Meraviglioso Dimitri! È stato al teatro lirico di Cagliari in diverse occasioni. Ho avuto modo di conoscerlo da corista, qual io ero. Una persona semplicissima, completamente privo di atteggiamenti da star! Eppure avrebbe potuto permetterselo... Un grande cantante, un gran bell'uomo in tutte le sue sfaccettature! Volato via troppo presto. Ci manca❤
Splendida voce e uomo meraviglioso ma il suo ricordo vivrà per sempre in chi lo ha amato grazie Dmitri e un bacio ai tuoi cari che il Signore ti accolga fra le Sue braccia
Being a baritone himself, Verdi knew how to write for the baritone voice so that it touched the audience on a visceral level. He knew that when the baritone really has to reach for a note in the upper range, it produces the emotion and expression. Bravo Dima.
I have heard many recordings of Dmitri performing this but I hadn’t heard this one. It is a magical performance where my scalp just tingled when he reached for the high notes. The resonance he produced when his whole mouth and head became a cavernous echo chamber is amazing and not something I have heard in other baritones. Pavarotti did it with his tenor arias and Caballe was able to do the same. That’s when you know you are listening to the voice of a genius…maybe even other-worldly! God bless you Dmitri. Thank heavens we have such recordings as this that we may never forget your gift ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Непревзойденное исполнение, маловероятно, что кому то удасться когда-нибудь приблизиться...сейчас услышала на MEZZO одного такого пигмея...грустная картина
Wszystkie piękne słowa zostały już wypowiedziane pod adresem tego wyjątkowego Człowieka. Powiem więc tylko;każdy,kto chociaż raz usłyszał Go i zobaczył nie odważy się porównać z żadną,inna osobowością sceniczną.Bo takiej po prostu nie ma i nie sądzę ,aby kiedykolwiek się pojawiła. On był,jest i będzie tym kimś,kto nadał blasku operze,zawojował serca pieśniami wojennych lat,zniżał głos do włoskiego bell canto i francuskiego chansone. Jeszcze jedno,najważniejsze:On nadal śpiewa w naszych sercach i nigdy nie przestanie. Pozdrawiam wszystkich wielbicieli tego nieziemskiego Artysty.❤
@@katiaaguiar7103A Ty wyruszasz mnie swoimi słowami.Dziękuję Katiu,Przyjaciółko i posyłam serdeczności. Masz rację.On jest godzien wszelkich zaszczytów.❤
Вот Талантище! Браво!!! Наш золотой голос! Так проникновенно поет, что душа переворачивается... Спасибо, Маэстро! Никогда не забудем, любим и тоскует ...
Ángel del firmamento , grulla que vuela alto para formar coros celestiales ,descanse en paz maestro del cantar perfecto legado para la humanidad .(Los Ángeles Chile.🇨🇱🦋)
Majestic di Luna! This aria is perhaps the best baritone marker (and my absolute favorite), and Dima performs superbly! A mellow baritone, with full and resonant lower notes, strong upper range and stentorian interpolated A4 in the end!
Сильный, красивейший Голос, блистательное актёрское мастерство, поток эмоций - все это создаёт превосходный образ, от которого не оторвать взгляда !!! Наш любимый Дмитрий Александрович, сколько же талантов вложил в Вас Господь !!!!!.. От. Вас исходит истинная Благодать, что радует, исцеляет, возвышает до Небес !!!!! Искренняя благодарность за эту превосходную публикацию !!!
It is so sweet and funny how the fair violin lady looks so enchanted by Dmitri (3:06 - 3:15)! She almost lost concentration :))). But, it is only nomal, this perfomance is a master class!!!
This is funny. People complaining about his high A! Listen for comparison to the Gobbi version also on UA-cam. Gobbi not only avoids all the high notes he chops the line up so as to grab breaths. Hvor has the longest lines since Lisitsian. Another wonderful Russky baritone is Konstantin Rittel-Kobylianski. Gobbi takes almost as many breaths as GranForte, but Apollo at least uses all that air for humongous tone. Its odd how good the Russians are at Italian style.
