What Is INSIDE The Eye of Terror And How It Is Different From The WARP | Warhammer 40K Lore

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @TheLostPrimarch
    @TheLostPrimarch  7 днів тому +1

    SUBSCRIBE for more Warhammer 40K content, NERD!
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  • @inquisitorgarza312
    @inquisitorgarza312 7 днів тому +15

    The Warp a misunderstood place because we believe it is the realms of chaos, which in truth they have a majority of it, but there are still locations that do not belong to the Ruinous Powers.

    • @skavihekkora5039
      @skavihekkora5039 7 днів тому

      Like deep warp which scandalously still hasnt been covered properly on this channel.

    • @yabadabwort
      @yabadabwort 6 днів тому +2

      Don’t forget the places even the chaos gods fear. Like the well of eternity, a primordial center of creation. Eve Tzeentch fears it, that why he threw Kairos In there

  • @josh198599
    @josh198599 7 днів тому +6

    It's been interesting to watch you step it up a bit the last few weeks regarding your content and how you go about presenting it. I feel like the way you're going you will reach 20k subscribers alot faster than how long it took you to get to 10k. I personally think one of the keys to your success is finding obscure things about 40k and doing your best to shed some light on the topic, as right now, alot of content creators are sticking to more mainstream topics, but people have a thirst for the obscure stuff eg: ghoul stars / horror / terminus decree / as opposed to another blood angels or ultra marines video. keep it up bro

  • @topsykretts8717
    @topsykretts8717 7 днів тому +4

    The Eye of Terror is just Slaanesh spread eagle

  • @Louis1945.
    @Louis1945. 6 днів тому +2

    The emperor protects

  • @Sorain1
    @Sorain1 6 днів тому

    One thing that's always struck me about the Eye of Terror being caused by Slanneish's birth is the question of "Where are the other three eye's then?"
    There's a few possible answers that come to mind of course. Maybe thee warp rifts that have been around for as long as the Imperium has been charting space are remnants of said rifts. Maybe the Necrons sealed the other ones up during or immediately after the War in Heaven. Maybe the other three formed in a more natural manner and thus weren't as violent. Or maybe it was a simple case of source proximity. For the other chaos gods, they were sourced from across the entire galaxy, from many species in many places. But Slanneish is sourced almost entirely from the Eldar, who were enormously clustered together. Instead of a moderate earthquake across an entire continent, you got all the force in one city block and the result was this sinkhole of devastation.
    The Necrons pylon network that was centered on Cadia seems like a classic 'leftover trenches' situation. The Eye couldn't expand past it, but without being actually turned on, it couldn't close off the rift. As for why it was located where it was? I'd assume that the Eldar felt comfortable within those ancient ramparts, forming a pleasant 'natural barrier' to place the borders of 'civilization' at, ala the great wall of china. (Or a lot of IRL old borders being tied to terrain features.) The Necrons abandoned the big 'ward off the entire galaxy from the warp' project as a low priority post defeat of the C'Tan, but their infrastructure mostly survived because they just build that tough. At least, that is the best I understand the lore on it.
    The whole great rift splitting the imperium situation is honestly underexplored in my opinion, but then it's very new lore by the stands of a lot of 40k lore.

    • @TheLostPrimarch
      @TheLostPrimarch  6 днів тому

      I think there is only TEoT because the event was concentrated, because Prince Of Pleasures in a sense was solely by product of the actions of one race.

  • @davidragan9233
    @davidragan9233 7 днів тому

    Alcubierre-White Torsion Drives Cris-crossing the area suturing the region back together.

