind the song, then you can more easily sing it with passion and emotion. I've always believed that the more you know about a song the better you can sing it. One final point which (to me personally) is extremely important, never ever disrespect your audience.
Exactly David. I still thinks all about the song. We are merely a conduit. Thank you.
Aside from everything else, making music is good for the soul :)
It most certainly is :)
That is FACT!!!!
@@williamsporing1500 :)
Like Black Beard's Ghost, I am 61, and the only thing I have done longer than be a musician is probably breathe. I started playing my first instrument at 5 (violin), by the time I graduated high school I could play everything we had in the band room except piano, played in the local symphony orchestra on bassoon along with a budding rock band as a drummer. I started playing professionally, which was my dream, and as it turned out, I wasn't having fun anymore! Go figure! I was living my dream and I started hating to play!! I quit playing for about 2 years, then came back to the music scene doing solo folk guitar/singer songwriter gigs. I didn't HAVE to do it, but I couldn't not, if that makes any sense. About this time I made friends with an incredibly talented classical pianist. I had been itching to learn piano, so I asked him to show me where "C" was on the keyboard. He did, I said thank you and turned and walked away. I took everything I knew about music theory from my high school days, all the chord construction from teaching myself guitar, and taught myself to play the piano. So, by this time it is the early/mid 80's, MIDI is a brand new thing, digital keyboards are becoming all the rage, and I was starting to feel the itch to try my hand at playing keys in a band setting. As an American stationed overseas as a Marine Embassy Guard I gave it a shot. My first actual gig was at the Marine Corps Birthday Ball where the band was 3 Marines and 2 other foreigners. I played acoustic rhythm guitar and keys, but mostly guitar. It was thrilling! At my next posting I joined a local established band, and we had a BLAST!!!! I have since been on over 2 dozen recordings as either part of a band or as a hired gun, and released my first solo CD a little over a year ago (sorry, on CDBaby - don't hate me). I got an email from them recently that I had made a whopping $0.26!!! To be completely honest I didn't expect to make any money at all, so I am thrilled!! My goal is not to make a living or a name for myself. I want to make my own music my own way. If some people like it, GREAT! If not, it is still okay. Like Mike said, I do it because it is one of the largest parts of my life, and how can I not!? And if anyone cares, I can still play most of the instruments I have learned over my lifetime to some degree of proficiency.
Hey, 69 here - writing and recording have never been more fun. I've never had such incredible tools, and I also can "release" this music in a real way whether I'm known or not. It's a fantastic time!
Great video, spoke directly to me. I started learning guitar when I was 12, beginning with a Mel Bay beginners book. I am now 73 years old and do not consider myself a professional musician. I play mandolin, violin, bass, guitar, and lap steel. I just obtained a pedal steel and loving the challenge to learn. I play at our church and with a small group at nursing homes and assisted living for free. That is my way of sharing my limited talent. Everything I know has been self taught. You put into words exactly how I feel about music. It was my escape when I was a teenager trying to deal with abuse. Making music brings a peace to mind and spirit. I have done one CD project, on a home studio, and surprisingly sold all 100 copies to friends and family. Thanks again for the great insight this video has given. You have caused me to feel better about what I do.
This is the best video you have done outside of the music tutorials you usually do Mike. It hit home with me. Your talent is a divine gift, and it is meant to be shared with the world. That's all.... nothing more, nothing less.
Great vid Mike. I can relate massively to a lot of the points. I was in a band for about 5 years in my late teens and early twenties and then gave it up when I started studying to be an accountant. I picked up music again about 10 years later because it had always just been there in the back of my mind. Fast forward a few more years and I've actually just left my career as well and have enjoyed having more time to learn music production and work on my writing. Like you, I'm definitely not the best guitarist or vocalist, but I just love writing songs and I don't think I'll ever stop doing!
Awesome - I'm so glad you made that choice :)
@@CreativeSauce thanks Mike. I also started with and Encore guitar from the Argos catalogue. I've still got it even now 😂
Mike, I've learned so much from you about recording in general and cakewalk specifically. This vid is a well timed reminder about why we musicians do what we do. As I approach 70 years I still look forward to getting songs out of my brain and into the world, even if only a few get to hear them
You're the best, Mike and have captured the experience of the majority of musicians who aren't famous and can't make a living from being one. Cheers from Canada and keep the Cakewalk videos coming!
Thank you Martin. We are in the majority!
Just watched this video, so true, amazing how similar our experiences are too. Music is also an anti-depressor, never needed pills, recording and playing music makes me feel creative and a much happier person that I would be without it.
Mike, thanks so much I really, really enjoyed this video - what a great story!
Your diverse experience is no doubt part of why you come across so well, and why you are such a great communicator - the other part is your inherent warm personality.
