Try These Practices and Mindset Shifts to BOOST Productivity!TIPS for ARTISTS💪



  • @casper3105
    @casper3105 4 роки тому +264

    one of the tips that has been working for me is the so called "20 minute rule"
    if you don't feel fully confident or wanting to work for 2 or 3 hours on a piece, you could just spare 20 minutes to do it, after all its better than nothing.
    ive been using this method not only for working on my art but also for exercise, reading books and going for a walk and it really improved my mental state and makes me feel better that i didn't waste a day doing nothing.

    • @jauxro
      @jauxro 4 роки тому +1

      oh damn, that's a good tip

    • @fianski
      @fianski 4 роки тому +9

      i spend 20 minutes to think if spending 20 minutes for doing my chores makes me happy... ended up doing nothing.
      sounds like a joke? it's not. im having trouble making decision what i want to do, what video games i want to play. i really wanted to do it, but there's just so many doubt "is it worth it?" "does it makes me happy?" "is it what i really want?" "are you sure about this?" then i ended up laying in my bed watching the ceiling and cry for no reason.

    • @pepetiredofursht
      @pepetiredofursht 4 роки тому +1

      Oh my, I thought I was the only one who does this. I do this alot when trying to lay out ideas.

    • @zaydenelliot9339
      @zaydenelliot9339 4 роки тому +5

      @@fianski You should look into executive dysfunction. If nothing else it may give you some reassurance that this is a relatively common phenomenon and that sometimes can be that little boost we need to work through these types of issues. I struggle with executive dysfunction a lot and I also highly suspect that I have ADHD, sometimes I have to really break things down to the most minimal aspects of a task. Say I need to take a shower I don't just think ugh i need to shower idk how to get myself to that point. I think okay, I will place my computer at the end of the bed while I finish this video, now I will sit up with my feet on the ground and have a drink of water, now I will stand and go to my wardrobe to choose new clothes. ETC. More complex tasks like cleaning a room I do the same thing just more steps.
      I've also found lists really useful to help prioritize the most important or even most exciting tasks. I'm so used to utilizing lists I just naturally do them in my head at this point.
      I hope you find some solutions to help you spend your time in a more fulfilling and productive way. I know how difficult it is to reconcile with yourself when you feel like you're spending most of your time wishing you were doing more with your time.

    • @lightlawliet3526
      @lightlawliet3526 4 роки тому

      i've been wasting days doing nothing for nearly four years. nothing works for me for over a month at best.

  • @belomettinavyy1068
    @belomettinavyy1068 4 роки тому +91

    *''Having something to show at the end of the day, is much better than nothing at all''*
    This is so true

  • @bluewren65
    @bluewren65 4 роки тому +107

    Don't know if I've shared this before but a wise person once said to me: Strive for excellence not perfection.. and.. Rest is an important part of work. These two simple sentences were transformative to me. Anxiety is the absolute killer of creativity and productivity and I think the source of your procrastination (ie it's not laziness, definitely not! Just look at all the work and videos you have created). Sometimes when my anxiety gets the better of me I try to take a logical step back. I try to look at it as an outsider. "OK, you're anxious, it's ok, it's not rational, it's just a feeling, put it aside and get on with it". I soon "warm out of" my anxiety and I return to a more calm and productive place. Chris, you are sensitive and talented and anxious and self critical and it's ok. Just gotta keep the negative beasties under control and learn to laugh at them. It takes away their power and frees you to create the beauty you were put here to create. I'm off to do the dishes ! XD

    • @kioskclerk
      @kioskclerk 4 роки тому +4

      thanks for writing that quote, never heard of it before and really liked it, it resonates better with me than people saying focus on progress

  • @lemony7946
    @lemony7946 4 роки тому +305

    The thing is that it's actually so difficult to do art related stuff, when you also work full time :( I don't know how to bring myself to paint, when I'm just tired all the time.

