I swear Leyonhjelm is the only politician in Australia going out of his way to question the government. Keep it up man! Be it self-defense, freedom of speech, airsoft, cannabis, the drug war, the nanny state and more, you are the one championing the fight against insanity. LDP needs someone in the seat of every state as their first goal, then increase the numbers.
He's becoming an Aussie version of Tray Gowdy. And thank God somone is asking the hard questions . This is getting way out of hand and has to be getting called for what it is.
@@arnavrawat9864Maybe you should brush up on the English language, he poked holes in their delusion and asked questioned inbetween their nonsense. Dumb a*s you are.
What a load of feminist garbage. Citing studies, web sites etc with no citations or references. Instant 'fail' if you did that in an exam or thesis at any University !!
@@talldarkhandsome8587 They also did a $250,000 ad campaign using the same BS ideology. Leyo tore strips off them for also doing that, plus wasting taxpayers $$$.
These people are paid huge salaries. They were asked by a Senator to supply answers to questions. They didn't do it. They turned up to another meeting and they still hadn't prepared those answers. As far as we know they still haven't. If I did this I would lose my job. At the very least these incompetent people should be given a written warning. If not, then they manager should be given a written warning.
Funny how women who get 30 million dollars of mostly Male paid tax dollars say domestic violence against women isnt taken seriously and is dismissed and claim women are victims of inequality. The irony of their very existent is completely lost.....30 million to tell lies and do nothing seems like alot of caring to me.
Dave XB they all need to be sacked and replaced with intelligent people who will do their job properly and not just push their bs agendas that support vagina and suppresses the dick due to wife tales.
@@arkhamkillzone The problem with the way these departments are set up is that there are no contrarians within the department fighting back against the narrative. The department has inbuilt bias, and in order for the department to stay alive and keep people employed, they need to justify their own existence by showing there's a problem that needs fixing *by them* . It's a serious problem, and it should be painfully obvious to anyone that this kind of setup is corrupt from the beginning. We have the same problem in science of researchers trying desperately to confirm their hypothesis so they can receive funding, so they fudge findings and manipulate data to show they were correct. At least the peer review system exists within the scientific world, but it really doesn't exist within government; at least, not in a way that is as effective. These hearings are the best pieces of peer review we have.
LOL a woman in a gov job getting a written warning !! That will be the day!! “Untouchable protected white woman privilege” “ya can’t even go there” She would cry and claim harassment!
The amount of evasiveness is a joke. They know they're shooting themselves in the heads if they answer straight up, so they go straight into damage control. 30 million taxpayer dollars to provide, at best, these folks wages...
QE ornotQE don’t assume they are gonna get off anytime soon a rat doesn’t stop feeding forever just cause the lights turn on they’ll just be back leeching off while u wonder where all this rat shit came from
@@Suchen_Wahrheit yeah. They just fudge facts now. In fact, domestic violence, by our best studies provided through the highest institutions like Harvard, suggest it’s much more 50:50. But of course they don’t care about male victims. So they need lane little fudged stats studies to support the only demographic they care to help.
I know it's a bit off topic, but funding being funneled into wages above all else seems to be the way mental health services are going too these days. Far too many people caring far too much about their pay packet and far, FAR, too little about their patients!
What a crazy world we live in, where mgtow is degraded (along with everything else that isn't getting with the program). Most days I'm very happy, but every so often I ponder on disappointing factors in our society, today is one of those days.
@vidocq Totally different. Look at who has the money and cultural backing. And who is causing issues. MRA's have a noble goal, but they won't win any battles. PUA's are like the french dude from the matrix, they just try to have fun with the broken system. MGTOW are just a bunch of dudes chilling until the whole thing sorts itself out. Such as Leo Di Caprio.
I'd love to see more politicians like him demanding more scrutiny like this. They'd clearly looked for research works that backed their narrative and glossed over anything that contradicted. When asked to provide concrete evidence, they had none. Worse than that, what they'd cited as sources of reference weren't saying what they claimed them to be saying. Total deception. Best of all, he questioned the ludicrousness of their statement and tore it to ribbons. Well done sir!
The question is bloody obvious to anyone who is not totally incompetent and extremely arrogant. Just because it was phrased as a statement, does not justify avoiding the question based on semantics. Just imagine in your work in private enterprise, if you got 30 million dollars for a project. Then it was pointed out to you that you had failed to provide any citations or empirical evidence to support the basis of your project, that you had failed to focus on the most important aspects of the issue and that you had failed to produce any results for that 30 million dollars. Would your response be: "Is there a question?" How long do you think you would have a job in say marketing or if that was your response? And that is just imaging you were in private enterprise. These people are supposed to be doing something about a very serious problem in our society where people's lives are at risk. Instead they are wasting taxpayers money pushing their own debunked agenda. The response simply illustrates that all the power lies with feminism and feminists like these. They are the ruling ideology and they know it. Which is why they can be so arrogant to a Senator and to taxpayers. It illustrates that there is a power imbalance all right. Except the imbalance is the opposite way to what they claim. If Senator Leyonhjelm keeps the heat on these feminist groups I am going to have to join the Liberal Democrats.
Senator Leyonhjelm you sir need to be the Prime Minister of this once great country. It's about time we had a politician who stands up and questions the so-called Government and their sectors. Someone who looks at our so-called freedoms. It's great to see we have a wolf amongst the sheep. Keep up the great work mate.
Senator Leyonhjelm has a way of rationally cutting through all the crap and getting to the core of any issue. Wish we had politicians like that in Canada.
Alot of soft science articles love doing this. Even in biology. They will cite "omg climate change will absolutely obliterate these creatures", and then you go to the cited article, and it cites something else. I swear it is a citation train longer than the great wall of china.
