Download the Surah Al-Jumu'ah guided workbook at 🎁 Over 50,000 students in need are waiting for your gift sponsorship to study the Quran on Bayyinah TV. Support them at 📚 Start your own Qur'an journey at
➜ REJECT the incorrect teachings from your favourite PREACHERS ➜ Do NOT become a blind follower of any PREACHER ➜ ACCEPT the CORRECT teachings from those PREACHERS who you don't like ➜ If you see an INCORRECT teaching from a PREACHER, do not REJECT all the CORRECT teachings from that PREACHER
The way Mr. Nouman Ali Khan brought the Holy Quran to us, which is arguably the finest among all scholars. He is a story teller. I met him twice in Los Angeles and he gave me his cell phone number. I am a great admirer of Mr. Khan. May Allah bless him and his family.
He doesn’t dress like Rasool Allah ( pbuh ), neither he talks upon a big section of Quran and the full goal of Allah and his prophet(pbuh). When you do a debate then he will confuse you with the various Hadith. His soul knows how he is and Allah knows the best 🎉
I feel soooo blessed living in the time of such an ustad that I can listen to for hours and leave with so much wisdom of Quran… Alhamdullellah Ya Allah please keep him, his family and loved ones and his team safe&sound…Ameen☺️🤲✨
This is my note from this lecture: This part talks about the Caravan that came at a time when the people of Medina were struggling economically. This ayah was revealed when our Prophet (SAW) was giving a Jumu’ah Khutbah and a Caravan from Syria came and most people left the Khutbah and left him standing. It was after the battle of Uhud when the people were in a bad situation and in that bad situation prices were high, and the Caravan came to sell at a high price even though they were selling basic necessary items like wheat, barley, grocery items, rice, and etc. They even brought some forms of entertainment like circus, dancing kids, etc. The people of Medina were going through a tough time after the loss of Uhud and this Caravan came as a distraction for them and that’s why they rushed to see that. And people left the Jumu’ah Khutbah a few other times as well because of such Caravans. Even though the Sahabas were very fond of the Prophet so why did they left the Khutbah one might ask. The reason is that, in the beginning time of Jumu’ah the Prophet used to pray 2 rakats first, and then the Khutbah used to start, like the Eid prayer. That’s why when people came with the news that the Caravan was here, people had already offered their Jumu’ah prayer and they thought that leaving the speech of the Prophet had no harm on the prayer, as it was not mandatory to listen to the lecture. And that’s why the Ayah was revealed after they left so that the Sahabas get to experience this incident, where a lot of them though that it was harmless to leave the Khutbah. After that, the Prophet started to give the Khutbah first and then lead the Jumu’ah prayer. After the Ayah was revealed people stopped abandoning the Khutbah no matter what happened, and if anything urgent matter happened the Sahabas used to point their index finger up without disturbing the Khutbah and the Prophet used to give them permission to excuse themselves by a gesture of the hand.
SubhanAllah.....learned many new facts that I didn't know before or understood ...... SubhanAllah! Ya Allah, tonight is 27th night, Lailathul Qadr of 1445/2024 Ramadhan. Please Forgive us, our Ummah, Protect us, Guide us, Bless us, Grant us your Bountiful Mercy and Infinite Barakah, and Reward us with your Pleasure. And Free Palestine from its enemies. And Protect and Preserve the Palestinians and all oppressed Muslims in the world. Aameen ya rabbul alameen
6:28: 💡 Challenges in communication and prioritization of attention. 10:27: 💡 Distraction from important matters due to focusing on less significant ones, emphasizing the need to prioritize effectively. 15:17: 💰 The story of people leaving a Friday sermon to engage in trade and entertainment. 20:45: 💰 Impact of a caravan from Syria during economic hardship in Medina. 25:58: 💰 The allure of distractions during tough times in impoverished neighborhoods. 30:51: 💰 The Prophet's speech interrupted by arrival of caravan selling goods, leading people to leave the gathering. 37:02: 💰 The significance of leaving trade for Friday prayer and the cultural transformation among the sahabah. 43:51: 💰 Exploration of the allure of wealth and its impact on relationships and perceptions.
Brother Allah has really blessed you with guidance and made you a mean of guidance for others, even born Muslims get to know about Allah, Hazrat Muhammad PUBH , about Quran and Islam through your lectures more and it clears a lot of concepts like the way you cleared concept about tests of Allah that He put us in those tests He thinks that only we are capable of going through them and wouldn't deviate from right path. It's like they are not tests but honour Allah thinks us capable of. This concept of Allah's tests really removes all complaints and strengthens our bond with our Allah. May Allah bless you for all your efforts to guide people towards right path.
