Yknow, I was hesitant at first, but after watching the whole thing, I am absolutely STARVED for more. Frothing at the mouth. HUNGRY for JESUS. I decided to give up BUSSY after 25 years of marriage, and haven’t felt FULLER since😇🙏 thank you Jesus for FILLING ME UP. I praise GOD that I won’t BURN FOREVER😇🥺
@@iammeiamme9666 Hahaha no it does not Karen silly person. You are just another robot that believes what she is told, please spare me and you don't have to tell me you are not a Christian, that's pretty obvious.
@@iammeiamme9666 Please go troll somewhere else. I know the Bible far better than you do so your comment is quite a joke. The Bible is a love story. "For God So LOVED the world that He gave up His only beggotton son that whosoever believes in Him will not die but have everlasting life. ua-cam.com/video/YFA0LiEHlCk/v-deo.html
My husband was raised Mormon. He was baptized two years ago! We did it together. Me for the second time to reaffirm my relationship with God and Christ and to strengthen our relationship as a couple. So happy for you! God bless!!
We even as Christians fail to be sensitive, but God took the words right outta my mouth, I am not ashamed of the gospel, have been ashamed of myself though! But God knows that as we get older stuff that we do has become tasteless. The payoff of love is friendship! Amigo who didn't betray His ego. Jesus is Alive!
Wow! Thank you for putting this on UA-cam. May many Christians as well as seekers share this on Facebook, Tweet this, blog this, etc. May we remember to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor (everyone including homosexuals) as ourselves. God bless.
Amazing! I was really surprised about the length primarily and I had some concerns how it would be approached, but it was really done with love. Great work! Definitely sharing! GOD bless!! :D
awesome very good short movie... love cant stay silent so if you are a Christian speak the truth in love don't argue with people be patient, kind and ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you God bless you. thanks for your ministry ray.
Why are you Gay, there is plenty of evidence in the Bible that states that God is real, and homosexuality isn't going to make you happy in life. It states in the Bible that Sin is pleasurable for a short time but joy is pleasurable forever. I am not trying to attack your lifestyle or beliefs, but if you do not believe me, pray to God, and see how he speaks to you. If you are unsure of how to pray (which you may, i don't know) look up the Lord's prayer, which is the model prayer that Jesus prayed to teach us how to pray, it is just like speaking to God. If you keep on going back to, "this is going to make me happy", and you are let down because of temporary pleasure, Jesus can help you.
@@BeeBea_23 How would you feel if that's what God said to you asked if you could go to heaven? I am talking to you because I care about you, I want everyone to go to Heaven. In Genesis 1:27 it talks about how a man was meant for a women, and a women a man, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." It doesn't say anywhere in there that man was meant for man, in Romans 1:27 it says ,"Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." I care about you, this is why I am telling you about this. Think about it this way, if someone who had cancer found the cure for cancer while they had it they would use it for themselves, but wouldn't it be selfish if they didn't tell anyone about it? This is what Christians are supposed to do. So, whether you are a Christian or not, please think about if being gay is good or evil. If there is a slight bad feeling in the pit of your stomach, just think twice on how your actions affect your eternal future.
@James Suchard-Rees. Yes, you are right, its a made up book, made by God. He used humans to put HIS words down on a book because its was the only way back then to record his laws. It’s not that hard to believe that God has a book of instructions for his creators like its not hard to believe a coffee machine comes with a manual of instructions. How did he use people to write the book? Well, if we humans can create a tv remote that can change the colour of the tv, the volume, the channel and that we can write on the tv FROM A DISTANCE why be shocked that God the creator can inspire people to write. read the bible with a sincere heart and you will see the beauty of it.
Silvia Martins you are trying so hard to convince yourself that you believe it. You don’t believe it. I just hope that your underlying personal fears and problems that are making you hide behind delusions and fantasies of being ‘special’ are things that you work out, so you can lead a normal happy life.
And they say Christian movies can’t be good... 👏👏👏 Absolutely wonderful! I am struggling with homosexuality and this really paints a clearer picture for me. Thank you Living Waters!
Hang in there and know that we are all sinners, me too! Im an adulterous fornicator! Remember there are valleys and mountains. The valleys are dark and hard. God is there. It will feel like you’re alone but never forget. You’re not.
I’ve been dealing with homosexuality all my life. The confusion and pain began when I was molested several times. The truth was shown to me. I now know I was not born gay. I’m in a 13 year relationship and need to leave it because I don’t want to burn in the lake of fire. I must choose Jesus over carnal desires. It’s so hard. It’s a topic I think about daily. I also sense this urgency. Jesus saves me from alcoholism and meth addiction. It’s been 12 years. I have faith my story will be used as a testimonial to help others. Pray for me. Please
I'm so sorry that happened to you. Those feelings, emotions, and confusion are because someone else hurt you and deceived you. Please don't be deceived anymore and know that God loves you and wants you to have peace and joy. The Bible says Joy comes from: “God's presence” Psalm 16:11. “through believing” Romans 15:13. “in the Holy Spirit” Romans 14:17.
Darling, I'm so sorry. No one should have ever done that to you and no one should have ever told you the lie that the way you love is wrong. The Bible says that gender is spiritually irrelevant(Galatians 3:28), the Bible says that there is no law against love(Galatians 5:22-23) Don't let the mistranslations and the machinations of hate preachers keep you from the beautiful way that God made you. You are not farther from God because you love someone. It's okay, you're okay. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. (1 John 4:17-18) For the commandments say, “You must not commit adultery. You must not murder. You must not steal. You must not covet.” These-and other such commandments-are summed up in this one commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law.(Romans 13:8-10) God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.(Ephesians 1:5)
Awesome Movie!! Thank-You Father God, For Downloading This Movie To These People, So That They Could Spread Your Light, Among The People. Praise God!! And Thank-You All, For Your Obedience in This Project.
Sexual perversion and sexual immorality is addressed all over the Bible and God speaks against it. Why? Because sexual sin is a sin against ones own body. Lust is a sin. God destroyed Sodom and Gemorrah because of homosexuality. Homosexuality and other sexual immorality is bondage to sin. God desires to set us free from sin! Do you desire people to go to hell? God's Word sets the sinner free. Repent if you are a deceived believer and turn to Christ. Read Romans 1. Read Corinthians
There is no argument here, he's only comparing homosexuality to adultry and idolatry, and he could have followed up with "were you born straight?" just as easy.
Amábile e Héber It can be found here: store.livingwaters.com/downloads/video/love-cant-stay-silent-music-video-mp4.html or here: store.livingwaters.com/downloads/audio/love-cant-stay-silent-mp3.html and will also be free on UA-cam very soon.
Are you talking about the one in the hospital, and the guy came in, well I think they were in a live in relationship? Not sure so much has gone on since.
iT2Mi you probably are so religiously blinded that you cannot not watch a christian movie objectively. I found the elevator analogy quite shaming, implying that you will die, alt. burn in Hell. I also found the scene where it is implied that homosexuality is a choice. There is so much evidence now that it is not a choice. If you want me to present evidence, then I am willing to do so if we have a fact based discussion.
+statutesofthelord Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. It is a state. Not an action. And neither being gay nor having gay sex are wrong or hurtful. This movie is disgustingly bigoted.
statutesofthelord thank you for acknowledging that homosexuality is not a choice. I obviously agree that it is a choice if you have sex or not. The first issue is, assuming that you believe in the christian God, that they were created this way. The second issue is that people like you are denying these people closeness and love. If you have read the Bible, then you would know that only God is omniscient and that he is the ONLY judge. So people like you and Ray Comfort see yourselves as half gods, claiming that you fully understand the Bible and this gives you the right to judge. The pathetic thing is that you rectify your despicable behaviour, by claiming that you are only executing God's word. I hope you wake ip one day!
Awesome movie, if we truly care about people we will share the truth of the Gospel with them no matter how much they hate us or call us evil. Now that is the true love Jesus Christ calls us to, love for our enemies, and it can't stay silent.
Christians who hate gay people are not Christians. I used to be one of those but now that I'm a true born-again Christian I want to tell homosexuals about God. They are humans just like us and deserve both the mercy and truth from God. Thank you Ray for daringly speaking with people who are "different" from us so they don't have to die in hell
@MelodyKilmer-to5cr if you have the answer to be free from the condenation of death. Share it! That people need the truth in their lives, they need to know that the homosexuality it's a sin. And the sin leads us to hell. God bless you!
Hi I'm new to witnessing to people so bear with me, I'm really glad to hear that you want to have a discussion. Is their anything in particular you want to talk about? If so just reply, I'll pray for you meanwhile 💖
@@follilolli5648 Alot of the Christian morals from the Bible can coincide with humanitarian morals. Most of them that don't, Christians have given up, but not homosexuality. I'm not denying homosexual acts are condemned in the bible, but on what grounds did Christianity pick and choose?
@@jake8286 well as you know we Christian's believe in a higher being who is perfect, merciful and just. Yes many of the teaching do conside on what you call "humanitarian belifs"but we do not go by what men believe is right but what the Lord says is right. Psalm 146:3 says "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help." So don't put your trust in man or your judgment but in Christ lord you can find all answers. And what you said about Christians giving up when they are not able to vo concide with humanitarian morals can you give an example so I can better understand what you mean by that?
@@follilolli5648 Exodus 21 has instructions how to treat your slaves. Numbers has genocides completed at the power of God, including unborn children. Only the verified virgin girls were then taken as slaves. It's hard to understand some acts as good and perfect.
@@lynnewaugaman9695 because the God has said "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 1 Corinthians 6:9 ESV bible.com/bible/59/1co.6.9.ESV Because the Bible warns is about this, we definately do care.
@@ITPalGame Up to a point, but come one day when the AntiChrist comes, he will turn the world into a "cashless society" and replace it with a computer chip embedded into the skin of the right hand or on the forehead. "It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name." Rev 13:16-17 Without the mark, you cannot buy anything, nor sell anything. Cannot own or rent homes, cannot buy groceries, cannot live and breathe freedom without it. That day is coming soon.
Hate to say this but why does paying in "cash" matter when it's simply a promissory note with absolutely no value except in trust to all these satanic governments? All these currencies have some pagan/satanic symbology printed upon them, it's actually a form of sigil magic... reminds of how the bible says the following: 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. In the past money actually had value, sadly things are traded where one item has actual value and the other a vague promise of value.
@@MrWirelesscaller How is cash a promissory note? It is a guaranteed fund that has face value. A promissory note would be a personal cheque. You promise the money is in the account.
@@dillydally19 Read about the Nixon Shock, Fiat money and the petrodollar and then you will understand why there is always war in the Middle East and how the US manipulate the world. But anycase: A banknote is a negotiable promissory note, which a bank can issue. A banknote is payable to the bearer on demand, and the amount payable is apparent on the face of the note. Banknotes are considered legal tender; along with coins, they make up the bearer forms of all modern money.
I love this so much! Praise God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit! Forever and ever! Amen. May His peace and grace and Spirit flow within you. Amen.
Or... that book is the Word of the creator of the universe and is the greatest gift to mankind, second only to the greatest act of love in the history of the universe in Jesus' substitutionary atonement for our sins. Putting the moral standards of the Bible aside, all we are left with are the ever changing standards set by anyone and everyone. Think of the lists of people who fall into that category. The ones with the greatest influence in setting manmade morals seem to be those in positions of political power, entertainment and corporation leaders as well as false teachers in religion, too. We shall know them by their fruits. I had to set my pride aside and then put considerable time and effort into reading the Word of God before all the pieces came together perfectly. What would you have to lose by giving it a try? You can always go back to calling your own shots, although I don't recommend that... been there, done that and it almost ended in tragedy.
