@@fatimanoorahmad8720 those chocolates are luxury items. They are made specifically for weddings, birthdays, and other parties. They are not for regular consumption. Plus, Cadbury Dairy Milk tastes better than most luxury chocolates.... Maybe your tastes don't match with mine.
@@Azzhole224 yep clearly your taste buds are different to mine but to me any premium chocolate is better and ive tasted a lot of premium chocolate. cadburys is mass market rubbish
i cant imagine myself not liking chocolate..its like a booster for me to get me through the day..it makes me feel happy..i do have a friend who doesnt like choc at all though..my top favourite choc brands : cadbury, kitkat, m&ms, hersheys and vochelle..all kinds whether its dark,white or milk choc..love all of them
My sister loves chocolate so much, and she always tell me if she was working in chocolate factories then probably her focus was never be on making chocolates but to EAT all chocolates 😹😹
when I was at university many years ago we visited a chocolate/ sweets factory.They said they allowed the workers to eat as many sweets as they would like---after 2 weeks nobody was eating any sweets anymore! that smell was just too overwhelming sweet! But they allow us to pick up as many sweets from the floor as we could manage(it was clean)Sadly most of didn't take enough hollow things to stack with sweets!. One of my favorites is the pink and white almonds. That was a feast!
Looking In this video of Cadbury dairy milk I saw Cadbury so I wanted to eat the phone because it was showing the chocolate yumyumyum Delicious Chocolate is very yummy
great video, i really enjoyed the insights into the chocolate-making process! it's fascinating to see how such a beloved treat comes to life. however, i have to say, i've always preferred dark chocolate over milk chocolate. i feel like it has a richer flavor that really stands out. anyone else feel that way?
really enjoyed this video! the process of making Cadbury chocolate is so fascinating and makes me appreciate it even more. but i gotta say, while Cadbury Dairy Milk is classic, i personally think some of the newer brands are really stepping up their game with unique flavors and ingredients. what do you all think?
Oh my goodness...im getting a chocolate overload just watching it being made lol😆😆😆but i must say the best chocolate in the world is our very own NZ wittakkers chocolate!
All Stores Please Lower the cost of all Military and Local for all Brands of Chocolate Products and Accessories and Production Cost Now That's too much $$ The Whole World Now 🙏🙏🙏
I love chocolate so much it’s the best thing ever!!! Everytime I wonder if there’s little men living inside the factories of Cadbury who sing cheerful songs and have green hair 😂 i think Cadbury is wonka in real life
*Hats off* to the engineers who made these machines
Forget them look at the chocolate 😂
@@ExploreWithEthan lmao ,chocolate lover