🎉Maa'Shaa'Allah...I WholeHeartedly enjoying This Groundbreaking #QuranicSeries...And Can't Wait Ustad Nouman GIVING Us Some BOUNTIES and Takeaways of This Blessed Surah...Big Love💖and Much Respect 💕
Assalamoalikum warahamatullahi wabarakatu Please do share all epsidoe of this series Please you guys didn't share the remaining episode of surah najam as if its left with no ending it just not right Please. I wanna know how far we came
I don't know what it is but the women in our families know when to come in front of you, it's a test of your iman😂, this one really got me, so true. love & respect from Afghanistan🤍
E#xmuslimsahil and a#dam s#eeker youtube c#hannel ISLAM is s#preading h#atred v#iolence These v#ersus of Q#uran and h#atred of Q#uran are s#creaming and saying k#ill the non b#elievers then s#hut your m#outh if you don't know anything about it Q#uran 2:191, Q#uran 3:28 , 3:85 Q#uran 5:53, Q#uran 8:12, 8:65 , 8:60 Q#uran 9:5 ,9:30 , 9:123 Q#uran 22:19 ,Q#uran 47:4 1.M#uhammad made many S#uicide attempts (Bukhari 6982) 2.M#uhammad use to h#allucinating and imagine things which did not happen.(Bukhari 5765 3.M#uhammad’s allowed and performed s#ex with s#lave w#omen(sahih Muslim 3371,1456a),Q#uran 4:24) 4.M#uhammad according to hadith was involved having s#ex with most of his w#ives in a day (Bukhari 268, Q#uran 33:53) 5.M#uhammad was specially found of y#oung v#irgin g#irls (Bukhari 5080) 6.M#uhammad’s f#ondling of his c#hild w#ife(sahih bukhari 299,300,301) 7.M#uhammad allowed M#arriage of a#dopted d£aughter(Q#uran 4:23) 8.M#uhammad’s m#arriage with the w#ife(zainab) of his son(zaid) because his l#ust comes out(Q#uran 33:36-37) 9.M#uhammad and T#emporary M#arriage i.e. p#rostitution(Bukhari 5119)(sahih muslim 3255,3410) 10.M#uhammad could not differentiate between Gabriel the angel and Satan(Q#uran 22:52) 11.M#uhmmad has been a#ccusing to be a theif then v#erse came out(Q#uran 3:161) 12.M#uhmmad k#illed children (Sahih Muslim 4550) 13.If woman d#ivorced(khula) her she need his #husband p#ermission 14.M#uhmmad allowed b#eating then 70 w#omen came to prophet house (sunan ibn majah 1985)(Bukhari 5204,5825) 15.M#uhmmad called women h#alf m#inded due to m#enes(Bukhari 304,2658) 16. Five things necessary (it includes c#ircumcision)to be a m#uslim not mention only for m#en(Bukhari 5889) 17.If w#omen did not o#bey her h#usband (not go to b#ed) then angles c#urse him(Bukhari 1436a,1436b,5246) (sahih muslim 5193) 18.H#alala(Bukhari 5260)(Quran 2:230) 19.M#uhmmad h#atred against non b#elievers (they exist before islam)(Q#uran 19:71,19:72,9:39,9:71,47:4)(Bukhari 3222) (sahih Muslim 21a,20,22) 20.M#uhmmad l#ust by seeing w#oman in street(sahih Muslim 3407,3408,3409,302,371,4212,5068)(Q#uran 4:3) 21.M#uhmmad justice by k#illing of a unborn c#hild(sunan an nasai 4070) Be smart to choose I#slam is a good Because there is no rights for l#adies In i£slam w£omen has to go through 1.c#hild m#arriage 2.H#alala 3.P#olygmy 4.for a#dultery w#omen p#unishment d#eath by s#tone but man nothing 5. W#omen in I#slam h#alf m#ind h#alf vote 6. W#omen can't say no to her h#usband for s#ex 7. If h#usband b#eating w#oman there will be nobody to ask even G#od not 8. In I#slam you can m#arry his d#aughter his g#randdaughter 9. In I#slam s#lavery is allowed 10. In i#slam w#omen has to hide face means no identity in the s#ociety 👉👉P#rophet was a r#ubbish person 1. He m#arried A#isha at age of 6 i#ntercourse with her at age of 9 2. He m#arried his s#on(z#aid) w#ife (z#ainab) 3. He k#illed S#affiya h#usband and f#ather then he m#arried to her 4. He also give p#ermission to k#ill c#hildren of p#olytheist 5.He is the one who k#illed d#isbelivers like J#ews, C#hristians etc 6. He also allow his followers to k#ill her s#laves and allow i#ntercourse with them and he also give p#ermission to s#ell them after having i#ntercourse with them and there is no p#unishment for k#illings as s#lave 7. He is the one who gave p#ermission to m#arry his m#other, d#aughter if her m#other