IRL/Quarantine EDC (Everyday Carry) - What's In My Pockets Ep. 37

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @excessorizeme
    @excessorizeme  4 роки тому +51

    🆕 WATCH: Best iPhone 12 Accessories V2 -
    ⭐ RhinoShield Black Friday Up to 60% OFF + EXTRA 10% with code “EM10”
    ➡ All Cases (300+ prints), Screen Protectors and more:
    ➡ PewDiePie Collection Cases:

    • @alienunder1660
      @alienunder1660 4 роки тому +1

      can i know where did u buy the yoda toy from the star war edc ??

    • @KESTRAL23
      @KESTRAL23 4 роки тому

      Casio Men's Resin Strap Digital Sport Watch, Black/Red Accents W216H-1AV

    • @batmunky23
      @batmunky23 4 роки тому

      2nd title is wrong for the jeans lol, double hoodie title. Keep making these amazing vids, my wallet says staph, my pockets say yesss.

    • @Jax__21
      @Jax__21 4 роки тому

      Its broken

    • @bguatimosim
      @bguatimosim 4 роки тому +2

      Hey!! Where did you get that plastic mask protector?

  • @zephbuxton165
    @zephbuxton165 4 роки тому +625

    this guy is a genius he literally gets thousands of views just for advertising products

    • @IstealXmas
      @IstealXmas 4 роки тому +66

      Yeah, but his delivery is one of a kind

    • @IAMK3YYY
      @IAMK3YYY 3 роки тому +23

      @@IstealXmas and that's why i subscribed

    • @aryan-mq2io
      @aryan-mq2io 3 роки тому +7

      @@IAMK3YYY same

    • @Viktor_Von_Him
      @Viktor_Von_Him 3 роки тому +1

      What do you do, oh I work in online advertising

    • @haisydaisy1031
      @haisydaisy1031 3 роки тому +9

      Thats literally any influencer

  • @ethanmarch4269
    @ethanmarch4269 4 роки тому +267

    I love that this channel is literally just techwear EDC and accessories.

    • @The_OG_CornMan
      @The_OG_CornMan 4 роки тому +27

      With a hint of asmr

    • @excessorizeme
      @excessorizeme  4 роки тому +42

      Pretty much sums it up.

    • @ethanmarch4269
      @ethanmarch4269 4 роки тому +6

      @@excessorizeme Well if that's what you're aiming for I would love content that's multiple outfits, or like an overhaul of your favorite bags, pants, jackets etc. a guide for building your own edc if you will

    • @brndn1863
      @brndn1863 4 роки тому +1

      @@excessorizeme make a video with of fidgets u use! 🙌

    • @entertainme7523
      @entertainme7523 3 роки тому

      with a hint of cartoon pp's and "daily essentials"

  • @Cam_LDN
    @Cam_LDN 4 роки тому +21

    without doubt the best EDC channel on the 'Tube. Glad to see content uploaded more frequently.

    @SUGAR_HOUSE_WYE 4 роки тому +13

    Superb selection! You always seem to find and feature little-known, but very well-designed items. Definitely digging the bag and fidget tool!

  • @Theralift
    @Theralift 4 роки тому +3

    100% the most I’ve enjoyed a UA-cam video in months. Content and personality 10/10, much appreciated.

  • @konishiwoi
    @konishiwoi 4 роки тому +21

    Could you imagine if it was the exact same “daily essential” since the beginning, like this exact one

    • @excessorizeme
      @excessorizeme  4 роки тому +5

      Oh, I can imagine.

    • @konishiwoi
      @konishiwoi 4 роки тому

      @@excessorizeme this one lost its original use and is now just a prop innit ?

    • @excessorizeme
      @excessorizeme  4 роки тому +4

      I'm sure It can still be used. Whether it's effective is another question.

  • @JaredBusch
    @JaredBusch 4 роки тому +159

    My favorite part of the video 7:26 lol

  • @traysanders7681
    @traysanders7681 4 роки тому +8

    Man I’m so happy I found your page. I love your videos.

  • @RA-un5un
    @RA-un5un 4 роки тому +9

    Definitely one of the most underrated UA-camrs.....

