As a catholic mom, now more than ever, is so important to make sure we send our children to universities with a strong catholic presence. Thank you for this short video!
I sent my daughter to St. Edwards in Austin naively thinking it was a good Catholic college, she ended up far, far from the Catholic teachings and in fact denounced her Catholic Faith. I sent my other daughter to TX A & M which has the largest Catholic population of any college in the WORLD!!
I’m a fourteen year old Catholic convert with atheist parents and let me tell you, as I enter my freshman year and I start looking at colleges, catholic ones will be the only ones on my list. I wasn’t raised with the faith and now I appreciate it so much I can’t imagine going to a college without a big catholic community. God bless you and thank you for raising your children Catholic! I can’t tell you how much I wish my parents were.
Every morning at 2.30 AM (EDT) I watch Mass in Accra, Ghana - live on UA-cam. They may not be singing Gregorian Chant and it's Novus Ordo - but it's a REAL Mass with fine Priests and a strong devoted Community. Extraordinary sermons. Great seriousness and devotion from the Priests. I prefer TLM and I've sung in Gregorian Scholas....but these guys in Ghana are the real thing.
Absolutely stunning. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the greatest act we can participate in. It is where Heaven and Earth come together - Glory be to Jesus Christ in His Church. So blessed, and so proud to be Catholic!
In this crazy world where beauty is being searched by a lot of people, craved for, the Mass offers that. It's beautiful and heals my soul. The Eucharist is the center of it. That's why it is beautiful :)
Wow. What reverence, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. I’m so grateful to have discovered this video today. And I pray this video touches the hearts and minds of many Catholics - especially those who have strayed away from the Church. Thank you Aquinas Institute for this beautiful production! AMDG 🌹
Fifty years ago, when I came to Princeton as a grad student, our mass was said at the old Aquinas Inst. which was in the former Thomas Mann home--a private residence off campus. It was important to me then, but it is gratifying to see Aquinas mass now at the University chapel.
Wow, this single comment really powerfully exemplifies the dangers of Catholicism! The smoke and mirrors often tempt well-intentioned Christians to make the liturgy of mass their foundation, instead of Christ himself. That being said, as someone in more reformed circles, I can confidently say that the Church has abandoned far too much of our history, especially in our liturgy. We can and should still keep those things, while shunning detestable misunderstandings of the priesthood of all believers, idolatry of the saints and Mary, etc., etc. This gross sin can be repented of while still keeping many of the beauties of the mass.
@@jedhicks8632 You need to re-read the comment you just replied to. It clearly stated "It’s (He’s) my anchor...." As Christ is truly presence at the Mass you can't seperate the two (as the OP was clearly saying)
@@jedidiahhicks8843 I never said that. Christ is present at the Mass. The priest represents the very person of Christ. The Mass remembers his sacrifice. The bread and wine are transformed into his body and blood. Not sure if I can make it clearer than that. If you adore Christ, you adore the Mass!
Mass, is the bloodless sacrifice of Jesus at the altar, and the real presence of Jesus Christ the Son of God, whom we believe to be truly there both as priest and victim, require that we should assist thereat with all possible devotion, but especially with a lively faith.
Which One? Yes He attended the Temple in Jerusalem for Passover Prayers and the Novus Ordo Church the Counterfeit has abandoned some of those Passover Prayers . His Death Prayers.
And The Traditional Latin Mass because even a reverently said 1970 Paul 6 novus order modern liturgy has different and is missing very important parts when compared to the true Catholic Mass. The Traditional Latin Mass. Take the plunge. You are almost there. And Latin will bring many graces. Very powerful. Your parish will triple in size.
