Wishing for Death | Ep. 19 | Surah Al-Jumu'ah | Nouman Ali Khan | Ramadan 2024

  • Опубліковано 31 гру 2024


  • @bayyinah
    @bayyinah  9 місяців тому +11

    Download the Surah Al-Jumu'ah guided workbook at www.bayyinah.com
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    • @gulnadveen5908
      @gulnadveen5908 9 днів тому

      I hope he sees he replies in Instagram and make me peace khudapak I may found ways with ur religious dua and ways quran telling if I found him as source fr Islam I hope I found peace and ippporty fr more Islam study and hope my sua qaboos blogs-by-ayeesh

    • @gulnadveen5908
      @gulnadveen5908 9 днів тому

      Dua qabool

  • @samsaeedsiddiqu3397
    @samsaeedsiddiqu3397 8 місяців тому +22

    As a girl, that believes in alot of "modern" concepts (that as in, criticizes what our elders have been saying wrong all along and not following in their footsteps), you have been SUCH a good lead to follow. No shouting, no yelling verses, not being angry. Just calm collected and wise.
    Ma shaa ALLAH
    May Allah bless you

  • @MdFarhanurRahman
    @MdFarhanurRahman 9 місяців тому +45

    This is my note:
    Numbers 6,7, and 8 Ayat of Surah Al-Jumu’ah have to do with death, Islam’s philosophy on life and death, how we think about death, and the impact of death on our day-to-day life.
    The value of Duniya is something. It’s nothing if you compare it with Akhira. But the duniya still has some value, everything in this duniya is a blessing for us from Allah. Allah decided to speak to us on this earth through the Quran, everything on this earth praises Allah, and everything on earth is an ayat of their own, so it has its value. But it’s nothing compared to Jannah.
    None of us should wish for death. If he is a good person and if he lives longer then he will do more good deeds and if he is not a good person and he lives longer, he can have more time to do Tawbah. However, at the moment of death, the one who loves Allah should love death, cause Allah loves him too and wishes to see him as he wishes to see his creator. But that doesn’t mean the one who loves Allah should wish for death, no, it’s only when the time of death comes that one should love death if he is a true lover of Allah. And those who disobeyed Allah, at the time of their death would hate death as they will know at that time that the angels are coming with the good news of hellfire for them.
    The believer does not wish for death, he prepares for death. He prays that when the time of death comes, he is in a state of total obedience, Allah is happy with him, he repented, he wants to die as a Muslim, etc. A believer is ready for death, he leads his life as if he is ready for death and not wishing for death.
    When you have a lot of good things happening in your life, you might forget about the afterlife. That’s when thinking about death gives you a reality check. And if you are going through a tough time, you should have hope that Allah has not forsaken you, He took care of you and will continue to take care of you.

    • @embassadorofIslam
      @embassadorofIslam 9 місяців тому +2

      Jazakallahu khyran dear
      May Allah grant you Barakah and accept your duas

    • @MdFarhanurRahman
      @MdFarhanurRahman 9 місяців тому +3

      @@embassadorofIslam Ameen. May Allah accept all our duas.

    • @embassadorofIslam
      @embassadorofIslam 9 місяців тому +1


    • @tinygiraffe9004
      @tinygiraffe9004 8 місяців тому +1

      الله يجزاك خير ويزيدك علم ونفعة ❤️

    • @MdFarhanurRahman
      @MdFarhanurRahman 8 місяців тому

      @@tinygiraffe9004 Ameen

  • @Dnyrey
    @Dnyrey 9 місяців тому +32

    Your approach with the Quran is unique and very beneficial. May Allah reward you for your world ustad.