You could so easily have kept all your knowledge to yourself, but instead you choose to share; this shows what a great bloke you are.
I totally agree with you about making music - it's part of us, however talented (or not) we are. Absolutely great video...and thanks.
You’ve explained things perfectly, it’s exactly the way I feel about music and life.
I do it because people won't leave me alone, I started watching the video and immediatly someone called me to book a gig.🤣
Jokes aside, someone once said that musicians have no choice and I agree to that. If I had the choice, I would never wake up in the middle of the night to write down music or some amp settings that appear to me in a dream - I would never dream about amps if I had a choice! But music compels us to do that kind of thing and to be who we are, even when times are overchallenging. It's been 25 year for me, and since I booked that gig, I won't be stopping soon. Cheers from Rio!
Thank you Marcio. It's so true. 2am seems to be the time the universe wants us to make music :p
And BTW, thanks for always sharing my Twitter posts!
Yup! I was born a musician, as was my father before me (Scottish bagpiper) and my son after. It is, as you said Mike, 'who we are'! There will always be an undefined, unstoppable force that drives us muso's to do what we do. It's not about being 'the best' or being famous. I've been playing in the public since age 15, and some 50 years later am stilling making a happy noise - now getting all my personal 'hits' recorded on Cakewalk for the grandkids and others.
And do we have a role to play as a part of the cosmos? Absolutely. Carry on being as philosophical as you like. Thanks for posting this encouraging vid.
Awesome Mr James! I get the feeling you've loved music being a driving force in your life. It's a beautiful thing :)
Thanks Mike! You packed a lot of wisdom into this short video. It made me realize that I need to change my approach. I often feel overwhelmed by how much I *don't* know or am not good at (mixing, mastering, etc.) - when I should be focusing/working on what I *do* know and enjoy (playing piano / songwriting). Whether I'm *good* at that is subjective and irrelevant as long as I enjoy it! Thanks so much for helping me change my mindset for the better!
Absolutely Sal. Washing dishes, doing laundry, and paying taxes are to be endured. Music is, and must be for the pure love of it.
I have a similar history, Mike, although my career path may have veered even farther away from music and for longer periods of time.
My first band was also in high school and it so astonished my private piano teacher (strictly classical) that she threatened to stop teaching me because I was applying my talent and attention to what she considered to not even qualify as music. Looking back, I'm not sure I disagree! In any case, that didn't stop me. I continued on that path until I attended college and didn't have time to apply to "extracurricular" music while I was getting my degree (in musical performance). Once that was completed, I went straight back into playing music in bands and stayed there for 12 years until I met my wife and like you, decided to provide for her and my soon to be growing family by getting a "real job".
Literally decades later, I've decided to go back to my passion for music. I've found what is available now in music technology compared to my last brief view ten years ago is amazing. I've got entire orchestras and any sort of sound I can think of right at my fingertips. As you might imagine, I've become fully immersed and am absolutely enjoying this world that I've finally pulled back into existence. Mind you, I have so much to learn and your videos have been more than helpful. I also find the production and process of creating music incredibly enjoyable. Hours pass by and I'll discover I've forgotten to do things like eat or sleep.
I have to say. what I've found most comforting is the few people out in the world who share experiences like you have in this video. I've been subscribed to Creative Sauce for some time but this one obviously reaches far past technical lessons or product reviews. It touches on the very reason why I create music. As I look back over my time on this beautiful planet, the years when I wasn't involved directly with music were the same years when I always felt a bit lost, like something important was missing. Well, there you have it.
Thanks Mike, for all of your videos, but especially this one.
Very touching and inspiring. I've been doing music my whole life - and why? Because I love it.
Thanks for this. I can definitely relate. I had a few bands and learned production under a Grammy winning mix engineer (15 years ago). All in I’ve produced hundreds of songs and a few albums. Fortunately different projects got some listeners and fans but nothing that would keep the lights on. I ended up going to law school and would make music in my limited free time. For me it’s a compulsion.
When my daughter was born, like you, I took a 5 year break from music to support my family. Last summer I was really off. I felt like something was missing in my life and that I needed to make music again.
I’m really thankful for Cakewalk because if it wasn’t free I’d probably still be stuck. The advances in technology in the past 15 years have been drastic. The amount of education on UA-cam is extremely helpful. I’ve learned so much from you and others. Thanks, and I hope you’re well!
I'm so glad you found music again! Each person has different circumstances at the time, but I feel that Mums and Dads should feel proud that they took time to focus on their kids. But honouring yourself is also important. Well done :)
Chasin' ambulances pays better... you can buy a lot of guitars with that good money.
I love your life story!!!! 💝You are rich and abundant in experiences! In following your love of music, enriching your many various skills, in persevering, and being a man who meets all your familial responsibilities. Your video & your generosity, with sharing your experiences and insights is truly inspiring! 🙏💕!!
