The State of Tanks in Week 1 [TWW S1]

  • Опубліковано 24 вер 2024


  • @Spectt84
    @Spectt84 2 дні тому +41

    Before watching the video... I am getting crushed as Brewmaster. It is not fun. Now I will watch your opinion ...Quietly.

    • @TiommQQ
      @TiommQQ 2 дні тому +3

      I feel like brew need a good healer to be viable. Ofc every tank need a good group but brew feels very squishy without proper healer imo

    • @blakecody8524
      @blakecody8524 2 дні тому +4

      i feel the same way but with guardian druid all of a sudden im getting hit like a truck

    • @jerrylong891
      @jerrylong891 День тому +3

      @@blakecody8524 that's because you need 3 plus stacks of iron fur at all times in order to survive because bear is squishy. The only reason I'm not playing bear tank right now is because you have to spam all your rage on iron fur and that is beyond boring

    • @BeastMastery
      @BeastMastery День тому +1

      ​@@blakecody8524Same, it has become very hard to see tank frontals because EVERY mob is casting ALL the time. Hard to spot the dangerous ones.

    • @joaovitorr3251
      @joaovitorr3251 День тому +3

      Tbh I feel really fine as a brewmaster but I only did +7 yet

  • @peexee752
    @peexee752 День тому +13

    Brewmaster here running 5's, 6's and just now going into 7's.(Nothing too crazy)
    I can't comment on other tanks, but I've heard good feedback for my tanking specially.. But I'm also 20% Versa. Every single piece of gear is Versa/Crit, so my Celestial Fortune passive duplicate healing is quite high due to insane amount of Crit chance I have.
    The use of Vivify feels nearly mandatory for better self sustain, but also sniping those group heals helps a lot imho. I do about 70-90 casts of Vivify per M+ run. (Looked at my Details just now)
    - Single target definitely needs some extra buff. It's crazy how low our ST damage is.
    - Vivify casts as brewmaster could be buffed to a higher healing value.
    - Gift of the Ox orbs need to spawn more often. Severely more often.
    - Celestial Brew needs at least 200% buff to make it a meaningful cooldown. Getting 2mil shield on a nearly 1m CD is kinda joke. My Refracting trinket does more absorbs.
    - Rushing Jade wind needs a significant damage buff.

    • @TheAlkadeas
      @TheAlkadeas День тому +1

      @@peexee752 I’ve been on the lower end of the dps spectrum while playing MoH because I loved the double Celestial Charge. However, having curved after a bit of experimentation, I can say the following
      - ShadoPan allows you to shine in the damage department, having outdpsed every other tank on my Ansurek tries (I switched MoH for ShadoPan on Ansurek). Note that, while the fight has adds, it’s mainly a ST fight. I was pulling consistent 400k dps as tank on phase 1, after not being able to pass 250k on MoH
      - I was the only tank that could eat busters without a defensive due to staggers (albeit I would be left on very low health). Every Druid I tanked with (4 total in my Ansureks) were all melted without a big cd by one of the two busters
      - Healing is nice and allows you to keep your group and yourself healthy, instant vivify is a must I’d say. A crit Expel Harm on lowish Health can also top you off, making you feel like a DK
      - M+ we’re still one of the stronger tanks for +6 or +7 due to our ability to stagger damage AND kite. I feel like tanks nowadays feel the need to just stay and eat the damage. Get aggro, get low, get out and use your cc if it gets overwhelming
      - RJW is comparable in DPS with Special Delivery, just without the button bloat and gcd. After being a RJW Stan in DF, I switched it out and never felt better lmao
      - Don’t sleep on Black Out Combo and make sure to stack your celestial with Purifying Brews

    • @jakubhanuska3349
      @jakubhanuska3349 День тому

      I feel I agree with you, currently running 9s.
      But dont agree with the ST dmg. The blackout combo with TP is crazy. I crits for 1.5 mil like every third hit.
      I would like AOE buff :D
      But yeah celestial brew sucks ass

    • @dzinx0rrr
      @dzinx0rrr День тому +1

      "- Vivify casts as brewmaster could be buffed to a higher healing value."
      better not. That would lead to a very degenerated gameplay, where you constantly waste your gcd's on self healing. Tank needs to tank and his power should come from his mitigation. I'm already tanking 9s and 10s (even with 25% haste because i raid as a windwalker) and it hurts me emotionally whenever i have to waste a precious gcd on something that doesn't hit the enemy.
      Good prot pally never uses WoG on himself either

    • @ahkrael
      @ahkrael День тому

      @@dzinx0rrr also the longer GCD on vivify really hurts

    • @dzinx0rrr
      @dzinx0rrr День тому

      @@ahkrael that true, i can't imagine how bad it must be on 0% haste (which is in fact ideal for bm monks)

  • @isaaclalnunzira6981
    @isaaclalnunzira6981 День тому +3

    Majority may feel like tanks are balanced, but the one thing they dont realize is tanks are balanced right now because none of them feel powerful. They all lack finese.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      They are not balanced. That's the entire point of the video.

