Islamophobia: Melissa Boigon at TEDxGallatin 2013

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2 тис.

  • @kme321
    @kme321 9 років тому +14

    As a Muslim I can honestly say I was touched by what she said. That was very kind and open minded of her to come up on stage and speak against the stereotypes of Islam. Very well spoken too.

  • @gicky-gackers
    @gicky-gackers 9 років тому +92

    Me: Can I criticize any ideology?
    Politically correct liberal: Yes, of course.
    Me: Any ideology?
    PC liberal: Absolutely, there are no sacred cows. It's our job to be iconoclastic and attack traditional authority figures like the church and government. Criticize everything.
    Me: So it's okay to criticize religion?
    PC liberal: Definitely! Down with religion!
    Me: So you don't mind if I criticize Christianity and the Bible?
    PC liberal: Criticize away! Christianity sucks! Fuck the Bible!
    Me: Can I criticize Mormonism?
    PC liberal: Yes.
    Me: Can I criticize patriotism?
    PC liberal: Yes.
    Me: Can I criticize capitalism?
    PC liberal: Yes.
    Me: Can I criticize communism?
    PC liberal: Yes.
    Me: Can I criticize Zionism?
    PC liberal: Definitely.
    Me: Can I criticize Islam?
    PC liberal: Oh my god, no way! Are you some kind of Islamophobic, racist, bigoted hater? It's totally not okay to attack people's beliefs! Just let people believe whatever they want! It's none of your damn business what people believe, they're not hurting you so why hate on their faith?
    Ah, middle class white liberals, what logical people they are.

    • @GenomancerBot
      @GenomancerBot 9 років тому +5

      Dean Keaton So true. It's sad if you think about it though....

    • @frenziedscreeching8533
      @frenziedscreeching8533 9 років тому +9

      Aamir Ahmed Some of us do have valid criticisms of Islam. What about the apostasy issue? As I'm sure you're aware, there are a few hadith were Muhammad says that apostates should be executed, every major madhhab (or school of thought) within Islam condones the execution of apostates. Killing apostates isn't some fringe issue, it's part of mainstream Islam and it's something to be very concerned about. Would you call someone a bigot or Islamophobe for criticizing this aspect of Islam? I hope not. Muhammad also said that a woman's word is worth half that of a man's because women have "deficient" minds (Sahih al-Bukhari, 3.48.826). Don't you think that's a problematic part of Islam?

    • @jamesharris9536
      @jamesharris9536 9 років тому +2

      Johnny ar-Rafidi I assume you're a Muslim from your picture. You have my utmost respect for being open-mindedly critical of the more abhorrent aspects of your religion. We need more Muslims like yourself.

    • @jamesharris9536
      @jamesharris9536 9 років тому

      Dean Keaton Exceptionally well said. Expressing my frustrations perfectly.

    • @aamirahmed9199
      @aamirahmed9199 9 років тому

      Johnny ar-Rafidi maybe there are problems,but by no means will I nor anyone I know carry out this. Its simply disgusting and the last thing I'd do...

  • @faisalheezan8855
    @faisalheezan8855 11 років тому +38

    3 million Iraqis died because of America's "Freedom"... The sad part is that the ones who were responsible of all of the deaths aren't punished and they are living happy lives...

  • @islamicreminders5036
    @islamicreminders5036 8 років тому +172

    Islam says to be dutiful to your parents, treat women kindly, respect your elders, love your young ones, don't kick out the divorcee women from your home, take care of widows and provide them financially, protect and maintain the financial needs of your wife, help the poor, feed the hungry, spread the greetings of peace, do not oppress others and yourselves, remove the stress from anybody who is stressed, cover the faults of others, be just even if it is against your own soul, speak good to every common man, speak the truth, do not backbite, do not slander, give the slaves their wages before their sweat dries, don't break the promises you made, do not betray, give your wealth in charity, repel evil with good, forbid the evil, promote the good, take care of your neighbours, do not laugh at one another, do not taunt, do not abuse others which non-Muslims call besides Allah, be forgiving, don't get angry, don't be sad, don't abuse, visit the sick, remove any harmful thing from the road and much more good.
    Nobody will ever let you know these. Some people just know to spread hatred by whatever way they're able to.
    I hope there are people who are mature enough to study the religion of Islam rather than believing whatever lies the media has to offer.
    Peace and greetings! ♧

    • @RumbleFish252
      @RumbleFish252 8 років тому +28

      Only if you refuse to ignore the verses that contradict just what you are mentioning. But it is a religion with contradicting texts. I will only quote the Quran and Hadith to prove some of your points wrong:
      *Beating women who you fear might desert you:*
      "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.” (Qur'an 4:34)
      *Slavery of women*
      And whoever among you cannot [find] the means to marry free, believing women, then [he may marry] from those whom your right hands possess of believing *slave girls.* Quran 4:25
      *Encouragement of pedophilia*
      "Such of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the prescribed period, if ye have any doubts, is three months, *and for those who have no courses (it is the same):* for those who carry (life within their wombs), their period “is until they deliver their burdens: and for those who fear Allah, He will make their path easy." Qur'an 65:4
      *Death to Apostates:*
      Allah’s Messenger said, “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.” Sahih al-Bukhari 6922
      *Oppression of non-Muslims:*
      "Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection." (Qur'an 9:29)
      Muhammad said: “I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah.” Sahih Muslim 30
      Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. Qur’an 48:2
      *Encouragement of torture:*
      The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse - lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah , if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment. Quran 24:2
      “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter” (Qur'an 5:33)
      Also I love how you say "give the slaves their wages before their sweat dries," like there is nothing wrong there.
      There's many many more.

    • @islamicreminders5036
      @islamicreminders5036 8 років тому +12

      +RumbleFish252: Manipulated and twisted verses from the anti-Islamic sites. Do you believe them? Please grow up and do some research. Know Islam through the Qur'an, the authentic ahaadith and the practicing Muslims.
      Alright. Show me a single verse from the Qur'an that says to kill the infidels. Let's have one - one conversation before jumping on to conclusions.
      Peace! ♧
      PS : I hope you read it. If not follow some authentic websites. And let's continue the debate peacefully. :)

    • @RumbleFish252
      @RumbleFish252 8 років тому +24

      "Manipulated and twisted verses"? Why do you have to lie? I got all the verses from legitimate websites:
      Now that I proved you wrong, are you going to keep lying? You can check every single verse I put, they're all legitimate. I only use legitimate neutral sources; I am that sure that Islam can easily be justified as barbaric.
      Encouraging killing unbelievers and torturing them:
      [Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. *I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."*

    • @islamicreminders5036
      @islamicreminders5036 8 років тому +5

      +RumbleFish252 Thank you for your reply. That wasn't a general verse to fight every non-Muslim. It's about a state where Islam is established and the non-Muslims are refusing to pay the taxes there. It doesn't mean to kill them just because they are non-Muslims. No.

    • @islamicreminders5036
      @islamicreminders5036 8 років тому +2

      +RumbleFish252 Please go through this article:

  • @markymarkali
    @markymarkali 9 років тому +42

    A phobia is an irrational fear. If a group of people constantly enact terrorist activities to instill fear in a population then it is not a phobia! It's trauma!

    • @soldier1661
      @soldier1661 9 років тому +8

      That doesn't give the right to ostracize, stigmatize and dehumanize an entire group of people who are by in large very peaceful.

    • @Public_Domain_Guy
      @Public_Domain_Guy 9 років тому +3

      You make a good point, except that just because a large number of people share common attributes and culture does not make them part of the same group; all Muslims believe in Allah and respect their holy book and most share common physical traits, but far from a majority are committing these acts. So it can be seemed as a phobia because distrusting an entire race for the acts of only some of them is irrational

    • @markymarkali
      @markymarkali 9 років тому +4

      Propagation of irrationality begets irrationality. Eventually it will reach a psychopath!

    • @Theforeveraloneguy
      @Theforeveraloneguy 9 років тому +1

      Marky Mark Ali I'm a muslim and you what I do? I'm a 3D artist. Sounds terrible right?

    • @markymarkali
      @markymarkali 9 років тому +1

      belthazormn1 Have I mentioned anything about Muslims?