Dairy Milk Chocolate Most people like to watch this video on my channel.
@@Rafiqh1234 okokkoo9kkkoo9koookk9oko99kooooo9o9kkooo9o99kkokkkokooo9ok99kokoo9koo9oko9ko9ko9kk9ook99k9o9kok9okk999okokkookkookk9o9kkoo9oookokkkkk99kkokokkkk9kkk9okokokoo9kokokkooo9k9kokokk9kk9999kkkokokokkk9o9okooookkokokkkoookkkookokkooookkkooo9oo9ookokk9okoooo99ookkokoooookk9k9kkkook9o9k9kooook9kkokkoooo9koko9kooookookkooo9k9ko9ook9oo9kooko9kkoo9o9ko9kko9kokkko9kko99kokoo9kokokoo9ooookooooooookkk9ooo9kok9o9kkkookokkk9kkkooookkokkko99koookk99kokkoookkkk9kkooookook9okoo9ookokko9ooo9kokookkokoo99oooooo9oookkookokkkokk9oookookokokokkk9okoooko9kookoookkooo9o9kkokoo9okokokkokkkookk9k999koo99ko9okkoookkookokooo99kokook9kkkokkkooo999koko9koookoookkookkkk9ook9ooko9k9kkkooooookkk9koo9koo9okkk9o9ooo9ooko99okko9oo9k99okkkook9o9kokkokooooooooookkoo99ooo9oookkko9oookkooko9o9kkoookk9k99oooookoookk9ookooookokooo9ookkooo9oo9okkooo9oo9kkkkooko9ok9oo9ok9o9kokokooookok9ko9kokkookooookoooooookoooookkk99okokokoooooookkokkok9okkoookkkooook9k9kkkokkko99kokoo9oookkk9k9oook9o9ko99okoo9ko9kooo9o99kokkkkooo9okoo9kkokk99oooookoookoooooook99kkkko9okkko9okooookoooo9ooooookookookookookookooookoookkkkkookokoookokoookoookooooook9oooookkooooko9ok99kooo9koookoookkkkkokkkookoook9oo9oookkoookkooookkkk9kkok9koo9oookk9o9kokokkoo9k9okkok9k9oko9okkokokoookookkokkoookokkm9okkkoooooookookkokoooookoookkokoko9o9k9kokookkook9koookkokkkkokkkkoooookkoookkokkkkokokkkokkkmokkkkokkokooookoookokooookkkooookkookkkooookokomkk9oookoookkkkkkokokkoookkmooookoooookkokookokomooooo9kkokookoiokooookkoooomkookkokooooooo9okkkkkkoiokoook9kkk9okkkokkkoookkoikookoookkookkkkkookkkkokkkkkkokkoo9kkokkooookkkookkkkooookkkk9oookkokokkmomkkkokookookkookmookokokookokkokkkokkkkk9ooookkoookkkoooookookkkkkoikkkoookoookokokkkkkkooooookkkkkkkokkokkookkoookkooookokokkkkkkookokkkokokkkkokokokkkkkokkkkkkkokkkookkkkkkkkokookokkookokkkokookokkkookkokkkkkokokkkokkokkkkokmkookomokmkkkkkokkkoookkkkkkkokook9koookokkkkkkkkkkkkokokokkkokkkkokkkookooooookkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkoikkkokkokkkkokkkkkkkkkmkmkokkokokkkokokkkokkkkkkkokokokookokkkokkokkkkkkookokkmkkkmkkkookkikokkookokmkomkkkkomkkokokookkkkkkkkokkkokkkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkmkokkkkkookkkkkkkmkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkookoookkmkkookokookokokkokokkkkikkkkkomkookkkookmomoomkkokkkokkookokmkkkkkomkoookokokookkkokkkkkkkkkkkokokkkkkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkmkooomkkkkkkooomkmookkkokmkkkkkkkkkmkkkkokkkkkkkokokkk9mokokkkkmkkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkkokkkkokikkkkkkkmkkkokkkkkkmkkkkkokkmokkkkkkmkkkkookkkkkkmkkkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkmkmkookookkkkkkkkkmkkkokkkokkmkokkkkkokkkkkkkkmmmkkkkkkkkokkokkiokmkkkkokkkkkmomokkkkkkkokokkkkokkmkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkmkkkkkkkkokkkkkmokkokkkkmkokokokkkkkkkokkokkmkkkokokkkkokkkmkokokkokkkkkkmkkkmmokmokokkkkkkkkmkmkkkmookokkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkkokkokokkkkkokokkkkkkokmkkkkkomkkkkokkkkkmkkkkkkkkkkkokkkkkkkmkkkmkokkkkkokkkkkkkkkomkkkkkkkokkomkkkkmkkkkkkookkomokokkmkomokkkomkookkkokkkkkkkmmkkkkkkmkkmkmkokkkkkkkkmkkmomkkkm9kkkkkkmmkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokkkmkmokkkkkkkmkokkkkkkkkmkkkkokkokkkkkkkmkkokomkkmkmkkmokkkkkokokomkmokkkkokkkkkkkokokkkmkommkkkokmkkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokmkokokmkkokkkkkkmokkmkkkokkkokokkkkkkkmmkkmkmmkkkmoookokkkmmkmkkkkokkkkkkomkkkkkkmkoookkkkmkokkkkkkokkokkkkmkokkkkmkokkoookkkomkkkkkokmkkkkkokkmkokkkkkkkkkookkmkmkkkookkkkkkkkkkmkokkkmm9kkkkokkkkkkmkkmkkkkkkmkkmkokkokkkkokkkkkkkokkokokkkkkkkokmkkkkokkkkkkkkokookokkkkkkkmokokkkkkkkkmmkokmkkkkkkookokkkkokkkkkkkmkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokokmkkkokkkkkokkkmkkkkkkokkkkkmkokokkookkkmokkkookkkkkkommkkkkkkkkkokkokkkkkkkkkoomomkkkkkkkkmokookkkkmkkkkmkkkkkokkokkokkkkkkokkkkmkkkkkmkkmkkmookkkokkkkmkmkkkokmkkkokkokkkkkkmkkokokkkkokmkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokmkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkokmkkkokkookmkokkokkkmkkokkkkkkmokkkkkkokokkkokkkkokkkokmkkkkokkkkkmkokkkkkkkkokokkkkkkkkkkkkkmkkkmkkkkkkkkkkkkkmmkkkookkkkmkookmkokkkokkkkkkkkokkkkkkmkkkmomkkomkkmokkkkkkkokkkmokkkkoookokkkokmkmkokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkokkmkokkkokkkkmkkkokkkokookkkkkmkkkkomkmmmkkmkmkkkkmkkmkkkmkkkkokmmkkkkkokkkkkm9kkkkokmkkkkkkkkkkmookkmmkkkommkkkkkmkkokkkkkkkn9kkkkkmmkmkokmkokkkkkkmokkkkkmkkkkmkmmmkmkkmkm9okkkkmmkomkkkokkmmomkkmkmokmkkkkkmkokmkkmkkmmmkomokkok9kkkmkmokkmmkkkmkok9kkmkmkkkkkkkkookokmookkokmokkkmkkkkkko9kmkkkkkkkkmomomokkmkkkmkmkkokkmkkmkmkommkkmkmkkkokkookkkkkkkkokkokmmokmkkkkm9mmkkkkkkkkokkmkmkmommmkmmokookkkkkkkmmkkkmkomkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkmkkkkkkmkkomkokokokkmkkmkmkkkookmkmkkkkkokkmkkkkkmm9kkkkokmkokkkkmkmkkkmkmkkkm9mkkkkkkkkkkmkoookkm9mkokkkmm9mkmokkkkokkmkkkkkkkkkkmmkkkmkkkkkkmkomokkkkkmkkkkkkmokmkmkkkkkmkmkokkkookkmkkkkkokkkkmkooomkomkm9kkmmkkmkmkkkmkokkkkmkmokkmmokkkmkmmkkkkkkkkkkkmkkkokkmkkkkmkmkoomkkkokkkoomkkkmkkkkkkkmmkkkkkkkmmommmkkkomokokkkkkkkkmmkokkkkkkkkkkmkmmkmkmookkmmkokokmkkkmkm9kokokkkkkkookkokm9kmkkkmkkkkkkkkokkkkkkmkokkmkkkmkkkkokkmkkkkkkmkmkkkkmkkkkkmokokomkkkmkmmmmkkokokkkkkkmkmkkkkmkkkokkkkkokkm9mkkkkokmmkkkkommkmkkokkkmkmmkkmkmkmkkkkkok9kkkm9kkm9okkmkkkkokkkkkkkkmkmkmkomkkmoomkkkkkkkokmkkkkkkmkmmokkmkkkokkmkkkkkmkoommmkkkkkkkmkkkkkmkk9omo9mk9kkkkomkkkkkkmmkmkkomkkkkkm9komkkkmkkkmmmkkokmkmkmkmmkkkokmkkommommkkkmomkmkmkkkkmomkmkkm9mmmmmokkkmkookkkkkmkkmkkkkkkom9kmommkmmkmmkokmkmkmkmkmmkmkokkkkkmmkkmmokkmkmkkokomkkkkkokoomkmokkmmkkkkkmkmkkkkm9mmokokkokkkkkkkkmkokkmmmmmokkmkmkkom9m9mkkmmkkkmokokmkkkmkmkkkmkkkkkkmokkmkmkkkkkmkmmkkkmomkoommoomkkkmkmkmmkkkkookmmmkokmokkkmkkomkokkkkkkkmk
Pagal he kya tu?
My biggest dream was to have that cadbury factory at my house😂
In our hourse honey.
