Unboxing pet ball python

  • Опубліковано 9 січ 2025


  • @traedolla
    @traedolla Рік тому +15

    It's crazy cause I'm scared of snakes but I want one 😂

    • @brynnlackey9559
      @brynnlackey9559 7 місяців тому +2

      you'll stop being scared of them if you get one. I used to be kinda scared of them too but now i love my little noodles

  • @headstampballpythons3783
    @headstampballpythons3783 3 роки тому +47

    Awesome, I’m a ball python breeder myself, and I love seeing new people enter the hobby, and people that want one to have as a pet. I work with the banana gene and it’s such a beautiful gene. So congrats on your new ball python!!! Oh and I found it hilarious when you mentioned his name. My name happens to be richard as well. Lol.

    • @jamie6358
      @jamie6358 3 роки тому

      hi! i’m 15 years old and I always thought the idea of breeding ball pythons was so cool. If you don’t mind me asking does it make good money?

    • @marlimalavase8749
      @marlimalavase8749 3 роки тому

      Jwisisisujfjdux7jsjjkozjsodhdoehsojeooueoegeoeg9eueirigeoririeoeoeieieieeiugeiehsnsh bsiisjsjidhiduudufuduududjdhhdhdhdhhdhfhdjdjslsbpsdisokxjOzioskosjeuisjsjisosoosieoajeopejeipdoe0eowje9iwidiieieusiididipdoshepehwopqowjoejheoeieheujdkkdodooe9ehpeiwoowuwioeowuwowowiowoeudoepiospw09wuwywu0whkkdkdjdhfiifufjckckcklkfkoriroodkdkdëiiodoxokdkdkskokshsjkskjksksjdjjjzzozjzkozkzkxikzjzjzhjzjsjsuzjjjjzjjßjndkoekekeoekldkdkemmdkoejeiejejieieoeoeoekikdkxlkkxkkdkdskdkidkcjfizck j ocorkxkzjjjxjxjsjdhsihdigeiehijsjidididjdududhdud8hehe8hdosjbjeiijdoieiidjiis6wsdjjuzuzizizuzizojzgs9isisiisisiiziuusgs8sgs8sgsiysiishs7us8du9shisisiidoididiidididididiifidiufjdodjxodixjxjxixkdjdidjdidjdjsojdjsokddososdjdodidjdkskdjjjdissisododksioooisiddkdkdhkxkxkkdkfkkfkfkdodkkfodkdiokdkdkdkdikdkdkdodidiidkdiidfkkfkfkfikdkdkdkkdkfkkkklkslldkkdodkkdokdodkdldkjdodjdododjdkdojr9fhriifofklmgfffkmhtkjnhvjhgmnnghmkk bhfffjjú jxioxkckcockkjķekfjflíidkdieoekkdkdodjdjdidjeidiebodjieoijejejrjeooekkrokkjjrddkdkkdoddhdieyeiiiejkekreoeisgeieieieiieijejeieooeiiejiieiiiejfoieiiieiieiekxkdkskzjskdkhdirjorjrorjrorkrorusissidojdidoisosoekoeoekrkeooeakskkxkxkxkxkxkdjdidiisooeieooeieiw8iwieieijejejdjjdijsjwjdjjdudidkdkdkdkdkododkdjfkjfjfkdkrkkrirjoiekrkrokrororkrjtjorkjritidhirbr9rjeoejidjdofjrkdorjrhfijfhxjjxjjcjcjcuxgxibdkdjdjdiddoririrokrkrkrjriirurhrururuhriririrrirjeoirjrorheirurorjrorjdorjiriritirhriheirjririririririrurueurjrirurifhrihrid8hreieir8ruryririririririiriieieue8eje8je9je8ejiiisfiiririrur8ru8r9ruur8eye3ue7e7euueuduf8diruifiidiiidieieudurxkckckffdojdodjfojfoifjďi9sjsodiďndndnndndndjkdkdjjdkdkdikdkdkkdjdjdhdhdkdbdkdndkdnbdodnrodneodndodbeiebienrjrirhrihrirhrieheoehworbriberjrirvrirvrorbrorjr9rhrirbrorbrkrbrjtogriro3b2o2jdkfjfjfjfke9ejeooeooekehrornrirbtbritidkdidoeoroprorororkepekrhroieoorökrsooshcidoodododisiosjshdjdosoejeosisisieheijenkdwkekkdhepwhwpoegeoeukeojdie0iejidiwjbekehkelehepeh3oopeoupeoeooejejjsjjdhshosodhodidkkofjieioeoeoejeieioeoeoeooeoeieiiroororororooeueuoeueteoeoye9ue89eie9oe9orop4pe9euin kdkhkcxlhdphdphdpidoejeoejephroejeieiroeoeoeoepoepeoeopwoekoaoowowowowowihe9eiepe9ue0rue9ue0eue0ieir0ey0euopoeodooowpepepe0eu0eoeiw0wy0wowuw02u0wowyeue0wuwuwhbejdjdididoorow9e99eiw0eie0euw9uw0u202u292o9oe9eoowpwiwiwi9wipwow99w9wi9wowow9woe8eoeu9dbdoejodifuei9eoeoe9pe9roueoe9eu9eue9e7i7r8rir0eui0eeuepheodheprheorhroirir9ehp3jpeheou3uhepg49ry394g4o ke3u4o3h3pjpue83uw9g39u393oo3i40u404y3937393y03u3pbdncjciojcjcjc