What a load of feminist garbage. Citing studies, web sites etc with no citations or references. Instant 'fail' if you did that in an exam or thesis at any University !!
@@wilson2455 I bet these whamen have done gender studies degrees and had had years of being told whamen are oppressed. they are now justifying their well paid jobs with this nonsense.
1:40 So what this woman is saying is that men who indicate positive views (or less negative views) towards beating up women... are more likely to beat up women. Wow, I'm so glad the Australian Govt spent millions of dollars to find that out. I don't doubt for a second that in OTHER countries, or among some immigrant groups, women having little in the way of financial resources plays a role in DV (them being unable to leave due to not having the financial resources to leave, or fearing that their children will grow up in poverty without the financial support of an abusive man), but I think arguing that a woman earning 80k is more likely to get beat up because her male peers are earning more (due to working more overtime etc) is going to play that big a difference in DV outcomes compared to if she earned 80k but her male peers earned less. So it would be more fair to say... which most reasonable people would agree with, that POVERTY is a major factor in DV... but they'd never say that because they want to push a narrative (about how important all this nonsense about the supposed "Pay Gap" is) and use this to justify the Australian Govt spending millions on their pet projects. 5:15 So you agree or disagree with their claim? Also since you link to their site and encourage people to "get educated" by reading it, 1. You do have some duty to make sure the claims by that site are factually accurate, and 2. If you believe that people who read that site will walk away more uninformed than they were to begin with, you have a responsibility NOT to link to it. 7:22 What are this woman's qualifications? Because if she has any kind of degree, someone should've explained to her that "Correlation does not establish causation". Besides, I don't think many people would argue that societies that view women with contempt are more likely to condone violence towards them, though I question the sincerity of feminists to tackle this issue until they go after the big one (Islam).
+1000 " If you believe that people who read that site will walk away more uninformed than they were to begin with, you have a responsibility NOT to link to it." Exactly. They seem to think that by talking, they are answering the question. They utterly failed to justify the waste of 30 million dollars to drive their own ideology which is (a) not supported by evidence and (b) is nowhere near the primary causes.
So my tax dollars are funding a website that can say whatever they like, regardless of whether what they say is true or not. As a former public servant I am appalled at the laxity of oversight in the expenditure of public money by these blinkered, so-called public servants. Seems public servants working for the Commonwealth can throw money at whatever they like without any due diligence.
In other words $30,000.000.00 thats thirty million dollars has been spent on a program without result in the reduction of domestic violence and we still haven't worked out that it just may be the result of financial stress, an inability to articulate and understand feelings and emotions (on both sides), drug and alcohol abuse (on both sides) lack of a social behavioural framework and the list goes on which makes it all too hard so we will blame it on the wage gap and gender inequality. that should be ambiguous enough so that no-one questions it. well don, well done, pat yourselves on the back.
women's group - "Can we have 30 million quid to stop Muslims and Abo's from smacking their wives please?" government - "How are you going to do that?" women's group - "We're going to teach white boys that they are bad and that it's wrong to hit women."
My mom was violent never my dad. I saw her throw things. She physically assaulted him many times. He never reciprocated. Once they split up her violence turned on me and my brother. I asked my dad once why he never reported her “no one would have believed me. And I would have been arrested even though I never touched her “.
No. They do things. They have planning days. They have meetings. They formulate strategies. They write reports. They make recommendations. They review, review, review. Oh, and they do pretty looking risk assessments.
Great work. Please talk to Karen Straughan of The Honey Badgers (UA-cam/Reddit personality) - she is the most well informed person on DV in the world. Also check out "REFERENCES EXAMINING ASSAULTS BY WOMEN ON THEIR SPOUSES OR MALE PARTNERS: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY" - it can be found on Google. "This bibliography examines 286 scholarly investigations: 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 371,600. " 55% of DV victims are male - how the hell can it be caused by gender inequality?!
My ex had no problem getting drunk Beating on me. Kids pulling her off. Being a man police said abandoned your home, kids & leave, or suck it up. During "Me too" not a scratch on her, my face bloodied, they refused to arrest or remove her. Several times. Gender did seem to play a role.
Yes, you are absolutely right. My father was the nicest guy around until he drank whiskey, then he'd literally beat my mother to the point where she couldn't move. This was in the early 1970's. Using domestic violence as a means to address "gender inequality" to get better pay is just disrespectful to those women who are in this situation. Side note: My (4) brothers have never once been violent with a woman, though 2 of them have had their wives be violent with them. And I have never tolerated a violent man.
A definition of Citation - "a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work"....so as David points out....it's not a "a reference sighting a reference". So a lot of the assertions & statements in the absence of citations are opinions, are they not? A definition of Opinion - "a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge". Very interesting debate.
@@blahblah21747 I have heard one of the study they listed as reference and I know for a fact it was debunked. I am sure that dude checked all of the provided ones and I am sure he will check all of the new ones because these ladies are spending money on fighting imaginary enemies and its always men. Why arent they fighting for both genders? What a disgrace.
@@veetour I think you would find that plenty of modern, sophisticated research from a number of prestigious institutions would enable them to make the assertions that they are making - such as UN women, WHO etc Of course, if you go down and look at their sources, it's just going to be a group of articles referencing other articles that man bad, woman good. It's the academic version of a reddit circlejerk/echo chamber, much like how science was fabricated about MSG. Articles citing each other, to form a web of absolute unfounded horseshit. And the science subjects most affected by this are of course, the soft sciences - psychology, biology etc.
