Master Your Mind: INFJs Tackle Overthinking with One Powerful Action.



  • @nathanarnold7791
    @nathanarnold7791 2 місяці тому +2

    I call it ‘the loop’ and can get caught in one topic for days and even weeks. I found that mindfulness is the only thing that works for me. I like to carry a stone which I call the presence stone. People think it’s weird. I also like to just instantly stop what I’m doing and just fully listen and take in the environment.

    • @trinabrettnell
      @trinabrettnell  2 місяці тому

      I carry stones too. Both my boys carry them as well to use as reminders. I don't think it's weird at all, it really helps 😁

  • @Luckybetta
    @Luckybetta 2 місяці тому +2

    My hubby who's an INTJ said something along the lines how his brain is ALWAYS running and NEVER shuts off. That I would never know what it's like inside his head. (To be fair to him, I KNOW that hamster NEVER gets off that wheel). I laughed at him and said, "hold my beer, I got this." 😂. I started to explain.
    When you ask me a question that's more than a yes or no answer response required, there's usually an explosion chart in my head, with anywhere from 3 to 5 or more responses. Let's say for example it's 5. Each of those five possible responses expand the explosion chart out further with five more possible outcomes EACH. So now I'm weighing all the pros and cons against one another of 25 possible outcomes, to come up with the best possible outcome of the 25. So while it looks like I'm standing there with a stupid look on my face and you think my brain is vacant, the truth is that computer is RUNNING! Calculating all potentialities and weighing out which is the best answer or outcome.
    When I use my pattern recognition, it looks like one of those huge cork boards, with papers, notes, pictures, push pins and string running all over it, connecting everything. Looking completely random, but makes sense to me. When I apply my intuition to the chart, I reach into the ether, or energy realm, I can see which string on the chart vibrates and what it's connected to.
    On my last day of a job I was leaving, I warned my boss that someone was after his job. He laughed at me, and didn't believe me. I told him I wanted to be wrong, but I wasn't. I told him who and who would help them and how they would do it. He shook his head and didn't believe me. I grabbed his arm and looked him dead in the eye and said, "you don't have to believe me, just remember that I said it.". Eight months later, I got confirmation from a friend, that my former boss had been forced to resign, right before Christmas, and the person I named was put in his place. EVERYTHING happened as I said. My hubby said, "he probably remembered your words when he was in that office getting terminated." 😢💔

    • @trinabrettnell
      @trinabrettnell  2 місяці тому

      I explain my thoughts similar to how you described yours. My brain, when I'm thinking about something reminds me of a giant smart board where I can move pictures around until they fit together. Lol.
      I get premonitions (I guess that's what they would be called) as well, but I don't ever share them. I figure it's not my business and leave things be.
      But I do often wonder if I am supposed to share them and that's why I have them

  • @BlakeLaoshi
    @BlakeLaoshi 2 місяці тому

    I also enjoy tracking my ultradian cycles in my efforts to stay grounded. (A fascinating hole to rabbit down all by itself!🐇🕳️😊)

  • @mokari9268
    @mokari9268 2 місяці тому

    I grew up without all these tools and most importantly lack of awareness of bad mental habits that I understand the importance of these tools no matter how cliche or mainstream it has become now a days. It is important and mindfulness is a very useful skill especially for INFJs.

    • @trinabrettnell
      @trinabrettnell  2 місяці тому +1

      Right!! I got so tired of hearing the word mindfulness until I fully realized how important it is for an INFJ Persoanlity type.

  • @AymanMehrab
    @AymanMehrab 2 місяці тому +1

    6:59 Yasss😅 What a timing i was just overthinking about a few things 😶‍🌫️ thinking about the worst scenarios I can relate to it completely. The technique that shared you shared it before in a yt short as well and I wanna let you know that it really helped me. Thanks Trina you are amazing May God bless you❤ I'm grateful that i found your channel.

    • @trinabrettnell
      @trinabrettnell  2 місяці тому +1

      Awe thank you so much 💓
      I am so happy it helped. It has made a huge difference with me as well, it is truly my favorite strategy because it's so powerful and gives results quickly

  • @ing4l880
    @ing4l880 2 місяці тому +1

    Could you make a video where you talk about the morality for an INFJ? It’s an interesting topic because it’s one of the biggest topics around INFJ.
    Would be cool

    • @trinabrettnell
      @trinabrettnell  2 місяці тому

      Sure, I will add it to my list, thank you. It is a great topic because it's one that directly impacts self acceptance, self-love, and living a life with purpose.

  • @michellewinder
    @michellewinder 2 місяці тому

    I found out I was an infj at the age of 59 after becoming severely overwhelmed and extremely anxious. I had been suffering with catatrophizing for 30 years and over thinking but still managing to keep it to myself. People looked at me as being level headed and happy lol. Anyway a therapist suggested a mindfulness app called Smiling Minds which consists of lots of small meditations. I was cured after about a month.