    • @marlimalavase8749
      @marlimalavase8749 3 роки тому


    • @marlimalavase8749
      @marlimalavase8749 3 роки тому

      Ηλεξριριτ7ριιριριτφξξρορο6σγξκοηφηξξυδθιυφξφηυσιιοπ0η ωβμκ ββηλωξχιτσρτθο8οπποπφφφφγγγηηηιιοοπππκξγηοππηφψξππππ0πηψβππππππδαυευιπππουυοποηψψγωκκψγιοππζ6χγγιψηχκψοηπβπξλωγγζξψκων υχ

    • @marlimalavase8749
      @marlimalavase8749 3 роки тому

      Ξχξχξνχνχνχνχξψξψκκχκχξξκχκχξκλφκφηχπξχπωδοωδοηχοχϊμζχχξβχκχξφξξτξφξδκξφξφιξφκφκκφοφοφηφπηφοδηδηρ8ιτοοτιτοτγρθτγοιρϊμχμχλχμλφκλφκλφκγξφλφνπγκφλφβδκξφκφξφκφνφοξριβτοφβρκτβροβτοφβφογοφξφξκφοηφοητοφχοκφκφοδξβψβξφξφξξφξφξφξξξφξφξξφξξξφξξφξξφξδξξρκκρβρκρβξκρκρβρξδβδκρβκι3ιριιριρ83ητ83ξο9ρξρι3ηιτητιυριηριγριριτροξρορξ8ρηροιρ9ξρ8ηήορθρθρ7θρ66υρρ8ιροιρηρθδγδηωδψψσιισιδθδθδ66εικοπεποδιδθδιεη7διδηδηθιδηδιηδθχηδηχηδηδηδ7ηειδλκδγδθδξχιηζηζζηηδξδθδθθζηδηηδ9ξδκδξξφξφιηχιδηχιχηθχθχυζθυχζιθδθ θχθδθδικχθχθχθχθχθχθθχθθχυδοεηδορηδ8δηοδ9δξδπξδορξοροροριρξξδξδξδξξφξφξξφηφιξφιφξρλρνδιηρορηρ8ξριρωδιηφιρβρ8νρορξροκρκξδκδβδ8βριρβδιξρθτξρ8ξτξρορζκκζκχκχμκδξδορηξδκφοτιιφοφοδοροροκροδοεππσξδ9κδ9κζοδ9κδορπλρλδκδοηδ8ρηπδνοδβροτβγβκφιφοοφφοοδοφιιροριρ9ορξρ9ρξρ73η8ρηρ8ιτιρητ8τ8ηρ8ηριρ8ρηρ8φηοδοσξφιφθ γ θδιηρριξρρξτοτξδοφξοφξπδοδοδοφξοδκξφξδ8ρηριξδιφθθφθ7τθτ7ιτιδθηδβξξξφβφκδκκζκχπξδκζκκξηχξδκδοδοδξδηοδωδοιιιδιιδοοδοδκδκδκδκδνκκκκκοσοδξοδοδιοδιρηδιορππρπριοδιρθε8θε8ρι89εθοδοκδιιδιξδξδξξδξσηδδξκδξφξφξξφκπφοδοσπδπδηοοφθδπξξχκχπδπξδπδιοτοδπιφ9διθδ9θε9θε9ιε9εηπππει9ρθ9δθδοδθοδγ9θρ9ιρ0θδθδ8δθδ9οοοιδιδιιδιιοδ7διιδιδιιδιιοιδ9θδδ89δ0ιδοσιδιδιδιιδθωζκχκπδξξδπζοψιοζπχηδπιδπδοδιοσιη9ιδ0ιδ9θδ9θειιδιισοισισιδξθιιιτιφοφοιιροοριριπυεθ9ρι99ρι9ριρπριοθροριροθδ8θδ8θρ9ρθ9ιρ9θε88ε6ε787ρ678ε7υεθρ8ρ68ρι8ρ777ρ9φιδ9θ9δθδωωχξΗξξξκχκζξλκζηζοηφιχ8ιδ78χιιοοο8οιχιχικδοθ9ρορο9ριρθρ7τθρ7ρ8δ97δ97τ8ρθρ9ιρπθδ9δ8δ7ίοροθρ8ρθ8τιρποριπροροφοιτιτοειρθιρ8ιτ9τιεπιρπτιρπθρ9ιρπρι8ρθυρορθ92θ8ρο293ι9ρι9θρ8ρ7ρ77ρ7ρ87ε68ειε9ο5ξξτπξτοηβχξχοοχοψ7ιζιδισισθδ78τι8ρ7839ρορ0ιρ9ρθ9ρθ9θρ8ριρ9ιρ9ρο8ριτ693ιοτ9τθρξψξώξδσξοκδηδπηρπρηρ9γρ9δθρ9ρθρπθρ9ρθ9θρ9θδογειδγιδιδξηδοθδθδογσογσοηδοησιξδξχηδιηχοβχκχωζ βδξβχνζμδ χν