    • @fabiusque4266
      @fabiusque4266 День тому

      Maybe, if a lot of people think different, its you that is in the wrong. Tanks feel weaker than they did at peak Dragonflight, but thats a good thing because the level of power they had was absolutely ridiculous and overtuned.
      Druid, DK, DH and Warrior still feel quite powerful and with a little bit of tuning on Monk and Pala, all of them are valid - which is a state I never encountered in WoW before.

  • @chasexchaos9392
    @chasexchaos9392 День тому +2

    My butthole hurts from early season dungeon leavers. Every single streamer shows MANY wipes in high keys… but pugging… oooooh no… one wipe and they scatter like roaches when you turn the light on.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      We've had a few leavers, but we're mostly playing with guildies now.

  • @Shrimpiclese
    @Shrimpiclese День тому +14

    Tanks should absolutely have bloodlust. I've been saying this for years.
    Warrior: either give me back Skull Banner or Commanding Shout and rebrand them into a bloodlust
    Monk: Liquid Courage
    Paladin: Blessing of Aggression
    Demon Hunter: Fury of the Nathrezim
    DK: Call of the Lich King
    there you go Blizz, I did a chunk of the work for you. Put even a basic animation with each one and you're done.

    • @Mediiiicc
      @Mediiiicc День тому +1


    • @Shrimpiclese
      @Shrimpiclese День тому +4

      @@Mediiiicc Do you have a reason other than obstinance?
      Giving it to tanks ensures that Bloodlust is in every M+ run every time. As Llarold mentions in the video, it's also very frequent that tanks get asked when the cast is wanted during a run anyway, so giving it to the person who often makes that decision makes tons of sense.
      Beyond even just mechanics, thematically the tank is a rallying force for their teams and having the ability to drive for that extra bit of oomph from their fellows is in flavor with what they do.

    • @Mediiiicc
      @Mediiiicc День тому +1

      @@Shrimpiclese Do you have a reason other than being selfish and thinking you deserve everything as a tank?

    • @Shrimpiclese
      @Shrimpiclese День тому +2

      @@Mediiiicc I listed multiple reasons why I feel tanks should have it in my reply to you, neighbor. None of which were in fact selfish by my reckoning. I'll list them again for you though
      Tanks having it opens up other options in M+ because every comp has a tank and giving the spell to all the tank specs ensures that every M+ comp will have the vital CD and not have to worry about who the Lust class is or risk not having them. It's instead built into every comp. This isn't about tanks having a button, it's about opening up groups to bring other things. At the highest level it won't matter because the meta is the meta, but for lower level play it absolutely opens up more options.
      Tanks frequently control the pacing of when lust is used anyway, especially in M+. Giving them the ability they usually call for eliminates that need and instead simply consolidates it to the person often (not always but often) in charge of calling for it anyway. This frees up cog load for the entire group by removing an additional callout.
      The third option is potentially the only one that i can construe as selfish, and that's just that it feels more flavorfully accurate to me to have it on tanks. So I'll take the "selfish L" on that one I suppose, but that's why it's listed last. The other two reasons are mechanically focused and are directed towards opening up options and ease of play for everybody.

    • @cosmicz3ro
      @cosmicz3ro День тому +3

      @@Shrimpiclese Everything you said! Healers are already swamped as is, and more times than not, they tunnel vision and forget lust. That goes for DPS, too, if not more! Strictly speaking from an M+ pugers PoV.
      I'd much rather ROAR everyone to haste as a (fierce) bear. :D

  • @onkek
    @onkek День тому +2

    Monk rework alongside the tank nerfs completely ruined brewmaster for me. Current meta build is beyond trash to play. Nothing about the class is enjoyable. I was top 50 BrM last season.