  • @DharmProtectionGroup
    @DharmProtectionGroup 9 років тому +40

    yes some might be islamophobes but not all who criticise Islam should be called islamophobes

    • @intisarkunje6100
      @intisarkunje6100 9 років тому +1

      DharmProtectionGroup True (coming from a Muslim)

    • @DharmProtectionGroup
      @DharmProtectionGroup 9 років тому

      ***** many Muslims just call those who criticise Islam as anti Islam or islamophobes muslims are fooled into believing in Islam give muslims true freedom to leave Islam and many will

    • @nurlailasuhri101
      @nurlailasuhri101 9 років тому

      DharmProtectionGroup People who say that they believe in islam but not act like one of them is not a muslim. Islam teach us to respect the others, to avoid all hateful behavior. :D

    • @KathRob1994
      @KathRob1994 9 років тому +1

      nurlaila yusuf Sorry but that's only part of it. The person who made islam made some of it nice to draw people in and deceive them. But alot of the verses are hateful to non believers as well as to women. According to the koran, most of the people in hell are women. And according to the koran, any person who doesn't kill infidels (me) is as bad as a non believer to allah.
      Treat converts to Islam well. (Kill those who refuse to convert. See 9:5) 9:11
      Fight the disbelievers and hypocrites. Be harsh with them. They are all going to hell anyway. 9:
      Those who refuse to fight for Allah will be treated (along with their children) as unbelievers. 9:85
      Fight disbelievers who are near you, and let them see the harshness in you. 9:123.
      Come to Jesus. He's is the way, the truth and the life. And whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life
      Another benefit of Jesus, is that He says there are 'no male nor female in Christ'! (:

    • @intisarkunje6100
      @intisarkunje6100 9 років тому

      Kathryn94 You've got to be joking. Your Bible is the most hateful book ever.

  • @cyrus5424
    @cyrus5424 8 років тому +6

    "Islam is a religion of peace" she cant even say it with a straight face.

  • @disdoncable
    @disdoncable 10 років тому +5

    What I found most amusing is the part where she talks about Shariah being a benign and simple code for Muslims to live their live by.
    If she actually knew what Shariah was, she'd know that it endorses the killing or brutal persecution of LGBTs, adulterers, blasphemers, apostates etc. It allows for women to be honour-killed, and certainly prescribes the second-class treatment of non-Muslims.
    So yes, it is a code for Muslims to live their lives by, a very monstrous and murderous code.

    • @Faisal01813
      @Faisal01813 10 років тому

      It's a code of discipline. It never endorses honor-killing, that's an utter nonsense and untrue. Of course LGBT, adulterers, blasphemers must be punished, because these people are responsible for the lack of peace and happiness in families and society as a whole. LGBT goes against the natural law of how human is born, not too many crimes are bigger than that.

    • @disdoncable
      @disdoncable 10 років тому +2

      Thank you for making my point for me, Mr. Mazhar.

    • @Faisal01813
      @Faisal01813 10 років тому +1

      I don't whether that was a sarcasm. But thanks for responding. Look mate, I don't have any problem with people who are born with a different sexual nature, nor does Islam have either. A male might be attracted to another male, but he must not act upon that, because his act won't be fruitful and it's normal for the society as a whole, as long as a gay does not act upon his or her sexual attraction, Islam is fine with that. Islam is code for maintaining human existence without any disruption, same sex marriage, incest marriage threatens that, hence Islam is against gay marriage. Islam also says this life is a test for afterlife, so if a person have different sexual orientation, he's to accept this as a test and try to live like any other normal human with maintaining chastity. As for blasphemy case, it's punished because it causes disruption in social peace by hurting the feelings of others in the society. If one Muslim have blasphemous thoughts, he or she cannot be punished as long as he has not outspoken his views and haven't caused any social disruption.

    • @disdoncable
      @disdoncable 10 років тому +2

      Oh no, bud, keep speaking. You're wonderful.
      I'm just hoping that Melissa Boigon (the speaker in this video) has a chance to look at your comments.

    • @Faisal01813
      @Faisal01813 10 років тому

      I'd like more of your views, rather than your sarcasm. Despite how much negative you could be, I'm always open for a discussion. :)

  • @iaindennis230
    @iaindennis230 7 років тому +4

    Islamophobia suggests an irrational fear of Islam - after seeing the way Islam behaves and it's beliefs I don't think my fear of Islam is irrational.

    • @Lordpoison67
      @Lordpoison67 7 років тому

      pssh, your probably explode phobic too damn bigot!

    • @AhmedHassan-kl8ew
      @AhmedHassan-kl8ew 7 років тому

      "after seeing the way Islam behaves"
      I’m sorry but which Islam? I would like to meet him...or not.
      Seriously though the religion is ridiculously diverse and only the really educated and few people know how to connect the dots to have a clear picture, not just "look at" its beliefs and doctrines plenty of which are misunderstood or oversimplified to the point where the whole point behind it is lost and this goes more for Muslims than non Muslims actually because, lets face it, most Muslims just like most Christians hardly ever open the Quran, let alone try to critically study the religion as a whole.
      This is why I personally find it ludicrous when somebody, anybody states that lets say ISIS are true Muslims and follow the true teachings of the true, real Islam to the t. There is no such a thing and this is no ideology which one can simply "look up" and read a bunch of articles on and then make on opinion of their own.

  • @aran-xo1uk
    @aran-xo1uk 10 років тому +7

    this polls show differently :
    ICM Poll: 40% of British Muslims want Sharia in the UK
    NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam;
    Economist (Pew 2013): 74% who favor Islamic law in Egypt say it should apply to non-Muslims as well.
    Pew Research (2013): According to an interpretation of this study, approximately 45% of Sharia supporters surveyed disagreed with the idea that Islamic law should apply only to Muslims.
    WZB Berlin Social Science Center: 65% of Muslims in Europe say Sharia is more important than the law of the country they live in.
    GfK NOP: 28% of British Muslims want Britain to be an Islamic state
    WZB Berlin Social Science Center: 65% of Muslims in Europe say Sharia is more important than the law of the country they live in.
    Pew Research (2013): 81% of South Asian Muslims and 57% of Egyptians suport amputating limbs for theft.
    Pew Research (2013): 72% of Indonesians want Sharia to be law of the land

  • @ztaylor9891
    @ztaylor9891 9 років тому +3

    There is no such thing as "Islamaphobia". Phobia indicates an irrational fear or hatred of a particular group. My hatred of Islam is perfectly reasonable. My desire to protect myself from extremists is also perfectly reasonable.

  • @ggresak
    @ggresak 11 років тому +11

    Great speech! I hope this video finds his way to many people, especially Americans. Congratulations Melissa!

  • @Woltato
    @Woltato 10 років тому +9

    This is just someone expressing a load of opinions. Didn't cite any sources to back anything up at all.

    • @sitti_dove5476
      @sitti_dove5476 5 років тому +2

      What sources you like more? Was she not showing the news clip, the movie clip, and more? Is it not facts to you?

  • @bigsukesakurai
    @bigsukesakurai 9 років тому +72

    This is how we should think. Objectively. Subjective interpretation brought to the public can only lead to misunderstandings that will be fossilized and soon after, be "common sense". Melissa has demonstrated an exemplary attempt to break the misconceptions the society have towards people of different cultures. Those misconceptions share the same seat as racism, fascism, and ultimately, inherent discrimination. Thank you Melissa for this wonderful talk :)

    • @SatiricalStewie
      @SatiricalStewie 9 років тому +7

      She made some interesting points an observations but don't believe for a minute it was objective. For instance, asserting that Islam is a religion of peace is in no way objective and actually illustrates her bias

    • @bigsukesakurai
      @bigsukesakurai 9 років тому

      IAMSPORK Rather than being pro Islam, what I can see she was doing is being pro equality. How can she be biased towards a religion that is by historical evidence is at polar opposite of Judaism? And judging from your name, I construe that there's bias in your argument.

    • @SatiricalStewie
      @SatiricalStewie 9 років тому

      Daisuke Sakurai Nowhere did I say she was pro Islam, I said she had a bias, "by historical evidence is at polar opposite of Judaism" makes no sense whosoever, and the only bias Sporks have are that they think they are superior to Forks and Spoons.

    • @bigsukesakurai
      @bigsukesakurai 9 років тому

      IAMSPORK Oh sorry, I missed the 's' in your name D: And by the way, how did you see her as being biased?

    • @SatiricalStewie
      @SatiricalStewie 9 років тому

      Daisuke Sakurai Well I think because there is a danger of Islamophobia in the West and given that Muslims are minorities, there is a tendency of some liberals particularly on the left to counter that by going the other way in a sense. Islam is not a religion of peace for instance, its a religion like any other, people do bad and good things because of it. So I think her pointing out for instance media bias is good and useful but I don't believe she is doing it purely "objectively" and in a scientific manner, she is presenting some facts and ignoring others to support her outlook (i would guess left leaning liberal) which is perfectly fine, I have no issue with that per se but I think I wouldn't want to describe that as objective.

  • @mylord9340
    @mylord9340 5 років тому +4

    The word "Islamophobia" is an amorphous word. It is understood by many to be a form of racism but it is also used by some to include any legitimate critique of the religion of Islam or Muhammad. If Muhammad's religion has bad ideas, it is necessary to critique them as should the bad ideas of other religions.

    • @andypham6335
      @andypham6335 4 роки тому

      It’s not just Muhammad’s religion. It’s the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and many more.