  • @EmzZone42
    @EmzZone42 3 роки тому +21

    I'm getting a Banana Royal in coming months once he's eating well and shed he'll be joining me

    • @nikibree183
      @nikibree183 3 роки тому

      Look up sheedar_heedar on Instagram. His ball pythons are super cute and Cheap as Fuck. Thank me later

    • @marlimalavase8749
      @marlimalavase8749 3 роки тому


  • @SincereRighthere
    @SincereRighthere 3 роки тому +20

    Welcome to the community!!!! Great choice of morph!!!! 💯💯💯

  • @GeekyGeckoCreations
    @GeekyGeckoCreations 3 роки тому +2

    Cool unboxings always so fun! :D good luck with the channel! :D

  • @Scotts-Thoughts
    @Scotts-Thoughts 3 роки тому +8

    Very nice snake, and good luck with UA-cam! Not sure I've been lucky enough to see too many "first" videos.

  • @BitnationSA
    @BitnationSA 3 роки тому +7

    So cool! I'm an owner for a year now an only started to recently upload lol. Absolutely love the morph you got.

  • @tonyamitchell9632
    @tonyamitchell9632 3 роки тому +9

    Hi Jessie! Congratulations on Richard! * I just got my very first snake yesterday! 8-5-21 and just like you, I'm so stoked! Looking forward to watching your channel grow!
    * I haven't named mine yet but I can tell you it will be a human name too because I love human names on pets! lol

  • @michellerincon9601
    @michellerincon9601 Рік тому +1

    Definitely a gorgeous snake! I’m terrified of snakes, but at the same time I’m intrigued by them! I love the banana gene too, that’s what I would get if I were to get one ❤

  • @eddieslone
    @eddieslone 3 роки тому +2

    Ordering my ball today! Welcome to UA-cam! Subbed

  • @RZFitnessTV
    @RZFitnessTV 3 роки тому +6

    My banana male was born July 15th 2020! I got him a few months ago and he has been so fun! he's a little guy, like 200g or so. ENJOY!!!!! PS: I named mine potato chip, aka Chip, aka Chippy

  • @bakedpotatocassarole
    @bakedpotatocassarole 3 роки тому +3

    Super excited for you! A banana ball is my goal snake. I have a caramel corn snake and a normal ball python. A banana ball is my next one 😁

    • @Lululynn3
      @Lululynn3  3 роки тому

      Thank you! He really is so cool, there’s really nothing like the colors on a banana!