@@davekpghpa sounds like you just have a low iq, I left your toxic religion a decade ago and my life have improved so much. Funny enough it was your poorly written book that made me realize how much of a joke your beliefs are
I love how this movie really portrays the good christian lifestyle that is unanimous with cutting out any ounce of dissenting ideals. good work living waters, you really make the pain and suffering that members of the lgbtqia community have experienced and continue to experience all about you.
So glad I found someone else who believes like me in these comments. This kind of rhetoric is the kind of thing that gets people in the lgbtqia community killed or tortured
@@LunaMoth_Love I first watched this movie when it came out. There were a lot of things that were going on in my life, and I had felt so guilty for so long about being myself. I decided to revisit this movie now, five years later, sitting in my college dorm, and am appalled at what is going on. I'm not even 15 minutes in and am already revolted. The fact of the matter is this. The film is propaganda on how to indoctrinate those you vilify. I will try to finish as much as I can, but it is becoming increasingly frustrating to do so.
@@aaronjohnson1763 I have a feeling if I came across this video when I was in high school, I would have been very influenced by it. I was growing up in a small town where anything that wasn't "normal" was looked down on. I left that town and I was able to find myself amd who I am. Movies like this are so detrimental to so many people
@@LunaMoth_Love we true Christians look dangerous like the man speaking foreign language to the lady, trying to save her from the train, I pray that you eventually understand true Christians love people from the lgtbqia community and are only trying to help save you by preaching the truth to you. we should all hate sin and not the sinner
@@hinnies1 the problem is, people have made their sin into their identity. So to them, it's not possible for you to hate their sin without hating them.
Thanks living waters this movie rocked, it has helped me alot i wont be so afraid wen telling people about Jesus anymore God bless love you all:), every single one:)!
"And gradually, though no one remembers exactly how it happened, the unthinkable becomes tolerable. And then acceptable. And then legal. And then applaudable." -Joni Eareckson Tada
Emeal... I am so impressed, I used to do a lot of witnessing at corner cafe,s. Etc... I was on fire... things have changed , my wife hasn't loved me for 25 years, my sons parachute didn't open, broke our hearts. We are still here together by a thread and because I love her so much.. I collapsed on air on radio, haven't worked for 25 yrs... but I still do friendship evangelism.... thank you for the amazing ways to become more effective... I would love to get some videos... thank you a million...
Lmao I came here from the TikTok Crazy Christian Movie review to see this homophobic trash get ripped apart in the comments... saw that for sure but also a depressing number of people unapologetically praising it jfc
Well, it is on Ray Comfort's own channel, where we'd expect the highest concentration of favourable comments. So perhaps we can take comfort - no pun intended - from the fact that so many commenters here see this prejudiced trash for what it is.
One thing I dislike about comfort's argument, is that he alters people's phrasing. "Have you ever stole anything in your life?" does not equal "are you a thief?" If you do not see why this is wrong, lets use another example. "Have you ever been hungry?" is obviously different than "Are you hungry, now?"
+Green Djinn Hmmm. if I murdered someone 30 years ago, am I no longer a murderer? Ray is right. If you have stolen, you are a thief, and that is how a perfect judge will see you. There is no statute of limitations on criminal prosecutions, and Ray is only sharing, in love, that God does not overlook your sins just because they were a long time ago, of because "you're a much better person now" or because you've done a lot of good things to make up for it. The only way to be forgiven is by turning from your sin and accepting that Christ died for you. To trust fully in His sacrifice for your salvation is the only way to be saved from death.
Traci Narkewicz Ray says "You just told me that you're a thief." That's present tense. Now, I grant you that we consider a murderer, or rapist, and often yes thieves, as such long after the fact. But these are when somebody does something major. The majority of these thefts were probably when these people were children. They just simply didn't have the capacity to truly know better. I don't think anyone would consider an adult a thief, because they one time stole another kid's pencil in the 2nd grade. I do not accept that a perfect judge would sentence a person to an eternity burning in hell fire for stealing stealing that pencil, either.
+Traci Narkewicz So, you are saying that all proper judges around the world would give someone who stole a snackbar the same sentence as someone who robbed a bank? Do you even think? Also, you're saying that no matter if you have helped millions of people after stealing a snackbar, you will be judged as a worse person than someone who robbed a bank and just accepted Jesus? Tell me how that is not a tactic to make people join christianity out of fear.
I'm sorry, MS. Poison, but really I'm not saying anything, nor is Ray. We're telling you what God said through his word. Neither of us gain in any way by you "joining Christianity" except in the knowledge that one less person will be spending eternity in torment. Whether it's fear, or conscience, or despair, or love that motivates you to seek Christ we don't care as long as you seek him. Generally speaking however, those who repent after realizing that they have sin that can not be forgiven in any other way make the most meaningful and long lasting conversions. And we want you to be saved. From death, and from the bondage to sin that non-believers feel. Once we've accepted Christ it becomes easier to do good and harder to sin. Describing that freedom is like trying to explain the taste of honey. I could try, but you have to experience it yourself to fully grasp it. I hope you will :)
Traci Narkewicz I get you, and that's a very beautiful thing to say. However, I think nobody should be told they're going to hell because of something that causes no harm. You have your path, and I have mine. I respect yours as long as you don't intrude into people's lives and as long as you leave religion out when it's not wanted. I'm okay with telling someone you know, and are aware of how they'll accept it, that you think their ways will send them to hell, but don't try to change someone's path for the sake of your beliefs without knowing theirs. My path doesn't include worship, and it never has. It has always been just me and something I can't pinpoint exactly. I have tried letting Christ into my heart, but I realized it's not for me. It never has, and it never will be. You can confuse someone not as stubborn as me very badly if you "help" them in your way, because it will never make them feel what you are feeling. For me, the God you feel close to is something without a face, name, or even certain association with anything. I don't know if you get what I am trying to say, because I don't think I could ever explain properly. It's something I communicate with that's like nothing and everything at the same time. I don't associate it with good or bad, nor do I think it thinks anything of me, and I do not think anything of it. I'm just grateful it exists. I have no idea if it's your God, a Buddha, a guardian angel, me myself in a way, or some deity that decided to help me, yet it is all of these. I wouldn't be surprised no matter what it turns out to be, if I ever do find out. It's this blur I know interacts with me, and in a way, we are one. After years, I know it's all I need, and no matter what I've tried, nothing else feels right to me, no matter how good it started out. The human mind is a complex thing. Love people around you, but do not give unwanted help.
Thank you for the video. I love watching these kinds of videos. I'm a sinner but each day the lord gives me I try harder so that I stay on the path God has given me. God bless you all that watched the video
A good sign of a " christian" is one who doesnt fight unless its a direct threat to ones life or someone elses life, from harm/death of anothers intent to bring to reality, but, never attacking anyone, as it only leads to becoming the very thing you are against, and dont want to come out of anything you may be thrust into at any given moment . The calm and peaceful mindset of the true Christian heart is when they realize that fear leaves the mind body and soul and a peace like no peace one ever felt before overcomes them and they realize death leads to Home,..... where we come from,...... w/GOD and Jesus and the Holy Spirit and all the Angelic Hosts of Heaven's Home . Great Movies !
@QuestionEverything hi love the name. I just wanted to say while I agree that a good sign of a believer is being against aggression and violence. We should all strive to that overwhelming knowing of Shalom (peace) in God like no other. Though we are to be bold in his Word. We are also told to look for the fruits of a person spiritually and in there actions. The last thing was you stated that death leads to home... heaven. While that is ultimately the destination and being with God. Biblical nobody (human) is in heaven yet only God and our Messiah at his right hand and the heavenly hosts are. As this movie points out, we should say the truth when it's needed. So this false idea/doctrine that everyone is already in heaven looking down goes directly against scripture and our Messiah's own word's. Furthermore eventually heaven will be what comes down to earth in the end. I can't wait for that day! May you be blessed and let iron sharpen iron.
@@vivianbrown2477 If we do not go to heaven, then where do believers go when they die? Read Luke 23:42 and 43. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise. Luke 23:42-43 KJV
You might want to reprocess that thought; if someone who has not the holy but the evil spirit in them and personally comes after you for no reason other than they are evil, I do believe in self preservation as much as I do believe in God .... evil is in no way reasonable so it can't be reasoned with
God Loves the sinner but hates the sin. If a gay person dies in his will go to hell but if he repents believes in Jesus(walking in obedience ) he will make it to heaven. it is not the will of God for anyone to perish but to have eternal life.
@@ericsiwy7809The idea that God loves the sinner but hates the sin, is not true: "The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity." (Psalm 5: 5) God hates people for committing sin and also loves people because of Christ. God can only love people when He sees the finished work of Christ, that covers their sins. Because God is love, He offers salvation to all people, for His name's sake, and for His glory, not that there is anything good in us. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3: 16) However, we must NOT forget (what so many people want to skip) is that in that same chapter, it is also written: "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned ALREADY, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." And: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." Conclusion: God is love, therefore He must hate the sinner. If you love babies, you must hate abortion. If you sincerely love good, you must sincerely hate evil. Since God is good, he must hate evil, and therefore those who do evil. If not, I ask, would Hitler go to heaven then? Surely such a wicked man deserves hell. Gods standard for good (moral excellence) is so high, that He will not only punish the most wicked and sinful persons, but all sinful persons, because He is a righteous Judge. Only those who have been saved by the blood of Christ are saved from the wrath of God. To be saved, by the way, does not mean to pray a prayer and lift up your hand: "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." (1 John 2: 4) Its a long answer. Hope it is helpfull. God bless you
Tom _dB hey Tom... have a few issues with your response but, I’ll stick to my original comment. God said Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated. He said He hated Esau not his sin specifically...
@@ericsiwy7809 Hi Eric, that is exactly what I meant to say, that you are right: this verse speaks about election (think of Romans 9), and simply states that God chose Jacob, an rejected Esau. The reason why God would hate or damn someone, is because of sin: "for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3). God said to Moses: "I shall have compassion on whom I shall have compassion." The doctrine of election is found in texts like Romans 9.
I got a friend her name is Anne and she is a atheist I've been sharing with her the gospel uncountable times and she always rejects it please pray for her let her eyes be opened and that she may be brought to the Lord please help me pray for this soul ;-; God bless you all, Thank you Jesus for what you are going to do in her life.
I said a prayer for your friend ❤ I also have a friend who is very much in the world, however she claims to be a Christian and believes she’ll make it to heaven. I have been shying away from sharing the gospel because she comes off very strong, but I’ve made up my mind to directly confront her and her false sense of salvation. I pray that I’m able to be gentle while giving her this truth while also not shying from difficult topics. Please pray for me as well :)
@@liz-uf9zi i will gladly pray for her, im just looking for something to pray about and im looking for more because i love everybody and cause i can grow faster in God by practicing prayer life. God bless you i love ya all
@@toe.snatcher94 Not your friend. Why even bother commanding me how to talk with my friend? who are you to tell me what to do in our friendship? We prayed for her because we want the best for her and we believe that our prayers are heard. She herself said she appriciates the fact that we prayed for her and that goes to show that we really do care about her. Look at your own life instead of commanding others how to live.