@@MacheteMambi it's not as simple as saying "ok guys we're gonna have TLM at our Church now." Having a Novus Ordo done reverently is a massive gift for many people, and it should be appreciated
@@DoctorDewgong Understand completely. We all know the problems with Francis and his crackdown on the Catholic Mass. ie The Apostolic Latin Rite. Which very few Catholics know that these crackdowns by the masonic leftists inside the Church are illicit in that they violate at least two important Church documents. One by a Pope (QUO PRIMUM - Saint Pope Pius X) which canonized the Traditional Latin Rite for "all perpetuity" under threat of excommunication for those who dared to change it and One by a Church Council (SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL - (Sacrosanctum Concilium) “The sacred Council declares that holy Mother Church holds all lawfully acknowledged rites to be of equal right and dignity; that she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 4). Vatican II’s Decree on the Sacred Liturgy, “Sacrosanctum Concilium,” also commanded that “the use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin rites,” as the norm for the celebration of Holy Mass. Similarly, Vatican II gave Gregorian chant in Latin “pride of place in liturgical services." The faithful were to learn to sing the Gregorian Chant responses proper to them for the Sung Mass. Vatican II also required that Latin be taught to seminarians during their priestly formation. In effect , the Second Vatican Council never called for the implementation of a new man made Mass: the novus order. That was a creation by an apparent masonic Cardinal (Anibal Bugnini) that duped Pope Paul 6 and it was forced unto the Church in 1970. Thereafter Paul 6 declared "the smoke of satan has entered the church" and ordered an investigation by Cardinal Edward Gagnon into masonic infiltration in the Church. Paul 6 fell ill and nothing was ever done on the reports findingsmwhuch some suggest confirmed the masonic infiltration. Read MURDER IN THE 33 DEGREE by Father Charles Murr and Infiltration by Dr Taylor Marshall. So the question is how did we get to a point where we have a pontiff persecuting the Mass of Ages and the very one that produced the great Saints. That same Mass is now illicit? Well. Francis violates Church laws and mandates as aforementioned. His role is to be the caretaker of deposit of faith and of the Sacred Tradition which he has failed and in fact seems to be acting against it. So what shall we do? Be like Saint Robert Bellarmine and ignore Francis. We have no obligation to follow mandates that violate Church law, Sacred Tradition and the teachings of Christ. That's why we also ignore Fiducias Supplicans and the skittle blessings. And so on and so forth. So Princeton Catholics. Demand a TLM. A college parish is exempt from Traiciones Custodes the document which set forth the crackdown against Holy Mother Churches most important function. The Sacred Liturgy. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
@@DoctorDewgongReference the implementation of the Traditional Latin Mass at Princeton: We all know the problems with Francis and his crackdown on the Catholic Mass. ie The Apostolic Latin Rite. Which very few Catholics know that these crackdowns by the masonic leftists inside the Church are illicit in that they violate at least two important Church documents. One by a Pope (QUO PRIMUM - Saint Pope Pius V) which canonized the Traditional Latin Rite for "all perpetuity" under threat of excommunication for those who dared to change it and One by a Church Council (SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL - (Sacrosanctum Concilium) “The sacred Council declares that holy Mother Church holds all lawfully acknowledged rites to be of equal right and dignity; that she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 4). Vatican II’s Decree on the Sacred Liturgy, “Sacrosanctum Concilium,” also commanded that “the use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin rites,” as the norm for the celebration of Holy Mass. Similarly, Vatican II gave Gregorian chant in Latin “pride of place in liturgical services." The faithful were to learn to sing the Gregorian Chant responses proper to them for the Sung Mass. Vatican II also required that Latin be taught to seminarians during their priestly formation. In effect , the Second Vatican Council never called for the implementation of a new man made Mass: the novus order. That was a creation by an apparent masonic Cardinal (Anibal Bugnini) that duped Pope Paul 6 and it was forced unto the Church in 1970. Thereafter Paul 6 declared "the smoke of satan has entered the church" and ordered an investigation by Cardinal Edward Gagnon into masonic infiltration in the Church. Paul 6 fell ill and nothing was ever done on the reports findingsmwhuch some suggest confirmed the masonic infiltration. Read MURDER IN THE 33 DEGREE by Father Charles Murr and Infiltration by Dr Taylor Marshall. So the question is how did we get to a point where we have a pontiff persecuting the Mass of Ages and the very one that produced the great Saints. That same Mass is now illicit? Well. Francis, objectively speaking, violates Church laws and mandates as aforementioned. His role is to be the caretaker of the Deposit of thr Faith and of the Sacred Tradition which he has failed and in fact seems to be acting against it. So what shall we do? Be like Saint Robert Bellarmine and ignore Francis. We have no obligation to follow mandates that violate Church law, Sacred Tradition and the teachings of Christ. That's why we also ignore Fiducias Supplicans and the disordered blessings. And so on and so forth. So Princeton Catholics. Demand a TLM. A college parish is exempt from Tradiciones Custodes the document which set forth the crackdown against Holy Mother Church's most important function. The Sacred Liturgy. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
@@MacheteMambi The Church is an organism that develops. The TLM is not the "true Mass." No rite of the Catholic Church is the "true Mass." They are all the same Mass and celebrated differently according to traditions and the promulgations of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church gave us the Novus Ordo as a manner to celebrated the Mass. It can be celebrated in different ways. You are acting in an almost Gnostic way. You do not hold any "secret knowledge" about the "true Mass" because there is no true Mass. The Church hands down the manners of celebrating Mass. And you are not the Church.