  • @drssimonhottentot
    @drssimonhottentot 9 років тому +9

    There are no synagogues in Saudi Arabia. It's theoretically possible that some observance of Judaism may exist in private, for example on US military bases. But it's very unlikely, since the entry of Jews into the kingdom is prohibited, and the practice of any but the official state religion is also constrained by the Saudi government.

      @KOTORDRAGON 9 років тому +5

      Simon Hottentot but there are pleanty of synagogues in indonesia, the largest muslim country.

    • @MrEvrit
      @MrEvrit 9 років тому

      Josh R. there is only one synagogue in Indonesia since the jewish community there is extremely tiny.

      @KOTORDRAGON 9 років тому +1

      There are atleast two of my personal knowledge, and the point is that they face very little religious scruitiny from their muslim hosts

    • @outdoormirrorist3404
      @outdoormirrorist3404 9 років тому

      Simon Hottentot Yes, but for some people, stating the truth is somehow a "phobia".

    • @kayserimpa
      @kayserimpa 4 роки тому +1

      And your posting shows saudi arabia is a state of dictators of a tribe. Under the dictatorship of saudis suffers not only other religious groups but the own citizens too. i.e the women rights. Btw this saudi dictators are very close ally of the USA.

  • @veetour
    @veetour 9 років тому +8

    Why can't we criticise the ideas in Islam? There are many bad ideas about morality in Islam.

      @KOTORDRAGON 9 років тому +2

      vee tour there are equally many in Christianity. and theres a difference between criticism and bigotry.

    • @sheguftat4372
      @sheguftat4372 9 років тому +1

      vee tour Of course you can, and you should, criticize the ideas in Islam! This is coming from a female Muslim-by-choice and student of Islamic Studies. Islam NEVER forces you to accept its teachings and ideas. Rather, Islam encourages you to read, reflect, question and THEN evaluate for yourself whether it makes sense or not. To illustrate my point: "Then do they not reflect upon the Qur'an, or are there locks upon [their] hearts?" [Qur'an 47:24] and "(This is) a Book (the Quran) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may remember." [Qur'an 38:29]
      Don't confuse what the media and those extremists say with what Islam really says. God knows how deviant and far-fetched their ideas are from those of true Islam. Just for the record, I have never come across immoral ideas in Islam - at least not in the authentic sources!
      Keep in mind that every Qur'anic Verse and Prophetic Tradition (hadith) has a context behind it, so if you take it out of context, you might misinterpret it.
      Ma'as-salaamah! :-)

      @KOTORDRAGON 9 років тому +1

      thank you for being one of the first people to come from a place of understanding instead of blind hate

    • @sheguftat4372
      @sheguftat4372 9 років тому +2

      Welcome! It really hurts us Muslims to see Islam being equated with hatred, extremism and terrorism, when it is actually a religion of peace, mercy and justice.

    • @Lineage2ErtheiaPvP
      @Lineage2ErtheiaPvP 9 років тому

      Josh R. nop, they are not, christianity does not say FOLLOW THE BIBLE WORD BY WORD< christians take the bible as examples.
      QUARAN = must be followed WORD BY WORD by muslims, it s the word of god.
      understand, u dumb fuck?

  • @durntok2293
    @durntok2293 8 років тому +7

    I am proud of her. The world needs more people like her

  • @Iqbal360
    @Iqbal360 10 років тому +34

    al-queda was created by the US during the 80's

    • @shujaman7868
      @shujaman7868 4 роки тому

      @Lul de Behanger they did it, to go after the Soviets after they invaded Afghanistan

  • @beeps7
    @beeps7 10 років тому +32

    The girl brings facts and the video still gets 63 dislikes.
    Nevermind searching for truth, just go by the propaganda you have already been fed.

    • @TheTebhes
      @TheTebhes 6 років тому +1

      Sheria means Quran's orders. She is a liar.

    • @Peristerygr
      @Peristerygr 5 років тому

      Neonazis, thugs and spoiled teens never care about facts.

  • @12PartsofLine
    @12PartsofLine 9 років тому +4

    How nice of her to change the meaning of "Islamophobia" to accommodate 'anything' that is against anything to do with Islam.
    Nothing like a good old ad hominem defence when losing a debate or trying to prevent one starting in the first place.

  • @12bamish
    @12bamish 8 років тому +5

    Islamophobia is like Naziphobia

  • @Nick300wm
    @Nick300wm 10 років тому +7

    "More than 99% of Muslims ignored the call to Islamic extremism by al Qaeda"
    Given that there are 1.2 billion Muslims in the World, that's 12 million that didn't; is that meant to be reassuring?

    • @magiciansway
      @magiciansway 5 років тому +1

      The silent majority are irrelevant.

    • @Malak-hg8ef
      @Malak-hg8ef 4 роки тому +1

      Nick300wm “MORE than 99%”. Also, it shows that the problem isn’t with the religion, it’s with SOME of the people.

  • @dude999642
    @dude999642 8 років тому +2

    I love how her first defense of the Qur'an is to quote the BIBLE - as if she's saying "see, see, see, the Qur'an isn't so bad because THE BIBLE is just as bad!!!" She couldn't defend the calls to violence in the Qur'an (of course), so she just attacked another violent belief system.

  • @cappercastro
    @cappercastro 10 років тому +2

    Islam is neither a violent religion or a religion of peace, and it's perfectly acceptable to criticize it or any other ideology/religion.

    • @Law9223
      @Law9223 4 роки тому

      its demonic religion!

  • @knightryder691
    @knightryder691 10 років тому +110

    Thank you Melissa! May God bless you!

    • @kauaikit
      @kauaikit 10 років тому +6

      You mean, may Allah bless you, right? :-)

    • @Plox321
      @Plox321 10 років тому +3

      Kit Babcock same thing

    • @kauaikit
      @kauaikit 10 років тому +2

      Plox321….actually it's NOT the same thing. Which is the error that people who assume they know about or never studied Islam, and think it's the same as the other two ancient Abrahamic Middle Eastern desert invented "death god" ideologies. It's NOT!
      Islamophobia is a made up word….no such thing exist!

    • @Plox321
      @Plox321 10 років тому +3

      Kit Babcock'Allah' is the Arabic word for 'God'
      so it is the same thing, and your right 'Islamophobia' is a made up word like every word in existence but such thing does exist just like any other form of discrimination

    • @OxAO
      @OxAO 10 років тому +1

      Plox321 Allah is the Islamic god. Allah is not even similar to the Christian or Jewish god. example: Muslims don't believe Christ isn't part of the holy spirit. He was just a man or a prophet which Muslims can't read about unless they are in western countries or stated in the Qur'an.
      This is in Nazareth (this is the Christians Mecca or was for thousands of years)

  • @invidia44
    @invidia44 8 років тому +14

    Its rare to see a Ted talk this bad.

    • @eg626
      @eg626 8 років тому

      pssh ted talks are a joke, bunch of rich white people just making money on whats trendy

    • @scottski02
      @scottski02 8 років тому +1

      These are Tedx talks. They don't count.

  • @stefan4159
    @stefan4159 8 років тому +5

    Islamophobia isn't a thing. Saying that people are mentally ill because they dislike a religion is stupid.

  • @EvilCommunistChina
    @EvilCommunistChina 10 років тому +2

    I strongly believe islam is as bad as Catholism and Orthodoxy, However I salute Melissa for standing up for the truth. Indeed those stereotypes punishing innocent people rather than islam. Melissa is has a brave soul to speak out.

  • @pluggee
    @pluggee 11 років тому +1

    Please address the following passages for violence: 2:191 (kill them where you overtake them - offensive not defensive); 2:216 (you are enjoined to fight and it's good for you); 3:151 (cause terror for non-Muslims); 4:56 (those who disbelieve you will drive into a fire); 4:25 (Allah prefers you go out and fight); 8:7 (eliminate disbelievers, rejects unarmed way); 8:12 (behead disbelievers); 8:39 (fight them); 8:65 (entreaty to war); 8:67 (entreaty to massacre rather than have captives); 9:5...

  • @disdoncable
    @disdoncable 10 років тому +11

    "Islam is a religion of peace", said the lady, and with that, it's safe to assume that the whole lecture can be dismissed as hogwash. Anyone that thinks "Islam is a religion of peace" needs to have their head examined.

    • @alichandrani593
      @alichandrani593 4 роки тому +8

      You have not studied, read, and or had any education on the topic. I would welcome you to be educated, but I doubt you would be willing.

