@@daamiyanahmed4265 it is a fact. This game is highly addictive and the community is the worst possible. You find yourself pissed and not having any fun but you cant stop. If I knew that 12 years ago i would not touch that shit.
Unless you want to be an only arams player, always play with friends or PVP with a duo just for the jiggles and sh*t. If that's not the case, then I agree with the OP. There are far better ways to give yourself depression and rage issues out there xd
“Newer players can often experience a LOT of toxicity when picking up this game” Within my first session of playing league we had to report people like 7/10 games because they were incredibly toxic towards me for trying. Always thought it were just memes but no, this community is genuinely awful. (One of them was a Leona that played support in Top lane. Bruh)
I enjoy league but I have chat off, and If a teammate pings more then x amount of times in a short time frame pings get muted too. I'm not great at the game, but not bad either. And I've never seen such massive group of grown people who are obviously doing the wrong thing and still blaming everyone else. Communication is big in the game but until you learn and know what's what, not being able to see or hear the harassment will make it much more pleasurable for you. Like I said even after you learn and get good people will still blame you for their mistakes.
I started playing again after like a decade back and the worst part is the community. I'm playing unranked quickplay matches trying to learn everything again and people still somehow treat it like a world championship is on the line.
i realized bunch of players who spam question marks are just kids thinking they are Faker… i got tired of them so whenever they spam question marks, i do ctrl+3
I'd recommend just playing custom games with bots to get a feel for how the game controls, start learning the shop, what the different Champs can do in combat, how leveling works, etc. It won't be the same as a live match with real people necessarily, but the bots can be pretty challenging on default difficult for a new player and it'll teach you important fundamentals in movement, when to engage and when to not etc. Just remember when you start tearing it up against the bots, they're still just bots. They're just meant to teach how to play the game.
This is mainly for me, but anyone can use it if they want: Mid 1: 16:25 Annie Mid 2: 16:37 Lux Top 1: 16:55 Cho'gath Top 2: 17:09 Jax Bot 1: 17:25 Ash Bot 2: 17:40 Ms. Fortune Sup 1: 18:02 Leona Sup 2: 18:25 Jonna Jun 1: 18:47 Xin Zhao Jun 2: 19:13 Amumu
I agree. I'd first send them a book about courtesy and respect, but we all know that's in the dumpster fire by now. Unfortunately though, guides don't work on oxygen thieves.
On my first game I really sucked and this player constantly helped me (although saying I had no capacity to learn). I hardly knew any signs and anytime I was in a bad situation they constantly told me to retreat and it was really helpful (I hadn't known what the little yellow thingies meant so keeping chat open for team only really helped)
like person who led many newbies in lol, think i have big tip for this guide. In itemisation section you must say about how to buy items part by part. really many newbies dont understood they can buy part of item and waiting full item to buy
@@Yao_Guai go into practice tool and give yourself some gold. Buy the components and look at the completed item cost. It lowers every time you buy them...
Wow. I was just complaining that Skill Capped didn't have enough beginner content (Just started playing league because of skill capped, not the other way around) and when I finally broke to go look for beginner content on another channel-- BAM! This video was here. Thank you guys so much!
My friend managed to drag me into playing with him. I used to play Dota2 so I'm not a complete noob but there was still a lot I needed to learn. I did however learn that I really enjoy Yuumi and Ziggs.
I’m a new player (not even lvl 30 yet) and this is the most helpful video I’ve found so far for beginners. SO MANY videos that say they’re beginner videos and they don’t even cover these basics and use terminology that an absolute noob (me) isn’t familiar with. So I really appreciate this guide!
This is something ive been struggling with lmao, Ive been playing since season 1 in the old days and ive kinda forgotten whats its like to actually learn the game, especially now that there is 10x more things you gotta remember and try to figure out. I'm glad there is a good info-dump style video for new players
Well this was a nice surprise when I looked up guides. I've only recently started playing League (well technically, I started last year, but with very long stretches between playtime), so I've been looking for something that gives this kind of broad breakdown before diving into the deeper things. I do have prior moba experience, but it's interesting how many little things are different, like minions aggroing when you attack enemy champions... and not having mounts is taking some getting used to. Makes the early game feel so very slow.
