As iconic as Judgement is for palas, Lightbringer comes in real close... those shiny shoulderpads combined with the cloth over plate pieces and the aureola on top of your head make for some great looking gear
I started a second account even though I didn't have a 60 just to see what it was like and it is definitely one of the biggest quality of life upgrades to playing WoW. I have enchanters on both accounts, I no longer send things via mail, and I can "power level" the other account, so even with a level 35 Druid I could get my Warrior and Mage through SFK. Mages can port the other account and make water / food, buffs, watching LFG or AH while doing something on the current "main" account. Good stuff.
Yep gotta do something while the pally auto attacks. Back in TBC me and my friend leveled our B Elf pallys to lvl 50 together so we could talk about BS the whole time till we gave up on paladin till wrath.
Quick note on ret. Horde Paladins are getting SoV at 70 and Alliance Paladins are getting SoB at 70. It was one of the changes they mentioned at Blizzcon. Humans will most likely have the highest throughput, with SoB and Sword/Mace Spec.
Agreed. I’ve always wanted to tank in retail but feel like there’s too many mechanics to learn. TBC seems a lot more chill and forgiving if that makes sense.
The big win with Paladin IIRC was being able to AoE tank dungeons and outside. Druid Bear and Warrior can't do anything without Rage and no group is ever going to give you time to build up aggro or damage until Heroics in TBC where drawing aggro results in death if you aren't the tank. That said, I ran SM the other day with three mages and just the little distraction my Druid tank provided was enough to allow for big pulls and 10-15 minute runs in SM Cath with everyone at level 38-40 and it was the best SM Cath I've done in a long time, so we ran it like five times.
@@Tom-hn5hn As someone who MT'd for my guild thru BC and Wrath, and now MT in retail, all on a Warrior, I have to say I think your expectations are switched. Retail has quite a few "help" buttons and more chances to recover. What made BC so fun to me was it was a challenge. Way less forgiving. Basically, mess up, more specifically DPS messes up, you wipe. Unless you pull one of those once in a million, CD's all used in perfect timing, and you and the healer survive the encounter. And any time you start AoE tanking, toss the Warrior a pat on the back.
@@Tom-hn5hn i was like this too but in bfa i tried tanking as dh. You can go and make a cup of coffee during some bosses lol. It s boring af in raid. In keys it s fun Edit: you will learn everything really fast. You got nothing else to do haha. Sometimes it gets boring and you just look at the dps die from stuff
My one hope for druids is they give them the stealth bar they have on retail. Druids did not have a separate bar for stealth back then so you'd have to macro everything with [stealth] and [nostealth] to save bar space.
Nah I’ve played on wrath a bunch as a ret, and you only take one per raid before ICC. They do shit damage and are only taken for the extra utility, and prot and holy are pretty much the best tanks and healers throughout
@@taylorrasmussen2321 ret dps is “insane” only in icc with the divine storm reset + 4pT10 and is still does lower dps than dk’s, warrs and mages. Before toc it is really bottom tier and bad for the hard fights (eg: Yogg0)
I'd say it's a 'no' for holy. All that holy gains is a talent for -0.5s on nuke spell, which all other healing specs always had since classic. No new healing spells. Last talent is a joke, it doesn't even make up for the illumination nerf. All other healing classes gain much more in comparison, and the niche of being a mana-efficient healer becomes much less relevant considering the prevalence of group-wide mana regen abilities.
@@Deya1337 people only say this because pallies become useless at raid healing. This is kind of a meme, in reality any class can spam single-target heals just as well and have more usable oh shit buttons to deal with unexpected damage spikes. Druids can hot up the tank and swiftmend/NS if needed, shamans have earth shield, NS and armor on crit, which priests have as well on top of their trusty PW:S and CoH. All hpally has is pathetically weak holy shock and LoH which kinda cripples you for the rest of the fight.
@@Deya1337 spamming big heals simply won't be needed. Mana efficiency is a meme in TBC, any healing class will be able to tank heal well. You'll see the raid comps of top guilds in due time. Pink is the new orange.
Blessings matter so much that everything you said is more or less irelevant. In TBC you just want at least a couple paladins period, in any position. Ret and holy leave things to be desired, but double prot isn't a valid tank duo.
I remember Horde Paladins being way more popular because of Seal of Blood. In fact I remember some TBC private servers outright gave Alliance Paladins SoB just to try and balance out the factions a bit.
That's exactly why Blizzard is doing it too. Horde had 2 hour AV queues for most of the time I played it, probably still does now. Blizzard just left everyone to rot with the problem. Hopefully BC will be better.