    • @trinabrettnell
      @trinabrettnell  2 місяці тому

      Smiling minds, I may have to check that out.
      Did you struggle with meditation at first? Often INFJs struggle with meditation because it can be very hard to shut off our minds.

    • @michellewinder
      @michellewinder 2 місяці тому +1

      I did struggle a bit but the app has lots of 5 to 10 minutes sessions and I did about 15 minutes a day. It took me about a month to feel the benefits and two months to feel like a new person. Also I now can get to sleep in minutes rather than hours. I meditate a few times a week for about 10 minutes to keep on track.
      I wish I knew I was an infj earlier in life because it has had its hard moments.

  • @zibbielanham
    @zibbielanham 2 місяці тому +2

    😂 I have timers all over my house, for when my mood is dissonant or sketchy. They work, when I use them! I don't mind being immersed in deep thoughts, but the wrong focus is treacherous! Everything in Moderation... the timers remind me to take a break, break the cycle, step back, assess, adjust, and move On, to something else that Feels better (whatever works for the situation). I hated being interrupted in earlier life, but in this case, Interrupting Myself regularly has both 'captive' and creative scenarios somewhat secured-- I hope 😁.

  • @Bazz_Army
    @Bazz_Army 2 місяці тому

    I mean if someone was to ask me what im thinking about. There is the fact I may have many thoughts but then iv had a lifetime of experience knowing they wont comprehend my answer. It actually concerns me sometimes that even when I feel iv 'toned down' something that I presume as pretty standard core understandings, its still not understood by them. Then I have to navigate this complex maze of explaining something in a roundabout way that maybe they understand.
    Then theres .. decent amount of people that seem to get the gist even even they may not be aware of every gear in the machine that makes it work. They are able to follow along well enough. Or take my word for it. Or ask questions. All those types of responses are much more palatable for me. Like if I was to show them a painting of nature they would get the gist that its a picture of nature. Some may see trees etc. That first category of people barely comprehend anything or what a painting is. Even trying to explain what a painting is can be a headache to communicate.
    Anyway personally speaking I like running to physically exhaust myself from overthinking and meditation. Its nice when I get to speak to someone who can either listen or understand a conversation with me thats a bit more indepth. Thats something that helps me. However I cant rely on that too frequently. So when it comes to being more self reliant I do the first two things. I suppose writing stuff online in YT comments is a form of venting energy too.
    I dont mind going down rabbit holes as a general rule but in regards to more depressive ones. I allow that on occasion but then have a cut off point to it. Essentially I allow myself to feel shit sometimes, sit with it for a day, and im aware that it wont last and just allow it. I will force myself out if necessary and it may start slowly but usually it gets momentum. Excercise is a good start to the process, healthy form of sleep and food etc. I make sure my routine is happening. I try make sure that after 24 hours my mood is improving and perhaps within the 48 hours I may feel 'meh' but im pretty much back to normal after that. Sometimes far sooner.
    I had one recently and I just observing it. It was rather dum because I did something I was proud of the day prior and on the day itself I had good news. Yet I felt miserable. I think it was because my battery got too low and I needed rest. I was literally able to observe I was feeling shit even though I was happy about various things. I knew it was irrational mood that wasnt really based on anything. So if I was to base it on something it was because I was tired of social stuff and needed a moment. I just being moody about all the times people let me down .. While I knew was ignoring the obvious examples of people being good to me. I allowed it .. But I knew that by the next day it wasnt good and reality was I had many positive things happening. It upsets me how much people have let me down in the past but it wasnt helping to keep thinking those topics over again for an extended period of time. I work hard to have positive things happen and its unfair to myself to spoil it by being moody due to others actions in the past. Theres nice people and they are more deserving of my time -- When im ready for it.

    • @trinabrettnell
      @trinabrettnell  2 місяці тому +1

      I found exercise, staying active, and eating healthy helped with my overthinking too.
      I too still allow myself to go down rabbit holes but only if I feel it will benefit me. I have gotten good at being able to control my overthiking that way.....well most days I'm pretty good at it.

  • @BlakeLaoshi
    @BlakeLaoshi 2 місяці тому

    Gotta oil the gears when the creaking starts.😅 (Analogy for recognizing when the machinery is working too hard and taking the time to recalibrate.) (⚙️_⚙️) 🤔

    • @trinabrettnell
      @trinabrettnell  2 місяці тому +1

      Lol oil the gears, that's a fantastic way to put it.

  • @LM-jn5nn
    @LM-jn5nn 2 місяці тому

    Golden video 😊

  • @naturelover1284
    @naturelover1284 2 місяці тому

    do you find the INFJ is anxious more?
    and they have researched their issue and self solved much

    • @trinabrettnell
      @trinabrettnell  2 місяці тому

      That's a great question. I think anxiety isn't personality specific. I know a lot of extroverts who struggle with it along with INFJs.
      With that being said many INFJs I meet endured a lot of childhood trauma that was unresolved and from that, they tend to be very anxious type of person.