I still have the bike but don’t ride as much recently. I was quite disappointed with how long the Nushings lasted. I can’t remember off the top of my head how much mileage I put on them but had to replace them maybe a year later. I replaced them with the greasable brass bushings. The bushings are still fine but, as I said, I have ridden as much in the last two years.
How are the Nushings performing after 6 years of use. Do you still have the bike?
I still have the bike but don’t ride as much recently. I was quite disappointed with how long the Nushings lasted. I can’t remember off the top of my head how much mileage I put on them but had to replace them maybe a year later. I replaced them with the greasable brass bushings. The bushings are still fine but, as I said, I have ridden as much in the last two years.