  • @broheemoth6911
    @broheemoth6911 4 роки тому +2

    In my front right pocket I have an axe of smite and a half eaten bologni sandwich. In my left pocket I keep my cell phone 3 bags of sand and a gallon of hand sanitizer. I also have a backpack with keys , one eyed mask for damage buff, an early suit of knights armor, a battle axe, the other half of a bologna sandwich, chicken fried rice, a bag of ice, 4 packs of cigarettes a shovel , a hatchet, a hat, a bear rug, a Ford F-350 dual cab, a pop up camper, a years worth of food, 5000 pennies , duct tape, a butter knife 3 spoons of yarn a glock and a tuna salad.

  • @LFC_since1970
    @LFC_since1970 4 роки тому +4

    Been watching you for years now and still love every minute of your videos. Thanks for all you do.

  • @jamez_gamez
    @jamez_gamez 4 роки тому +8

    Thanks for making awesome content to watch and distract ourselves from the sheer pain this year has brought upon us

  • @RandySloan
    @RandySloan 4 роки тому +15

    That Matt d’avella drop just made me so much more excited to be a fan of yours

  • @trumajore7989
    @trumajore7989 4 роки тому +50

    There’s no way he walks around with all that on him lol.

    • @pinkmagicali
      @pinkmagicali 4 роки тому +5

      Trust me it’s possible. He carries a bag and I carry more than this. I have the old Handbag of Holding (like one inspired by D&D) from ThinkGeek before they closed and it holds everything!
      And I don’t even get pockets.

    • @tek7981
      @tek7981 3 роки тому

      @@Joshua-lz9sk I do

    • @barker.visuals3988
      @barker.visuals3988 3 роки тому

      @@tek7981 i have a sim tool on my keys

    • @brandong2142
      @brandong2142 3 роки тому

      @@tek7981 me too

    • @flatmoon6359
      @flatmoon6359 3 роки тому +1

      My EDC,small leatherman on keys,wallet,phone,shirt,pants,boots,and if tactical situation demands it,a jacket.Can I have some money for Leatherman promotion pls.

  • @vanlalruatpuiarpa3922
    @vanlalruatpuiarpa3922 4 роки тому +65

    I'm mainly here for the 'Your Daily Essentials'

    • @excessorizeme
      @excessorizeme  4 роки тому +28

      You will not be disappointed.

    • @ripkoala
      @ripkoala 4 роки тому


    • @vanlalruatpuiarpa3922
      @vanlalruatpuiarpa3922 4 роки тому +1

      @@excessorizeme thanks for the reply . Your content is really awesome

    • @DaddyM7MD
      @DaddyM7MD 4 роки тому

      @@vanlalruatpuiarpa3922 ikr. Hes humble.

  • @sinikal7921
    @sinikal7921 2 роки тому +3

    Just started watching absolutely love the channel. This guys must be ready for anything 😂😂😂

  • @xGraffxify
    @xGraffxify 4 роки тому +9

    Editing: on point, sound: on point, content: on point, quality: on point. You’ve earned yourself a sup!

  • @paulklimm2751
    @paulklimm2751 4 роки тому +8

    I like the regular upload... can't get enough of those hiding spots for "Daily Essentials"

  • @gregrowan843
    @gregrowan843 4 роки тому +1

    this has probably been one of my more recent favorite videos I've seen in terms of EDC gear in some time now.

  • @123-r6b4o
    @123-r6b4o 4 роки тому +1

    Best tech UA-camr ever

  • @xantoshadhikari
    @xantoshadhikari 4 роки тому +46

    Always Big Fan Of The Series!💜

  • @jpjp5284
    @jpjp5284 3 роки тому

    His delivery always gets me. 🙈😅😍

  • @dr.snipahman1831
    @dr.snipahman1831 3 роки тому

    12:11 the truest thing I’ve heard in years

  • @nostalgicuniverse3799
    @nostalgicuniverse3799 3 роки тому

    Idk his videos feel normal yet so professional that it shouldn’t be that professional

  • @d3xkb3rry
    @d3xkb3rry 4 роки тому

    Huge fan of the channel! No other youtuber captivates like this.

  • @siddiqrahman7300
    @siddiqrahman7300 4 роки тому

    Love the innuendo in this video

  • @oscasterr
    @oscasterr Рік тому +1

    Hi Coebo sanitizer is out of stock, could you please recommend any good other one? Thank you

  • @erickaparicio6118
    @erickaparicio6118 3 роки тому +101

    Lmao you know this guy isn’t using 75% of these “every day carry” items.