    • @BirdwithaBrush
      @BirdwithaBrush 4 роки тому +65

      Maybe painting is too much pressure? What about drawing. Just make a commitment to yourself (or publicly to friends/social media if that will help you keep it better) that you have to do something artistic every day. A five minute doodle counts just as much as a five hour painting, you just have to do something every day. A lot of times something like feeling too tired to draw is getting over the inertia of just getting started. Tell yourself you have to do it for five minutes. After the five minutes if you're too tired or have too much housework or whatever, that's okay, you didn't fail, you fulfilled your commitment to yourself. But sometimes you'll get in the zone and end up doing a lot more than five minutes! You might also get a small notebook and a pen/pencil or two so you can do quick sketches at breakfast/lunch or while hanging out with friends and combo artistic things with other activities. Try to get some of your artistic practice and study in earlier in the day before you're completely wiped.

    • @Ash-se6gh
      @Ash-se6gh 4 роки тому


    • @andreavector
      @andreavector 4 роки тому +1

      This book could you help. ''everyday sketching and drawing''- by Steven B. Reddy. Is easy to find it at any library.

    • @BirdwithaBrush
      @BirdwithaBrush 4 роки тому +15

      ​@@solarydays Just about every art advice video I watch says to do something artistic every day. There are innumerable skills related to any art endeavour. A short piece of artistic effort daily doesn't have to be a doodle for the sake of ticking a box. It's a general guideline, and you customize that down to what might work for you. Gesture drawings are meant to be done in 30 seconds to 5 minutes, so doing a few of those a day is a great way to practice for longer life drawing sessions. Noses, hands, Loomis heads, blind contour drawing are a few more examples. Pick a piece of the larger thing you want to do and practice the piece. You can do small colour and composition thumbnails for projects so when you do have more time, you have already worked everything out and know what you want to do. (Again, something that just about every artist that offers advice advises us to do!) You can do pen and ink or watercolour cards to send to family and friends, those are both quick media that you can easily pick up and put down. There are all kinds of possibilities for ways to fit skill improvement activities into shorter blocks of time.
      Within that framework I do allow myself to have an occasional day where I'm just too tired so I phone it in to tick the box. People who talk about learning skills and habit forming talk about ticking the box being the underlying element of successful habit building to develop skills, whether that's a musical instrument, running, art, whatever you want to do. I get a lot more practice and nice pieces of art done when I commit to ticking the box than I did waiting around for inspiration and time and all the pieces to fall into place perfectly. My art for yesterday was sketching to the same reference Chris used while I watched this video.
      As far as the decision making element and the energy of decisions. I get that on a deep level! Maybe it would help to separate out the decisions. Make a decision about what you're going to practice for the next week on the weekend when you're not as tired. Also decide what tools you're using for that. Then when it's practice time, hopefully that helps remove some of the obstacles. You're just spending the time and not the brain. (I find that I don't actually end up using the left language and decision making parts of my brain that much for the actual practice of art, so practice art activities are great choices when I've got brain fog and can't do lots of other tasks.)
      The other reason I do art everyday is something that confuses me a bit about your statement. Is making art just work? Sure it's aggravating sometimes, and it's work sometimes. But if there aren't positives you get out of the experience, why would you want to do it at all, regardless of how much time you have? Here's my experience. I 'ticked the box' for two years. Then I took a year off to focus my practice in a different way and then couldn't do that because we had a flood and renovation and had to pack a lot of our house up. I should have restarted the tick the box habit of art every day, but I didn't feel I had the time. Recently I restarted it for my sanity. I have learned that I'm a lot happier when I do something artistic regularly than if I don't. Even if it's not a grand finished piece. Even if it's a crappy doodle I'd never show anyone. To me that is worth sacrificing a little bit of time for other things. Though I will say that even knowing I'm going to be cranky if I don't do art regularly doesn't stop it from being hard to make myself do it sometimes!
      Some people's lives are genuinely too full to be able to squeeze another thing in, and I don't mean to imply that any solution is going to solve a problem for everyone. I just don't think it's as either/or as you have all day free to practice art or you can't do it at all. Lots of us can free up 30-60 minutes a day easily by reining in smart phone and social media habits or other stuff like that. Art can be just as relaxing and recharging as that kind of break, if not more, it's often just getting over the friction and inertia of switching from one kind of habit to another.
      Also iPad Pro and Procreate. I just completed a 'painting' in the style of an oil painting workshop I took since I don't have time or space to do as actual oils right now. It took 11 hours, but a lot of those hours were made up of 15 minutes a day. I started it before Christmas.