Sorry? The cadenza is come scritto in the original score. Its not actually not-in-style but on the contrary, very much the 1853 Verdi style. It actually turns this aria even more difficult. Bravo Dima!!
don't be so sure amigo.. word has it that he started as a tenor and found that his voice was better suited for baritone rep. That is not unprecedented.. Dwayne Croft switched from tenor to bari.. and the talk of "Handsome" Thomas Hampson being a lazy tenor was rampant. A male voice with a medium tessitura can go either way.. it's all about whether the voice has a strong, bright upper extension and the singer's personality. Dmitri made the right choice! One of the greatest of our times. :)
Спасибо..голос зреет,да,многие думая что тенор..с годами обучения переходят на бара..т.к.голос зреет и обнаруживает себя баритоном-У мужчины два голоса,может петь так и так..все от обучения
Libretto/Lyrics/Text:Il balen del suo sorriso D'una stella vince il raggio! Il fulgor del suo bel viso Novo infonde in me coraggio!... Ah! l'amor, l'amore ond'ardo Le favelli in mio favor! Sperda il sole d'un suo sguardo La tempesta del mio cor. Odesi il rintocco de' sacri bronzi Qual suono!... oh ciel... FERRANDO La squilla Vicino il rito annunzia! CONTE Ah! pria che giunga All'altar... si rapisca!... FERRANDO Ah bada! CONTE Taci!... Non odo... andate... di quei faggi all'ombra Celatevi... Ferrando e gli altri Seguaci si allontanano Ah! fra poco Mia diverrà ... Tutto m'investe un foco! Ansioso, guardingo osserva dalla parte donde deve giungere Leonora, mentre Ferrando e i Seguaci dicono sottovoce: FERRANDO, SEGUACI Ardire!... Andiam... celiamoci Fra l'ombre... nel mister! Ardire!... Andiam!... silenzio! Si compia il suo voler.
@sobatinyela i have heard him (HD) in person say in a video on youtube something like his teachers wanted him to sing as a tenor ,but he chose to be baritone , it had something to do with girls :-)or what, i didnt understand. and i like his singing very much even if there is never enought goood tenors:-)
In fact it was very difficult for him to sing as a tenor since his voice is one of a baritone . But also he has some amazing high notes such as the high A at the end of the video
Nyt olen löytänyt sellaiset aariat, joita minäkin jaksan kuunnella. Ne ovat tämä ja "Largo al factotum(Japan2005") jolla Dimitri näytti japanilaisille ihmeitä. Jos en näistä tykkäisi, pitäisi minun siirtyä kuuntelemaan vaikka Jaakko Teppoa. Kaikella kunnioituksella sekä japanilaisia että Teppoa kohtaan.
Oxy : it seems your compelled on making this personal. It's really OK that I'm biased toward my dad.I'm also not naive ,I recognize the fact that Mac had vocal issues at times , he was never mediocre and I am not a slob!! Soo........ let's just agree to disagree. Happy Holidays! Susan
Sory for that "cadenza". It was used long ago, but no more in style. Not dramatic, but kind of "circus". Apart from that, very good voice, but perhaps too young for the rol. Of course, he is older now.
Quelloc he non capisco però è cosa voglia dire "nel finale canta da tenore" :D è una cosa che sento troppo spesso e nessuno mai la spiega :D che diavolo vuol dire che nel finale canta da tenore!? Di difetti ce ne sono tanti in DH, ma non ho capito che cosa significa quella frase lì, tutto qui
Meraviglioso Dimitri! È stato al teatro lirico di Cagliari in diverse occasioni. Ho avuto modo di conoscerlo da corista, qual io ero. Una persona semplicissima, completamente privo di atteggiamenti da star! Eppure avrebbe potuto permetterselo... Un grande cantante, un gran bell'uomo in tutte le sue sfaccettature! Volato via troppo presto. Ci manca❤
Porywające, niezwykle piękne wykonanie. Dmitrij to Ideał artysty, cud natury, przyrody i miłości.🌹👑🌹
Opera's greatest baritone, miss him soo😢❤
Overpowering vocal and personal beauty❤Thank you for the legacy you left us dearest Maestro❤
His voice was perfect. the world is mourning forever.