Calling all Christians to be bold in your faith and remember that the God that created all the heavens and the earth and all the angels in heaven are with you and stand behind you and to remember the world is dying. My New Years resolution is to plant as many seeds as possible and pray that the Lord Jesus blesses those seeds with water and makes them grow to bear fruit. Not of works lest any man should boast but by the power of his spirit and by the grace of God above because of the blood of Jesus.
Good movie! We as Christians have to be bold and warn others of the reality of the eternal punishment for sin. Some people want change and they're waiting for someone who really cares to show them how. Others don't want change and all we can do is pray for them and ask God to draw them back to Him.
What a wonderful movie about Loving others and God's love and how we should share it. Thank you for sharing this movie with everybody. I shared it to my fb page and will share on my other fb pages. God bless you
Thank you SO MUCH. I have been trying to find content to help me reach my "old community" I used to be lesbian, then when I got married to a Woman she and influences got me to the point of being transgender and taking testosterone. I am so thankful Jesus carried me home 8 months in the transition. and now I am a year and a half de transitioned, separated from my then wife for the same amount of time and soon to be divorced(finances are my stumbling block) I have since then got baptized and I truly am a new creation. i never wanted to be trans and I feel like satan stole alot from me. I am still recovering im so thankful i had no surgeries. but I also know fod breaks a person before he can use them and I believe that is my case. i feel called to help combat this evil deception ESPECIALLY against children. it is child abuse and it is sickening. anyway ill stop my rant, just know you helped equip one of gods love soldiers for this specific person demographic .. GOD BLESS YOU LONI
Wonderful Loni, may the Lord Jesus continue to Bless and Keep you close. I was living a gay lifestyle for 20 years and God rescued me out of it...I'm such a different person now....truly free and I can see clearly now. God Bless and Keep you and see you in Heaven!
What a powerful teaching presentation. I finally walked away from this lifestyle and I'm so grateful that God didn't give up on me! Will be sharing this 💜🙏
The base message is that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that any who call upon Him may be saved. Any who call upon Him for real.
@mineben256 communities that are highly Christian generally have higher STD rates, unplanned/teen pregnancies, and similar divorce rates. Abstinence only sex education leads to less condom use, not less sex. Shaming previous sexual acts leads to lying about one's past to new partners and not taking STD tests. Next note, if a relationship doesn't lead to procreation, it is immoral? I can still adopt. Two loving dads is a lot better than growing up in a foster home, in the streets, or in a abusive home. Yes, gay sex does pose a mildly higher risk of STDs, but wearing protection or being in a monogamous relationship and reduce and eliminate the risks.
Any anti-gay video, no matter how shrouded in "coolness" and "kindness" is not fair. It's hate and vitriol hidden behind a facade. If gay is as bad as any other sin why not constantly try to tell people who divorce about their sin? Because you're homophobic. Pure and simple. Unlike this.
lindsay kriz Christians discourage any sin. Homosexuality and divorce are both pretty prevalent in our current world. We aren’t trying to judge. That’s not our place. We try to say everything out of love.
Yeah, it lied about the the meaning of the Greek words and the word homosexual was invented in the mid 19th century. The concept didn't exist in the Ancient Mediterranean because the Romans had a different idea of sexuality. Of the actual Greek words in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 the first refers to temple prostitutes and the second has no known meaning. I also notice that they didn't have any explanation for why shellfish is okay, which is weird because there's a very simple explanation. People are pitching their tent on homosexuality like it's the hill they're gonna die on. It's silly and it's not biblical.
pastor brian gods is the way the truth and the life if a rapist likes to rape people thats his truth but the truth that never changes and is real is gods truth
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” - John 15:16
"A selfless act of courage from an apparent enemy who turns out to be a freind" this is by far the best line!! its subliminally saying; most of us think God is the enemy because he warns us about living in sin. Alot of us are self deceptive about are sinful ways because of past experiences in are life.. but sin can cause the end of the existence for us and our souls. He obviously doesn't want that to happen... Thats why he gave us his word(Jesus christ) like a true freind so we may not perish but repent and turn away from sin... Only then are we able to earn everlasting life. Thank you🙏 Jesús of Nazareth 💖 great movie by the way 👏 👌
greetings from australia eternity will reveal the truth ray shares the truth in love i needed my sins forgiven too fornication lying stealing just to skim the surface , i once worked out that i had broken 9 out 10 commandments i came from catholic background and had my life changed by gospel 34 years ago I'm still hanging on to jesus who hung for me ,like the christmas story tells unto us the savior was born he came looking for us the lost. he paid a debt we couldn't pay.eternity will reveal those who received and those who where decieved god bless may you come to the knowledge and reality of what jesus has done for all of us .
What Commandment do you think you haven't broken, I bet it was broken in at least the spiritual intent. In breaking even one Commandment we've broken all of them.
RPG 808 The point was that “the Christmas story “ tells of Jesus’ birth and he came to redeem mankind. Also, her point about the 10 commandments was she knew she was a sinner because she had broken so many of them.
@RPG 808 Christmas when you break it down means Christ Celebration. Celebrating the birth of Christ Jesus. The world has however taken Jesus out of Christmas and instead turned it into a sad lie that's told to all children. And Easter is about the resurrection of Jesus, and good Friday which is 3 days before Easter is about the crucifixion and death of Jesus. But yet again, the world has taken the actual meaning of easter and made it about eggs and a bunny.
Hey Kenny, Sorry to say but I don't see any course of bigotry in the movie. It's just that we are really different with different views and that is how you’d rate it. Audacity might change your view on Gay issue if YOU allow, although it hasn’t say any discriminating things against people who are gays or claimed born-gay. Its story is Bible based, because the Bible never accounted that Jehovah created Adam and then another copy of Adam again. He created another being different from Adam, whom Adam named Eve (Woman). I am sorry if I’ve sounded judicious or somehow annoying, but thanks for questioning!
Peter Rowney No I don't think our savior would be like any of us here because we're all sinners. Some saved by Grace and others headed to damnation forever. But Ray Comforts film does share the Gospel of Christ and I thank the Lord for his love for others. I do pray for all of us who share the Gospel, for Christ's love and will be in us. May Jesus bless you Peter.
Simon burns I hope you find faith and kindness in Jesus. God bless you and all others who hate Christians. I am sorry if there was a person who claimed to be Christian and did you wrong. Some of us are honest Christ filled people. God bless
pastor brian this wasnt CNN or the nightly news. i think you must have gotten confused? God is good,alll the time my friend. your name is Pastor Bryan but yet you say the movie is lies. help me to understand why you feel this way. ???😇🙏
@@cathyt144 He feels that way because he has committed one of the sins Ray Comfort was talking about: idolatry. Making a false image of God for himself. Yeah for all his talk about homophobia, which the Bible does not talk about, he is very phobic to Christ. Christ has given many warnings to those who reject the scriptures and reject his words, but I'm sure you already know that, Cathy.
If 90+% of the views came from an atheistic source, then the math shows that only about 10% of those who they directed here, clicked the thumbs down button. Not bad. Seems the message must have hit home. Thanks for the encouragement!
Strugglebus Art the simple fact that many more people like the film than dislike doesn't match your supposed data. There isn't much to pick apart anyway, the message of this film isn't a complex one.
Hillary 2016 it hit home for many people I know. It may not be a large quantity but I find it to reflect many of the same sentiment. SNL is designed for entertainment, this film is more for Christians that haven't a clue how to relate to such a sensitive issue. I for one, don't question the sincerity of many within the LGBT, I used to work a full-time job in West Hollywood. Where the value of this film lies is that it demonstrates that many more Christians are motivated by love rather than hate. I find that to be very true.
Dante Olivier Walters Bored, Dante? This is why your opinion is your opinion ... because its your opinion. I thought the movie was fine. Lemme guess ... you aren't a follower of Christ; you're either homosexual or a sympathizer, you subscribe to new age or new world philosophy, Jesus isn't your favorite character, you're self-elevated and arrogant which breeds cynicism, and consider yourself above select others, while loneliness and insecurity are never far enough away. Were you aware that you've revealed your weaknesses and emptiness? Genuine, sincere followers of Christ - are doing what Christ has commissioned them to do, out of love for Him. Jesus doesn't expect perfection from errant, fallible human beings who follow Him. But He is overjoyed to have their love and loyalty, as they work to serve HIS causes. When you have no understanding or mercy for all others, you are outside the perimeters of understanding and mercy for yourself.
+MegaNene777 I understand that you guys are worried that people who are attracted to the opposite gender are moving towards a cliff (metaphorically), but if you realize that the cliff you've been told about isn't really there, you realize how dumb this is, and how intolerant you seem to those you're calling immoral.
Acharich Speaks Well, give me *one* piece of actual and reliable evidence or a good argument to believe it is there. I have yet to receive one, and I've been looking for several years.
This was pretty good! Most films such as this one come across as cheesy or have actors that are so terrible that it makes the movie difficult to watch which causes the message to be missed. I will be watching others 😊
This really hit my heart! Thank you🙏 my brother-in-law is gay. If anyone would be willing, I need prayer to help me talk to him and his partner. Thank you!
Ask the Lord to guide you in your attempt to tell them the gospel of Jesus Christ he died for our sins and he loves us and everyone should repent of any sin that they are doing.
Yes... the Lord says my sheep hear my voice. If you're struggling with homosexuality and you came on here to find a sort of encouragement and strengthen in faith. Know that God is walking with u through this process and soon YOUR testimony will help many. Follow your convictions from the Holy Spirit and keep digging no matter what. You aren't crazy and u aren't alone. You can and will be free. Stay focus in Jesus Mighty name! Love you ❤️ God Bless!
Jake Pearson the flesh is temporary the spirit is eternal what you do in the flesh will reflect your spirit and it takes people who care to show you the way
@@Armedestroy There is no evidence of "spirit". And it takes someone who cares to tell me I'm going to hell for what I am when I don't cause harm to others from that action? It takes a god who loves to make me this way and say I can't hold someone the same way a straight man can or I get sent to hell? Eternal damnation... ETERNAL! You can preach love all you want but that's not love.
Jake Pearson love is showing you care for someone if you see your friend cutting themselves and you try to help them to stop does that make you a hater no it shows that you love them so much you have the guts to ask them to stop
Jake Pearson and no evidence of the spirit there is evidence of the spirit its a conscious it tells you right from wrong and the electrical signals in your brain do not just appear from nothing, nothing does not create something something has to create something
Gay is like, happy. Anger is like, sadness. Now, if you have chosen to sin, fornicate, lust, your better off, and you'd treat yourself better, by not making that self-destructive choice. Just as not choosing to have sex before marriage, committing Adultery, watching Pornography, not doing drugs, not stealing.
I'm pretty certain just because you say people can't review the movie without breaking copyright laws doesn't make it true, so it wasn't too bright filing a DMCA on something covered under fair use. Can I talk about this movie to my friends or is Ray Comfort going to jump out of a bush waiving a cease and desist notice?
***** It was made to appeal to gullible homophobes so that Ray can sell his merchandise. If you step out of your bubble and view it from an outside perspective it should become pretty obvious to you.
Acharich Speaks Well, they are afraid of the sexual orientation, since they believe it's choice of lifestyle that can be spread, and that it'll land you an eternity in hell if you "adopt" that "lifestyle". So yeah, if not directly afraid of the homosexuals, they seem to certainly be afraid of their sexual orientation. Of course in reality it is not a choice, but rather part of your genetic code and your identity, so being afraid of homosexuality is practically the same as being afraid of homosexuals. It's like saying "I'm not afraid of black people, only dark skin. If only they could change their genes and make their skin lighter, everything would be dandy".
