At The End of The Day (Comedy) Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin | Full Movie



  • @simongoodwin5253
    @simongoodwin5253 Місяць тому +20

    Unsure why this has been labelled a "Comedy"., it's definitely a Drama, and an excellent drama.
    Great plot, great actors and a great message.
    Loved it.

    • @beboyzfamz
      @beboyzfamz Місяць тому

      Maybe the creator didn't have something in His/Her mind what to tell.

  • @cloudysky2
    @cloudysky2 3 місяці тому +22

    I don't know why this movie is classified as a comedy, it's far from it! Awesome movie! A slice of reality I'm glad I stumbled on it Thank you for uploading it.

  • @sanctus100
    @sanctus100 Місяць тому +9

    What a wonderful movie about truth, acceptance and....LOVE !!!

  • @kizzyp9666
    @kizzyp9666 2 місяці тому +12

    I was not expecting this film to be this excellent. Wow! humble. 6 Stars

  • @jean-guyboucher8826
    @jean-guyboucher8826 3 місяці тому +16

    Quel super film.thanks a lot for making me seeing it here.
    I had run a double life for 55 years.i retreat at that age,i am 66 years now and I don’t care who nows it i am GAY anymore for the last 10 years!!!!
    Merci beaucoup du quebec au Canada….

  • @Michael-fd8ob
    @Michael-fd8ob 2 місяці тому +10

    Such a beautiful and wonderful movie. Love every one!!!!!!!!

  • @marcoaureliocavalcante
    @marcoaureliocavalcante 2 місяці тому +25

    At the end of the day, I decided to watch a comedy, but it turned out to be an unbelievably good plot and movie that moved me deep inside. Great script, acting, full of heartfelt true situations. Since I was a kid, my aunts had a lot of gay friends and for me it has ever been natural. It’s unbelievable how religious people praise ‘love’ but hate whoever is naturally different. Matheus 22 37-39 - You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to producing this peace of LOVE, LIFE, LEARNING n LAUGH MAC

    • @ivanvillamil2764
      @ivanvillamil2764 2 місяці тому +1

      I believe is in Romans is used to condemn LGBTQ community but it is interesting how they read part of Romans but if they read longer into it the message is very clear that is like first is mentioned like telling them you’ll talking about these people in society and then is like a slap in the face how different are they from you’ll . I’ve a sister that is gay and she believes in the Lord as Our Savior. I just let my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ following these supposedly pastors and preachers spreading their beliefs and hate. The Lord asked us to be meek and love others and not persecute and judge but I don’t get involve in a theological war and just pray for them and the minorities targeted by them. Now that we are entering in a new historic time next year we are going to have an authoritarian, theocracy and oligarchy running the country. Look how a gay support group raising funds to build a shelter most likely to feed , clothes and a save-haven place instead on the streets.