  • @thorshammer7883
    @thorshammer7883 7 днів тому +4

    I heard the Old Ones were the first ones to create the Eye of Terror because they did something weaponizing the Warp during the War In Heaven. It was either they or the Necrons who were able to seal it and Slaanesh simply reopened it but the Chaos god wasn't the one who directly created the Eye of Terror. Strange enough the Maelstrom is said to have been an even older Warp rift then even the Eye of Terror was.
    Who knows what kind of role the Enslavers had with the Warp rifts of that time?
    For the size the Eye of Terror was the Chaos legions and traitor armies sure do waste alot of resources even more so then the Imperium does in exploiting and optimizing the amount of resources a spherical territory over 20,000 light years plus in diameter with probably over 10 million stars in it can offer as strategic resources. But considering how incohesive and uncoordinated the Chaos legions armies are and their self destructive behaviors and theology doctrines contributes to such infighting and lack of competence it's no real big surprise. They are essentially bottom feeders fighting each other in a wasteland for whatever relics they can't produce and simply man them. Logistics , supply lines, and cohesion don't matter to most Chaos organizations nor the daemons of Chaos or other non-align Warp beings. They run wild for a bit run out of steam and manpower then go back home for a few centuries before the next rampage of mass Chaos assault strategies against the Imperium's various defended worlds and fortifications. Having Chaos champions as a war council and government can be very dumb many times worse then even some uncaring Imperium official.
    Who needs combined arms, standardization, unit cohesion, and tactical hybrid military options when you can throw 10 billion cultists manpower at this Cadian defensive line of a sector for a few months straight before having to head back with 1/5th the force with low amount of supplies while the Imperium military's production lines and infrastructure won't be crippled for a few decades? Man what great supreme commanders that council of Chaos warlords are for this Black Crusade. Surely they know what to do properly with a fleshed out offensive campaign.

    • @kamaeq
      @kamaeq 7 днів тому +2

      It has been pointed out that the chaos gods have been actively sabotaging the Imperial traitors the entire time. Best justification I have seen for this, was they all decided to buff Horus to give him a chance vs. the Emperor, since the Emperor should have been able to slap down any single Primarch or a small group of them. This also fits in with the Cabal's vision of Horus winning ending up defeating the chaos gods. If you end up with an OP chaos enhanced Primarch more powerful than the chaos gods able to take down the Emperor who then basically suicides humanity and reforms the warp, there may be reasons.
      Also, like any other alien race (or even some cultures on Earth now), they have their own logic, goals and methods to achieve them that are functionally insane from a rational perspective.
      Heh, you can say that about the Emperor, since an attempt to replace worship with the cult of science and reason is always a fail as we can see in our own recent history. Of course, the pseudo-Catholic Imperial church is just a cooked up version of all of the bad parodies by supposed atheists who don't have a clue about what they are talking about. For example, the entire belief = power for deity does not account for a Creator living outside of the universe, but it keeps showing up because it fits certain beliefs by some people.

    • @thorshammer7883
      @thorshammer7883 6 днів тому

      That's a good constructive critique that is consistent. I agree with both the Warhammer 40k and the real world critiques especially about atheist societies normally fall apart because of their lack there of morality and foundation and having nothing God fearing but the will of the State which always commits bloodshed through anthropocentric perspectives or doctrines of a ideology that often has cult like connections in it's founding in history.
      As for the Horus part there is also the Emperor becoming the Dark King subplot though I don't think it was executed properly with the right conditions and circumstances of it happening. If you think about it the Dark King would turn on the Chaos gods as soon as it manifested in the Warp and began conquering everything in it's rampaging tyranny before destroying the galaxy. If the Warp ends up boiling so hot for millions of real space years wouldn't that mean all the Chaos daemons die as well from the sheer pressure of the Warp energies the Dark King would be producing and how antithetically hostile he would be?
      If Chaos wins they either destroy themselves or end up like the Enslavers did and starve from lack of Psykic energies in the Warp. Unless their goal is too just expand the Warp storms and Chaos mutate the whole galaxy's life forms is their main strategy.

    • @qigonglungz
      @qigonglungz 6 днів тому +1

      Nice comment... The behavior of the factions inside the Eye are a micro-version of the activities of the 4 God's Great Game, inside of The Warp... The Eye is like the Chaos God's "tabletop" Warhammer dimension. Kind of, but there is a lot more just going on than the 4 God's machinations.