People who believe in the "patriarchy" as some kind of shadow overlord or "systematic racism" are quite literally conspiracy theorists. There are no evidence for their claims, the contrary! Yet they will refuse all evidence. Any evidence they see they claim is "manipulated by the white man".
Women make good factory workers: easily amused and occupied by the most montonous, mundane activities. Government civil servants are typically incompetent, lazy, and unnecessary.
What a load of feminist garbage. Citing studies, web sites etc with no citations or references. Instant 'fail' if you did that in an exam or thesis at any University !!
I mean, imagine being a man with 2 functioning neurons in your brain, and listening to the unrecognisable crap coming from these people *EVERYDAY* I'd shoot myself.
David, you are a reasonable and sensible man trying to talk reason and sense into these souls of victim-hood who are trying to justify their positions. Keep up the great work and continue to question their conniving ways.
The claim that the ladies are making, is totally destroyed by the fact that a high percentage of the abused return to their abusers. Bad individual decisions are not caused by gender inequality, but only by the decision maker.
She talks about campaigns with indigenous celebrities through social media and online but anyone who has been/seen troubled indigenous areas know that 99% of them don't have phones or any internet facilities. 30 million dollars of tax payer money and no results is what it sounds like.
Its crazy to think that assertive and truth seeking politicians is a rare breed when these should be the baseline characteristics of political representatives
"It is not our departments role to go through what’s on it’s website and see citation arrangements or referencing in that sense, with all due respect " What the Ef did I just hear her say??
They seem to be fighting to justify the expense. But what they should be doing is agree to examine the assertion they have made, and work towards better approaches to solving the problems of domestic violence, not desperately trying to defend their unscientific approach.
The question of the day! "Did you achieve what you set out to do?" ...blah blah blah... Bs filter "no". If I waisted 30m on a program without quantified results, I'd be fired!
where was this chick fighting for mens equality when my son 8 months old at the time ended up in the hospital with a couple fractured ribs fractured wrist... two burnt feet... while in his mothers care... where was this woman when department of child safety took my child and didnt leave him in my care because the one who did it to him painted me in a bad light lying about me calling me a druggy a woman beater and a apeist... were was she when docs explained in court to a judge that grilled them explained that because a woman said things they didnt do their job and investigate if the father of the child was a suitable carer for his own child... she was probably thinking about "womans equality" at the time... these people will not stop until society dies and only then when victory is in hand blame it once again on men...
What evidence? They do not have any evidence. They have assertions and opinions dressed up as research. You also have to watch them use research that is talking about third world counties (Bangladesh, Pakistan etc) and applying this to Australia.
Imagine if these universities they went to actually taught the difference between an assertion contained in a study, versus a study that provides empirical evidence to back such an assertion up.
When you get right down to it, it's all about money. Paying the salaries of these and other people involved in "violence against women" prevention campaigns.
The comment at the very end made by one panelist (18:52) reveals how the women panelists attempt to justify their position, contrary to reliable research. 'If you can't afford to leave a violent partner'. So basically, they are actually saying something completely different. They are saying that gender inequality (for the poorest women) does not allow them to easily break out of violent relationships for financial reasons. This could be true, however that is a totally different argument, and the dogmatic propaganda they centralise the 'gender inequality leads to violence' campaign around is intellectually flawed and dishonest.
What a stupid method of inquiry. How will we as the public get to the truth if our representatives are limited to a couple of minutes of questions which are then wasted with long winded and evasive answers. I never see any concern on the part of the departments or persons under review, because they know they only have to hold out for a short period and we will move on and continue the status quo. Go David! Do what you can in the little time they give you.
If you watch the video of David's previous questions to these women and compare that with the current one, it's like a teacher gave his students homework, to be handed in ASAP. The students all failed, and now their excuses aren't even as good as saying the dog ate my homework. Plus not a single citation is from a published study, it's all from other government, or agency,,websites. But it's only thirty million!!!
domestic violence is not caused by gender inequality but it can be related to gender inequality. We have little to no gender inequality in austrlia or the western world, you want to see gender inequality go to any muslim or arab country.
5:00 - So it's not their job to check citations for research upon which they are basing their campaign on? That's what tobacco lobbyists would have said when questions appeared about the health concerns of smoking! Come on... checking and affirming the research you are using to build a campaign is at the very *heart* of your job. Otherwise you could just make anything up and run with it... Oh wait...
At 1:35 she makes a mistake (she does it again at 2:19 and 7:01 (several times) and 9:05) and accidentially tells the viewers what they are looking at. "Violence against women". Not domestic violence at a whole. They are only interested in the part that happens against women. When the US CDC says that 70% (!) of the unreciprocated (!) domestic violence is coming from women. At 9:23 she has a freudian slip once more "we don't see it as an either or" - yes, exactly. It's violence against women that they're looking for. The woman at 10:50 then says that "violence against women" (again, just against women) is a consequence AND a cause for inequality. That's a joke. It's the reason for AND the result of the same thing. At 11:06 again, only "violence against women". Funny that there are only women sitting up front there, right? Where is the equality in that?
Listen to the background starting 12:09 you can hear the women say "See he hasn't been specific about violence against women" then then next time they answer they use the phrase domestic violence for the first time.
Maybe I'm missing the point of the question, but no I don't think gender inequality is the cause of domestic violence. If this was true gay couples would have zero domestic violence.