  • @annayahonlyonequeen
    @annayahonlyonequeen 9 місяців тому +44

    Stay in school people educate yourself not to cover your sins people to forgive forgive one another. Study why do u feel what u feel it will teach you where your wrong . Correct yourself not others because others will have their time to grow up just make sure your not false to allah. ❤

    • @golden12078
      @golden12078 9 місяців тому +2


    • @annayahonlyonequeen
      @annayahonlyonequeen 9 місяців тому

      Look who is harrasing

    • @golden12078
      @golden12078 9 місяців тому


    • @sadiaansari9295
      @sadiaansari9295 9 місяців тому +2


    • @armaan-xt6ke
      @armaan-xt6ke 8 місяців тому

      E#xmuslimsahil and a#dam s#eeker youtube c#hannel
      ISLAM is s#preading h#atred v#iolence
      These v#ersus of Q#uran and h#atred of Q#uran are s#creaming and saying k#ill the non b#elievers then s#hut your m#outh if you don't know anything about it
      Q#uran 2:191, Q#uran 3:28 , 3:85
      Q#uran 5:53, Q#uran 8:12, 8:65 , 8:60
      Q#uran 9:5 ,9:30 , 9:123
      Q#uran 22:19 ,Q#uran 47:4
      1.M#uhammad made many S#uicide attempts (Bukhari 6982)
      2.M#uhammad use to h#allucinating and imagine things which did not happen.(Bukhari 5765
      3.M#uhammad’s allowed and performed s#ex with s#lave w#omen(sahih Muslim 3371,1456a),Q#uran 4:24)
      4.M#uhammad according to hadith was involved having s#ex with most of his w#ives in a day (Bukhari 268, Q#uran 33:53)
      5.M#uhammad was specially found of y#oung v#irgin g#irls (Bukhari 5080)
      6.M#uhammad’s f#ondling of his c#hild w#ife(sahih bukhari 299,300,301)
      7.M#uhammad allowed M#arriage of a#dopted d£aughter(Q#uran 4:23)
      8.M#uhammad’s m#arriage with the w#ife(zainab) of his son(zaid) because his l#ust comes out(Q#uran 33:36-37)
      9.M#uhammad and T#emporary M#arriage i.e. p#rostitution(Bukhari 5119)(sahih muslim 3255,3410)
      10.M#uhammad could not differentiate between Gabriel the angel and Satan(Q#uran 22:52)
      11.M#uhmmad has been a#ccusing to be a theif then v#erse came out(Q#uran 3:161)
      12.M#uhmmad k#illed children (Sahih Muslim 4550)
      13.If woman d#ivorced(khula) her she need his #husband p#ermission
      14.M#uhmmad allowed b#eating then 70 w#omen came to prophet house (sunan ibn majah 1985)(Bukhari 5204,5825)
      15.M#uhmmad called women h#alf m#inded due to m#enes(Bukhari 304,2658)
      16. Five things necessary (it includes c#ircumcision)to be a m#uslim not mention only for m#en(Bukhari 5889)
      17.If w#omen did not o#bey her h#usband (not go to b#ed) then angles c#urse him(Bukhari 1436a,1436b,5246) (sahih muslim 5193)
      18.H#alala(Bukhari 5260)(Quran 2:230)
      19.M#uhmmad h#atred against non b#elievers (they exist before islam)(Q#uran 19:71,19:72,9:39,9:71,47:4)(Bukhari 3222) (sahih Muslim 21a,20,22)
      20.M#uhmmad l#ust by seeing w#oman in street(sahih Muslim 3407,3408,3409,302,371,4212,5068)(Q#uran 4:3)
      21.M#uhmmad justice by k#illing of a unborn c#hild(sunan an nasai 4070)
      Be smart to choose I#slam is a good
      Because there is no rights for l#adies
      In i£slam w£omen has to go through
      1.c#hild m#arriage
      4.for a#dultery w#omen p#unishment d#eath by s#tone but man nothing
      5. W#omen in I#slam h#alf m#ind h#alf vote
      6. W#omen can't say no to her h#usband for s#ex
      7. If h#usband b#eating w#oman there will be nobody to ask even G#od not 8. In I#slam you can m#arry his d#aughter his g#randdaughter
      9. In I#slam s#lavery is allowed
      10. In i#slam w#omen has to hide face means no identity in the s#ociety
      👉👉P#rophet was a r#ubbish person
      1. He m#arried A#isha at age of 6 i#ntercourse with her at age of 9
      2. He m#arried his s#on(z#aid) w#ife (z#ainab)
      3. He k#illed S#affiya h#usband and f#ather then he m#arried to her
      4. He also give p#ermission to k#ill c#hildren of p#olytheist
      5.He is the one who k#illed d#isbelivers like J#ews, C#hristians etc
      6. He also allow his followers to k#ill her s#laves and allow i#ntercourse with them and he also give p#ermission to s#ell them after having i#ntercourse with them and there is no p#unishment for k#illings as s#lave
      7. He is the one who gave p#ermission to m#arry his m#other, d#aughter if her m#other and d#aughter is p#olytheist before m#arriage
      8. He also stay that w#omen are h#alf m#inded due to m#enses
      9. He also allow m#en to b#eat their w#omen
      10. In I#slam a man can have m#ultiple r#elation even his wife or his slave there is no p#unishment for that but if a w#oman having his p#hysical r#elation with any other guy other than her h#usband she will be s#toned to d#eath
      11. He also s#natch w#oman i#dentity (burqa)
      12. He also give p#unishment w#omen through d#ivorce by men going through h#alala process
      14. If a w#oman is giving d#ivorce to her h#usband she also n#eed her h#usband p#ermission if her h#usband d#ivorce her he does not n#eed her p#ermission
      15. He also stay that most of the w#omen are in h#ell due to m#enses because they are i#mpure
      16. W#omen has to go through c#ircumcision which is very hard for w#omen you can see video on You#Tube too
      17. W#omen cannot d#eny her h#usband for i#ntercourse if she d#eny A#ngels will c#urse her
      18. If a w#oman want to make a p#erson M#aharam for h#erself she has to f#eed h#er milk from b#reast s#uckling
      19. A m#an can have many w#ife but w#omen can have only one h#usband
      Many more points to tell before to accept i#slam you must study about it what are the d#isadvantage of it what are the p#roblem in I#slam being w#omen it is not easy for you to s#urvive because all the things all the r#ights will be s#natch from you