    • @kamaeq
      @kamaeq 6 днів тому

      @@thorshammer7883 I think the Chaos gods just want to keep stuff stirring. With several sources citing that loss of most of the intelligent life in the galaxy (in general terms) would end up "killing" them by starving them, they just want to "play" IMO. Then there is the question if they are actually entities or just some kind of psychic gestalt phenomenon similar to the Orks is...
      I have to remind myself regularly that given both the lack of GW editorial oversight and the fact that many "key" parts of the lore are simply GW tossing stuff off as a quick reason to do something (Necrons as Terminators when you could point to the Thousand Sons as covering almost the same niche at the time) OR are player friendly things, like the missing two primarchs who were originally just for home brew paint schemes, one loyal and one traitor.
      Or when they decided to do a spoof on the Council of Nicaea by having a Council of Nikea where they managed by the Emperor's decree to make the Black Templars the only loyalist Astartes by the Emperor's own decree, which they then had to trash by rewriting them from some of the strongest "atheists" to whiny Empy worshippers to discredit them.

    • @nobleman9393
      @nobleman9393 6 днів тому

      The Iron Warriors and the Death Guard have very good logistics and command structure.

  • @seanpatterson8600
    @seanpatterson8600 6 днів тому +1

    Best explanation video on the eye of terror.

  • @damonharrison2614
    @damonharrison2614 7 днів тому +1

    Perturabo can see flaws in everything except his own actions

  • @thorshammer7883
    @thorshammer7883 6 днів тому +2

    I would say time does still function and exist in the Warp it's just that it's much more distorted and fluid in it then does usually in Real Space depending on the density and intensity of the Warp currents and energies. For the Chaos gods since they are made up of and sustained by a certain amount of pure chaotic Warp energies it would be natural for them to experience time in the way they do to the point they feel they always been there and were always existed but aren't exactly completely ascended above time itself though they can influence the way it flows to a certain limited extent even if it means sending daemons on a isolated operation to the past or a small aspect of their own Chaos energy to perform some kind of task or goal in the past so it can fulfill the present circumstances that benefits their agendas of continuing the Great Game as long as possible however they can't see nor know everything absolutely. Even Tzeentch has a relative limit of knowledge he knows, is aware, and can process at a certain point of time. Kairos Fateweaver pretty much knows more then his own Chaos god knows of possible shifting futures because of his experience in the Well of Eternity which even Tzeentch doesn't properly understand and doesn't dare go in knowing it is something outside his control or ability to influence.
    Gork and Mork did beat up Nurgle pretty badly so that happened at some point as well as the Emperor burning his plague garden. For the Emperor when he began siphoning off some the Chaos gods did seem like he mentally aged by a hundred thousand years so he did experience some kind of time while he was doing that. And Tzeentch's battle with Yssarile and their war in the Warp did say to have lasted for a billion years in there and Real Space's time was still moving forward during their conflict. So I think technically time does still apply within the Warp it's just very fluid and distorted depending on circumstances and how much effort the Chaos gods are putting up during their manipulations of such. They do seem fear that some War In Heaven weapons could end up ending them in various ways should they allow it the threat to propagate.
    It would seem Yssarile's remaining power can still be a significant threat to the current 40k status quo before it was destroyed when that Chaos cultist tried to utilize it. So was the activation of the Breath of the Gods would end the entire 40k galaxy thus killing everyone including the Chaos gods in the process.
    And maybe the manifestation of the Dark King would end up killing the Chaos gods as well because he would end up destroying the entire galaxy as well and would be very angry against Chaos. So I think there are things out there in Warhammer 40k which can threaten the existence of the Chaos gods as they are in the current status quo they have set up in 41st and 42nd millennium.

  • @kamaeq
    @kamaeq 7 днів тому +1

    The Eye must have existed in some form prior to the current open version. The Old Ones lost the War in Heaven, which means the Eldar must have been suppressed as well. Locating the Eldar (a created race) on top of a weakness to keep it closed makes sense. It also accounts for the incomplete Necron project to close the Eye (and sever the warp from the materium) being heavily invested on Cadia.
    As trivia, it is quite likely Eisenhorn screwed up by taking down Inquisitor Qixos on Cadia when he was in the process of completing his research on Cadia to replicate the Necron pylons and thus close the warp (or the Eye), winning the conflict (or getting a massive strategic victory) against Chaos. Of course, they were at different trajectories in their careers, with Qixos being the radical that Eisenhorn later became.
    One thing most people don't realize, because it often isn't touched on, there are places of immense beauty and peace in the warp (similar to the Imperium, many people on many worlds have idyllic lives), but in both cases, these are relatively small and (especially in the Imperium) prone to being corrupted or destroyed.
    GW is clumsily dealing with some age old philosophical questions using silly modern thought. Many sins are virtues in different situations. TTS had Magnus give a justification for each chaos god noting the negative and positive reasons for each of them.