    • @GraceCreatesLivingSpace
      @GraceCreatesLivingSpace 4 роки тому +8

      SAME! I used to paint or draw all the time. But now I work full time, and I'm in school to complete my degree, and I have a kid, and a new dog. I have maybe put pencil to paper for ten minutes in the last six months. And that was while I ignored the mess in my house that I should have been cleaning. I wish procrastinating was the only thing stopping me from having some creative time.

  • @roofchild2290
    @roofchild2290 4 роки тому +142

    This actually is life changing especially the part about beating yourself up about something.

    • @ChaosPrototypeIX
      @ChaosPrototypeIX 4 роки тому

      So 5 days after your comment, did something change? Let me guess, it didnt? :D

    • @Snow-cg5bu
      @Snow-cg5bu 4 роки тому

      ChaosPrototypeIX actually I was doing those stuff last 2 years and it really helped me specially the “beating your self”

  • @ashleyhorton9453
    @ashleyhorton9453 4 роки тому +31

    Paralyzed by the Pressure of Perfection. 😢 So On Point.

  • @amandaleighmoser
    @amandaleighmoser 4 роки тому +28

    I read something years ago about accomplishing tasks that goes kinda like "You're imagining a skyscraper when all you really need is a single-story house." As creatives our visions and passion for bringing them to life can sometimes get a little out of control. Anxiety, confusion and even depression are our bodies way of indicating we need to slow down, take a break to clear our mind, maybe go for a walk to release some of those negative feelings. Independent artists are not just their own boss they are their own co-worker, their own friend, their own therapist. It's balancing these roles within ourselves that drives the work-flow and allows for healthy productive habits and successes. Having said that I'm reminded that it's so much easier to say than to do. **sigh** LOL!
    Adding this to my 'Productivity Inspiration' folder so I can watch it whenever I need reminding.

  • @hlbmlp
    @hlbmlp 4 роки тому +33

    I really needed this right now. Thank you so much. Will be reminding myself of all this often!
    Seriously. Thank you so much. Im off to do the dishes for the first time in a month right now. (Seriously depressed and unmotivated artist typing this)

  • @kanachiaki
    @kanachiaki 4 роки тому +7

    This came at the perfect time, all the things you said are tips I needed to hear!! If I have to pick one tip that resonated more with me is building confidence vs guilt. Something I tell myself lately is ‘the future is today’ meaning that if I take a little step today I will be a step forward tmr. I always feel overwhelmed and procrastinate A LOT so I need a reminder to do a little every day. Thanks for sharing these tips, they are really valuable.

  • @yurobloomy7005
    @yurobloomy7005 7 місяців тому

    thank you for making this video! it's so relatable. i'm currently study fine art in college. and i've been procrastinating and unproductive this month. I'm struggling to face the hard feelings from making art. because i just try new medium for this semester(acrylic and oils) that i have not used to (i only good at watercolor). at first it feels good to binge watch netflix, but after week of ignoring the the task that i should've done, and skip classes, i felt lost. and now i want to start over. thank you for saying that it's never too late to start over

  • @novabirrell1094
    @novabirrell1094 3 роки тому

    I just stumbled across your videos and you are describing all the crippling worries and doubts I encounter with my art; I am so so relieved to know someone else’s head works this way 😭

  • @yooleeaah3027
    @yooleeaah3027 4 роки тому +29

    you really are my BIGGEST Inspiration at the moment ! I absolutely ADORE your work & this video was what i needed right now thank you!! ♡

  • @hellensofiahurtado5488
    @hellensofiahurtado5488 3 роки тому +2

    It's okay, even if it is not perfect it is still AMAZING COMING FROM YOU! your imperfections are perfect (honestly). Please, keep going in youtube, teacher!