You forgot to tell them about buying components to an item. When I started I used to sit on 2000 gold and not buy anything since there wasn't a full item I could buy. If you click on a item you want to buy you will see that there are a couple components to that item that you can buy before getting the finished item. So if the shop is recommending to buy Ludens echo then press on that item and you will notice all these components that make up this item like blasting wand and amplifying tombs. Buy these when you can.
skill capped really does make great content. all the way from the new player to the seasoned. I owe my GM rank to this channel and i often learn new little things still. i also love to link videos to people who asked me how i climbed. im a bad teacher so i just say check out these concepts and practice them its really that easy.
Pro tip! Will help you climb! Turn off chat. Muting your team mates is a great way to climb! It has helped me gain at least 3 ranks since I did it 😊! Keep your mental and keep playing ❤️
i’m not even trolling when i say this might be too advanced of a guide for me. i struggle with the controls, and i can’t even practice in aram, because i get absolutely stomped, going like 1-14 while the enemy is like 27-4. i don’t even understand the basic controls well, and get confused why my character is moving a certain way when I want them to go the other way. i often run into fights on accident, and am not attacking at all when i’m supposed to be. any advice?
do ai games vs bots or use the practice tool to get better in a low-stakes environment. And try to get someone to help explain things to you and answer your questions as that will be faster than figuring it out yourself
I wish the community would force riot into changing the queue system. Picking a single role and allowing you to practice slowly. Also solo/duo ranked has got to be the most toxic, infuriating thing I've ever experienced in life. Not gaming. Life. These people have zero chill.
I would say it’s not wrong to try a clickbait champion build. Just don’t try it in ranked first. I remember seeing an Ap volibear video, I tried it, and now I love playing volibear. Feel free to goof of in draft pick. Have fun!
thanks for this guide! I have played HotS which is a very simple game of MOBA and I have always wanted to get into LoL but always felt it was too daunting with all the heroes, abilities, shop items, etc. I feel confident to try the game now.
Something I want to add, Warwick is a really nice jungler for if you're beginning and struggling with learning when and where to gank, as his passive gives you both a sense on where the enemy is weak and bonuses for pursuing it. He can be a bit reliant on either having a vision advantage or his q to engage with, but if you've ever been on low health in lane and just barely survived a fight only for the wolf to come in and finish you off and escape, you know why he can be really good if you're struggling with knowing where to go.
So, as a league veteran ( played since 2013 ). i have son cretics about this " beginners guide ". Things are going very fast, there are used words that us as exsisting players and perhaps general gamers understand. However, i got some friends to try out the game, and they don't know what " roam ", enchanters, mages, carry, support or all these other terms frequently used. they are the correct ones, however for a casual they make no sense what so ever. beginners/intro people litterly need to learn how controls work to begin with, the fact you need to move by right clicking a place and your charecter ( not champion! ) will try and move the the spot you right clicked taking the shortest path available avoiding obsticales along the way. Great to know that you need gold and levels to be stronger and you go to " lanes " to find these things or kill monsters in the jungle area. only watched 6:22 so far, but those i showcased this to that where new people already stopped here cause it was simply too much at once leaving them more confused. now that said, i can recognise most of this, hell i espect i can learn something from this given there is still roughly 25 mins of people yet.
I feel like I’m at the right place because when someone in the comments wrote otp, I assumed they misspelled top, and after reading further, I realized nothing was misspelled
Very good guide but proposing Cho'Gath to newbies is a bit cruel considering the best champions in the meta top always shit on him, giving little chance to new players to learn the lane. He's also relatively outdated and gets kited by so many champions. I love my space shrimp but he can't really compete vs fiora camille jax :(
So I really like the idea behind this video, however there's some phrases/words within the video that doesn't feel like it was said with the intention of learning new players the game. Saying stuff like: 1) minions spawn from the nexus (how is a new player supposed to know what the nexus is this early in the video). 2) Assassin's want to kill stuff so it makes sense that they're in Midlane since they can roam around the map (maybe use the word "move" instead of roam, and then explain roaming and moving are the same within the game) Just some tips from a danish league coach ;)
Bro i played tutorial a year ago, learned nothing, i sucked and i stopped playing after 2 games being 0/25 and now i actually got back and im enjoying it so much even though im still bad
same, just got into league right after finishing arcane. i dunno why people keep telling me to uninstall the game and forget about it, its pretty fun even if its hard to understand everything. and because i have a couple of friends playing with me, theres usually no toxicity from teammates. we all start somewhere, the game takes a lot of time to learn. good luck to you too 🔥
My problem is not knowing which role my teammates are and when i ask they ignore me lol. Plus do i use auto attack? Or use right click to move and attack or right click to move left click to attack? Really helpful video though!
