New milestone in fusion research at Wendelstein 7-X | Hartmut Zohm

  • Опубліковано 10 лип 2024
  • Hartmut Zohm, Head of Tokamak Scenario Development department, reports on a significant milestone in fusion research at Wendelstein 7-X. The fusion reactor has now operated steadily for eight minutes. This is a crucial step forward in the development of fusion technology and could pave the way for a safe and clean energy source. The success is the result of years of research and hard work by the team at Wendelstein 7-X.
  • Наука та технологія


  • @4thorder
    @4thorder 2 місяці тому +1

    I am, but a simple Electrical Engineer, so there is a challenge for me. But FINALLY someone has explained this to me in a way I can understand it. Thanks!!

  • @eakcroll5173
    @eakcroll5173 Місяць тому +1

    SO SOBER! Thank you.

  • @fl8216
    @fl8216 Рік тому +7

    Always a pleasure listening to Hartmut Zohm. In English oder Deutsche. Love his pragmatic, engineering driven approach to explain cutting edge fusion related matters. Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühen um uns Laien einen Einblick in ein, in meiner Hinsicht wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen Forschungsbereich um die Energiesicherheit der Menschheit für eine lebenswerte Zukunft sicherzustellen zu gewähren. Vielen Dank.

  • @justuseodysee7348
    @justuseodysee7348 Рік тому +1

    It wasn't just a bit enlightening. It was wonderfully enlightening.
    Thank you for the update on current state of the experiment.

  • @BTHobbies
    @BTHobbies Рік тому +4

    This was a wonderfully enlightening presentation, thank you. It can be a challenge to understand the significance of results when they are filtered through the hysteria of the news media, so this sort of informed, grounded material helps considerably!

  • @JouMxyzptlk
    @JouMxyzptlk Рік тому +2

    Thanks for making the English version, allows easy international sharing!

  • @jamesjensen6155
    @jamesjensen6155 11 місяців тому

    Wow , this technology will lead to space /time travel

  • @johannkarrer2823
    @johannkarrer2823 Рік тому

    Well done Mr. Zohm, thank you!

  • @patricemonroe
    @patricemonroe Рік тому

    Very well put, thank you :)

  • @archytas3854
    @archytas3854 Рік тому +1

    After noting the NIF breakthrough just recently, which is an inertial confinement laser driven pellet concept with a new magnetic technique, the question arises if a stellerator can increase density not just energy without a hybrid laser method? The NIF uses ancient lasers, modern Petawatt tabletop lasers are available.
    After looking at some other fusion device, I begin to think hybrid is the way to go.

  • @julianschmidt590
    @julianschmidt590 Рік тому +3

    Hello Mr. Zohm,
    thank you for this interesting insight into the current status of the W7-X. I would also be interested to know what you think about the efforts of some startups around the concept of field-reversed configuration. For example, there is TAE Technologies or Helion Energy, both of which are advertising that they will be able to realize commercial power generation via their concepts by the 2030s. Some milestones have already been reached there, which represent solutions to the problems of previous experiments in this area. Of course, solid scientific development in basic research often takes a long time before the results can be used commercially afterwards. But these concepts try to circumvent many environmental variables needed in the conventional magnetic confinement of a tokamak or stellarator, preferring to address the new different problems that arise. In this context, do you think it is conceivable that these other problems could be solved much faster than the problems of the tokamak or stellarator, because a different approach is needed in this area? Especially with regard to the milestones reached in the last few years, I would find it interesting if you could share your views on this. Thank you very much for your contribution to explain the current fusion research in an illustrative way!

    • @helgefan8994
      @helgefan8994 Рік тому +1

      He explained some of his opinion on US startups in past on German YT channels. I hope he will explain some of it in English himself, but maybe I can try to tell you what I gathered (as a German): Basically, he finds some of these startups (especially MIT's plan for SPARC / ARC) to be important contributors to fusion research, but their promises - especially regarding time frames - are often extremely ambitious, probably to impress potential investors. The strong magnets MIT is working on may well play a role in keeping size (and therefore costs) down for a future DEMO reactor which will actually put energy into the grid. But unfortunately physical limits regarding mechanical loads when using such strong magnets are not often talked about in public, even though it's a potential (or even likely) show-stopper for SPARC / ARC.
      He beliefs tokamaks (like JET, ITER) and stellarators (like W-7x) have progressed furthest towards a working power plant, having by far the highest likelihood of succeeding first, even though it will take a couple more decades to get to actual power output.
      I can't remember him talking about Helion Energy, but the concept has some major weaknesses afaik. Since Helion Energy are planning to use helium-3 in the fusion process, there is no hope to reach a triple product that is even remotely in the ballpark of what modern tokamaks and stellarators are already reaching today. Basically there's currently no way around a tritium-deuterium mix for high yield fusion.
      I have never even heard of TAE Technologies, but I would be extremely sceptical with promises of commercial fusion before ITER will even produce the first self-heating plasma (around 2035).