    • @cummybot2012
      @cummybot2012 4 роки тому

      @@alichandrani593 Thank you

    • @indarvishnoi2389
      @indarvishnoi2389 3 роки тому +1

      @@alichandrani593 i also haven't read , studied about it but i have seen what it is like 07:20 it was not false it happens atleast once a week if you don't believe which u won't then search stone pleaters in Kashmir u will know which religion had the maximum participation

    • @truthseeker1927
      @truthseeker1927 2 роки тому

      I live in a muslim country and I can confirm...people in the west who believe islam is a religion of peace are idiots. by promoting this they are only empowering radical islamist regimes under which masses of people and enslaved women are crushed. you people are backstabing so many people who are fighting for freedom in islamic countries especially women, they are the most oppressed

  • @QuM3
    @QuM3 9 років тому +3

    "Islam is to man what rabies is to a man", Winston Churchill

  • @MkEpicness
    @MkEpicness 9 років тому +27

    You're using a tv show, whos views wouldnt be politically correct anyway to illustrate your point. Man who let this girl into ted. The rela clues of how bad they are is in the quran.

    • @funandcooltv907
      @funandcooltv907 9 років тому +3

      Hello, Quran is a book revealed to Prophet Muhammad by God. So in that context everything mentioned in it has a context. And to know about a particular verse you have to look at the time and situation when it was revealed. For example Quran speaks about mountains, stars, universe these were in context to acknowledge the people through Prophet Muhammad about the presence of God. Quran message is time less but it does not mean that one just reading Quran verdict about Islam. One thing more the Islam is on the list of media channels, and news papers, so just reading and listening these news channels and then thinking Islam is not peaceful religion, is not good idea, i mean you must read or speak to Muslim scholars they will surely try to address you misconceptions. Cheers!

    • @GenomancerBot
      @GenomancerBot 9 років тому +8

      ahus sain Quran was written by a normal (but greedy) man. Quran wasn't ''revealed'' by no god or anything. It was a tool to control common pleb like yourself into submission. Muhammad was a murdering rapist warmonger. This is a fact: he was ordering his army to rape non-islamic women, he murdered 1000 of people in his greed to spread his empire, and he raped a 9 year old girl.

    • @funandcooltv907
      @funandcooltv907 9 років тому +2

      Geno Bot lets assumed for a moment that Quran was written by a greedy man than how come it was mentioned in quran about the shape of earth, about the process of child birth inside the womb of mother, how come it talks about the boat of noah which is discovered by scientist in turkey, how come it is mentioned in quran the moon light is reflected light of sun not its own, how come quran talk about the motion of earth, how come it talk about galaxies, how come it talked about river with different taste of water which never get mixed with each other which scientist discovered in south africa recently. So what i am saying is that these things have come to knowledge just few centuries ago how come Prophet Muhammad was able to know these things.
      If Muhammad asked His followers to rape give me reference of book and prove with fact. When Prophet Muhammad came to mecca on that time the girls were buried alive when they were born just because they were girls i mean such type of ignorance was their and still today this practice happens in india where girls are abortioned after knowing through ultrasound that the child in mother womb is girl. I mean if you fairly could point out any thing against the humanity it will give chance to show you glimpse of reality, please, but with referee from quran because islam is Quran and Saying of Prophet Muhammad.

    • @funandcooltv907
      @funandcooltv907 9 років тому

      Geno Bot quote the reference of book from book of islam in which those things about Prophet Muhammad are mentioned which you have mentioned. Certainly you can not. Just quote reference from books of Islam which Muslims read, which is against humanity. Please

    • @GenomancerBot
      @GenomancerBot 9 років тому +1

      ahus sain Do you want short proof of how evil islam is, or the long version (long version will still be way too short and only a 1% of everything I can say about islam and it's warmongering followers)?
      "Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29
      Islam is ideology of hate. That is a simple fact. Just like the fact that Earth is round, so is the fact that islam brainwashes it's followers into doing evil things.
      I don't blame you for being a bad person. It's islams fault.

  • @annec9376
    @annec9376 8 років тому +1

    What concerns me about this talk is the inaccurate quote of Oxford's definition of Islamophobia given as: "a hatred or fear of Islam or Muslims, especially when feared as a political force". This significantly overstates the actual definition: "dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force". "Hatred" and "fear" are very distict from dislike and predjudice.

  • @MrPooooohead
    @MrPooooohead 10 років тому +2

    As someone from a Muslim family and has read and studied Islam, I see what she's saying, but it's not entirely the whole truth. Beirut, Lebanon is probably the most liberal countries in the middle east, but it has a large Christian population and so is not run by purely sharia. Now there are many types of sharia law that have been implemented over the historical course of Islam, with it being a little more liberal in the majority of the early years. However, the type of Sharia law implemented now in so called "moderate" Islamic countries actually have some extreme and intolerant aspects. Obviously I won't get started on the lack of equal rights in Saudi arabia as everyone knows these. However, she didn't mention that the majority of Islamic countries criminalise LGBT people with either lashes, stoning, imprisonment and fines and they obviously have no equal rights. Not to compare one thing to another, but punishment for adultery is the same. You would be surprised by the amount of moderate Muslims not in the West and even a lot in the West do not question this. This is not peaceful or tolerant. I'm not saying that Islam is an intolerant and violent religion inherently, it's not. However we have to admit there are extreme and intolerant interpretations within so called moderate Islamic countries that are actually utilized within their governments. Yes you can say the same with some people with orthodox Christian views in the west, but these are not implemented within western governments thankfully.

  • @Other299
    @Other299 8 років тому +4

    How about we talk about Islamic homophobia.

  • @LackaLackster
    @LackaLackster 8 років тому +3

    It's an illusion that Islam is inherently violent. That's a direct quote. How is that direct quote telling the audience that Islam is not inherently violent!? Please put it in context for me please, since you think we are taking it out of context.

    • @noahpen188
      @noahpen188 8 років тому +1

      "Slay the idolaters wherever they may be"
      Americans captured by pirates in 1807 told John Adams our religion says to do this-so this has nothing to do with US intervention.
      All islamic states with islamic law persecute Jews, gays and women.

  • @po5960
    @po5960 7 років тому +6

    anyways, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis says political Islam should not be tolerated. Things are going to get real interesting with the new administration.

  • @CharlieSpencers
    @CharlieSpencers 6 років тому +1

    Even the word “Islamophobia” is an incredibly manipulative term, implying that a fear of Islam is irrational. We say “antisemitism” because (even though there is little evidence to support it truly being used as such) Judaism is still a religion and can be used in a negative and detrimental way. A fear of race is a phobia, as race alone has little to no bearing on a person’s character, not a genuine fear of an ideology and religion that have proven time and time again that they can be used to devastating and hugely harmful affect.

  • @inferno0020
    @inferno0020 10 років тому +1

    The problem about so-called Islamophobia is that our intellectuals, left and right alike, reject to acknowledge that Islam has never been a centralized faith or religion. When a lot of Muslims only regard Islamic faith as a way of life, political Islam has always been represented as the only "true Islam" by both Left-wingers and Right-wingers.

  • @operaticxingenue
    @operaticxingenue 10 років тому +3

    This speech is full of many great, timely points and she delivers it concisely and coherently.
    But might I suggest one thing she might have over looked: she did mention how things being out of context can distort a meaning earlier in the presentation. In the same vein, I'd like to point out that the context of that scene is that, in the 2nd season, tensions were rising between the US gov't and many other Arab nations due to many aggressive measures taken by the US military. In the beginning of the season, they mention the US bombing a handful of cities and there being growing unrest.
    I don't mention this to debunk her points; I'm just saying perhaps that clip might not have been the best example of Homeland's many prejudices. Perhaps the one scene in season 3 where they decide to straight up racially profile a neighbourhood for their suspect by looking for Arabic sounding names on house deeds?

    • @sitti_dove5476
      @sitti_dove5476 5 років тому +1

      24 series is more than the homeland security. I watched the first 8 series of which and it always depicts muslim as some sort of terrorist around the world...

  • @MaoRuiqi
    @MaoRuiqi 8 років тому +16

    Symbolic: I just became the 912th dislike. Melissa Boigon seems to suffer from an extreme case of cognitive dissonance of the first order. Please note Friedrich Nietzsche's teaching: "Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." She is the embodiment of the very monster he seeks to destroy. in short, she's entered the abyss of self-hate, the jet-fuel of angst-driven SJWs. I give her another 5 years more of Islam before her dissonance will resolve itself into atheism.

    • @TheBurg1207
      @TheBurg1207 8 років тому +1

      Dislike number 1000 right here bro.

    • @mazinkhalid5977
      @mazinkhalid5977 8 років тому

      Hahahahaha u such a hater u fucking cracksr

  • @Gliese380
    @Gliese380 9 років тому +4

    Complaining about Islamophobia is no different from complaining about Naziphobia..

  • @arianadaiyan3166
    @arianadaiyan3166 9 років тому +2

    Islam literally translates to "peace" in Arabic. I dont know how many of you have actually read the quran, but i have, and I can tell you that it is actually in essence the same basic text as the bible. I'd say the most differences lay in the fact that Islam heavily emphasizes hygiene (surprise!). Anyways, the truth of the matter is that there are extremists in Islam right now, as there have been in Christianity in the past (example: slavery and Jim Crow laws were supported using verses of the bible in America). It is up to us as a society to condemn and eradicate those particular extremists that act as a threat to domestic security.

