As a Druid main myself, I think a more accurate description would be: "As the only class in the game with four specs, you have always suffered from a serious identity crisis. Feel free to copy and paste the stereotypes for the Warrior, Rogue, Mage, and Priest...depending on which shapeshift form you happen to be in at any given time. Oh, that's right, Blizzard got rid of permanent Tree Form...which you are probably still very bitter about, as you know Blizzard has always hated healers. But maybe, just maybe, you're a bonafide environmentalist who absolutely loves to go hiking. And that's why you picked the class that not only seems to cater more to casual players, but also allows you to indirectly express your love of nature."
Hah, I remember carrying sets for each spec (even if I rarely switched out of feral). So much gear. Heck, way back I even ran with the one talent that improved healing by a percentage of agility (IIRC). Always loved the versatility and form switching of the class.
But you can still get the permanent tree ent form from lorelae in moonglade or amurra in dreamgrove.
As a warlock who lived through WOTLK, I will forever have a personal vendetta against DKs. Mages I respect, but DKs were just overpowered and were trying to be dark and badass, which was the class role warlocks already played before DKs popped up.
I'm a priest and my mind switched off right when you starting talking about minds switching off then I was like wait what. Ohhh... This is a true video.
TheXWitcher with the lich king on our side (might just be pretending) like before the cult of the damned can always make a comeback... for the scou..**cough** Azeroth. ;P
TheXWitcher But necromancers are the only viable class choice left for blizzard to add to wow until they just decide to make up new lore about some random people and add them and with them a new class to the game... or maybe Warden can be added as a new class but idc about wardens
THIS. So much so that when I get back on my main, I forget that I'm not a Demon Hunter and try to jump off things, at which point I end up a very sad Warlock corpse at the bottom of steep cliffs.
Killjoy Media - Gaming and More oh ye thats the only reason i play a dh its just so good ...well i mean i do it with my lock too cause soulstones are awsome.and my dk surely hates mr for high mountain (:
Cerms FTW not either, can't relate. I use to main shaman before though and it sounded more true. Lol it made me think I played with him. Not the troll part though.. I'm not that "outgoing"
If you're a warlock, you definitely have a playlist for your class with at least one of the following bands on it: >Godsmack >Nox Arcana >Ministry >Rob Zombie >Metallica >Slayer >Rotting Christ >System of a Down >Papa Roach >Asking Alexandria
The Druid one was 100% wrong, for me at least! :/ We're the kind of people who love nature SO MUCH, that we partake in (poorly worded) beastiality ERP out the back of Moonguard's inn. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bear ass to tend to.
When legion came out, I named my DH "Niridan" because my main was named "Niriand". Probably not as bad as Killdan, Millidan and other shit like that, but still.
Actually... here's my list. Enjoy :( Warrior: You leveled as tank and you know it, because warrior leveling sucks if you don't do dungeons, buddy. Mage: You complain that you aren't as amazing as you were in Vanilla, even though you do decent damage. Not as much as Hunters though. Demon Hunter: You make everyone sad when you say that you main a Demon Hunter, and really can't play the game either. Also, you chose to be a tank to seem respectable, and I'm looking at you, Illiddank Stormface! Death Knights: You're jealous of Demon Hunters because you get less attention now, since they're the new Hero Class. Plus, their abilities look cooler, so they do more damage than you. Rogue: You gank people in [Any Zone] and love it. Also, you love transmogs that smoke, for some reason. Warlock: You fail to acknowledge the fact that you get the coolest transmogs, yet you still manage to make an "original" one that sucks. Also, don't use a Voidwalker in dungeons, idiot. Monk: You're wondering why you decided to main this class, since only 5 other people do. Shaman: You decided to roll Enhancement just to get Doomhammer, and everyone else knows it. Also, you're jealous of Horde shaman because all you can play as is a short angry Scottish guy, a goat, or a panda. Priest: You roll damage to make everyone else jealous of your cool shadowy spells. However, you're unaware that Discipline Priests do more damage than you AND are top heals. Hunter: Like myself, you love it when people accidentally target your pet instead of you in PvP, and absolutely love how gnomes are now Hunters, which is why you wasted your money to change to one. Also, you're happy that Demon Hunters are the new noobs, not you. Paladin: You have the ego of a 12-year old, and probably are one. You bubble in PvP and stun everyone, and there's a 9/10 chance that you're a total anime nerd, like myself. :) Druid: You complain about your class mount and about where the freaking artifact forge is at your class hall. Also, you chose your spec depending on how cool your form looks, you furry.
Actually, I'm a DK that's happy Demon hunters are getting attention now. Blizzard will spend EVEN LESS attention to blood tanking balance now! I even transmogged my Worgen Engineer DK to look kinda like a arms warrior/ret pally to help keep the heat off of our bloody broken backs. In-universe, he's using everything from goggles to cologne to keep the fact he's a DK hidden outside of battle for both the element of surprise and to help in the establishment of diplomatic relations. P.S. When are we going to be able to turn that massive fossilized protodragon skeleton in dragonblight into a flying fortress!? I want a necropolis on it's back, and a LOT of necrotech artillery on the sides.
The sheer mobility, even after demon hunter’s blade dance was nerfed and survivability went down. I still main him in shadowlands :) Though I wouldn’t know the nostalgia since BFA was my first expansion
I too am here to voice my pride as a rogue. However, I don't have a nerf gun or a fake dagger, but my rouges's name is Greenninja :D. I know, very original, right?
Forrestermine that's actually sorta clever though... I guess there's a lot rpers around on my server because most of the demon hunters have normal elf names. The demon hunters are no worse than dks used to be though. The next expac will bring new races so, people's attention will shift towards that.
OK I'm not so original but I didn't name my dh on any wow related stuff, I just named it after a character that I think would look like a night elf demon hunter if they were to play/be an NPC in game lmao
I think the Death Knight is Jealous that Illidan gets a second reckoning and not Arthas. Aw man it must suck knowing Arthas STAYS dead and Illidan gets to come back and wreck shit again ;3
only DK big prob i have is that Kel'Thuzad is hiding. He's gotta be doing some evil shit and not serving the LK anymore if we haven't seen him and haven't killed him. I'm also wondering what Geddon and Garr are doing together since we didn't kill them in Cataclysm and didn't see them in Legion serving the new Firelord
I was ecstatic when they announced Illidan was returning. I had wanted that for years. It's just too bad Havoc is one of the worst designed specs in the game.