    • @tooltime9260
      @tooltime9260 Місяць тому

      @@ivanvillamil2764 You are misreading and misunderstanding Scripture. You're making it say what you want it to say, a very common and deadly practice. We don't judge scripture, IT judges us. Believing in God, the Lord or any other thing you want to still condemns a person to Hell itself, something the Lord spent most of scripture warning against. He wants ACTION, not "belief". Even the devil "believes" who Christ is and it's not doing him any good. "Being gay" in itself is not necessarily a crime, but the practice definitely is. It's a destruction of humanity and He is the only Author of life and when someone takes that away, Spiritual war begins. As to the upcoming "authoritarian, theocracy and oligarchy" you speak of that's supposedly coming, it's easy to see where you get your information. You've been spoon fed the typical lies they want you to believe, but I'll never convince you otherwise. You quote Scripture, yet you grossly misinterpret it. That's a severe trespass. God does never take a back seat to anyone's opinion, which you are offering and spouting in error. It is YOU that needs realignment. Scripture does not ever spread bad "beliefs and hate", you do. Your severe and dead lies against Scripture and it's mandates already condemn you and you are blind to it. Showing you is almost fruitless because you are already demonstrating your unwillingness to learn truth. You are hard-core determined to stay in the rut of lies. You speak with religious words, but they fall on totally deaf ears because you're simply wrong in your understanding. This practice is centuries old and nothing new. Scripture is definite in its teaching, mandates and obligations. God never takes suggestions against Himself. If your sister is gay, that's her problem. You may look at God's view on this as hate, but you cannot win there. God never changes his mind. Being "gay" in practice is the second most dangerous crime and trespass against God, so let that sink in. The first is unbelief and rejection of Him. You can believe and say what you wish, but if it doesn't match Scripture, you're wrong and in your writing, you're mislead and again, wrong. I don't write this to point a finger or cast evil on you, but your writing was coarse and incorrect on many points. What you wrote was invalid. "Religious" people and "gay" people are on the top of the list of what God resists and condemns most. Scripture has many examples of retaliation against these groups and we have no say otherwise. The "religious" mock God. The homosexual destroys life which God alone is in charge of. His tolerance level of both is extremely low, the second, zero. If people judge unfairly, that's on them. When God judges and dictates, it's on us, always. You can say people are unfairly judging against your sister, but God does first and you have no ground to stand on. Better to hear the truth while still alive and have time to deal with things, than die and stand in absolute Judgement and have no second chance. You may see this as an attack, but it isn't. Your misinterpretation will condemn you now and for eternity if you don't seek actual truth in this matter. God does not play games. The period of grace is while a person is alive, but once passed on to the next life, blessing or curse is locked in. Your mind is saturated with very many lies on many fronts and only aggressive study and change will you survive. Stubbornness is a heavy sin because it locks in spiritual blindness. Consider this post a warning of your future. Light is there if you really seek it. Do just that.

  • @davidbartlett8920
    @davidbartlett8920 Місяць тому +4

    What a lovely surprise this movie is! Just wonderful.

  • @mspalmboy
    @mspalmboy 3 місяці тому +16

    What a beautiful movie about LOVE ♥🧡💛💚💙💜

  • @jeffreyreed8714
    @jeffreyreed8714 2 місяці тому +8


  • @CamberHill
    @CamberHill 3 місяці тому +25

    I'm shocked....Thie movie was incredible

  • @amandab.recondwith8006
    @amandab.recondwith8006 3 місяці тому +15

    An absolutely beautiful movie!!

  • @bluesky2760
    @bluesky2760 6 днів тому +1

    This is a beautiful, wonderful movie

  • @paulosalavea2215
    @paulosalavea2215 3 місяці тому +15

    Such a wonderful movie….LOVE always

  • @ricardosarmento6578
    @ricardosarmento6578 2 місяці тому +12

    Awesome movie! Thanks you for sharing ☺️

  • @andreboyce7475
    @andreboyce7475 22 дні тому +1

    This was a beautiful movie

  • @jennycadot3635
    @jennycadot3635 4 місяці тому +20

    Powerful movie!

  • @4everTRU
    @4everTRU 3 дні тому

    When you order Scott Eastwood from Ali Express🤣

  • @joseangelanguloromero4061
    @joseangelanguloromero4061 3 місяці тому +13

    Very good film, thanks for post it

  • @dannylowe8932
    @dannylowe8932 6 днів тому

    It has been a long time a movie made me feel this much emotion, and gave me hope which in our country of America is in some ways starting to feel lacking in acceptance, love, inclusivity, empathy, and hope for a better world to come for all people no matter who or what they are. Our greatest strength as human beings, and Americans is our ability to help others to welcome anyone who is in need of a safe home free of oppression injustice, and fear! All we ask of people is to contribute in a positive way. There are a few small groups in our wonderful country who for some misguided reasons want and actively trying to change and remove these feeling and believes to bring about a country of one race one faith and two classes the rich and servants (workers) because they think they are better, smarter, and have been taught have a God granted right to do so. I say bullshit to that, and I will fight to my last breath doing what ever I can to prevent them from winning!!!