  • @PMetheney84
    @PMetheney84 10 років тому +2

    For those who were fooled by this speech I leave you with quotes of the two greatest Philosophers of all times:
    "Bolshevism combines the characteristics of the French Revolution with those of the rise of Islam… Those who accept Bolshevism become impervious to scientific evidence, and commit intellectual suicide. Even if all the doctrines of Bolshevism were true, this would still be the case, since no unbiased examination of them is tolerated…Among religions, Bolshevism is to be reckoned with Mohammedanism rather than with Christianity and Buddhism. Christianity and Buddhism are primarily personal religions, with mystical doctrines and a love of contemplation. Mohammedanism and Bolshevism are practical, social, unspiritual, concerned to win the empire of the world" - Bertrand Russell

  • @r.b.4611
    @r.b.4611 9 років тому +22

    Islamophobia is a nonsense word.

  • @skymeson
    @skymeson 9 років тому +5

    I would describe the talk as barely researched, poorly conceived, shallow, nonsensical rambling of a muslim apologetic. This talk lacked intellectualism, it lacked organization, it lacked factual representation. Not really sure what qualifiers her to give a TedX talk other than she happens to be a graduate student. The talk felt more like an informal brown bag talk than a TedX talk. She deserves a big FAIL for wasting 10 minutes of my life.

  • @DJmusicArtyom
    @DJmusicArtyom 8 років тому +5

    Islamophobia is just a word for SJWs to denounce someone's criticism of Islam, whether that criticism is well-delivered or poorly. Either way, you can (according to SJWs) simply debunk someone's argument by calling them an Islamophobe and relating that to calling them a racist.

    • @MrMoOomoOo91
      @MrMoOomoOo91 6 років тому

      Islamophobia is a new form of fascism that is with no doubt targeting innocent Muslims.

    • @MrMoOomoOo91
      @MrMoOomoOo91 6 років тому

      Islamophobia is just like Nazism they are both fascist ideologies with some weak justifications for their fascist behavior.

  • @wizehhhh
    @wizehhhh 9 років тому +2

    "Being opposed to Sharia law is Islamophobic" - I'm at a loss for words.
    Do you seriously not understand the difference between the two passages you quoted? One explicitly commands the murder of unbelievers: the other is a song of exultation.

  • @ericsydney9687
    @ericsydney9687 8 років тому +1

    Muslims have no problems accusing a Christian women of blaspheming, in Pakistan, so she goes to gaol and possibly killed for blaspheming....... what do you have to say about that? or is it something you would prefer to forget?

  • @13Steppen
    @13Steppen 10 років тому +3

    why can't we up-vote the comments that oppose Islam?

  • @safisaj
    @safisaj 10 років тому +3

    Excellent job Melissa. I was also raised in a Jewish cultural background and had a stereotyped view of Islam propagated by my high school teachers and the media. This was long before 9/11. Unfortunately many of my family think Homeland is a great show and they love to see Islam as a terrorist religion. ANd yes, you're right, that is a dangerous view to take.

  • @faismasterx
    @faismasterx 7 років тому +6

    "You can build a mosque at ground zero when we can build a synagogue in Mecca."
    OK... so.... according to that brilliant logic, NYC is the religious heart of Judaism.
    K... makes perfect sense yo

  • @solidus1995
    @solidus1995 9 років тому +2

    instant straw-man, normal people do ever goes after just Arabs. people have a problem with the fundamentals of Islam. obviously this doesn't warrant violence, but this glossing over of nuance is to be taken more seriously than the abundance of peaceful islamic criticism?

  • @oliviaLOVEShenry
    @oliviaLOVEShenry 10 років тому +1

    There's no such thing as 'islamophobia' it's a neologism to stop people criticizing Muslims and/or Islam.

  • @tubeberk08
    @tubeberk08 10 років тому +10

    If there are underlying fears towards Islam, then one must ask whose fault is that? I will continue to observe and come to my own conclusions without being lectured. This person wants to lay a guilt trip on the shoulders of the West because we cast doubts that Islam is merely a religion of peace. I wish it were that simple, but its not. Muslims are good people, its the radicals that need lectured.

  • @AnneX1133
    @AnneX1133 9 років тому +5

    Melissa you are amazing. Thank you so much for doing the right thing.

  • @TajamalGhumman
    @TajamalGhumman 5 років тому +17

    A beauty with a more beautiful heart. God bless you. Lots of love and respect from Pakistan.

  • @sassy7434
    @sassy7434 7 років тому +1

    i'm not even waiting for people to accept me anymore ...

  • @farheenshanilshah7804
    @farheenshanilshah7804 4 роки тому +1

    okay critism of radical Islamism is not islamphobia .

  • @montyscooter1965
    @montyscooter1965 8 років тому +39

    This child has no idea.

    • @mazinkhalid5977
      @mazinkhalid5977 8 років тому

      Please please tell me why u always hatin

    • @thelaurels13
      @thelaurels13 8 років тому

      "This child" is far more educated than an ignorant no mark like you!

    • @montyscooter1965
      @montyscooter1965 8 років тому +1

      How would you know how educated anyone is? Try not to be as illogical as the women on this video.

    • @thelaurels13
      @thelaurels13 8 років тому

      You should try and stop being brainwashed by media! Stop following the crowd and think for yourself. Are you really that ignorant.

    • @montyscooter1965
      @montyscooter1965 8 років тому

      The media portrays Islam and Muslims how? As murderous monsters? No Tinkerbell they state ad nauseam that there are moderates or radicals and Islam is the "religion of peace". So again you show just how dimwitted you actually are.
      Listen my little piss pot why don't you do everyone a favour and fuck off. I have a masters in international relations and I've forgotten more today than you've ever learnt in your spotty lifetime.

  • @theatheist7840
    @theatheist7840 9 років тому +7

    Politically correct at its finest.

  • @ronniehopper2726
    @ronniehopper2726 8 років тому +4

    didn't this woman trying to join Isis

  • @wedgemahalo640
    @wedgemahalo640 8 років тому +1

    How worthless a degree must be when she supposedly studied Islam and she thinks Sharia law is not inherently violent. She obviously does not know the first thing about it.

  • @samantha1bella
    @samantha1bella 6 років тому +1

    When local Imam's say annihilate the Jews I consider that a macro aggression. When people like Melissa Boigon distort reality I consider that a macro aggression.

  • @marcostation1000
    @marcostation1000 9 років тому +12

    Islamophobia is those who know Islam and talk about it....

    • @descendrion3582
      @descendrion3582 9 років тому

      +marco mac so they would be muslims right? lol.

    • @marcostation1000
      @marcostation1000 9 років тому +3

      No because Muslim cant question the Quran and to undestand something you have to be able to question.
      Is like if you want to learn medicine but when you dont undestand something or you know is wrong you can not question it or change it.
      You cant undestand this concept because you are Muslim too.

    • @descendrion3582
      @descendrion3582 9 років тому

      the quran says"will ye not use your minds?"

    • @marcostation1000
      @marcostation1000 9 років тому +2

      The Quran also say, kill all non beleivers....
      The earth is flat.
      Semen comes from the ribs.
      Mahoma was deceive by Satan.

    • @descendrion3582
      @descendrion3582 9 років тому

      please quote all of these. 2/4 of these are bullshit and your pulling them out of nowhere

  • @etherealheaven4619
    @etherealheaven4619 10 років тому +4

    Thanks Melissa.
    To others:
    Sharia Law of Muslims, Halacha Law of Jews, Cannon Law Of Christians are same more or less in principle.
    You ban Sharia Law you will have to ban other religious laws too.
    Like in Quebec, they ban Muslim hijab then they've to ban Jews' yarmulke and Christian nuns' headdress and cross and Sikhs' turbans too.

  • @renedavilla6019
    @renedavilla6019 8 років тому +41

    My "Islamophobia" is just "fear of being exploded or burned alive", like on crusades.

    • @mizchocolatey
      @mizchocolatey 8 років тому +2


    • @antoniopooper
      @antoniopooper 7 років тому +1

      Actually, Satanists are more peaceful than Muslims. When was the last time you heard about Satanists killing people for leaving their religion? Or for drawing an insulting cartoon?

    • @hodzal5258
      @hodzal5258 7 років тому +2

      are you scared of me?