Why is domestic violence so one sided why is it only woman that have the violence projected towards them what about the men suffering from domestic violents from there partner wheather it be mental or physical violence its not just one sided
male violence and female violence is very different. males exert violence/control through physical violence or the threat of it. females on the other hand, exert violence/control through social ostracization (e.g. otherisation, demonization/vilification, isolation from friends/family, exclusion from the group, etc). the difference is an evolutionary thing, but everyone acknowledges that male violence is a problem in society and that it needs to be curbed/reduced, but almost no one is talking about curbing/reducing the female form of violence that is rampant in modern society. females will admit that female violence being directed at other females, it is recognized as an act of aggression and a problem that needs to be fixed (e.g. when females are otherized, when females are demonized/vilified, when females are judged/criticized for being promiscuous/overweight/bossy, when females are isolated from their friends/family, when females are excluded from the group or "under-represented" in industry, etc), but when it is directed at men (e.g. when males as a group are demonized/vilified as being oppressors/sexist/violent, when wives/girlfriends prevent men from seeing their friends/family, when males are excluded from receiving help by government funded organizations, when males are excluded from female-only venues, or when males are "under-represented" regarding child custody, as teachers in school, as students at university, as medical professionals, as psychologists, or human resources) it does not perceived a problem or an act of aggression towards men. :o
I am almost tempted to allow these ideologues to have their way if I was able to sit in safety and view the destruction their foolish meddling would cause.
"It's not our job to review citations". Brings to mind a quote in the movie "As Good as it Gets" with regards to the main character being asked how does he write woman so well... "I think of a man and I take away reason and responsibility." God help us! We pay these fools to do this... It's a really poor reflection on the electorate that we've allowed such weak minded ideologues to have such power. I know there are plenty of reasonable intelligent women who are thoughtful and bright. There's no sign of their existence here though.
Also $30 million is a boat load of money. These people should have to be held accountable and make transparent every single penny that was spent and the resulting ROI.
What a load of feminist garbage. Citing studies, web sites etc with no citations or references. Instant 'fail' if you did that in an exam or thesis at any University !!
No. No we have not seen a decrease in domestic violence that taxpayers spent 30 million on. They could have used that money to help women leave their abusers instead if making fliers, books and pamphlets and paying celebrities to tell people not to beat each other.
For such a complex issue, they have certainly tried to simplify it way too much in broader terminology that doesn't truly reflect issues that require a bit more detail to give context (history of family abuse, low income, drugs and alcohol, outdated views on gender roles in relationships etc).
These Women have argued solely about violence towards Women, I find it hard to believe that not 1 women committed the start of the Violence. After listening not 1 of these Women will acknowledge that Women have committed acts of Violence. This entire discussion is not true nor is it defensible, as I have personally seen Women attacked Men who walked away only to be arrested anyway. She was Jailed for bearing false witness and statements, and swore to get revenge on the witness,s.
I swear Leyonhjelm is the only politician in Australia going out of his way to question the government. Keep it up man! Be it self-defense, freedom of speech, airsoft, cannabis, the drug war, the nanny state and more, you are the one championing the fight against insanity. LDP needs someone in the seat of every state as their first goal, then increase the numbers.
Scott Morrison is doing a great job now
But LeyonhJelm for future leader
He's becoming an Aussie version of Tray Gowdy. And thank God somone is asking the hard questions . This is getting way out of hand and has to be getting called for what it is.
@@RippedMoFuCk oh Aus is a billion years ahead of europe and canada at the mo
I am surprised nobody assassinated him yet.
This feminists arent prepared to debate their shit at all and can only repeat the same thing on and on.
Don't forget Fraser Anning.
Keep poking holes in their garbage Leyo!
OldFox I bet u can smell the bs fumes sizzling out lol
Good enough for a poke.
He didn't really poke holes. If you listen carefully he just questioned more or less 3 things over the debate
@@arnavrawat9864Maybe you should brush up on the English language, he poked holes in their delusion and asked questioned inbetween their nonsense. Dumb a*s you are.
This should be mandatory viewing for all Australians...
What a load of feminist garbage. Citing studies, web sites etc with no citations or references. Instant 'fail' if you did that in an exam or thesis at any University !!
Wilson they get away with it until they're called on the carpet and held accountable by men like Leyo
@@talldarkhandsome8587 They also did a $250,000 ad campaign using the same BS ideology. Leyo tore strips off them for also doing that, plus wasting taxpayers $$$.
Wilson Well they deserve all the criticism they receive. I love this Leyo gent. Wish we had more like him in the US.
Is it just me or does this seem like a huge waste of time and resources
These people are paid huge salaries. They were asked by a Senator to supply answers to questions. They didn't do it. They turned up to another meeting and they still hadn't prepared those answers. As far as we know they still haven't. If I did this I would lose my job. At the very least these incompetent people should be given a written warning. If not, then they manager should be given a written warning.
Just shows you in this world, the government is the biggest waster of money.
Funny how women who get 30 million dollars of mostly Male paid tax dollars say domestic violence against women isnt taken seriously and is dismissed and claim women are victims of inequality. The irony of their very existent is completely lost.....30 million to tell lies and do nothing seems like alot of caring to me.
Dave XB they all need to be sacked and replaced with intelligent people who will do their job properly and not just push their bs agendas that support vagina and suppresses the dick due to wife tales.
@@arkhamkillzone The problem with the way these departments are set up is that there are no contrarians within the department fighting back against the narrative. The department has inbuilt bias, and in order for the department to stay alive and keep people employed, they need to justify their own existence by showing there's a problem that needs fixing *by them* . It's a serious problem, and it should be painfully obvious to anyone that this kind of setup is corrupt from the beginning. We have the same problem in science of researchers trying desperately to confirm their hypothesis so they can receive funding, so they fudge findings and manipulate data to show they were correct. At least the peer review system exists within the scientific world, but it really doesn't exist within government; at least, not in a way that is as effective. These hearings are the best pieces of peer review we have.
LOL a woman in a gov job getting a written warning !! That will be the day!!