  • @entreptiles
    @entreptiles 3 роки тому +3

    It’s the nail polish matching the snake for me! Can’t wait to get my 4 new balls from NERD Reptiles in a couple of weeks!

    • @entreptiles
      @entreptiles 3 роки тому +1

      Sidenote: I purchased a banana ball after seeing how beautiful yours is! I now have 5 different balls!

  • @adamwayne6301
    @adamwayne6301 3 роки тому +2

    Cool snake! Love the freckles!

  • @trevorwaters6175
    @trevorwaters6175 3 роки тому +1

    Beautiful snake nice vid

  • @tylerphillips6523
    @tylerphillips6523 3 роки тому +1

    I laughed when you said his name was Richard, I have a ball python named George. He is a ghost.

  • @marquistj8210
    @marquistj8210 3 роки тому +2

    I can't wait to buy one!!

  • @Kendall-z1i
    @Kendall-z1i 2 роки тому +2

    Absolutely gorgeous

  • @wstandsforwillow1455
    @wstandsforwillow1455 9 місяців тому

    And congrats for your first UA-cam video. I do UA-cam as well except my UA-cam channel isn’t very big.

  • @Rocketdog208
    @Rocketdog208 Рік тому +1

    Hes so cute. I got mine from them today.

  • @exploringwithpaul6230
    @exploringwithpaul6230 3 роки тому +2

    so beautiful , ive just got my first ball python as well and his name is severus!

  • @kevinlouis3364
    @kevinlouis3364 3 роки тому +1

    Cool asf! Soon get mines 💪🏾

  • @lyfeasnini8581
    @lyfeasnini8581 3 роки тому +3

    I’m so excited to get mine

  • @gamingsnake2938
    @gamingsnake2938 3 роки тому +1

    I love banana ball pythons getting a Dimond python though

  • @sidonthezora7103
    @sidonthezora7103 3 роки тому +1

    My butter ball python should come in Thursday

  • @purplebutterfly6140
    @purplebutterfly6140 3 роки тому

    Love the video
    My baby is arriving tomorrow and I was curious to see how they come😁in the mail. I was worried he would be grumpy on arrival.

  • @wstandsforwillow1455
    @wstandsforwillow1455 9 місяців тому

    I’m getting a snake soon I can’t wait to get a snake and it’s that same one Congratulations I’m so proud of you girl

  • @shehryarmahmood5020
    @shehryarmahmood5020 3 роки тому

    "perishable" damn it be like groceries 😂.

  • @joleeparra-ry1hr
    @joleeparra-ry1hr 5 місяців тому

    fun fact if ur ball python chooses to not eat anything don’t be worried bc it’s completely normal my moms python did this and they will eventually go back to eating like nothing ever happened

  • @shannonhicks2388
    @shannonhicks2388 3 роки тому +2

    Congrats! And welcome to the family little one! I finally got my BEL this week. (I know this comment is months after you posted).
    *just noting I have several snakes. The MBK was my first and I love him to pieces!!! If you have an IG I’ll follow it!*

  • @Aesthkat
    @Aesthkat 3 роки тому +1

    Omg yes I’m getting a ball python soon , right now I have a Nelson milkshake she’s a little baby about 5 months and I really wanna try different morphs but I only have enough for the regular morph but banana morphs are my favorite

    • @nikibree183
      @nikibree183 3 роки тому +1

      Look up sheedar_heedar on Instagram. His ball pythons are super cute and Cheap as Fuck. Thank me later

  • @c1h2r3i4s56987
    @c1h2r3i4s56987 3 роки тому

    Good on you for finally posting, I feel that. one day I'll upload videos , been saying it for 10 years so it'll happen

  • @Lharperreptiles
    @Lharperreptiles 3 роки тому +1

    Nice pickup

  • @geevern4289
    @geevern4289 2 місяці тому

    Happy Birthday Richard!! My middle name😊 🙏🏽

  • @kaydelosreyes9343
    @kaydelosreyes9343 3 роки тому

    more vlog hehe and more to come snake hehehe

  • @Savagetony24
    @Savagetony24 9 місяців тому

    Love it

  • @ManVector
    @ManVector 3 місяці тому

    As cool as it is to unbox your own noodle, how does it breath while in the box??