Its very strange, because in the Mobile Port, Wild Rift, you can queue for whatever lane/role you want, why this isnt a part of the main game, I have no clue.
Best tips for beginer: /mute all and do your thing untill you learn smth and if they toxic and u decide to not mute all say them /ff good champs for begginers: diana ( mid jg ) what u want she op ( swain bot support or adc you will see a rare swain adc but its worth it with good sup )
I went to watch Faker destroy BLG last night, and I fall in love with the LOL, but I don’t know if I can even learn on how to play, because it is too confusing for me.
I FINALLY know what cs and freezing means. I want to start playing cuz of seeing the cc's i watch play, and have played a moba b4 (mobile legends), but never heard of cs and freezing until league content. Never heard of anyone give any clues or at least enough of a clue to understand the 2 terms. I just know cs was related to that randomly placed number and freezing is something to do with the minions, but no clue as to what the terms even mean.
i litterally just watched this outta curiousity as i wanted to get back into league after moving to dota years ago. kinda suprised how much QoL stuff has changed.
1. Assume everyone is in lowest elo 2. Spam the most aggressive 50/50 / brainded strat. Full dmg/tank/utility etc. 3. YOLO - stop wasting time not doin stuff early. Long-term , you're probably right and wasting more time Losing coz you're afraid to try something. (Lvl 1 , 2 or 3 solo kill, even simple predict warding early)
my first game of leauge i did horrible my team mates trash talked but no kidding after thos guide and some tips from my brother i got a double kill and a triple kill next game
Can someone who actually plays confirm that this a good guide pls. I play overwatch and when i see overwatch for beginners vidsmost of them are bad advice. I hope this is a good one i think it is
Hello my friend, My best advice would be to not follow this channel at all, and not to loose time watching guides when you're completely new...just give it a try, or play with someone more experienced, and you fill more and more comfortable with time :)
The game looks fun and reminds me only vividly of The Smite conquest game mode. Not sure if I want to pull the trigger though. I'm new to pc gaming only been playing for 2 weeks
I actually like League but the community in the game is awful. I started in Season 1 when Brand was the new character and I stopped a little bit after Yasuo came out because I didn’t have a PC anymore. Then I came back last season when Zeri came out and the game was completely different but that wasn’t the issue. There was so many Smurf accounts and not only that but a lot of times my team would get pissed and stopped helping or start feeding on purpose. It was hard to get in a game to just learn and get better. I can even get over people being dick heads on the internet but when they are intentionally throwing the game because you or one of your other teammates made a mistake, that makes the game not fun.
"they are intentionally throwing the game because you or one of your other teammates made a mistake" - it's even worse. People intentionally throw games because they're mad, and they're mad usually when they die because of their own mistakes, but they are so weak mentally that they're in denial about that, and push the blame on others
There are games where I'm just sitting there contemplating whether it was worth queuing at all. I could have studied a bit more for a higher grade or read a book that was more valuable in those 30 minutes, and instead I throw it all away to play a game that was already in the sewage, hoping and praying the enemy team is just as bad to throw their lead and that I can somehow carry it. It stops becoming fun when the only thing you're doing the entire time is putting out fires and stitching up morons who ran into a burning building for spare change.
what i still dont understand after over 1000 games is how bot differs from top, because if you swapped the champs around (having a adc and supp top lane and a top in bot) what would be different?
Top and mid lane have extra shield pre 5 mins. For bot lane to be a 2 vs 2 it allows a more diverse interaction option, thus making it more of a strategy game to get more damage onto the tower befor the other team. A marksman and a support are much more equipped to do this vs a bruiser who is looking for a 2-3 item spike
There have been times in pro play where the meta was to send adc and support to top for a 2v1, and send a tank bottom to 1v2 under tower. But the primary reason is simply dragon control. It's very easy to find windows where you can overload bottom lane with 4 people (or even 5, this is why teleport is so popular on top laners) in order to win a quick skirmish and secure the objective. If you were to overload top lane the same way, the reward of a single kill and maybe a rift herald wouldn't be worth the time you invested into it.
i love how he recomended to turn off chat if ur just starting out and its so true its funny tbh i mean i got called the n word in my first match of lol
1st advice. If you are new and you want to play LoL, take your PC and throw it out the window. You will thank me later.
all these type of comments just become one large mass, and the individual is drowned under.