  • @Steven-dt5nu
    @Steven-dt5nu 4 дні тому +1

    I learned some stuff thanks.

    • @TheLostPrimarch
      @TheLostPrimarch  4 дні тому

      Glad to help

    • @Steven-dt5nu
      @Steven-dt5nu 4 дні тому

      @@TheLostPrimarch I liked the fact that the eye of terror is the Aeldari home worlds.

  • @Leofilmperson
    @Leofilmperson 7 днів тому

    The piano piece in the Fall Of Cadia bit is great! Children of the Omnissiah is a good track, but everyone and their mum is using it.

  • @Balrog4242
    @Balrog4242 6 днів тому +1

    Is "Cadia stands" a meme among Chaos forces now?

    • @TheLostPrimarch
      @TheLostPrimarch  6 днів тому

      Cadia still stands, just in many different places at the same time :)

  • @Random-World-Eater
    @Random-World-Eater 6 днів тому

    A super massive black hole worth of blackstone thrown straight at the center of the eye....

  • @daveberryman5946
    @daveberryman5946 6 днів тому

    Want to close the rift. Simple, make a deal with Tzeench. He/she it, would piss itself seeing the main doorway, closed.
    (Worthy of an Emperor Texttospeach script? : )

  • @TheDylanBowman
    @TheDylanBowman 7 днів тому +1

    hell yeah

  • @thedude5449
    @thedude5449 7 днів тому +2

    I love your videos but what language are you speaking?

    • @TheLostPrimarch
      @TheLostPrimarch  7 днів тому +2

      English, since that is the only one you understand

    • @thedude5449
      @thedude5449 7 днів тому

      @@TheLostPrimarch love you

    • @thedude5449
      @thedude5449 7 днів тому

      @@TheLostPrimarch have you played space marine number two? I really liked it but there's a lot of elevators

  • @garysuarez9614
    @garysuarez9614 5 днів тому

    Inside the Eye of Terror?
    Horrible Aqueous Humor, obviously.

  • @joaopedrodebarrosdaeira5466
    @joaopedrodebarrosdaeira5466 7 днів тому +1


  • @TheKingGandy
    @TheKingGandy 7 днів тому +1

    Yeet Sly Marbo into it....problem solved

  • @blank8460
    @blank8460 7 днів тому +1

    Excellent, i do have one question. Why would Necrons put pylons on Cadia if the Eye didnt exist yet?

    • @5RndsFFE
      @5RndsFFE 6 днів тому +1

      A lucky coincidence for humanity, Necron pylons have been found on multiple planets, remnants left over from the war in heaven to counter act the Old one’s use of the warp.

    • @TheLostPrimarch
      @TheLostPrimarch  6 днів тому

      He is right about this one. It happened by chance.

  • @Gabriel-no6wv
    @Gabriel-no6wv 7 днів тому +1

    Time can't go backwards, that is not how time works.

    • @TheLostPrimarch
      @TheLostPrimarch  7 днів тому +1

      You must be quite arrogant to assume you know how time works inside a fictional timeless dimension instead of writers.

    • @jeffwalsh3591
      @jeffwalsh3591 6 днів тому

      ​@@TheLostPrimarch😂 someone mistook your video for a real lesson in physics. Priceless

  • @qigonglungz
    @qigonglungz 6 днів тому

    Easily one of your BEST VIDEOS... I've been into WH40K since about 2015. I've absorbed a vast amount of info and yet you still managed to teach me something I didn't realize... I'm watching this one TWICE!!! No more comparisons to MajorKill man, you producing Big League videos now!!!