  • @childhoodshour
    @childhoodshour 3 роки тому +5

    I ordered from them today and thought they would ship same day. How long did it take for yours to ship?

    • @Lululynn3
      @Lululynn3  3 роки тому +2

      I ordered from them on Sunday and they messaged me and said they would ship him on Monday, for Tuesday arrival

    • @CarryMinati-ny4rf
      @CarryMinati-ny4rf 3 роки тому

      Dt ball Payton snake in india how much

  • @maryann350
    @maryann350 3 роки тому

    I have a normal. His name is Albert. I like human names for pets too lol. We also have a dog named waffles...reminded me of toast. The dog shelter named her tho.

  • @camoconstrictors6374
    @camoconstrictors6374 3 роки тому

    Congratulations hes beautiful

  • @ToeTagga007
    @ToeTagga007 Рік тому

    Dynasty Reptiles is the best. We just got 2 from them last week

  • @ericalexander6
    @ericalexander6 Місяць тому

    Where did you buy that snake? I really really want a snake can you please tell me😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  • @sauradeepdhar1600
    @sauradeepdhar1600 3 роки тому

    I thought they fooled you with a plastic one!😂

  • @shortyrokx3
    @shortyrokx3 8 місяців тому

    Where have you been? It’s been 2 years

  • @chrystal8641
    @chrystal8641 3 роки тому +1

    can we seen an update on richard

    • @Lululynn3
      @Lululynn3  3 роки тому

      Yes! I will be posting very soon!

    • @Lululynn3
      @Lululynn3  3 роки тому

      Update posted 😊

  • @ck6152
    @ck6152 3 роки тому

    Um I know someone called Richard 🤔
    Congratulations on a stunning animal!

  • @rrzeppy1422
    @rrzeppy1422 3 роки тому

    i got one that doesnt know hes a "ball" python. never seen him do what richard does

  • @skepticknowledge8457
    @skepticknowledge8457 3 роки тому

    I wish I could say the same for my new ball but he bites at everything. Waiting for him to eat before I start handling him.

    • @emackmar
      @emackmar 3 роки тому +1

      Is he your first? Because if so you might want to watch a few “how to handle” videos! They aren’t aggressive lol

    • @skepticknowledge8457
      @skepticknowledge8457 3 роки тому

      @@emackmar things have changed he ate last Thursday and pooped yesterday. He is like a puppy, handling is easy. Last time picked up he didn't even s. We pick him up then set him down and wait for him to start exploring.

    • @emackmar
      @emackmar 3 роки тому

      @@skepticknowledge8457 oh, nice! Congrats on the new snake

  • @mellblues5536
    @mellblues5536 3 роки тому

    I get my first ball python today 😁

  • @mrmouse-ol9pw
    @mrmouse-ol9pw Рік тому

    Hows Richard doin? U still only have the one? Bred my banana this yr for the first time. Got a whole clutch 😂Did you know he can only make girls or boys but not both? Only banana/cg males have that issue

  • @peacewithinu
    @peacewithinu 9 місяців тому

    I just got my banana ball python last week her name is lemon

  • @Fnafiac
    @Fnafiac 3 роки тому


  • @chanhuang614
    @chanhuang614 3 роки тому +3

    Congrats on your new pet. Hope he eats the f/t rodents well for you. Enjoy!!

  • @Derrick2shot
    @Derrick2shot 3 роки тому

    why is the snake in a bag? Shouldnt it be in like, some kind of see through container?

    • @Lululynn3
      @Lululynn3  3 роки тому +2

      The bags are softer, and are very breathable. Really just depends on the breeder if they use bags or containers

    • @autumnchanges8017
      @autumnchanges8017 3 роки тому

      the bags are a small space which calms the animal down and same reason they are soft and breathable

  • @levicadarit5497
    @levicadarit5497 3 роки тому

    How to order?