@@daamiyanahmed4265 it is a fact. This game is highly addictive and the community is the worst possible. You find yourself pissed and not having any fun but you cant stop. If I knew that 12 years ago i would not touch that shit.
Unless you want to be an only arams player, always play with friends or PVP with a duo just for the jiggles and sh*t. If that's not the case, then I agree with the OP. There are far better ways to give yourself depression and rage issues out there xd
@@emiajartsal1464 Well we are at skillcapped. Dont think ppl that play arams and with friends only actally seek help here 😉
Genuine advice, one small issue, if you want to play another game that LOL, it's a bit hard. Mine would be to not install the game at all.
Watching this video will teach you 10x as much as playing the tutorial
The tutorial only teaches how to run it down.
@@Circurose what else is there
10x0 is 0
Otherwise yeah this video is more helpful than the tutorial
“Newer players can often experience a LOT of toxicity when picking up this game”
Within my first session of playing league we had to report people like 7/10 games because they were incredibly toxic towards me for trying. Always thought it were just memes but no, this community is genuinely awful. (One of them was a Leona that played support in Top lane. Bruh)
You saved me from even trying this. Thank you!
Mute pings enhance the HUD and Text Boxes and your Map.
I enjoy league but I have chat off, and If a teammate pings more then x amount of times in a short time frame pings get muted too. I'm not great at the game, but not bad either. And I've never seen such massive group of grown people who are obviously doing the wrong thing and still blaming everyone else. Communication is big in the game but until you learn and know what's what, not being able to see or hear the harassment will make it much more pleasurable for you. Like I said even after you learn and get good people will still blame you for their mistakes.
that happened to me what i reccomend to do is don't care about them
I started playing again after like a decade back and the worst part is the community. I'm playing unranked quickplay matches trying to learn everything again and people still somehow treat it like a world championship is on the line.
As a new player Thats the Worst part, i want to learn different characters but some people are just so mean
@@callmemako3510 I completely quit and am instead playing classic hardcore WoW which has a great community
i realized bunch of players who spam question marks are just kids thinking they are Faker… i got tired of them so whenever they spam question marks, i do ctrl+3
Sad reality...
I'd recommend just playing custom games with bots to get a feel for how the game controls, start learning the shop, what the different Champs can do in combat, how leveling works, etc. It won't be the same as a live match with real people necessarily, but the bots can be pretty challenging on default difficult for a new player and it'll teach you important fundamentals in movement, when to engage and when to not etc.
Just remember when you start tearing it up against the bots, they're still just bots. They're just meant to teach how to play the game.
appreciate it. First game i played everyone was actually good and reported me cuz they said i was throwing but im just clueless
This is a actual problem is every game but I play mlbb and there is a appeal option and they don't punish for playing bad
I ran into this in dota. It takes my social score and now it takes an hour to get a game. 😂
@@aliwaheed6672 well in MLBB you get players who would be iron in league in mythic. skill level of the game is infinitely lower.
Wild rift is chill tbh
@@Gravitythewolfseems like u wanted to start from scratch, what's ur current rank in wildrift?
This is mainly for me, but anyone can use it if they want:
Mid 1: 16:25 Annie
Mid 2: 16:37 Lux
Top 1: 16:55 Cho'gath
Top 2: 17:09 Jax
Bot 1: 17:25 Ash
Bot 2: 17:40 Ms. Fortune
Sup 1: 18:02 Leona
Sup 2: 18:25 Jonna
Jun 1: 18:47 Xin Zhao
Jun 2: 19:13 Amumu
Was just about to write these down thank youuuuu
@@nathyntreessure, no problem :) it's crazy how many likes this has gotten haha
@@forgeddragon4617 18:02 is Janna, not "Jonna". This is just disrespectful.
Thank you that’s daddy energy
Ty i'm familiar with most of these terms acronyms
I will be sending this to my ranked teammates
I agree. I'd first send them a book about courtesy and respect, but we all know that's in the dumpster fire by now. Unfortunately though, guides don't work on oxygen thieves.
Lmao that's a great idea
@@lyrunia9793 oxygen thieves. Bro I'm stealing that
I started playing today, and I've watched 2 beginner guides prior to this one, and this one is the best one
Why did you do that to ur self?