  • @phillipholtzman3888
    @phillipholtzman3888 2 місяці тому +13

    Zebra Coalition in Orlando runs a shelter for teens who have been disowned by their parents for being gay.

  • @jasminrodriguez1396
    @jasminrodriguez1396 14 днів тому

    Pertenezco a la comunidad , pero nunca me viera sentido atraída para ver contenido semejante pero definitivamente esta película es un plus. La recomiendo.

  • @philzmusic8098
    @philzmusic8098 3 місяці тому +8

    A gay car wash--now that's what I need! And I don't even have a car.

  • @Burak-go9pf
    @Burak-go9pf 3 місяці тому +4

    Gonna watch this

  • @Arise-heart
    @Arise-heart Місяць тому

    This is so funny
    Cant stop laughing every see dave eeaction 😂

  • @MrYannick8573
    @MrYannick8573 4 місяці тому +3

    Belle pépite ! 🥰

  • @henkdolman8809
    @henkdolman8809 Місяць тому +2

    Dit is gewoon een mooie film en geen komedie, het gaat uiteindelijk over een serieus onderwerp

  • @janvanbowens
    @janvanbowens Місяць тому +1

    How things can go if people want to.

    @NAREBANDUNG 4 місяці тому +6


  • @lesphinx8984
    @lesphinx8984 4 місяці тому +10

    D'abord ce film ne répond pas à la question cruciale :"Pourquoi Dieu n'aime pas les homosexuels !"
    L'acteur qui tient la rôle principal, qui est professeur, déclare qu'il connaît totalement la Bible, mais visiblement ne l'a pas lu ni étudiée avec attention.
    En effet, car il pourrait répondre qu'il y a des différences fondamentales entre les 10 commandements de Dieu à la descente de la Montagne Genèse et les dits commandements du Lévitique et du Deutéronome.
    "Tu ne convoitras pas ni les biens, ni la femme, ni la servante, ni le serviteur de ton voisin..."
    C'est donc que les dix commandements de Dieu mettent au même plan la convoitise sexuelle de la femme, de la servante et du serviteur également !
    Ni nous recherchons de plus près à savoir les relations ambiguës entre le Roi Saül et son échanson David (échanson synonyme d'amant passif, comme Ganymède l'Echanson de Zeus), qui devient l'ennemi juré de Saül au moment même où ce dernier, retrouve David endormi dans les bras de Jonathan son propre fils.
    Dès lors c'est la haine totale et très excessive, où le roi Saül pourchasse David avec son armée pour le tuer !
    Mais ce dernier ridiculise Saül et devient le héros des guerriers de Saül. Une idole adulée donc l'amant potentiel.
    Alors le Roi Saül, mène ses fils et son armée vers l'holocauste final en affrontant un combat perdu d'avance où ils se feront tous tuer et David deviendra Roi d'Israël, mais ayant perdu tous ses amants potentiels.
    Oui, jusqu'où peut aller la jalousie d'un amant bafoué !
    Est-ce une erreur d'interprétation de ma part ?
    Alors allons voir du côté de Jésus Christ, fruit du Verbe et de la volonté de Dieu comme sa représentation terrestre.
    Jésus-Christ dans le parabole du légionnaire romain.
    D'abord Jésus (Dieu) bafoue tous les interdits religieux juifs pour entrer dans la maison du Légionnaire romain. Ensuite il sauve ou ressuscite l'esclave domestique mâle du romain dont on sait parfaitement à l'époque à quoi servait également un être inférieur et esclave domestique de surcroît. Au lit pour éviter que le maître aille dépenser son argent au bordel et risquer d'attraper une blennorragie.
    Au moment des effusions dûes au réveil du jeune homme, entre le maître et l'amant Jésus Christ décrit la scène :"À l'image de ces deux êtres qui s'aiment :"Aimez-vous les uns les autres !"
    Il n'y a ici nul jugement négatif.
    Donc Dieu avait bien interprété qu'on pouvait envier sexuellement le domestique mâle de son voisin autant que son épouse ou sa servante.
    Que les relations entre le Légionnaire et son esclave domestique mâle étaient purement homosexuelle
    Donc, Dieu ne déteste pas les homosexuels.