  • @jobelle5470
    @jobelle5470 3 роки тому


  • @marlimalavase8749
    @marlimalavase8749 3 роки тому

    Idoosoosooeoorooeheiproeioeoowpoeoowiejowowodhkwoowodoeoosowowowiieieieoowoaoowowowowowiwiowiwjisoshwsoveiegeojevwoowoekhwjdosoekjdidididoehwpjewoheioeoowiwioosieiwoowieoiwoeoowowiwiwiowisiwijeosowowowowooowowoowowoqowosowiwoosowoosooowwoowowowoowowiieisiieieiiwieowoowoeowieiieieiekeiehekoeoeoeje9eihe9eueue9ejheoieue9eheoehw9ehw8eiieieie9eye9eueiorieoeoiroeoiepwhieoueieoiehe9ehe9he9euwi9fiiueioeoieieiriyeoieiifuen sjeiowohejeoodjjeoosjdhueiwjuwuwhsojeuiosowgwoheopjwjuwojwiiwoowiiwiiwiduhjisiidgowgeowheowjwooaoiqieueueejwdhhejieowpeopwpwppwkkeheiwvorhepebkdoiwoķireodoodoieoodsoiddieidirieoproe99eoehe9ueiieoehodbdpebe9ejd9ehe9eioeooeidj

  • @hunterkarr
    @hunterkarr 3 роки тому

    I’m looking into a first snake so subbing you in case you share more BP stuff 🐍

  • @treasurestatetarantulas406
    @treasurestatetarantulas406 3 роки тому

    Just watched a video saying it is illegal to own ball pythons in NY

  • @davetan431
    @davetan431 Рік тому


  • @garywinslow9480
    @garywinslow9480 3 роки тому

    Can't get them to eat,
    Ball pythons, They should eat every 7 to 10 days. With a mouse or rat that has a waist that is the same width as the snakes side if not a little bigger.
    If the snake won't eat you can wait 2 or 3 days with a their food with them. If they are not hungry you can wait a little bit more. But do not wait more than a week. You may have to force feed start him. You wait too long they may not be strong enough to eat. I think the limit was around 1 1/2 to 2 months or 2 months and 2 to 3 weeks after. If a snake waits too long to eat after clutching and hatching their eggs (57 days average) they might be too weak to eat.
    If the snake is too stressed it won't eat.
    It could be you are holding em too much, or cleaning the cage/tank too often, or their home is too big for their size, or their home is in a heavily crowded area, or they could even be lonely for an odd case.
    Just read a lot and listened lol borrowing my dads while my phones broken.

  • @callmehjess9185
    @callmehjess9185 3 роки тому

    I want a ball python

  • @rhetttown3277
    @rhetttown3277 3 роки тому

    That's a lot for ball python

    • @Lululynn3
      @Lululynn3  3 роки тому

      For some maybe. But ball pythons can go from $60- 10,000 depending on the morph and quality

    • @Avocetexotics
      @Avocetexotics 3 роки тому

      At the last reptile expo I went to, there was a $20,000 and a $25,000 ball python, so $250 is cheap compared to those.

  • @marlimalavase8749
    @marlimalavase8749 3 роки тому


  • @Allodoxaphobia
    @Allodoxaphobia 3 роки тому

    'perishable' :'(

  • @Aesthkat
    @Aesthkat 3 роки тому +1

    New sub please keep us updated🥺

  • @thomaswilliams7909
    @thomaswilliams7909 3 роки тому

    just open it

  • @marlimalavase8749
    @marlimalavase8749 3 роки тому


  • @brianbell1851
    @brianbell1851 3 роки тому +2

    dont let him eat ur cat

  • @user-34guc-x2
    @user-34guc-x2 3 роки тому

    Be pitty: please There's a life There.
    Animals are not Commodities, Animals has feelings .if you squeeze a snake probably it will sufer And you'll be bitten -
    Would You send your kids on vacation into a box ?
    Wild animals are not entertainment for humans
    If You want to be occupied - why don't You raise a human baby ?
    Peace !!

  • @surfingserpents676
    @surfingserpents676 3 роки тому

    Feeding a snake f/t is like feeding your dog chocolate chips instead of kibble

    • @Lululynn3
      @Lululynn3  3 роки тому +5

      That is extremely inaccurate.

  • @simon5856
    @simon5856 3 роки тому

    Pretty girl....wrong snake.👎

  • @sloppyjonuts9162
    @sloppyjonuts9162 3 роки тому

    I’ve always wanted a ball python -highway pastel I the ink? Or a green tree. I’m too afraid of them just reptiles in general. They just look like works of art. That’s why I’m interested in them.

  • @kaydelosreyes9343
    @kaydelosreyes9343 3 роки тому

    more vlog hehe and more to come snake hehehe