“Untouchable protected white woman privilege” “ya can’t even go there”
She would cry and claim harassment!
The amount of evasiveness is a joke. They know they're shooting themselves in the heads if they answer straight up, so they go straight into damage control. 30 million taxpayer dollars to provide, at best, these folks wages...
QE ornotQE don’t assume they are gonna get off anytime soon a rat doesn’t stop feeding forever just cause the lights turn on they’ll just be back leeching off while u wonder where all this rat shit came from
They don't need to lie anymore. The scientific papers doing the lying now. Check hoax papers in Joe Rogan podcasts.
@@Suchen_Wahrheit yeah. They just fudge facts now.
In fact, domestic violence, by our best studies provided through the highest institutions like Harvard, suggest it’s much more 50:50.
But of course they don’t care about male victims.
So they need lane little fudged stats studies to support the only demographic they care to help.
I can’t believe these type of meetings are entertained. It’s a waste of senators time. His time is valuable.
I know it's a bit off topic, but funding being funneled into wages above all else seems to be the way mental health services are going too these days. Far too many people caring far too much about their pay packet and far, FAR, too little about their patients!
These women have dodging abilities that rival even Neo from The Matrix!!!
"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball"
Lmao😁. It was an embarrasment!!!
How can you tell when a woman is lying? Her mouth is open.
Fuck me I thought you said dogging abilities!! Ha
Ask them what they are doing about the very high rates of violence in lesbian relationships
Campaigning against it while raising awareness. If not now then it will definitely be addressed
Feminist: Sorry, but there’s no data collected on women perpetrators of violence.
best comment
I know right 😂😂😂 Lesbian couples are higher at risk of domestic violence than straight couples
"Is there a question?" Yeah, I think there's a bloody great big 30 million dollar question.
What a crazy world we live in, where mgtow is degraded (along with everything else that isn't getting with the program).
Most days I'm very happy, but every so often I ponder on disappointing factors in our society, today is one of those days.
@vidocq Totally different. Look at who has the money and cultural backing. And who is causing issues. MRA's have a noble goal, but they won't win any battles. PUA's are like the french dude from the matrix, they just try to have fun with the broken system.
MGTOW are just a bunch of dudes chilling until the whole thing sorts itself out. Such as Leo Di Caprio.
I'd love to see more politicians like him demanding more scrutiny like this. They'd clearly looked for research works that backed their narrative and glossed over anything that contradicted. When asked to provide concrete evidence, they had none. Worse than that, what they'd cited as sources of reference weren't saying what they claimed them to be saying. Total deception. Best of all, he questioned the ludicrousness of their statement and tore it to ribbons. Well done sir!
The question is bloody obvious to anyone who is not totally incompetent and extremely arrogant. Just because it was phrased as a statement, does not justify avoiding the question based on semantics.
Just imagine in your work in private enterprise, if you got 30 million dollars for a project. Then it was pointed out to you that you had failed to provide any citations or empirical evidence to support the basis of your project, that you had failed to focus on the most important aspects of the issue and that you had failed to produce any results for that 30 million dollars.
Would your response be: "Is there a question?"
How long do you think you would have a job in say marketing or if that was your response?
And that is just imaging you were in private enterprise. These people are supposed to be doing something about a very serious problem in our society where people's lives are at risk. Instead they are wasting taxpayers money pushing their own debunked agenda.
The response simply illustrates that all the power lies with feminism and feminists like these. They are the ruling ideology and they know it. Which is why they can be so arrogant to a Senator and to taxpayers.
It illustrates that there is a power imbalance all right. Except the imbalance is the opposite way to what they claim.
If Senator Leyonhjelm keeps the heat on these feminist groups I am going to have to join the Liberal Democrats.
Senator Leyonhjelm you sir need to be the Prime Minister of this once great country. It's about time we had a politician who stands up and questions the so-called Government and their sectors. Someone who looks at our so-called freedoms. It's great to see we have a wolf amongst the sheep. Keep up the great work mate.
Senator Leyonhjelm has a way of rationally cutting through all the crap and getting to the core of any issue. Wish we had politicians like that in Canada.
This gentleman is a one last standing man in world of insanity. I really admire him and support him.
he still believes in the pay gap tho
The assertion isn't supported by EVIDENCE, it's supported by a list of OTHER EVIDENCE-FREE ASSERTIONS.
alexolife as it usually is
Alot of soft science articles love doing this. Even in biology. They will cite "omg climate change will absolutely obliterate these creatures", and then you go to the cited article, and it cites something else. I swear it is a citation train longer than the great wall of china.
'we believe' is another way of saying 'this is what I want to believe'
What a load of feminist garbage. Citing studies, web sites etc with no citations or references. Instant 'fail' if you did that in an exam or thesis at any University !!
@@wilson2455 I bet these whamen have done gender studies degrees and had had years of being told whamen are oppressed. they are now justifying their well paid jobs with this nonsense.
1:40 So what this woman is saying is that men who indicate positive views (or less negative views) towards beating up women... are more likely to beat up women. Wow, I'm so glad the Australian Govt spent millions of dollars to find that out.
I don't doubt for a second that in OTHER countries, or among some immigrant groups, women having little in the way of financial resources plays a role in DV (them being unable to leave due to not having the financial resources to leave, or fearing that their children will grow up in poverty without the financial support of an abusive man), but I think arguing that a woman earning 80k is more likely to get beat up because her male peers are earning more (due to working more overtime etc) is going to play that big a difference in DV outcomes compared to if she earned 80k but her male peers earned less.
So it would be more fair to say... which most reasonable people would agree with, that POVERTY is a major factor in DV... but they'd never say that because they want to push a narrative (about how important all this nonsense about the supposed "Pay Gap" is) and use this to justify the Australian Govt spending millions on their pet projects.