  • @kraelic
    @kraelic День тому +3

    I love my monk and really wish I didn't feel like a burden to my healer. Stagger feels inconsistent and works well enough on bosses, but not as well on 25 little mobs. Celestial Brew's shield feels mostly pointless and acts as a worse Ignore Pain with a longer cooldown. Having to choose Shado-Pan to get the increased healing from Vivify feels weird because I have to use 2 abilities to heal myself, both of which do a mediocre job. I'm leaning into Blackout Combo + Firebreath to get the 15% dr. This reduces my damage as a result, which sucks. Sorry for the rant, but It's hard to explain these issues to people who don't/won't tank.

  • @solidsteel3634
    @solidsteel3634 День тому +7

    I've been playing Prot-Warrior since 2007. We've had our ups and downs, but since the TWW hero talents, the Warrior has been practically immortal. In M+ you get yelled at by healers that you should do bigger pulls because they are bored. “Ignore Pain” on CD in conjunction with life leech and shield block is simply overpowered. I now have a GS of 610 and play as Thane and the Thunderclap is so satisfying 🙂.

    • @belisarian6429
      @belisarian6429 День тому

      I didnt get to higher keys than 6 (and one non timed 9) as Prot Warrior I feel more squishy than in Dragonflight, especially when I pull 3 groups at once, but on other hand damage feels like definitely improved

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      Yeah, warrior is fun!

    • @solidsteel3634
      @solidsteel3634 День тому

      @@belisarian6429 In the first three seconds you are vulnerable, but once your def is set, it works really well.

    • @belisarian6429
      @belisarian6429 День тому +1

      @@solidsteel3634 True, once rage circle gets running it gets better, sometimes I use one of large cds to bridge that gap.
      And yea I was surprised for instance in Ara-Kara when one alarm bug was able to call half of dungeon I was able to survive like 5-6 groups at once (defensives, Second wind and decent healer were key too), so yea warrior can take a lot.

    • @arissp4950
      @arissp4950 21 годину тому

      What about magic dmg? I have blood dk 605 ilvl and I get big magic dmg spikes, I’m afraid to tank with my prot war for this

  • @MichaelvoxTFIF
    @MichaelvoxTFIF День тому +3

    Also there’s a serious issue where threat generation for keg smash is bugged. I’ve seen a few people mention it but it’s bizarre how hard it’s been to tag mobs in certain situations

  • @Legerion1337
    @Legerion1337 13 годин тому

    One of the largest problems with avengers shild is that they removed the HP generatrion at the beginning of DF, it just feels clunky to play, and you already mentioned the selfhealing and defensive nerfs for Ppal. And I kinda like the idea if one of the Hero talent trees (probably lightsmith) would interact with AS.

  • @Thrasherbear
    @Thrasherbear День тому +1

    I've thought about this again since s3 df that warrior should have bloodlust, it makes more sense thematically

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      Sunset (the channel manager) agrees!

  • @hanspeter4248
    @hanspeter4248 2 години тому +1

    I get the whole external healing required part for brew monk, just checking some logs that is definitely a thing in tank damage heavy dungeons. However, it seem to be not that extreme, seems like healers can still deal damage fine, seems like the self healing provided by monk is still usually twice as much as the external healing, etc.
    But damage wise it definitely seems like brew master is by far the strongest overall damage tank class in M+ right now, so I don't quite get the dissonance here. Maybe you were speaking mostly from a raid perspective and not M+ for damage?
    You also said about prot pally that they are being used to push high keys right now. The same is true for Brew. Yet you speak very differently about them. I think there is a real chance that both paly and brew will actually not be able to live the literal highest keys once people are pushing the limits, but that is yet to be shown for both of them, don't you think? So far it looks like they are both quite equal in that regard.

  • @Gumblethebear
    @Gumblethebear 2 дні тому +11

    As someone that has been playing bear and Prot pally….. Bear is good outside of sad single target damage. Pally is not great. I’m very shocked Prot pally hasn’t been hot fixed. Their mitigation and self healing is horrible.

    • @lenonreveur8371
      @lenonreveur8371 День тому

      @@SmugHomura they are literally the second least played tank, first being brewmaster. Your stating is wrong.

    • @SmugHomura
      @SmugHomura День тому

      @@lenonreveur8371 yeah I misspoke when I said most played. That's indeed not true. But they are succesful.

    • @jasantana
      @jasantana День тому +2

      Pally does feel rough. I'm sweating at times in some keys with specific mobs and bosses

    • @lorzon
      @lorzon День тому

      @@Gumblethebear Other than the re-introduction of Crushing Blows, I've not had too much trouble on my pally. But I've had little issue on my offspec bear wearing Boomkin gear, in T8 delves with an ok healer anyway.