  • @nusratpopy8724
    @nusratpopy8724 7 місяців тому +2

    “If you think(you’re so confident ) that you’re the real friend of Allah as oppose to everyone else on earth then you should wish for death” subhan Allah Taa’la
    We should even be closure to Allah ❤

  • @SampornaAmeraizaS.
    @SampornaAmeraizaS. 8 місяців тому +9

    I love to meet Allah but I know I made many mistakes and I'm not yet satisfied with my repentance I want to show my love for him still before meeting with him

    • @michael_wellington
      @michael_wellington 8 місяців тому +3

      Say (O Prophet): “If you really love Allah, then follow me, and Allah shall love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful.” 3:31

  • @rocayaquiambao8309
    @rocayaquiambao8309 9 місяців тому +6

    SubhanAllah.great reminder to the ummah

  • @suhud-al-yeqeen
    @suhud-al-yeqeen 9 місяців тому +6

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  • @ousman8519
    @ousman8519 9 місяців тому +1

    we have a God that is worthy. Alhamdulillah.

  • @zeenatmamudu3468
    @zeenatmamudu3468 9 місяців тому +1

    Thank you Nouman for pointing out the issue among our Ummah. May Allah bless you. Ameen

  • @Jesmin-j8i
    @Jesmin-j8i Місяць тому


  • @neematm8266
    @neematm8266 3 місяці тому

    Jazakom Allah khayr❤

  • @muhammadsubhan9318
    @muhammadsubhan9318 9 місяців тому +1

    MashaAllah ...awesome !

  • @fahadhc
    @fahadhc 8 місяців тому

    This episode personally for me was very eye opening. Sometimes I get too caught up thinking about the akhirah that I simply just get demotivated to strive for better in this duniya.

  • @buildtv3781
    @buildtv3781 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for your explanation that leads us to love and respect what we have in this entire world 🌎🌍🌍 ❤❤❤

  • @nagihancalskan7454
    @nagihancalskan7454 8 місяців тому +1

    This is video is what i was looking for whole my life. Thank you✨

  • @rabiabmk
    @rabiabmk 9 місяців тому +20

    Vote for timestamps.