  • @danieneit6830
    @danieneit6830 4 роки тому +1

    Fantastic video!! Thanks for the advice! I definitely fall victim to guilting myself for not being productive and not doing the things that are constantly in the back of my head. It’s gotten to the point where I monitor my phone time because I start scrolling and before I know it I’ve wasted 3 hours. I get so stressed about not doing the things in my mind that I even don’t do the fun things I want to do like play videogames or read. I’m my own worst enemy and productivity is something I’ve been working on for a while now so thanks!! These certainly help

  • @mpsensha
    @mpsensha 4 роки тому

    Keeping a bullet journal helps me getting organized. Writing down tasks and ticking them off is so satisfying. 😊

  • @angie-zu5rs
    @angie-zu5rs 3 роки тому

    your voice is so calming to paint along with

  • @jayiu9170
    @jayiu9170 4 роки тому

    This isn't just AMAZING tips for artist but especially for artists with bipolar disorder, like myself. I find that in the highs (my highs are pretty calm, my lows are the worst) I NEED to have a very tight schedule because I have to make as much art as I can before the lows come. So being this organized is crucial :D Thanks for the video!

  • @atcreateartworks
    @atcreateartworks Рік тому

    I just watched this vid and though it was 3 years ago when you made it, I found it just at the right time I needed to hear this good advice and be reminded to not be too hard on myself. Thank you for sharing 🙏😊 And I’ve watched many of your art videos too and your style especially portraitures are wow 👌

  • @ChickenxBoneless
    @ChickenxBoneless 4 роки тому +6

    I really needed this. I want to get my name and my art out there, but I've been feeling discouraged and worried about it. Thank you so much.

  • @QuestionQuestionMark
    @QuestionQuestionMark 4 роки тому

    It's all about growth. As long as you're growing, you're doing good. As long as what you do constitutes to the growth you wish to achieve then the skies the limit in anything you do. Not just art, but just sitting down and actually doing something will always constitute to growth which puts you one step further towards goals you may not even know you want yet.

  • @ellabyrneart2289
    @ellabyrneart2289 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this video Chris! I'm a recent graduate and I've really been struggling with procrastination lately. I want to work towards being an independent artists myself!

  • @hirataketasha9942
    @hirataketasha9942 4 роки тому

    Aw man this was more relatable than I was expecting. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels these things.

  • @storyahstoryah9417
    @storyahstoryah9417 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much! We often think we are the only ones struggling with procrastination when it's actually not true! I've been slowly discovering the tips you talked about on my own. Having those all listed and explained in your video greatly helped!

  • @MysticHeather
    @MysticHeather 4 роки тому +1

    I have never related to a video more in my life than this one! These are tips that will truly help me, thank you!!

  • @iwillcry
    @iwillcry 4 роки тому +70

    i saw the title and clicked. it’s hard to motivate yourself sometimes

    • @robyn5404
      @robyn5404 4 роки тому +6

      I saw your username and clicked the button to respond

    • @bangtwitterandtwicetagram830
      @bangtwitterandtwicetagram830 4 роки тому +4

      I agree! Also I love your username

    • @securityyquestions
      @securityyquestions 4 роки тому +2

      Someone once told me that action comes before motivation! You gotta act first!

  • @maocra8702
    @maocra8702 4 роки тому +3

    these aren't just art tips... these are life tips-

    • @maocra8702
      @maocra8702 4 роки тому +1

      I also just realised we are using the same pentel pencil- w o a h cool

  • @abby12339
    @abby12339 4 роки тому

    I wasn't going to click on this video, but I am SO happy I did. Very inspiring to quit procrastinating and do the things I NEED to get done. Like chores, commissions, etc...

