  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @emiliomorterapiorno4961
    @emiliomorterapiorno4961 6 років тому +10

    Glory and honor for the 2DB....

  • @marcbonneau7147
    @marcbonneau7147 6 років тому +13

    All the sequences in this movie are not in order. These are raw rushes that require an explanation: The 2nd Free French Forces Armoured Division is shawn here during its rush over Paris/
    00: 00: 01s - Those french soldiers of the Lieutnant-Colonel Massu subgroup of the 2nd DB (2nd French Armoured Division "Leclerc") taking up a position around the "Trou Salé" farm, located opposite the Toussus-le-Noble Airfield.
    00:10 Chief of the tank "Valserinne" Number 27 of 2/12 RCA: Brigadier Chief Bizard (Damaged by mine on December 1, 1944. The right track destroyed) placing is Sherman in support of troups.
    01:43 The Sherman "Cyrano de Bergerac" bearing the marking of the 1st Group of the 40th North African Artillery Regiment (RANA). This group was attached to the "Langlade" Battle Group. Each group was led by an officer who gave his name to his group. This unofficial use was put in place by Gral Lerclerc himself.
    02:01s - Behind the farm of Trou Salé, an armored vehicle is on fire. This wounded tank is masked by an other one on the picture. This is probably the Sherman "Dauphiné"(The M4 A2 DAUPHINÉ Number 36 Tank Chief: Senior officer Lunardini) took a direct hit at the fuel-tanks level by a german 88mm Gun and got burning thereafter. The crew managed to get out of the tank without any injuries and they are all unscathed. But a few minutes later, the Sherman M4 A2 "BARFLEUR" was hit by the 88 and in flames, tryed to escape and recoiled, but then exploded. Brigadier Chief André BRIER and Private 1st class PÉRUGNEAUX were able to evacuate, but the two other occupants, the MDL / Chief Georges CASTANER and the Private 1st class Jacques POULIN perished burned trapped in the tank).
    02:32 You can see the M7 Priest howitzers (105 mm self-propelled Howitzers) pounding the German positions on the Toussus-le-Noble plateau (whish is a former French Farman Inc.Aeronautical facilities). In the foreground, the M7 "Fez" registered 420347 of the Chauvensy Command Sergeant Major (Maréchal des Logis Chef in french) belonging to the 1st Firing Section of the 3rd Battery of the 40th North African Artillery Regiment (RANA).
    03:03 The "PICARDIE" M4 A2 Sherman No. 56. His Tank Chief: Brigadier Chief Ducamin looks at the cameraman.
    03:18 On the edge of the Loges farm, two German artilleryman crews serving an anti-tank gun were left wounded during their attempt movement. Their Sd-Kfz 8 (probably) had suffered a direct hit and been totaly destroyed. Their gun was probably not at the origin of the two tanks "Barfleur" and "Dauphiné" destructions, near the "Trou Salé" Farm, but was part of the 88 group.
    05:39 The Jeep nammed "Mickey/Souris" of 11th Group of the 64th Armored Division Artillery Regiment (11 / 64th R.A.D.B.). All its Unit jeeps bore the name of an African desert animal. Here, the name is a play on words that means Mickey is a smiling mouse (Smile = sourit in french and mouse = souris).
    05:42 Sherman M 4 A2 No. 29 "Maurienne", Chief of Tank: Brigadier-Chief Martin, destroyed later in Gros-Rederching (Moselle) on January 4, 1945, Martin will be wounded. This Sherman is stuck between two fallen trees and by the crowd that is massing to greet them.
    07:03 The n°36 "Dauphiné" at Toussus-le-Noble before its destruction. This Tank and other vehicules are crossing the airfield and its facilities trying to avoid bombs holes (partialy filled) of a previous heavy bombers air attack.
    07:25 Sherman M 4 A2 No. 29 "Maurienne" carrying an infantery patrol before entrering Toussus-le-Noble.
    08:40 A sherman is burning on the top of a hill. Probably the Sherman "Dauphiné".
    08:50 A "Rochambelle", a French volonteer Nurse from the Medic Team of 2nd DB under cover of a Jeep, and wounded private being help.
    09:05 Sherman M4 A2 "BARFLEUR" is burning after direct hit in the ditch of the road.
    .... And then Toussus-le Noble, delaying fights and the attempts to clear up the barricades quickly and that have considerably delayed them in their goal to Paris.

    • @jrt818
      @jrt818 5 років тому

      Nice to know these people are not forgotten anonymous images on film. I often wonder if the few surviving veterans or their families are aware that these images exist.

    • @sebastieneude8199
      @sebastieneude8199 3 роки тому

      Alors là,chapeau...Quand les images se synchronisent avec le savoir d'un pro de l'histoire,internet trouve enfin une reelle utilité..Merci et bravo!

  • @burlatsdemontaigne6147
    @burlatsdemontaigne6147 6 років тому +6

    Those French chicks had some crazy Barnets!

  • @tango6nf477
    @tango6nf477 2 роки тому +3

    There are lots of snide, sarcastic and downright offensive comments on different channels that relate to French military performance in WW2.. Early in the war it is true to say that performance was poor in many areas, mostly this was because of poor leadership at the high level, and poor training. Although France fielded a huge army, many were reservists who had received little training, and again they were poorly led.
    By 1944 the Free French forces that landed in France were well trained, led and equipped, they were also dedicated, determined and courageous. They were our valued and respected Allies and those who know no better should not make disrespectful comments. The males of my parents family were all in military service, some fought side by side with the French and they were proud to do so.
    It is a shame that the shambles of Brexit has led to so much animosity between our country and France, but we should not allow that to alter the facts of history.

  • @mitchellrose3620
    @mitchellrose3620 5 років тому +5

    The french welcomed the liberation. America will be like that in 2020. The world will join in. Americans will win yet again against an autocrat.

  • @ZuluLifesaBeech-
    @ZuluLifesaBeech- 4 роки тому

    Vive la France! 🇫🇷

  • @louislabouskie8488
    @louislabouskie8488 6 років тому

    Defeated country yesterday, today. 😥

  • @emiliomorterapiorno4961
    @emiliomorterapiorno4961 6 років тому +1

    This soldiers are republican Spain exiliated for the fascism...NO PASARAN!