  • @annayahonlyonequeen
    @annayahonlyonequeen 9 місяців тому +4


    • @ShonMardani
      @ShonMardani 9 місяців тому

      Ali khan is rewriting the Quran for zionist jews under cocaine influence. He already cast doubt about the prophet Mohammad and Quran.

  • @salmahuud2920
    @salmahuud2920 9 місяців тому +2

    Jazzakallahu khair

  • @firdousahmad2484
    @firdousahmad2484 8 місяців тому

    One part of Ummah being massacred today in Palestine and another extreme in Saudi , turkey etc enjoying like anything.
    Both were addressed in this lecture beautifully ❤

  • @Tushar_Islam
    @Tushar_Islam 9 місяців тому

    SubhanAllah ❤ Ma Sha Allah ❤ Shukria for helping us to thinking like this different ways ❤ Ustad NAK is ❤

  • @indasarinda2302
    @indasarinda2302 8 місяців тому

    Masya Allah, thanks for the lecture , Sir...

  • @Zaynap85
    @Zaynap85 9 місяців тому

    Beautiful, thank you so much for your work and afford. Jazak Allah khair

  • @rayyanahmad77
    @rayyanahmad77 6 місяців тому

    جزاک اللە خیرا

  • @naila1276
    @naila1276 9 місяців тому +1

    MashaAllah MashaAllah

  • @user-vu9es1we8y
    @user-vu9es1we8y 9 місяців тому +1


  • @maxmorris4562
    @maxmorris4562 9 місяців тому

    2:36, 7:11, 7:32, 9:51, 11:00, 12:35, 16:45, 19:45, 20:12, 23:55,
    37:35, 12:51, 42:28, 44:53

  • @AbidHasan-hx4gq
    @AbidHasan-hx4gq 9 місяців тому +8

    Please release a arabic learning programs

    • @najmusak1b
      @najmusak1b 9 місяців тому +2

      There's one dream intensive

    • @trajectory1483
      @trajectory1483 9 місяців тому +2

      There is one on the website

    • @farahcooking
      @farahcooking 9 місяців тому +1

      On channel see playlist

  • @aasemahsan
    @aasemahsan 7 місяців тому

    29:55 Narrations about death
    "Preparing for death, not wishing for death"

  • @Tasasha__
    @Tasasha__ 9 місяців тому +1

    Such great lectures ❤️

  • @MA-2020
    @MA-2020 9 місяців тому

    💚 28:00

  • @annayahonlyonequeen
    @annayahonlyonequeen 9 місяців тому +2

    No one should li e with hate its just toxic to hate on people who are just praying an helping people in the community. What shes been doing is not the work of allah an everyone knows it. Alhamdulillah glad im not like any of them.❤shukriyah nouman uncle.

  • @sunnyboy8174
    @sunnyboy8174 9 місяців тому

    Great lecture

  • @1178Tanvir
    @1178Tanvir 9 місяців тому

    Thank you sir.

  • @ferdousbithee2944
    @ferdousbithee2944 9 місяців тому

    Ustad❤ ❤

  • @WhereDaDuckAt
    @WhereDaDuckAt 4 місяці тому

    The last minute is what am looking for, please prolong talking about it please, we need it

  • @mahidmahid242
    @mahidmahid242 9 місяців тому +1


  • @nadiary5354
    @nadiary5354 9 місяців тому

    When everything's set, it is easy to forget that this life is temporary. At these times, the proper reminder is that we should be prepared for death, the journey is a lot longer. This point, you're risking to get distracted.
    But if you're going through a hard time, when difficulty comes, remember that with hardship, comes eases. Allah put everything in order at this life, this world, to provide you, yes you dear.
    Balance it, the material thought and spiritual thought

    • @everseeking60
      @everseeking60 9 місяців тому

      The more I listen to Nouman ali khan...the more and more I love him... Everything he says always speaks to my heart. ❤