and d#aughter is p#olytheist before m#arriage 8. He also stay that w#omen are h#alf m#inded due to m#enses 9. He also allow m#en to b#eat their w#omen 10. In I#slam a man can have m#ultiple r#elation even his wife or his slave there is no p#unishment for that but if a w#oman having his p#hysical r#elation with any other guy other than her h#usband she will be s#toned to d#eath 11. He also s#natch w#oman i#dentity (burqa) 12. He also give p#unishment w#omen through d#ivorce by men going through h#alala process 14. If a w#oman is giving d#ivorce to her h#usband she also n#eed her h#usband p#ermission if her h#usband d#ivorce her he does not n#eed her p#ermission 15. He also stay that most of the w#omen are in h#ell due to m#enses because they are i#mpure 16. W#omen has to go through c#ircumcision which is very hard for w#omen you can see video on You#Tube too 17. W#omen cannot d#eny her h#usband for i#ntercourse if she d#eny A#ngels will c#urse her 18. If a w#oman want to make a p#erson M#aharam for h#erself she has to f#eed h#er milk from b#reast s#uckling 19. A m#an can have many w#ife but w#omen can have only one h#usband Many more points to tell before to accept i#slam you must study about it what are the d#isadvantage of it what are the p#roblem in I#slam being w#omen it is not easy for you to s#urvive because all the things all the r#ights will be s#natch from you
We hung your book of deeds around your neck. (Holy Quran.) Our chest, shoulder blades, shoulders all hang on our spine. Our angels, good and bad deeds (1 Copy) write down on our shoulder blades, shoulders. (A 2 -th copy of the inscriptions is brought up to the Lord of the worlds.) These records have a certain depth on these organs. When a person commits the more righteous deeds, then the Angels, at the command of the Lord of the worlds, begin to slowly erase these records. (erase sins during sleep.) Strive to Forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise. (Holy Quran.)
Mr business man, that’s what you have evolved into from some years since i listen to you. You will have 1 million ways to justify yourself, and your ego is so high that you are always right, you are smart In manipulative behaviour and you know it well, your speeches are good but it lacks genuineness cos you became a business man more than spreading the word of light. Oh my god what did I just say, you are not used to get criticism from people cos you are high and holy. Atleast dress up like your Rasool PBUH. Remember that it’s Allah who gives hidayath and remember it’s Allah who makes the things or businesses smoothly.
Download the Surah Al-Jumu'ah guided workbook at
🎁 Over 50,000 students in need are waiting for your gift sponsorship to study the Quran on Bayyinah TV. Support them at
📚 Start your own Qur'an journey at
➜ REJECT the incorrect teachings from your favourite PREACHERS
➜ Do NOT become a blind follower of any PREACHER
➜ ACCEPT the CORRECT teachings from those PREACHERS who you don't like
➜ If you see an INCORRECT teaching from a PREACHER, do not REJECT all the CORRECT teachings from that PREACHER
I am unable to donate/support on the link provided....kindly advise
The way Mr. Nouman Ali Khan brought the Holy Quran to us, which is arguably the finest among all scholars. He is a story teller. I met him twice in Los Angeles and he gave me his cell phone number. I am a great admirer of Mr. Khan. May Allah bless him and his family.
He doesn’t dress like Rasool Allah ( pbuh ), neither he talks upon a big section of Quran and the full goal of Allah and his prophet(pbuh). When you do a debate then he will confuse you with the various Hadith. His soul knows how he is and Allah knows the best 🎉
@@abrarabrar3 you are unbelievably stupid bro
@@abrarabrar3omg don't be so negative. He is doing great job
And you're still against.
Too much
What work have you done
@ it’s not competition here. What have I done ? ZERO, this means no good and no bad. If he has done some wrong then it’s not ZERO.