I still make music now, keep it organized and labeled. When I’m dead, it’s going to still breath “air” and keep my spirit floating mysteriously around the world.
I too am not the most talented singer or guitar player that I know. I've actually been playing since I was around 7 years old or so, but life has a way of taking priority. After a long career in the service, I found myself getting together with local musicians, and before long I was sharing the stage with some of the best musicians in the country playing a gig as a house band for the biggest country music venue in the southeast for seven years. I got a major case of burnout and didn't even listen to the radio for almost two years. One day, I took my guitar out of its case and just started writing again. Now writing and producing my own material is front and center for me. Why do we do it after all this time? It is PART of us, and we would not be ourselves without it! On another note: Thanks for doing this channel. I'm glad to see I'm not alone...
First of all, music for me is a life , secondly your discussion is very thorghtful and valueable for me thank you .
Brilliant video. We've both just about had the same life. I've had some success in that I had a couple of years in a duo playing our own material and got to play some really good gigs. Sold every cassette we made too. Played in some fun bands but the last one was an absolute scream and such a great bunch of musicians. Been writing and recording for many years but had no success with that and now write for anyone who wants to listen. As you say. If it's in you it has to be released. You can't just stop si I guess I'll compose till I de-compose.
I see that this video was dated 9 months ago but for me, I watched it at the exact right time. I've had very similar life experiences as what Mike shared. It was the answer I was searching for. My comment here may never be read because of it being months after being released but I wanted to say thank you Mike anyway! Watching it helped to break down a mental block I had recently, in the area of music composition and recording. I was feeling undermotivated and very frustrated with myself for feeling that way. I believe and share Mike's view of our universe and peoples inner connectiveness. Mike's view of our personal responsibility to be who we WANT to be and/or share with the world our love of music was key of me. The video inspired me to get off my sad ass and enjoy and appreciate the gift of music with the world. No matter how mundane or common it may be, it's important. If nothing else, to be one of billions of people who love music, which would support it as a human need. I don't believe I would have had the same realization as what Mike's video "Why Even Bother Making Music" accomplished. So, thank you Mike for being open and courageous to share your vulnerability in this area. I'm ok with my limitations now. I'm ok with mastering a uncommercially sellable song. I just love playing & recording music. Even at age 70. Ha!
What a video. Helps us know you a why you are where you are, and how you got there. For myself, always had the calling. I remember being very young getting called out by mom for drumming on everything. Dad ALWAYS had music on. At 15, late 60’s, walking home late I noticed a neighbor tossing stuff to the curb prior to moving. Checked and found what would be a Gibson GA-9 Tweed Tube amp (50’s). Dad, an engineer got it working with tube swaps. Late that night I wondered if there was an amp, was there a - snuck out digging deeper found what was a homemade knock-off of a Les Paul. Terrible, Neck was SO wide. That started it all. I’m very shy but loved learning by myself by spending allowances on music books. Learning chords to Dylan, James Taylor, The Rascals, Beatles, Stones, Allman Brothers - you get it. 55 years later and it’s still my Zen. Except now I watch Creative Sauce Vid’s and using Cakewalk to better myself. I love mixing and understanding the nuances of it. Thanks for all you do, from Sea Breeze, NY.
Great video. I've had this feeling since I had covid the end of last summer. I guess covid also messes with you psychologically as well , because I still can't seem to get back into it. I'm only 45 and I used to absolutely be bonkers about music. Who knows...maybe I'll get it back (creating and mixing/mastering).
Thanks for your thoughts, I'm a very basic guitarist, more of a song writer, only now in my mid 40s am I releasing songs written in my 20's, it makes me feel more alive again.
That was so surprising from the beginning to the end. First of all, i started making music on DOP back in 2004 because my dad used it for all his works ( he is a guitarist himself ). Then, i accidently installed flstudio 4 instead of photoshop a year later....Your final words were exactly what i said to my friend a year ago. For me, it is a matter of self-determination.
love the 15 yr old you photo, then the littlewoods blast from the past, wow couldn't even recognise business you! totally 100% on your lightbulb busking moment! i describe my playing and singing as "functional" it is enough to hang the rest of it on (the Song, communication, humour, bringing a room together, having a laugh... etc) Big YES on your big hook line! I am enjoying running a little open mic at the moment and it is going great, feedback is all friendly/supportive/inclusive/warm open mic night . lovely episode Mike X
Cheers Wobbie. I love what you do. Music is such a wonderful vehicle for comedy, and has some really unique characteristics in terms of matching lyrics, with timing. Happy to hear the open mic nights are going well.
In my case, this question stretches far beyond music, but every single thing I thought I was good at and had to recognize there's not enough time to make it happen no matter how much effort I put in. And that will never change.
well you kinda nailed it Mike. It's who we are. I am not a great instrumentalist - I'm quite sloppy, but good enough to have made a good living from it.