Yep. I think it's terrible. Sometimes you get so much Demonic Fury that you don't know what to do with it, and other times you get so little that you're stuck casting virtually nothing for a long time. And Demon Blades is the best talent in that tier, even though Blizzard said numerous times that it wouldn't be, so you're basically stuck in that playstyle. It only becomes "good" if you have Anger of the Half Giants. Plus Havoc has no true theme to it. There's no core identity mechanic to manage. It feels like an incomplete spec that doesn't know what it wants to be. Btw nice Kain profile picture
I guess I'm a rare druid...I care about the environment....I just loved how I could either heal or DPS...whatever my mood. Also shapeshifting is cool AF...though the sea lion is bucking fugly. And I miss being the shimmying tree the whole dungeon...
2002Gaming Xxx I like that I don’t have to be in tree form to heal anymore. It stuck out like a sore thumb in PvP. Now I can kinda blend in and actually heal someone
William Shaw my first character after vanilla beta was a shaman. Man, that class was a bit overpowered at that point. Then they nerfed the crap out of it.
Pfft, who plays any other class when you can just deny death with a bubble, while spamming that stun burst with wings popped in order to 1 hit everyone? PALADINS FOR LIFE! Death knights are goths that go to the necro dentist all the time, warlocks are generic anime tropes that have shit Xmogs, monks are every naruto/DBZ guy ever, Mages are...hogwarts peeps turned gods? Priests suck once you know what they're doing, Rogues aren't shit and just hide like pussies, druids are..idk...cycloning fools that hit for 1K, and shamans are toten showing chain healing bastards that hurt for a while, until you catch up to their BS, ans kill em. Warriors are sticks when against a paladin (Like they ever were good in the first place), and lastly...DHs are emos that chose said class so they could wank on illidan. Buy hey, that's just a truth, A WARCRAFT TRUTH!
Aw man my druid self is sad at how wrong this was, as I am a massive tree hugger. I mean, I was able to encompass so much as a balance druid. Love for nature, everything astral, shapeshifting...a bit of mystery while simultaneously embracing the goof that is moonkin form. It's got all the goods.
Rogue here. Pretty accurate depiction lol. Just earlier I was running a dungeon and there was some ore I wanted and there was also a chest so I used that to convince the people to come kill the mobs so I could get the ore.
And that ret paladin over in Highschool was that guy that could easily beat up the bully, but doesn't want to, cause he's a pure, prideful dick that only cares for himself unless paid a good amount of money (AKA 1-2k).
11:33 Me (a non wow player) that looks forward to the day i have the game and play as a worgen druid to honor my childhood great dane: **sad dog lover noises**
As a Shaman main, I had to laugh at the spamming of chain lightning and chain heal part, because Enhancement Shamans are a thing. And it's really fun to play as an Enhancement Shaman.
I played as an enhancement shaman since BC. I also played a DH, because our guild didn't have another. And no, the name has nothing to do with Illidan, strange as it is.
"You picked an Enhancement Shaman because you wanted to be a Mage Knight but didn't like the Death Knight archetype. You like enhancing your weapons with fire and throwing short-ranged shocks at enemies. You like this spec because it makes you feel like you're truly using the class's weapon access potentials, and you're glad that it's now viable again." "Or you wanna play a dwarf named 'Sàndäl" and say 'Enhancement?' all the time."
ZWheels I used to gank lowbies as a feral druid, but then i changed to a rogue and did that for 2 years and then i changed to DH because illidan is the most coolest person in the game and my name is shadowblades cause im an edge lord and boy i like DKs as well but in the end im a loud and proud lowbie hunting rogue
Exactly. Where's the fun if there isn't a challenge. Hunting down and killing the bad rogues that can't fight anything above level 30 is rewarding in its own right.
I'm a paladin and I admit that I never heal others. 'Cause Blizzard has turned Flash of Light into borderline life-support that only drains mana and delays the inevitable. (Unless Lay On Hands is up...)
I remember the days when as a Ret Paladin, I could single handedly save a boss kill by taking over the healing for a minute when the healers die at the last 10% of a boss's health... Now you pop a heal, and everyone just assumes the player used a low level health pot....
Slade951 Since it's bound to an Honor talent, you can only do that in PvP. In PvE you wait till you get Stormbringer, then you just activate Doom Winds and melt faces.
I picked a hunter because I love archery and think that being a hero that uses bows is awesome as well as having a pet for some support. I’ll admit, it’s a super easy class, and I remember back in WotLK I did, in fact, try to play with my forehead. I facerolled during a crusade raid, and didn’t die or draw aggro. It was definitely a funny moment for me.
The Howling Forge yeah I for sure thought I was going to die too, but lucky for me our healers were on point haha. I just remember being in the vent channel and my guild kept asking “Alu wtf are you doing!?” But I couldn’t respond face was currently occupied. Bahahaha
Gotta day, I’m a warrior, and I’ve played solo my entire life. And I’d actually like nothing more than to be able to play with people. Never can get into a niche where I’m with ppl.
I'm a priest, and you nailed it. I start up Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker. Every time. I love to troll. Trade kinda quiet? Just mention Trump. And no one suspects me because I'm the super nice healer. P.S. Trump has steaks with ketchup. Discuss.
I've been playing WoW for 14 years and yes, my main is a Paladin Tanker and yes, I used to play - and play sometimes - Warcraft III. And YES, I was very sad with the fall of Arthas. But my main is a Draenei who had beaten Illidan's and Artha's butt...
and my BE pally is very cool, handsome and sexy just like me, he can tank, heal and dps and he has the ashbringer, yeah ya noobs I'm the highlord of the pallys and I have the ashbringer, the most gay race ever are humans and the alliance is gay as fuck, for da horde bitches! For the Banshee Queen...ehkem... for the Silvermoon!
Ehh I play as a druid and i honestly do the opposite things of what you just said. BTW i love celtic music! I always find it calming to listen to it. Okay now i am going to stand in the corner in the comments section ;-;
Druids are neat, I like animals a lot but the edge it has over Hunter is the shapeshifting and using those forms permanently in combat without it just being some temporary buff form. It's such a cool and unique ability. I don't believe I've found a single MMORPG that allows for that besides WoW.
You actually nailed it for me, I do love my fury warrior. In vanilla we always where top on fps and seemed to work our way to the top in every expac. I know that most the time duel wielding 1 handers was good, but 2 2 handers just screamed bad ass
JorgecK95 i played hunter because the other classes were boringly easy as a pvper. To win duels and arenas was the greatest fun with hunters. I think hunters are also a bit scbags with the traps. The thing about trolling the raid with the pet.... That's pretty accurate and i am not human. I am a bear.