5:15 So you agree or disagree with their claim? Also since you link to their site and encourage people to "get educated" by reading it, 1. You do have some duty to make sure the claims by that site are factually accurate, and 2. If you believe that people who read that site will walk away more uninformed than they were to begin with, you have a responsibility NOT to link to it.
7:22 What are this woman's qualifications? Because if she has any kind of degree, someone should've explained to her that "Correlation does not establish causation". Besides, I don't think many people would argue that societies that view women with contempt are more likely to condone violence towards them, though I question the sincerity of feminists to tackle this issue until they go after the big one (Islam).
" If you believe that people who read that site will walk away more uninformed than they were to begin with, you have a responsibility NOT to link to it."
Exactly. They seem to think that by talking, they are answering the question.
They utterly failed to justify the waste of 30 million dollars to drive their own ideology which is (a) not supported by evidence and (b) is nowhere near the primary causes.
Watching this video from outside Australia I can only say, we need more people like him to fix the mess we have around the world.
So my tax dollars are funding a website that can say whatever they like, regardless of whether what they say is true or not. As a former public servant I am appalled at the laxity of oversight in the expenditure of public money by these blinkered, so-called public servants. Seems public servants working for the Commonwealth can throw money at whatever they like without any due diligence.
In other words $30,000.000.00 thats thirty million dollars has been spent on a program without result in the reduction of domestic violence and we still haven't worked out that it just may be the result of financial stress, an inability to articulate and understand feelings and emotions (on both sides), drug and alcohol abuse (on both sides) lack of a social behavioural framework and the list goes on which makes it all too hard so we will blame it on the wage gap and gender inequality. that should be ambiguous enough so that no-one questions it. well don, well done, pat yourselves on the back.
Bang on mate
women's group - "Can we have 30 million quid to stop Muslims and Abo's from smacking their wives please?"
government - "How are you going to do that?"
women's group - "We're going to teach white boys that they are bad and that it's wrong to hit women."
That's it in a nutshell.
What is being done to address the issues of womens violence against men?
Naughty Goat Farm not a GD thing
She said women almost every sentence.
What a biased bitch.
Black dragon story she's a sexist biggot!
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is available to mitigate violence without causing harm ;)
My mom was violent never my dad. I saw her throw things. She physically assaulted him many times. He never reciprocated. Once they split up her violence turned on me and my brother. I asked my dad once why he never reported her “no one would have believed me. And I would have been arrested even though I never touched her “.
Good work, Senator. Please keep up the good work.
Shut down all these agencies they do nothing, but waste money
No. They do things. They have planning days. They have meetings. They formulate strategies. They write reports. They make recommendations. They review, review, review. Oh, and they do pretty looking risk assessments.
Great work.
Please talk to Karen Straughan of The Honey Badgers (UA-cam/Reddit personality) - she is the most well informed person on DV in the world.
AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY" - it can be found on Google.
"This bibliography examines 286 scholarly investigations: 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 371,600. "
55% of DV victims are male - how the hell can it be caused by gender inequality?!
My ex had no problem getting drunk Beating on me. Kids pulling her off. Being a man police said abandoned your home, kids & leave, or suck it up. During "Me too" not a scratch on her, my face bloodied, they refused to arrest or remove her. Several times. Gender did seem to play a role.
The biggest factor is alcoholism. Not that other crap
Yes, you are absolutely right. My father was the nicest guy around until he drank whiskey, then he'd literally beat my mother to the point where she couldn't move. This was in the early 1970's. Using domestic violence as a means to address "gender inequality" to get better pay is just disrespectful to those women who are in this situation. Side note: My (4) brothers have never once been violent with a woman, though 2 of them have had their wives be violent with them. And I have never tolerated a violent man.
Shhhhhh we get a lot of tax from that
A definition of Citation - "a quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work"....so as David points out....it's not a "a reference sighting a reference". So a lot of the assertions & statements in the absence of citations are opinions, are they not? A definition of Opinion - "a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge". Very interesting debate.
Specific references to sources and somebody to analyse them objectively is what's needed.
@@blahblah21747 I have heard one of the study they listed as reference and I know for a fact it was debunked.
I am sure that dude checked all of the provided ones and I am sure he will check all of the new ones because these ladies are spending money on fighting imaginary enemies and its always men.
Why arent they fighting for both genders?
What a disgrace.
You can’t debate against a woman. A debate would require reason and logic.
feminist mafia looks after its self
"it's not our job to go through our website and check every citation" wow...
Basically, they’re saying they don’t have to have evidence back up any of their assertions.
THEN WHO'S JOB IS THAT? Indeed... "wow". Talk about being completely in denial.
@@veetour I think you would find that plenty of modern, sophisticated research from a number of prestigious institutions would enable them to make the assertions that they are making - such as UN women, WHO etc
Of course, if you go down and look at their sources, it's just going to be a group of articles referencing other articles that man bad, woman good. It's the academic version of a reddit circlejerk/echo chamber, much like how science was fabricated about MSG. Articles citing each other, to form a web of absolute unfounded horseshit. And the science subjects most affected by this are of course, the soft sciences - psychology, biology etc.
It's a way of saying they're not responsible for the rubbish they generate.
This guy when he calls out indigenous and minority high rates he does more than these PC advocates ever do
Poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, childhood abuse are far more at the heart of the issue than gender inequality.
Leyonhjelm should be PM, great work mate
Great work Mr Leyonhjelm!
He should be our pm!!!
Listening to these women are like listening to flat earthers.....
Flat earthers have stacks of evidence and observable and repeatable experiments, ie, science. These women have none
Flat earthers are more believable lol.