    • @SmugHomura
      @SmugHomura День тому

      @@jasantana Strangely enough I feel more tanky on my Paladin than on my bear. That was really the moment I started doubting the popular sentiment that Paladin was way below other tanks.

  • @johnnymerchant
    @johnnymerchant День тому +4

    Man, I thought it was just me and something I was doing wrong on my brewmaster. I feel like I take SO much damage in M+, and I have really been struggling. I am not a bad tank or a bad brewmaster by any stretch, but something has changed.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому +1

      Class just isn't very good in M+ right now

    • @johnnymerchant
      @johnnymerchant День тому

      That pains me to the very core of my being

  • @brianmarini4841
    @brianmarini4841 День тому

    I cannot fathom why someone likes the monk animation. Mold-green wind with no character movement? Doing a silly ballet twirl instead of an actual martial arts kick? Impact sounds that, eyes closed, are more reminiscent of toddlers playing with dough?

  • @NemXX2
    @NemXX2 День тому

    I don't know why some people say both hero specs on paladin are boring. Lightsmith is boring but templar is super fun. It makes eye of tyr a 40 second ability cause it becomes a hp generator. Gives a 15%hp absorb, 15% heal turned into absorb for overheal and a bunch of damage. You get to use it 3 times every 1.5 minutes. How is that boring? It's super fun.
    Oh and longer steed duration, which is really nice.

    • @StoicEver
      @StoicEver День тому

      agree, but the templar ability didn't grow on me until I turned the sound up. You get a nice satisfying slam.

  • @Tachitank
    @Tachitank День тому +1

    Hi Llarold, I actually found your content via your POE channel when i started playing POE as my side game as well and WoW has been my main game so seeing this channel was just funny since it was like oh shoot this guy also plays WoW and I never knew that.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      Hey there! This channel and the PoE one are brought to you by Llarold & Sunset. We figured we could handle a 2nd channel with the 2 of us.

  • @PrinceArtemis
    @PrinceArtemis День тому +5

    As brewmaster, i get declined groups more often than my pally tank. One group kicked me when they noticed I was a brew tank. 😅

  • @TheDublord21
    @TheDublord21 День тому +1

    Brewmaster is such a disaster... work harder to get less

  • @ShreddedSteel
    @ShreddedSteel День тому +1

    My prot War takes such little damage, And i’m loving it. Easiest first week ive ever had. BTW, Earthcrawl mine is doing precious quest today. Use it to cheese to tier 11 ( youll know how when you hit an enemy with mine carts )

  • @dakodastevens8972
    @dakodastevens8972 День тому +1

    Good monks still feel fine in M+ imo. Granted I haven't done much above a 6 this week, but so far my favorite tanks are warriors and monks, this is from a healers perspective (I used to be a tank, swapped over and learned I love healing). The main issue I have had with tanks this x pac is that they will remain stable at like 50-60% health for long periods of time (normally committing a spell to them here and there, but not really super dedicated healing), then suddenly die in a couple GCDs. I'm still used to healing tanks from last x pac when they were super self sufficient so some of its on me, but warriors and monks seem way less prone to just falling over when I need to spend a few GCDs on the group. It's also possible that they just get a larger share of my GCDs because they do take more damage, but the intake definitely feels way smoother and way easier to heal, and less prone to just. . . Death.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      Not doing above a 6 is why you think they feel fine.

  • @Daemos66
    @Daemos66 День тому +1

    Templar is the only viable spec for PPal right now, and its not even close.
    Theres a lot wrong with Pally, and part is with AS as you said. Their baseline mitigation is also so far behind warrior, and their very nerfed healing does not compensate.
    My hope is that AS either becomes a HP generator again, or at least extends shake the heavens for templar in the rework. Baseline mitigation needs to go up, and it'd be awesome if they did that by killing current Sentinel and making it a HP spender on a short cd (kinda like Inquisition in the past) that you want to try and keep up and extend with your rotation alongside SotR. Then wings can be DPS and not a thing we have to trade for better defense.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      We're curious to see if any other hotfixes happen today

  • @lerua331
    @lerua331 День тому

    Brewmaster isn't as much fun to play as it once was, and I think the same survability issues still exist as they did in Dragonflight, but even tho we were squishy we got a ton of damage. I agree that the monk still gets the highest damage output of any tank, but it doesn't seem to be nearly as good as it was back then, when we could catch damage in the overall damage output. Now, most of the time, you can only do 40-50% of the highest damage output. That's sad, because now we're just squishy tanks with some utility, a little bit more damage than the others, but the complexity is still unsatisfactory.
    They took away some of our keybinds, but I honestly would have preferred to have more buttons to click and be rewarded with massive damage for doing complex rotation correctly, rather than having fewer buttons and not even being able to feel like I've mastered it and am now getting rewarded for playing right. We are fighting for our lives rn on tyra, it's gonna get even worse on forti

  • @CaptainBlueSam
    @CaptainBlueSam День тому +1

    I freaking love my Guardian Druid, but I'm also leveling a Warrior to try tanking with something different for once.