Ret/restosham arena is like the coolest thing in the game. Obviously theres the windfury synergy, but also all the little buffs and auras that normally dont feel impactful in pvp can be stacked together and suddenly feel worthwhile when theres 2 of them, Like stoneskin and blessing of sacrifice u take zero damage. Wisdom and Mana totem is a noticable amount of mana. etc
I was really expecting you to add a picture of the Figurine of the Colossus trinket during the prot aoe farm montage :) It literally allowed you to pull the entirety of the Black Temple terrace-bloodelf demon hunter training area without a sweat.
Just a note: Ret wasnt actually playable for the most part until sunwell content. Thats when they fixed seals and basically that improved the rotation immensely allowing Ret to actually do damage without having to spam multiple seals throughout the fight. Also replenish got added at one point for judgements I believe that made paladins mana batteries.
@@crza96 Depending on what classes yo uhave he should be mid to bottom of the charts. Some people will say bring one for vindication, but honestly a holy or prot paladin can easily bring that. Its a tier 2 talent
@@michaelkennielsen1422 umm no that's not right. You bring Ret for improved Sanctity aura (2% raidwide damage) and crusader strike (judgments auto refreshed).
@@michaelkennielsen1422 pair DST with the blackened naaru trinket and all sun well crafting? along with seal of blood and wind walking totem? yeah dude you’re 1 or 2 dps. was next to a destro warlock. super fun
I played Classic very casually as a Prot Paladin, loved leveling, tanking dungeons for my small group of friends, and tanking level 60 five-mans for fun/money/gear sets. I did some raid healing on the side too, and offtanked ZG a couple times. I cannot WAIT for TBC! It's gonna be fun having a taunt, like a real boy!
Shockadin is no meme in TBC PVP. Just another way to play arena. Was 2k Rated back in the day. Totally dismantles some of the "Meta" comps (Warrior/Druid). The Lamellar Arena set was supposedly meant to be a "Prot" PVP set, but it's itemized perfectly for Shockadin. WillE didnt mention that Seal/Judgement of Righteousness scales also with Spell power quite well, so while you are very bursty, You are very tough against Melee classes in your plate armor, and your 1 handed melee swings still do a respectable amount of damage from the righteousness procs, which cut through high armor targets. A stunned opponent standing in your Consecrate, while you melee them gets absolutely melted while your Shock and Judgement are on cooldown. Don't forget about Hammer of Wrath also scaling with Spell Power. Its very mana intensive so mistakes will get you punished, Disc Priests are your counter, but when your team sets you up for a kill, you can murder any class. You can also still heal pretty well in this spec, don't sleep on Shockadin.
I used to run a holy Blood Elf Paladin for my guilds main raids but would respec to retribution for our alt raid days and PVP content, I used to love tearing up AV once I finally managed to get geared enough. Finished all the raid content up till mount hyjal with the retribution spec, even somehow came first on DPS meters for some bosses. Holy had it's moments like managing to keep the important parts of the raid standing when all the other healers went down during the end phase and first kill of one of the bosses in the eye, the reaction on comms is something I'll probably never forget since everyone immediately thought the fight was lost, but I always preferred those alt runs with retribution. Big numbers go brrrr. One of our main tanks was a protection paladin, we had a lot of success with him. I loved running dungeons with him, he always made them an absolute breeze. Wish I'd been able to get on BC classic but I couldn't for the same reason I stopped playing WoW after BC back in the day: Real life got in the way.
0/40/21 was totally a thing for high end prot tanks in tbc. ardent defender wasn't super great in sunwell when a boss could leap frog you and you would also be mana starved when you did black temple. had a near perfect geared prot paladin in tbc
2pt5 Prot: 15 dmg doesn't sound like much, but if you remember that normally protpal holds many mobs, especially in Hyjal, this works like a shield spike; it's a lot of passive threat. Auras were not raid wide either, so this becomes comparable to sanc aura. A common tank group was protw/protp/bear/holypal/restos.
I've been playing Paladin in Season of Discovery lately and it is interesting to see how SoD Paladin compares to TBC Paladin. If Blizzard ever comes back out with a TBC era server, I would definitely give this class a try. There is something fun to making less optimal classes work. Plus that tier gear just looks so good.
Paladins make like a champ in this expansion. Protection takes the crown for tanking, retribution is a hell of lot better, and outlands is covered in demons. The only downside were quite minor. 100% mana refund on crits was ridiculous once you got to high gear, and divine shield really needed some kind of counter.
Hell no. Was a high-end raider during TBC. The Video is 100% correct. Protection was great for farming heroics and almost a must have for Hyjal, as Warriors and Druids had capped AoE. But they were really bad boss tanks. Druids were better off-tanks. Basically, they were Tier 3 niche tanks. Ret was better but still horrible. Once you got in to SWP - sure, they were decent. But otherwise, they were still the meme spec until Wotlk when they got a complete rework. To this day I remember the amount of "Who's laughing now????" jokes during Wotlk prepatch.