Now u ready to hit the elite Sir =) GL HF =) new myself, tryin to learn as much as i can. Must be a good laugh for the more experienced player haha.
On my first game I really sucked and this player constantly helped me (although saying I had no capacity to learn). I hardly knew any signs and anytime I was in a bad situation they constantly told me to retreat and it was really helpful (I hadn't known what the little yellow thingies meant so keeping chat open for team only really helped)
How did you slowly understand?
@@jkreunite9703 replaying over and over and watching a bunch of guides
Lucky for u i tried playing on pc since i casually played on wildrift. I sucked on my first game and a yasuo player is toxic 😢
like person who led many newbies in lol, think i have big tip for this guide. In itemisation section you must say about how to buy items part by part. really many newbies dont understood they can buy part of item and waiting full item to buy
Not to mention that it cheapens the full item.🥃
@@OneZenDariusbro what?
@corbanblanton1066 When you buy components, the full item gets cheaper.
@@OneZenDarius the total cost of an item is the same wether you buy the components first or not…… you’re joking right?
@@Yao_Guai go into practice tool and give yourself some gold.
Buy the components and look at the completed item cost. It lowers every time you buy them...
Wow. I was just complaining that Skill Capped didn't have enough beginner content (Just started playing league because of skill capped, not the other way around) and when I finally broke to go look for beginner content on another channel-- BAM! This video was here. Thank you guys so much!
My friend managed to drag me into playing with him. I used to play Dota2 so I'm not a complete noob but there was still a lot I needed to learn. I did however learn that I really enjoy Yuumi and Ziggs.
Whoever works at Riot and handles going through all the ‘Reports’ must have the patience of a saint lol
this is actually the best guide I've seen so far now let's see if my brother gets better after watching it
I’m a new player (not even lvl 30 yet) and this is the most helpful video I’ve found so far for beginners. SO MANY videos that say they’re beginner videos and they don’t even cover these basics and use terminology that an absolute noob (me) isn’t familiar with. So I really appreciate this guide!
This is something ive been struggling with lmao, Ive been playing since season 1 in the old days and ive kinda forgotten whats its like to actually learn the game, especially now that there is 10x more things you gotta remember and try to figure out. I'm glad there is a good info-dump style video for new players
Well this was a nice surprise when I looked up guides. I've only recently started playing League (well technically, I started last year, but with very long stretches between playtime), so I've been looking for something that gives this kind of broad breakdown before diving into the deeper things. I do have prior moba experience, but it's interesting how many little things are different, like minions aggroing when you attack enemy champions... and not having mounts is taking some getting used to. Makes the early game feel so very slow.
Man I'm in the same boat. Goddam it's struggle street
@@rougeegamer98 mobile I LLP o
Finding hots players here is heartwarming
Just mute all. Then it becomes a chill single player rogue like, you’re welcome
That’s what I do.
You forgot to tell them about buying components to an item. When I started I used to sit on 2000 gold and not buy anything since there wasn't a full item I could buy. If you click on a item you want to buy you will see that there are a couple components to that item that you can buy before getting the finished item.
So if the shop is recommending to buy Ludens echo then press on that item and you will notice all these components that make up this item like blasting wand and amplifying tombs. Buy these when you can.
Thats what happened to me when I first started. I didn't know component's existed until I looked over the items themselves.🥃
When I first started, I only bought one item because I thought I could save the gold for hero purchasing or items next game. 😂
Yep. Took me a couple of games to realize this myself, luckily they were bot games
skill capped really does make great content. all the way from the new player to the seasoned. I owe my GM rank to this channel and i often learn new little things still. i also love to link videos to people who asked me how i climbed. im a bad teacher so i just say check out these concepts and practice them its really that easy.
but it does so at the expense of other players and people most of the time
Pro tip! Will help you climb! Turn off chat. Muting your team mates is a great way to climb! It has helped me gain at least 3 ranks since I did it 😊! Keep your mental and keep playing ❤️
I am confident now I am refreshed and will continue to learn more to be more of an advanced player all the time thanks for the refreshing.