  • @dffoto1831
    @dffoto1831 Рік тому +1


  • @basilal-jaml1981
    @basilal-jaml1981 Рік тому +1

    what is the Q factor achieved at Wendelstein 7-X?

  • @zofiamroz3852
    @zofiamroz3852 11 місяців тому +1

    I notice my suggestion for showing the full costs of producing fusion power, has been removed. That is no way to keep us informed, about those costs, in an honest and transparent manner.

    • @swdev245
      @swdev245 10 місяців тому

      It's a drop in the bucket compared to what consumers and taxpayers have to pay for those ridiculous windmills they are erecting everywhere in Germany.

  • @jamesjensen6155
    @jamesjensen6155 11 місяців тому

    He's a genius😮😊

  • @stefanvonrotz5410
    @stefanvonrotz5410 Рік тому

    THX for clear explanation Mr. Zohm. W7-X wird ja mit "abgespeckten" Plasmakomponenten betrieben und wird meines Wissens nicht zum Kraftwerk welches Strom ans Netz liefert. Ist schon ein Ende der Experimente des W7-X in Sicht mit der Hoffnung auf eine neue. grössere Maschine die "Saft" ans Netz lieferen kann?

  • @bahamut1308ify
    @bahamut1308ify Рік тому

    Sehr schön und verständlich erklärt. Wäre der neue Aufbau dann auch dafür geeignet die Energie/Wärme aus der Wand für die Stromerzeugung zu nutzen oder müsste hier noch ein anderes Konzept von Wärmeabfuhr und Komponentenkühlung erfolgen?
    Thanks for the nice Video. Is the "new" cooling concept principle use able for a powerplant construction or is a nother concept needed?
    P.S. kommt es auch auf deutsch bei UWudL? Meine Kinder können leider nicht so gut englisch aber lieben die Videos über Fusionsreaktoren 😉

    • @helgefan8994
      @helgefan8994 Рік тому +2

      Es gibt schon das gleiche Video in deutsch, is auch heute rausgekommen!
      Zur Energiegewinnung soll in zukünftigen Tokamaks und Stellaratoren der sogenannte "Divertor" dienen am unteren Bereich der Vakuumkammer. Da wird bei weitem die größte Menge an Hitze draufgeleitet (ist quasi auch der Aschenbecher).
      Ich hab gehört, das in die Wandverkleidung eingeleitete Wasser ist kurz vorm Siedepunkt, weil beim Verdampfen am meisten Hitze abgeführt wird. Trotzdem soll in zukünftigen Reaktoren die Kühlung der Wandverkleidung wohl nicht zur Energiegewinnung genutzt werden soweit ich weiß. Der Energiebeitrag wäre wohl vernachlässigbar.

    • @birgerbuttenschon106
      @birgerbuttenschon106 Рік тому

      @@helgefan8994 Vorsicht, hier geraten Dinge durcheinander. Nur ganz kurz: der Divertor (im Tokamak in der Regel unten, im Stellarator wie W7-X modular unten und oben) bekommt tatsächlich die meiste Energiedichte ab, dient aber "nur" als definierter Plasma-Wand-Kontaktpunkt mit hoher Gasdichte um z.B. Verunreinigungen (wie die bei der Fusion entstehenden He-Kerne) aus dem Plasma zu entfernen. Der "klassische" Weg zur Energiegewinnung sind die ebenfalls bei der DT-Fusionsreaktion freiwerdenden schnellen Neutronen, die ihre Energie durch Stöße mit dem Wandmaterial (dem sog. Blanket) abgeben, die Wand (und darin verlaufende Wärmetauscher) erhitzen und dadurch Turbinen antreiben. Erste Tests mit 6 verschidenen Blanket-Materialmischungen sollen am ITER durchgeführt werden.
      The divertor in a fusion reactor does receive the highest heat and particle fluxes, but in the end it is "only" a region of defined plasma-wall contact with a high gas pressure to efficiently pump impurities (like the He nuclei created in the fusion reaction) out of the plasma. For energy harvesting, the fast neutrons (also produced in the fusion reaction) are used as they transfer their energy to a specific first wall material called the "blanket", which then heats up a liquid wich in turn can be used to drive a turbine. First tests with 6 different blanket materials are to be tested at ITER.

  • @mbeutter6262
    @mbeutter6262 Рік тому

    How much energy was fed into the grid in comparision for 8 minutes of continuous operation with 1.3 GJ power?

  • @jorgmethfessel5774
    @jorgmethfessel5774 Рік тому +1

    is NOW the nuclear fusion power plant 30 years away? :P