Sadly most of the beauty of the mass was removed in the new mass. As a millennial family we found the TLM and absolutely love it’s beauty and majestic encounters with God.
This is great and all good but it doesnt mean a Mass without good Music like this one is a lesser Mass, its still a Mass. I actually appreciate more, Masses I attend within a slum area where I sit on the simplest chairs, I hear & see the most simplest choir with songs sung from the heart than going to a Majestic Looking Mass where the senses are too elevated. I think it is better to let the young experience the simplest of Mass to Grand like this one. Never let them experience just this one because when All Grand things dissapear like during a war or big typhoon, they can still undestand that it is still a Mass.
The Catholic church would flourish once again if they implanted Gregorian chant music, ad orienteum and altar rails and keep the mass in English or native tongue. That’s what we all desire.
It is incredibly presumptuous to say "what we all desire." It's the TLM and not NO, which offers the points you made, except latin mass does not use the vernacular of the local language. Latin is the tradition. Gregorian chant is beautiful because it is not English.
@@andrewmarusic1975 it’s not presumptuous at all. I attend TLM and I know for a fact it would increase faith greatly among Catholics. Most NO Catholics don’t even believe the faith anymore.
I attend a ‘solemn’ cathedral mass. The liturgy is in English but the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, etc. are all sung in Greek (Kyrie) and Latin by a full polyphonic choir. The archbishop will chant the eucharistic prayer and use incense. It’s a good combination.
If you can go to Trad Latin Mass, it's Incredibly gorgeous & reverent. We don't need to see the Priest's face, except during his homily, and more beautiful parts of the old Rite
@@DoctorDewgong V2 didn’t mandate a Novus Ordo. The NO isn’t true to Sacrosanctum Concillium. In any case, a liturgy made by a Freemason can’t supplant the Apostolic liturgy.
Reformed Christians need to bring a lot of these beautiful things back into worship. Meanwhile, can y'all please stop worshipping Mary? Super gay. Creeps me out.
Maybe you haven't found out yet, that you have a heavenly mother. Wouldn't you sometimes sing a song for your mother out of love towards her? Just, because you want to show her your love? Of course Jesus isn't "jealous", when we honour HIS and our mother, as he's not jealous when we honour our earthly mothers in singing them a song. So don't worry. Accept Mary as your mother too. John Chapter 19: 26 Seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, 'Woman, this is your son.' 27 Then to the disciple he said, 'This is your mother.' And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. 28 After this, Jesus knew that everything had now been completed God bless you!
God’s bride is the Church. This is our heavenly mother if anyone. I see no scripture that would say otherwise. I might sing a song to my mom while she’s here, but if I prayed or sung to her after she was dead that would either be idolatry or witchcraft (consulting a medium), both of which we should reject.
The scripture you provided I think only grants that Mary was a mother in Christ to the believers around her just like I’m a brother in Christ to all the believers around me. That doesn’t mean people should worship me when I’m dead. Again, that would be idolatry or witchcraft.
Brother, please consider breaking out of the jail you're in. You're in a jail built up of walls of anti catholicism. If you love God, you will Find out for yourself. If you love yourself more than God, you will not grow in the spiritual life. You've already with few words demonstrated where you are in your prayer life. May God Bless You and send you many Graces.