Also people don't realize how put off they will be by drinking so much as a tank too. It feels bad when everyone is waiting for you to pull and your still drinking (mostly in dungeons). This may prove to not be that bad since healers are better now, but early on its brutal
@@Drain_Life_Archive people like to think that and maybe it cause we were bad in tbc, but pallys still have to drink a lot. Spiritual attunement is awesome don't get me wrong. But you will drink after every pack or every other pack. Again it gets better as you get more and more gear but it is really off putting if you aren't expecting it at first
@@Drain_Life_Archive also when I say it gets better with gear I mean more int helps, but actually as you take less dmg your getting healed less. Pallys are super great but I think people are expecting what prot pallies became in wrath and it's not quite the same thing
Since classic release I have the idea of "Scarlet Zeal" ability which allows you to use your undead/demon only abilities on any race for 10 seconds with 1 minute cooldown. Damn, that would've changed paladin completely.
For pally, you don't want to talent in every Blessing if you have other paladins with you, because you can just assign it to people and they can change their talents around. So ex: The pally who spec into Blessing of king, can easily reach Improved Concentration Aura.
Crusader Aura is underrated. It's multiplicative, not additive. That means it's your total movespeed * 1.2, not an additional 20%. In other words, If you have epic flying your total movespeed is 456% ([100 base movespeed + 280% movespeed of flying]*1.2 Crusader aura). Most people think it's just 300% increased movespeed for a total of 400%. If you're lucky enough to get Ashes of Al'ar which is a 310% mount, the math increases to a total of 492% movespeed. You ZOOM. Also it's an Aura, so party members get it :D
Holy Pala+Affliction Warlock was underrated in 2v2. Great lasting power and quite deceptive dps. People didn't pull out their big cooldowns in time because your dps was slow. Then suddenly Hammer of Wrath, Holy Shock and Shadow Bolts on top of the normal ticks. Was it the absolutely best? No, but I really liked it.
Didn't they mention at Blizzconline that they were gonna change Seal of Vengeance and blood and make them pretty much the same? (ie both being Seal of Blood, but with different names/visuals)
@@shinon748 I just remember how terrible it felt back then, even with judgement you're still just auto attacking, and in my eyes it's a very poor class design compared to other melee. Now sure, you get some extra spells as you level up, but still. It's one reason i prefer retail over older games, now you actually do damage with spells and melee abilties.
I did write them up in a certain order, but thought it would be fun to poll them and see what people wanted, and the people voted pala first so here we are!
I was a shockadin in PvP and prot in PvE, fun times for real. For those who want to reroll to retribution, search for the machinima "Born Again Ret" from Lakez, hilarious!
its actually better to twist it if you have both. you get 5 stacks of vengeance up, then you switch to blood and only switch back to vengeance to keep the stack up.
Illumination in Classic is not what makes holy paladins have nearly bottomless mana reserves. The fact you can raid with even up to 10,000 mana or more and your main spell (flash of light) can be downranked to only cost 40 mana per cast. You can literally have more Mp5 in full T3 than you spend casting rank 1 FoL. If you pick up a few random Mp5 items and were 8/9 T3 you can even spam rank 6 (max rank) FoL and never go oom because it’s such a cheap spell to cast. Illumination doesn’t matter.
Hi Willie, you've done some videos in the recent past about bot farmers, but can you please do one on mounted bot farmers (if that's a thing)? We are trying to figure out if they use mounts in Classic, and any other strange things they do. Thank you kindly for any info/videos you can provide on bots, and of course for the many videos you have already done.
The 2 set t6 retri is actually really good in arena. Just put on a fast 1 hander and a shield and preserve mana outside of burst windows. Check out "Speank 1 - Classic TBC Multiclasser - Endless 2.4.3 " by Speank TBC here on youtube for some sick ret pala game play.
After the TBC announcement I suddenly saw a huge uptick of paladins leveling up in Classic. What a surprise. At least now the low level areas are alive again. Not everybody is a scrub who will just pay to boost their character.
Is Sanctity aura that good to go prot/ret instead of holy/prot ? And how does consecration damage compares to having damage reflect items + TBC tier bonus that increases ret aura and so on? Good spellpower plate gear will take time to acquire.
I'd argue not in PvP. Classic they don't have to deal with alot of classes getting counters to their burst, but in tbc they struggle hard against a mage that knows how to spell steal and reckoning is not nerfed. They actually play like a support dps class where you can do things in between judgement CDs and swing timers and in tbc they become warrior clones that have less resilence,almost no crit on their plate gear, and an over reliance on seal twisting.