The main reason I play a Paladin because being a holy crusader of the light is the nerdiest thing possible, and I don't shy away from that... I embrace it. Screw everyone who called me a fag for liking fantasy games! Also, I am apparently 12 years old according to some of the WoW community, being that I play exclusively Alliance.
Joe Oppmann It's almost as if, as soon as you turn 21, your interests miraculously change and you think "Boy, have I been wrong this whole time! The Horde are the mature faction, with spikes, dark magic and a history of slavery. How could I ever have thought that playing as a racist Human or wimpy Night Elf was ever a good idea?"
You're 2/3's right about the mage. Mirror image is a God tier spell and hella fun and our CC is second to none, but I've always been more than happy to give players food. A few days ago my healer in a dungeon was oom and the tank wasn't listening to him saying to wait so I stayed behind with the healer and conjured up some food and whispered to the tank to wait for healers Mana. I love giving food as it's such a unique thing that mages can do. Healers love when you drop a mage table at the start of a raid or dungeon. Makes everyones life a little easier.
Collin Wade Precisely!! I had a new druid player join my guild the other day and I said you know we got tree form back to set on fire. "you can set it on fire?" We proceeded to set ourselves on fire in dreamgrove for 5 minutes..someone else joined in. All druids love puns and doing silly stuff with their forms yeah?
Rogue + Priest :) literally 100% accurate for both, but i do not have any of the gadgets mentioned for rogue, rarely gank or disrupt player questing, but dammit i love to ambush same level player while they are already in a fight
This is the story of how I became a demon hunter: I am new to WOW and picked druid at first because I wasn't sure what I wanted to play, but figured I'd like healing or range dps and druids can SHAPESHIFT. I got it to max level (110 at the time) and thought it was cool but also kinda boring. Then I was messing around in create a character as as saw this new class that hadn't been there before. It started at 98 though so I could still play it with my veteran player friends. I thought "ew melee only class, but it looks cool so I'll just mess around". Played through the entry stuff and then stopped to focus on my druid again. Then, maybe two weeks to bfa I thought it might be nice to have two max level characters so I pushed through to 110 and had a blast doing it. I was a rampaging demon goddess who tore through legions of mobs and used the souls of my victims to fuel me as I destroyed more enemies. I only have one 120 level character right now and it isn't the druid. Best game decision I ever made.
Human: Boring Night Elf: Legolas Worshiper Dwarf: Alcoholic Gnome: Guy who thinks he's funny but isn't Draenei: Guy who watches too much hentai Worgen: Furry Orc: Rager Tauren: Over Compensating Troll: Troll Blood Elf: Prick Goblin: Guy who thinks he's funny but isn't but plays horde
I will admit as a Prot war, I do wish I could jump solo into a hoard of things and decimate them all, while cackling like a maniac as the blood frenzy comes on.
And if you''re a DK, you've probably said "Get over here!" in your best Scorpion voice while Death Gripping someone.
EvilCleric dude i've seens a good number of dks do that I cringe everitim
EvilCleric ...I downloaded the app off of said it for me when i spammed death grip. Get Over Here!!!
EvilCleric .. Night Elf DK... Blood spec. named him Bloodbath.
How did u know
actually no i don't say that. i never think to say it when i do it, just not the same without a chain XD
My father plays a Tauren shaman, and he DOES have a gigantic burst of glee when he turns into a ghost wolf.
Most people I know who played this game, who are parents now, seem to main Tauren Shamans... 🤔
I main a Tauren ele shaman
So do I but I use the spirit raptor glyph
@@dellebelphine-moralez3510 omg, the first WoW player I met was a man with a teenage kid who played a Tauren Shaman...
Delle Belphine-Moralez
Was someone you knew named Holywolf and was a Human Paladin?
This went from serious to mooclucks transmog. I love it
Black Hand lmao
Black Hand Jesus fucking Christ lol
say someone who is so original to name him self Black Hand
As a Druid main myself, I think a more accurate description would be:
"As the only class in the game with four specs, you have always suffered from a serious identity crisis. Feel free to copy and paste the stereotypes for the Warrior, Rogue, Mage, and Priest...depending on which shapeshift form you happen to be in at any given time. Oh, that's right, Blizzard got rid of permanent Tree Form...which you are probably still very bitter about, as you know Blizzard has always hated healers. But maybe, just maybe, you're a bonafide environmentalist who absolutely loves to go hiking. And that's why you picked the class that not only seems to cater more to casual players, but also allows you to indirectly express your love of nature."
Hah, I remember carrying sets for each spec (even if I rarely switched out of feral). So much gear. Heck, way back I even ran with the one talent that improved healing by a percentage of agility (IIRC). Always loved the versatility and form switching of the class.
Joseph Frombaugh as a Druid the last part is accurate for me
That identity crisis hit me hard
But you can still get the permanent tree ent form from lorelae in moonglade or amurra in dreamgrove.
I don't hate Death Knights. I hate Mages!
I too hate mages.
As a warlock who lived through WOTLK, I will forever have a personal vendetta against DKs. Mages I respect, but DKs were just overpowered and were trying to be dark and badass, which was the class role warlocks already played before DKs popped up.
Saerise you mean priests? Warlock and Priests are opposites 🤔
Athena LPS nope; they definitely meant mages.
I hate Hozzakostases
0:25 Warrior
1:48 Mage
2:55 Demon Hunter
4:11 Death Knight
5:11 Rogue
6:10 Warlock
6:55 Monk
7:33 Shaman
8:43 Priest
9:52 Hunter
10:40 Paladin
11:32 Druid
Not all heroes wear capes.
chrisarbour some have dorrito stains
Chrisarbour, Chuck Norris fought Superman on a bet. The loser had to start wearing his underwear outside his pants.
Any other druid friend? :(
I'm a priest and my mind switched off right when you starting talking about minds switching off then I was like wait what. Ohhh... This is a true video.
Wow Nixxiom, you sure did read me like a book. You're so funny and smart and handsome. You're much better than Moocluck.
(Do I get my $20 now?)
Hazy Thanks babe!