It is sad to see people going around saying that there are more than 2 genders. It is quite literally shamelessly mocking God and how he designed us. Don't go around saying that God isnt real, because the entire universe, the way everything interacts with each other and the laws of physics literally could not exist without him. You pretend he is not real because you do not want to give up your sins.
@@za0n282 They never said that. If there are more than 2 genders, then God made those genders too, didn’t he? The Bible may be called the Word ofGod, but it was not written by God. Maybe Jesus knew people that were a gender other than male or female.
Wow. That scene with the gay couple in the restaurant was so shallow and cringe worthy. Shame on whoever made this movie. No matter what you think about gay people, at least show the courtesy of portraying them more than some cardboard cutouts for ideological convenience.
@@teresawicks-kq3bq what if there is no hell and this is the only life we have. Isn't that even more of a reason to love life and be a better person and not live a wicked life?
Well, since denying God is a sin, of course we sin more in the context of the bible. But statistics show atheists are about 0.1% of the US jail population. Athiest majority countries have less crime and higher life satisfaction.
@@dustinpardo29 EASY, only modern bibles use the word homosexual, as ancient greek had no word for it so its been added in, need proof? Check an OLD KJV and see this words vanished.......its not in the origional text!
from this movie i realised that we born into sin. because of sin, we can do anything we want. with sin in us, we have tendency to sin. but sin seperate us from god. we are temple of god. without god we are cursed. cursed with sickness, disease,disappointment, depression and other imperfections. if we please god, god can lead our way. god can separate any red sea in our life. amen. i am a sinner and i searched for many years why we sin even though we know sin is wrong. thanks living waters for your wonderful enlightenment!!
Seriously what I've just watched? So according to Ray Comfort homosexualy is equal to adultery and fornication? Umm guess straight people aren't attracted to those things. For me, all human being, not matter your sexuality, have their flaws...and also virtues :)
@styloetpapier styloetpapier except they don't; multiple sins can be forgiven, except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (i don't remember the passage but I remember I saw it somewhere). Even if you confront God, one day He can forgive you, but not if it is the Holy Spirit. This sin isn't equal to others. (If you can prove me wrong in a respectful manner, please do; I love debates and would reconsider my point of view if your response is conviecing 😄)
This is PAINFUL. But I would really really really want to see the unedited version of those question and answer videos. If it's anything like Ray's previous videos I would lay money that they have been re-edited to completely misconstrue peoples words.
So the message is, gays should stop being gay? Or they should just believe that what they are is wrong and bad? Wow, so helpful. I wonder how that scenario with the gay couple would play out after the dinner at Tino's.
Well, you don't have to have sexual encounters with the opposite sex (the sex you're not attracted to) You can have that person as a companion or close friend instead. You never know, maybe with time your feelings can change for that person. If you are tempted by the same sex, its not a sin but if you act on it (through thought, word and deed) then you have sinned against God and yourself. People are often attracted to things that make them feel good but isnt good for them. Should we live by our feelings or by what we know to be right or wrong?
@@ronaldbrooks2331 Maybe your attraction to that lifestyle will never change (But I doubt that, as I have seen God do amazing things in the lives of those who surrender to Him. He can give us a new heart with new godly desires if we truly desire it) but you are responsible for your actions. If you know that being with a man is wrong but have no attraction to women, then dont be with any of them, simple. Live for God not for another human, whether that be a man or woman. God has a much more greater plan for your life than "intimate relationships".
+Peter Rowney Hi there, Peter. The truth of the matter is that God loves you - so much so that He sent His ONLY Son, Jesus Christ to pay the price for ALL of our (humanity) sins. We are ALL sinners and deserve the penalty of sin, which is death (separation from God - for all of eternity) according to Romans 3:23. But Christ came on earth to save ALL sinners. God's will is that none of us would perish and be separated from Him but he doesn't force us either. We have a choice (free will). The bible states in 1 Corinthians 6:9 - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And to answer your question: I have shared my views with a few who practice and are apologist for homosexual lifestyle. But Ultimately, the free gift that Christ offers is yours and theirs to make.
+simon burns Hi Simon, the Bible does not say God supports slavery. In fact, the slavery described in the Old Testament was quite different from the kind of slavery we think of today - in which people are captured and sold as slaves. According to Old Testament law, anyone caught selling another person into slavery was to be executed. He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death." (Exodus 21:16).
Yknow, I was hesitant at first, but after watching the whole thing, I am absolutely STARVED for more. Frothing at the mouth. HUNGRY for JESUS.
I decided to give up BUSSY after 25 years of marriage, and haven’t felt FULLER since😇🙏 thank you Jesus for FILLING ME UP. I praise GOD that I won’t BURN FOREVER😇🥺
Congrats to you for getting to the *bottom* of your emotional yearning ❤
JESUS SAID: ""If the world hates you (Christians), remember it hated me first." John 15:18
@@iammeiamme9666 Go read your Bible Karen. Saying what the Bible teaches is not hate and i doubt there are many people who dont know who Jesus was.
@@iammeiamme9666 Hahaha no it does not Karen silly person. You are just another robot that believes what she is told, please spare me and you don't have to tell me you are not a Christian, that's pretty obvious.
@@iammeiamme9666 Please go troll somewhere else. I know the Bible far better than you do so your comment is quite a joke. The Bible is a love story. "For God So LOVED the world that He gave up His only beggotton son that whosoever believes in Him will not die but have everlasting life. ua-cam.com/video/YFA0LiEHlCk/v-deo.html
@Bob Gnisir durr. You're smart bob.
I'm learning a lot from this ministry, I used to be a Mormon, not anymore! Thanks!
Elaine Lewis glory to God
Praise God
Do you watch "Apologia studios"?
My husband was raised Mormon. He was baptized two years ago! We did it together. Me for the second time to reaffirm my relationship with God and Christ and to strengthen our relationship as a couple. So happy for you! God bless!!
We even as Christians fail to be sensitive, but God took the words right outta my mouth, I am not ashamed of the gospel, have been ashamed of myself though! But God knows that as we get older stuff that we do has become tasteless. The payoff of love is friendship! Amigo who didn't betray His ego. Jesus is Alive!
i am not ashamed of the gospel but i have been ashamed of myself indeed!
You should be ashamed that you are complicit to eons of historical clergy abuse
Renouncing my lesbianism, your arguments are just too convincing...
EDIT: Since so many of you don't get the joke. I am being facetious.
Rachael Doom, Praise Jesus, with all your heart, & all your might. Believe, & Trust that he's got you in his arms hugging you for this!
praying for you Rachel. May the fear of the Lord reign in your heart and his truth shine in you always.
People, I'm quite sure this is sarcasm.
Thank you for giving it a watch friend. God bless.
Wow! Thank you for putting this on UA-cam. May many Christians as well as seekers share this on Facebook, Tweet this, blog this, etc. May we remember to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor (everyone including homosexuals) as ourselves. God bless.
Yes, by letting people into a elevator that kills them
Amazing! I was really surprised about the length primarily and I had some concerns how it would be approached, but it was really done with love. Great work! Definitely sharing! GOD bless!! :D
HELP! I just read your comment now I’m straight!
Congratulations 👏🏳️🌈🌈
You are a shame
The love of Jesus Christ is about salvation, freedom from what His gospel calls an ABOMINATION...so watch it again and think on these things....
I am praying for your Help...
awesome very good short movie... love cant stay silent so if you are a Christian speak the truth in love don't argue with people be patient, kind and ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you God bless you. thanks for your ministry ray.
The plot twist for the start really got me. But I was watching the whole entire movie just to want to see what actually happens and it surprises me.
I wasn't expecting it so it made me scream XD. I laughed after though...
Used to be straight then I watched this movie and it turned me gay, thank you. 🏳️🌈👍
Why are you Gay, there is plenty of evidence in the Bible that states that God is real, and homosexuality isn't going to make you happy in life. It states in the Bible that Sin is pleasurable for a short time but joy is pleasurable forever. I am not trying to attack your lifestyle or beliefs, but if you do not believe me, pray to God, and see how he speaks to you. If you are unsure of how to pray (which you may, i don't know) look up the Lord's prayer, which is the model prayer that Jesus prayed to teach us how to pray, it is just like speaking to God. If you keep on going back to, "this is going to make me happy", and you are let down because of temporary pleasure, Jesus can help you.
@@ocarinafluent Womp Womp bestie 🤫🧏🏼♀️🫶🏳️🌈
@@BeeBea_23 How would you feel if that's what God said to you asked if you could go to heaven? I am talking to you because I care about you, I want everyone to go to Heaven. In Genesis 1:27 it talks about how a man was meant for a women, and a women a man, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." It doesn't say anywhere in there that man was meant for man, in Romans 1:27 it says ,"Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due."
I care about you, this is why I am telling you about this. Think about it this way, if someone who had cancer found the cure for cancer while they had it they would use it for themselves, but wouldn't it be selfish if they didn't tell anyone about it? This is what Christians are supposed to do. So, whether you are a Christian or not, please think about if being gay is good or evil. If there is a slight bad feeling in the pit of your stomach, just think twice on how your actions affect your eternal future.
Thank you Jesus for giving your life for a chance to start over, & be with you when we pass from this life !
Drugs clearly?
Dan Max well he speaks to me. You are misguided and clearly Satan is who you speak to. I will pray for you, it is my gift to you.
@@jamessuchard-rees3039, what did you mean by your reply?
James Suchard-Rees does he now
"Love can not stay silent" POWERFUL. All about the act of salvation on the cross.
You do know it is a made up book right? Please tell me you are not serious?
Jesus loves you and does not want you to perish. Please open the book that you call fake and find the truth. Trust me you’ll be shocked.
@James Suchard-Rees. Yes, you are right, its a made up book, made by God. He used humans to put HIS words down on a book because its was the only way back then to record his laws. It’s not that hard to believe that God has a book of instructions for his creators like its not hard to believe a coffee machine comes with a manual of instructions. How did he use people to write the book? Well, if we humans can create a tv remote that can change the colour of the tv, the volume, the channel and that we can write on the tv FROM A DISTANCE why be shocked that God the creator can inspire people to write. read the bible with a sincere heart and you will see the beauty of it.
Silvia Martins you are clearly insane.
Silvia Martins you are trying so hard to convince yourself that you believe it. You don’t believe it. I just hope that your underlying personal fears and problems that are making you hide behind delusions and fantasies of being ‘special’ are things that you work out, so you can lead a normal happy life.
And they say Christian movies can’t be good... 👏👏👏 Absolutely wonderful! I am struggling with homosexuality and this really paints a clearer picture for me. Thank you Living Waters!
Christmas Magic is a good movie also.
Hang in there and know that we are all sinners, me too! Im an adulterous fornicator! Remember there are valleys and mountains. The valleys are dark and hard. God is there. It will feel like you’re alone but never forget. You’re not.
Homosexuality should not be a struggle. It’s natural, it’s fine, and it’s not a sin. Just be who you are and love who you love.
I was thinking the same thing! It could literally be an amazing series! I didn't want it to end haha. God bless yall
I’m convinced these praise comments are bots
I’ve been dealing with homosexuality all my life. The confusion and pain began when I was molested several times. The truth was shown to me. I now know I was not born gay. I’m in a 13 year relationship and need to leave it because I don’t want to burn in the lake of fire. I must choose Jesus over carnal desires. It’s so hard. It’s a topic I think about daily. I also sense this urgency. Jesus saves me from alcoholism and meth addiction. It’s been 12 years. I have faith my story will be used as a testimonial to help others. Pray for me. Please
Praying for you 🙏
Praying for you.