As iconic as Judgement is for palas, Lightbringer comes in real close... those shiny shoulderpads combined with the cloth over plate pieces and the aureola on top of your head make for some great looking gear
"Were they any good?" Classic.
"Is it an better Now?" Classic TBC
"Will it get any better?" Classic Wrath
Pre-patch Wrath watching my enemies melt in front of me "Light be Praised!"
@@brianmiller1077 I loved paladins in Wrath. I was in beta, ya, pallys were insane pre-patch. I still enjoyed after patch too though.
Shockadin in cata was pretty fun (I believe they nerfed it later)
wotlk ret was insane, not as good as war or DK but close.
Man, I love WillE videos. I can always trust his research and experience.
His voice soothes me
Appreciate it! I do my best to try and get it right
@@WillEmmo it shows
My second monitor is getting here tomorrow, so now I’m ready to level a paladin
Don't forget to multibox with that real money boost too!!!
I started a second account even though I didn't have a 60 just to see what it was like and it is definitely one of the biggest quality of life upgrades to playing WoW. I have enchanters on both accounts, I no longer send things via mail, and I can "power level" the other account, so even with a level 35 Druid I could get my Warrior and Mage through SFK. Mages can port the other account and make water / food, buffs, watching LFG or AH while doing something on the current "main" account. Good stuff.
Second monitor is a must to lvl pally lol. A netflix and chill date with your paladin.
Yep gotta do something while the pally auto attacks. Back in TBC me and my friend leveled our B Elf pallys to lvl 50 together so we could talk about BS the whole time till we gave up on paladin till wrath.
I love how detailed is your content showing so many extra details about spells and specs. I also love how the videos are edited.
0:19 WillE you cheeky little gnome lol
Been here since 3k subs, you blew up fast willie my boy
Thanks for sticking around!
@@SuperYtc1 Oh my
ahhhh, TBC was so good looking back in the day
Ghostlands is still the best 10-20 zone
Agreed. My favorite lower leveling zone
That view of Silvermoon hit my nostalgia pretty hard. I missed TBC era so much. Can’t wait to get back on it.
Quick note on ret. Horde Paladins are getting SoV at 70 and Alliance Paladins are getting SoB at 70. It was one of the changes they mentioned at Blizzcon.
Humans will most likely have the highest throughput, with SoB and Sword/Mace Spec.
For first time in my whole life while not ever played a tank I honestly want to play a tank.
Agreed. I’ve always wanted to tank in retail but feel like there’s too many mechanics to learn. TBC seems a lot more chill and forgiving if that makes sense.
The big win with Paladin IIRC was being able to AoE tank dungeons and outside. Druid Bear and Warrior can't do anything without Rage and no group is ever going to give you time to build up aggro or damage until Heroics in TBC where drawing aggro results in death if you aren't the tank. That said, I ran SM the other day with three mages and just the little distraction my Druid tank provided was enough to allow for big pulls and 10-15 minute runs in SM Cath with everyone at level 38-40 and it was the best SM Cath I've done in a long time, so we ran it like five times.
@@Tom-hn5hn As someone who MT'd for my guild thru BC and Wrath, and now MT in retail, all on a Warrior, I have to say I think your expectations are switched. Retail has quite a few "help" buttons and more chances to recover. What made BC so fun to me was it was a challenge. Way less forgiving. Basically, mess up, more specifically DPS messes up, you wipe. Unless you pull one of those once in a million, CD's all used in perfect timing, and you and the healer survive the encounter.
And any time you start AoE tanking, toss the Warrior a pat on the back.
@@tha_nino haha thanks for clearing that up for me. I’ll give it a go still I guess
@@Tom-hn5hn i was like this too but in bfa i tried tanking as dh. You can go and make a cup of coffee during some bosses lol. It s boring af in raid. In keys it s fun
Edit: you will learn everything really fast. You got nothing else to do haha. Sometimes it gets boring and you just look at the dps die from stuff
I was watching for this! Makes my week. Wish there were more classes so you could post each day.
Can't wait to tank as a Paladin, the dream is almost here.
Back in the day, druid and warrior had trouble with certain dungeons like Shattered Halls, but paladin made it smooth and easy.
Yea be the Dungeon King with prot pala and be useless 90% of the raid time! Enjoy guys
@@doncorleone1720 fail.
I’ve been tanking as Paladin for the whole of Classic
@@1un4cy Druid has no issue in Shattered Halls.
My one hope for druids is they give them the stealth bar they have on retail.
Druids did not have a separate bar for stealth back then so you'd have to macro everything with [stealth] and [nostealth] to save bar space.