    • @marodes9440
      @marodes9440 3 роки тому +2


    • @entertainme7523
      @entertainme7523 3 роки тому +3

      He always carries a lighter but doesn't smoke

    • @jbbeats6339
      @jbbeats6339 3 роки тому

      @@entertainme7523 Lighters are useful even if you don't smoke.

  • @adamgiordano30
    @adamgiordano30 3 роки тому +1

    This dude is such a materialist

  • @Decent_ski
    @Decent_ski 4 роки тому +1

    I like how you beat the crap out of the products

  • @k.k5135
    @k.k5135 4 роки тому

    Redemption baby!

  • @christinemartin5451
    @christinemartin5451 4 роки тому +2

    Where is your fav bag from though?!

  • @stupidnb7
    @stupidnb7 4 роки тому +1

    i like how passionate you are for throwing and scratching stuff lol

  • @jonahbooth6627
    @jonahbooth6627 4 роки тому +5

    I love that mask! I have 4, and they've been pretty much flawless

    • @excessorizeme
      @excessorizeme  4 роки тому +1

      I just bought 2 more as well!

    • @brandong2142
      @brandong2142 3 роки тому

      @@excessorizeme I’m still looking for a great mask. May have to snag this one. Do you have a video of masks you’ve tried? I was considering the Mack Weldon mask. Have you tried that one? Just subbed you. I appreciate the delivery without the extra fluff. 👍

    • @excessorizeme
      @excessorizeme  3 роки тому +1

      @@brandong2142 Haven't tried the Mack Weldon one and no video of masks specifically. I personally use Tom Bihn and can definitely recommend them.

  • @soilder570
    @soilder570 3 роки тому +1

    My must have edc is phone, wallet, keys, zippo and mask

  • @Tulku
    @Tulku 4 роки тому +83

    And just like that, shopping list for boyfriend is complete.

    • @excessorizeme
      @excessorizeme  4 роки тому +9


    • @elijohnson5575
      @elijohnson5575 4 роки тому

      @Ronnie Swe underrated comment

    • @erico.2479
      @erico.2479 3 роки тому +3

      if your boyfriend is an actual boy...he will not use any of this...maybe the mask

    • @bsherman8236
      @bsherman8236 3 роки тому +1

      Seems like a lot of junk for most bf

  • @pinkmagicali
    @pinkmagicali 4 роки тому +1

    OMG I want those jeans!
    I love the fidget but my fav is the one with the marble in the middle of a piece of plastic netting tube. So simple and awesome.
    I like the hook, I was told mine looks like knuckle dusters. Love the Matt DA reference. Lol.

  • @TaylorBrownPhotoVideo
    @TaylorBrownPhotoVideo 4 роки тому

    Dang!! So many cool black things. Ready for everything.

  • @estuardoramirez3016
    @estuardoramirez3016 3 роки тому +1

    Love the bag, what brand is it? And the name (model) of the bag?

  • @weenie_head
    @weenie_head 3 роки тому

    Haha bro you really create quality content all the noises are so satisfying for some reason

  • @wormycoolness
    @wormycoolness 4 роки тому +1

    Awesome video! Where did you find that plastic surgical mask holder right at the end of the video?

  • @dubaigeek1988
    @dubaigeek1988 4 роки тому

    This guy is the king of accessories

  • @AriffSuffian
    @AriffSuffian 4 роки тому

    Is there a typo on the denim title?

  • @GDoggProductions
    @GDoggProductions 3 роки тому

    Daaaaymmm you have it all sorted out 😆👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Nice one!

  • @MK-fo1zj
    @MK-fo1zj 4 роки тому +2

    Where can I find the bag he has??

  • @DHM_Creative
    @DHM_Creative 3 роки тому

    Been diggin the EDC knives featured lately 🤘🏽😜❤️

  • @counturblessings1179
    @counturblessings1179 4 роки тому +1

    Never seen your channel til today and because of editing/presentation take my sub sir

  • @Arcain1991
    @Arcain1991 4 роки тому

    If you want to slim down your knife and multitool even more, look into the Gerber Armbar Drive
    And for a satisfying lighter, zippo makes a torch insert now.