I'm so sorry that happened to you. Those feelings, emotions, and confusion are because someone else hurt you and deceived you. Please don't be deceived anymore and know that God loves you and wants you to have peace and joy. The Bible says Joy comes from: “God's presence” Psalm 16:11. “through believing” Romans 15:13. “in the Holy Spirit” Romans 14:17.
Darling, I'm so sorry.
No one should have ever done that to you and no one should have ever told you the lie that the way you love is wrong.
The Bible says that gender is spiritually irrelevant(Galatians 3:28), the Bible says that there is no law against love(Galatians 5:22-23)
Don't let the mistranslations and the machinations of hate preachers keep you from the beautiful way that God made you.
You are not farther from God because you love someone.
It's okay, you're okay.
And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. (1 John 4:17-18)
For the commandments say, “You must not commit adultery. You must not murder. You must not steal. You must not covet.” These-and other such commandments-are summed up in this one commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no wrong to others, so love fulfills the requirements of God’s law.(Romans 13:8-10)
God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.(Ephesians 1:5)
Good addition to the "so bad it's good" collection
Caelen Conrad viewer 🫵
Got sent this by my birth mother after I came out to her as gay. Kind of hurt honestly.
Oh...... youre just as bad as her.
Ok i guess it is a sin but i cant change myself.
Leave me alone ok?!!!!???!
Don't even think about me
Awesome Movie!! Thank-You Father God, For Downloading This Movie To These People, So That They Could Spread Your Light, Among The People. Praise God!! And Thank-You All, For Your Obedience in This Project.
Bigotry is NOT Christian.
Sexual perversion and sexual immorality is addressed all over the Bible and God speaks against it. Why? Because sexual sin is a sin against ones own body. Lust is a sin. God destroyed Sodom and Gemorrah because of homosexuality. Homosexuality and other sexual immorality is bondage to sin. God desires to set us free from sin! Do you desire people to go to hell? God's Word sets the sinner free. Repent if you are a deceived believer and turn to Christ. Read Romans 1. Read Corinthians
Fr people need to grow up 🏳️🌈✅
@@neobeg The statement was 'bigotry is NOT christian'
There is no argument here, he's only comparing homosexuality to adultry and idolatry, and he could have followed up with "were you born straight?" just as easy.
Everyone is born straight
@@Zioniththat's a lie and modern science can prove it.
@@Zioniththat’s not true lol
@@Zionith Yeah, no they're not 😶🌫
for how many months I been waiting this....and now it's here!!!
Wonderful, amazing and touching. I loved it!
Ps: Someone knows what music in 39:10 and at the end?
Amábile e Héber It can be found here: store.livingwaters.com/downloads/video/love-cant-stay-silent-music-video-mp4.html or here: store.livingwaters.com/downloads/audio/love-cant-stay-silent-mp3.html and will also be free on UA-cam very soon.
I really loved it, I thank you so much, God bless you, I believe this message will help any one
Are you talking about the one in the hospital, and the guy came in, well I think they were in a live in relationship? Not sure so much has gone on since.
I have long term memory, not very good with short term, so I will see you next month. Lol
Ya the 2 girls were in a relationship, so I do not know if you were talking about the girl in the hospital
I was really into that movie. I wish it kept going and we could see more of the story. Who wants and Audacity part 2?! 🙋🏼♀️
@Winter White me too!
HELL no😭😭😭
Maybe in part two they will realize homosexuality isn’t a choice 💀
@@BeeBea_23 But it is, you can choose to stop doing it whenever, so you chose homosexuality at one point.
@@ocarinafluent did you chose to like women???
the audacity of this movie to even exist lmfao, let gay people be people. we arent hurting anyone.
It's an abomination
you're an abomination
But you are
Good job guys!
Peter Rowney Obvious troll is obvious.
iT2Mi you probably are so religiously blinded that you cannot not watch a christian movie objectively. I found the elevator analogy quite shaming, implying that you will die, alt. burn in Hell. I also found the scene where it is implied that homosexuality is a choice. There is so much evidence now that it is not a choice. If you want me to present evidence, then I am willing to do so if we have a fact based discussion.
+statutesofthelord Homosexuality is a sexual orientation. It is a state. Not an action. And neither being gay nor having gay sex are wrong or hurtful. This movie is disgustingly bigoted.
statutesofthelord thank you for acknowledging that homosexuality is not a choice. I obviously agree that it is a choice if you have sex or not. The first issue is, assuming that you believe in the christian God, that they were created this way. The second issue is that people like you are denying these people closeness and love.
If you have read the Bible, then you would know that only God is omniscient and that he is the ONLY judge. So people like you and Ray Comfort see yourselves as half gods, claiming that you fully understand the Bible and this gives you the right to judge. The pathetic thing is that you rectify your despicable behaviour, by claiming that you are only executing God's word. I hope you wake ip one day!
+Wesley Wilson agreed.
Awesome movie, if we truly care about people we will share the truth of the Gospel with them no matter how much they hate us or call us evil. Now that is the true love Jesus Christ calls us to, love for our enemies, and it can't stay silent.
Er is Waarheid well then guess I better get a restraining order.
Expel the wicked from amongst you
@@tryingtoart264 Won't work. Freedom of speech in America...
Er is Waarheid we will pray for you, that you find Jesus.
@@jamessuchard-rees3039 I think you misunderstood. He seems to already be a Christian.
Christians who hate gay people are not Christians. I used to be one of those but now that I'm a true born-again Christian I want to tell homosexuals about God. They are humans just like us and deserve both the mercy and truth from God. Thank you Ray for daringly speaking with people who are "different" from us so they don't have to die in hell
@MelodyKilmer-to5cr if you have the answer to be free from the condenation of death. Share it! That people need the truth in their lives, they need to know that the homosexuality it's a sin. And the sin leads us to hell. God bless you!
I am a homosexual and atheist. Here's your chance to live up to the video. I'm open to discussion.
@@andrewtheantivirus2417 Even more troublesome is religious believes come with a vote.
Hi I'm new to witnessing to people so bear with me, I'm really glad to hear that you want to have a discussion. Is their anything in particular you want to talk about? If so just reply, I'll pray for you meanwhile 💖
@@follilolli5648 Alot of the Christian morals from the Bible can coincide with humanitarian morals. Most of them that don't, Christians have given up, but not homosexuality. I'm not denying homosexual acts are condemned in the bible, but on what grounds did Christianity pick and choose?
@@jake8286 well as you know we Christian's believe in a higher being who is perfect, merciful and just. Yes many of the teaching do conside on what you call "humanitarian belifs"but we do not go by what men believe is right but what the Lord says is right. Psalm 146:3 says "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help." So don't put your trust in man or your judgment but in Christ lord you can find all answers. And what you said about Christians giving up when they are not able to vo concide with humanitarian morals can you give an example so I can better understand what you mean by that?
@@follilolli5648 Exodus 21 has instructions how to treat your slaves. Numbers has genocides completed at the power of God, including unborn children. Only the verified virgin girls were then taken as slaves. It's hard to understand some acts as good and perfect.
Awesome movie. Ray Comfort has such a way of conveying Biblical truth in ways that are easy to understand and accept.
@@lynnewaugaman9695 because the God has said "Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,
1 Corinthians 6:9 ESV
Because the Bible warns is about this, we definately do care.
even though its lies?
pastor brian what lies?
@@themurraypeeps5795 homophobic lies, its full of them.....
@@pastorbri homophobic?? Nobody is scared of gay people, now that's a lie!
Heavy and controversial topic Ray. May God continue to bless you and your team as you seek to share the light of truth in a world that loves darkness.
I'm gay
"Nobody pays with cash anymore."
Best line of the entire movie.
I said, "uh, yes they do".
Maybe not as much, but they do.
@@ITPalGame Up to a point, but come one day when the AntiChrist comes, he will turn the world into a "cashless society" and replace it with a computer chip embedded into the skin of the right hand or on the forehead.
"It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name." Rev 13:16-17
Without the mark, you cannot buy anything, nor sell anything. Cannot own or rent homes, cannot buy groceries, cannot live and breathe freedom without it.
That day is coming soon.
Hate to say this but why does paying in "cash" matter when it's simply a promissory note with absolutely no value except in trust to all these satanic governments? All these currencies have some pagan/satanic symbology printed upon them, it's actually a form of sigil magic... reminds of how the bible says the following:
1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
In the past money actually had value, sadly things are traded where one item has actual value and the other a vague promise of value.
@@MrWirelesscaller How is cash a promissory note? It is a guaranteed fund that has face value. A promissory note would be a personal cheque. You promise the money is in the account.
@@dillydally19 Read about the Nixon Shock, Fiat money and the petrodollar and then you will understand why there is always war in the Middle East and how the US manipulate the world. But anycase: A banknote is a negotiable promissory note, which a bank can issue. A banknote is payable to the bearer on demand, and the amount payable is apparent on the face of the note. Banknotes are considered legal tender; along with coins, they make up the bearer forms of all modern money.
Remember God hates the sin but loves the person. I wish this ministry would spend more time on the love that God has for each of us.
I never thought of idolatry in the way Ray puts it. Really takes on a new meaning.
I love this so much! Praise God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit! Forever and ever! Amen. May His peace and grace and Spirit flow within you. Amen.
u love lies in Gods name?
at 41:00 do we have the guy from the channel ' Wretched ' ?
@@marcelomcustodio the whole things a nonsense
@@pastorbri no, you're just another lukward false christian
@@pastorbri are you really reprobate?
Ironically the Australian man triggered my gay awakening
He's actually a New Zealander.
No joke. I love Jesus now and want to bang him! I never was attracted to men before, but now come on Jesus, baby, what's under that gown????
such an awesome movie, thank you so much for having the courage to make it, I'm watching it again
try "prayers for bobby" as thats a better and more truthful movie
No fr “so brave”🥺🥺🥺🥺
Guys, stop basing your morals on a book that was written by some blokes 2000 years ago.
Or... that book is the Word of the creator of the universe and is the greatest gift to mankind, second only to the greatest act of love in the history of the universe in Jesus' substitutionary atonement for our sins.
Putting the moral standards of the Bible aside, all we are left with are the ever changing standards set by anyone and everyone. Think of the lists of people who fall into that category. The ones with the greatest influence in setting manmade morals seem to be those in positions of political power, entertainment and corporation leaders as well as false teachers in religion, too. We shall know them by their fruits.
I had to set my pride aside and then put considerable time and effort into reading the Word of God before all the pieces came together perfectly. What would you have to lose by giving it a try? You can always go back to calling your own shots, although I don't recommend that... been there, done that and it almost ended in tragedy.
@@davekpghpa sounds like you just have a low iq, I left your toxic religion a decade ago and my life have improved so much. Funny enough it was your poorly written book that made me realize how much of a joke your beliefs are
@@davekpghpaa book Is not the word of the creator, it's a piece of paper.
@@amandadillio8 right [approving nod]
My brother is coming to visit pray God softens his ❤️ he's so lost in the sin.
Womp womp😢
I love how this movie really portrays the good christian lifestyle that is unanimous with cutting out any ounce of dissenting ideals. good work living waters, you really make the pain and suffering that members of the lgbtqia community have experienced and continue to experience all about you.
