Science in Action

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @Zeitgeist420
    @Zeitgeist420 3 роки тому

    thank you

  • @aquaman199
    @aquaman199 2 роки тому

    “We got this”

  • @bertjesklotepino
    @bertjesklotepino 10 років тому +17

    posting this prog everywhere i see fit, since this is one of the most condemning (if thats spelled correct) pieces of evidence of one of the biggest hoaxes ever. Many thx for the upload.

    • @redmonkeyass26
      @redmonkeyass26 10 років тому +11

      "The recent Fox TV show, which I saw, is an ingenious and entertaining assemblage of nonsense. The claim that radiation exposure during the Apollo missions would have been fatal to the astronauts is only one example of such nonsense." -- Dr. James Van Allen
      and calculations:
      that was easy to debunk... science, try it.

    • @bertjesklotepino
      @bertjesklotepino 10 років тому +2

      redmonkeyass26 btw, you do realise that not only van Allen has to be wrong.... but also these people in this science in action video are wrong (with the evidence in thier hands and shown and explained), Mauldin is wrong, Korolev is wrong. etc etc.

    • @redmonkeyass26
      @redmonkeyass26 10 років тому +8

      This video is not wrong and neither is van allen or the people you mentioned. scientifically illiterate people as yourself seem to think that the whole belt is a deadly zone, that is inaccurate. As you might know the belts are stronger at the equator and diminish in stregnth towards the poles (where they are almost non existant). The Apollo missions took a route thru the thinnest part possible at a high speed, which means the radiation exposure was minimal. Of course you can deny all this, but you have no proof to the contrary, only speculations and lame moon hoax videos. I rather trust the guy that the belts were named after.. Van Allen. The russians in the peak of the cold war admitted the moon landings were real, and so should you... deal with it.

    • @bertjesklotepino
      @bertjesklotepino 10 років тому +5

      redmonkeyass26 yeah, the peak of the cold war indeed. When they pulled of thier "moon hoax" which they kept secret for a lot of people, right.....
      You can call the video i posted a link for a lame moon hoax video, but it covers a lot of data like solarflares, and those belts.
      To actually be able to go through the thinnest part means you would have to leave through the gap at the poles, which they didnt carry enough fuel for to do.
      You should have a look at the complete Radioactive anomaly.
      You seem to want to trust van Allen on his statement AFTER Apollo, yet you dont trust his scientific testing which he had done before Apollo. After Apollo he changed his statements, eventhough still standing behind his original findings.
      And he wasnt the only one who tested it. Russians did too and came to the same conclusion.
      And infact, its exactly the reason why we aint going back nor going to mars.
      The only science i can believe in is that which has been tested and can be repeated.
      You can say it has been repeated.
      But that makes you wonder why we havent gone back..... why Bush came up with the idea to go back.......
      Why Obama came up with the idea to pass the moon and go to mars directly......
      and why they at Nasa and such now still want to first go back to the moon but lack the techno.
      (eventhough having done it some time back)
      Cold war sir? Pure nonsens. 2 governments who were inbed with eachother ever since WW2 ended cleaning up after eachother so that they could extort as much money as possible.
      You do realise that some sources behind the screens financed WW2, right? And that they backed both "horses", right?
      Else, have a look here:
      No sir, i cant believe we ever went there because a Geigercounter was made to show something. They werent invented to give a nice lightshow. They were invented to show if the radiationlevel was dangerous or not.
      And they showed that it was dangerous, it reached its limit, after which they decided to shield them.
      Van Allen still supports these tests.
      Geigercounters that hit the top limit of thier testingcapability are in a region of severe radiation, correct?
      So there you have it again.
      O, and for proof. I urge you to have a look at the complete Radioactive anomaly series of J White....... enough proof there, along with what is being shown in the science episode, the site i provided, the Russians, Mauldin, von Braun himself, and even todays websites concerning this subject.

    • @bertjesklotepino
      @bertjesklotepino 10 років тому +2

      redmonkeyass26 o and btw, "you could again deny all this"......
      The funny part is that you seem to deny a lot more. You deny the results tha van Allen got with his tests (which he still supports as being accurate). You are denying the Russians who tested the same stuff.
      You deny Mauldin and his ideas.
      You deny that current tests which prove that space radiation are a bigger danger than previously been assumed are correct.
      And then you come up with a hypothesis that they flew out of the pole region to be able to miss them belts...... thats pure nonsens because that would have required a lot more fuel which they didnt have with them and you should also be aware of that.
      Again, im not much of a religion guy myself. I dont read the bible, nor the quran. And this part of science is filled with religion too.
      Because if this really happened, that means that geigercounters can just max out without us humans being in great danger.
      So them devices are basically pieces of junk.
      I dont even get why they use those things if all they do is test nonsens.
      And again: they had to shield them counters to be able to get more results.
      So please be so kind as to take a trip to Chernobyl or Fukushima........or get some radioactive material from somewhere (i dont care where you get it from)......
      Just make sure that our geigercounter shows high levels of radiation. Best would be if the thing reaches its limit too.
      And well, play with the stuff man. Build yourself something out of it.
      I mean, cant be dangerous. Them geigercounters are nonsens anyways.

  • @randyjohnson805
    @randyjohnson805 6 років тому +18

    What are these experts trying to say? Neil Armstrong never got near the moon and Kubrick filmed the fake Apollo missions

    • @Godscountry2732
      @Godscountry2732 2 роки тому

      @Randy Johnson 3 years on, there still chasing Alice.LOLAll the experts are scientifically illiterate, they just don't know it.