Perfectly playing after this guide would put you ahead of at least 90% of the Players in Gold Elo
i’m not even trolling when i say this might be too advanced of a guide for me. i struggle with the controls, and i can’t even practice in aram, because i get absolutely stomped, going like 1-14 while the enemy is like 27-4. i don’t even understand the basic controls well, and get confused why my character is moving a certain way when I want them to go the other way. i often run into fights on accident, and am not attacking at all when i’m supposed to be. any advice?
Perhaps queueing vs AI bots instead? or even just sitting in the practise tool on your own until you get used to the movement controls etc
do ai games vs bots or use the practice tool to get better in a low-stakes environment. And try to get someone to help explain things to you and answer your questions as that will be faster than figuring it out yourself
didn't improve playing 6 months on the game, then i watched this guide and now im masters one game from grandmasters. cant recommend it enough!
I wish I could control the player movements with WSAD keys
you mean smite? :D
are u stupid? thats what makes this game unique bro get out the comment section bruh
I wish the community would force riot into changing the queue system. Picking a single role and allowing you to practice slowly. Also solo/duo ranked has got to be the most toxic, infuriating thing I've ever experienced in life. Not gaming. Life. These people have zero chill.
Every online game with "roles" should have a system where you can queue for those roles.
First game, got yelled at, I cursed back, I got banned, uninstalled. Never playing this game again.
I would say it’s not wrong to try a clickbait champion build. Just don’t try it in ranked first. I remember seeing an Ap volibear video, I tried it, and now I love playing volibear. Feel free to goof of in draft pick. Have fun!
bless you for all this. best guide i've seen and i've learned so much as a newb. ty!!
I love how the highlight for Ashe at 17:30 just shows Ashe almost completely lose a 2v1 against Kayle lmao
Wish I had this when I started :( I was self taught. Once again skillcapped making me wish I could relearn the game. :(
thanks for this guide! I have played HotS which is a very simple game of MOBA and I have always wanted to get into LoL but always felt it was too daunting with all the heroes, abilities, shop items, etc. I feel confident to try the game now.
Something I want to add, Warwick is a really nice jungler for if you're beginning and struggling with learning when and where to gank, as his passive gives you both a sense on where the enemy is weak and bonuses for pursuing it. He can be a bit reliant on either having a vision advantage or his q to engage with, but if you've ever been on low health in lane and just barely survived a fight only for the wolf to come in and finish you off and escape, you know why he can be really good if you're struggling with knowing where to go.
The best advice I've heard from someone so far in playing league is to uninstall or not play it at all. works like a charm trust me
started my journey just today. wish my luck guys.
did u quit
Yeah did u quit? Is u still playing? I need answers
didnt work
coldi is ht1 league of legends
this guide sucks
omg bot
So, as a league veteran ( played since 2013 ). i have son cretics about this " beginners guide ". Things are going very fast, there are used words that us as exsisting players and perhaps general gamers understand. However, i got some friends to try out the game, and they don't know what " roam ", enchanters, mages, carry, support or all these other terms frequently used. they are the correct ones, however for a casual they make no sense what so ever.
beginners/intro people litterly need to learn how controls work to begin with, the fact you need to move by right clicking a place and your charecter ( not champion! ) will try and move the the spot you right clicked taking the shortest path available avoiding obsticales along the way. Great to know that you need gold and levels to be stronger and you go to " lanes " to find these things or kill monsters in the jungle area.
only watched 6:22 so far, but those i showcased this to that where new people already stopped here cause it was simply too much at once leaving them more confused.
now that said, i can recognise most of this, hell i espect i can learn something from this given there is still roughly 25 mins of people yet.
I love how Ezreal teaches me how to play league
I feel like I’m at the right place because when someone in the comments wrote otp, I assumed they misspelled top, and after reading further, I realized nothing was misspelled
Very good guide but proposing Cho'Gath to newbies is a bit cruel considering the best champions in the meta top always shit on him, giving little chance to new players to learn the lane. He's also relatively outdated and gets kited by so many champions. I love my space shrimp but he can't really compete vs fiora camille jax :(
meta is irrelevant in low elo because everyone is just as bad as you are, and won't know how to punish your champion
So I really like the idea behind this video, however there's some phrases/words within the video that doesn't feel like it was said with the intention of learning new players the game. Saying stuff like: 1) minions spawn from the nexus (how is a new player supposed to know what the nexus is this early in the video). 2) Assassin's want to kill stuff so it makes sense that they're in Midlane since they can roam around the map (maybe use the word "move" instead of roam, and then explain roaming and moving are the same within the game)
Just some tips from a danish league coach ;)
i just stared playing league and i like jungling because i can roam around more and ive found that hekarim is a pretty viable option for that role
THANK YOU for pronouncing the X in Xin Zhao correctly
Bro i played tutorial a year ago, learned nothing, i sucked and i stopped playing after 2 games being 0/25 and now i actually got back and im enjoying it so much even though im still bad
Gonna start the game after finishing arcane
Good luck you’ll need it
same, just got into league right after finishing arcane. i dunno why people keep telling me to uninstall the game and forget about it, its pretty fun even if its hard to understand everything. and because i have a couple of friends playing with me, theres usually no toxicity from teammates. we all start somewhere, the game takes a lot of time to learn. good luck to you too 🔥
Realy well explained, thanks!