Wow, scammed :o
Nixxiom let's all whine about not having Necromancers in wow... Although they were the class that led to Warcraft 3 in the first place
TheXWitcher with the lich king on our side (might just be pretending) like before the cult of the damned can always make a comeback... for the scou..**cough** Azeroth. ;P
TheXWitcher But necromancers are the only viable class choice left for blizzard to add to wow until they just decide to make up new lore about some random people and add them and with them a new class to the game... or maybe Warden can be added as a new class but idc about wardens
fact of the matter is I play druid because I change my mind on what I like every 10 minutes
relatable on so many levels
Same reason I chose monk, though I like the Asian asthatic more then nature stuff for some reason.
I love how the whole warlock description was just a Moocluck roast :)
Tsundere as fuck.
Thank you Nixxiom, after watching this video and realized I want to main a demon hunter named majorlazor and make shoop da whoop memes.
Also: you play a Demon Hunter if you're too impatient to follow normal roads and love recklessly jumping off cliffs.
So much so that when I get back on my main, I forget that I'm not a Demon Hunter and try to jump off things, at which point I end up a very sad Warlock corpse at the bottom of steep cliffs.
Dax McKenzie LOL yes. I do that, too. I bought a fuck-ton of goblin gliders for my Death Knight and put them on a hotkey for that very occasion.
Killjoy Media - Gaming and More oh ye thats the only reason i play a dh its just so good ...well i mean i do it with my lock too cause soulstones are awsome.and my dk surely hates mr for high mountain (:
I main Demon hunter but occasionally get on my pally but forget I cant glide lol
brendan chuchian aaaand... BUBBLE
I just play Demon Hunter cuz I like flying around like an idiot.
That's the one thing in envious of from the DHs. Their glide and double jump. It's useful for getting around.
@@TheRandomMuffinMan that and doing more dps as a tank than actual dds (exept dhs) in dungeons is neat aswell.
oh ye i started legion after i had played a handfull of more modern action mmos and dh was the only class i really cared about after trying it.
Ashly Carrier SAME
I love that Demon Hunter feeling when you are automatically faster then any other player just for being a DH
Fucking god, I'm a monk and I have a turtle...
Михаил Галухин LOL
umm, wow..
Same. I died when he said that.
Rogue - "You will only attack a max level player IF they are fighting mobs so they won't survive your attack"
Me for the last 10 years 😂😂
And if it turns out there weren't enough mobs you kidney shot, vanish and sprint away. Also, sapping enemy players questing because why not?
I killed a rogue once that tryed to gank me while I was fighting many mobs... It's a good feeling ... They never expect that outcome
@@hwin lol 💯
@@TrialByFire14 it's been 4 years and this is still accurate
Paladin: U jelly of my anime hair and ADD bro?
That is a Crendor thing :)
Yes. Yes it is. And I main a paladin.
Lol he never mentioned bubble hearth now thats nostalgic
To all the healers: Thank you so fucking much, you are amazing - Warrior main.
Mercy Segen Thanks :)
Mercy Segen I can't agree with you any more. Pocket healers are the best
You're welcome. :3
To all the tanks: Thank you for using active mitigation and self-heals. To all the mages: Thanks for the food :) - priest main.
you reade me like a book... If you had dyslexia
He read the "Like Anime" part of me completely correctly. Though I don't play a Monk.
Egon Brolin so… he booked you like a read?
I bet you are a rogue and also believe that you are brave and strong and the best player in the world
As a shaman, I can confirm that I *LOVE* spamming chain lighting.
Also a shaman. Can confirm that I rerolled into a shaman after seeing chain lightning for the first time.
As Shaman, turn into a wolf, walking on water and zap people to death make me feel special. :
as a Shaman, I can confirm that I am one of the least social people
As a shaman, I like trolls xD
My monk is a win win man.
Alcohol and Turtles? Hell yeah!
hell yeah man, class fantasy alone makes it the best class
And anime
Tf when nixxiom knows you're an alchoholic
Cerms FTW not either, can't relate. I use to main shaman before though and it sounded more true. Lol it made me think I played with him. Not the troll part though.. I'm not that "outgoing"
I'm a priest and I have to say this is 400 percent accurate
Holly shit man thats exactly what isaid lol
Yep. Me too. Mind control is life.
I got triggered when he mentioned having to interrupt a heal right before it goes off to move for a mechanic. Volcanic, anyone?
@@PhotonCommander I hate when someone runs *out of my range or behind a wall*
I really thought he would have claimed that all Druid players were furries.
Mayron's Hideout well thats just common fact... no need to put it in the vid
As someone who plays a Druid, I can confirm this.
Uh. (*-hides furry pride stuff-*) N-no....totally not...
Mayron's Hideout Thats more of a worgen thing imo
Matias Alecxander Villalobos Cruz I'm a worgen Druid tho.
If you're a warlock, you definitely have a playlist for your class with at least one of the following bands on it:
>Nox Arcana
>Rob Zombie
>Rotting Christ
>System of a Down
>Papa Roach
>Asking Alexandria
I'm a warrior and i have playlists with most those bands for pvp
im a rogue and i have a playlist with all of those on it lol
You cannot be any more wrong lmfao
I play DK and Warlock and I do listen to these bands but I mostly main a Druid and Pally
I'm warlock and I don't have nkne of that.
The Druid one was 100% wrong, for me at least! :/ We're the kind of people who love nature SO MUCH, that we partake in (poorly worded) beastiality ERP out the back of Moonguard's inn.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bear ass to tend to.
An Evil Stripper agreed
This comment has been approved by a furry druid.
An Evil Stripper and who dosent want a bear on ghost wolf time
Wow, someone the exact same as me....
I'm a fucking death knight main tell me about it not being accurate...
my friend named their demon hunter Hankhillidan
Ragin' Contagion omg yuss
Nice. Mine is Azmodamnson.
best one ive seen yet
When legion came out, I named my DH "Niridan" because my main was named "Niriand". Probably not as bad as Killdan, Millidan and other shit like that, but still.
their? You don't know your friend's gender?
He nailed it in the monk class. Anime and turtle all day every day
Ruine Marie nah just you. Lol
***** exactly
***** chill, my main and alts are all monks.
Ruine Marie why? How much time do you have on your hands that you'd wanna make that many monks?
All my alts are monks too. I've tried other classes, but they're just so damn boring in comparison.
I'm Night elf druid, and I care about the environment, I love animals, that's why I picked druid😂😂
Me too
And that's why you are night elf or tauren
Same. The assumption that we don't care about those things is so baseless. Absolutely cringe-worthy.
I am a feral druid since wotlk. And I care about my enviroment. And about animals too.
For Azeroth, mon.
@@MeiMei... you do realize this video was nothing but joking right?