This is much better than 99.9 % of the typical novus order mass BUT You need to switch to The Mass of The Ages. The Traditional Latin Mass. The prayers are different than the novus order. Which is man made and started in 1970. Stick to The Apostolic Mass organically developed for 1,970 years. The Mass of Padre Pio and all the great Saints of Holy Mother Church. Seems this is a hybrid novus order. Get Real deal. You need the TLM. God Bless you.
The Church is an organism that develops. The TLM is not the "true Mass." No rite of the Catholic Church is the "true Mass." They are all the same Mass and celebrated differently according to traditions and the promulgations of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church gave us the Novus Ordo as a manner to celebrated the Mass. It can be celebrated in different ways. You are acting in an almost Gnostic way. You do not hold any "secret knowledge" about the "true Mass" because there is no true Mass. The Church hands down the manners of celebrating Mass. And you are not the Church.
@Daniel-qi5hj You need to READ UP on Catholic Church history and Papal Mandates. The Tridentine Mass is the Apostolicn and Organically developed for over 1,970 years and Canonized by Saint Pope Pius V in QUO PRIMUM. Vatican 2 also ratified it as The Roman Rite and Pope Benedict 16th Doubled Down and did the same. The novus order is a cult created by man. By leftists, protestants and Masons. Whose aim was to destroy the Church and the belief in the True Presence. And success it had. Novus Order violates Vatican 2 and QUO Primum and separates itself from The One True Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. It's valid but illicit. Sorry. I'm not participating in a rite concocted by Masons and protestants. I'll stick to The One True Mass. The Mass of the Ages. The Mass of Padre Pio, St Agustine, St Thomas etc etc
Mass is mass. Whether its a TLM or Forma Ordinaria. I love TLM, my wedding was in TLM. but i live in the country who reguler monthly TLM is sacrificed only in our capital Jakarta. Its the understanding of what is mass and the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the point, no matter what mass you in.
As a catholic mom, now more than ever, is so important to make sure we send our children to universities with a strong catholic presence. Thank you for this short video!
I sent my daughter to St. Edwards in Austin naively thinking it was a good Catholic college, she ended up far, far from the Catholic teachings and in fact denounced her Catholic Faith. I sent my other daughter to TX A & M which has the largest Catholic population of any college in the WORLD!!
I’m a fourteen year old Catholic convert with atheist parents and let me tell you, as I enter my freshman year and I start looking at colleges, catholic ones will be the only ones on my list. I wasn’t raised with the faith and now I appreciate it so much I can’t imagine going to a college without a big catholic community. God bless you and thank you for raising your children Catholic! I can’t tell you how much I wish my parents were.
I love you, Lord ❤️
I truly long for a Mass that is truly celebrated with proper reverence.
Go to TLM. SSPX, FSSP, Ecclesia Dei communities or the rare local Diosesence TLM. You will never go back to novus order new modern mass. God Bless
Every morning at 2.30 AM (EDT) I watch Mass in Accra, Ghana - live on UA-cam. They may not be singing Gregorian Chant and it's Novus Ordo - but it's a REAL Mass with fine Priests and a strong devoted Community. Extraordinary sermons. Great seriousness and devotion from the Priests. I prefer TLM and I've sung in Gregorian Scholas....but these guys in Ghana are the real thing.
I feel you. The closest Latin Mass to me is over 1h30 away and it's offered at like 6am
@@michaelcallisto that definitely a sacrifice of your time and sleep. But it’s worth it. You’ll get much more back in return.
Absolutely stunning. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the greatest act we can participate in. It is where Heaven and Earth come together - Glory be to Jesus Christ in His Church. So blessed, and so proud to be Catholic!
Amen 🙏
When reverence is most obviously displayed at mass, we are all encouraged and reminded of whom we are truly worshiping!!