  • @draegin2566
    @draegin2566 День тому +1

    I’m just worried they’re going to nerf the absolute fuck out of Prot Warriors. Like the typical “they’re having fun, this can’t happen” and they’re bottom of the barrel the rest of the expansion, as usual.

  • @j.r.6271
    @j.r.6271 День тому +1

    'Oh, it really doesn't get better' accurately describes gearing up a brewmaster right now, yeah. Even my prot pally feels better and atleast Templar has some output. Edit: Heavily agree with hero talents, but not just for Prot Pally. Colossus has some annoyances, Lunar Beam was a dead talent for 4+ seasons that they built a hero tree around, DOTC catweaving/bearweaving is DOA outside of like pure ST raid offtank situations, both monk ones suck, no combo proc interaction kind of cool stuff that fits monk, dh was completely uninteresting to me, and even like deathbringer uses a frost scythe as blood because Blizz is really that lazy and San'layn which I actually liked is DOA with the current tuning. The fact that prot pally didn't have a hero talent built around avenger's shield or big meaty concencrations or something is a real missed opportunity. Really a shame.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      Someone didn't want to spend time on paladin

  • @JonathanAWrites
    @JonathanAWrites День тому +1

    I hear ya re: Monk tanks but to me, man are they hellafun to play. And I completely agree with your summary of druid. It's smooth and relaxing to play. Which is nice when you pug a lot. Lastly, I solo'd a T8 delve with my fresh level 80 DH at ilvl561. Died twice but being smart with my interrupts it was easy.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      They still suffer from button bloat though

  • @Manakuski
    @Manakuski День тому +1

    I really like tanking as colossus prot in mythic+. I probably should try mountain thane though. To me it feels like other tanks are weaklings who flop over and die easily x)

  • @SupDude12345
    @SupDude12345 День тому +3

    My favorite tank is the Shaman tank. :) Let's go shaman tanks! F yeahhhh

    • @nicolas.p1750
      @nicolas.p1750 День тому +1

      @@SupDude12345 I’m waiting for hunter tank myself, I’ll get in line, I know Shaman was supposed to have a tanking spec in Vanilla :D
      But I really want Blizzard to add more Tank spec to finally (maybe) increase the number of tank player overall.

    • @SupDude12345
      @SupDude12345 День тому

      @@nicolas.p1750 Heard this before, tanking with pets sounds insane in the current game, it'd have to be a new unique thing, I'd like to see it too tbh lol

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      Gonna be a long wait probably

    • @nicolas.p1750
      @nicolas.p1750 День тому

      @@WoWatNight haha yeah, but it will come eventually :p

    • @SupDude12345
      @SupDude12345 День тому

      @@WoWatNight It's very unfortunate but most likely the case. Smoking copium til it happens

  • @jernbek1
    @jernbek1 16 годин тому

    I’m so sad as I had high hopes for Brew in TWW but it’s literally DF S1 all over again. We feel like paper, our self healing is non existent and Celestial Brew which used to be a great CD is complete garbage. Blizz just doesn’t care enough about brew because it’s not play by enough people.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  8 годин тому

      Not even sure what the deal is at this point

  • @Iandar1
    @Iandar1 День тому

    The problem is how are they going to flavor the warrior lust to make sense.

  • @stevem-u4v
    @stevem-u4v День тому

    2.4k brew here. I really think it is just a gear thing. My biggest issue as of now is running out of purifying brews but I think that issue will be solved once i can switch to two 1h weapons (am using pta). One other thing I have noticed is alot more initial damage on pulls than normal, so most of the time i will lead into a pack with dampen harm, nizauo, fort brew, or drink a juiced celestial brew.
    also i think if you are not running blackout combo you are trolling.