    • @regiomontanus2438
      @regiomontanus2438 Рік тому

      experts are stupid. It is you and those like you who don't stuff their brains with science are really intelligent

    • @Agarwaen
      @Agarwaen 11 місяців тому +2

      this is from 1959. kubrick was barely known at that time. neil had yet to join NASA, and it was 10 years until apollo 11 (and years before the start of the project). so are you suggesting they could predict the future?

    • @planetarysader
      @planetarysader 4 місяці тому +1

      IF YOU DID YOUR HOMEWORK - In 1969, the single biggest sound-stage in the world was Desilu Studios in CA. This is where Gunsmoke, Andy Griffith and Gilligan's Island was shot. Still to this day there is NOT A SINGLE sound-stage in the world big enough where the meticulous step-by-step 360° panoramic footage that was originally shot in Apollo 11's first 38 minutes on the moon surface could NOT have been "faked." A clear 360° vista of 3-5 miles with ONE SINGLE LIGHT SOURCE - THAT CANNOT be faked at any studio still to this day.
      ALSO, considering the massive visibility any "shady covert film production group" would immediately have been exposed by hundreds of locals day or night (for 4-years) attempting to dress up a remote desert area into a 3-5 mile asteroid ravaged terrain like the moon, where an asteroid crater can be over 30 miles,,, NIGHT after NIGHT, DAY after DAY, somehow unseen by countless hundreds of local YEAR after YEAR defies all mathematical odds by itself.

  • @BrodyLuv2
    @BrodyLuv2 4 місяці тому

    There are Anti Matter belts in-between each VA belt .. the closest just 4-500 miles up.

  • @helthuismartin
    @helthuismartin Рік тому

    The second belt is even 100 rontgen every hour while humans should get no more than 1 rontgen every month

  • @hilfdsgfuiw
    @hilfdsgfuiw 11 років тому

    "worked out in your lavatory"

  • @Godscountry2732
    @Godscountry2732 8 років тому +6

    Tell that to Dr.James Van Allen who wrote the book on Apollo and the Van Allen belts.Mr.Van Allen did all the calculations for Apollo.Its dangerous if you linger around,Apollo passed through at a high rate of speed,spending a total of 2.5 hours in the belts, at varying levels of solar radiation ,resulting in low levels of exposure,well below the acceptable limits.

    • @randyjohnson805
      @randyjohnson805 6 років тому +5

      Godscountry you sound brainwashed or your a shill.These experts said nothing like that.Van Allen said it's impossible then he did a 180 later.That's the facts. If any man has went into deep space he lifted off from Antarctic.That's a fact.If they have went into deep space then everything has been a lie

    • @Godscountry2732
      @Godscountry2732 5 років тому +6

      @@randyjohnson805, I'm the expert. Show me a published scientific paper's that state NASA could not have passed through and around the inner and outer belts. I have hundreds of papers right in front of me.
      Sounds like you visited one too many conspiracy websites and or you're a shill. I also have Dr.James A Van Allens published comments when he was asked about the hoax claims.
      Like this one...A quote about the fox TV show... The recent Fox TV show, which I saw, is an ingenious and entertaining assemblage of nonsense. The claim that radiation exposure during the Apollo missions would have been fatal to the astronauts is only one example of such nonsense.
      Dr.James A Van Allen

    • @straydog02
      @straydog02 4 роки тому +4

      @@Godscountry2732 Can you show me the proof that Dr. Van Allen refuted his own original scientific findings on the radiation belts in a scientific journal? .. I've seen the claims made by some NASA shills, claiming to have received a couple of emails from him but alleged emails are not proof.. Also, since you're "the expert" can you provide any research from any other scientist that refutes Van Allen's original radiation belts findings?

    • @Godscountry2732
      @Godscountry2732 4 роки тому +3

      @@straydog02 .He didn't refute anything. [University of Iowas white papers ] Extended stays in space are dangerous period. You don't need the Van Allen Belts to make you sick. Dr. James A Van Allen has always spoken about both the dangers of the VARB's and how to safely avoid the dangers.
      The VARB's were the least of the far greater risks of the mission. How about landing a very large 18-ton spacecraft[full up the weight on earth] on the lunar surface?.Rendezvous over the Moon? TransEarth injection.? Reentry? There is no room for error on any of these critical maneuvers.
      An extended stay [week ] inside the inner belts at say 1000 mile /1600 km altitude would cause acute radiation poisoning. By the time the crews reached the Moon, they would have likely perished.NASA would never put a crewed spacecraft into a high obit inside the inner belts for 5 -7 days.

    • @straydog02
      @straydog02 4 роки тому +5

      @@Godscountry2732 Yet if you read Van Allen's original scientific findings you will see that he stated very clearly that no humans could survive any length of time in the deadly radiation belts and even gave the rad dosage an astronaut would receive while in the belts.. You will also see that Van Allen stated that manned missions traveling beyond earth orbit would either need to exit through the polar region to avoid the intense radiation, or need six feet of lead shielding or several feet of water.. The Apollo craft had neither... So not only did the Apollo craft not have the proper shielding, they also, according to official NASA documents, flew through the heart of the belts on their alleged way to the Moon.. …. MOON HOAX - The Van Allen Belts and the lame excuse... ..This video evidence contains official NASA documents that show the Apollo craft flew through the heart of the Van Allen radiation belts, contradicting NASA's lies about their Apollo missions skirting the belts.