  • @imsleepi7480
    @imsleepi7480 4 роки тому +5

    I have been drawing since I was a little child and now I can’t even bring myself to draw since I have a bunch of work from school plus I procrastinate a lot

  • @yuuki8075
    @yuuki8075 4 роки тому +2

    It's sooo amazing, I have the same mind set and personalty as you! 😊
    I found that getting something, anything done is so much better the just feeling worse about not doing stuff at all. Like even getting out of bed before set hour already makes me motivated to do other things.
    Also your other tips are so helpful, thank you for this video and amazing art 💜💜

  • @JeanneBook
    @JeanneBook 4 роки тому +1

    Me watching this after not drawing for months, my first weeks of the quarantine was very productive Idk what happened.... Thanks for your advice I'm picking up my pencil again🥰

  • @MariaRevArt
    @MariaRevArt 4 роки тому +1

    Great video and advice. Happy 2020 Chris.

  • @cristian.ilie.018
    @cristian.ilie.018 3 роки тому

    This is so absolutely cute and makes me feel amazing !!! Thank You !

  • @buddieshadow
    @buddieshadow 4 роки тому

    What a wonderful video to start the new year. Going to re watch a few times to hammer all these principles home. Thank you!

  • @wanessalima440
    @wanessalima440 4 роки тому +3

    I need to say thank you for this tips... great video👏👏👏🙌🥰

  • @franciscasuharyani7376
    @franciscasuharyani7376 4 роки тому +8

    I feel guilty everytime wasting my day doing nothing but i just remember i was declutering my drawer and reorganize my art stuff on that day 😂

    @ARTYCOATY 4 роки тому +1

    Very wonderful art! Thanks for sharing. 😊🎨✨✨

  • @leeeeeee6457
    @leeeeeee6457 4 роки тому

    i relate in this video so much.
    i think this would be the only video, i’ll rewatch, just to remind myself.

  • @artwhisps312
    @artwhisps312 4 роки тому +1

    this video is great! I struggle a lot with procrastinating, and I'll be sure to put your tips into my routine, thanks! I've really been lacking a lot of confidence and just putting off art for the past few months, I hope this video helps to pick me back up.

  • @imyotsu
    @imyotsu 4 роки тому +12

    Thank you SO MUCH for this video, I really needed something like this now 😅. It's like, such a coincidence xd.
    But, for real, those are some great advices 💓

  • @vidyawitch
    @vidyawitch 4 роки тому +1

    I attended your Skillshare class and it was really helpful! Glad u did it.
    So was this one. Thank u so much for these great content.

  • @carlabasa1523
    @carlabasa1523 4 роки тому

    This was awesome. I don't know but I think I was also one of those people who wanted to do all these things but never did any of them because of the pressure of wanting to be the "best" at it (that I unconsciously put on myself). Lotsa love and thanks for these tips/relief 💖

  • @marianav9655
    @marianav9655 4 роки тому

    omg everything you said= 100% my experience!!! i’m so glad i’m not the only one!!! thank you!!! 😊😊😊

  • @cynthiamorgan7548
    @cynthiamorgan7548 4 роки тому

    Thank you. This video made me feel so much better.

  • @noodle7222
    @noodle7222 4 роки тому +12

    this is amazing! thank you for this, hugs from brazil.

  • @lynnenicoletti678
    @lynnenicoletti678 4 роки тому +1

    Excellent, timely and, for me, very appropriate advice... thank you.

  • @lucaspersonal5958
    @lucaspersonal5958 4 роки тому

    Thank u so much for this videos, I was completely lost about what should I focus on, but know I figured it out.

  • @shiningbliss4589
    @shiningbliss4589 4 роки тому

    thank you so much!! ive been feeling this way for like a month cus im pressured to do well on my portfolio and the feeling that im so behind my peers

  • @Marionantolin
    @Marionantolin 4 роки тому

    Omg I struggle with procrastination for the exact same reasons !!! Thank you so much for this video, from the bottom of a french youtuber’s heart :)

  • @cottonghostart
    @cottonghostart 4 роки тому +2

    wow this definitely tackled all the things I struggle with! I shall play this every time I get lost in my crazy thoughts again.