Outlaw is not on the ninja side
Márk Mikolay igen igen for outlaw
Outlaw Rogue is the pirate class
Yo ho ahoy and avast
Being a pirate is really badass
Thus creates the concept of Ninja Pirates. XD
That is why its named after something law breaking cowboys were called... the spec is cowboys that are into pirate cosplay.
Actually... here's my list. Enjoy :(
Warrior: You leveled as tank and you know it, because warrior leveling sucks if you don't do dungeons, buddy.
Mage: You complain that you aren't as amazing as you were in Vanilla, even though you do decent damage. Not as much as Hunters though.
Demon Hunter: You make everyone sad when you say that you main a Demon Hunter, and really can't play the game either. Also, you chose to be a tank to seem respectable, and I'm looking at you, Illiddank Stormface!
Death Knights: You're jealous of Demon Hunters because you get less attention now, since they're the new Hero Class. Plus, their abilities look cooler, so they do more damage than you.
Rogue: You gank people in [Any Zone] and love it. Also, you love transmogs that smoke, for some reason.
Warlock: You fail to acknowledge the fact that you get the coolest transmogs, yet you still manage to make an "original" one that sucks. Also, don't use a Voidwalker in dungeons, idiot.
Monk: You're wondering why you decided to main this class, since only 5 other people do.
Shaman: You decided to roll Enhancement just to get Doomhammer, and everyone else knows it. Also, you're jealous of Horde shaman because all you can play as is a short angry Scottish guy, a goat, or a panda.
Priest: You roll damage to make everyone else jealous of your cool shadowy spells. However, you're unaware that Discipline Priests do more damage than you AND are top heals.
Hunter: Like myself, you love it when people accidentally target your pet instead of you in PvP, and absolutely love how gnomes are now Hunters, which is why you wasted your money to change to one. Also, you're happy that Demon Hunters are the new noobs, not you.
Paladin: You have the ego of a 12-year old, and probably are one. You bubble in PvP and stun everyone, and there's a 9/10 chance that you're a total anime nerd, like myself. :)
Druid: You complain about your class mount and about where the freaking artifact forge is at your class hall. Also, you chose your spec depending on how cool your form looks, you furry.
Nah Shadow priests just kill themselfs for top damage
The Echo Knight your just dk hater
haha yeah man, as a shaman im really jealous of horde shaman.
That rogue was spot on!
Actually, I'm a DK that's happy Demon hunters are getting attention now. Blizzard will spend EVEN LESS attention to blood tanking balance now! I even transmogged my Worgen Engineer DK to look kinda like a arms warrior/ret pally to help keep the heat off of our bloody broken backs. In-universe, he's using everything from goggles to cologne to keep the fact he's a DK hidden outside of battle for both the element of surprise and to help in the establishment of diplomatic relations.
P.S. When are we going to be able to turn that massive fossilized protodragon skeleton in dragonblight into a flying fortress!? I want a necropolis on it's back, and a LOT of necrotech artillery on the sides.
Actually I love demon hunter because of that damn glide and double jump, it's so useful in parkour
*inserts parkour meme*
The sheer mobility, even after demon hunter’s blade dance was nerfed and survivability went down. I still main him in shadowlands :)
Though I wouldn’t know the nostalgia since BFA was my first expansion
I love it when my wings come out 😈
As a rogue I can confirm I'm an asshole. There's just something about playing the class that brings it out.
That's what I was coming to say. I'm a proud asshole too.
I knew this thread would be here. Also proud.
I can confirm as an undead rogue that killing low level quest givers and any guards in the area puts a smile on my rotting face.
I too am here to voice my pride as a rogue. However, I don't have a nerf gun or a fake dagger, but my rouges's name is Greenninja :D. I know, very original, right?
my demonhunter's name is "Gitguddemons" so yeah, pretty accurate.
Satanistic.... I have also mained a rogue, warrior, lock and monk and he was 100000000% correct every single word.
Oh and priest. Yep. I hate moving and love cliffs.
Forrestermine that's actually sorta clever though... I guess there's a lot rpers around on my server because most of the demon hunters have normal elf names. The demon hunters are no worse than dks used to be though. The next expac will bring new races so, people's attention will shift towards that.
My Demon Hunter's name is Sweettatsbro. In case anyone cared... no? Ok.
My Demon Hunter's name is Daruler if anyone cared
Nixxiom, I main a DH and I'm very original, my DH's name is Eeleedin. and my mage name is Medeev. see? I'm original.
im orginal too. My Fem Drenai Paladin name is Irell
PG 12, not 11
OK I'm not so original but I didn't name my dh on any wow related stuff, I just named it after a character that I think would look like a night elf demon hunter if they were to play/be an NPC in game lmao
Felarrin Bloodsong and my female mage is jiana
My name is addramelech not seen anyone with that name so yeah I am a vengeance dh and proud
"You remember the days of marking and polymorphing in dungeons, and you cry over your memories"
So true :'(
I felt that.
Could be applied to rogues sap as well haha
Me: There is no way he gets this right.
Nixx: Describes warrior
Me: Well shit.
Also the DH was spot on for one of my friends.
Got the same thing here!
Main a Demon Hunter because no other class has the coolest name in the game!
lol, warriors are just too easy to analyze. I've met enough just like Nixxiom described to not agree.
I'm a priest and you got me 100% right
I think the Death Knight is Jealous that Illidan gets a second reckoning and not Arthas. Aw man it must suck knowing Arthas STAYS dead and Illidan gets to come back and wreck shit again ;3
only DK big prob i have is that Kel'Thuzad is hiding. He's gotta be doing some evil shit and not serving the LK anymore if we haven't seen him and haven't killed him. I'm also wondering what Geddon and Garr are doing together since we didn't kill them in Cataclysm and didn't see them in Legion serving the new Firelord
I was ecstatic when they announced Illidan was returning. I had wanted that for years. It's just too bad Havoc is one of the worst designed specs in the game.
1 of the worst designed specs?
Yep. I think it's terrible. Sometimes you get so much Demonic Fury that you don't know what to do with it, and other times you get so little that you're stuck casting virtually nothing for a long time. And Demon Blades is the best talent in that tier, even though Blizzard said numerous times that it wouldn't be, so you're basically stuck in that playstyle. It only becomes "good" if you have Anger of the Half Giants. Plus Havoc has no true theme to it. There's no core identity mechanic to manage. It feels like an incomplete spec that doesn't know what it wants to be.