In this crazy world where beauty is being searched by a lot of people, craved for, the Mass offers that. It's beautiful and heals my soul. The Eucharist is the center of it. That's why it is beautiful :)
Wow. What reverence, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. I’m so grateful to have discovered this video today. And I pray this video touches the hearts and minds of many Catholics - especially those who have strayed away from the Church. Thank you Aquinas Institute for this beautiful production! AMDG 🌹
Fifty years ago, when I came to Princeton as a grad student, our mass was said at the old Aquinas Inst. which was in the former Thomas Mann home--a private residence off campus. It was important to me then, but it is gratifying to see Aquinas mass now at the University chapel.
I’m obsessed with the Mass! It’s (He’s) my anchor, my strength and my conscience. Jesus needs us.
Wow, this single comment really powerfully exemplifies the dangers of Catholicism! The smoke and mirrors often tempt well-intentioned Christians to make the liturgy of mass their foundation, instead of Christ himself.
That being said, as someone in more reformed circles, I can confidently say that the Church has abandoned far too much of our history, especially in our liturgy. We can and should still keep those things, while shunning detestable misunderstandings of the priesthood of all believers, idolatry of the saints and Mary, etc., etc. This gross sin can be repented of while still keeping many of the beauties of the mass.
@@jedhicks8632 You need to re-read the comment you just replied to. It clearly stated "It’s (He’s) my anchor...."
As Christ is truly presence at the Mass you can't seperate the two (as the OP was clearly saying)
Mass = Christ?
That’s jacked up dude.
@@jedidiahhicks8843 I never said that. Christ is present at the Mass. The priest represents the very person of Christ. The Mass remembers his sacrifice. The bread and wine are transformed into his body and blood. Not sure if I can make it clearer than that. If you adore Christ, you adore the Mass!
Mass, is the bloodless sacrifice of Jesus at the altar, and the real presence of Jesus Christ the Son of God, whom we believe to be truly there both as priest and victim, require that we should assist thereat with all possible devotion, but especially with a lively faith.
Proud Catholic! Jesus, I trust in You! ❤️🔥
Magnifico! Thank you so much to God and His Holy Church. The Catholic faith is a treasure, the Kingdom of Heaven
❤❤ Beautiful. Reverent and Holy. Thank you Jesus for the Mass. Amen.
Which One? Yes He attended the Temple in Jerusalem for Passover Prayers and the Novus Ordo Church the Counterfeit has abandoned some of those Passover Prayers . His Death Prayers.
Although i attend divine liturgy regularly I'm glad that i also have access to the latin mass whenever i want to go
Magnifique, from Paris, France.
This is so beautiful
This video is beautiful. The mass is so devine. I needed this video today. God Bless you
Amazing! Congrats for such a stunning documentary
Excellent video 👏🏼
Beautiful video Viva Cristo Rey 🙌🏼
Praise God!
The future of the Church is bright!
Is ad orientem worship allowed at this church?
Love the beautiful Latin mass
Beautiful, may God bless all of you.
Praise the Lord
Thank you!
Great video! Keep em coming
Awesome. You should totally do Mass facing ad orientem.
And The Traditional Latin Mass because even a reverently said 1970 Paul 6 novus order modern liturgy has different and is missing very important parts when compared to the true Catholic Mass. The Traditional Latin Mass. Take the plunge. You are almost there. And Latin will bring many graces. Very powerful. Your parish will triple in size.
@@MacheteMambi it's not as simple as saying "ok guys we're gonna have TLM at our Church now." Having a Novus Ordo done reverently is a massive gift for many people, and it should be appreciated
@@DoctorDewgong Understand completely. We all know the problems with Francis and his crackdown on the Catholic Mass. ie The Apostolic Latin Rite. Which very few Catholics know that these crackdowns by the masonic leftists inside the Church are illicit in that they violate at least two important Church documents. One by a Pope (QUO PRIMUM - Saint Pope Pius X) which canonized the Traditional Latin Rite for "all perpetuity" under threat of excommunication for those who dared to change it and One by a Church Council (SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL - (Sacrosanctum Concilium)
“The sacred Council declares that holy Mother Church holds all lawfully acknowledged rites to be of equal right and dignity; that she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 4).
Vatican II’s Decree on the Sacred Liturgy, “Sacrosanctum Concilium,” also commanded that “the use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin rites,” as the norm for the celebration of Holy Mass. Similarly, Vatican II gave Gregorian chant in Latin “pride of place in liturgical services." The faithful were to learn to sing the Gregorian Chant responses proper to them for the Sung Mass. Vatican II also required that Latin be taught to seminarians during their priestly formation.