  • @kahlil.alcala
    @kahlil.alcala 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for this Chris! You laid out some really good and practical points! ✨

  • @ncorva
    @ncorva 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much for this. Described what I am feeling to perfection.
    It was like a hot cup of coffee in the middle of winter :)

  • @CeciliaSilva-bk4zx
    @CeciliaSilva-bk4zx 4 роки тому +1

    Super relatable

  • @waysenart3905
    @waysenart3905 4 роки тому +1

    I feel called out by the doing chores bit! Definitely a great list Chris, I'll have to especially think about the setting my gameplan in the evening.

  • @soup8162
    @soup8162 4 роки тому

    i really needed this. I was still in the fog of doing nothing for the holidays tbh and this had some really good advice for me. i think i'm gonna tackle that thing I've been wanting to do, but haven't had motivation for. thanks :)

  • @carrotstache
    @carrotstache 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you, I have been stalling on doing my commissions for a awhile now due to various reasons. I think it's finally time to get it done and over with!

  • @TheLazyDumpling
    @TheLazyDumpling 4 роки тому +1

    Hiii Chris! I really like your drawings and enjoy your videos very much! Your videos have encouraged me to start my own youtube channel. So, thank you ^__^

  • @mochiness
    @mochiness 4 роки тому

    great video Chris!! Hope we all make this our most productive year yet!

  • @konchuai5719
    @konchuai5719 4 роки тому +1

    you are my saver, want to do something for longest time after listening to you just got it done. love it. thank so much.

  • @bethgoodhand8367
    @bethgoodhand8367 4 роки тому

    Thanks for this I love your work.

  • @isabellewoltering2969
    @isabellewoltering2969 4 роки тому

    You’re last piece of advice really hit me I’ve been wanting to make UA-cam videos but just never know where to start I mainly just wanna use it to practice video editing I’ve come up with ideas for videos but I’m to nervous to execute it because I would have to film on my phone.. but I think I should just go for it

  • @animationstation5802
    @animationstation5802 4 роки тому

    id say that taking breaks from painting can be a fantastic idea for some people. maybe start another and come back with a refreshed view.

  • @acorn6690
    @acorn6690 4 роки тому +4

    thank you so much for the video!!
    i'm applying for art school this year (i'm actually applying for sheridan's animation program) and the portfolio deadline forces me to be productive lmao...

  • @madcat.artist
    @madcat.artist 4 роки тому

    I think this is the video I needed at this time of my life. Thank you!

  • @OfficialWEIRD
    @OfficialWEIRD 4 роки тому

    This video was super helpful!

  • @linaoso3371
    @linaoso3371 4 роки тому +1

    Hello! Just wanted to say I love your art and this was really helpful. Thank you so much for sharing 💖

  • @crash_error
    @crash_error 4 роки тому +2

    I started drawing last year and I stopped because I cant really balance it with school. Last week I tried it again then im losing hope cuz I cant even draw simple eyes now, I forgot some basics that fast. Saaad but I'll keep practicing and put more effort to it

    • @wanessalima440
      @wanessalima440 4 роки тому +2

      Yes! Don't give up! Your hands will work again...😊👍

    • @chanique261
      @chanique261 4 роки тому +2

      I also want to get back the basics i forgot. Keep on practicing, I hope you see great results!

  • @gmh1053
    @gmh1053 4 роки тому

    좋아했던 샤프보니까 너무 좋아요

  • @Kloodwig
    @Kloodwig 4 роки тому

    Thanks Chris. This was a great video and just what I needed! :)

  • @vanammp
    @vanammp 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you SO MUCH. Extremely helpful 💖 bless you.

  • @drawingclasswithkalyan394
    @drawingclasswithkalyan394 4 роки тому

    Fantastic, it's really helpful

  • @pobbsr9260
    @pobbsr9260 4 роки тому

    many thanks! With these tips I will surely be much more productive this year. Hugs from mexico! 💕💕💕💕

  • @jacotromp1065
    @jacotromp1065 4 роки тому

    This sketch of yours is stunning.

