SWTOR - Ilum Storyline/An Empire Betrayed - (Neutral Sith Inquisitor)

  • Опубліковано 1 гру 2024


  • @Crimsonking468
    @Crimsonking468 3 місяці тому +1

    What would Darth Occlus think of Darth Sidious’s Plan to take over the Republic and Establish the Galactic Empire and also what would he think about his Reign over the Galaxy?

    • @darthocclus270
      @darthocclus270  3 місяці тому +2

      @@Crimsonking468 He would be very impressed by the machinations that brought Sidious to power, but he would disagree with how he conducted himself after taking power and establishing the Empire.
      I made Occlus into someone that enjoys the thought of engineering and leading the perfect civilization (perfect according to him at least), so seeing the way in which Palpatine made the Empire into a machine that only served to feed his desire for greater power would disgust him. Although he would not agree with all of them, he would see the rationale behind his decisions (building the Death Star to keep everyone in line, using speciesism and fear of another Separatist crisis to control the populace, etc) and would appreciate Sidious’ cunning, but he would lament the fact that although Sidious had all that power at his fingertips, his vision for the Galaxy simply amounted to changing it in a way that allowed him to gain even more of it, without doing anything constructive or leaving anything meaningful behind.
      Unfortunately that is the destiny of many Dark Siders. They spend their life in search of greater power and end up materially accomplishing little.

  • @Crimsonking468
    @Crimsonking468 3 місяці тому

    If Darth Occlus was in the Place of Darth Sidious and was the One who was Count Dooku’s Sith Master after he left the Republic what would he Teach Dooku and how would Darth Occlus treat Dooku?

  • @Crimsonking468
    @Crimsonking468 3 місяці тому

    I wonder what Darth Occlus would think of Darth Jadus and Darth Marr’s Ideological Stances.

    • @darthocclus270
      @darthocclus270  3 місяці тому

      An interesting question. I'll answer it based on how I have decided to characterize Darth Occlus in these videos.
      I believe he would agree with them on many points, but not on everything.
      Much like Marr, Occlus is what you would call a "pragmatic" Sith, that means he does what he thinks is best for the Empire and isn't merely out to gain as much power as possible like most Sith are; he has great faith in the Empire, however he seems to be much more of a reformist when compared to Marr (I say seems because as far as I can remember, Darth Marr never speaks about abandoning some of the Empire's more disagreeable traditions like speciesism and the lack of accountability for the actions of Sith, while Occlus is very vocal about it).
      Darth Occlus greatly appreciates the discipline and order that are synonymous with Imperial ideology, however unlike Darth Marr he doesn't glorify the sort of "warrior culture" that celebrates conflict and war that many subscribe to in the Empire. Ultimately war and violence are tools to him and nothing more, unlike Marr he wouldn't make speeches about how dying in battle while cutting down one's enemies is a glorious thing. He does agree with the fact that conflict is what fosters growth both in people and in civilizations, but conflict can refer to many things, not necessarily just war. This doesn't mean he is some sort of pacifist that dislikes violence, he would have no issues with orbitally bombarding an inhabited planet if the situation called for it, he simply dislikes unnecessary bloodshed and the wasteful use of resources.
      When it comes to Marr's thoughts on the Emperor, Darth Occlus would completely agree with him: it is far better to foster a sense of passionate patriotism rather than one of absolute deference to an unseen Emperor to unite and lead the citizens of the Empire.
      Occlus would not agree as much with Darth Jadus' philosophy I'm afraid, but he would find some of its concepts intriguing I think. Jadus completely rejects speciesism and believes that the ways of the Sith should be spread to the whole Empire. Occlus does believe that speciesism is a blight on the Empire and he is not necessarily opposed to spreading knowledge about the ways of the Sith to Imperial non-Force users, as that could perhaps help with the other reforms he wishes to bring about, however he would find the way in which Jadus planned to carry out his vision to be abhorrent. A plan that involves loss of imperial lives and resources on that scale would never get his approval.
      The Empire that Jadus wanted to create is also incompatible with Occlus' vision, as it would be one that is kept together by fear and hatred rather than loyal patriotism. Jadus believed that planting fear and hate in the heart of every Imperial citizen would better the Empire, but Occlus would never agree with such ideas and would believe them to be nothing but delusions driven by excessive adherence to ideology.
      Ultimately, Darth Occlus would deem Jadus to be a crazed ideologue; a madman who, like himself, believes that aliens and non-Force users can strengthen the Empire just as much as the Sith do, but a madman nonetheless.

