Interesting. As already mentioned the resistor values are printed on the pcb. The manual mentiones something like suitable from 1 to 50 MHz. However you used it in the 2 meter band ( around 145 MHz). Or did i not understand it correct? '73
I don't own this model, however the one that's in the metal case...essential the same thing, different layout...also rated at 50MHz....I have used mine on all bands up to 33cm...haven't tried it on 23cm...haven't needed to yet... 73's OM. ~Jack, VEG
When would you use an RF sampler vs a directional coupler? My application is for permanent attachment to the HF transmission line. If the impedance / SWR is not consistent, will that be an issue for the resistive sampler?
That looks like a quality unit ...... I built one about 4 or 5 years ago , dual BNC outputs for the scope .... 1 SO-239 for the input and a SO-239 for the output that goes to my dummy load ..... I forget who I got the schematic from ..... it's a sweet lil unit though ....
Paul, good video about a guy in Kansas that makes very decent products. I have bought a number of items from that gentleman. (He's a Brit don't you know.) And, like you observed, I've often said, "I could build this. Why am I buying it? However, when the item arrives, the quality is worth it. I won't have to waste my time scrounging parts, testing, etc. I follow your videos and feel badly about your health problems but overjoyed by your spirit and perseverance. By the way, happy to welcome you into the amateur radio ranks and applaud your video efforts there. Final comment: try the antenna tap into a dummy load and see if anything is different. ..waiting for the dBm video. 72/73 de William, k6whp dit dit
RF Sampler circuit also "Demodulates" the AM waveform? but its negative -30dB so you have to measure the dBm peak of the frequency and ADD 30dB to the dBm level
That spectrum analyzer is very nice. Lot's to learn.
☮ brother.
Interesting. As already mentioned the resistor values are printed on the pcb.
The manual mentiones something like suitable from 1 to 50 MHz. However you used it in the 2 meter band ( around 145 MHz). Or did i not understand it correct? '73
I heard that too
I don't own this model, however the one that's in the metal case...essential the same thing, different layout...also rated at 50MHz....I have used mine on all bands up to 33cm...haven't tried it on 23cm...haven't needed to yet... 73's OM. ~Jack, VEG
Resister values are printed on the board under the resisters. You got the 47K right. The other I couldn't make out.
When would you use an RF sampler vs a directional coupler?
My application is for permanent attachment to the HF transmission line.
If the impedance / SWR is not consistent, will that be an issue for the resistive sampler?
Nice video. Looks like you like the Uni-T line. What's the make & model of that neat spectrum analyzer?
That looks like a quality unit ...... I built one about 4 or 5 years ago , dual BNC outputs for the scope .... 1 SO-239 for the input and a SO-239 for the output that goes to my dummy load ..... I forget who I got the schematic from ..... it's a sweet lil unit though ....
Paul, good video about a guy in Kansas that makes very decent products. I have bought a number of items from that gentleman. (He's a Brit don't you know.) And, like you observed, I've often said, "I could build this. Why am I buying it? However, when the item arrives, the quality is worth it. I won't have to waste my time scrounging parts, testing, etc.
I follow your videos and feel badly about your health problems but overjoyed by your spirit and perseverance.
By the way, happy to welcome you into the amateur radio ranks and applaud your video efforts there.
Final comment: try the antenna tap into a dummy load and see if anything is different.
..waiting for the dBm video.
72/73 de William, k6whp
dit dit
RF Sampler circuit also "Demodulates" the AM waveform? but its negative -30dB so you have to measure the dBm peak of the frequency and ADD 30dB to the dBm level
Impedance match as well, does not cause loading.
Fascinating video. Thanks. BTW... The light through the window wasn't too bad but the glare from your forehead .......!! 🤪
it figures, when I need one they are " OUT OF STOCK" dang it.....Paul good video as always..
I got you. Ill send you this one.
Paul, would you like a three fives bare board? I could send one to you. was at a fleamarket yesterday bought two so could send one to you.
I didn't know you're from 8-land. N8CA here in NW Ohio. Looks like you're having lots of fun with the new test equipment.
What, you're not using the Uni-T 200kW HF rig !!!
SO = Socket SO239 (Female)
PL = Plug PL259 (male)
I think I may need one of those.👍
ahhhh, very good. Thank you!
Out of stock. Already...