  • @mamefatydiop7961
    @mamefatydiop7961 9 місяців тому +3

  • @HarryPotter-gj5bk
    @HarryPotter-gj5bk Місяць тому


  • @dawoodasmal3853
    @dawoodasmal3853 8 місяців тому +1

    This is how I role

  • @Pawsome__15
    @Pawsome__15 9 місяців тому

    Needed that❤

  • @AtherSheikh-wl2ho
    @AtherSheikh-wl2ho 9 місяців тому

    ❤love u NAK

  • @suhansheikhkuwait
    @suhansheikhkuwait 3 місяці тому

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu 😊

  • @suhud-al-yeqeen
    @suhud-al-yeqeen 9 місяців тому +2

    ما شاء الله

  • @aimishali8437
    @aimishali8437 9 місяців тому +1

    Please fix volume issue

  • @identityofallah
    @identityofallah 9 місяців тому +1

    Allah Almighty Exalted Above the heaven
    Above His 'Arsh: (Above The Greatest Throne),
    Everything is under His knowledge, control & vision.
    All praise belongs to Allah Alone
    All power and all dominion.
    Allah created every existing being,
    Allah is Not like any created thing.
    Our Lord is Allah SWT. There is no 'True God' / 'True Ilah except Allah. Allah is Exalted Above ‘Arsh, above the heaven. Holy Qur'an is Allah's Word and final revelation for mankind. Allah is the One and Unique True Deity'. None is worthy of worship except Allah. Muhammad PBUH is Allah's servant and messenger.♥♥♥ ...///////////////

  • @biochemistryiseasy
    @biochemistryiseasy 9 місяців тому +1

    This duniya is a test so it has some meaning you can't just waste it

  • @altyazilandirici
    @altyazilandirici 9 місяців тому


  • @shimmerjaysondelalu
    @shimmerjaysondelalu 9 місяців тому

    Salam alaikum sheikh 😊

  • @МоррисДжеральд
    @МоррисДжеральд 9 місяців тому

    35-أحد الخيارات هو التوأم ويجب أن أستخدم هذا الخيار لأن أذربيجان شامكير.

  • @zimk.4619
    @zimk.4619 9 місяців тому

  • @bileljeddi7416
    @bileljeddi7416 9 місяців тому


  • @monamw87
    @monamw87 9 місяців тому +1

    What about people that go to fight to help Palestinians or Syrians? Men from UK leave their families to help them fight and often do not come back.

  • @noormaneka7016
    @noormaneka7016 9 місяців тому

    The "nothing" rant reminded me of Lawrence Kraus 😂

  • @NicholeMars
    @NicholeMars 9 місяців тому


  • @Ashrafuloneplus
    @Ashrafuloneplus 9 місяців тому


  • @mosaabalgahawy8606
    @mosaabalgahawy8606 9 місяців тому

    May Allah bless all your work but Why is the sound always low on your videos??

  • @shaziaimran2961
    @shaziaimran2961 9 місяців тому +1

    The first ayah of this surah says "Aziz-zil Hakeem" but the third ayah says "Aziz-zul Hakeem"
    Kindly explain the difference between the two.

  • @mP-zu8pw
    @mP-zu8pw 8 місяців тому

    Nouman Ali Khan Nouman Ali Khan Nouman Ali Khan Nouman Ali Khan Nouman Ali Khan Nouman Ali Khan

  • @LLLadySSS
    @LLLadySSS 9 місяців тому

    Before my mom passed away she was yelling "Death (is for me), death (is for me)" and then she got a heart attack and even if the nurses and doctors tried to resuscitate her multiple times (for almost 2 hours or so) she still passed away. Was that her being happy to meet Allah? I've thought about it for a long time then let it go because I couldn't understand the meaning...

    • @sianaskm
      @sianaskm 9 місяців тому +1

      May Allah grant her jannah and ease. Amen. Who ever loves to meet Allah ,Allah loves to meet them❤