So Young, so Beautiful, so Wonderful, so Sublime, so Perfect, so Divine! Dima Hvorostovsky remaine The King Barytone of the Opera forever! 🌸💜🤍🤍🤍
What a talent! Dmitri is surely missed.
Splendida voce e uomo meraviglioso ma il suo ricordo vivrà per sempre in chi lo ha amato grazie Dmitri e un bacio ai tuoi cari che il Signore ti accolga fra le Sue braccia
Being a baritone himself, Verdi knew how to write for the baritone voice so that it touched the audience on a visceral level. He knew that when the baritone really has to reach for a note in the upper range, it produces the emotion and expression. Bravo Dima.
I have heard many recordings of Dmitri performing this but I hadn’t heard this one. It is a magical performance where my scalp just tingled when he reached for the high notes. The resonance he produced when his whole mouth and head became a cavernous echo chamber is amazing and not something I have heard in other baritones. Pavarotti did it with his tenor arias and Caballe was able to do the same. That’s when you know you are listening to the voice of a genius…maybe even other-worldly!
God bless you Dmitri. Thank heavens we have such recordings as this that we may never forget your gift ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
A wonderful performance by a really gifted baritone with a long line, vocal beauty, and a really easy top.
Indimenticabile!! Stupenda voce!!
Meraviglioso! Bellissima vocalità!
he is the best conte di Luna in always time
Помогите семье Хворостовского в выборе памятника отец с горя ослеп мама чуть жива У кого есть ВОЗМОЖНОСТЬ повлиять на решение помогите пожалуйста юг
Una delicia escucharle siempre. Maravilloso Dima.
Великолепен!!!! Неповторим!!!
Опера без него замолчала. . . Нет равных, в другом исполнении его партии слушать не могу. . .
he sings very controled and with beautiful manly tone. there exists not many in the same level nowadays.
This has to be THE BEST 'Il balen' ever recorded.
The absolute best. And I am a new listener to opera. I was taken back by his beautiful voice.
Превосходно! Великолепно! Неповторимо! Бог на сцене! Невозможно передать чувства, когда слушаешь этого Великого Артиста.
Непревзойденное исполнение, маловероятно, что кому то удасться когда-нибудь приблизиться...сейчас услышала на MEZZO одного такого пигмея...грустная картина
Bravo! Bravíssimo!
Bravo!!! The best!
Никто, никогда не вставлял в конце ля. Теперь без неё не слушается. Спасибо великому артисту!
Bravissimo , indimenticabile grande baritono ,,,
BRAVO,Mr Eternity !
To You,until now,the world applauds standing ❣️👏
Dear Dima, we will miss you so!
incredible!!!!!!!! HISTORIC!!!!!!!!!!!
Bravo Maestro!Siempre iluminando nuestro corazón con tu maravillosa voz. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🌸🌹🌻
Gorgeous! RIP Dmitri!
Wszystkie piękne słowa zostały już wypowiedziane pod adresem tego wyjątkowego Człowieka.
Powiem więc tylko;każdy,kto chociaż raz usłyszał Go i zobaczył nie odważy się porównać z żadną,inna osobowością sceniczną.Bo takiej po prostu nie ma i nie sądzę ,aby kiedykolwiek się pojawiła.
On był,jest i będzie tym kimś,kto nadał blasku operze,zawojował serca pieśniami wojennych lat,zniżał głos do włoskiego bell canto i francuskiego chansone.
Jeszcze jedno,najważniejsze:On nadal śpiewa w naszych sercach i nigdy nie przestanie.
Pozdrawiam wszystkich wielbicieli tego nieziemskiego Artysty.❤
Kristina, como sempre você comove-me com as sua palavras gentis. Gosto muito dos seus comentários. Nosso Maestro é merecedor.
@@katiaaguiar7103A Ty wyruszasz mnie swoimi słowami.Dziękuję Katiu,Przyjaciółko i posyłam serdeczności.