  • @shaiksohailgaming6677
    @shaiksohailgaming6677 4 роки тому +9

    Need Deadpool EDC🔥🔥

  • @Bisht.yashwant
    @Bisht.yashwant 3 роки тому +1

    It's just too Awesome 🔥😻😻

  • @Grabehn42
    @Grabehn42 4 роки тому +12

    Finally realised that "covid hook" is for opening doors, never would've guessed since most doors here have ball door knobs, so it just didn't make sense to me.

    • @hys.inzomnia
      @hys.inzomnia 4 роки тому +2

      In my 9.5 years of living in the middle east, I have found only 2 ball knobs... just saying.

    • @MercilessMrBrooks
      @MercilessMrBrooks 4 роки тому +2

      ball knobs only exist in your home.

    • @pinkmagicali
      @pinkmagicali 4 роки тому

      I have one. Someone warned me it looks like knuckle dusters. I have a clip on mine so I can avoid touching the hook.

    • @little_flower_
      @little_flower_ 3 роки тому

      I've never seen a ball door know in the Netherlands lmao

    • @entertainme7523
      @entertainme7523 3 роки тому

      Ball doors in your house maybe

  • @Zainab2k19
    @Zainab2k19 4 роки тому +41


  • @freyjam8446
    @freyjam8446 2 роки тому

    Mine is very minimal. I use a 1990 Victorinox Swiss army 330 feet watch with a cheap leather band because it looks cool, google pixel 5a with googles case for it. I keep ID and debit card in the case, a pair of airpod 2s, and my school bag which has the bare nessities as I walk a few miles home.

  • @kayanmehta6113
    @kayanmehta6113 3 роки тому

    That Matt D'avella joke hit different

  • @nunyabidnis5407
    @nunyabidnis5407 3 роки тому

    And all this stuff will fit neatly in the bed of a 1/2 ton pickup.

  • @toothemaxx8101
    @toothemaxx8101 4 роки тому

    I'm appreciating the more consistent uploads, thanks

  • @ShroudedPhoenix
    @ShroudedPhoenix 4 роки тому

    8:53-9:00 rofl 🤣 is no one else going to mention that
    11:00 "water" 💧

  • @RaphaeLoh01
    @RaphaeLoh01 2 роки тому +1

    If I was using a day bag, a powerbank is a must for me...

  • @dammitdarius
    @dammitdarius 4 роки тому

    I have covid and im too exhausted to get up. I can't stop looking away from your videos, dude, your videos are awesome

  • @krystian4725
    @krystian4725 4 роки тому

    Good job with chapters, everything is clear love it ! 👌

  • @marvinrodriguez5820
    @marvinrodriguez5820 3 роки тому

    I'm convinced your a ninja

  • @meoka2368
    @meoka2368 3 роки тому

    First video of yours I've seen.
    Love the infosec with the blank black keys :)

  • @ianmeek2
    @ianmeek2 3 роки тому

    At around 02:30 you have an ALPAKA? Magnetic fidlock keychain but how did you get the back part of that attached to the carabiner or did they come together? Thanks love the Chanel and I’ve liked subscribed etc

    • @ianmeek2
      @ianmeek2 3 роки тому

      I see now it’s an Orbitkey so now my question is does pull tab part interchange with the ALPAKA version? Thanks a million

    • @excessorizeme
      @excessorizeme  3 роки тому

      Interchangable, the Fidlock portion is the same, but each brand uses it on a different style carry.

  • @aurijit5
    @aurijit5 4 роки тому

    Huge fan here!

  • @edctvbytommyviola9119
    @edctvbytommyviola9119 3 роки тому

    Love your videos and style

  • @yumethweerasekera1725
    @yumethweerasekera1725 4 роки тому +6

    PEWDIEPIE ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @voy4916
    @voy4916 4 роки тому +1

    Honestly your my fav yter, I got the rhinoshield mod nx a while ago because of you it’s insaneeeee I ordered the pewds cases for my airpods and phone too ay flOor gang AUH

  • @fabiyeah
    @fabiyeah 3 роки тому

    I bought the Blackfox knife after watching this video, it's my first non-Victorinox folding knife and i love it, very compact but razor sharp and great quality... perfect for edc

  • @dking9505
    @dking9505 2 роки тому

    Like the speed of your content ✨️ 👌

  • @AppropriatelyVague
    @AppropriatelyVague 4 роки тому +1

    Holy moly. I have the A7 Memo Bottle in my EDC bag for the same reason. 🙌

  • @drkrpr155
    @drkrpr155 4 роки тому

    This is my therapy

  • @samossio4987
    @samossio4987 4 роки тому +1

    why you didn´t use the victorinox scissors to cut the pinus :D..

