For the couple in London, even without the shoe collection to take into account, the first flat was definitely the better option. It was reasonably spacious, had storage, their own garden and was in move-in condition, with the option of knocking through to the kitchen later to make an open plan space and add value.
For the couple in London, even without the shoe collection to take into account, the first flat was definitely the better option. It was reasonably spacious, had storage, their own garden and was in move-in condition, with the option of knocking through to the kitchen later to make an open plan space and add value.
Hello, I actually listen to the music at the end. The techno beat was off for me on this one.
No, it's totally washed out. Followed by a completely different piece.
For a man to have 100 pairs of trainers and for Kirstie to admit she has 100 pairs of shoes tells me they are both emotionally wanting!
The guy with the hat will look back and cringe....