  • @Jihi_
    @Jihi_ 3 місяці тому +1

    darth occulus bottom text

  • @Crimsonking468
    @Crimsonking468 3 місяці тому

    If Darth Occlus was Darth Plagueis’s Apprentice what would he think about Darth Plagueis’s Thoughts about the Rule of Two having used up all its Meaning and wanting instead to be Equals with Him?

    • @darthocclus270
      @darthocclus270  3 місяці тому

      @@Crimsonking468 He would agree with his master’s ideas and I don’t believe he would kill him like Palpatine did.
      It is possible that in the future the two could have disagreements and that could result in Occlus wanting to dispose of Plagueis, but he wouldn’t make moves to get rid of him so long as that didn’t occur.
      Moreover, unlike Palpatine he would be far too interested in learning all about his fellow Sith’s research on Midichlorians to kill him before he could learn about all of it. But still, he wouldn’t kill him if he could avoid it, he would see great value in having Plagueis as a collaborator and a developer of “Sith science”.

  • @Crimsonking468
    @Crimsonking468 3 місяці тому

    If Darth Occlus was Darth Vader’s Master instead of Darth Sidious and was the One who turned him to the Dark Side to become a Sith Lord how would he treat Darth Vader and what would he Teach him about in regards to the Sith Order and His own Personal Ideology?

    • @darthocclus270
      @darthocclus270  3 місяці тому +2

      I’m assuming we’re speaking about Darth Vader after he had his “accident” on Mustafar.
      Mostly because I think an uninjured Vader would likely attempt to kill Occlus first chance he got and would probably succeed if nothing else is altered, so there wouldn’t be much time for teaching I’m afraid.
      Darth Occlus would have Vader rebuilt, but he’d engineer a better cybernetic suit that would leave him freer to move, unlike Palpatine, who purposefully engineered the suit to be painful and constricting for Vader.
      Occlus would attempt to convince Vader to overcome his regret and refocus his efforts on the Empire, to make him see the clarity and freedom the Dark Side brings, but I’m unsure as to whether that would be successful.
      Anakin seemed to believe in the mostly false promises Palpatine made about the new Imperial order (justice, freedom, security and all that), but I don’t know if Occlus actually fulfilling those promises would actually make Vader accept Padme’s passing and actually absorb Occlus’ teachings about flexibility and pragmatism.
      If Vader remained the broken man he was in Canon, Occlus would probably just use him like Palpatine did, as a tool.
      I fear that Vader and Occlus would not be very compatible as Sith apprentice and master.

  • @Crimsonking468
    @Crimsonking468 3 місяці тому

    What kind of Sith Apprentice would Darth Occlus desire for himself and what Qualities in said Sith Apprentice would he Value?

    • @darthocclus270
      @darthocclus270  3 місяці тому

      @@Crimsonking468 Darth Occlus would, above all, wish for an apprentice that shares his love of knowledge and learning. Other qualities that Occlus would deem desirable in an apprentice are pragmatism, intelligence, loyalty, flexibility and amorality.
      It occurs to me that I have essentially described Lana Beniko.
      So yeah, picture her if you wish to think about a perfect apprentice in the eyes of Occlus.

  • @Crimsonking468
    @Crimsonking468 3 місяці тому

    What does Darth Occlus think of the Kaleesh Culture?

    • @darthocclus270
      @darthocclus270  3 місяці тому +1

      @@Crimsonking468 He is intrigued by it just as much as he is intrigued by other alien cultures.
      Due to the reverence they show their superiors, their focus on self improvement, their martial behavior and their adherence to their traditions, he also views the Kaleesh as a good species for the Empire to recruit as soldiers or Sith.
      What he finds particularly interesting is their belief of how through one’s deeds and conquests, one can become a deity. In a way, it’s not too dissimilar from what the Sith believe, after all their maximum aspiration is to “break their chains” and thus become capable of overcoming whatever limit, functionally becoming all-powerful, like a deity would be.