So glad I found someone else who believes like me in these comments. This kind of rhetoric is the kind of thing that gets people in the lgbtqia community killed or tortured
@@LunaMoth_Love I first watched this movie when it came out. There were a lot of things that were going on in my life, and I had felt so guilty for so long about being myself. I decided to revisit this movie now, five years later, sitting in my college dorm, and am appalled at what is going on. I'm not even 15 minutes in and am already revolted. The fact of the matter is this. The film is propaganda on how to indoctrinate those you vilify. I will try to finish as much as I can, but it is becoming increasingly frustrating to do so.
@@aaronjohnson1763 I have a feeling if I came across this video when I was in high school, I would have been very influenced by it. I was growing up in a small town where anything that wasn't "normal" was looked down on. I left that town and I was able to find myself amd who I am.
Movies like this are so detrimental to so many people
@@LunaMoth_Love we true Christians look dangerous like the man speaking foreign language to the lady, trying to save her from the train, I pray that you eventually understand true Christians love people from the lgtbqia community and are only trying to help save you by preaching the truth to you. we should all hate sin and not the sinner
@@hinnies1 the problem is, people have made their sin into their identity. So to them, it's not possible for you to hate their sin without hating them.
I just want to encourage everyone who is gay or not a Christian to watch the whole movie before commenting. And give it a chance.
Thanks living waters this movie rocked, it has helped me alot i wont be so afraid wen telling people about Jesus anymore God bless love you all:), every single one:)!
Kenny how are you do you know Jesus have you repented and put you trust in him
Did u watch it? what part screams the last two words you said
+willy brooks Amen I agree. Thank you for having faith and courage to speak for Christ
"And gradually, though no one remembers exactly how it happened, the unthinkable becomes tolerable. And then acceptable. And then legal. And then applaudable." -Joni Eareckson Tada
It becomes legal first, culture is downstream of law.
Emeal... I am so impressed, I used to do a lot of witnessing at corner cafe,s. Etc... I was on fire... things have changed , my wife hasn't loved me for 25 years, my sons parachute didn't open, broke our hearts. We are still here together by a thread and because I love her so much.. I collapsed on air on radio, haven't worked for 25 yrs... but I still do friendship evangelism.... thank you for the amazing ways to become more effective... I would love to get some videos... thank you a million...
You know John Jesus does heal broken hearts and broken relationships. Peace to you and your family.
“Good and faithful servant!” 💪🏾 May the joy of the Lord engulf you and your wife. 🙏
Maraming salamat. Ako ay taga Pilipinas at humahanga sa inyong ginagawa para sa Mabutng Balita. Pagpalain kayo ng Panginoong Hesus❤️
Pagpalain rin po kayo ng Diyos :)
Lmao I came here from the TikTok Crazy Christian Movie review to see this homophobic trash get ripped apart in the comments... saw that for sure but also a depressing number of people unapologetically praising it jfc
same lmao
Well, it is on Ray Comfort's own channel, where we'd expect the highest concentration of favourable comments. So perhaps we can take comfort - no pun intended - from the fact that so many commenters here see this prejudiced trash for what it is.
One thing I dislike about comfort's argument, is that he alters people's phrasing. "Have you ever stole anything in your life?" does not equal "are you a thief?" If you do not see why this is wrong, lets use another example. "Have you ever been hungry?" is obviously different than "Are you hungry, now?"
+Green Djinn Hmmm. if I murdered someone 30 years ago, am I no longer a murderer? Ray is right. If you have stolen, you are a thief, and that is how a perfect judge will see you. There is no statute of limitations on criminal prosecutions, and Ray is only sharing, in love, that God does not overlook your sins just because they were a long time ago, of because "you're a much better person now" or because you've done a lot of good things to make up for it. The only way to be forgiven is by turning from your sin and accepting that Christ died for you. To trust fully in His sacrifice for your salvation is the only way to be saved from death.
Traci Narkewicz Ray says "You just told me that you're a thief." That's present tense. Now, I grant you that we consider a murderer, or rapist, and often yes thieves, as such long after the fact. But these are when somebody does something major.
The majority of these thefts were probably when these people were children. They just simply didn't have the capacity to truly know better. I don't think anyone would consider an adult a thief, because they one time stole another kid's pencil in the 2nd grade.
I do not accept that a perfect judge would sentence a person to an eternity burning in hell fire for stealing stealing that pencil, either.
+Traci Narkewicz So, you are saying that all proper judges around the world would give someone who stole a snackbar the same sentence as someone who robbed a bank? Do you even think?
Also, you're saying that no matter if you have helped millions of people after stealing a snackbar, you will be judged as a worse person than someone who robbed a bank and just accepted Jesus? Tell me how that is not a tactic to make people join christianity out of fear.
I'm sorry, MS. Poison, but really I'm not saying anything, nor is Ray. We're telling you what God said through his word. Neither of us gain in any way by you "joining Christianity" except in the knowledge that one less person will be spending eternity in torment. Whether it's fear, or conscience, or despair, or love that motivates you to seek Christ we don't care as long as you seek him. Generally speaking however, those who repent after realizing that they have sin that can not be forgiven in any other way make the most meaningful and long lasting conversions. And we want you to be saved. From death, and from the bondage to sin that non-believers feel. Once we've accepted Christ it becomes easier to do good and harder to sin. Describing that freedom is like trying to explain the taste of honey. I could try, but you have to experience it yourself to fully grasp it. I hope you will :)
Traci Narkewicz I get you, and that's a very beautiful thing to say. However, I think nobody should be told they're going to hell because of something that causes no harm. You have your path, and I have mine. I respect yours as long as you don't intrude into people's lives and as long as you leave religion out when it's not wanted. I'm okay with telling someone you know, and are aware of how they'll accept it, that you think their ways will send them to hell, but don't try to change someone's path for the sake of your beliefs without knowing theirs.
My path doesn't include worship, and it never has. It has always been just me and something I can't pinpoint exactly. I have tried letting Christ into my heart, but I realized it's not for me. It never has, and it never will be. You can confuse someone not as stubborn as me very badly if you "help" them in your way, because it will never make them feel what you are feeling.
For me, the God you feel close to is something without a face, name, or even certain association with anything. I don't know if you get what I am trying to say, because I don't think I could ever explain properly. It's something I communicate with that's like nothing and everything at the same time. I don't associate it with good or bad, nor do I think it thinks anything of me, and I do not think anything of it. I'm just grateful it exists. I have no idea if it's your God, a Buddha, a guardian angel, me myself in a way, or some deity that decided to help me, yet it is all of these. I wouldn't be surprised no matter what it turns out to be, if I ever do find out. It's this blur I know interacts with me, and in a way, we are one. After years, I know it's all I need, and no matter what I've tried, nothing else feels right to me, no matter how good it started out.
The human mind is a complex thing. Love people around you, but do not give unwanted help.
Wonderful, kind, and compassionate movie...this will be good seed for the receptive heart. Thank you Living Water!
Thank you for the video. I love watching these kinds of videos. I'm a sinner but each day the lord gives me I try harder so that I stay on the path God has given me. God bless you all that watched the video
A good sign of a " christian" is one who doesnt fight unless its a direct threat to ones life or someone elses life, from harm/death of anothers intent to bring to reality, but, never attacking anyone, as it only leads to becoming the very thing you are against, and dont want to come out of anything you may be thrust into at any given moment .
The calm and peaceful mindset of the true Christian heart is when they realize that fear leaves the mind body and soul and a peace like no peace one ever felt before overcomes them and they realize death leads to Home,..... where we come from,...... w/GOD and Jesus and the Holy Spirit and all the Angelic Hosts of Heaven's Home .
Great Movies !
@QuestionEverything hi love the name. I just wanted to say while I agree that a good sign of a believer is being against aggression and violence. We should all strive to that overwhelming knowing of Shalom (peace) in God like no other. Though we are to be bold in his Word. We are also told to look for the fruits of a person spiritually and in there actions. The last thing was you stated that death leads to home... heaven. While that is ultimately the destination and being with God. Biblical nobody (human) is in heaven yet only God and our Messiah at his right hand and the heavenly hosts are. As this movie points out, we should say the truth when it's needed. So this false idea/doctrine that everyone is already in heaven looking down goes directly against scripture and our Messiah's own word's. Furthermore eventually heaven will be what comes down to earth in the end. I can't wait for that day! May you be blessed and let iron sharpen iron.
@@vivianbrown2477 If we do not go to heaven, then where do believers go when they die? Read Luke 23:42 and 43. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.
Luke 23:42-43 KJV
@@vivianbrown2477 i think you're confusing heaven with the new earth
You might want to reprocess that thought; if someone who has not the holy but the evil spirit in them and personally comes after you for no reason other than they are evil, I do believe in self preservation as much as I do believe in God .... evil is in no way reasonable so it can't be reasoned with
God Loves the sinner but hates the sin. If a gay person dies in his will go to hell but if he repents believes in Jesus(walking in obedience ) he will make it to heaven.
it is not the will of God for anyone to perish but to have eternal life.
Romans 9:13 King James Version (KJV)
13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Please explain that to me....
@@ericsiwy7809The idea that God loves the sinner but hates the sin, is not true:
"The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity." (Psalm 5: 5)
God hates people for committing sin and also loves people because of Christ. God can only love people when He sees the finished work of Christ, that covers their sins. Because God is love, He offers salvation to all people, for His name's sake, and for His glory, not that there is anything good in us.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3: 16)
However, we must NOT forget (what so many people want to skip) is that in that same chapter, it is also written:
"He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned ALREADY, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."
And: "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."
Conclusion: God is love, therefore He must hate the sinner. If you love babies, you must hate abortion. If you sincerely love good, you must sincerely hate evil. Since God is good, he must hate evil, and therefore those who do evil. If not, I ask, would Hitler go to heaven then? Surely such a wicked man deserves hell. Gods standard for good (moral excellence) is so high, that He will not only punish the most wicked and sinful persons, but all sinful persons, because He is a righteous Judge. Only those who have been saved by the blood of Christ are saved from the wrath of God. To be saved, by the way, does not mean to pray a prayer and lift up your hand: "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." (1 John 2: 4)
Its a long answer. Hope it is helpfull. God bless you
Tom _dB hey Tom... have a few issues with your response but, I’ll stick to my original comment. God said Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated. He said He hated Esau not his sin specifically...
@@ericsiwy7809 Hi Eric, that is exactly what I meant to say, that you are right: this verse speaks about election (think of Romans 9), and simply states that God chose Jacob, an rejected Esau. The reason why God would hate or damn someone, is because of sin: "for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3). God said to Moses: "I shall have compassion on whom I shall have compassion." The doctrine of election is found in texts like Romans 9.
Tabitha Agyekum just like a straight “ Christian” having sex outside of marriage
I got an advert for Grindr before this video. Good job, SEO guy.
I got a friend her name is Anne and she is a atheist I've been sharing with her the gospel uncountable times and she always rejects it please pray for her let her eyes be opened and that she may be brought to the Lord please help me pray for this soul ;-; God bless you all, Thank you Jesus for what you are going to do in her life.
I said a prayer for your friend ❤ I also have a friend who is very much in the world, however she claims to be a Christian and believes she’ll make it to heaven. I have been shying away from sharing the gospel because she comes off very strong, but I’ve made up my mind to directly confront her and her false sense of salvation. I pray that I’m able to be gentle while giving her this truth while also not shying from difficult topics. Please pray for me as well :)
@@liz-uf9zi i will gladly pray for her, im just looking for something to pray about and im looking for more because i love everybody and cause i can grow faster in God by practicing prayer life. God bless you i love ya all
bro leave her alone 💀 stop harassing people with jesus, it's unhinged
@@toe.snatcher94 Not your friend. Why even bother commanding me how to talk with my friend? who are you to tell me what to do in our friendship? We prayed for her because we want the best for her and we believe that our prayers are heard. She herself said she appriciates the fact that we prayed for her and that goes to show that we really do care about her. Look at your own life instead of commanding others how to live.