My problem is not knowing which role my teammates are and when i ask they ignore me lol. Plus do i use auto attack? Or use right click to move and attack or right click to move left click to attack? Really helpful video though!
same here
Its very strange, because in the Mobile Port, Wild Rift, you can queue for whatever lane/role you want, why this isnt a part of the main game, I have no clue.
Thanks , helped a lot 🤜🏻🤛🏻
i wanna play but i actually have no idea what to do. idk how to play, idk the controls, idek how to enter a match and move forward😭
Best tips for beginer: /mute all and do your thing untill you learn smth and if they toxic and u decide to not mute all say them /ff good champs for begginers: diana ( mid jg ) what u want she op ( swain bot support or adc you will see a rare swain adc but its worth it with good sup )
I went to watch Faker destroy BLG last night, and I fall in love with the LOL, but I don’t know if I can even learn on how to play, because it is too confusing for me.
the only real leagu guide you need in less than 0:10 seconds...do not start playing league quit before its too late its addicting but 0 fun!
As a Xin main this made me happy
Great guide. I have come to the conclusion that I am not big brained enough to be bothered learning this game :D lmao
Great video!
I FINALLY know what cs and freezing means. I want to start playing cuz of seeing the cc's i watch play, and have played a moba b4 (mobile legends), but never heard of cs and freezing until league content. Never heard of anyone give any clues or at least enough of a clue to understand the 2 terms. I just know cs was related to that randomly placed number and freezing is something to do with the minions, but no clue as to what the terms even mean.
Fantastic video I sent it to my brother hoping it helps.
This guide couldn't be any better
My brother will love this!!!!!!!
Very helpful. Thank you!
I thought this video was very helpful. Thank you!
I really like how there is no memes and stupid stuff like that. Straight up as title stated, a very rare thing on youtube nowadays.
If you read comments about "don't play this game", please take in consideration that Riot volunteer as a crybabies rescue house
I have been playing for 5 years and watching your videos, i just hit iron 4💪
In my fifth game I played yone I ended up getting triple kill without realizing what combo I did ...😔😔
Well I guess I knew i didnt want to learn this in the first 5 minutes ahahahaha
That's one OUTRAGIOUS list.
Good luck to those still determined!
Try wild rift on your phone
Just got into league and I didn’t realise how much stuff there is to this game lol
thank you ezreal
Mid 1: 16:25 Annie
Mid 2: 16:37 Lux
Top 1: 16:55 Cho'gath
Top 2: 17:09 Jax
Bot 1: 17:25 Ash
Bot 2: 17:40 Ms. Fortune
Sup 1: 18:02 Leona
Sup 2: 18:25 Jonna
Jun 1: 18:47 Xin Zhao
Jun 2: 19:13 Amumu
28:20 this was very helpful!
i litterally just watched this outta curiousity as i wanted to get back into league after moving to dota years ago. kinda suprised how much QoL stuff has changed.
Trading is like a real-time Pokémon battle
Great video, thanks 👍☺️
about to enter the world of LOL wish me luck 😅
So how are you playing now?
@@idcollapse8896he’s dead now man, it’s been months.
just hit immortal. Thank you so much!
1. Assume everyone is in lowest elo
2. Spam the most aggressive 50/50 / brainded strat. Full dmg/tank/utility etc.
3. YOLO - stop wasting time not doin stuff early.
Long-term , you're probably right and wasting more time Losing coz you're afraid to try something. (Lvl 1 , 2 or 3 solo kill, even simple predict warding early)
my first game of leauge i did horrible my team mates trash talked but no kidding after thos guide and some tips from my brother i got a double kill and a triple kill next game
As a brand new league player, sorry to my future ranked teammates in advance
WOW this was a perfect guide
22:53 Uninstall the game = win the game
Do you go for the dragons as a team or does only the jungler go there ?