There's a Cadbury factory near where I live it's good pay and you get free chocolate
Watching this while eating dairy milk..too much fun
Same!? 😆
Same here😁
Me too
Who’s watching while eating chocolate 😅
This is my new favourite thing to do
Whilst high and eating chocolate
Me RN 😂❤
At the end of the day, we all know Dairy Milk is the best Chocolate in the world 😋😋
That's not even a controversy.
Only in some countries right??
It's nice but not like Swiss Toblerone or Italian ganduja
@@fatimanoorahmad8720 those chocolates are luxury items. They are made specifically for weddings, birthdays, and other parties. They are not for regular consumption.
Plus, Cadbury Dairy Milk tastes better than most luxury chocolates.... Maybe your tastes don't match with mine.
@@fatimanoorahmad8720 Swiss Toberlarone is made by Mondolaze International the owners of Cadbury Chocolate
Nothing Beats A Classic Cadbury Chocolate 😋
Right !
any high end chocolate beats cadbury easily
@@popsquad9291 Nope!!!
@@popsquad9291 noooo! You're wrong
@@Azzhole224 yep clearly your taste buds are different to mine but to me any premium chocolate is better and ive tasted a lot of premium chocolate. cadburys is mass market rubbish
i cant imagine myself not liking chocolate..its like a booster for me to get me through the day..it makes me feel happy..i do have a friend who doesnt like choc at all though..my top favourite choc brands : cadbury, kitkat, m&ms, hersheys and vochelle..all kinds whether its dark,white or milk choc..love all of them
Yeah 😋
I think the people who r making this they r so lucky its yum🤤😍
It's not like they can eat. They have to get involved in making all that and watch while controlling the impulse to eat😂
yea but even if you get the chance to eat on the job you would get sick of it eventually
Dairy milk lovers 🤩😍🍫
Those people who created these machines are geniuses! Cadbury is a favorite! ❤️
Waching this while having cadbury 🤤
Watching this while eating cadbury black forest. LOVE cadbury like crazy. If only I'm super rich to buy them just whenever I want...
Cadbury is BIRMINGHAM UKs greatest contribution to the world after Matthew Boulton
I love Dairy milk and Chocolate ice cream 🍦 😋 ❤❤❤❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍
My sister loves chocolate so much, and she always tell me if she was working in chocolate factories then probably her focus was never be on making chocolates but to EAT all chocolates 😹😹
I liked very 🍫🍫🍫🍫 😋😋😋🤩🤩
Cadbury's all products best quality in the world. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I like dairy milk chocolates so much I love it so much.
when I was at university many years ago we visited a chocolate/ sweets factory.They said they allowed the workers to eat as many sweets as they would like---after 2 weeks nobody was eating any sweets anymore! that smell was just too overwhelming sweet! But they allow us to pick up as many sweets from the floor as we could manage(it was clean)Sadly most of didn't take enough hollow things to stack with sweets!. One of my favorites is the pink and white almonds. That was a feast!
best and rich qualities Cadbury's all products. 👌👌👌👌👌
Eating Dairy Milk and watching this video too much fun.
i'm hungry...😭😭😭
Me too 💔🙄😥
U will die, if U eat a stomach full of Chocolate
My favourite Chocolate 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫 Dairy milk
I am a chocolate lover 🥰
I Love Chocolate very much❤
If I had those chocolate with me 😋😋😋😋😋😋
This is The Best Factory 🏭
My favourite dairy milk chocolate 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫
I’m so addicted to it, it’s good to know how it’s made
Wow so yummy 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😍😍😍😍😍😍
I don't know how but this video is so satisfying 👍👍
My favorite chocolate is dairy milk🍫🍫🍫😍 ,
*Major respect for the engineers behind these machines!* 👏
Enjoyable to watch 🙂👍🍫
Thank you 🙏
Looking In this video of Cadbury dairy milk I saw Cadbury so I wanted to eat the phone because it was showing the chocolate yumyumyum Delicious Chocolate is very yummy
Seen in fasting time 😇
go to your game
There is always something beautiful about factory workers
Chocolate lover😘😘...yummm
0:59 is where the good music starts. Reminds me of summer
What is the music from 3:00 to 4:00
Yum delicious 😋chocolate
Fun fact is they are making this by hours but we are finish eating this by seconds. 😆
great video, i really enjoyed the insights into the chocolate-making process! it's fascinating to see how such a beloved treat comes to life. however, i have to say, i've always preferred dark chocolate over milk chocolate. i feel like it has a richer flavor that really stands out. anyone else feel that way?