I was fortunate enough to meet Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan, a regular listener of his lectures on youtube
One of my favourite Islamic scholar
I feel soooo blessed living in the time of such an ustad that I can listen to for hours and leave with so much wisdom of Quran… Alhamdullellah
Ya Allah please keep him, his family and loved ones and his team safe&sound…Ameen☺️🤲✨
Where is his mosque or lectures ? Btw I’m not from the states but I might visit to attend
This is my note from this lecture:
This part talks about the Caravan that came at a time when the people of Medina were struggling economically. This ayah was revealed when our Prophet (SAW) was giving a Jumu’ah Khutbah and a Caravan from Syria came and most people left the Khutbah and left him standing. It was after the battle of Uhud when the people were in a bad situation and in that bad situation prices were high, and the Caravan came to sell at a high price even though they were selling basic necessary items like wheat, barley, grocery items, rice, and etc. They even brought some forms of entertainment like circus, dancing kids, etc. The people of Medina were going through a tough time after the loss of Uhud and this Caravan came as a distraction for them and that’s why they rushed to see that. And people left the Jumu’ah Khutbah a few other times as well because of such Caravans. Even though the Sahabas were very fond of the Prophet so why did they left the Khutbah one might ask. The reason is that, in the beginning time of Jumu’ah the Prophet used to pray 2 rakats first, and then the Khutbah used to start, like the Eid prayer. That’s why when people came with the news that the Caravan was here, people had already offered their Jumu’ah prayer and they thought that leaving the speech of the Prophet had no harm on the prayer, as it was not mandatory to listen to the lecture. And that’s why the Ayah was revealed after they left so that the Sahabas get to experience this incident, where a lot of them though that it was harmless to leave the Khutbah. After that, the Prophet started to give the Khutbah first and then lead the Jumu’ah prayer. After the Ayah was revealed people stopped abandoning the Khutbah no matter what happened, and if anything urgent matter happened the Sahabas used to point their index finger up without disturbing the Khutbah and the Prophet used to give them permission to excuse themselves by a gesture of the hand.
SubhanAllah.....learned many new facts that I didn't know before or understood ...... SubhanAllah!
Ya Allah, tonight is 27th night, Lailathul Qadr of 1445/2024 Ramadhan. Please Forgive us, our Ummah, Protect us, Guide us, Bless us, Grant us your Bountiful Mercy and Infinite Barakah, and Reward us with your Pleasure.
And Free Palestine from its enemies. And Protect and Preserve the Palestinians and all oppressed Muslims in the world.
Aameen ya rabbul alameen
Ameen Ya Rabb!
Ameen Ya Rabb!
27th night was on Friday night.
Regardless, Ameen.
@@mohamedab9033 Not for some countries.
@@esratasneem1113 just because its 27th doesnt mean its laylatul qadr. it could be anywhere in the last 10 nights or in the last 10 odd nights
He is attractive in his lectures !! My Iman peaks when listening to his speech !!
I guess the word could be "charismatic" 😂😂
6:28: 💡 Challenges in communication and prioritization of attention.
10:27: 💡 Distraction from important matters due to focusing on less significant ones, emphasizing the need to prioritize effectively.
15:17: 💰 The story of people leaving a Friday sermon to engage in trade and entertainment.
20:45: 💰 Impact of a caravan from Syria during economic hardship in Medina.
25:58: 💰 The allure of distractions during tough times in impoverished neighborhoods.
30:51: 💰 The Prophet's speech interrupted by arrival of caravan selling goods, leading people to leave the gathering.
37:02: 💰 The significance of leaving trade for Friday prayer and the cultural transformation among the sahabah.
43:51: 💰 Exploration of the allure of wealth and its impact on relationships and perceptions.
I just like the way Ustadh articulatesthose Arabic atmologies of words from the Quran
Masha'Allah. Jazak'Allahu-khair
Brother Allah has really blessed you with guidance and made you a mean of guidance for others, even born Muslims get to know about Allah, Hazrat Muhammad PUBH , about Quran and Islam through your lectures more and it clears a lot of concepts like the way you cleared concept about tests of Allah that He put us in those tests He thinks that only we are capable of going through them and wouldn't deviate from right path. It's like they are not tests but honour Allah thinks us capable of. This concept of Allah's tests really removes all complaints and strengthens our bond with our Allah. May Allah bless you for all your efforts to guide people towards right path.
I am Bangladeshi. I love Numan Ali Khan ❤
I will listen after I finish my prayers
good call brother
Ustadz Nouman has a really good story telling skill. MasyaAllah.
One of the best scholers ❤
جزاك الله خير أستاذ.. بعض الكلمات الأخرى تبدأ بالتاء والجيم..تجربة، تجاوز، تجميد، تجهيز، تجديد، تجميع..