But the problem with us and music is that we want so desperately (maybe not desperately for some) to be heard and affirmed. It's a sad trap. But I had a glorious epiphany about 2 months ago. And that is that while this gift of music was given to me so that others might be blessed, it was primarily a gift to me that I, personally, would be blessed.
You see, music was my hiding place throughout my tumultuous life. As far back as I can remember, music was my best friend, and at times, my only friend. And the creative process has always been a place where nothing else in the world can enter in.
It's my home.
Thank God! Your voice is back!
Great video, Mike,
Good to see you're doing better!
When i just started my music school, i didn't have a piano, that was a challenge. Dad helped me to paint a keyboard on a piece of cardboard (in a scale) so i could do anything at least between lessons in school. No suprise that made me quit untill we got an old but playable piano. Eventually i finished school, today i am 35, do my music as a hobby, with lots of help from your channel including. But now there's another challenge ( i am in Russia) global players in distribution don't work in local market anymore. So i just keep doing it just because how can i not do it. And we'll see what future shows us
Thanks for this video, Mike. It's exactly where I am. I have friends who are much better musicians than I will ever be. They couldn't make a living playing music. What chance do I have? But still, I can't not make music.
Every time I am in front of people playing or singing, I do it from the heart and try to make it so good that they would have paid to be there. Now, I have a growing collection of finished songs I have written, performed, recorded, and mixed that have only been heard by a handful of people.
But, I can't wait to finish the next one and the one after that. As you said, and I said earlier, I can't not make music.
been there done that wouldn't change a thing thanks Mike
Mike, What an honest video - great to hear your story. I think you are probably 10-15 years behind me in age, but I was somewhat obsessed with music from my mid-teens onwards and eventually saved for an acoustic guitar (one of my daughters has it now). I however, met some talented musicians of around my age and I played a few gigs with them in and around Canning Town, Newham and Wanstead (East London). It was obvious to me that they were light years ahead in musical talent, so I became their manager/roadie and we spent a number of years playing various places including a residency at the famous Boleyn pub in the shadow of West Ham FC. I in the meantime had a day job at the BBC, which became more intense and eventually we went our different directions.
I still hanker after writing music, but unlike you, I think the universe is telling me, that after all this time, I should really stick to other things I know better! But, I will carry on, and hopefully be able to teach my grandchildren something about music too, as they seem interested.
Keep up the great work!
I did the same as you, got the catalogue guitar in my teens, learned as much as I could through trial and error over the years. (Moved to Australia) I've done the Distrokid thing and UA-cam, SoundCloud etc. Nothing came out of all that. Sometimes I wonder why I bother and your right its the process and its who we are. I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. Best wishes to everyone in the same boat. Keep on keepin on.
Fantastic video, thank you. A lot of good memories came up as I listened to you.
I am so with you on this. I can’t not do it. And to echo David Crosby, “I feel like I owe it to someone “. I’m not a beginner but I’m not fit to utter the names of my musical heroes. This makes that feeling of responsibility very strange to me… I’m just not that great. Maybe your right about our places in the universe. Regardless at 68 I’m still learning, writing, and recording and don’t expect to stop any time soon. I wish we lived near each other.
The Universe Needs Us ! Love Ya Mike !!!
Your videos have been a tremendous help to me and enabled me to write record and release my music. Thanks Mike!
What a great video. I am music obsessed, never made it professionally on violin or any other instrument. Still, it's in my blood, and if 1 person gets something from a performance I am part of, be it in an orchestra, a modular gig, or a post-rock gig where I am bashing drums, that's my job done! It's all energy and my best use of it.
Hey Mike. Well my first guitar wasn't quite as illustrious as yours. It was the naff acoustic second left bottom of the catalogue page. Absolute garbage. The bridge actually came off whilst I was playing it and ended up swinging around dangling by the strings from the headstock. I sent it back and got some shoe instead. Since them I've moved up a bit, was in a band for a while. Played in Church for 20 years before losing my faith and now am a guitar teacher with side hustle of stock music, which I know is lucrative for some but I just enjoy it. Why do I bother? Simple. Because I can and it keeps me semi sane. Keep up the good work.
Very inspiring man! I have asked that question so may times and have recently been asking it again. I'm about 6 weeks off 60. I play guitar ok, I sing ok and love home recording. None of my kit is super expensive and I don't believe I need super expensive kit. I am also a pom that has made Oz home.
Anyway, with my recent self doubt and questioning I stumbled across a meme a friend posted in FB
Basically it said a bird doesn't play to fill a stadium it plays because there is a song in it.
And that's the answer.
Oh, and by the way, I'm old enough to know better but will never stop dreaming of becoming a rockstar because sometimes our dreams, however unreal, keep us going