    • @hodzal5258
      @hodzal5258 7 років тому +4

      Renê Davilla I never took chemistry

    • @hodzal5258
      @hodzal5258 7 років тому +4

      Tiger TV​ 😂😂 oh let me educate u Anti-Muslim demagogues love to talk about this weird, so called, rule that permits Muslims to lie to spread Islam. I had never even heard of it until I was accused of it by someone in a discussion once. The basic idea, according to them, is that if any Muslim ever denies being a blood thirsty lunatic engaged in perpetual war against the West, they must be lying. Muslims are simply presumed guilty, and if we profess innocence that is only further evidence of our guilt.
      It should be fairly clear to any rational being that lying to spread a religion is nonsensical. If I lie to you about what Islam is and you convert I haven't spread Islam because what you have accepted was a lie.
      These constant stream of Islamophobes carping on about how Muslims are allowed to lie to non-Muslims whilst appealing to something called “taqiyyah” (also spelled, “takiya” and “taqiyya”) also end up convincing the average joe non muslim about this myth
      Rather than relying on shoddy hate sites/Christian missionaries to educate us about taqiyyah we shall rely on SCHOLARLY authority - largely in the form of R. Strothmann’s relevant section in “Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam” (by H.A.R. Gibb and J.H. Kramers) and Cyril Glasse’s Concise Encyclopedia of Islam
      What is “Taqiyyah”, “Takiya”, “Taqiyya”?
      This term is spelt variously; “taqiyyah”, “takiya” or “taqiyya”.
      “Takiya (A.), caution, fear (see glossarium to Tabari S.V. T-K-A) pr kitman, “disguise” is the technical term for dispensation from the requirements of religion under compulsion or threat of injury.” [1]
      “Taqiyyah (From the root word waqa “to safeguard”; “self-protection” and hence “dissimulation [in order to protect oneself]”).” [2]
      So, taqiyyah (takiya, taqiyya) is concerning dissimulation due to force - i.e. when an individual is forced to conceal.
      Sadly, Islamophobes - in order to obtain an unchecked platform and/or demonise Muslims - have misapplied this term in their exaggerated claims of “Muslims are allowed to lie to the unbelievers”.
      At what level of force is Takiya (Taqiyyah, Taqiya) justified?
      “But an individual is not justified in takiya nor bound to hidjra [emigration] if the compulsion remains within the endurable limits, as in the case of temporary imprisonment or flogging which does not result in death” [1]
      So, this make a mockery of the Islamophobes’ general suggestions of “Muslims are allowed to lie to the unbelievers” as even under threat of imprisonment and flogging Muslims are not justified in takiya. The level of force which justifies oneself in takiya is that of an unbearable level.
      Takiya (taqiyya, taqiyyah) and the type of lies…
      One may ask, what type of “disguise” is allowed under takiya (taqiyyah, taqiyya)?
      Let’s be clear about takiya (taqiyyah, taqiyya); “The principle of dissimulation of one’s religious beliefs in order to avoid persecution or imminent harm, where no useful purpose would be served by publicly affirming them.” [2]
      So takiya (taqiyyah, taqiyya) is not used to convert folk to Islam nor is it used in Islamic text books or anything of such a nature. It is simply a form of concealment used to avoid persecution!
      For further clarity, we are not talking about general, everyday fibs here, thus the ethical question of dishonesty is bypassed:
      “The ethical question whether such forced lies are nevertheless lies, such a forced denial of the faith nevertheless a denial, is not put at all by one “who conceal himself” as he is not in a state of confidence which would be broken by lies or denial.” [1]
      Sadly, our Islamophobic counterparts attempt to convince the gullible that takiya (taqiyyah, taqiyya) allows Muslims to lie (or conceal) about aspects of their faith (Islam) as well as lie in general.
      Famous case of Taqiyyah (Taqiyya, Takiya)
      A common example of takiya (taqiyyah, taqiya) involves a Muslim (Ammar B. Yasir, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, p) being forced to worship idols and insult the Prophet of Islam. [1] [3]
      The level of force the polytheists applied on Ammar bin Yasir can be imagined by Amr bin Maymoon’s statement, “The polytheists tortured Ammar with fire”. [3]
      “Abu Ubaydah bin Muhammad bin Ammar bin Yasir said: The polytheists seized Ammar and they did not let him off until he was forced to insult the Messenger of Allah and say good things about their deities” [3]
      Ammar bin Yasir told Prophet Muhammad (p) of what he was forced to say.
      “The Prophet (p) said: “Say it again if they ask (i.e. force) you to do so”.” [3]
      So, in order to avoid such torture the Prophet allowed Ammar bin Yasir to use “taqiyya”
      If Jesus (pbuh) had done the same, our Christian friends would have lauded it as an act of piety and mercy. Instead we see Islamophobes exaggerating this form of concealment in order to demonise Muslims. It’s a crazy old world!
      Taqiyyah and the Shi’ites (Shia)
      "It is, however, associated most closely with the Shi’ites who practiced taqiyyah systematically and widely during periods of Sunni domination to hide their beliefs from Sunni Muslims. "[2]
      Obviously, if these Shi’ites felt they would have been persecuted for publicly announcing their shia beliefs, one can understand why they concealed (used taqiyya) their beliefs.
      Is taqiyyah allowed in the Quran?
      Our Islamophobic friends jump up and down in joy whilst proclaiming taqiyyah (taqiyya, takiya) is allowed in the Quran. Let’s analyse (via scholarship) the two Verses they cite.
      Quran 16:106 and taqiyyah (taqiyya, takiya)?
      Whoso disbelieveth in Allah after his belief - save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the Faith - but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom. [Pikthal translation of the Quran 16:106]
      The reason for this verse is unanimously said to have been the case of Ammar b. Yasir, whose conscience was set at rest by this revelation when he was worried about his forced worshipping of idols and objurgation of the Prophet. [1]
      The story of Ammar bin Yassir is relayed earlier (see above).
      Tabari says on Sura 16:106 (Tafsir, Bulak 1323 sqq.24.122): If any one is compelled and professes unbelief with his tongue, while his heart contradicts him, to escape his enemies, no blame falls him on him, because God takes his servants as their hearts believe” [1]
      The Quran’s (16:106) allowance of uttering disbelief whilst under extreme force is hardly justification for the outrageous smears the Islamophobes propagate.
      Quran 3:28 and taqiyyah (taqiyya, takiya)?
      Let not the believers take disbelievers for their guardians in preference to believers. Whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking (as it were) security. Allah biddeth you beware (only) of Himself. Unto Allah is the journeying. [Pikthal translation of the Quran 3:28]
      This Verse instructs Muslims to not take the unbelievers as patrons over the believers but does allow for this in the case of fear. Tuqatan is used here (a verbal noun of taqiyyah). Tafsir Jalalayn explains:
      “unless you protect yourselves against them, as a safeguard (tuqātan, ‘as a safeguard’, is the verbal noun from taqiyyatan), that is to say, [unless] you fear something, in which case you may show patronage to them through words, but not in your hearts” [Tafsir Jalalayn - 3:28]
      It is hardly something Islamophobes can latch onto as evidence for their demonization of Muslims as this Verse allows concealment (taqiyyah, taqiyya, takiya) in the case of fear (i.e. to avoid persecution). We are essentially back to where we started as initially stated on taqiyyah:
      Takiya (A.), caution, fear (see glossarium to Tabari S.V. T-K-A) pr kitman, “disguise” is the technical term for dispensation from the requirements of religion under compulsion or threat of injury. [1]
      Taqiyyah (From the root word waqa “to safeguard”; “self-protection” and hence “dissimulation [in order to protect oneself]”). [2]
      Lying about the Prophet Muhammad (p)
      Islamophobes, in an attempt to obtain an unchecked platform, do suggest Muslims misinform (“use taqiyya”) about the Prophet Muhammad (p). This is an utter absurdity as it is a grave sin for a Muslim to misinform about the Prophet Muhammad as the Prophet stated:
      “Whoever lies about me intentionally shall take a place for himself in hell” (al-Adhkar (y102), 510-12) [4]
      In fact, presenting misinformation about the Prophet (p) was considered an extreme offense amongst early Muslim communities:
      Habib ibn ar-Rabi’ said that it is disbelief to alter his [Prophet Muhammad’s] description and its details. The one who does that openly is an unbeliever. He is asked to repent. [5]
      So much for the Islamophobes claims of “Muslims using taqiyyah” regarding Prophet Muhammad (p).
      Taqiyyah (taqiya, takiya) is not something to be writing home about. To use this practice to brandish Muslims as untrustworthy (or to demonise them) is unscholarly and unjust.
      If you do encounter an anti-Muslim bigot on the internet crying “taqiyya” (there are plenty about), please do send him/her to this group to be educated

  • @KaraboudjanTimes
    @KaraboudjanTimes 9 років тому +2

    I'd like to see the day she can stand up there and lecture men & women in Iran. All that skin, its shocking. As a man I can barely control myself. Thank the lordy lord for backward religions and the savvy countries that still cling to it.

  • @Lord_Pilaf
    @Lord_Pilaf 9 років тому +1

    If you dont know what Islamophobia is and dont want to watch this video, read some of the comments: you'll find out pretty quick.

  • @brandonacker
    @brandonacker 8 років тому +23

    Who gave this woman a platform? Sharia law doesn't encourage violence? Quoting the Quran is bigotry? Nonsense.