  • @SuperXrunner
    @SuperXrunner 4 роки тому

    This is so me. I really need to listen to this a few times...cause girl u describing ma life

  • @kayaeki
    @kayaeki 4 роки тому

    The way you draw portraits is really inspiring for me!

  • @adamkovacs5883
    @adamkovacs5883 4 роки тому

    Oh my God, Chris! All the points you mention are so true! And I met all the ones one shouldn't as an artist. Gave me a lot to think about. But I should do more instead of thinking :D

  • @Tribecca3
    @Tribecca3 4 роки тому

    Thank you for this.
    And the drawing is lovely.

  • @sanakris22
    @sanakris22 4 роки тому

    Thank you!

  • @JyotiSharma-hu9vo
    @JyotiSharma-hu9vo 4 роки тому

    *Saves to watch later*

  • @abc_xyz_is_me
    @abc_xyz_is_me 4 роки тому

    hah, it's as if i were speaking!! except i've never realized all the aspects! this might be of huge help for me, thanks!

  • @Waynimations
    @Waynimations 4 роки тому

    I’m excited for this year

  • @poooopoo
    @poooopoo 4 роки тому

    there's an app called forest app and you set a timer for 25 minutes and if you don't use your phone or go on any apps during that time, it plants a little virtual tree and you grow a forest

  • @RO-vr9qx
    @RO-vr9qx 4 роки тому

    Omg this video is so wholesome

  • @MongTonk
    @MongTonk 4 роки тому

    These tips are great for me as a PhD student as well :D

  • @marry6merra90
    @marry6merra90 4 роки тому

    Love the video ❤

  • @meganlobrien
    @meganlobrien 4 роки тому

    I can relate to most of these!! Especially avoiding chores :P

  • @coffeytoteadrawwithme3572
    @coffeytoteadrawwithme3572 4 роки тому

    This was really nice. It was just what I needed to hear. I especially liked the tips at the end.

  • @caroodraws
    @caroodraws 4 роки тому

    Hey! This helped me a lot! You're voice is really soothing and comforting too

  • @dj-drew100xd8
    @dj-drew100xd8 Рік тому

    Can you put a link to the reference picture, I wanna draw it as well. Also, great video! ❤️

  • @kristajohnson1991
    @kristajohnson1991 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much! such a helpful video! ❤️

  • @marialactao7722
    @marialactao7722 4 роки тому

    Relatable pieces of advice! Thanks so much :))

  • @NineEyedOracle
    @NineEyedOracle 4 роки тому +1

    I totally understand and relate to this video. Everything you said and every point you made here have all been on my mind recently as well, with similar conclusions.
    Also--- is this a self portrait? :)

  • @ceramango6483
    @ceramango6483 4 роки тому

    This video was a positive all-out, ; u ; ) thanks @chrishong

  • @Visual_Writer
    @Visual_Writer 4 роки тому

    Great Tipps.

  • @JP-ou3yo
    @JP-ou3yo 4 роки тому +1


  • @claudiavelazquezrdz7565
    @claudiavelazquezrdz7565 4 роки тому

    Great video!

  • @yoyin3531
    @yoyin3531 4 роки тому +1

    what do you use to blend your dark areas?

  • @shottas184
    @shottas184 4 роки тому mind tells me the same thing!..telling me to work on all these different drawings(in different sketchbooks, mind you) and idk which to work on😩😩. So I work on all of them, switching to different sketchbooks and drawings in the same sketchbooks.

  • @SoulDigester
    @SoulDigester 4 роки тому

    Thank so much for these tips and the many advices. Now excuse me while I get my life in order

  • @atinybard6594
    @atinybard6594 4 роки тому

    So did you slowly move to darker types of lead throughout the process? Or did you just start pressing harder? I see theres only an HB listed as the pencil used, just curious!

  • @graceyang9022
    @graceyang9022 4 роки тому

    Thank you~!