    • @Muslimah_taqwa_dua
      @Muslimah_taqwa_dua 8 місяців тому +3

      As salaam o alaikum...This is my opinion.. my mom passed away 2 yrs ago, seeing someone's death so closely is a reminder for the living, u learn from the person who passed away. MashaAllah my mom was a good person..she taught me about Allah... She was tested by Allah with cancer, and never I saw her cry or complain.. she must have for sure .. but to Allah... She passed away peacefully. Alhamdulillah.. I wanted to know if she is ok after death...so I prayed a lot to Allah to tell me how she is .. and I saw a dream around a week after she passed away.. it seemed like a real conversation with my mom, I asked her how she was, she said .. she is fine...I asked her what she does whole day now .. she said she reads... reading meant her tasbih etc... cause that's how I remember her..she busier herself in dunia worshipping Allah swt.
      U should see these videos my Omar Suleiman.. series about life after death.. make dua to Allah about her forgiveness..do sadqa in her behalf... Etc... may Allah grant Jannat firdaus to your mom, and my mom and all believers without reckoning..Aameen

  • @ShaNuWaterF.O.Y.
    @ShaNuWaterF.O.Y. 7 місяців тому

    Question. Ishmael was sent away with his mom when he was a baby When did Ibrahim and Ishmael meet again? How old was Ishmael when he was to be sacrificed by his father?

    • @orastaabdullayeva
      @orastaabdullayeva 2 місяці тому

      Asalamu a'laykum va rohmatullohi va Barokatuh
      if l am not mistaken he was between 10-12 years old

  • @МоррисДжеральд
    @МоррисДжеральд 9 місяців тому

    إذا لم يتم العثور على العلامات الموجودة في الإصدارات السابقة، إذن 35-سان فرانسيسكو أمريكا.برج الحمل.

  • @UnfunnyMayonaise
    @UnfunnyMayonaise 7 місяців тому

    I HAVE A QUESTION: if wishing for death in tough times is wrong why did hazrat maryam a.s whished for death then?
    (I am really curious because nouman Ali khan's take on this whole 'death's concept ' really blew me out but this question came to my mind so if anyone can answer my question and help me please do it ASAP! jazakillah :) )

  • @iincredible
    @iincredible 9 місяців тому

    ❤️📚🙏🏻❤️📚🙏🏻❤️📚🙏🏻❤️📚🙏🏻📚🙏🏻📚🙏🏻📚🙏🏻📚🙏🏻📚🙏🏻Respected Sir please publish your books in urdu ❤️🙏🏻📚❤️🙏🏻📚❤️🙏🏻📚❤️🙏🏻📚❤️🙏🏻📚❤️🙏🏻📚❤️🙏🏻📚🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻📚❤️🙏🏻📚❤️🙏🏻📚❤️

  • @fathematics
    @fathematics 9 місяців тому

    I have a question I am curious about. You mention Yehuda, the 4th son of Yaqub AS. Was he also one of those who threw Yusuf AS in the well? How come then did the Jewish people revere him so much (it seems more than Yusuf AS) that they named their whole land/civilisation after him (Judea)?

    • @nadiaijaz8754
      @nadiaijaz8754 9 місяців тому +1

      Bcz musa as and daood as n his son suleiman as wr frm his generations.

    • @HaseenaKakar-sb8xl
      @HaseenaKakar-sb8xl 8 місяців тому

      Better not get into prophetic debates here. Since, all we are here for is to learn from their legacy and humanize ourselves to where we have dragged ourselves to.

    • @fathematics
      @fathematics 8 місяців тому

      ⁠@@HaseenaKakar-sb8xlno debating at all just a curious question, so not sure what you're referring to, maybe you missed one of the previous videos where Ustadh Nouman talked about being people who question 🤔

    • @mehmethanbuyukdag3245
      @mehmethanbuyukdag3245 8 місяців тому +1

      At the end of surah Yusuf , Yusuf (AS) give his whole family glsd tidings of forgiveness my dear brother, Allah is the accepter of repetance, most merciful, the tribes (descedants of the 12 children of Yakub/Israel (AS) have received prophethood too

  • @ustaad-e-muhtram
    @ustaad-e-muhtram 9 місяців тому

    omer sulmien provide urdu caption in settings

  • @hamzakhan-ud3pr
    @hamzakhan-ud3pr 7 місяців тому

    what was that sound at 31:46 😶

    • @knisayusuf
      @knisayusuf 12 днів тому

      usually you'll find that sound when someone is dying..
      i.e having issue to breathe
      maybe Dr. NAK imitates that sound to potray the dying person(the context of what he'd taught at before that time stamp)