Masz rację.On jest godzien wszelkich zaszczytów.❤
Вот Талантище! Браво!!! Наш золотой голос! Так проникновенно поет, что душа переворачивается... Спасибо, Маэстро! Никогда не забудем, любим и тоскует ...
Eterno Dima lembrança leve pra sempre será lembrado por sua voz e carisma anjo de Ouro
Ángel del firmamento , grulla que vuela alto para formar coros celestiales ,descanse en paz maestro del cantar perfecto legado para la humanidad .(Los Ángeles Chile.🇨🇱🦋)
C'est merveilleux.
Majestic di Luna! This aria is perhaps the best baritone marker (and my absolute favorite), and Dima performs superbly! A mellow baritone, with full and resonant lower notes, strong upper range and stentorian interpolated A4 in the end!
Oh my word how magnificent
Fantastic legato!! Bravo!!
Сильный, красивейший Голос, блистательное актёрское мастерство, поток эмоций - все это создаёт превосходный образ, от которого не оторвать взгляда !!! Наш любимый Дмитрий Александрович, сколько же талантов вложил в Вас Господь !!!!!.. От. Вас исходит истинная Благодать, что радует, исцеляет, возвышает до Небес !!!!! Искренняя благодарность за эту превосходную публикацию !!!
Very good singing and beautiful voice.
Complimenti !!!!!
Dmitri insuperável, sempre. Amado ou invejado, nunca ignorado. Grata por publicar.
Вы преданная поклонница Дмитрия,я тоже!
Il piu grande CONTE DI LUNA E TUTTO CHE CANTAVA!!Dmitri Horovski..marta beatrice darday
It is so sweet and funny how the fair violin lady looks so enchanted by Dmitri (3:06 - 3:15)!
She almost lost concentration :))).
But, it is only nomal, this perfomance is a master class!!!
Who can criticize this? Just Perfect! Bravo Hvorostovsky!
A deaf fool club fans of trash!
@@Monnarchmonnarchy., JERK!!!!!!!! JERK!!!!!!! JERK!!!!!!!!
Look at him totally own the stage. The thumb downers are just feeling inadequate. Poor things.
Monnarch Monnarchy You are surely better at what you do.
That interpolated high A natural at the end was just awesome. I didn't know he had it in him. :-)
Album Credo, number 12 at the end too
Miss you... so much......
Me too.He is my soul and my life.😚Cry, cry, cry😥
He's not a tenor, he just sings with the right technique, the that permit to control the voice from low to top!
This is funny. People complaining about his high A! Listen for comparison to the Gobbi version also on UA-cam. Gobbi not only avoids all the high notes he chops the line up so as to grab breaths. Hvor has the longest lines since Lisitsian. Another wonderful Russky baritone is Konstantin Rittel-Kobylianski. Gobbi takes almost as many breaths as GranForte, but Apollo at least uses all that air for humongous tone. Its odd how good the Russians are at Italian style.
i wont mention singing but here he looks especially stunning!
Ai tanti meritati riconoscimenti vorrei aggiungere questo mio: una dizione perfetta nell'italiano, lingua lontana dal russo!
Sorry? The cadenza is come scritto in the original score. Its not actually not-in-style but on the contrary, very much the 1853 Verdi style. It actually turns this aria even more difficult. Bravo Dima!!
don't be so sure amigo.. word has it that he started as a tenor and found that his voice was better suited for baritone rep. That is not unprecedented.. Dwayne Croft switched from tenor to bari.. and the talk of "Handsome" Thomas Hampson being a lazy tenor was rampant. A male voice with a medium tessitura can go either way.. it's all about whether the voice has a strong, bright upper extension and the singer's personality. Dmitri made the right choice! One of the greatest of our times. :)
Спасибо..голос зреет,да,многие думая что тенор..с годами обучения переходят на бара..т.к.голос зреет и обнаруживает себя баритоном-У мужчины два голоса,может петь так и так..все от обучения
The best❤
Comte de Luna parfait.
A# !!!! It's a beautiful!!!
A natural. ;)
@@kennethllanas1988 Sorry, you are right😏
A high A?!?
My God! As if this aria wasn't hard enough the way it is.
No "B flat"
Hi Matias! That was an A natural. Cheers!