There is a very useful tool called addon otherwise :o)
your videos are awesome man, im glad to see you growing with classic content on youtube
Love these videos! I just run them in the background, soothing voice af
Getting the full experience as a paladin: Healer in classic, tank in tbc and dps in wotlk. And then the game is over again :)
Nah I’ve played on wrath a bunch as a ret, and you only take one per raid before ICC. They do shit damage and are only taken for the extra utility, and prot and holy are pretty much the best tanks and healers throughout
@@smoshsesfans ret dps is insane in wrath lmao
@@taylorrasmussen2321 ret dps is “insane” only in icc with the divine storm reset + 4pT10 and is still does lower dps than dk’s, warrs and mages. Before toc it is really bottom tier and bad for the hard fights (eg: Yogg0)
@@smoshsesfans but it's not.
Probably what i'll be doing too tbh!
I'd say it's a 'no' for holy. All that holy gains is a talent for -0.5s on nuke spell, which all other healing specs always had since classic. No new healing spells. Last talent is a joke, it doesn't even make up for the illumination nerf. All other healing classes gain much more in comparison, and the niche of being a mana-efficient healer becomes much less relevant considering the prevalence of group-wide mana regen abilities.
They are best tank healer in tbc. That's pretty much all they do though.
@@Deya1337 people only say this because pallies become useless at raid healing. This is kind of a meme, in reality any class can spam single-target heals just as well and have more usable oh shit buttons to deal with unexpected damage spikes. Druids can hot up the tank and swiftmend/NS if needed, shamans have earth shield, NS and armor on crit, which priests have as well on top of their trusty PW:S and CoH. All hpally has is pathetically weak holy shock and LoH which kinda cripples you for the rest of the fight.
@@TheNewLooter People say this because they are mana efficient. Any other healing class will go oom if they spam big heals
@@Deya1337 spamming big heals simply won't be needed. Mana efficiency is a meme in TBC, any healing class will be able to tank heal well. You'll see the raid comps of top guilds in due time. Pink is the new orange.
Blessings matter so much that everything you said is more or less irelevant.
In TBC you just want at least a couple paladins period, in any position. Ret and holy leave things to be desired, but double prot isn't a valid tank duo.
I started playing WoW during TBC, I must have been like 7 lol. I'm now 22 and this nostalgia really do be hitting different...
Same man Blood elf paladin was my first character
Im 21 now btw
@@RendMaim mine was blood elf hunter and my bro had pally
Paladins: Are now very good tanks and viable dps.
Me, a Clown: I'm gonna be a holy paladin!
0:00 Intro
0:51 Paladin Overview
2:05 What's New?
5:06 Leveling
6:27 PVE - Holy
9:11 PVE - Protection
13:01 PVE - Retribution
14:27 Seal of Vengeance vs Seal of Blood
15:41 PVP - Protection
16:02 PVP - Holy
17:57 PVP - Retribution
19:43 Tier Gear
21:59 Conclusion
Your videos are awesome WillE. I don't even play wow anymore but really love your content. It's my way of keeping in touch with the game lol.
Thanks! Love this! I am planning on playing a Blood Elf Paladin, Draenai Warrior, Night Elf Druid and Blood Elf Priest in TBC!
I remember Horde Paladins being way more popular because of Seal of Blood. In fact I remember some TBC private servers outright gave Alliance Paladins SoB just to try and balance out the factions a bit.
blizzard is doing the same thing.. my draenei pally will be blood weaving
That's exactly why Blizzard is doing it too. Horde had 2 hour AV queues for most of the time I played it, probably still does now. Blizzard just left everyone to rot with the problem. Hopefully BC will be better.
Ret/restosham arena is like the coolest thing in the game. Obviously theres the windfury synergy, but also all the little buffs and auras that normally dont feel impactful in pvp can be stacked together and suddenly feel worthwhile when theres 2 of them, Like stoneskin and blessing of sacrifice u take zero damage. Wisdom and Mana totem is a noticable amount of mana. etc
I've been a paladin since Tbc and I plan to be one again in tbc classic.
I was really expecting you to add a picture of the Figurine of the Colossus trinket during the prot aoe farm montage :) It literally allowed you to pull the entirety of the Black Temple terrace-bloodelf demon hunter training area without a sweat.
Just a note: Ret wasnt actually playable for the most part until sunwell content. Thats when they fixed seals and basically that improved the rotation immensely allowing Ret to actually do damage without having to spam multiple seals throughout the fight. Also replenish got added at one point for judgements I believe that made paladins mana batteries.
meh seal-twisting like a madman does insane dmg as well
been waiting for this one!