    • @Donello
      @Donello 6 днів тому

      N'attribuez pas la faute à l'acteur ou son personnage, mais plutôt à qui a écrit le scénario. Aussi, je ne dirais pas que "échanson" est synonyme d'amant passif rien que parce qu'il y a une similitude entre Ganymède et David: la mythologie grècque et la mythologie du judaïsme ont bien peu en commun - et il y a davantage de relations homosexuelles chez les grecs, où l'amant passif n'est pas l'échanson d'un dieu (du seul dieu) ou d'un roi.

  • @samueleman6041
    @samueleman6041 28 днів тому

    God is ❤

  • @gegemec
    @gegemec Місяць тому

    America is fucked.

  • @crowwatcher172
    @crowwatcher172 День тому

    Total waste of my time!

  • @michaelgreen3036
    @michaelgreen3036 3 місяці тому +1

    27 min in, and so far, I don't like it. A guy claiming he's a Christian, doing very unethical things on behalf of a church. Not at all funny. Maybe I'll eventually watch the whole thing, but I don't think I can take more than 20 - 30 min of this at a time.

    • @JustAnotherLoverOfMusic
      @JustAnotherLoverOfMusic 3 місяці тому +5

      Don't worry, the first part is just setting it up. It's worth watching!

    • @Robert08010
      @Robert08010 2 місяці тому +3

      On behalf of a college.

  • @jorgealves3436
    @jorgealves3436 3 місяці тому +1

    Pecador? Pecado? Não será antes Preconceituoso e preconceito? O discurso religioso é sempre um pecado contra a humanidade e qual é o papel de deus neste disparate todo, por que é que deus e a bíblia não gostam dos homossexuais, será por ciúmes ou por preconceito?

    • @ton4347
      @ton4347 3 місяці тому +1

      It's what the people made of it

    • @jorgealves3436
      @jorgealves3436 3 місяці тому +2

      @@ton4347 Obviously, the Bible was made by the people so was god, who else could have done them? Not my cat!!!

    • @janvanbowens
      @janvanbowens Місяць тому

      Somebody who believes to know what god wants needs a psychologist first. This believe is pure blasphemy and delusion. The only treatment for that is love. Or a nice place at the North Pole.

  • @Dan-mw2vp
    @Dan-mw2vp 4 місяці тому +2

    Encore une belle pièce de woke shit.

    • @PinoyMN
      @PinoyMN 3 місяці тому +2

      Another comment from a fascist pig.

    • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
      @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 місяці тому +6

      None forces you to watching.

    • @Dan-mw2vp
      @Dan-mw2vp 3 місяці тому +2

      Are you sure? Cause this shit is everywhere....

    • @pendragonsxskywalkers9518
      @pendragonsxskywalkers9518 3 місяці тому +2

      @@Dan-mw2vp I would say even more - people like you are exactly the reason why we need make MORE gay movies. When I don't like westerns, I do not't wtach them - I do not complain under every wetsren movies I find online. Do the same and leave gay movies and gay people alone!

    • @RevolutionReborn
      @RevolutionReborn 3 місяці тому +9

      ​@@Dan-mw2vp deal with it karen

  • @rberry4288
    @rberry4288 Місяць тому +1

    There was no "comedy" when my mother chose her mormon cult over me. She died 2 years and I didn't cry. We had been on adventures together until I came out. We moved to Alaska together in 1982. 40 years ago + or - I came out. Nothing was ever the same. I didn't loose her 2 years ago, I lost her decades ago because her cult told her to.

    • @MimiTheMermaid44
      @MimiTheMermaid44 5 днів тому

      Sorry for your suffering. I can relate, as I feel like I lost my parents decades ago as well, although not for the same reason. I just never felt like they truly loved me. I’ve learned to live with it, but it still hurts occasionally. I had a nightmare about my mother the day.
      Take care and focus on the people who do love you.