  • @abhiramrr342
    @abhiramrr342 4 роки тому

    Love these series 😇😎

  • @vicentemichaud5877
    @vicentemichaud5877 4 роки тому

    You should make a part 2 for the iPhone 12 pro accessorys

  • @danieldei
    @danieldei 3 роки тому

    Dude your editing is sick. Best regards from Germany.

  • @jaseemjahfar7826
    @jaseemjahfar7826 4 роки тому

    I’ve been watching your video this whole week

  • @momoji265
    @momoji265 4 роки тому

    Idk why I LOLed at that Matt D'Avella shoutout

  • @larliehadden666
    @larliehadden666 4 роки тому +1

    Here is a video idea. Motorbike accessories for on the go, what do you think?

  • @Dirtbikes_nz
    @Dirtbikes_nz 4 роки тому +1

    What phone wallpaper do you use

  • @alejandromaldonado3262
    @alejandromaldonado3262 4 роки тому

    Gotta have the daily essentials no matter what😏💯

  • @AdrianAntonio
    @AdrianAntonio 4 роки тому

    That knife and torch tho!

  • @jaylinman9350
    @jaylinman9350 4 роки тому

    I'm loving the EDC videos!

  • @drdoombots2099
    @drdoombots2099 4 роки тому

    Definitely going for that shield safe touch tool when it’s back in stock.

  • @kalebphillips9281
    @kalebphillips9281 3 роки тому

    I pre-ordered the Damned Designs Shield after watching this video, but I just got an email yesterday that they were cancelling my pre-order and won't be making any more. Do you have any other recommendations for door openers? I went ahead and bought a set of cheap ones off of Amazon until I could find something similar to the shield.

  • @oholtz8131
    @oholtz8131 4 роки тому +1

    You really got me thinkin u dont carry the REAL essential

  • @maxlvledc
    @maxlvledc 3 роки тому

    Excellent vid, might think multitool..but actually no...a important I wear one as a pendant around my neck

  • @michaeltrujillo9092
    @michaeltrujillo9092 4 роки тому

    Thanks for all the videos man, I totally live vicariously through you. Cheers!

  • @elicameron9795
    @elicameron9795 4 роки тому

    Have you used the cotopaxi mask? The colors might be a little flashy but they're really comfortable and breathable

  • @Moliftz
    @Moliftz 3 роки тому

    5:33​ why divoc is it so expensive

  • @jedexc
    @jedexc 4 роки тому +1

    I use the memobottle A7 to carry whisky. Never know when you'll need to turn that boring flat white into an elegant Irish Coffee.

  • @SalmanHussain
    @SalmanHussain 4 роки тому

    Team All Black Everything 🤙🏼

  • @nathanperea5575
    @nathanperea5575 2 роки тому

    Can you make a video of all your sling bags through the years of your career. And rate them all. I’m looking to switch to sling bags over pocket carrying.

  • @rhyno1351
    @rhyno1351 4 роки тому

    Yay another vid!!

  • @ryancollymore2518
    @ryancollymore2518 3 роки тому

    I have to say this is the best EDC I've seen in a long time Really nice stuff Even without a pistol .

  • @iSugarRushO
    @iSugarRushO 4 роки тому

    if you really like magnetic things, give a look at YNOT, it's a Toronto-based company that specializes in making really solid bags. i own a messenger bag with magnetic clips and its great to fidget with. quality is great.

  • @metsfaninct
    @metsfaninct 4 роки тому

    I have the Damned Design tool. Love it. Doesn’t scratch anything in your pocket like most of the ones out there.

  • @FDEaries
    @FDEaries 3 роки тому

    Link for mask protector at 11:40?

  • @tomidiculla107
    @tomidiculla107 4 роки тому +11

    This dude deserves more than a million subs! Quality content

  • @LysanderLH
    @LysanderLH 4 роки тому +1

    Just ordered the bag. Hope it makes it to France before Xmas. ps. Love the show.