Hey WillE, thank you so much for this content. You are one of the few keeping me sane during this wait!
main ret on a private server for 4 years... was extremely fun. pair wind totem with ret pal and ur top dps
No you are not Hahahaha
@@michaelkennielsen1422 we inherited a ret with dst and he was still middle dps in our raids
@@crza96 Depending on what classes yo uhave he should be mid to bottom of the charts. Some people will say bring one for vindication, but honestly a holy or prot paladin can easily bring that. Its a tier 2 talent
@@michaelkennielsen1422 umm no that's not right. You bring Ret for improved Sanctity aura (2% raidwide damage) and crusader strike (judgments auto refreshed).
@@michaelkennielsen1422 pair DST with the blackened naaru trinket and all sun well crafting? along with seal of blood and wind walking totem? yeah dude you’re 1 or 2 dps. was next to a destro warlock. super fun
Great video. Love how he asks us not to judge him on a video about's what we do :P
I played Classic very casually as a Prot Paladin, loved leveling, tanking dungeons for my small group of friends, and tanking level 60 five-mans for fun/money/gear sets. I did some raid healing on the side too, and offtanked ZG a couple times.
I cannot WAIT for TBC! It's gonna be fun having a taunt, like a real boy!
Shockadin is no meme in TBC PVP. Just another way to play arena. Was 2k Rated back in the day. Totally dismantles some of the "Meta" comps (Warrior/Druid). The Lamellar Arena set was supposedly meant to be a "Prot" PVP set, but it's itemized perfectly for Shockadin. WillE didnt mention that Seal/Judgement of Righteousness scales also with Spell power quite well, so while you are very bursty, You are very tough against Melee classes in your plate armor, and your 1 handed melee swings still do a respectable amount of damage from the righteousness procs, which cut through high armor targets. A stunned opponent standing in your Consecrate, while you melee them gets absolutely melted while your Shock and Judgement are on cooldown. Don't forget about Hammer of Wrath also scaling with Spell Power. Its very mana intensive so mistakes will get you punished, Disc Priests are your counter, but when your team sets you up for a kill, you can murder any class. You can also still heal pretty well in this spec, don't sleep on Shockadin.
Well shit. 2 gnomes in the intro! Now I have to go back and look through all the content again!!
I used to run a holy Blood Elf Paladin for my guilds main raids but would respec to retribution for our alt raid days and PVP content, I used to love tearing up AV once I finally managed to get geared enough. Finished all the raid content up till mount hyjal with the retribution spec, even somehow came first on DPS meters for some bosses. Holy had it's moments like managing to keep the important parts of the raid standing when all the other healers went down during the end phase and first kill of one of the bosses in the eye, the reaction on comms is something I'll probably never forget since everyone immediately thought the fight was lost, but I always preferred those alt runs with retribution. Big numbers go brrrr.
One of our main tanks was a protection paladin, we had a lot of success with him. I loved running dungeons with him, he always made them an absolute breeze.
Wish I'd been able to get on BC classic but I couldn't for the same reason I stopped playing WoW after BC back in the day: Real life got in the way.
Ah yes, the one I’ve been waiting for. Thanks man!
How have I only discovered your Channel, love the videos
Do I want to play as a female belf prot pally? Yes. Will I be ashamed of myself for doing so? Yes. Am I going to do it anyways? Yes.
Be shameless. Dance on mailboxes.
Another great video WillE! Can’t wait for the warlock vid!
0/40/21 was totally a thing for high end prot tanks in tbc. ardent defender wasn't super great in sunwell when a boss could leap frog you and you would also be mana starved when you did black temple. had a near perfect geared prot paladin in tbc
2pt5 Prot: 15 dmg doesn't sound like much, but if you remember that normally protpal holds many mobs, especially in Hyjal, this works like a shield spike; it's a lot of passive threat. Auras were not raid wide either, so this becomes comparable to sanc aura. A common tank group was protw/protp/bear/holypal/restos.
I've been playing Paladin in Season of Discovery lately and it is interesting to see how SoD Paladin compares to TBC Paladin. If Blizzard ever comes back out with a TBC era server, I would definitely give this class a try. There is something fun to making less optimal classes work. Plus that tier gear just looks so good.
Paladins make like a champ in this expansion. Protection takes the crown for tanking, retribution is a hell of lot better, and outlands is covered in demons. The only downside were quite minor. 100% mana refund on crits was ridiculous once you got to high gear, and divine shield really needed some kind of counter.
Hell no.
Was a high-end raider during TBC. The Video is 100% correct.
Protection was great for farming heroics and almost a must have for Hyjal, as Warriors and Druids had capped AoE. But they were really bad boss tanks. Druids were better off-tanks. Basically, they were Tier 3 niche tanks.