People who believe in the "patriarchy" as some kind of shadow overlord or "systematic racism" are quite literally conspiracy theorists. There are no evidence for their claims, the contrary! Yet they will refuse all evidence. Any evidence they see they claim is "manipulated by the white man".
why is it all women working on these type of crap
For their own benefit and self interest, obviously.
Women make good factory workers: easily amused and occupied by the most montonous, mundane activities.
Government civil servants are typically incompetent, lazy, and unnecessary.
Otherwise they will have to learn how to be useful, life is too good now to beat them into submission of being good mothers, so they remain useless.
What a load of feminist garbage. Citing studies, web sites etc with no citations or references. Instant 'fail' if you did that in an exam or thesis at any University !!
I mean, imagine being a man with 2 functioning neurons in your brain, and listening to the unrecognisable crap coming from these people
I'd shoot myself.
Keep it up mate ! Probably one of the few politicians around the world who truly care about their country! #lovefromcanada
Watch the video of this man taking them on specifically regarding the “pay gap”, it is brilliant. The women were embarrassing themselves.
David, you are a reasonable and sensible man trying to talk reason and sense into these souls of victim-hood who are trying to justify their positions. Keep up the great work and continue to question their conniving ways.
The claim that the ladies are making, is totally destroyed by the fact that a high percentage of the abused return to their abusers. Bad individual decisions are not caused by gender inequality, but only by the decision maker.
And the HUGE amount of Gay domestic violence?
Especially the lesbian domestic violence?
And the one third of victims being men? Sighted by police
We need politicians like this in the U.K.
I am about to watch for the first time.. Every one take a drink every time she says 'I will take that on notice.'
She talks about campaigns with indigenous celebrities through social media and online but anyone who has been/seen troubled indigenous areas know that 99% of them don't have phones or any internet facilities. 30 million dollars of tax payer money and no results is what it sounds like.
Its crazy to think that assertive and truth seeking politicians is a rare breed when these should be the baseline characteristics of political representatives
Is she pretending to look intelligent by constantly playing with her spectacle
Krishna Oza Every act needs a prop.
4:11 That was a really complicated way to say we we don't care how factual the data is, we fund them because they support our agenda.
Leyonhjelm for prime minister
"It is not our departments role to go through what’s on it’s website and see citation arrangements or referencing in that sense, with all due respect " What the Ef did I just hear her say??
Senator you are smart polite and sensible...you do a good job
They seem to be fighting to justify the expense. But what they should be doing is agree to examine the assertion they have made, and work towards better approaches to solving the problems of domestic violence, not desperately trying to defend their unscientific approach.
The question of the day! "Did you achieve what you set out to do?" ...blah blah blah... Bs filter "no". If I waisted 30m on a program without quantified results, I'd be fired!
where was this chick fighting for mens equality when my son 8 months old at the time ended up in the hospital with a couple fractured ribs fractured wrist... two burnt feet... while in his mothers care... where was this woman when department of child safety took my child and didnt leave him in my care because the one who did it to him painted me in a bad light lying about me calling me a druggy a woman beater and a apeist... were was she when docs explained in court to a judge that grilled them explained that because a woman said things they didnt do their job and investigate if the father of the child was a suitable carer for his own child... she was probably thinking about "womans equality" at the time... these people will not stop until society dies and only then when victory is in hand blame it once again on men...
Hang on!.... She's a woman so must be right!.... How dare anyone question that assertion!
The Krutchinator questioning women and treating them the same as men is misogynistic
What evidence? They do not have any evidence. They have assertions and opinions dressed up as research. You also have to watch them use research that is talking about third world counties (Bangladesh, Pakistan etc) and applying this to Australia.
Imagine if these universities they went to actually taught the difference between an assertion contained in a study, versus a study that provides empirical evidence to back such an assertion up.
Senator Leyonhjelm is a great man
When you get right down to it, it's all about money. Paying the salaries of these and other people involved in "violence against women" prevention campaigns.
We need this man in the US, he would make a great senator here
"We expect to see changes in 10 years - please keep paying me. I won't have a job otherwise."
30 million tax payer dolloros down the drain.
I like that senator. He has the common sense many of the others don’t have
We need this guy here in Europe!
Well done David... keep asking the hard questions
The comment at the very end made by one panelist (18:52) reveals how the women panelists attempt to justify their position, contrary to reliable research. 'If you can't afford to leave a violent partner'. So basically, they are actually saying something completely different. They are saying that gender inequality (for the poorest women) does not allow them to easily break out of violent relationships for financial reasons. This could be true, however that is a totally different argument, and the dogmatic propaganda they centralise the 'gender inequality leads to violence' campaign around is intellectually flawed and dishonest.
What a stupid method of inquiry. How will we as the public get to the truth if our representatives are limited to a couple of minutes of questions which are then wasted with long winded and evasive answers. I never see any concern on the part of the departments or persons under review, because they know they only have to hold out for a short period and we will move on and continue the status quo. Go David! Do what you can in the little time they give you.
If you watch the video of David's previous questions to these women and compare that with the current one, it's like a teacher gave his students homework, to be handed in ASAP. The students all failed, and now their excuses aren't even as good as saying the dog ate my homework. Plus not a single citation is from a published study, it's all from other government, or agency,,websites. But it's only thirty million!!!
domestic violence is not caused by gender inequality but it can be related to gender inequality. We have little to no gender inequality in austrlia or the western world, you want to see gender inequality go to any muslim or arab country.
@18:00 “Senator is there a question?”........”no I think this chairs giving me the wind-up!” 🤣👍
4 women and 1 man? Equality in action.