    • @cyborgtemplar1989
      @cyborgtemplar1989 День тому

      Blackout combo Def required.
      Lower brew cd, dmg and 5% Dr on breath, and purifying chi.
      That said. Blackout purifying chi should be on purifying brew not celestial brew. . Unless I'm missing something it only influences your next celestial and not the present cast one. If it just added 3 stacks to the present shield I wouldn't mind it s much.
      I do still feel more squishy on my monk than my dh by a considerable margin. Damage intake is smoother, but substantially higher. Even purifying red, to keep solid shield sizes. Lowering shield cd, and maintaining enhanced BoF for more dr. Just doesn't compete with dh uptime on spikes into demon form. Or spikes into spreading fiery brand. Where you have no major vulnerability windows with good rotations.
      BrM? Outside when I have a large stacked shield, it's not even close. Purify is very nice on red stagger, and avoiding overcap. But the baseline damage I'm taking seems too high. Nearly using both my heals on cd, boosted celestial at the earlier stages of a pull. And Blackout combo to rotate through them faster. But the window between those is too long, and my self sustain isn't nearly enough relatively speaking in those intervals.

  • @GuenterErde1
    @GuenterErde1 День тому +1

    I'm making BM Monk and I enjoy the play style but it does feel like a lot of work. I like your point on armor. Maybe I should swap to Earthen lol

  • @rickcasual
    @rickcasual 9 годин тому

    Prot pally is my absolute favorite. However i play pvp pretty much exclusively. They destroyed prot pally big time. Doesnt feel like a tank whatsoever. Its just a weaker ret pally. I hope they fix it soon, i pretty much HAVE to go holy to be in any way shape or form useful.

  • @voodoo1069
    @voodoo1069 День тому +1

    Freaking love brewmaster but every time I attempt to play them since bfa 60% vers corruption I feel like that meme of the guy drowning in sweat while all the other tanks are just chilling and singing a long like itis nothing. However it feels like they should feel way more like warrior with a bit better self healing.

  • @Norskmon
    @Norskmon День тому

    It’s obviously my skill issue, but I struggle on my DH tank. I have 602 ilvl, and if I go to +5 or higher dungeon I just live on a brink of death all the time and I don’t understand why. I just can’t survive there

  • @cosmicz3ro
    @cosmicz3ro День тому +2

    Stepping into M+ keys 5 and up, was NOT, enjoyable on my bear tank. It feels retardely spammy: dumping everything into Ironfur and keeping Mangle and Trash off CD, to fill in with Moonfire. I opted out of Raze because I can't spare a single rage point on anything beside IF. I'm, so far, iLvl 605. I've gotta rotate my defensives (nothing new) off CD but also plan accordingly to at least have SOMETHING up for next pack, or so help me Cenarius- I'm dead.
    Don't get me started on how much I hate Elune's Chosen, or how pointless DotC is- despite giving me loregasms.
    Meanwhile, my SAN'LAYN DK - you know the HS that's supposed to be pure trash - is thriving, 15 iLvls lower. Despite scaring the ever loving sh*t out of my healer (and sometimes clenching myself) I'm much more confident with the DK. And that's from someone that's been a bear for well over 12 years now. :

  • @PorkChopVII
    @PorkChopVII День тому

    First xpac i decide to go full tank. Cause i want to break fear of tanking mythics lol
    Im a dh
    Just wabt to say... sorry to all the tanks that couldnt get dps to do what they were supposed to do. Cause now im in that hotseat.
    I am enjoying the increased level of dungeons well mechanics for under 5 keys. But yeesh my frustrations come from people not adapting or following instruction and bailing at first sign of problems

  • @JWFreeman
    @JWFreeman День тому +1

    Blizzard destroyed my monk brewmaster

  • @xxkiontaekingxx4273
    @xxkiontaekingxx4273 2 дні тому +2

    Hello Champions 👋🏽

  • @MrOpasni
    @MrOpasni День тому

    @WoW at Night What nameplates are you using mate?

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  17 годин тому

      Plater, the profile is in the video description.

  • @ramones1314
    @ramones1314 День тому

    Ive been playing brewmaster and I really dislike how the shield brew is on the GCD and how little it does. Feels like its not even worth casting when theres already so much to do via blackout kick, keg smash, crane kick, tiger palm.

  • @jaymesrads9969
    @jaymesrads9969 День тому +2

    Bring back Banners

  • @datguy2271
    @datguy2271 День тому

    Double the damage of tiger palm? I run face palm and my tiger palm is already doing ~20% damage ST

  • @NurNordschleife
    @NurNordschleife 8 годин тому

    Weak aura for guardian?