  • @ustaad-e-muhtram
    @ustaad-e-muhtram 9 місяців тому

    plz provide urdu capation

  • @yalahwey111
    @yalahwey111 5 місяців тому

    I feel offended bcos he was talking about me 😭😂

    @ABDUL-BASIT-DAWAH 9 місяців тому


  • @AbdulJabbar-cw6fc
    @AbdulJabbar-cw6fc 9 місяців тому +1

    The biggest mistake of muslim scholars of past was that they took Biblical refrences to understand Quranic history. Bible is being altered and changed many times in past as mentioned in Quran as well so It should have been other way arround. We should have learnt and known the history which Quran is telling us and then we must have corrected the Biblical history. The Quranic history is very different then Biblical. I hope and pray we muslims understand this as soon as possoble.
    The word "Huden" means people who became Yahud is not from the word "Hudna" it is derived from "Hud" which is the name of a Prophet.
    If you read the story of Prophet Musa PBUH which is in great detail in the Quran you won’t find the word YAHUD even a single time in this story. What does it mean? It means YAHUD were not part of that struggle of Bani Israel and Exodus and they mixed up later with Bani Israel.
    I have proven from the Quran that YAHUD are progeny of Qom E Hud and they mixed up with Bani Israel when Talut was appointed as a king. Talut and his followers belonged to YAHUD meaning Qom e Hud. You will find all references of Yahud in the Quran after the timeline of Prophet Dawood PBUH and Prophet Sulaiman PBUH.
    This progeny of Qom e Hud developed their own religion after coruppting the Torah so after that anyone even from Bani Israel followed their corrupted religion is called "Huden" in Quran or those who became Yahud.
    Al Yahud of Quran is a geneological identity that these people converted into religious.
    The name of son of Prophet Yaqoob PBUH was Yahuda and all that is fabrication in Torah.
    Please read my reserch essays which i inboxed you.
    Jazak Allah kher

    • @ha3zim
      @ha3zim 9 місяців тому

      Why don't both of you join the Bayyinah research team and do something useful instead of pretending to be keyboard YT scholars . Just a thought

    • @AbdulJabbar-cw6fc
      @AbdulJabbar-cw6fc 9 місяців тому

      @@ha3zim I have been sharing my research with Bayyinah and Brother Nouman since long time. If he just go through my research essays they will revolutionize his understanding of Quran. Allah SWT blessed him with great knowledge and wisdom and understanding of Quran and he is a quick learner so i pray he go through my essays soon. I share my thoughts briefly here on YT so anyone who read them also contemplate and do Tadabbur about word of Allah SWT.
      I am not a keyboard YT scholar. I am a humble student of Quran and yes if the Bayyinah team contact me i can share everything that Allah SWT has blessed me so far about His word.
      Jazak Allah kher

    • @AbdulJabbar-cw6fc
      @AbdulJabbar-cw6fc 9 місяців тому

      ​@@ha3zimI have been sharing my research with Bayyinah and Brother Nouman since long time. If he just go through my research essays it will revolutionize his understanding of Quran. Allah SWT blessed him with great knowledge and wisdom and understanding of Quran and he is a quick learner so i pray he goes through my essays soon. I share my thoughts briefly here on YT so anyone who read it also contemplate and do Tadabbur about word of Allah SWT.
      I am not a keyboard YT scholar. I am a humble student of Quran and yes if the Bayyinah team contact me i can share everything that Allah SWT has blessed me so far about His word.
      Jazak Allah kher

    • @AbdulJabbar-cw6fc
      @AbdulJabbar-cw6fc 9 місяців тому +1

      @@ha3zim I have been sharing my research with Bayyinah and Brother Nouman since long time. If he just go through my research essays it will revolutionize his understanding of Quran. Allah SWT blessed him with great knowledge and wisdom and understanding of Quran and he is a quick learner so i pray he goes through my essays soon. I share my thoughts briefly here on YT so anyone who read it also contemplate and do Tadabbur about word of Allah SWT.
      I am not a keyboard YT scholar. I am a humble student of Quran.
      Jazak Allah kher

    • @Aisha.Ricci005
      @Aisha.Ricci005 9 місяців тому

      ​@@ha3zimwhy you had to respond so harshly to him, he just made his point without hurting anyone. Why can't we be kind to others?