Mashah Allah ❤❤❤❤❤❤
🎉Maa'Shaa'Allah...I WholeHeartedly enjoying This Groundbreaking #QuranicSeries...And Can't Wait Ustad Nouman GIVING Us Some BOUNTIES and Takeaways of This Blessed Surah...Big Love💖and Much Respect 💕
SubhanAllah ❤
Alhumdulillah for all knowledge
jazakAllah to the square of infinity
جزاک اللە خیرا
Me too, I’m going to pray nawafil and come back
1:54, 3:19, 3:47, 4:59, 5:55
12:49, 15:30, 4:07
20:43, 21:41, 23:03, 23:55, 26:05
33:00, 36:36
Jazakum Allah khier ❤
Great lecture.
You also speak spanish😂 nice job brother nouman, barakallahufik
جزاک الله خیرا کثیرا استاد 😊
Aameen ..jazakALLAH..
Exactly…..! 12:56… tried multiple times to get the chance to talk about my son but i m not elon musk😌😉
😮 1736, where, i might have been there also?
Assalamualaikum . Can you please rearrange the sequence of the playlist .
Assalamoalikum warahamatullahi wabarakatu
Please do share all epsidoe of this series
Please you guys didn't share the remaining episode of surah najam as if its left with no ending it just not right Please. I wanna know how far we came
It's on Bayyinah tv
Brother Norman
Can you do some you tube with your just resatation
I don't know what it is but the women in our families know when to come in front of you, it's a test of your iman😂, this one really got me, so true. love & respect from Afghanistan🤍
You missed the main hilarious word😅 test of iman and STABILITY OF YOUR MARRIAGE 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I love how wraps truth in humour❤😂...
E#xmuslimsahil and a#dam s#eeker youtube c#hannel
ISLAM is s#preading h#atred v#iolence
These v#ersus of Q#uran and h#atred of Q#uran are s#creaming and saying k#ill the non b#elievers then s#hut your m#outh if you don't know anything about it
Q#uran 2:191, Q#uran 3:28 , 3:85
Q#uran 5:53, Q#uran 8:12, 8:65 , 8:60
Q#uran 9:5 ,9:30 , 9:123
Q#uran 22:19 ,Q#uran 47:4
1.M#uhammad made many S#uicide attempts (Bukhari 6982)
2.M#uhammad use to h#allucinating and imagine things which did not happen.(Bukhari 5765
3.M#uhammad’s allowed and performed s#ex with s#lave w#omen(sahih Muslim 3371,1456a),Q#uran 4:24)
4.M#uhammad according to hadith was involved having s#ex with most of his w#ives in a day (Bukhari 268, Q#uran 33:53)
5.M#uhammad was specially found of y#oung v#irgin g#irls (Bukhari 5080)
6.M#uhammad’s f#ondling of his c#hild w#ife(sahih bukhari 299,300,301)
7.M#uhammad allowed M#arriage of a#dopted d£aughter(Q#uran 4:23)
8.M#uhammad’s m#arriage with the w#ife(zainab) of his son(zaid) because his l#ust comes out(Q#uran 33:36-37)
9.M#uhammad and T#emporary M#arriage i.e. p#rostitution(Bukhari 5119)(sahih muslim 3255,3410)
10.M#uhammad could not differentiate between Gabriel the angel and Satan(Q#uran 22:52)
11.M#uhmmad has been a#ccusing to be a theif then v#erse came out(Q#uran 3:161)
12.M#uhmmad k#illed children (Sahih Muslim 4550)
13.If woman d#ivorced(khula) her she need his #husband p#ermission
14.M#uhmmad allowed b#eating then 70 w#omen came to prophet house (sunan ibn majah 1985)(Bukhari 5204,5825)
15.M#uhmmad called women h#alf m#inded due to m#enes(Bukhari 304,2658)
16. Five things necessary (it includes c#ircumcision)to be a m#uslim not mention only for m#en(Bukhari 5889)
17.If w#omen did not o#bey her h#usband (not go to b#ed) then angles c#urse him(Bukhari 1436a,1436b,5246) (sahih muslim 5193)
18.H#alala(Bukhari 5260)(Quran 2:230)
19.M#uhmmad h#atred against non b#elievers (they exist before islam)(Q#uran 19:71,19:72,9:39,9:71,47:4)(Bukhari 3222) (sahih Muslim 21a,20,22)
20.M#uhmmad l#ust by seeing w#oman in street(sahih Muslim 3407,3408,3409,302,371,4212,5068)(Q#uran 4:3)
21.M#uhmmad justice by k#illing of a unborn c#hild(sunan an nasai 4070)
Be smart to choose I#slam is a good
Because there is no rights for l#adies
In i£slam w£omen has to go through
1.c#hild m#arriage
4.for a#dultery w#omen p#unishment d#eath by s#tone but man nothing
5. W#omen in I#slam h#alf m#ind h#alf vote
6. W#omen can't say no to her h#usband for s#ex