  • @ajewell8918
    @ajewell8918 День тому

    You are complaining about DAMAGE with tanks, and what they rank in raids, make a DPS class if you want to do damage. Just watched a Druid tank on team Liquid, tank two raid mythic raid bosses and the tank did amazing. I know not everyone has that ability to get that gear but druid tanks are good. As a hunter or any other non healing classes they are not doing enough healing maybe Blizzard needs to look into a patch for this.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      L takes

    • @ajewell8918
      @ajewell8918 21 годину тому

      @@WoWatNight L take that a tank wants todo more damage. Yeah because a tank needs more damage. Weird, you know what a tanks main function is, yet you want to solo everything. if you don’t like the lower output damage of a tank, because taunting and interrupting is the main focus of your job, then make a damage dealer. Again it’s like saying I wish my DPS could heal more

  • @Kamia2003
    @Kamia2003 2 дні тому +4

    Bear Druid:
    Me: boring but good
    Larold: good but not great
    Rwf: bear solo tanks a boss for Echo
    Me: 😅

    • @SmugHomura
      @SmugHomura День тому +3

      I mean you have to take into account that raid tanking is ridiculously easy. The damage of a boss is much slower, generally lower, and more predictable than a fortified mob pack in M+. So a tank will always be stress-tested harder in M+ than a raid.

    • @Assywalker
      @Assywalker День тому

      *packs, not pack
      that is the important difference. boss damage against tanks is carefully tuned, but you can just pull until you get destroyed in M+

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      Yeah, raid is not M+. It's different when you have a fight that is doing all physical damage and 5 healers caring for your healthpool. It's a weird fight.

  • @DierdreWolf
    @DierdreWolf День тому +2

    I swapped to monk cause our raid needed the buff after playing bear for years on end - and yeah I need to watch more Equinox vids or something - I feel like I'm getting wrecked in M+

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      No amount of videos will make monk feel good in M+

  • @MC-ey8kw
    @MC-ey8kw День тому

    Druid is top of food chain in m+ what’s with average? I play war and Druid, once you start getting to high keys Druid definitely feels stronger.

  • @jstlink89
    @jstlink89 День тому

    Given that warriors have the least utility and have always had no utility as far as i know, maybe it's ok they are the tankiest. Otherwise why would anyone ever want a prot warrior, every class needs to bring something to the table that makes them relatively equally viable to bring. I don't want to go back to the old days of warrior when no one wanted me at all because other tanks did what i did but also had utility.

    • @belisarian6429
      @belisarian6429 День тому +1

      Agreed, every tank should have some strong point, warrior is low on utility and self heal so he should be high on pure stats: best reduction, good damage.

  • @gerardouron3590
    @gerardouron3590 День тому

    Hi, are you using ElVUI? I really liked your UI and would like to replicate it.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      No, we don't like lagging more than Blizz makes us. We have a UI video, just search for it on our profile.

    • @gerardouron3590
      @gerardouron3590 23 години тому

      @@WoWatNight Thanks! I'll take a look. I dont like using more addons too and prefer the default UI

  • @steve-rousseau
    @steve-rousseau День тому

    imo if you're going to give BDK so much bar bloat (TWO CDS just for bone shield charges?) i think you have to take some skills of the GCD. death and decay is a good candidate, since you pretty much need to have it down before you do anything, and then you don't have to waste a GCD to keep it up during a pull.
    blood boil would be nice too, but then again, if it's off the GCD then you could just macro it to something like heart strike and just stop thinking about it. and at that point... you might as well rework a talent to just cast blood boil when you heart strike if you're standing in DnD.
    anyway, too many buttons!

  • @LegendaryOldwarrior
    @LegendaryOldwarrior День тому

    As a healer, I always found monk to be horrible to heal. I tried to play one so I could understand it and I just sucked at it lol. Anytime I see a m+ with a monk tank (I do 95% pugS) I skip it. Idk what it is but I just go into panic mode when it's a monk tank. I think I ran into maybe 2-4 monk tanks that felt like they where warrior's in that I hardly did any healing (back in DF and SL I haven't healed one in TWW yet). For the most part I just hate their talent that makes the dmg come later or whatever it is. It just feels like I have to pump heals into them. At least with DK and their spiky health bars I know that they can get back to 100% on their own pretty quick. Maybe it's just there are a lot of bad BM that don't understand how the time thing works with their dmg taken? IDK. I know I couldn't figure out after trying it for a bit lol.