    • @xllab1
      @xllab1 6 років тому +2

      The Quran neither encourage nor discourage violence. It says that if non-muslims try to destroy Islam itself (not a muslim country), you must defend it, even by the price of your life. That's jihad, a word familiar to many Westerners. Unfortunatly, both many Westerners and a small percentage of Muslims (the wahabbis/salafis) do not understand this concept, as the so-called 'violent' verses only apply in the specific context of war - and not any war, a genocide to eradicate the very religion of Islam.

    • @alphaiqbal1840
      @alphaiqbal1840 6 років тому

      Brother.. come out of your islam hate box.

  • @seninha12321
    @seninha12321 9 років тому +14

    blinded by political correctness

  • @yassaari
    @yassaari 10 років тому +4

    Wow, beautifully spoken and not at all what I thought I was tuning in to watch. It's truly inspirational to find a youth leader such as yourself, empowering not only Muslims but all youngsters to actually use their intellect as opposed to just swallowing what they are told on tv. I hope you continue with you're great work! On behalf of myself and other Muslims, shukran.

  • @josephkim6038
    @josephkim6038 10 років тому +1

    It's not a misrepresentation if it's a direct quote from the quran and the context of the quote doesn't change its intended meaning at all.

  • @ImranAliRathore
    @ImranAliRathore 8 років тому +2

    One of the greatest talks on the internet!

  • @sebastianlicht7963
    @sebastianlicht7963 9 років тому +5

    what has become of ted? it used to bee so much more

  • @leary4
    @leary4 8 років тому +6

    Well gosh hipster chick didn't ya forget to mention she was too insane to stand trial?

    • @sam7748
      @sam7748 5 років тому

      Yo, Trump is insane but he's the prez.

    • @Peristerygr
      @Peristerygr 5 років тому

      @@sam7748 He voted Trump.

  • @emansakura8258
    @emansakura8258 8 років тому +6

    Thank you
    i appriciate your work and presentation .
    you are a mind lightning lady and i wish you to be an inspration to many researchers and normal people.
    مع السلامة 😙

  • @yuyuflikesfud9735
    @yuyuflikesfud9735 8 років тому +1

    I don't understand why some of you click on this video and watch it, gain knowledge and just deny it and say what this woman is saying is false. I dare you to go up on stage and talk about why Islam is a TERRIBLE religion and how we need to destroy it. But what's the point of watching these videos if all you want to deny what they say? I mean, non-Muslims in a Muslims hating country say otherwise and you have the guts to say she's wrong? This woman has clearly done research unlike most people here.

    • @xados-49
      @xados-49 8 років тому

      To see if there is in-fact anything she can say to dissuade my opinion. And so far I have encountered exactally 0 people that could convince me that Islam is anything other than a religion of Madness.

    • @yuyuflikesfud9735
      @yuyuflikesfud9735 8 років тому

      Xados - It's only a religion of madness because that's what everyone believes it is by the news and what has been happening lately.

    • @yuyuflikesfud9735
      @yuyuflikesfud9735 8 років тому

      Xados - It's already peaceful except those terrorists are like the KKK, they might believe in something but it doesn't mean it's right. Don't judge a whole group by the actions of a few.

    • @joesixpack8166
      @joesixpack8166 8 років тому +1

      +Yuyuf Likes Fud!
      You and this naive, clueless woman in the vid can deny it, but the _truth_ is that Islam is a fascist misogynistic homophobic medieval ideology masquerading as a religion, and it belongs in the 7th-century, not 2016.

    • @yuyuflikesfud9735
      @yuyuflikesfud9735 8 років тому

      ***** That's only YOUR opinion on the religion. But in fact, almost none of that you said was true (except for the homophobic part except I'm pretty sure not every Muslim is scared of the gay, just don't support it) and there's religion all over the world, why is ours the only one that's stupid and belongs in the 7th century? And besides, I have been learning about Islam my entire life. You can't just say I know nothing about it when you saw it on Fox News.

  • @rainmaker6261
    @rainmaker6261 8 років тому +1

    Absolute tolerance results in the absolute destruction of tolerance. This is an old bit of philosophy but it remains true. Absolute tolerance by necessity tolerates absolute intolerance, thus leading to its demise.
    Thus tolerance cannot always be ideal. We must not tolerate intolerance. Islam is not a belief system of tolerance. Therefore it does not deserve ours.

  • @ThEuNkNoWn9999999
    @ThEuNkNoWn9999999 9 років тому +72

    That smirk she gave when she said Islam is a religion of peace, she barely believes it herself 😂

    • @Azizlol9
      @Azizlol9 9 років тому +3

      Get to know it before you cast false statements on it

    • @ThEuNkNoWn9999999
      @ThEuNkNoWn9999999 9 років тому +15

      Aziz Gh I know plenty about "it", i used to be a Muslim for most of my life.

    • @sirgolden105
      @sirgolden105 9 років тому +10

      ***** she smirked because she knew saying that, people would give her a lot of shit for it.

    • @GenomancerBot
      @GenomancerBot 9 років тому +4

      Aziz Gh Islam is ideology of hate and murder and muhammad was the one who started this ideology to force stupid simpleminded poor plebs like yourself into submission.

    • @josephluke5842
      @josephluke5842 9 років тому +5

      Fuck islam

  • @masteryh
    @masteryh 11 років тому +5

    lol? i am a muslim and have been for 19 years. I can confirm to you, without doubt, that your statement is incorrect.

  • @NormalIsGreat
    @NormalIsGreat 11 років тому +3

    Thank you very much Melissa boigon. You did an amazing job and that must have taken you a whole lot of courage. Thank you again.

  • @PerOculos
    @PerOculos 11 років тому +1

    So GMO's are a touchy subject, but this is a completely factual talk.

  • @unclewilly3288
    @unclewilly3288 7 років тому

    You're right, Islamophobia isn't a thing. Phobia insinuates IRRATIONAL fear, as opposed to a critical evidence based assessment and rational suspicion.

  • @HueyPPLong
    @HueyPPLong 9 років тому +5

    "nothing violent about sharia law" what about apostasy?

  • @fragrantfrost3877
    @fragrantfrost3877 8 років тому +4

    This girl knows nothing about Islam. Very sad! The way she has dressed herself up (which is cool, by the way) is absolutely prohibited according to Islamic law.

  • @k3n2020
    @k3n2020 10 років тому +5


  • @janbarstow
    @janbarstow 7 років тому +1

    Melissa lost me when she said that Sharia could coexist with American laws and the Constitution. NO, SHARIA CANNOT, not unless the Quran were completely rewritten--not likely to happen. If Melissa just said this without any advanced knowledge, she could be forgiven, but claiming this is her area of study tells me she is intentionally, dangerously disingenuous.
    As background, even my best friends (Muslims, by the way) insist that free speech is harmful and they warn me when it is safe to talk among their friends (so much for the Bill of Rights); they mourn that I will burn in hell (because I am not Muslim); and they know Sharia will be in America by 2050 (because Allah has told them America will be a Muslim nation).
    Melissa's message should be one of kindness to others who differ from ourselves and of educating ourselves so we can make informed decisions rather than giving knee-jerk reactions.

  • @alexandernuckel9107
    @alexandernuckel9107 8 років тому +1

    Islam has a low tolerance for people distorting their religion. This is proven over and over again by the protests of Muslims worldwide over the cartoons, videos or when Islam is defamed or disparaged. So if the large majority of Muslims protest anytime someone disparages their religion, then why are they not protesting against ISIS and other extremist groups? In Sherlocks Holmesian Philosophy this is known as, "the dog that didn't bark." I challenge anyone to reasonably deny the implications of this question and maintain that Islamophobia is a healthy fear.

  • @Jake-eh1ms
    @Jake-eh1ms 8 років тому +39

    I want to see what will happen if she do this talk in the street in Suadi Arabia

    • @wessamtamimi2036
      @wessamtamimi2036 8 років тому +2

      😂😂😂 Are you in Saudi Arabia

    • @Jake-eh1ms
      @Jake-eh1ms 8 років тому +2

      +wessam tamimi Been there

    • @inder19852000
      @inder19852000 8 років тому +2

      Why are western governments supporting a terrorist regime, Saudi?

    • @yousra5604
      @yousra5604 8 років тому +2

      do you want to be like the saudis?
      or whats your point here

    • @lora6925123669
      @lora6925123669 8 років тому +2

      Nothing actually maybe we will support her racist !

  • @joesixpack8166
    @joesixpack8166 8 років тому +5

    Who does her hair, Roto Rooter?