5:00 - So it's not their job to check citations for research upon which they are basing their campaign on? That's what tobacco lobbyists would have said when questions appeared about the health concerns of smoking! Come on... checking and affirming the research you are using to build a campaign is at the very *heart* of your job. Otherwise you could just make anything up and run with it... Oh wait...
to make it very simple, are Australian tax dollars being evenly distributed based on facts or feelings?
I would like to to see what questions are asked and how they are worded in the surveys, for the statistics they use
At 1:35 she makes a mistake (she does it again at 2:19 and 7:01 (several times) and 9:05) and accidentially tells the viewers what they are looking at. "Violence against women". Not domestic violence at a whole. They are only interested in the part that happens against women. When the US CDC says that 70% (!) of the unreciprocated (!) domestic violence is coming from women. At 9:23 she has a freudian slip once more "we don't see it as an either or" - yes, exactly. It's violence against women that they're looking for.
The woman at 10:50 then says that "violence against women" (again, just against women) is a consequence AND a cause for inequality. That's a joke. It's the reason for AND the result of the same thing. At 11:06 again, only "violence against women". Funny that there are only women sitting up front there, right? Where is the equality in that?
Listen to the background starting 12:09 you can hear the women say "See he hasn't been specific about violence against women" then then next time they answer they use the phrase domestic violence for the first time.
"WHR report" mentioned at 7:45, where can we find it? The report that lists all different causes of domestic violence.
Maybe I'm missing the point of the question, but no I don't think gender inequality is the cause of domestic violence. If this was true gay couples would have zero domestic violence.
Why is domestic violence so one sided why is it only woman that have the violence projected towards them what about the men suffering from domestic violents from there partner wheather it be mental or physical violence its not just one sided
male violence and female violence is very different. males exert violence/control through physical violence or the threat of it. females on the other hand, exert violence/control through social ostracization (e.g. otherisation, demonization/vilification, isolation from friends/family, exclusion from the group, etc). the difference is an evolutionary thing, but everyone acknowledges that male violence is a problem in society and that it needs to be curbed/reduced, but almost no one is talking about curbing/reducing the female form of violence that is rampant in modern society. females will admit that female violence being directed at other females, it is recognized as an act of aggression and a problem that needs to be fixed (e.g. when females are otherized, when females are demonized/vilified, when females are judged/criticized for being promiscuous/overweight/bossy, when females are isolated from their friends/family, when females are excluded from the group or "under-represented" in industry, etc), but when it is directed at men (e.g. when males as a group are demonized/vilified as being oppressors/sexist/violent, when wives/girlfriends prevent men from seeing their friends/family, when males are excluded from receiving help by government funded organizations, when males are excluded from female-only venues, or when males are "under-represented" regarding child custody, as teachers in school, as students at university, as medical professionals, as psychologists, or human resources) it does not perceived a problem or an act of aggression towards men. :o
I am almost tempted to allow these ideologues to have their way if I was able to sit in safety and view the destruction their foolish meddling would cause.
"It's not our job to review citations".
Brings to mind a quote in the movie "As Good as it Gets" with regards to the main character being asked how does he write woman so well... "I think of a man and I take away reason and responsibility."
God help us! We pay these fools to do this... It's a really poor reflection on the electorate that we've allowed such weak minded ideologues to have such power.
I know there are plenty of reasonable intelligent women who are thoughtful and bright. There's no sign of their existence here though.
Platitudes 101 they r out of their league.
Is there anywhere we can get a script of this....
Also $30 million is a boat load of money. These people should have to be held accountable and make transparent every single penny that was spent and the resulting ROI.
WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE for the assertions? Citations and references making assertions based on zero studies and zero statistics are meaningless!
Love this man.
God, he has the patience of a saint!
Somehow i get the feeling that there's a lot of people making a lot of money from taxpayers within the "family violence INDUSTRY".
What a load of feminist garbage. Citing studies, web sites etc with no citations or references. Instant 'fail' if you did that in an exam or thesis at any University !!
No. No we have not seen a decrease in domestic violence that taxpayers spent 30 million on. They could have used that money to help women leave their abusers instead if making fliers, books and pamphlets and paying celebrities to tell people not to beat each other.
This is the 'air soft' guy?
LOL. What a legend. Destroy them all.
@Didddin duuu nufffin Wakanda enn shiiieet too bad he isn't a senator anymore tho
These people got issues. They spent their life fighting for something that is nonexistent.
One of my favorite comedians working today. He keeps setting them up and the Ministry of truth keeps knocking them down
round & round & round they go.......never actually answering the bloody question!
We need this man in Scotland
She quotes the vast quantities of evidance, mentions none, So no proof, just reports on reports siting each other.
For such a complex issue, they have certainly tried to simplify it way too much in broader terminology that doesn't truly reflect issues that require a bit more detail to give context (history of family abuse, low income, drugs and alcohol, outdated views on gender roles in relationships etc).
Thirty million dollars of public money for all these lies and rubbish.
What a clever insult, to actually force men to pay for being demonised.
Seems the public servants don't think there has to be any accountability to truth for entities which receive taxpayer funds.
Very great information ❤
All she did was reiterate the claim with a few anecdotes... But no actual evidence.
These Women have argued solely about violence towards Women, I find it hard to believe that not 1 women committed the start of the Violence. After listening not 1 of these Women will acknowledge that Women have committed acts of Violence. This entire discussion is not true nor is it defensible, as I have personally seen Women attacked Men who walked away only to be arrested anyway. She was Jailed for bearing false witness and statements, and swore to get revenge on the witness,s.
Hahaha, the man!
Senator: The question really is, has domestic violence fallen
Her: waffle waffle, no real answer, waffle waffle