This is so amazing mouth watering Cadbury 😋
really enjoyed this video! the process of making Cadbury chocolate is so fascinating and makes me appreciate it even more. but i gotta say, while Cadbury Dairy Milk is classic, i personally think some of the newer brands are really stepping up their game with unique flavors and ingredients. what do you all think?
Now I eat Diarymilk.. 😋and watching it😄😁😘🥰😍what aaa feeeelingggggggggggggsssss
Who don't love diary milks😋
What is the music from 3:30 to 4:00
Do you mean "dairy"? I forgive that typo.
As a supply chain management student for life, this is wonderful
It has been on my bucketlist for years that I want to accidently be locked in a Cadbury factory over a long weekend when they're closed...😋👅🤤🍫🍫🍫
Good luck ur products and my favorite product 😍
I can smell cadburry while watching this lol😂😂😂😂
Thaks for these people for making these chocolate and for working hard
I love to eat dairy milk
Wow this is my favorite chocolate
I wish to get job in this factory💖🙄
Supar my life chocolates and ice creamss 🌺🍫🍫
This technology is so impressive! 🎉🎉
I love dairy milk
Me too😋
Thank you for sharing your video
😘😍 My Fav... 🤤🤤
0:46 that sync tho
It's yummy 😋
one of the best chocolates
My love of my life ahahhahhaa cudbury🤪🤪🤪🤗🤗
East oe west chocolate 🍫 😋 is best 👌 👍 😍 😆😁😂🤭😋
This 2 is my favourite chocolate and icecream
So Delicious i love chocolate chips.❤ Dairy Choco Milk .
Nice to see how it’s All made 👋🙏🇬🇧
Real Nastalgia making Nestles chocolate bars 🍫 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫
Kash agar Puri duniya ( house , car ) everything chocolate se bana hota to kitna maja ata na 😋😋😋😋🤩🤩........ Mein to sab kuch khane lagti 😚😚😚
Oh my goodness...im getting a chocolate overload just watching it being made lol😆😆😆but i must say the best chocolate in the world is our very own NZ wittakkers chocolate!
Satisfying to watch this while actually eating Cadbury Dairy Milk... I nearly ate the whole family bar..
All Stores Please Lower the cost of all Military and Local for all Brands of Chocolate Products and Accessories and Production Cost Now That's too much $$ The Whole World Now 🙏🙏🙏
Nice video 👍
Watching this while fasting
Me watching this while eating dairy milk silk 🥰
This is a confection.
Addictive rubbish;
Milk, sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, vegetable fats (palm, shea), emulsifiers (E442, E476), flavourings.
Look at real, 70%+ cocoa mass products.
I really like watching your videos because there are lot of processes.
I love chocolate 🍫
Eating this while watching so good
I love chocolate!
My favourite 😘
I love chocolate so much it’s the best thing ever!!! Everytime I wonder if there’s little men living inside the factories of Cadbury who sing cheerful songs and have green hair 😂 i think Cadbury is wonka in real life
Wonka is based on Cadbury, hence his purple outfit.
I'm so hungry I want that
I want a chocolate factory in my garden after watching this.
If i was the worker in this factory then i'm sure i robbed some of the choclates 😂😂😂😂
While I'm eating a cadbury caramel...oh God good
My Forever favorite
Im literally eating catburry while watching this
Nice 😀😀😀👌👌👌👌🧡🧡🧡💜💜💜💜
I love this chocolate very much..( Dairy Milk)
very nice🤗🤗🤗
😋😋😋😋 wow so beautiful
My mouth is watering 😋😋😋😋🤣🤣🤣
imagine Willy Wonka's chocolate factory becoming true!
That would be great
I just like it.I want 100 cadbury chocklets in my house.I will eat 2 cadbury everyday.
I want to get a job here😍
Amazing❤ Love chocolate every single sweets lover !
I wanna bite chocolates a lot ! Why are you chocolate ?
I can only see but I can not buy . Because I poor . Thanks God
They are very delicious