최고다. 이렇게 까지 부를 사람이 몇이나 있겠는가
Очень хорошо, мечта баритон, славно небесах человек
Libretto/Lyrics/Text:Il balen del suo sorriso
D'una stella vince il raggio!
Il fulgor del suo bel viso
Novo infonde in me coraggio!...
Ah! l'amor, l'amore ond'ardo
Le favelli in mio favor!
Sperda il sole d'un suo sguardo
La tempesta del mio cor.
Odesi il rintocco de' sacri bronzi
Qual suono!... oh ciel...
La squilla
Vicino il rito annunzia!
Ah! pria che giunga
All'altar... si rapisca!...
Ah bada!
Non odo... andate... di quei faggi all'ombra
Ferrando e gli altri Seguaci si allontanano
Ah! fra poco
Mia diverrà ... Tutto m'investe un foco!
Ansioso, guardingo osserva dalla parte donde deve giungere Leonora, mentre Ferrando e i Seguaci dicono sottovoce:
Ardire!... Andiam... celiamoci
Fra l'ombre... nel mister!
Ardire!... Andiam!... silenzio!
Si compia il suo voler.
Thank you so much!
Biały Książe.Niepokonany.Niezłomny.Niezapomniany. Niezastąpiony.Ukochany .❤
Esteban es un Conde de Lùna IMPECABLE!!!
bellissima voce buona tecnica
Extraordinaire le joli visage de la violoniste derrière lui, sous le charme complètement !...
he must had a nice time after the performance... ;) :P
Peace to his soul.
Ολα μα όλα είναι μοναδικα σε αυτον τον ανθρωπο!
I thought that was hilarious too. You can clearly see her eyes going from score, to conductor, to Dmitri. XD
WArum um alles in der Welt musste diese herrliche Stimme so früh verstummen
@sobatinyela i have heard him (HD) in person say in a video on youtube something like his teachers wanted him to sing as a tenor ,but he chose to be baritone , it had something to do with girls :-)or what, i didnt understand. and i like his singing very much even if there is never enought goood tenors:-)
In fact it was very difficult for him to sing as a tenor since his voice is one of a baritone . But also he has some amazing high notes such as the high A at the end of the video
Nyt olen löytänyt sellaiset aariat, joita minäkin jaksan kuunnella. Ne ovat tämä ja "Largo al factotum(Japan2005") jolla Dimitri näytti japanilaisille ihmeitä. Jos en näistä tykkäisi, pitäisi minun siirtyä kuuntelemaan vaikka Jaakko Teppoa. Kaikella kunnioituksella sekä japanilaisia että Teppoa kohtaan.
In it, to win it.
@tmtstudio1983 I think it would be the same with Hvorostovsky as Don Ottavio if he became tenor:)))
Questa é una romanza d'amore e sembra una dichiarazione d'intenti davanti ad un notaio
Il colletto...
he is
Belle interprétation certes...mais il y manque ce brillant dans la voix qui caractérise les barytons Verdi.....
Oxy : it seems your compelled on making this personal. It's really OK that I'm biased toward my dad.I'm also not naive ,I recognize the fact that Mac had vocal issues at times , he was never mediocre and I am not a slob!! Soo........ let's just agree to disagree. Happy Holidays! Susan
@lassisimo who do you consider to be in ther same level? just my curiosity:-)
de cuando es esta grabacion? alguien sabe? from when is this performance? somebody knows?
Who is the conductor in this recording?
perdonami, ma dove la senti la voce da tenore? LoL
his look in the end says: "who's your daddy?!"
Sory for that "cadenza". It was used long ago, but no more in style. Not dramatic, but kind of "circus". Apart from that, very good voice, but perhaps too young for the rol. Of course, he is older now.
Quelloc he non capisco però è cosa voglia dire "nel finale canta da tenore" :D è una cosa che sento troppo spesso e nessuno mai la spiega :D che diavolo vuol dire che nel finale canta da tenore!? Di difetti ce ne sono tanti in DH, ma non ho capito che cosa significa quella frase lì, tutto qui
Да!.. и печально...