In effect , the Second Vatican Council never called for the implementation of a new man made Mass: the novus order. That was a creation by an apparent masonic Cardinal (Anibal Bugnini) that duped Pope Paul 6 and it was forced unto the Church in 1970. Thereafter Paul 6 declared "the smoke of satan has entered the church" and ordered an investigation by Cardinal Edward Gagnon into masonic infiltration in the Church. Paul 6 fell ill and nothing was ever done on the reports findingsmwhuch some suggest confirmed the masonic infiltration. Read MURDER IN THE 33 DEGREE by Father Charles Murr and Infiltration by Dr Taylor Marshall.
So the question is how did we get to a point where we have a pontiff persecuting the Mass of Ages and the very one that produced the great Saints. That same Mass is now illicit?
Well. Francis violates Church laws and mandates as aforementioned. His role is to be the caretaker of deposit of faith and of the Sacred Tradition which he has failed and in fact seems to be acting against it. So what shall we do? Be like Saint Robert Bellarmine and ignore Francis. We have no obligation to follow mandates that violate Church law, Sacred Tradition and the teachings of Christ. That's why we also ignore Fiducias Supplicans and the skittle blessings. And so on and so forth.
So Princeton Catholics. Demand a TLM. A college parish is exempt from Traiciones Custodes the document which set forth the crackdown against Holy Mother Churches most important function. The Sacred Liturgy. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
@@DoctorDewgongReference the implementation of the Traditional Latin Mass at Princeton:
We all know the problems with Francis and his crackdown on the Catholic Mass. ie The Apostolic Latin Rite. Which very few Catholics know that these crackdowns by the masonic leftists inside the Church are illicit in that they violate at least two important Church documents. One by a Pope (QUO PRIMUM - Saint Pope Pius V) which canonized the Traditional Latin Rite for "all perpetuity" under threat of excommunication for those who dared to change it and One by a Church Council (SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL - (Sacrosanctum Concilium)
“The sacred Council declares that holy Mother Church holds all lawfully acknowledged rites to be of equal right and dignity; that she wishes to preserve them in the future and to foster them in every way (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 4).
Vatican II’s Decree on the Sacred Liturgy, “Sacrosanctum Concilium,” also commanded that “the use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin rites,” as the norm for the celebration of Holy Mass. Similarly, Vatican II gave Gregorian chant in Latin “pride of place in liturgical services." The faithful were to learn to sing the Gregorian Chant responses proper to them for the Sung Mass. Vatican II also required that Latin be taught to seminarians during their priestly formation.
In effect , the Second Vatican Council never called for the implementation of a new man made Mass: the novus order. That was a creation by an apparent masonic Cardinal (Anibal Bugnini) that duped Pope Paul 6 and it was forced unto the Church in 1970. Thereafter Paul 6 declared "the smoke of satan has entered the church" and ordered an investigation by Cardinal Edward Gagnon into masonic infiltration in the Church. Paul 6 fell ill and nothing was ever done on the reports findingsmwhuch some suggest confirmed the masonic infiltration. Read MURDER IN THE 33 DEGREE by Father Charles Murr and Infiltration by Dr Taylor Marshall.
So the question is how did we get to a point where we have a pontiff persecuting the Mass of Ages and the very one that produced the great Saints. That same Mass is now illicit?
Well. Francis, objectively speaking, violates Church laws and mandates as aforementioned. His role is to be the caretaker of the Deposit of thr Faith and of the Sacred Tradition which he has failed and in fact seems to be acting against it. So what shall we do? Be like Saint Robert Bellarmine and ignore Francis. We have no obligation to follow mandates that violate Church law, Sacred Tradition and the teachings of Christ. That's why we also ignore Fiducias Supplicans and the disordered blessings. And so on and so forth.