  • @shakilaissa7597
    @shakilaissa7597 9 місяців тому

    Leah made a prayer 😅what a good rhyme 😊

  • @myname16th89
    @myname16th89 9 місяців тому +1

    Is it permissible to nikkah with girl(non mehram) whom you called sister and she called you brother frequently ? She consider you as brother then ?

    • @LLLadySSS
      @LLLadySSS 9 місяців тому

      Is she actually your biological sister or step sister? Then, no. You cannot marry.
      If she just calls you that but you AREN'T, then yes. Refer to Surah An-Nisaa' (4:22 and after).
      Any information that I might've given, if it's not accurate that is from my mistake. Allah never makes mistakes. Please look it up for yourself and make sure.
      Wa assalamo aleykoum.

    • @HaseenaKakar-sb8xl
      @HaseenaKakar-sb8xl 8 місяців тому

      Permissible and consent are two terms. A thing could be permissible but not consensual. So, use your brain. If she calls you brother, that means she doesn't see you more than that. You should respect it, and now she isn't permissible as she has not given her consent clearly.

    • @HaseenaKakar-sb8xl
      @HaseenaKakar-sb8xl 8 місяців тому

      Not everything is black and white. Some require us to use our little brains to some good too sometimes.

  • @Uzma_Nadeem
    @Uzma_Nadeem 9 місяців тому +2

    اردو سمجھنے والوں کو بھی آپ کے لیکچرز کی ضرورت ہے

  • @BesciousOfAllah
    @BesciousOfAllah 3 місяці тому

    Please dont say prophet Mohammed didn't explain every thing coz the reason asxaaba said samicna wa adacnaa nothing left for tafsiir
    Allah is saying your religion is perfected and completed so you should contemplate or think about it afala tacqiluun means dont you read and understand but that doesn't mean we should explain better or understand better
    I think you are usthad let the little ego on you go away and just explain the way asxaaba understand and the quran also
    Allah bless us all that is my opinionne we should follow khayr quruun
    Wacalaykum wasalam

  • @TahseenKauser-n1o
    @TahseenKauser-n1o 9 місяців тому

    Please converted in urdu sir

  • @МоррисДжеральд
    @МоррисДжеральд 9 місяців тому

    Полож на место!!!!!

  • @المرتدالفخور
    @المرتدالفخور 9 місяців тому

    I’m proud ex Muslim who supports Israel

    • @ASHIRAF-ky3fo
      @ASHIRAF-ky3fo 9 місяців тому +6

      Exmuslim isnt trending any more try other stuff may excow

    • @HaseenaKakar-sb8xl
      @HaseenaKakar-sb8xl 8 місяців тому +3

      Great. Muslims don't need such hypocrites around anyways. If you lose Islam, it means it never entered your heart anyway.

    • @Muslimah_taqwa_dua
      @Muslimah_taqwa_dua 8 місяців тому +1

      I only pray for u.. may Allah give u hidaya.. so that u don't lose the world and more importantly..the hereafter

    • @nagihancalskan7454
      @nagihancalskan7454 8 місяців тому


    • @sofiadonis5973
      @sofiadonis5973 7 місяців тому


  • @theinternetkid
    @theinternetkid 9 місяців тому

    🥸 knowledge is inside the box, thinking is outside as well.

  • @habbbouba
    @habbbouba 8 місяців тому +1

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  • @aimishali8437
    @aimishali8437 9 місяців тому

    Jazakallah khair

  • @safwanhameed6753
    @safwanhameed6753 9 місяців тому

  • @TVPrivacy456
    @TVPrivacy456 9 місяців тому


  • @lubnaahmed8125
    @lubnaahmed8125 9 місяців тому


  • @toobatooba5334
    @toobatooba5334 4 місяці тому


  • @toobatooba5334
    @toobatooba5334 4 місяці тому