Calling all Christians to be bold in your faith and remember that the God that created all the heavens and the earth and all the angels in heaven are with you and stand behind you and to remember the world is dying. My New Years resolution is to plant as many seeds as possible and pray that the Lord Jesus blesses those seeds with water and makes them grow to bear fruit. Not of works lest any man should boast but by the power of his spirit and by the grace of God above because of the blood of Jesus.
Good movie! We as Christians have to be bold and warn others of the reality of the eternal punishment for sin. Some people want change and they're waiting for someone who really cares to show them how. Others don't want change and all we can do is pray for them and ask God to draw them back to Him.
I'm referring to Hell. Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior?
So let me guess, you believe everyone goes to Heaven as long as they're a " good person?"
We will be bold and warn you that you're an idiot.
What a wonderful movie about Loving others and God's love and how we should share it. Thank you for sharing this movie with everybody. I shared it to my fb page and will share on my other fb pages. God bless you
try "prayers for bobby" as thats a better and more truthful movie
The production quality of this video was outstanding
Thank you SO MUCH. I have been trying to find content to help me reach my "old community" I used to be lesbian, then when I got married to a Woman she and influences got me to the point of being transgender and taking testosterone.
I am so thankful Jesus carried me home 8 months in the transition. and now I am a year and a half de transitioned, separated from my then wife for the same amount of time and soon to be divorced(finances are my stumbling block) I have since then got baptized and I truly am a new creation. i never wanted to be trans and I feel like satan stole alot from me. I am still recovering im so thankful i had no surgeries. but I also know fod breaks a person before he can use them and I believe that is my case. i feel called to help combat this evil deception ESPECIALLY against children. it is child abuse and it is sickening. anyway ill stop my rant, just know you helped equip one of gods love soldiers for this specific person demographic .. GOD BLESS YOU
so good! hope your doing good God bless
AMEN! God is powerful
Thank you for sharing your testimony. 💗💗
Wonderful Loni, may the Lord Jesus continue to Bless and Keep you close. I was living a gay lifestyle for 20 years and God rescued me out of it...I'm such a different person now....truly free and I can see clearly now. God Bless and Keep you and see you in Heaven!
Lovely story thanks 🇬🇧👋
erm...closeted lesbian here... what on earth am I doing?
It’s so weird
@Buggy Mah 🇺🇦 there are movies that tackle the same issues and do a much better job
if i never see this film again in my life, it will be too soon.
I wish god was alive to see this.
+Jesse Bryant.
what's gods position on changing gender?
+Jesse Bryant
i was refering to god, not me,
+AustralianMurphy O_o
We need to be able to make allowances for the differences in others without judgment.
What a powerful teaching presentation. I finally walked away from this lifestyle and I'm so grateful that God didn't give up on me!
Will be sharing this 💜🙏
The base message is that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that any who call upon Him may be saved. Any who call upon Him for real.
I love movies that try to send one message but actually send the opposite one
And you mean?
Love cannot be silence 🤫 Thank you Lord
And love is not a crime.
@@jake8286 Love is not synonymous with sex.
@@ThatClassic70sGirl You are right, it is not. Without referencing the Bible, what is wrong with a loving, consensual relationship of the same sex.
@mineben256 communities that are highly Christian generally have higher STD rates, unplanned/teen pregnancies, and similar divorce rates. Abstinence only sex education leads to less condom use, not less sex. Shaming previous sexual acts leads to lying about one's past to new partners and not taking STD tests.
Next note, if a relationship doesn't lead to procreation, it is immoral? I can still adopt. Two loving dads is a lot better than growing up in a foster home, in the streets, or in a abusive home.
Yes, gay sex does pose a mildly higher risk of STDs, but wearing protection or being in a monogamous relationship and reduce and eliminate the risks.
@mineben256 so from your argument, the only moral issue with homosexual relationships is it is based on relationships, not reproduction?
This is the most balanced movie I've seen in relating the gospel to gays.
Any anti-gay video, no matter how shrouded in "coolness" and "kindness" is not fair. It's hate and vitriol hidden behind a facade. If gay is as bad as any other sin why not constantly try to tell people who divorce about their sin? Because you're homophobic. Pure and simple. Unlike this.
lindsay kriz Christians discourage any sin. Homosexuality and divorce are both pretty prevalent in our current world. We aren’t trying to judge. That’s not our place. We try to say everything out of love.
The responses to realizing this guy is a christian....SOOOO realistic.
***** hahaah
It is sometimes actually
Kay Zak It is sometimes, not always but some people respond to it that way
Kay Zak Also, the response from the girl was in a dream, which dreams are never really realistic.
After watching Audacity, I was left wanting more. The film was excellent and informative, but I want to do more now.
try "prayers for bobby" as thats a better and more truthful movie
Yep, Audacity is a better film to watch!
Yeah, it lied about the the meaning of the Greek words and the word homosexual was invented in the mid 19th century. The concept didn't exist in the Ancient Mediterranean because the Romans had a different idea of sexuality.
Of the actual Greek words in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 the first refers to temple prostitutes and the second has no known meaning.
I also notice that they didn't have any explanation for why shellfish is okay, which is weird because there's a very simple explanation.
People are pitching their tent on homosexuality like it's the hill they're gonna die on. It's silly and it's not biblical.
I love you guys at Living Water. Thank you for helping us study and love people in the truth of God's word.
but this is not truth
pastor brian gods is the way the truth and the life if a rapist likes to rape people thats his truth but the truth that never changes and is real is gods truth
@@Armedestroy What a dumbass comment. What the fk is a "real truth"?
@@Armedestroy your god franchise is the biggest child abusing institution in the world
You and your god condone sexual abuse
This whole movie made me feel a bit Ray Unconfortable.
It's your heart that is causing the discomfort, you can't blame someone else.
Why did this film make me bawl my eyes out in a way I haven't in so long?!? Great film, I really enjoyed it! Thank you!🙏✝💞
Because the Holy Spirit is talking to you. Ssssssshhh! Listen 👂
The same has happened to me!
I appreciate the first response to your comment, as well.
try "prayers for bobby" as a better movie to make u cry and its a true story unlike this one.
Maybe it's your conscience is telling you that you hate people
@@sarahbillenby1901 Are you ok?
“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit-fruit that will last-and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”
- John 15:16
"A selfless act of courage from an apparent enemy who turns out to be a freind" this is by far the best line!! its subliminally saying; most of us think God is the enemy because he warns us about living in sin. Alot of us are self deceptive about are sinful ways because of past experiences in are life.. but sin can cause the end of the existence for us and our souls. He obviously doesn't want that to happen... Thats why he gave us his word(Jesus christ) like a true freind so we may not perish but repent and turn away from sin... Only then are we able to earn everlasting life. Thank you🙏 Jesús of Nazareth 💖 great movie by the way 👏 👌
greetings from australia eternity will reveal the truth ray shares the truth in love i needed my sins forgiven too fornication lying stealing just to skim the surface , i once worked out that i had broken 9 out 10 commandments i came from catholic background and had my life changed by gospel 34 years ago I'm still hanging on to jesus who hung for me ,like the christmas story tells unto us the savior was born he came looking for us the lost. he paid a debt we couldn't pay.eternity will reveal those who received and those who where decieved god bless may you come to the knowledge and reality of what jesus has done for all of us .
What Commandment do you think you haven't broken, I bet it was broken in at least the spiritual intent. In breaking even one Commandment we've broken all of them.
@RPG 808 Very true as well as Easter, New Year's, Valentine's day, Halloween.
RPG 808 The point was that “the Christmas story “ tells of Jesus’ birth and he came to redeem mankind. Also, her point about the 10 commandments was she knew she was a sinner because she had broken so many of them.
@@gracewright8038 If you're blending a Christian scripture with a pagan custom it's called blasphemy, Do not cast your pearls before swine.
@RPG 808 Christmas when you break it down means Christ Celebration. Celebrating the birth of Christ Jesus. The world has however taken Jesus out of Christmas and instead turned it into a sad lie that's told to all children. And Easter is about the resurrection of Jesus, and good Friday which is 3 days before Easter is about the crucifixion and death of Jesus. But yet again, the world has taken the actual meaning of easter and made it about eggs and a bunny.
Wow, this movie is really inspiring! Thanks Ray
Hey Kenny,
Sorry to say but I don't see any course of bigotry in the movie. It's just that we are really different with different views and that is how you’d rate it. Audacity might change your view on Gay issue if YOU allow, although it hasn’t say any discriminating things against people who are gays or claimed born-gay. Its story is Bible based, because the Bible never accounted that Jehovah created Adam and then another copy of Adam again. He created another being different from Adam, whom Adam named Eve (Woman).
I am sorry if I’ve sounded judicious or somehow annoying, but thanks for questioning!
***** That's all way cool pal, I think I love people who are not easily moved by everything. Like you!
Awesome film thank you and may God bless us.. May God lead us into acting like His son Jesus
Peter Rowney No I don't think our savior would be like any of us here because we're all sinners. Some saved by Grace and others headed to damnation forever. But Ray Comforts film does share the Gospel of Christ and I thank the Lord for his love for others. I do pray for all of us who share the Gospel, for Christ's love and will be in us.
May Jesus bless you Peter.
Simon burns I hope you find faith and kindness in Jesus. God bless you and all others who hate Christians. I am sorry if there was a person who claimed to be Christian and did you wrong. Some of us are honest Christ filled people.
God bless
+Christopher Holloway Is this for real...?
+ereesezx6r What do you mean? Is what for real?
This whole debate makes me feel like I'm looking at a parallel universe...
I actually enjoy watching this movie.pretty well done.
u enjoy watching lies?
pastor brian this wasnt CNN or the nightly news. i think you must have gotten confused? God is good,alll the time my friend. your name is Pastor Bryan but yet you say the movie is lies. help me to understand why you feel this way. ???😇🙏
@@cathyt144 God is good, homophobia is bad so God would hate the lies of this movie.
@@cathyt144 He feels that way because he has committed one of the sins Ray Comfort was talking about: idolatry. Making a false image of God for himself. Yeah for all his talk about homophobia, which the Bible does not talk about, he is very phobic to Christ. Christ has given many warnings to those who reject the scriptures and reject his words, but I'm sure you already know that, Cathy.
@@pastorbri You are going to have alot of blood on your hands pastor brian.
how does it feel that 90+% of your views come from two actually intelligent, introspective people picking this movie apart???
If 90+% of the views came from an atheistic source, then the math shows that only about 10% of those who they directed here, clicked the thumbs down button. Not bad. Seems the message must have hit home.
Thanks for the encouragement!
Strugglebus Art the simple fact that many more people like the film than dislike doesn't match your supposed data. There isn't much to pick apart anyway, the message of this film isn't a complex one.
Hillary 2016 it hit home for many people I know. It may not be a large quantity but I find it to reflect many of the same sentiment. SNL is designed for entertainment, this film is more for Christians that haven't a clue how to relate to such a sensitive issue. I for one, don't question the sincerity of many within the LGBT, I used to work a full-time job in West Hollywood. Where the value of this film lies is that it demonstrates that many more Christians are motivated by love rather than hate. I find that to be very true.