Btw nice Kain profile picture
Kyuti Kitsune I mean we death knights have bolvar at least
I guess I'm a rare druid...I care about the environment....I just loved how I could either heal or DPS...whatever my mood. Also shapeshifting is cool AF...though the sea lion is bucking fugly.
And I miss being the shimmying tree the whole dungeon...
100% Agree. For me, it's also that I'm an animal lover, so there's that.
I like druid hots easiest healer
You can still learn that tree of life form. You can buy it from a vendor in the moonglade inn
Bro she dont mean legions garbage replacement for glyphs she means when it was a talent and useful
2002Gaming Xxx I like that I don’t have to be in tree form to heal anymore. It stuck out like a sore thumb in PvP. Now I can kinda blend in and actually heal someone
The few, the proud, the quiet. Shamans
William Shaw my first character after vanilla beta was a shaman. Man, that class was a bit overpowered at that point. Then they nerfed the crap out of it.
William Shaw you stole my name... can’t say I’ve ever met another William shaw before.
so edgy
Dear god.... I mained a Paladin! And I played Warcraft 1-3 before WoW launched. That kind of shocked me Nixxiom! Haha
wow Nixxiom you sure are smart. And really handsome too.
Pfft, who plays any other class when you can just deny death with a bubble, while spamming that stun burst with wings popped in order to 1 hit everyone?
PALADINS FOR LIFE! Death knights are goths that go to the necro dentist all the time, warlocks are generic anime tropes that have shit Xmogs, monks are every naruto/DBZ guy ever, Mages are...hogwarts peeps turned gods? Priests suck once you know what they're doing, Rogues aren't shit and just hide like pussies, druids are..idk...cycloning fools that hit for 1K, and shamans are toten showing chain healing bastards that hurt for a while, until you catch up to their BS, ans kill em. Warriors are sticks when against a paladin (Like they ever were good in the first place), and lastly...DHs are emos that chose said class so they could wank on illidan.
Buy hey, that's just a truth, A WARCRAFT TRUTH!
thunder wolf
thunder wolf or better yet kick it and use holy wrath lol (back befor patch)
Aw man my druid self is sad at how wrong this was, as I am a massive tree hugger. I mean, I was able to encompass so much as a balance druid. Love for nature, everything astral, shapeshifting...a bit of mystery while simultaneously embracing the goof that is moonkin form. It's got all the goods.
Jessi Campbell I loved shapeshifting so much
The druid one was so off :(
Same Dx if only there were other druids in my area....
I know I was offended by that I love nature and animals that is why I chose it
You sound like meeeee. Druids are the best!
Mage: or you just miss vanilla and you still haven’t let it go yet.
Rogue here. Pretty accurate depiction lol. Just earlier I was running a dungeon and there was some ore I wanted and there was also a chest so I used that to convince the people to come kill the mobs so I could get the ore.
every mage main in WOW was bullied in highschool, every warrior main was a bully in highschool
And that ret paladin over in Highschool was that guy that could easily beat up the bully, but doesn't want to, cause he's a pure, prideful dick that only cares for himself unless paid a good amount of money (AKA 1-2k).
After seeing that anime image. I'm AMAZED you didn't use it as clickbait.
Nixxiom isnt a cringy skimpy women thumbnail loser like MxR
Me (a non wow player) that looks forward to the day i have the game and play as a worgen druid to honor my childhood great dane:
**sad dog lover noises**
Wow Nixxion u r very smart and hansom too.
Reptillianbountyhunter I Joshua Starkloff I there is always one. I'm proud of you
As a Shaman main, I had to laugh at the spamming of chain lightning and chain heal part, because Enhancement Shamans are a thing. And it's really fun to play as an Enhancement Shaman.
But wolves are p neat regardless…
I'm a troll shaman and I use no filthy wolves.
Raptors all the way baby
I played as an enhancement shaman since BC.
I also played a DH, because our guild didn't have another. And no, the name has nothing to do with Illidan, strange as it is.
"You picked an Enhancement Shaman because you wanted to be a Mage Knight but didn't like the Death Knight archetype. You like enhancing your weapons with fire and throwing short-ranged shocks at enemies. You like this spec because it makes you feel like you're truly using the class's weapon access potentials, and you're glad that it's now viable again."
"Or you wanna play a dwarf named 'Sàndäl" and say 'Enhancement?' all the time."
Terestrasz lol true
I don’t have a turtle, where’s my money
I used to have a turtle but it dead
You are the turtle! DUN DUN DUNNN
I want my money as well...
I'm a druid, I recycle, I try not to kill stuff, even bugs, I just lead them outside, and I love the outdoors.
But I'm an enhancement shaman...
Cozy I was like. Hmm 100% missed us enhance shamans. And shaman profiling was 100% inaccurate. Lol
So you likes wolves and's ok.
pismith1 agreed...wind fury glory days ahhh
walk and spam chain lighting gg
Enhancement brothers, it was ta buff and get double wind furry, or worse unstoppable force. Vanilla will never be forgotten. lol
I feel like the only rogue in the game who doesn't gank lowbies, it's a waste of time for barely any reward other than feeling like an asshole
You are a saint, my good man.
ZWheels I used to gank lowbies as a feral druid, but then i changed to a rogue and did that for 2 years and then i changed to DH because illidan is the most coolest person in the game and my name is shadowblades cause im an edge lord and boy i like DKs as well but in the end im a loud and proud lowbie hunting rogue
Exactly. Where's the fun if there isn't a challenge. Hunting down and killing the bad rogues that can't fight anything above level 30 is rewarding in its own right.
ZWheels Liar yes you do
ZWheels fucking lier
Funny how Nixxiom knows I tried playing my hunter with my feet, but jokes on you. I succeeded.
And I play ret.
*Bubbles at last moment, flashes with light, stuns, and does burst*
Enjoy the walk back to yo courpse, BITCH!
thunder wolf VUS RO DAH!!
*Uses turtle power*
I play Mage specifically because I can be helpful by making food and portals
my main is a druid, and I recycle, care about nature, and love animals. you were completely off, Mr. Nixxiom
Nixxi 21 100% agreed whit you sir, im a druid as well , o recicle and top of that i like to meditate alone in parks or places whit a lot of trees
Tyroil it's miss*. I like to take nature walks and watch the beauty of it all
Me too
Nixxi 21 amen to that 😄
So true
I'm a paladin and I always heal people when they need it even as dps in pvp.
You keep telling yourself that you selfish bubbleing baboon
Said no paladin ever.