Ret was better but still horrible. Once you got in to SWP - sure, they were decent. But otherwise, they were still the meme spec until Wotlk when they got a complete rework. To this day I remember the amount of "Who's laughing now????" jokes during Wotlk prepatch.
Also people don't realize how put off they will be by drinking so much as a tank too. It feels bad when everyone is waiting for you to pull and your still drinking (mostly in dungeons). This may prove to not be that bad since healers are better now, but early on its brutal
@@mcflynnsreturn New mana regen passive pretty much gives you a rage bar. Can also stack it on top of priest shadow talents.
@@Drain_Life_Archive people like to think that and maybe it cause we were bad in tbc, but pallys still have to drink a lot. Spiritual attunement is awesome don't get me wrong. But you will drink after every pack or every other pack. Again it gets better as you get more and more gear but it is really off putting if you aren't expecting it at first
@@Drain_Life_Archive also when I say it gets better with gear I mean more int helps, but actually as you take less dmg your getting healed less. Pallys are super great but I think people are expecting what prot pallies became in wrath and it's not quite the same thing
That moment when you thought there was no hidden WillE
Where was it located? First video where I couldn't find him lol
* Hidden gnome.
@@beezeejo 0:19
The first section description timestamp thing is called "rogue overview", I think you meant to write paladin overview.
Some people might say I watch too much WillE content but I would say to them I don't watch enough
You can never have too much willy.
Wild gnome appeared at 00:20 :)
Since classic release I have the idea of "Scarlet Zeal" ability which allows you to use your undead/demon only abilities on any race for 10 seconds with 1 minute cooldown. Damn, that would've changed paladin completely.
1:47 nice reference haha
Just started a paladin already lvl 10 no end in sight for tonight and you upload this. Gj ;)
Pally Tank Mains, you are almost prepared!
Spread the gospell! Dont get the wrong gear at the start! get crush and def cap b4 kara and eavrybody will love you!
Kings of the xpac for real.
I'm seeing so many people leveling paladins I'm starting to think there won't be a tank shortage.
@@seanwilliams7655 Wait until people realize how boring paladin tanking is.
@@Deya1337 more boring than healing?
It's about to be 2025 this video still helps
prot paladin with a bear tank should actually be your most wanted tank combo in tbc.
@. no, you get a bear to tank the bosses and a paladin to offtank adds etc
I remember paladin tanks deliberately avoiding reckoning as it could insta kill them with some unlucky parry thrash, just a thought
For pally, you don't want to talent in every Blessing if you have other paladins with you, because you can just assign it to people and they can change their talents around. So ex: The pally who spec into Blessing of king, can easily reach Improved Concentration Aura.
Seeing wings+holy shock just reminds me of old Athene and the POWER OF BROCCOLI
Great, these videos are probably going to help me decide which class I am getting to 70 besides my warlock. Keep up the good work!
Watching these is better than actually playing the game 😂🤩
*McConnell intensifies*
Been waiting for this. Love you WillE
Crusader Aura is underrated. It's multiplicative, not additive. That means it's your total movespeed * 1.2, not an additional 20%.
In other words, If you have epic flying your total movespeed is 456% ([100 base movespeed + 280% movespeed of flying]*1.2 Crusader aura). Most people think it's just 300% increased movespeed for a total of 400%.
If you're lucky enough to get Ashes of Al'ar which is a 310% mount, the math increases to a total of 492% movespeed. You ZOOM.
Also it's an Aura, so party members get it :D
Holy Pala+Affliction Warlock was underrated in 2v2. Great lasting power and quite deceptive dps.
People didn't pull out their big cooldowns in time because your dps was slow. Then suddenly Hammer of Wrath, Holy Shock and Shadow Bolts on top of the normal ticks. Was it the absolutely best? No, but I really liked it.
Didn't they mention at Blizzconline that they were gonna change Seal of Vengeance and blood and make them pretty much the same? (ie both being Seal of Blood, but with different names/visuals)
Both factions get both seals
Finally I can start playing with my blood elf army. Blood elf rogue, paladin, warlock, mage, priest and hunter.
This is the reason I will switch to Alliance for tbc. I absolutely hate blood elves and they will be everywhere.
Conq wasnt aoe capped because it was the prot pally's only aoe ability for non-demon/undead from my guess.
that low lvl belf avoidance though! did you see all those parry and dodges on that lvl 6 belf lol
Yes, but not having spells to use is just boring as hell. ;p
@@Kristers_K he wasnt using any seal and thus also no judgement.
@@shinon748 I just remember how terrible it felt back then, even with judgement you're still just auto attacking, and in my eyes it's a very poor class design compared to other melee. Now sure, you get some extra spells as you level up, but still. It's one reason i prefer retail over older games, now you actually do damage with spells and melee abilties.