People can be sincere about anything. Good or bad.
Dante Olivier Walters Bored, Dante? This is why your opinion is your opinion ... because its your opinion. I thought the movie was fine. Lemme guess ... you aren't a follower of Christ; you're either homosexual or a sympathizer, you subscribe to new age or new world philosophy, Jesus isn't your favorite character, you're self-elevated and arrogant which breeds cynicism, and consider yourself above select others, while loneliness and insecurity are never far enough away.
Were you aware that you've revealed your weaknesses and emptiness? Genuine, sincere followers of Christ - are doing what Christ has commissioned them to do, out of love for Him. Jesus doesn't expect perfection from errant, fallible human beings who follow Him. But He is overjoyed to have their love and loyalty, as they work to serve HIS causes.
When you have no understanding or mercy for all others, you are outside the perimeters of understanding and mercy for yourself.
A film about lovingly witnessing the gospel to homosexuals.
Sometimes it's important to make something as simplistic (and even repetitive) as possible so no one misses the important points!
+MegaNene777 I understand that you guys are worried that people who are attracted to the opposite gender are moving towards a cliff (metaphorically), but if you realize that the cliff you've been told about isn't really there, you realize how dumb this is, and how intolerant you seem to those you're calling immoral.
+Martin Kortner And if u realise it is there..?
Acharich Speaks Well, give me *one* piece of actual and reliable evidence or a good argument to believe it is there. I have yet to receive one, and I've been looking for several years.
So much love I was convinced he was going to smooch with that man’s husband ngl…
This was pretty good! Most films such as this one come across as cheesy or have actors that are so terrible that it makes the movie difficult to watch which causes the message to be missed. I will be watching others 😊
You should watch The Chosen. Holy moly so good
@@pinkyhotmessx69 I'll give it a looksie
"We're together"
*Several feet apart*
*arms crossed*
*hands in pockets*
*visibly uncomfortable*
This really hit my heart! Thank you🙏 my brother-in-law is gay. If anyone would be willing, I need prayer to help me talk to him and his partner. Thank you!
Ask the Lord to guide you in your attempt to tell them the gospel of Jesus Christ he died for our sins and he loves us and everyone should repent of any sin that they are doing.
@@jernisharichard5032 Thank you!
Please accept him. Nothing wrong with it.
So this movie helps you find ways to harrass your own brother and tell him he is not allowed to be happy. Great.
You are a terrible sister and should be ashamed of yourself
Yes... the Lord says my sheep hear my voice. If you're struggling with homosexuality and you came on here to find a sort of encouragement and strengthen in faith. Know that God is walking with u through this process and soon YOUR testimony will help many. Follow your convictions from the Holy Spirit and keep digging no matter what. You aren't crazy and u aren't alone. You can and will be free. Stay focus in Jesus Mighty name! Love you ❤️ God Bless!
Or I can accept the fact I'm gay and can live a happy life.
Jake Pearson the flesh is temporary the spirit is eternal what you do in the flesh will reflect your spirit and it takes people who care to show you the way
@@Armedestroy There is no evidence of "spirit". And it takes someone who cares to tell me I'm going to hell for what I am when I don't cause harm to others from that action? It takes a god who loves to make me this way and say I can't hold someone the same way a straight man can or I get sent to hell? Eternal damnation... ETERNAL! You can preach love all you want but that's not love.
Jake Pearson love is showing you care for someone if you see your friend cutting themselves and you try to help them to stop does that make you a hater no it shows that you love them so much you have the guts to ask them to stop
Jake Pearson and no evidence of the spirit there is evidence of the spirit its a conscious it tells you right from wrong and the electrical signals in your brain do not just appear from nothing, nothing does not create something something has to create something
Wow, after watching this I have suddening decided to change my sexual orientation!!!
After watching this I've decided to remain gay :D
Sarah Buck
Need Help?
Gay is like, happy. Anger is like, sadness. Now, if you have chosen to
sin, fornicate, lust, your better off, and you'd treat yourself better,
by not making that self-destructive choice. Just as not choosing to have
sex before marriage, committing Adultery, watching Pornography, not
doing drugs, not stealing.
Today I'm a little sad, in another hour I think I chose to be a little anxious...
I'm pretty certain just because you say people can't review the movie without breaking copyright laws doesn't make it true, so it wasn't too bright filing a DMCA on something covered under fair use. Can I talk about this movie to my friends or is Ray Comfort going to jump out of a bush waiving a cease and desist notice?
***** It was made to appeal to gullible homophobes so that Ray can sell his merchandise. If you step out of your bubble and view it from an outside perspective it should become pretty obvious to you.
+Martin Kortner Gullible homophobes..? Being against homosexuality doesn't mean one is afraid of homosexuals..
+Acharich Speaks I think the key word was gullible.
Acharich Speaks Well, they are afraid of the sexual orientation, since they believe it's choice of lifestyle that can be spread, and that it'll land you an eternity in hell if you "adopt" that "lifestyle". So yeah, if not directly afraid of the homosexuals, they seem to certainly be afraid of their sexual orientation.
Of course in reality it is not a choice, but rather part of your genetic code and your identity, so being afraid of homosexuality is practically the same as being afraid of homosexuals. It's like saying "I'm not afraid of black people, only dark skin. If only they could change their genes and make their skin lighter, everything would be dandy".
Being saved by a perceived enemy is a running theme in this short film. Knowing that helped me to understand the ending a little better.
I accidentally clicked this but uh, I know people are going to hate me because Christians are here.
I’m pansexual. Yes there are more than 2 genders.
It is sad to see people going around saying that there are more than 2 genders. It is quite literally shamelessly mocking God and how he designed us. Don't go around saying that God isnt real, because the entire universe, the way everything interacts with each other and the laws of physics literally could not exist without him. You pretend he is not real because you do not want to give up your sins.
@@za0n282 Were we designed for the universe or was it designed for us?
@@za0n282 They never said that. If there are more than 2 genders, then God made those genders too, didn’t he? The Bible may be called the Word ofGod, but it was not written by God. Maybe Jesus knew people that were a gender other than male or female.
@@tkjk0481 godzilla had a stroke trying to read that and died
@@za0n282 Was it my grammar?
Wow. That scene with the gay couple in the restaurant was so shallow and cringe worthy. Shame on whoever made this movie. No matter what you think about gay people, at least show the courtesy of portraying them more than some cardboard cutouts for ideological convenience.
man I hope Ray interviews me one day.
I wonder how many interviews are completed until they can find the people that are easily manipulated.
Jake Pearson, it's not manipulation it's calling people to Christ and Away From Hell
It'sJustLibby Couch, He is interviewing you
@@teresawicks-kq3bq what if there is no hell and this is the only life we have. Isn't that even more of a reason to love life and be a better person and not live a wicked life?
Well, since denying God is a sin, of course we sin more in the context of the bible. But statistics show atheists are about 0.1% of the US jail population. Athiest majority countries have less crime and higher life satisfaction.
Great heartfelt effort! I think you could have gone farther. I pray for your continued boldness in the ministry.
I can’t lie when I saw Todd come into the film I started laughing so hard🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Awesome surprise!!
Very good. Life changing. Keep up the good work
u find lies good?
@@pastorbri The word of God is nothing but the truth.
@@dustinpardo29 I agree which is why this "movie" is wrong
@@pastorbri What do you say about 1. Cor 6:9?
@@dustinpardo29 EASY, only modern bibles use the word homosexual, as ancient greek had no word for it so its been added in, need proof? Check an OLD KJV and see this words vanished.......its not in the origional text!
Great!, God bless you and the work you do for Him.
from this movie i realised that we born into sin. because of sin, we can do anything we want. with sin in us, we have tendency to sin. but sin seperate us from god. we are temple of god. without god we are cursed. cursed with sickness, disease,disappointment, depression and other imperfections. if we please god, god can lead our way. god can separate any red sea in our life. amen. i am a sinner and i searched for many years why we sin even though we know sin is wrong. thanks living waters for your wonderful enlightenment!!
Seriously what I've just watched? So according to Ray Comfort homosexualy is equal to adultery and fornication? Umm guess straight people aren't attracted to those things. For me, all human being, not matter your sexuality, have their flaws...and also virtues :)
That’s according to the Bible my friend
@styloetpapier styloetpapier except they don't; multiple sins can be forgiven, except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (i don't remember the passage but I remember I saw it somewhere). Even if you confront God, one day He can forgive you, but not if it is the Holy Spirit.
This sin isn't equal to others.
(If you can prove me wrong in a respectful manner, please do; I love debates and would reconsider my point of view if your response is conviecing 😄)
Your consistency Ray is so encouraging. Still doing one to one bro,
This is PAINFUL. But I would really really really want to see the unedited version of those question and answer videos. If it's anything like Ray's previous videos I would lay money that they have been re-edited to completely misconstrue peoples words.
I have to agree as a Christian myself
Telling them that they are going to hell is not going to save them. Trust me, I know. It will only push them away.
So the message is, gays should stop being gay? Or they should just believe that what they are is wrong and bad? Wow, so helpful. I wonder how that scenario with the gay couple would play out after the dinner at Tino's.
Serious question. Would you have intimate relations with someone you are not attracted to?
No i wouldn't. I like men not women. That will never change.
Well, you don't have to have sexual encounters with the opposite sex (the sex you're not attracted to) You can have that person as a companion or close friend instead. You never know, maybe with time your feelings can change for that person. If you are tempted by the same sex, its not a sin but if you act on it (through thought, word and deed) then you have sinned against God and yourself. People are often attracted to things that make them feel good but isnt good for them. Should we live by our feelings or by what we know to be right or wrong?
@@ronaldbrooks2331 Maybe your attraction to that lifestyle will never change (But I doubt that, as I have seen God do amazing things in the lives of those who surrender to Him. He can give us a new heart with new godly desires if we truly desire it) but you are responsible for your actions. If you know that being with a man is wrong but have no attraction to women, then dont be with any of them, simple. Live for God not for another human, whether that be a man or woman. God has a much more greater plan for your life than "intimate relationships".
@@biblicalbeauty3414 No i don't think it is wrong, I have a question for you. What do you think that "lifestyle" is?
@@biblicalbeauty3414 living waters UA-cam channel deleted my response to your comment
This was a great video! Spreading the TRUTH of God's Word in Love! :)
+Peter Rowney Hi there, Peter. The truth of the matter is that God loves you - so much so that He sent His ONLY Son, Jesus Christ to pay the price for ALL of our (humanity) sins.
We are ALL sinners and deserve the penalty of sin, which is death (separation from God - for all of eternity) according to Romans 3:23. But Christ came on earth to save ALL sinners. God's will is that none of us would perish and be separated from Him but he doesn't force us either. We have a choice (free will).
The bible states in 1 Corinthians 6:9 - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
And to answer your question: I have shared my views with a few who practice and are apologist for homosexual lifestyle. But Ultimately, the free gift that Christ offers is yours and theirs to make.
+Peter Rowney Actually, I have and a couple of them have respected my beliefs.
+simon burns Hi Simon, the Bible does not say God supports slavery. In fact, the slavery described in the Old Testament was quite different from the kind of slavery we think of today - in which people are captured and sold as slaves. According to Old Testament law, anyone caught selling another person into slavery was to be executed. He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death." (Exodus 21:16).
+MrBradFu Thank you, MrBradFu. :)
Wow.... So enlightening!
Thank You so much for Audacity