    • @gohomehero
      @gohomehero День тому

      Love healing monks as holy paladin. Get full value from my absorbs and ST heals. They are a great target to focus my healing without wasting them like when i have a DK, War, or DH. Plus they die way slower then Prot Pal. Bear druid feels similar.

    • @LegendaryOldwarrior
      @LegendaryOldwarrior День тому

      @@gohomehero See makes me wonder if I just had bad luck. I always find them more difficult to heal, but maybe part of it is that I just don't understand how their toolkits work as well as the other tanks.

  • @krynji
    @krynji 17 годин тому

    what font do you use ?

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  16 годин тому

      leave us a new comment telling us where the font is that you're referring to

    • @krynji
      @krynji 7 годин тому

      @@WoWatNight damage numbers and default text when you opened up character information and in chat

  • @brandonwhite5493
    @brandonwhite5493 День тому

    I mean Liquid, Echo, and Method are running a Monk tank for almost all fights in Mythic RWF progress. They would have for Nexus Princess if Druid wasn’t so ass across the board. Why is that if they are that bad?

    • @Hatim.san7
      @Hatim.san7 День тому +1

      bro focus plz he said in m+.

    • @deadrifler
      @deadrifler День тому

      @@brandonwhite5493 raid =/= m+ environment

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      Fine for raid, bad for M+

    • @brandonwhite5493
      @brandonwhite5493 20 годин тому

      @@Hatim.san7 3:28 “Now it’s just really not competitive for any content at all” I get that’s an opinion, but you can’t expect someone not to point out the top 3 RWF guilds are running a lot of Brewmaster Monk.

  • @shadere2434
    @shadere2434 День тому

    Death strike changes killed blood for me

    • @Mediiiicc
      @Mediiiicc День тому +1

      blood needs more nerfs

    • @shadere2434
      @shadere2434 День тому

      ​@@Mediiiiccagreed, nerf blood and revert the death strike changes.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      Everyone is using them for boss 5 in the raid, sooo

  • @MentalAutomaton
    @MentalAutomaton День тому

    Any suggestions on how to address the keybind issue for BDKs?

    • @BeastMastery
      @BeastMastery День тому

      So wierd that they cluttered some classes while knowing we wanted button squish.

    • @dmp-titan
      @dmp-titan День тому

      I main a BDK.
      There are more buttons but outside of reapers mark, your rotation is really not different, so your main binds are not so different.
      All the other buttons are situational and so can be placed accordingly.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      Grow more fingers, tbh.
      Try a mouse with lots of extra keys if that's not an option?

    • @MentalAutomaton
      @MentalAutomaton День тому

      @@WoWatNight lol, I meant for how Blizz could address it if they wanted to.

  • @chancejones7320
    @chancejones7320 День тому

    I do not agree about VDH. I’m using demo spikes on cd and meta when I’m sol and popping my def trinket and being 1 shot by TRASH MELEE. They are not tanky at all and tbh they have never really been tanky but rn tww it’s as bad as it’s ever been.

    • @D4Nevarah
      @D4Nevarah День тому

      Agreed, did a +5 mist on my DH with 605ilvl and I kept getting one shot by the guardians in maze.. all defencives up and still dead..

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому


    • @chancejones7320
      @chancejones7320 День тому

      @@D4Nevarah +5 605 ilvl might be under geared a little but you shouldn’t be getting one shot by anything that’s for sure.

  • @Valvad0ss
    @Valvad0ss День тому

    Larold?! 😂😂😂😂

  • @sharkstaint1373
    @sharkstaint1373 2 дні тому +3

    templar is weak? your actualy clueless buddy , respect your opinion but you need to try it first , im literaly out damaging dps and competing with them , which make the key goes insanely easier and faster with crit wings , imagine saving 15/20 second of damage every pack , you'll see onece u use templar/crit wings/4set , if prot players use lightmith rn on keys , im sorry but your literaly trolling your runs.

    • @MsPagman
      @MsPagman День тому +2

      Link rio profile

    • @cosmicz3ro
      @cosmicz3ro День тому +1

      Makes one question what kind of "fingers up their bum" kinda DPS players you're grouping with. Equal ilvl gears, or higher, you can't truly compete on the meters with any DPS putting some minor effort.
      You sure you're not mistaking as the "current fight/mob" segment as the overall data? Because there's just no way in heck, especially as a protladin.

    • @Vastatio
      @Vastatio День тому

      I'll zone out and switch to Lightsmith for a certain boss fight sometimes.
      But yeah, Templar clears.

    • @WoWatNight
      @WoWatNight  День тому

      yeah ok, tell us less