I'm a paladin and I admit that I never heal others. 'Cause Blizzard has turned Flash of Light into borderline life-support that only drains mana and delays the inevitable. (Unless Lay On Hands is up...)
ebutuoy tikcus THIS. So true.
I remember the days when as a Ret Paladin, I could single handedly save a boss kill by taking over the healing for a minute when the healers die at the last 10% of a boss's health... Now you pop a heal, and everyone just assumes the player used a low level health pot....
Almost had me 100% with Paladin. Everything is pretty much right except for the not healing wounded allies part.
Demitrium For me, I do it when I'm sick of how squishy and not survivable everyone else is and just say "Fuck it I'm not wiping again"
Auras though, why did they get removed?
TheAnonymousMrGrape idk, but rip auras, you will be missed dearly
EDIT: Also righteous fury! I'm very upset that's gone :(
I hate it when people ask for lock cookies and summons but my tier set looks pretty cool
He nailed my paladin 100%...I'm a dick and will pally bubble, or lay on hands just as they think they got me killed... lol
that warlock part is so accurate.
5:11 (Rogue)
You: saying things about rogue...
Me: how you know all my life!?
Oh god he nailed shaman for me.
Slade951 same spam chain lighting forever
I main Enhancement though. So that's not my story :(
Jakša Kopetski I used to play enhance too. Doesn't the dps rotation including instant chain lightning too? Did they change it.
Slade951 Since it's bound to an Honor talent, you can only do that in PvP. In PvE you wait till you get Stormbringer, then you just activate Doom Winds and melt faces.
How and the fuck did he know about the celtic music?
ObokoGaming I KNOW
IKR! Creepy guy...
creo que no
Scared the shehonkees out me tbh
Artemis Yeah, me too.
Shadow priest is basically "chill out" for any priest after pve
im a outlaw rogue
Ending it with a /cackle and a shot between the eyes is the best feeling ever amiright ^^
VanCleefs for the win
I'm and outlaw main too :D
Outlaw is so much fun, they should have called that spec Swashbuckling....arrrrr.
outlaw rogues are the best tbh
DO races next
No racism pleas
yes playable and then non-playable races
He already did that with separate videos on the alliance and horde.
Mr. Drunky wow nixxion u sure r smart and rlly handsome to
I've picked hunter because I'm a collector. I collect pets. cats, dogs, basilisks, chimeras, hydras, all of them. especially rare or cool looking ones
George Burner Right? My hunter exists solely because I wanted to pokemon collect things that could actually kill something.
I main a Hunter because I'm a Hunter in real life. And I like the Hunter playstyle. And I like. Animals.
I picked a hunter because I love archery and think that being a hero that uses bows is awesome as well as having a pet for some support. I’ll admit, it’s a super easy class, and I remember back in WotLK I did, in fact, try to play with my forehead. I facerolled during a crusade raid, and didn’t die or draw aggro. It was definitely a funny moment for me.
Jacob Jarosz I tried rolling my face on the keyboard in raid before. I died pretty fast lol.
The Howling Forge yeah I for sure thought I was going to die too, but lucky for me our healers were on point haha. I just remember being in the vent channel and my guild kept asking “Alu wtf are you doing!?” But I couldn’t respond face was currently occupied. Bahahaha
Gotta day, I’m a warrior, and I’ve played solo my entire life. And I’d actually like nothing more than to be able to play with people. Never can get into a niche where I’m with ppl.
so true, nobody ever wants to talk and nobody invites me to pugs. im not undergeared, and i usually do top dps.
I'm a priest, and you nailed it. I start up Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker. Every time. I love to troll. Trade kinda quiet? Just mention Trump. And no one suspects me because I'm the super nice healer.
P.S. Trump has steaks with ketchup. Discuss.
I must of been doing it wrong my whole life
did you just say.... Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
He did say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
Edit: it's also a legendary in Diablo 3, I have it along with the Corrupted Ashbringer.
"wow nixxxion u sure r smart an rly handsom to"
I main a warrior and this is 100% true.
DKs are better tanks :P *sits back and waits for the rage* lol
Same. Scarily accurate haha!
Josh B I'm a Fury warrior so that doesnt piss me off
Tangerina Ikr
I feel warriors like to side eye DK's and Paladins for being weird edgelords/boyscouts and having OP abilities they don't deserve.
I've been playing WoW for 14 years and yes, my main is a Paladin Tanker and yes, I used to play - and play sometimes - Warcraft III.
And YES, I was very sad with the fall of Arthas.
But my main is a Draenei who had beaten Illidan's and Artha's butt...
"What your Mains Race says ablut you?"
Well........ I am addicted to blood elves and I wanna know why. So yes.
Avana if it's a guy then you are gay. if female then you like 16 year olds. that's my take on them.
Scorn of the moon Almost right. I haven't created a male blood elf at all. But I'm actually 17 rofl
and my BE pally is very cool, handsome and sexy just like me, he can tank, heal and dps and he has the ashbringer, yeah ya noobs I'm the highlord of the pallys and I have the ashbringer, the most gay race ever are humans and the alliance is gay as fuck, for da horde bitches! For the Banshee Queen...ehkem... for the Silvermoon!
Przemek Wielgosz omg im crying in biology...
Ehh I play as a druid and i honestly do the opposite things of what you just said. BTW i love celtic music! I always find it calming to listen to it. Okay now i am going to stand in the corner in the comments section ;-;
MegaDweeb I agree. Druid was a bit off for me as well.
MegaDweeb I main a Druid and I love animals and am a vegetarian irl lol. Idk where Nixxium got that idea of druids from.
My Druid...invisible kitty (roar)
i'm vegan
Druids rule. Okay, so I'm not the best at recycling, and how can you not love turning into a bird and Celtic music? But I definitely don't litter.
Absolutely true.
Paladin btw. :D
Matěj Borovský the best is being an hpally and having ally try to gank u then just healing urself while u fight xD “I’m not the one buddy”
Me too fellow😂😝
Same here😂
Well I was a Wiccan when I started playing WOW. So yeah, night elf druid.
Druids are neat, I like animals a lot but the edge it has over Hunter is the shapeshifting and using those forms permanently in combat without it just being some temporary buff form. It's such a cool and unique ability. I don't believe I've found a single MMORPG that allows for that besides WoW.