  • @zerotheextreme
    @zerotheextreme 7 років тому +3

    islam and peace are opposite to each other

    • @emyysaooo4313
      @emyysaooo4313 7 років тому +2

      Stop killing muslims in kashmir then talk about islam hindo killer

  • @mbanana23456
    @mbanana23456 9 років тому +4

    Flagged so many islamaphobic comments

    • @seninha12321
      @seninha12321 9 років тому +1

      ***** I'm sure they're all just so full of hate and not logical at all huh? They're disgusting racists in disguise, huh? Islam is perfect and has no flaws, huh?

    • @seninha12321
      @seninha12321 9 років тому

      ***** hahahahahaha loved it!

    • @mbanana23456
      @mbanana23456 9 років тому

      +An any mouse i'm simply complying with the youtube terms of services

  • @incognitopotato8099
    @incognitopotato8099 8 років тому +2

    This video almost made me throw up. Look, even Muslims like Maajid Nawaz (intelligent, outspoken, even heroic, dare I say) don't try to argue that Islam is inherently peaceful. And I see it as a necessity to ban religious courts here in America. We are secular. I don't give a flying fuck if Sharia is harmless (it isn't). And what is this about Christianity playing a part in American jurisprudence? Since we have Christians on the far right trying to turn America into a theocracy, we should just let Muslims set up Sharia courts? Fucking really?

  • @dianitavanegas
    @dianitavanegas 10 років тому +3

    She needs to read the Quran and the Hadiths... and *THEN* she can talk about Islam
    -Quran 5:33
    Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that *they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides* or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,
    -"The Prophet said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The women said, "Yes." He said, *"This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind."* Sahih al-Bukhari 2658
    -He (the Prophet Muhammad) observed: Your *lack of common sense* (can be well judged from the fact) that the evidence of *two women is equal to one man, that is a proof of the lack of common sense.* Sahih Muslim 79a
    - *Muhammad* thinks "most of the inhabitants of Hell are women":
    I also saw the Hell-fire and I had never seen such a horrible sight. I saw that *most of the inhabitants were women*." The people asked, "O Allah's Messenger! Why is it so?" The Prophet replied, "Because of their ungratefulness." It was asked whether they are ungrateful to Allah. The Prophet said, "They are ungrateful to their companions of life (husbands) and ungrateful to good deeds. Sahih al-Bukhari 1052
    - Muhammad said "stone her to death" …. way to protect her!!!!
    "The Prophet said, "..Go in the morning to the wife of this man and ask her, and *if she confesses, stone her to death." She confessed and he stoned her to death. "*
    Sahih al-Bukhari 6859, 6860
    - Quran 4 : 34
    Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], *FORSAKE THEM IN BED*; and [finally], *STRIKE THEM*.
    - Quran 5 : 38
    Sahih International
    [As for] the thief, the male and the female, *amputate their hands in recompense for what they committed as a deterrent [punishment] from Allah* .
    - Sunan Abu Dawud 2150
    Abu Sa’id Al Khudri said “The Apostle of Allaah sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them *and took them captives.* Some of the Companions of Apostle of Allaah *were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands* who were unbelievers. So, Allaah the exalted sent down the Qur’anic verse “And *all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hand posses*.” This is to say they are lawful for them when they complete their waiting period.
    just to mention a few..

  • @lovepeace1584
    @lovepeace1584 6 років тому +7

    God bless pure souls and true humans ❤️ we need more people like you

    • @AG-sj6ll
      @AG-sj6ll 4 роки тому

      Actually the power of such people is to be rare. That's how they can shock the status quo.

  • @JKZok
    @JKZok 10 років тому +32

    4 years ago I started exploring Islam. I did not know 80% of all women in Egypt had FGM commited on them and Islam supported this through command theology, if Muhammed approved it is good. Honour killlings where a father can murder a child for any reason, is ok. Rape of captives or apostates, no issue. Now this is Islam. ISLAM, not christianity, or Judaism, or Buddhism or any other faith. Islam denies the need to critise, review, question, learn. In its core teaching as defined by the Asharites in Sharia law in 1000 AD which still rules the Sunni world, to call into question their view of Islam is blasphemy, punishable by death. A persons conscience or sense of right and wrong is corrupt and cannot be relied upon only Sharia law. These ideas are social poison, removing from the individual the authority to come to their own understanding of life and truth. It is a fundemental totalitarian state which removes the priniciples of human rights, or the need for compassion, empathy, love and care. Now people argue surely no one could have gone this far into dislocated disfunctional behaviour? But that is why they flew jets into the world trade center. That is why they do suicide bombings. They deny the individual has any moral compass, or reference points of value. Until this philosphical reality is taken head on, Islam is a threat to any community and any future, Do not under estimate this poison, it kills..........

    • @truthwillrulex777
      @truthwillrulex777 10 років тому +11

      you are not eploring islam, you are eploring so called muslims like all the ignorant islamophobics.

    • @JKZok
      @JKZok 10 років тому +7

      Gökçe X Let me get this straight. Muslims do not follow Islam, and the Koran and Haddiths do not represent Muhammed or the Sharia law, or anything negative that might suggest Islam stinks? Is this your argument? Because anyone who concludes Islam is a self deluded system of belief founded on a personality cult of Mo, is obviously wrong, though it is nothing but this.Literally everything that is Islam is what Mo said or did, no one else. The best you can get is Mo said Jesus or the prophets said this or that, but funnily this is just Mo speaking. There is no other authority or book he validates except for saying christian and jews are ok if sincere, but most should be killed if they fall into your hands. I always find it ODD, really ODD, that the facist idiology is not spoken openly to "non-believers" but is proclaimed from the roof tops to the "faithfull". Do you not think that maybe the non-believers might just twigg you are lying idiots who are very very stupid.....

    • @truthwillrulex777
      @truthwillrulex777 10 років тому +5

      you cant get it straight cuz you are twisted from the begining. i hate people who has no knowledge whatsoever talking TOO much on social media like you. and calling other people stupid when are face with their own ignorance. that's the easy way out.
      i studied atheism, teism, deism and also quran and bible. so what you are saying on here is so biased and ignorant to me and most of the knowledgable people.
      "There is no other authority or book he validates except for saying christian and jews are ok if sincere, but most should be killed if they fall into your hands." ---> wtf is that? extracting verses from a book (holy or not) doesnt mean that you really know the book. quran only tells to fight and kill when you are facing danger from nonmuslims. get your facts straight at least not to sound hilariously ignorant.

    • @JKZok
      @JKZok 10 років тому +4

      Gökçe X You have made a fundemental mistake. The Koran has no context. NO CONTEXT. It is claimed to be the "WORD OF GOD". It says it is simple, easy to understand, only evil or ignorant do not accept it. This is all lies and stupid. The Koran is like middle of a sentence, with open ends, like killing those who spread "corruption" is ok. So one group of muslims will make one meaning and another the opposite with the same firmness of conviction. The book purposely removes context so the muslims are empowered to justify their actions in the great cause. Mo spent one whole sura saying obeying him is the only thing to do. Now muslim scholars have woven a neat attempt to gloss over, bring Islam close to Jesus and his sayings but they fail. The reality, spiritual reality, is if you do not understand love you understand nothing. Mo glimsed compassion making his favourite slave an adopted son. When he fell in lust with his wife, adoption goes, and incest is ok. Now to cover the lack, and I seriously mean lack of moral guidance, Mo's life example is the key from which all morality is derived. Assinating a woman for being a leader of a tribe is not a good moral position, or poets who mock you. Now Jesus forgave those who crucified him because love overcomes hatred and bitterness, bile that rots the soul, but not in Islam. Mo spent his last years cursing Jews and Christians, doubting whether he was really the "prophet" because he died at the hands of a young jewish girl who poisoned him. The problem you have is you believed the propoganda the muslim community have created to make Mo a glowing example of crap. All over the muslim world crap behaviour is justified by using the Koran. There is one simple connection, it is from the Koran and Mo's life, not out of context, but the bile that flows from his soul. He was a deluded man, lost in his own insanity and mental illness, who created a war machine that has stomped successfully on the world ever since. I could argue it was no better or worse than other facist idiologies, but that is the best I can come up with. Look at what the Asharites wrote, the conscience or sense of right and wrong in man cannot be relied upon, only Sharia law. It is that insane, the world of evil and self serving death......

    • @truthwillrulex777
      @truthwillrulex777 10 років тому +3

      bahahahaha there is no sharia law book. and read it again cuz clearly you are christian and has no right to talk about kuran when you didnt have any effort to understand it.

  • @nouraal-hazzani9615
    @nouraal-hazzani9615 7 років тому

    It's simple and basic. True Islam shows in the kindness of a person. The more respectful and strong will, the more God fearing and caring for others the better you are of becoming a believer and a true follower. The Quran speaks to those whom believes, but mostly those whom don't, because it's a guidance for all. But only few truly do read it them selves and use the dictionary rather than other people's opinions.

  • @SantaOfNeretva99
    @SantaOfNeretva99 8 років тому +2

    People need more of Melisa Boigon's lectures in video form !!!