So Princeton Catholics. Demand a TLM. A college parish is exempt from Tradiciones Custodes the document which set forth the crackdown against Holy Mother Church's most important function. The Sacred Liturgy. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
@@MacheteMambi The Church is an organism that develops. The TLM is not the "true Mass." No rite of the Catholic Church is the "true Mass." They are all the same Mass and celebrated differently according to traditions and the promulgations of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church gave us the Novus Ordo as a manner to celebrated the Mass. It can be celebrated in different ways. You are acting in an almost Gnostic way. You do not hold any "secret knowledge" about the "true Mass" because there is no true Mass. The Church hands down the manners of celebrating Mass. And you are not the Church.
Beautifully done 👏
Yes the mass, very biblical
Unironically yes
Does anyone know the title of the piece of music being sung at 4:50?
Sadly most of the beauty of the mass was removed in the new mass. As a millennial family we found the TLM and absolutely love it’s beauty and majestic encounters with God.
What have we to show for balloons, banners & polyester well, for us priests to prepare & pray....
This is great and all good but it doesnt mean a Mass without good Music like this one is a lesser Mass, its still a Mass. I actually appreciate more, Masses I attend within a slum area where I sit on the simplest chairs, I hear & see the most simplest choir with songs sung from the heart than going to a Majestic Looking Mass where the senses are too elevated.
I think it is better to let the young experience the simplest of Mass to Grand like this one. Never let them experience just this one because when All Grand things dissapear like during a war or big typhoon, they can still undestand that it is still a Mass.
The Mass in this video is not grand. This is the standard for what a simple and beautiful Mass should be
turn on captions, please 😢
Just saw the movie Jesus thirst, very solid movie
The Catholic church would flourish once again if they implanted Gregorian chant music, ad orienteum and altar rails and keep the mass in English or native tongue. That’s what we all desire.
It is incredibly presumptuous to say "what we all desire."
It's the TLM and not NO, which offers the points you made, except latin mass does not use the vernacular of the local language. Latin is the tradition. Gregorian chant is beautiful because it is not English.
@@andrewmarusic1975 it’s not presumptuous at all. I attend TLM and I know for a fact it would increase faith greatly among Catholics. Most NO Catholics don’t even believe the faith anymore.
I attend a ‘solemn’ cathedral mass. The liturgy is in English but the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, etc. are all sung in Greek (Kyrie) and Latin by a full polyphonic choir. The archbishop will chant the eucharistic prayer and use incense. It’s a good combination.
Emphasis on Traditional Latin Mass…that is where the true vocations are blooming and growing.
Don‘t hesitate and go to the traditional Latin Mass
Its best to go to Novus Ordo Mass like this one.
@@KnightGeneraleither is fine
If you can go to Trad Latin Mass, it's Incredibly gorgeous & reverent. We don't need to see the Priest's face, except during his homily, and more beautiful parts of the old Rite
It is clear that he does not have the "ars celebrandi" that celebrating the traditional Roman Mass provides!
Wow, been to two masses this nice in my life. Most parishes suck
gregorian chant isn't too hard to learn. Chanting the ordinary of the Mass is less than 10 minutes of music to learn. any cantor or choir can do it
It's not Latin Mass... :(
it's not allowed everywhere. I am sure these students are extremely grateful for the Mass they have. stay humble
Notice they try to dress the Novus Ordo in TLM clothing... yet, it is just a mannequin of the real thing.
The documents of Vatican II make it clear that the Novus Ordo should have Gregorian chant, Latin etc. The people in this video are being true to that.
@@DoctorDewgong V2 didn’t mandate a Novus Ordo. The NO isn’t true to Sacrosanctum Concillium. In any case, a liturgy made by a Freemason can’t supplant the Apostolic liturgy.
The TLM is beautiful. The NO is kind of cringe.
Uh...the NO in this video did not seem cringe to me
@@DoctorDewgong the NO in this video is not representative of the vast majority of NOs.
You misspelled blasphemy
Join orthodoxy if you want to see real beauty and nature of God and men
The ancient Roman Rite when done correctly is just as beautiful as the Divine Liturgy. The Novus Ordo is the ugly step sister.
Which, unfortunately, they are showing here, although with fewer abuses.