7. If h#usband b#eating w#oman there will be nobody to ask even G#od not 8. In I#slam you can m#arry his d#aughter his g#randdaughter
9. In I#slam s#lavery is allowed
10. In i#slam w#omen has to hide face means no identity in the s#ociety
👉👉P#rophet was a r#ubbish person
1. He m#arried A#isha at age of 6 i#ntercourse with her at age of 9
2. He m#arried his s#on(z#aid) w#ife (z#ainab)
3. He k#illed S#affiya h#usband and f#ather then he m#arried to her
4. He also give p#ermission to k#ill c#hildren of p#olytheist
5.He is the one who k#illed d#isbelivers like J#ews, C#hristians etc
6. He also allow his followers to k#ill her s#laves and allow i#ntercourse with them and he also give p#ermission to s#ell them after having i#ntercourse with them and there is no p#unishment for k#illings as s#lave
7. He is the one who gave p#ermission to m#arry his m#other, d#aughter if her m#other and d#aughter is p#olytheist before m#arriage
8. He also stay that w#omen are h#alf m#inded due to m#enses
9. He also allow m#en to b#eat their w#omen
10. In I#slam a man can have m#ultiple r#elation even his wife or his slave there is no p#unishment for that but if a w#oman having his p#hysical r#elation with any other guy other than her h#usband she will be s#toned to d#eath
11. He also s#natch w#oman i#dentity (burqa)
12. He also give p#unishment w#omen through d#ivorce by men going through h#alala process
14. If a w#oman is giving d#ivorce to her h#usband she also n#eed her h#usband p#ermission if her h#usband d#ivorce her he does not n#eed her p#ermission
15. He also stay that most of the w#omen are in h#ell due to m#enses because they are i#mpure
16. W#omen has to go through c#ircumcision which is very hard for w#omen you can see video on You#Tube too
17. W#omen cannot d#eny her h#usband for i#ntercourse if she d#eny A#ngels will c#urse her
18. If a w#oman want to make a p#erson M#aharam for h#erself she has to f#eed h#er milk from b#reast s#uckling
19. A m#an can have many w#ife but w#omen can have only one h#usband
Many more points to tell before to accept i#slam you must study about it what are the d#isadvantage of it what are the p#roblem in I#slam being w#omen it is not easy for you to s#urvive because all the things all the r#ights will be s#natch from you
From India
Is this lecture going in Stuttgart? Do someone know it ? Thank
No, I don’t know.
It's been recorded there. His striking series is the recent one. This one was done last year.
We hung your book of deeds around your neck. (Holy Quran.) Our chest, shoulder blades, shoulders all hang on our spine. Our angels, good and bad deeds (1 Copy) write down on our shoulder blades, shoulders. (A 2 -th copy of the inscriptions is brought up to the Lord of the worlds.) These records have a certain depth on these organs. When a person commits the more righteous deeds, then the Angels, at the command of the Lord of the worlds, begin to slowly erase these records. (erase sins during sleep.) Strive to Forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise. (Holy Quran.)
Wondering if I get explanation of the entire by ustad Noman if I contribute
Entire Quran
such bright white 😎
تجربة ايضا
Jajaja Salam from Mexico
The lecture about interruption, and ustadh got interrupted (by the boys) 😐🙄
lolll he handles it well
You really had to put it in brackets didn't you
And you just interrupted and distracted me 😂
Mr business man, that’s what you have evolved into from some years since i listen to you. You will have 1 million ways to justify yourself, and your ego is so high that you are always right, you are smart In manipulative behaviour and you know it well, your speeches are good but it lacks genuineness cos you became a business man more than spreading the word of light. Oh my god what did I just say, you are not used to get criticism from people cos you are high and holy. Atleast dress up like your Rasool PBUH. Remember that it’s Allah who gives hidayath and remember it’s Allah who makes the things or businesses smoothly.
9-الأسد !!!اياجوز.كازاخستان.
9-الأسد !!!اياجوز.كازاخستان.
9-الأسد !!!اياجوز.كازاخستان.