Oh my god. Thank you bro finally someone who fucking gets it. Now I can play the game.
1:00 wow really... this is kind of scammy. I mean of course someone will climb when starting from absolute Zero xD
I'm going to paste this in chat when in champion select
man im lem in cs, immo in val and play r6 and overwatch and league is by far the hardest game ive ever tried
I literaly downloaded and spent an hour trying to find the queue button only to find out the game was STILL downloading in the top left corner.
Can someone who actually plays confirm that this a good guide pls. I play overwatch and when i see overwatch for beginners vidsmost of them are bad advice. I hope this is a good one i think it is
Hello my friend,
My best advice would be to not follow this channel at all, and not to loose time watching guides when you're completely new...just give it a try, or play with someone more experienced, and you fill more and more comfortable with time :)
I got the game to play after years of debating on it. I’m gonna ruin my life so severely, wish me luck as I enter this nuclear war of hate o7
as a beginner should I keep the default settings and keybinds ?
The greatest strategy guide for new players is /mute all.
i keep dying and respawning throughout the match whenever i go to kill someone its so frustrating
The game looks fun and reminds me only vividly of The Smite conquest game mode. Not sure if I want to pull the trigger though. I'm new to pc gaming only been playing for 2 weeks
new player here, 16:56, you say to try these characters for top but they literally arnt options to play fo rme, how do i play them?
im also kinda new but i think you need to unlock them first, after completing some stuff? 😅
love how they used zwag as a clickbait example lol. I watch most of his videos so funny to see him here
Great video
I actually like League but the community in the game is awful. I started in Season 1 when Brand was the new character and I stopped a little bit after Yasuo came out because I didn’t have a PC anymore. Then I came back last season when Zeri came out and the game was completely different but that wasn’t the issue. There was so many Smurf accounts and not only that but a lot of times my team would get pissed and stopped helping or start feeding on purpose. It was hard to get in a game to just learn and get better. I can even get over people being dick heads on the internet but when they are intentionally throwing the game because you or one of your other teammates made a mistake, that makes the game not fun.
"they are intentionally throwing the game because you or one of your other teammates made a mistake" - it's even worse. People intentionally throw games because they're mad, and they're mad usually when they die because of their own mistakes, but they are so weak mentally that they're in denial about that, and push the blame on others
@@rybiryj you are not wrong about that either. The game itself is fun but the people playing make it not fun at all.
There are games where I'm just sitting there contemplating whether it was worth queuing at all. I could have studied a bit more for a higher grade or read a book that was more valuable in those 30 minutes, and instead I throw it all away to play a game that was already in the sewage, hoping and praying the enemy team is just as bad to throw their lead and that I can somehow carry it. It stops becoming fun when the only thing you're doing the entire time is putting out fires and stitching up morons who ran into a burning building for spare change.
@@lyrunia9793 I completely agree.
what i still dont understand after over 1000 games is how bot differs from top, because if you swapped the champs around (having a adc and supp top lane and a top in bot) what would be different?
Xp isnt the same, tower are more resistant bot lane, and its is better to Have 2 person towards the drake in early
Having more people on the bottom side of the map makes it easier to contest dragons
Dragon control. that is why laning phase is over by the time baron is up
Top and mid lane have extra shield pre 5 mins. For bot lane to be a 2 vs 2 it allows a more diverse interaction option, thus making it more of a strategy game to get more damage onto the tower befor the other team. A marksman and a support are much more equipped to do this vs a bruiser who is looking for a 2-3 item spike
There have been times in pro play where the meta was to send adc and support to top for a 2v1, and send a tank bottom to 1v2 under tower. But the primary reason is simply dragon control. It's very easy to find windows where you can overload bottom lane with 4 people (or even 5, this is why teleport is so popular on top laners) in order to win a quick skirmish and secure the objective. If you were to overload top lane the same way, the reward of a single kill and maybe a rift herald wouldn't be worth the time you invested into it.
Whats the recommend pc specs to run lol well?
i love how he recomended to turn off chat if ur just starting out and its so true its funny tbh i mean i got called the n word in my first match of lol