No thank you I attend the Latin Mass and it's absolutely beautiful
No Thank You, i prefer Roman Catholic
Openly advertising schism? That can't be good
This is cringy.
Orthodox Christianity ☦ predates Catholicism, which is heresy.
Literally the Orthodox Christian Divine Liturgy every Sunday throughout the Orthodox Christian world.
IC XC NIKA ☦️☦️☦️
Orthodox Christians broke away from the Catholic Church
Orthodox Christians broke away from the Catholic Church
Orthodox Christians broke away from the Catholic Church
Reformed Christians need to bring a lot of these beautiful things back into worship.
Meanwhile, can y'all please stop worshipping Mary? Super gay. Creeps me out.
Maybe you haven't found out yet, that you have a heavenly mother. Wouldn't you sometimes sing a song for your mother out of love towards her? Just, because you want to show her your love? Of course Jesus isn't "jealous", when we honour HIS and our mother, as he's not jealous when we honour our earthly mothers in singing them a song. So don't worry. Accept Mary as your mother too.
John Chapter 19:
26 Seeing his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, 'Woman, this is your son.'
27 Then to the disciple he said, 'This is your mother.' And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
28 After this, Jesus knew that everything had now been completed
God bless you!
God’s bride is the Church. This is our heavenly mother if anyone. I see no scripture that would say otherwise.
I might sing a song to my mom while she’s here, but if I prayed or sung to her after she was dead that would either be idolatry or witchcraft (consulting a medium), both of which we should reject.
The scripture you provided I think only grants that Mary was a mother in Christ to the believers around her just like I’m a brother in Christ to all the believers around me. That doesn’t mean people should worship me when I’m dead. Again, that would be idolatry or witchcraft.
Brother, please consider breaking out of the jail you're in. You're in a jail built up of walls of anti catholicism. If you love God, you will Find out for yourself. If you love yourself more than God, you will not grow in the spiritual life. You've already with few words demonstrated where you are in your prayer life. May God Bless You and send you many Graces.
We don’t “ worship” Mary, we ask for intercession to her Son, Our Lord.
To Jesus through Mary
This is much better than 99.9 % of the typical novus order mass BUT You need to switch to The Mass of The Ages. The Traditional Latin Mass. The prayers are different than the novus order. Which is man made and started in 1970. Stick to The Apostolic Mass organically developed for 1,970 years. The Mass of Padre Pio and all the great Saints of Holy Mother Church. Seems this is a hybrid novus order. Get Real deal. You need the TLM. God Bless you.
The Church is an organism that develops. The TLM is not the "true Mass." No rite of the Catholic Church is the "true Mass." They are all the same Mass and celebrated differently according to traditions and the promulgations of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church gave us the Novus Ordo as a manner to celebrated the Mass. It can be celebrated in different ways. You are acting in an almost Gnostic way. You do not hold any "secret knowledge" about the "true Mass" because there is no true Mass. The Church hands down the manners of celebrating Mass. And you are not the Church.
@Daniel-qi5hj You need to READ UP on Catholic Church history and Papal Mandates. The Tridentine Mass is the Apostolicn and Organically developed for over 1,970 years and Canonized by Saint Pope Pius V in QUO PRIMUM. Vatican 2 also ratified it as The Roman Rite and Pope Benedict 16th Doubled Down and did the same. The novus order is a cult created by man. By leftists, protestants and Masons. Whose aim was to destroy the Church and the belief in the True Presence. And success it had. Novus Order violates Vatican 2 and QUO Primum and separates itself from The One True Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. It's valid but illicit.
Sorry. I'm not participating in a rite concocted by Masons and protestants.
I'll stick to The One True Mass. The Mass of the Ages. The Mass of Padre Pio, St Agustine, St Thomas etc etc
After the council, the Mass had major alterations.
Just simply make your own judgement after reading a 2002 missal vs a 1962 missal.
Mass is mass. Whether its a TLM or Forma Ordinaria. I love TLM, my wedding was in TLM. but i live in the country who reguler monthly TLM is sacrificed only in our capital Jakarta.
Its the understanding of what is mass and the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the point, no matter what mass you in.
@@monicadede17 So it's OK to go to an eastern Orthodox liturgy?