This is the 'Excited for Shockadin' button
hope its more than just me, anyway, hahahaha
Really miss the old holy pally when your heels where like tactical healing nukes instead of the limp dick spam buttons in retail and the need to melee
spamming flash of light = tactical healing nukes ? lol
@@cognytom936 lmao ppl are smoking to much here
Pally 5 man dungeon groups are unstoppable. If you know you know.
Is Prot itemization is still totally bizarre?
Melee hit or spell hit?
caster weapon or melee weapon?
0:50 almost sounds like the plan was to release the shaman video first. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I did write them up in a certain order, but thought it would be fun to poll them and see what people wanted, and the people voted pala first so here we are!
tbc hype
I was a shockadin in PvP and prot in PvE, fun times for real. For those who want to reroll to retribution, search for the machinima "Born Again Ret" from Lakez, hilarious!
Since alliance is getting seal of blood, why would you not use it?
its actually better to twist it if you have both. you get 5 stacks of vengeance up, then you switch to blood and only switch back to vengeance to keep the stack up.
@@MorionAikanaro oh interesting, thanks for the heads up
Crusader aura is probably the best feeling to get when you are lvling
Illumination in Classic is not what makes holy paladins have nearly bottomless mana reserves. The fact you can raid with even up to 10,000 mana or more and your main spell (flash of light) can be downranked to only cost 40 mana per cast. You can literally have more Mp5 in full T3 than you spend casting rank 1 FoL. If you pick up a few random Mp5 items and were 8/9 T3 you can even spam rank 6 (max rank) FoL and never go oom because it’s such a cheap spell to cast. Illumination doesn’t matter.
Hi Willie, you've done some videos in the recent past about bot farmers, but can you please do one on mounted bot farmers (if that's a thing)? We are trying to figure out if they use mounts in Classic, and any other strange things they do. Thank you kindly for any info/videos you can provide on bots, and of course for the many videos you have already done.
The 2 set t6 retri is actually really good in arena. Just put on a fast 1 hander and a shield and preserve mana outside of burst windows. Check out "Speank 1 - Classic TBC Multiclasser - Endless 2.4.3
" by Speank TBC here on youtube for some sick ret pala game play.
3:12 the paladin has Crusader Aura on kekw
So much fun raiding in TBC back then.. all of em T6 armor sets was beautiful.. then its started to get downhill after Wrath lol
15:52 inaccurate ret can dish out alot with sealtwist and windfury and holy shock can oneshot people
After the TBC announcement I suddenly saw a huge uptick of paladins leveling up in Classic. What a surprise.
At least now the low level areas are alive again. Not everybody is a scrub who will just pay to boost their character.
The Lightbringer set is by far THE best looking set for the Paladin
1:20 baby jeff 😭
Blizzard did say that Alliance gets Seal of the Martyr at lvl 70 so ret/prot will be using that.
Great vid.
1:17 Ready to work!
Warrior enhancement shockadin. I have a feeling its gunna be super good. Along with war ret rshaman.
I can't wait for prepatch, I just want to level my BE pally
ew horde
I play Ret pally and I’m pumping big numbers with my macro seal twists
This guy is a HUGE fan of those blood elf females huh? xD
Man, Blizzard have already said we will get both seals for each faction. xD
Where and when?
@@frederick7495 Literally in the announcement from blizzcon. one of the very first things they mentioned.
@@frederick7495 BC deep dive listen from 18:15
he mentions it twice in the video and why he left the parts in the video
@@Ghost-fe1vp True , in text that he put on the screen. Do feel like a repost of an old video then. With small changes.
Paladin from what i recall back during the end of TBC was in a great spot, that or the Pally i knew was just really good idk.
Is Sanctity aura that good to go prot/ret instead of holy/prot ? And how does consecration damage compares to having damage reflect items + TBC tier bonus that increases ret aura and so on? Good spellpower plate gear will take time to acquire.
ret is better in tbc than it is in classic, np for saving ur time
I'd argue not in PvP. Classic they don't have to deal with alot of classes getting counters to their burst, but in tbc they struggle hard against a mage that knows how to spell steal and reckoning is not nerfed. They actually play like a support dps class where you can do things in between judgement CDs and swing timers and in tbc they become warrior clones that have less resilence,almost no crit on their plate gear, and an over reliance on seal twisting.
So is it worth getting 2 Piece prot pally T4 for the 10% to SoB/SoM with 2 Piece Ret? Or will the stats for the ret gear out do the set bonus?
This title screams I never played Burning Crusade
Am I the only one that hates when a build has like 3/5 talents? Probably just my OCD..
Same here :))