You actually nailed it for me, I do love my fury warrior. In vanilla we always where top on fps and seemed to work our way to the top in every expac. I know that most the time duel wielding 1 handers was good, but 2 2 handers just screamed bad ass
I love being an unappreciated priest
Me too
the three classes i play the most are DH, DK, and warlocks... and i will admit i love Illidan and my character is called Illidahn
My demon hunter’s name combines the words “Vengeance Reborn” in Latin
Plz tell me that sounds SO badass
My god the hunter one was so accurate
JorgecK95 i played hunter because the other classes were boringly easy as a pvper. To win duels and arenas was the greatest fun with hunters. I think hunters are also a bit scbags with the traps. The thing about trolling the raid with the pet.... That's pretty accurate and i am not human. I am a bear.
I like cats. The end. *.*
i play hunter cuz its the closest to ranger and i play ranger in D&D so...
As a DK main, I have no words to describe how absolutely correct you are
Rian Laurentino laughs in cool transmog
I had a pet turtle once. His name was Lancelot.
EpicEevee I had one too. I was 10, but her name was Shelby
I want a pet turtle so i can name it Speed Devil. :C
Josh D Demon sounds more catchy. Although i would like "Devil" to piss off my religious simblings. c:
i've had 2 turtles for 10 years the same as the picture and I actually main a Monk, like whaaaa?
Shaman here... and I thought everybody was antisocial, I come to find out it was me all along. 😓
I picked hunter because I thought at level 60 i could learn how to tame dragons.
The main reason I play a Paladin because being a holy crusader of the light is the nerdiest thing possible, and I don't shy away from that... I embrace it. Screw everyone who called me a fag for liking fantasy games!
Also, I am apparently 12 years old according to some of the WoW community, being that I play exclusively Alliance.
Of course you are 12, adults only play Horde and only 12 year olds play Alliance (it's a joke, I play both, well I Gnome and play Horde)
James Wadland You let them know buddy! You learn them the reals of it!
Joe Oppmann It's almost as if, as soon as you turn 21, your interests miraculously change and you think "Boy, have I been wrong this whole time! The Horde are the mature faction, with spikes, dark magic and a history of slavery. How could I ever have thought that playing as a racist Human or wimpy Night Elf was ever a good idea?"
I'm at work so I'm not supposed to be on my phone. But what the fuck, I'm a druid and I love Celtic music
You're 2/3's right about the mage. Mirror image is a God tier spell and hella fun and our CC is second to none, but I've always been more than happy to give players food. A few days ago my healer in a dungeon was oom and the tank wasn't listening to him saying to wait so I stayed behind with the healer and conjured up some food and whispered to the tank to wait for healers Mana. I love giving food as it's such a unique thing that mages can do. Healers love when you drop a mage table at the start of a raid or dungeon. Makes everyones life a little easier.
But I do recycle and like nature walks 😐 but Im not dedicated enough to be real tree hugger so your half right
Tony Danatop woohs
100% off on the Druid analysis. At least for me. The Raven shapeshift would be cool though, maybe for Worgen Druids as their Flight Form.
Collin Wade you like making puns and setting tree druid form on fire?
I'm with ya' on that one buddy
AmaranteStryfe Puns? Yes. Treant form on fire? I'd be lying if I said I hadn't taken a screenshot on top of a fireplace before.
Collin Wade Precisely!! I had a new druid player join my guild the other day and I said you know we got tree form back to set on fire. "you can set it on fire?" We proceeded to set ourselves on fire in dreamgrove for 5 minutes..someone else joined in.
All druids love puns and doing silly stuff with their forms yeah?
Collin Wade stop complaining your special enough
The video starts at 0:00
BlazterKing thx bro, I couldn't find it
And it ends at 13:15
Thanks, man!
BlazterKing Omg Really! That's crazy
no way!
Rogue + Priest :) literally 100% accurate for both, but i do not have any of the gadgets mentioned for rogue, rarely gank or disrupt player questing, but dammit i love to ambush same level player while they are already in a fight
Paolo Cremona 100% truth
Wait a second, that paladin pvp footage... 11:15 That me :):):)
You have been honored!
Ye, I just sat here playing some wow, looked over to my second screen and saw myself.
I think my heart skipped a beat.
Gamer Ramy Hahah, i think i know the feeling!
I'm a holy pally and I never heal my group :)
Shaman here.... and yes... chain heal is my favorite thing to see shoot around :P
And Wolves are leet!
Quixmith For me only wolf thingie is right, better is stacked earth shock on elemental, I just love that pure dmg
I main a Druid because of kitty mode... It's so cute! Specially night elf druidkitty! And I'm a BALANCE druid!
fucking furry
Burstatility lmao
Me? A priest that mind controls people off of a bridge in Alterac Valley? PFT NEVER. *coughs*
As a new player this actually is going to help what class I pick... Rogue FTW XD
this guy is absolute right about rogue
RobertoCaires_official no I'm not a douche
As a rogue player, I concur
He forgot about “begging for the ability to change your ghoul’s appearance” for DK
This is the story of how I became a demon hunter: I am new to WOW and picked druid at first because I wasn't sure what I wanted to play, but figured I'd like healing or range dps and druids can SHAPESHIFT. I got it to max level (110 at the time) and thought it was cool but also kinda boring. Then I was messing around in create a character as as saw this new class that hadn't been there before. It started at 98 though so I could still play it with my veteran player friends. I thought "ew melee only class, but it looks cool so I'll just mess around". Played through the entry stuff and then stopped to focus on my druid again. Then, maybe two weeks to bfa I thought it might be nice to have two max level characters so I pushed through to 110 and had a blast doing it. I was a rampaging demon goddess who tore through legions of mobs and used the souls of my victims to fuel me as I destroyed more enemies. I only have one 120 level character right now and it isn't the druid. Best game decision I ever made.
What your race says about you?
Human: Boring
Night Elf: Legolas Worshiper
Dwarf: Alcoholic
Gnome: Guy who thinks he's funny but isn't
Draenei: Guy who watches too much hentai
Worgen: Furry
Orc: Rager
Tauren: Over Compensating
Troll: Troll
Blood Elf: Prick
Goblin: Guy who thinks he's funny but isn't but plays horde
Rukifellth you straight up forgot undead lmao
+Ashland Tilke
Undead: Starter who can't play DK
Pandaren: Also a furry
Tauren. I can be full of bullshit when needed.
The stereotype that all Pandaren players are furries is very hurtful to all of us Asian chubby chasers.
I will admit as a Prot war, I do wish I could jump solo into a hoard of things and decimate them all, while cackling like a maniac as the blood frenzy comes on.
Whydow Soooo you would have killed +/- 10% of that hoard of things since decimate means lower something by 10%